List of usage examples for java.util HashSet isEmpty
public boolean isEmpty()
From source
/** * Compress block./* ww w . ja v a2 s . co m*/ * * @param k number of threads * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public void compress(int k) throws DMLRuntimeException { //check for redundant compression if (isCompressed()) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Redundant compression, block already compressed."); } Timing time = new Timing(true); _stats = new CompressionStatistics(); // SAMPLE-BASED DECISIONS: // Decisions such as testing if a column is amenable to bitmap // compression or evaluating co-coding potentionls are made based on a // subset of the rows. For large datasets, sampling might take a // significant amount of time. So, we generate only one sample and use // it for the entire compression process. //prepare basic meta data and deep copy / transpose input final int numRows = getNumRows(); final int numCols = getNumColumns(); final boolean sparse = isInSparseFormat(); final double sp = OptimizerUtils.getSparsity(numRows, numCols, getNonZeros()); MatrixBlock rawblock = !TRANSPOSE_INPUT ? new MatrixBlock(this) : LibMatrixReorg.transpose(this, new MatrixBlock(numCols, numRows, sparse), k); //construct sample-based size estimator CompressedSizeEstimator bitmapSizeEstimator = SizeEstimatorFactory.getSizeEstimator(rawblock, numRows); // The current implementation of this method is written for correctness, // not for performance or for minimal use of temporary space. // We start with a full set of columns. HashSet<Integer> remainingCols = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) remainingCols.add(i); // PHASE 1: Classify columns by compression type // We start by determining which columns are amenable to bitmap compression double uncompressedColumnSize = getUncompressedSize(numRows, 1, sp); // information about the bitmap amenable columns List<Integer> bitmapCols = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> uncompressedCols = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> colsCards = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Long> compressedSizes = new ArrayList<Long>(); HashMap<Integer, Double> compressionRatios = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); // Classify columns according to ration (size uncompressed / size compressed), // where a column is compressible if ratio > 1. CompressedSizeInfo[] sizeInfos = (k > 1) ? computeCompressedSizeInfos(bitmapSizeEstimator, numCols, k) : computeCompressedSizeInfos(bitmapSizeEstimator, numCols); for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) { long compressedSize = sizeInfos[col].getMinSize(); double compRatio = uncompressedColumnSize / compressedSize; if (compRatio > 1) { bitmapCols.add(col); compressionRatios.put(col, compRatio); colsCards.add(sizeInfos[col].getEstCarinality()); compressedSizes.add(compressedSize); } else uncompressedCols.add(col); } _stats.timePhase1 = time.stop(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Compression statistics:"); LOG.debug("--compression phase 1: " + _stats.timePhase1); } // PHASE 2: Grouping columns // Divide the bitmap columns into column groups. List<int[]> bitmapColGrps = PlanningCoCoder.findCocodesByPartitioning(bitmapSizeEstimator, bitmapCols, colsCards, compressedSizes, numRows, isInSparseFormat() ? sp : 1, k); _stats.timePhase2 = time.stop(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("--compression phase 2: " + _stats.timePhase2); if (INVESTIGATE_ESTIMATES) { double est = 0; for (int[] groupIndices : bitmapColGrps) est += bitmapSizeEstimator.estimateCompressedColGroupSize(groupIndices).getMinSize(); est += uncompressedCols.size() * uncompressedColumnSize; _stats.estSize = est; } // PHASE 3: Compress and correct sample-based decisions ColGroup[] colGroups = (k > 1) ? compressColGroups(rawblock, bitmapSizeEstimator, compressionRatios, numRows, sp, bitmapColGrps, k) : compressColGroups(rawblock, bitmapSizeEstimator, compressionRatios, numRows, sp, bitmapColGrps); allocateColGroupList(); for (int j = 0; j < colGroups.length; j++) { if (colGroups[j] != null) { for (int col : colGroups[j].getColIndices()) remainingCols.remove(col); _colGroups.add(colGroups[j]); } } _stats.timePhase3 = time.stop(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("--compression phase 3: " + _stats.timePhase3); // Phase 4: Cleanup // The remaining columns are stored uncompressed as one big column group if (!remainingCols.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(remainingCols); ColGroupUncompressed ucgroup = new ColGroupUncompressed(list, rawblock); _colGroups.add(ucgroup); } _stats.size = estimateCompressedSizeInMemory(); _stats.ratio = estimateSizeInMemory() / _stats.size; //final cleanup (discard uncompressed block) rawblock.cleanupBlock(true, true); this.cleanupBlock(true, true); _stats.timePhase4 = time.stop(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("--compression phase 4: " + _stats.timePhase4); LOG.debug("--num col groups: " + _colGroups.size()); LOG.debug("--compressed size: " + _stats.size); LOG.debug("--compression ratio: " + _stats.ratio); } }
From source
/** * A package was uninstalled/updated. We take both the super set of packageNames * in addition to specific applications to remove, the reason being that * this can be called when a package is updated as well. In that scenario, * we only remove specific components from the workspace and hotseat, where as * package-removal should clear all items by package name. *///from w ww.j a va 2 s . c o m @Override public void bindWorkspaceComponentsRemoved(final HashSet<String> packageNames, final HashSet<ComponentName> components, final UserHandleCompat user) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { bindWorkspaceComponentsRemoved(packageNames, components, user); } }; if (waitUntilResume(r)) { return; } if (!packageNames.isEmpty()) { mWorkspace.removeItemsByPackageName(packageNames, user); } if (!components.isEmpty()) { mWorkspace.removeItemsByComponentName(components, user); } // Notify the drag controller mDragController.onAppsRemoved(packageNames, components); }
From source
/** * This method goes through the ActionSequence one time-step at the time, and creates a feature and cost vector for each one. * Meanwhile it tracks the context information that the feature vector requires. */// w ww .j a v a2 s. c o m @Override public void run() { String predicate = di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate(); ArrayList<Action> refSequence = di.getDirectReferenceSequence(); //Collections to track which attribute/value pairs have already be mentioned in the sequence and which are yet to be mentioned HashSet<String> attrValuesAlreadyMentioned = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<String> attrValuesToBeMentioned = new HashSet<>(); for (String attribute : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().keySet()) { for (String value : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().get(attribute)) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.add(attribute.toLowerCase() + "=" + value.toLowerCase()); } } if (attrValuesToBeMentioned.isEmpty()) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.add("empty=empty"); } // First we create the feature and cost vectors for the content actions ArrayList<String> attributeSequence = new ArrayList<>(); String attrValue = ""; // For every step of the sequence for (int w = 0; w < refSequence.size(); w++) { if (!refSequence.get(w).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT) && !refSequence.get(w).getAttribute().equals(attrValue)) { if (!attrValue.isEmpty()) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(attrValue); } // Create the feature and cost vector Instance contentTrainingVector = SFX.createContentInstance(predicate, refSequence.get(w).getAttribute(), attributeSequence, attrValuesAlreadyMentioned, attrValuesToBeMentioned, di.getMeaningRepresentation(), SFX.getAvailableContentActions()); if (contentTrainingVector != null) { predicateContentTrainingData.get(di).get(predicate).add(contentTrainingVector); } attributeSequence.add(refSequence.get(w).getAttribute()); attrValue = refSequence.get(w).getAttribute(); if (!attrValue.isEmpty()) { attrValuesAlreadyMentioned.add(attrValue); attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(attrValue); } } } // Reset the tracking collections attrValuesAlreadyMentioned = new HashSet<>(); attrValuesToBeMentioned = new HashSet<>(); for (String attribute : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().keySet()) { for (String value : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().get(attribute)) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.add(attribute.toLowerCase() + "=" + value.toLowerCase()); } } if (attrValuesToBeMentioned.isEmpty()) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.add("empty=empty"); } // Then we create the feature and cost vectors for the word actions // Each word action corresponds to a content action, so we need to keep track of which content action we are "generating" from at each timestep ArrayList<String> attrs = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isValueMentioned = false; // The value that we currently need to mention String valueTBM = ""; // These track the content (attribute/value pairs) attrValue = ""; // Time-step counter int a = -1; // This tracks the subphrase consisting of the words generated for the current content action ArrayList<String> subPhrase = new ArrayList<>(); // For every step of the sequence for (int w = 0; w < refSequence.size(); w++) { if (!refSequence.get(w).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { // If this action does not belong to the current content, we need to update the trackers and switch to the new content action if (!refSequence.get(w).getAttribute().equals(attrValue)) { a++; if (!attrValue.isEmpty()) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(attrValue); } attrs.add(refSequence.get(w).getAttribute()); attrValue = refSequence.get(w).getAttribute(); subPhrase = new ArrayList<>(); isValueMentioned = false; valueTBM = ""; if (attrValue.contains("=")) { valueTBM = attrValue.substring(attrValue.indexOf('=') + 1); } if (valueTBM.isEmpty()) { isValueMentioned = true; } } // If it's not the end of the ActionSequence if (!attrValue.equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { // The subsequence of content actions we have generated for so far ArrayList<String> predictedAttributesForInstance = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.size() - 1; i++) { predictedAttributesForInstance.add(attrs.get(i)); } // ...exclusive of the current content action if (!attrs.get(attrs.size() - 1).equals(attrValue)) { predictedAttributesForInstance.add(attrs.get(attrs.size() - 1)); } // The subsequence of content actions we will generated for after the current content action ArrayList<String> nextAttributesForInstance = new ArrayList<>( attributeSequence.subList(a + 1, attributeSequence.size())); // Create the feature and cost vector Instance wordTrainingVector = SFX.createWordInstance(predicate, refSequence.get(w), predictedAttributesForInstance, new ArrayList<>(refSequence.subList(0, w)), nextAttributesForInstance, attrValuesAlreadyMentioned, attrValuesToBeMentioned, isValueMentioned, SFX.getAvailableWordActions().get(predicate)); if (wordTrainingVector != null) { String attribute = attrValue; if (attribute.contains("=")) { attribute = attrValue.substring(0, attrValue.indexOf('=')); } if (!predicateWordTrainingData.get(di).containsKey(predicate)) { predicateWordTrainingData.get(di).put(predicate, new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Instance>>()); } if (!predicateWordTrainingData.get(di).get(predicate).containsKey(attribute)) { predicateWordTrainingData.get(di).get(predicate).put(attribute, new ArrayList<Instance>()); } predicateWordTrainingData.get(di).get(predicate).get(attribute).add(wordTrainingVector); if (!refSequence.get(w).getWord().equals(Action.TOKEN_START) && !refSequence.get(w).getWord().equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { subPhrase.add(refSequence.get(w).getWord()); } } // Check if we have mentioned the value of the current content action if (!isValueMentioned) { // If the value is a variable, we just check if the word action we just generated is that variable if (refSequence.get(w).getWord().startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X) && (valueTBM.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || valueTBM.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || valueTBM.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X))) { isValueMentioned = true; // Otherwise } else if (!refSequence.get(w).getWord().startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X) && !(valueTBM.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || valueTBM.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || valueTBM.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X))) { // We form the key for the value, as it appears in the valueAlignments collection String valueToCheck = valueTBM; if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes") || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no") || valueToCheck.equals("none") || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) { String attribute = attrValue; if (attribute.contains("=")) { attribute = attrValue.substring(0, attrValue.indexOf('=')); } valueToCheck = attribute + ":" + valueTBM; } // We look up the value in all the value alignments we have made during the parsing of the data, and see if it is mentioned in the subphrase // Note that the value may be formed by multiple word actions if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty") && SFX.getValueAlignments().containsKey(valueToCheck)) { for (ArrayList<String> alignedStr : SFX.getValueAlignments().get(valueToCheck) .keySet()) { if (SFX.endsWith(subPhrase, alignedStr)) { isValueMentioned = true; break; } } } } if (isValueMentioned) { attrValuesAlreadyMentioned.add(attrValue); attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(attrValue); } } // We also check if we have inadvertedly mentioned some other pending value (not the current one) String mentionedAttrValue = ""; if (!refSequence.get(w).getWord().startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X)) { for (String attrValueTBM : attrValuesToBeMentioned) { if (attrValueTBM.contains("=")) { String value = attrValueTBM.substring(attrValueTBM.indexOf('=') + 1); if (!(value.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || value.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || value.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X))) { String valueToCheck = value; if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes") || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no") || valueToCheck.equals("none") || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) { valueToCheck = attrValueTBM.replace("=", ":"); } if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty") && SFX.getValueAlignments().containsKey(valueToCheck)) { for (ArrayList<String> alignedStr : SFX.getValueAlignments() .get(valueToCheck).keySet()) { if (SFX.endsWith(subPhrase, alignedStr)) { mentionedAttrValue = attrValueTBM; break; } } } } } } } if (!mentionedAttrValue.isEmpty()) { attrValuesAlreadyMentioned.add(mentionedAttrValue); attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(mentionedAttrValue); } } } } }
From source
public HashMap<Integer, HashSet<String>> createNaiveAlignments(ArrayList<DatasetInstance> trainingData) { punctPatterns = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<ArrayList<Action>, ArrayList<Action>> calculatedRealizationsCache = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, HashSet<String>> nGrams = new HashMap<>(); for (DatasetInstance di : trainingData) { HashSet<ArrayList<Action>> initRealizations = new HashSet<>(); for (ArrayList<Action> real : di.getEvalRealizations()) { if (!calculatedRealizationsCache.containsKey(real)) { initRealizations.add(real); }/*from w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ } if (!calculatedRealizationsCache.containsKey(di.getTrainRealization())) { initRealizations.add(di.getTrainRealization()); } for (ArrayList<Action> realization : initRealizations) { HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> values = new HashMap<>(); for (String attr : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes().keySet()) { values.put(attr, new HashSet<>(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes().get(attr))); } ArrayList<Action> randomRealization = new ArrayList<Action>(); for (Action a : realization) { if (a.getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { randomRealization.add(new Action(a.getWord(), a.getAttribute())); } else { randomRealization.add(new Action(a.getWord(), "")); } } if (values.keySet().isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!attributes.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()).contains("empty")) { attributes.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()).add("empty"); } randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute("empty=empty"); } } } else { HashMap<Double, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>> indexAlignments = new HashMap<>(); HashSet<String> noValueAttrs = new HashSet<String>(); for (String attr : values.keySet()) { for (String value : values.get(attr)) { if ((!(value.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || value.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || value.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X))) && !value.isEmpty()) { String valueToCheck = value; if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes") || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no") || valueToCheck.equals("none") || valueToCheck.equals("dont_care") || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) { valueToCheck = attr + ":" + value; noValueAttrs.add(attr + "=" + value); } if (valueToCheck.equals(attr)) { noValueAttrs.add(attr + "=" + value); } if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty") && valueAlignments.containsKey(valueToCheck)) { for (ArrayList<String> align : valueAlignments.get(valueToCheck).keySet()) { int n = align.size(); for (int i = 0; i <= randomRealization.size() - n; i++) { ArrayList<String> compare = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integer> indexAlignment = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { compare.add(randomRealization.get(i + j).getWord()); indexAlignment.add(i + j); } if (compare.equals(align)) { if (!indexAlignments.containsKey( valueAlignments.get(valueToCheck).get(align))) { indexAlignments.put( valueAlignments.get(valueToCheck).get(align), new HashMap()); } indexAlignments.get(valueAlignments.get(valueToCheck).get(align)) .put(attr + "=" + valueToCheck, indexAlignment); } } } } } } } ArrayList<Double> similarities = new ArrayList<>(indexAlignments.keySet()); Collections.sort(similarities); HashSet<String> assignedAttrValues = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<Integer> assignedIntegers = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = similarities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (String attrValue : indexAlignments.get(similarities.get(i)).keySet()) { if (!assignedAttrValues.contains(attrValue)) { boolean isUnassigned = true; for (Integer index : indexAlignments.get(similarities.get(i)).get(attrValue)) { if (assignedIntegers.contains(index)) { isUnassigned = false; } } if (isUnassigned) { assignedAttrValues.add(attrValue); for (Integer index : indexAlignments.get(similarities.get(i)).get(attrValue)) { assignedIntegers.add(index); randomRealization.get(index).setAttribute(attrValue.toLowerCase().trim()); } } } } } HashMap<String, Integer> attrXIndeces = new HashMap<>(); for (Action a : randomRealization) { if (a.getWord().startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)) { String attr = a.getWord().substring(3, a.getWord().lastIndexOf('_')).toLowerCase() .trim(); a.setAttribute(attr + "=" + a.getWord()); } } //System.out.println("-1: " + randomRealization); HashSet<String> unalignedNoValueAttrs = new HashSet<>(); for (String noValueAttr : noValueAttrs) { boolean assigned = false; for (Action a : randomRealization) { if (a.getAttribute().equals(noValueAttr)) { assigned = true; } } if (!assigned) { unalignedNoValueAttrs.add(noValueAttr); } } boolean isAllEmpty = true; boolean hasSpace = false; for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() && !randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]") && !randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { isAllEmpty = false; } if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { hasSpace = true; } } if (isAllEmpty && hasSpace && !unalignedNoValueAttrs.isEmpty()) { for (String attrValue : unalignedNoValueAttrs) { int index = r.nextInt(randomRealization.size()); boolean change = false; while (!change) { if (!randomRealization.get(index).getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { randomRealization.get(index).setAttribute(attrValue.toLowerCase().trim()); change = true; } else { index = r.nextInt(randomRealization.size()); } } } } //System.out.println(isAllEmpty + " " + hasSpace + " " + unalignedNoValueAttrs); //System.out.println(">> " + noValueAttrs); //System.out.println(">> " + values); //System.out.println("0: " + randomRealization); String previousAttr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } else { previousAttr = ""; } } //System.out.println("1: " + randomRealization); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = randomRealization.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } else { previousAttr = ""; } } //System.out.println("2: " + randomRealization); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } } //System.out.println("3: " + randomRealization); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = randomRealization.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } } //System.out.println("4: " + randomRealization); } //FIX WRONG @PUNCT@ String previousAttr = ""; for (int i = randomRealization.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(TOKEN_PUNCT) && !randomRealization.get(i).getWord().matches("[,.?!;:']")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } } ArrayList<Action> cleanRandomRealization = new ArrayList<>(); for (Action a : randomRealization) { if (!a.getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { cleanRandomRealization.add(a); } } //ADD END TOKENS ArrayList<Action> endRandomRealization = new ArrayList<>(); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cleanRandomRealization.size(); i++) { Action a = cleanRandomRealization.get(i); if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { if (!a.getAttribute().equals(previousAttr)) { endRandomRealization.add(new Action(SFX.TOKEN_END, previousAttr)); } } endRandomRealization.add(a); previousAttr = a.getAttribute(); } endRandomRealization.add(new Action(SFX.TOKEN_END, previousAttr)); endRandomRealization.add(new Action(SFX.TOKEN_END, SFX.TOKEN_END)); calculatedRealizationsCache.put(realization, endRandomRealization); //System.out.println(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate() + ": " + endRandomRealization); ArrayList<String> attrValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Action a : endRandomRealization) { if (attrValues.isEmpty()) { attrValues.add(a.getAttribute()); } else if (!attrValues.get(attrValues.size() - 1).equals(a.getAttribute())) { attrValues.add(a.getAttribute()); } } if (attrValues.size() > maxAttrRealizationSize) { maxAttrRealizationSize = attrValues.size(); } for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { Action a = randomRealization.get(i); if (a.getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT) && !a.getWord().equals(".")) { boolean legal = true; ArrayList<Action> surroundingActions = new ArrayList<>(); if (i - 2 >= 0) { surroundingActions.add(randomRealization.get(i - 2)); } else { surroundingActions.add(null); } if (i - 1 >= 0) { surroundingActions.add(randomRealization.get(i - 1)); } else { legal = false; } if (i + 1 < randomRealization.size()) { surroundingActions.add(randomRealization.get(i + 1)); } else { legal = false; } if (i + 2 < randomRealization.size()) { surroundingActions.add(randomRealization.get(i + 2)); } else { surroundingActions.add(null); } if (legal) { punctPatterns.put(surroundingActions, a); } } } /*for (int i = 2; i <= 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cleanRandomRealization.size() - i; j++) { String ngram = ""; for (int r = 0; r < i; r++) { ngram += cleanRandomRealization.get(j + r).getWord() + "|"; } ngram = ngram.substring(0, ngram.length() - 1); if (!nGrams.containsKey(i)) { nGrams.put(i, new HashSet<String>()); } nGrams.get(i).add(ngram); } }*/ } HashSet<ArrayList<Action>> newRealizations = new HashSet<>(); for (ArrayList<Action> real : di.getEvalRealizations()) { newRealizations.add(calculatedRealizationsCache.get(real)); } di.setEvalRealizations(newRealizations); di.setTrainRealization(calculatedRealizationsCache.get(di.getTrainRealization())); for (ArrayList<Action> rr : di.getEvalRealizations()) { for (Action key : rr) { if (key.getWord().trim().isEmpty()) { System.out.println("RR " + di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); System.out.println("RR " + di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes()); System.out.println("RR " + rr); System.out.println("RR " + key); System.exit(0); } if (key.getAttribute().equals("[]") || key.getAttribute().isEmpty()) { System.out.println("RR " + di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); System.out.println("RR " + di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes()); System.out.println("RR " + rr); System.out.println("RR " + key); System.exit(0); } } } for (Action key : di.getTrainRealization()) { if (key.getWord().trim().isEmpty()) { System.out.println("RR " + di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); System.out.println("RR " + di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes()); System.out.println("RR " + key); System.exit(0); } if (key.getAttribute().equals("[]") || key.getAttribute().isEmpty()) { System.out.println("RR " + di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); System.out.println("RR " + di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes()); System.out.println("RR " + di.getTrainRealization()); System.out.println("RR " + key); System.exit(0); } } //di.setRealizations(randomRealizations); } return nGrams; }
From source
public void createDivSecNumbers(org.hibernate.Session hibSession, Vector messages) { Vector assignments = new Vector(getAssignments()); assignments.addAll(new SolutionDAO().getSession() .createQuery("select distinct c from Class_ c, Solution s inner join s.owner.departments d " + "where s.uniqueId = :solutionId and c.managingDept=d and " + "c.uniqueId not in (select a.clazz.uniqueId from s.assignments a)") .setLong("solutionId", getUniqueId().longValue()).list()); HashSet relatedOfferings = new HashSet(); for (Enumeration e = assignments.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Object o = e.nextElement(); Assignment assignment = (o instanceof Assignment ? (Assignment) o : null); Class_ clazz = (assignment == null ? (Class_) o : assignment.getClazz()); relatedOfferings.add(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getInstructionalOffering()); }//w ww . j a v a2s. c om for (Iterator i = relatedOfferings.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { InstructionalOffering io = (InstructionalOffering); for (Iterator j = io.getInstrOfferingConfigs().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { InstrOfferingConfig ioc = (InstrOfferingConfig); for (Iterator k = ioc.getSchedulingSubparts().iterator(); k.hasNext();) { SchedulingSubpart subpart = (SchedulingSubpart); for (Iterator l = subpart.getClasses().iterator(); l.hasNext();) { Class_ clazz = (Class_); if (clazz.getClassSuffix() != null && !getOwner().getDepartments().contains(clazz.getManagingDept())) { Assignment assignment = clazz.getCommittedAssignment(); assignments.add(assignment == null ? (Object) clazz : (Object) assignment); clazz.setClassSuffix(null); } } } } } DivSecAssignmentComparator cmp = new DivSecAssignmentComparator(this, true, false); Collections.sort(assignments, cmp); Assignment lastAssignment = null; SchedulingSubpart lastSubpart = null; Class_ lastClazz = null; int divNum = 1, secNum = 0; HashSet takenDivNums = null; HashSet recompute = new HashSet(); for (Enumeration e = assignments.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Object o = e.nextElement(); Assignment assignment = (o instanceof Assignment ? (Assignment) o : null); Class_ clazz = (assignment == null ? (Class_) o : assignment.getClazz()); if (clazz.getParentClass() != null && clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getItype() .equals(clazz.getParentClass().getSchedulingSubpart().getItype())) continue; if (lastSubpart == null || !lastSubpart.equals(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart())) { takenDivNums = takenDivisionNumbers(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart()); lastAssignment = null; lastSubpart = null; lastClazz = null; } int nrClasses = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getInstructionalOffering() .getNrClasses(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getItype()); if (lastAssignment != null && assignment != null) { if (nrClasses >= 100 && cmp.compareTimeLocations(lastAssignment.getClazz(), assignment.getClazz(), lastAssignment.getTimeLocation(), assignment.getTimeLocation()) == 0) { if (lastClazz != null && clazz.getParentClass() != null && !clazz.getParentClass().equals(lastClazz.getParentClass()) && clazz.getParentClass().getDivSecNumber() != null && lastClazz.getParentClass().getDivSecNumber() != null) { if (cmp.compareTimeLocations(lastAssignment.getClazz(), assignment.getClazz(), lastAssignment.getTimeLocation(), assignment.getTimeLocation()) == 0 && clazz.getParentClass().getDivSecNumber().substring(0, 3) .equals(lastClazz.getParentClass().getDivSecNumber().substring(0, 3))) { secNum++; } else { divNum++; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } } else { secNum++; } } else { divNum++; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } } else if (lastClazz != null) { divNum++; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } else { divNum = 1; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } if (divNum == 100 && secNum == 1) { sLog.warn("Division number exceeded 99 for scheduling subpart " + clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getSchedulingSubpartLabel() + "."); for (Iterator i = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getInstructionalOffering() .getInstrOfferingConfigs().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { InstrOfferingConfig cfg = (InstrOfferingConfig); for (Iterator j = cfg.getSchedulingSubparts().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { SchedulingSubpart subpart = (SchedulingSubpart); if (subpart.getItype().equals(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getItype())) recompute.add(subpart); } } } clazz.setClassSuffix(sSufixFormat.format(divNum) + sSufixFormat.format(secNum)); hibSession.update(clazz); lastAssignment = assignment; lastSubpart = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart(); lastClazz = clazz; } if (!recompute.isEmpty()) { HashSet recompute2 = new HashSet(); for (Iterator i = assignments.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object o =; Assignment assignment = (o instanceof Assignment ? (Assignment) o : null); Class_ clazz = (assignment == null ? (Class_) o : assignment.getClazz()); if (recompute.contains(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart())) { clazz.setClassSuffix(null); hibSession.update(clazz); } else { i.remove(); } } cmp = new DivSecAssignmentComparator(this, false, false); Collections.sort(assignments, cmp); lastAssignment = null; lastSubpart = null; lastClazz = null; for (Enumeration e = assignments.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Object o = e.nextElement(); Assignment assignment = (o instanceof Assignment ? (Assignment) o : null); Class_ clazz = (assignment == null ? (Class_) o : assignment.getClazz()); if (lastSubpart == null || !lastSubpart.equals(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart())) { takenDivNums = takenDivisionNumbers(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart()); lastAssignment = null; lastSubpart = null; lastClazz = null; } if (lastAssignment != null && assignment != null) { if (cmp.compareTimeLocations(lastAssignment.getClazz(), assignment.getClazz(), lastAssignment.getTimeLocation(), assignment.getTimeLocation()) == 0) { secNum++; } else { divNum++; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } } else if (lastClazz != null) { divNum++; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } else { divNum = 1; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } if (divNum == 100 && secNum == 1) { sLog.warn("Division number still (fallback) exceeded 99 for scheduling subpart " + clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getSchedulingSubpartLabel() + "."); for (Iterator i = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig() .getInstructionalOffering().getInstrOfferingConfigs().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { InstrOfferingConfig cfg = (InstrOfferingConfig); for (Iterator j = cfg.getSchedulingSubparts().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { SchedulingSubpart subpart = (SchedulingSubpart); if (subpart.getItype().equals(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getItype())) recompute2.add(subpart); } } } clazz.setClassSuffix(sSufixFormat.format(divNum) + sSufixFormat.format(secNum)); hibSession.update(clazz); lastAssignment = assignment; lastSubpart = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart(); lastClazz = clazz; } if (!recompute2.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator i = assignments.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object o =; Assignment assignment = (o instanceof Assignment ? (Assignment) o : null); Class_ clazz = (assignment == null ? (Class_) o : assignment.getClazz()); if (recompute2.contains(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart())) { clazz.setClassSuffix(null); hibSession.update(clazz); } else { i.remove(); } } cmp = new DivSecAssignmentComparator(this, false, true); Collections.sort(assignments, cmp); lastAssignment = null; lastSubpart = null; lastClazz = null; for (Enumeration e = assignments.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Object o = e.nextElement(); Assignment assignment = (o instanceof Assignment ? (Assignment) o : null); Class_ clazz = (assignment == null ? (Class_) o : assignment.getClazz()); if (lastSubpart == null || cmp.compareSchedulingSubparts(lastSubpart, clazz.getSchedulingSubpart()) != 0) { takenDivNums = takenDivisionNumbers(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart()); lastAssignment = null; lastSubpart = null; lastClazz = null; } if (lastAssignment != null && assignment != null) { if (cmp.compareTimeLocations(lastAssignment.getClazz(), assignment.getClazz(), lastAssignment.getTimeLocation(), assignment.getTimeLocation()) == 0) { secNum++; } else { divNum++; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } } else if (lastClazz != null) { divNum++; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } else { divNum = 1; secNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; } if (divNum == 100 && secNum == 1) { messages.add("Division number exceeded 99 for scheduling subpart " + clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getSchedulingSubpartLabel() + "."); sLog.warn("Division number still (fallback2) exceeded 99 for scheduling subpart " + clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getSchedulingSubpartLabel() + "."); } clazz.setClassSuffix(sSufixFormat.format(divNum) + sSufixFormat.format(secNum)); hibSession.update(clazz); lastAssignment = assignment; lastSubpart = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart(); lastClazz = clazz; } } } /* lastSubpart = null; TreeSet otherClasses = new TreeSet(new ClassComparator(ClassComparator.COMPARE_BY_HIERARCHY)); otherClasses.addAll(new SolutionDAO().getSession().createQuery( "select distinct c from Class_ c, Solution s inner join s.owner.departments d "+ "where s.uniqueId = :solutionId and c.managingDept=d and "+ "c.uniqueId not in (select a.clazz.uniqueId from s.assignments a) order by c.schedulingSubpart.uniqueId, c.sectionNumberCache"). setLong("solutionId", getUniqueId().longValue()). list()); for (Iterator i=otherClasses.iterator();i.hasNext();) { Class_ clazz = (Class_); if (clazz.getParentClass()!=null && clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getItype().equals(clazz.getParentClass().getSchedulingSubpart().getItype())) continue; if (clazz.getClassSuffix()!=null) { sLog.warn("This is odd, class "+clazz.getClassLabel()+" already has a div-sec number "+clazz.getClassSuffix()+"."); continue; } if (lastSubpart==null || !lastSubpart.equals(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart())) { takenDivNums = takenDivisionNumbers(clazz.getSchedulingSubpart()); } divNum = 1; while (takenDivNums.contains(new Integer(divNum))) divNum++; if (divNum==100) { messages.add("Division number exceeded 99 for scheduling subpart "+clazz.getSchedulingSubpart().getSchedulingSubpartLabel()+"."); } clazz.setClassSuffix(sSufixFormat.format(divNum)+sSufixFormat.format(1)); takenDivNums.add(new Integer(divNum)); lastSubpart = clazz.getSchedulingSubpart(); hibSession.update(clazz); } */ }
From source
/** * A package was uninstalled. We take both the super set of packageNames * in addition to specific applications to remove, the reason being that * this can be called when a package is updated as well. In that scenario, * we only remove specific components from the workspace, where as * package-removal should clear all items by package name. * * @param reason if non-zero, the icons are not permanently removed, rather marked as disabled. * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */// w w w. j av a 2 s . co m @Override public void bindComponentsRemoved(final ArrayList<String> packageNames, final ArrayList<AppInfo> appInfos, final UserHandleCompat user, final int reason) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { bindComponentsRemoved(packageNames, appInfos, user, reason); } }; if (waitUntilResume(r)) { return; } if (reason == 0) { HashSet<ComponentName> removedComponents = new HashSet<ComponentName>(); for (AppInfo info : appInfos) { removedComponents.add(info.componentName); } if (!packageNames.isEmpty()) { mWorkspace.removeItemsByPackageName(packageNames, user); } if (!removedComponents.isEmpty()) { mWorkspace.removeItemsByComponentName(removedComponents, user); } // Notify the drag controller mDragController.onAppsRemoved(packageNames, removedComponents); } else { mWorkspace.disableShortcutsByPackageName(packageNames, user, reason); } // Update AllApps if (!LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps() && mAppsCustomizeContent != null) { mAppsCustomizeContent.removeApps(appInfos); } }
From source
/** * * @param classifierAttrs/* w w w. j ava 2 s . c om*/ * @param classifierWords * @param testingData * @param epoch * @return */ @Override public Double evaluateGeneration(HashMap<String, JAROW> classifierAttrs, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, JAROW>> classifierWords, ArrayList<DatasetInstance> testingData, int epoch) { System.out.println("Evaluate argument generation "); ArrayList<ScoredFeaturizedTranslation<IString, String>> generations = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<DatasetInstance, ArrayList<Action>> generationActions = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Sequence<IString>>> finalReferences = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<DatasetInstance, ArrayList<String>> finalReferencesWordSequences = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<DatasetInstance, String> predictedWordSequences_overAllPredicates = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<String> allPredictedWordSequences = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> allPredictedMRStr = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> allPredictedReferences = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, Double> attrCoverage = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> abstractMRsToMRs = new HashMap<>(); for (DatasetInstance di : testingData) { String predicate = di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate(); ArrayList<Action> predictedActionList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Action> predictedWordList = new ArrayList<>(); //PHRASE GENERATION EVALUATION String predictedAttr = ""; ArrayList<String> predictedAttrValues = new ArrayList<>(); HashSet<String> attrValuesToBeMentioned = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<String> attrValuesAlreadyMentioned = new HashSet<>(); for (String attribute : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().keySet()) { for (String value : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().get(attribute)) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.add(attribute.toLowerCase() + "=" + value.toLowerCase()); } } if (attrValuesToBeMentioned.isEmpty()) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.add("empty=empty"); } while (!predictedAttr.equals(Action.TOKEN_END) && predictedAttrValues.size() < getMaxContentSequenceLength()) { if (!predictedAttr.isEmpty()) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(predictedAttr); } if (!attrValuesToBeMentioned.isEmpty()) { Instance attrTrainingVector = createContentInstance(predicate, "@TOK@", predictedAttrValues, attrValuesAlreadyMentioned, attrValuesToBeMentioned, di.getMeaningRepresentation(), getAvailableContentActions()); if (attrTrainingVector != null) { Prediction predictAttr = classifierAttrs.get(predicate).predict(attrTrainingVector); if (predictAttr.getLabel() != null) { predictedAttr = predictAttr.getLabel().trim(); if (!classifierAttrs.get(predicate).getCurrentWeightVectors().keySet() .containsAll(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().keySet())) { System.out.println("MR ATTR NOT IN CLASSIFIERS"); System.out .println(classifierAttrs.get(predicate).getCurrentWeightVectors().keySet()); } String predictedValue = ""; if (!predictedAttr.equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { predictedValue = chooseNextValue(predictedAttr, attrValuesToBeMentioned); HashSet<String> rejectedAttrs = new HashSet<>(); while (predictedValue.isEmpty() && (!predictedAttr.equals(Action.TOKEN_END) || (predictedAttrValues.isEmpty() && classifierAttrs.get(predicate).getCurrentWeightVectors().keySet() .containsAll(di.getMeaningRepresentation() .getAttributeValues().keySet())))) { rejectedAttrs.add(predictedAttr); predictedAttr = Action.TOKEN_END; double maxScore = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (String attr : predictAttr.getLabel2Score().keySet()) { if (!rejectedAttrs.contains(attr) && (Double .compare(predictAttr.getLabel2Score().get(attr), maxScore) > 0)) { maxScore = predictAttr.getLabel2Score().get(attr); predictedAttr = attr; } } if (!predictedAttr.equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { predictedValue = chooseNextValue(predictedAttr, attrValuesToBeMentioned); } } } if (!predictedAttr.equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { predictedAttr += "=" + predictedValue; } predictedAttrValues.add(predictedAttr); if (!predictedAttr.isEmpty()) { attrValuesAlreadyMentioned.add(predictedAttr); attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(predictedAttr); } } else { predictedAttr = Action.TOKEN_END; predictedAttrValues.add(predictedAttr); } } else { predictedAttr = Action.TOKEN_END; predictedAttrValues.add(predictedAttr); } } else { predictedAttr = Action.TOKEN_END; predictedAttrValues.add(predictedAttr); } } //WORD SEQUENCE EVALUATION predictedAttr = ""; ArrayList<String> predictedAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); attrValuesToBeMentioned = new HashSet<>(); attrValuesAlreadyMentioned = new HashSet<>(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> valuesToBeMentioned = new HashMap<>(); for (String attribute : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().keySet()) { for (String value : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().get(attribute)) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.add(attribute.toLowerCase() + "=" + value.toLowerCase()); } valuesToBeMentioned.put(attribute, new ArrayList<>(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().get(attribute))); } if (attrValuesToBeMentioned.isEmpty()) { attrValuesToBeMentioned.add("empty=empty"); } HashSet<String> attrValuesToBeMentionedCopy = new HashSet<>(attrValuesToBeMentioned); int a = -1; for (String attrValue : predictedAttrValues) { a++; if (!attrValue.equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { String attribute = attrValue.split("=")[0]; predictedAttributes.add(attrValue); //GENERATE PHRASES if (!attribute.equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { if (classifierWords.get(predicate).containsKey(attribute)) { ArrayList<String> nextAttributesForInstance = new ArrayList<>( predictedAttrValues.subList(a + 1, predictedAttrValues.size())); String predictedWord = ""; boolean isValueMentioned = false; String valueTBM = ""; if (attrValue.contains("=")) { valueTBM = attrValue.substring(attrValue.indexOf('=') + 1); } if (valueTBM.isEmpty()) { isValueMentioned = true; } ArrayList<String> subPhrase = new ArrayList<>(); while (!predictedWord.equals(Action.TOKEN_END) && predictedWordList.size() < getMaxWordSequenceLength()) { ArrayList<String> predictedAttributesForInstance = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < predictedAttributes.size() - 1; i++) { predictedAttributesForInstance.add(predictedAttributes.get(i)); } if (!predictedAttributes.get(predictedAttributes.size() - 1).equals(attrValue)) { predictedAttributesForInstance .add(predictedAttributes.get(predictedAttributes.size() - 1)); } Instance wordTrainingVector = createWordInstance(predicate, new Action("@TOK@", attrValue), predictedAttributesForInstance, predictedActionList, nextAttributesForInstance, attrValuesAlreadyMentioned, attrValuesToBeMentioned, isValueMentioned, getAvailableWordActions().get(predicate)); if (wordTrainingVector != null && classifierWords.get(predicate) != null) { if (classifierWords.get(predicate).get(attribute) != null) { Prediction predictWord = classifierWords.get(predicate).get(attribute) .predict(wordTrainingVector); if (predictWord.getLabel() != null) { predictedWord = predictWord.getLabel().trim(); while (predictedWord.equals(Action.TOKEN_END) && !predictedActionList.isEmpty() && predictedActionList.get(predictedActionList.size() - 1) .getWord().equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { double maxScore = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (String word : predictWord.getLabel2Score().keySet()) { if (!word.equals(Action.TOKEN_END) && ( predictWord.getLabel2Score().get(word), maxScore) > 0)) { maxScore = predictWord.getLabel2Score().get(word); predictedWord = word; } } } predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue)); if (!predictedWord.equals(Action.TOKEN_START) && !predictedWord.equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { subPhrase.add(predictedWord); predictedWordList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue)); } } else { predictedWord = Action.TOKEN_END; predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue)); } } else { predictedWord = Action.TOKEN_END; predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue)); } } if (!isValueMentioned) { if (!predictedWord.equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { if (predictedWord.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X) && (valueTBM.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || valueTBM.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || valueTBM.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X))) { isValueMentioned = true; } else if (!predictedWord.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X) && !(valueTBM.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || valueTBM.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || valueTBM.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X))) { String valueToCheck = valueTBM; if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes") || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no") || valueToCheck.equals("none") //|| valueToCheck.equals("dont_care") || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) { if (attribute.contains("=")) { valueToCheck = attribute.replace("=", ":"); } else { valueToCheck = attribute + ":" + valueTBM; } } if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty") && getValueAlignments().containsKey(valueToCheck)) { for (ArrayList<String> alignedStr : getValueAlignments() .get(valueToCheck).keySet()) { if (endsWith(subPhrase, alignedStr)) { isValueMentioned = true; break; } } } } } if (isValueMentioned) { attrValuesAlreadyMentioned.add(attrValue); attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(attrValue); } } String mentionedAttrValue = ""; if (!predictedWord.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X)) { for (String attrValueTBM : attrValuesToBeMentioned) { if (attrValueTBM.contains("=")) { String value = attrValueTBM.substring(attrValueTBM.indexOf('=') + 1); if (!(value.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || value.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || value.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X))) { String valueToCheck = value; if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes") || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no") || valueToCheck.equals("none") //|| valueToCheck.equals("dont_care") || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) { valueToCheck = attrValueTBM.replace("=", ":"); } if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty") && getValueAlignments().containsKey(valueToCheck)) { for (ArrayList<String> alignedStr : getValueAlignments() .get(valueToCheck).keySet()) { if (endsWith(subPhrase, alignedStr)) { mentionedAttrValue = attrValueTBM; break; } } } } } } } if (!mentionedAttrValue.isEmpty()) { attrValuesAlreadyMentioned.add(mentionedAttrValue); attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(mentionedAttrValue); } } if (predictedWordList.size() >= getMaxWordSequenceLength() && !predictedActionList .get(predictedActionList.size() - 1).getWord().equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { predictedWord = Action.TOKEN_END; predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue)); } } else { String predictedWord = Action.TOKEN_END; predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue)); } } } } ArrayList<String> predictedAttrs = new ArrayList<>(); predictedAttrValues.forEach((attributeValuePair) -> { predictedAttrs.add(attributeValuePair.split("=")[0]); }); String predictedWordSequence = postProcessWordSequence(di, predictedActionList); ArrayList<String> predictedAttrList = getPredictedAttrList(predictedActionList); if (attrValuesToBeMentionedCopy.size() != 0.0) { double missingAttrs = 0.0; missingAttrs = .filter((attr) -> (!predictedAttrList.contains(attr))).map((_item) -> 1.0) .reduce(missingAttrs, (accumulator, _item) -> accumulator + _item); double attrSize = attrValuesToBeMentionedCopy.size(); attrCoverage.put(predictedWordSequence, missingAttrs / attrSize); } allPredictedWordSequences.add(predictedWordSequence); allPredictedMRStr.add(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); predictedWordSequences_overAllPredicates.put(di, predictedWordSequence); if (!abstractMRsToMRs.containsKey(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR())) { abstractMRsToMRs.put(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR(), new HashSet<String>()); } abstractMRsToMRs.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR()) .add(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); Sequence<IString> translation = IStrings .tokenize(NISTTokenizer.tokenize(predictedWordSequence.toLowerCase())); ScoredFeaturizedTranslation<IString, String> tran = new ScoredFeaturizedTranslation<>(translation, null, 0); generations.add(tran); generationActions.put(di, predictedActionList); ArrayList<Sequence<IString>> references = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> referencesStrings = new ArrayList<>(); if (getPerformEvaluationOn().equals("valid") || getPerformEvaluationOn().equals("train")) { for (String ref : di.getEvaluationReferences()) { referencesStrings.add(ref); references.add(IStrings.tokenize(NISTTokenizer.tokenize(ref))); } } else { references = wenEvaluationReferenceSequences.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); referencesStrings = wenEvaluationReferences.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); if (references == null) { references = new ArrayList<>(); referencesStrings = new ArrayList<>(); for (String ref : di.getEvaluationReferences()) { referencesStrings.add(ref); references.add(IStrings.tokenize(NISTTokenizer.tokenize(ref))); } } } allPredictedReferences.add(referencesStrings); finalReferencesWordSequences.put(di, referencesStrings); finalReferences.add(references); } BLEUMetric BLEU = new BLEUMetric(finalReferences, 4, false); Double bleuScore = BLEU.score(generations); double finalCoverageError = 0.0; finalCoverageError = attrCoverage.values().stream().map((c) -> c).reduce(finalCoverageError, (accumulator, _item) -> accumulator + _item); finalCoverageError /= attrCoverage.size(); for (int i = 0; i < allPredictedWordSequences.size(); i++) { double maxRouge = 0.0; String predictedWordSequence = allPredictedWordSequences.get(i).replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ") .replaceAll(":", " : ").replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ").replaceAll(",", " , ").replaceAll(" ", " ") .trim(); for (String ref : allPredictedReferences.get(i)) { double rouge = Rouge.ROUGE_N(predictedWordSequence, ref, 4); if (rouge > maxRouge) { maxRouge = rouge; } } //System.out.println(allPredictedMRStr.get(i) + "\t" + maxRouge + "\t" + allPredictedWordSequences.get(i) + "\t" + refs); } double avgRougeScore = 0.0; String detailedRes = ""; avgRougeScore = -> { double maxRouge = 0.0; if (!finalReferencesWordSequences.containsKey(di)) { System.out.println(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR()); } String predictedWordSequence = predictedWordSequences_overAllPredicates.get(di) .replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ").replaceAll(":", " : ").replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ") .replaceAll(",", " , ").replaceAll(" ", " ").trim(); for (String ref : finalReferencesWordSequences.get(di)) { double rouge = Rouge.ROUGE_N(predictedWordSequence, ref, 4); if (rouge > maxRouge) { maxRouge = rouge; } } return maxRouge; }).map((maxRouge) -> maxRouge).reduce(avgRougeScore, (accumulator, _item) -> accumulator + _item); System.out.println("BLEU: \t" + bleuScore); //System.out.println("g: " + generations); //System.out.println("attr: " + predictedAttrLists); //System.out.println("BLEU smooth: \t" + bleuSmoothScore); //System.out.println("g: " + generations); //System.out.println("attr: " + predictedAttrLists); //System.out.println("BLEU smooth: \t" + bleuSmoothScore); System.out.println("ROUGE: \t" + (avgRougeScore / allPredictedWordSequences.size())); System.out.println("COVERAGE ERROR: \t" + finalCoverageError); System.out.println("BRC: \t" + ((avgRougeScore / allPredictedWordSequences.size()) + bleuScore + (1.0 - finalCoverageError)) / 3.0); if (isCalculateResultsPerPredicate()) { //////////////////////// //ArrayList<String> bestPredictedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); //ArrayList<String> bestPredictedStringsMRs = new ArrayList<>(); double uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordBLEU = 0.0; double uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordROUGE = 0.0; double uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordCOVERAGEERR = 0.0; double uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordBRC = 0.0; detailedRes = ""; ArrayList<DatasetInstance> abstractMRList = new ArrayList<>(); HashSet<String> reportedAbstractMRs = new HashSet<>(); .filter((di) -> (!reportedAbstractMRs.contains(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR()))) .map((di) -> { reportedAbstractMRs.add(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR()); return di; }).forEachOrdered((di) -> { boolean isInTraining = false; for (DatasetInstance di2 : getTrainingData()) { if (di2.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR() .equals(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR())) { isInTraining = true; } } if (!isInTraining) { for (DatasetInstance di2 : getValidationData()) { if (di2.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR() .equals(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR())) { isInTraining = true; } } } if (!isInTraining) { abstractMRList.add(di); } }); for (DatasetInstance di : abstractMRList) { Double bestROUGE = -100.0; Double bestBLEU = -100.0; Double bestCover = -100.0; Double bestHarmonicMean = -100.0; String predictedString = predictedWordSequences_overAllPredicates.get(di); reportedAbstractMRs.add(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR()); double maxRouge = 0.0; String predictedWordSequence = predictedString.replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ").replaceAll(":", " : ") .replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ").replaceAll(",", " , ").replaceAll(" ", " ").trim(); for (String ref : finalReferencesWordSequences.get(di)) { double rouge = Rouge.ROUGE_N(predictedWordSequence, ref, 4); if (rouge > maxRouge) { maxRouge = rouge; } } double BLEUSmooth = BLEUMetric.computeLocalSmoothScore(predictedWordSequence, finalReferencesWordSequences.get(di), 4); double cover = 1.0 - attrCoverage.get(predictedString); double harmonicMean = 3.0 / (1.0 / BLEUSmooth + 1.0 / maxRouge + 1.0 / cover); if (harmonicMean > bestHarmonicMean) { bestROUGE = maxRouge; bestBLEU = BLEUSmooth; bestCover = cover; bestHarmonicMean = harmonicMean; } uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordBLEU += bestBLEU; uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordROUGE += bestROUGE; uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordCOVERAGEERR += bestCover; uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordBRC += bestHarmonicMean; } uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordBLEU /= abstractMRList.size(); uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordROUGE /= abstractMRList.size(); uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordCOVERAGEERR /= abstractMRList.size(); uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordBRC /= abstractMRList.size(); System.out.println( "UNIQUE (NOT IN TRAIN) WORD ALL PRED BLEU: \t" + uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordBLEU); System.out.println( "UNIQUE (NOT IN TRAIN) WORD ALL PRED ROUGE: \t" + uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordROUGE); System.out.println("UNIQUE (NOT IN TRAIN) WORD ALL PRED COVERAGE ERROR: \t" + (1.0 - uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordCOVERAGEERR)); System.out.println( "UNIQUE (NOT IN TRAIN) WORD ALL PRED BRC: \t" + uniqueMRsInTestAndNotInTrainAllPredWordBRC); abstractMRList.forEach((di) -> { System.out.println(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR() + "\t" + predictedWordSequences_overAllPredicates.get(di)); }); System.out.println("TOTAL SET SIZE: \t" + abstractMRList.size()); //System.out.println(abstractMRList); //System.out.println(detailedRes); } ArrayList<String> bestPredictedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> bestPredictedStringsMRs = new ArrayList<>(); double uniqueAllPredWordBLEU = 0.0; double uniqueAllPredWordROUGE = 0.0; double uniqueAllPredWordCOVERAGEERR = 0.0; double uniqueAllPredWordBRC = 0.0; HashSet<String> reportedAbstractMRs = new HashSet<>(); for (DatasetInstance di : testingData) { if (!reportedAbstractMRs.contains(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR())) { String bestPredictedString = ""; Double bestROUGE = -100.0; Double bestBLEU = -100.0; Double bestCover = -100.0; Double bestHarmonicMean = -100.0; String predictedString = predictedWordSequences_overAllPredicates.get(di); reportedAbstractMRs.add(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR()); double maxRouge = 0.0; String predictedWordSequence = predictedString.replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ").replaceAll(":", " : ") .replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ").replaceAll(",", " , ").replaceAll(" ", " ").trim(); for (String ref : finalReferencesWordSequences.get(di)) { double rouge = Rouge.ROUGE_N(predictedWordSequence, ref, 4); if (rouge > maxRouge) { maxRouge = rouge; } } double BLEUSmooth = BLEUMetric.computeLocalSmoothScore(predictedWordSequence, finalReferencesWordSequences.get(di), 4); double cover = 1.0 - attrCoverage.get(predictedString); double harmonicMean = 3.0 / (1.0 / BLEUSmooth + 1.0 / maxRouge + 1.0 / cover); if (harmonicMean > bestHarmonicMean) { bestPredictedString = predictedString; bestROUGE = maxRouge; bestBLEU = BLEUSmooth; bestCover = cover; bestHarmonicMean = harmonicMean; } bestPredictedStrings.add(bestPredictedString); bestPredictedStringsMRs.add(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); uniqueAllPredWordBLEU += bestBLEU; uniqueAllPredWordROUGE += bestROUGE; uniqueAllPredWordCOVERAGEERR += bestCover; uniqueAllPredWordBRC += bestHarmonicMean; } //} } if (isCalculateResultsPerPredicate()) { uniqueAllPredWordBLEU /= reportedAbstractMRs.size(); uniqueAllPredWordROUGE /= reportedAbstractMRs.size(); uniqueAllPredWordCOVERAGEERR /= reportedAbstractMRs.size(); uniqueAllPredWordBRC /= reportedAbstractMRs.size(); System.out.println("UNIQUE WORD ALL PRED BLEU: \t" + uniqueAllPredWordBLEU); System.out.println("UNIQUE WORD ALL PRED ROUGE: \t" + uniqueAllPredWordROUGE); System.out.println("UNIQUE WORD ALL PRED COVERAGE ERROR: \t" + (1.0 - uniqueAllPredWordCOVERAGEERR)); System.out.println("UNIQUE WORD ALL PRED BRC: \t" + uniqueAllPredWordBRC); System.out.println(detailedRes); System.out.println("TOTAL: \t" + reportedAbstractMRs.size()); //////////////////////// for (String predicate : getPredicates()) { detailedRes = ""; bestPredictedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); bestPredictedStringsMRs = new ArrayList<>(); double uniquePredWordBLEU = 0.0; double uniquePredWordROUGE = 0.0; double uniquePredWordCOVERAGEERR = 0.0; double uniquePredWordBRC = 0.0; reportedAbstractMRs = new HashSet<>(); for (DatasetInstance di : testingData) { if (di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate().equals(predicate) && !reportedAbstractMRs.contains(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR())) { String bestPredictedString = ""; Double bestROUGE = -100.0; Double bestBLEU = -100.0; Double bestCover = -100.0; Double bestHarmonicMean = -100.0; String predictedString = predictedWordSequences_overAllPredicates.get(di); reportedAbstractMRs.add(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAbstractMR()); double maxRouge = 0.0; String predictedWordSequence = predictedString.replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ") .replaceAll(":", " : ").replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ").replaceAll(",", " , ") .replaceAll(" ", " ").trim(); for (String ref : finalReferencesWordSequences.get(di)) { double rouge = Rouge.ROUGE_N(predictedWordSequence, ref, 4); if (rouge > maxRouge) { maxRouge = rouge; } } double BLEUSmooth = BLEUMetric.computeLocalSmoothScore(predictedWordSequence, finalReferencesWordSequences.get(di), 4); double cover = 1.0 - attrCoverage.get(predictedString); double harmonicMean = 3.0 / (1.0 / BLEUSmooth + 1.0 / maxRouge + 1.0 / cover); if (harmonicMean > bestHarmonicMean) { bestPredictedString = predictedString; bestROUGE = maxRouge; bestBLEU = BLEUSmooth; bestCover = cover; bestHarmonicMean = harmonicMean; } bestPredictedStrings.add(bestPredictedString); bestPredictedStringsMRs.add(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getMRstr()); uniquePredWordBLEU += bestBLEU; uniquePredWordROUGE += bestROUGE; uniquePredWordCOVERAGEERR += bestCover; uniquePredWordBRC += bestHarmonicMean; } } uniquePredWordBLEU /= reportedAbstractMRs.size(); uniquePredWordROUGE /= reportedAbstractMRs.size(); uniquePredWordCOVERAGEERR /= reportedAbstractMRs.size(); uniquePredWordBRC /= reportedAbstractMRs.size(); System.out.println("UNIQUE WORD " + predicate + " BLEU: \t" + uniquePredWordBLEU); System.out.println("UNIQUE WORD " + predicate + " ROUGE: \t" + uniquePredWordROUGE); System.out.println( "UNIQUE WORD " + predicate + " COVERAGE ERROR: \t" + (1.0 - uniquePredWordCOVERAGEERR)); System.out.println("UNIQUE WORD " + predicate + " BRC: \t" + uniquePredWordBRC); System.out.println(detailedRes); System.out.println("TOTAL " + predicate + ": \t" + reportedAbstractMRs.size()); } } if (isCalculateResultsPerPredicate()) { BufferedWriter bw = null; File f = null; try { f = new File("results/random_SFX" + getDataset() + "TextsAfter" + (epoch) + "_" + JLOLS.sentenceCorrectionFurtherSteps + "_" + JLOLS.p + "epochsTESTINGDATA.txt"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } try { bw.write("BLEU:" + bleuScore); bw.write("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { } for (int i = 0; i < bestPredictedStrings.size(); i++) { try { String mr = bestPredictedStringsMRs.get(i); bw.write("MR;" + mr.replaceAll(";", ",") + ";"); if (getDataset().equals("hotel")) { bw.write("LOLS_SFHOT;"); } else { bw.write("LOLS_SFRES;"); } bw.write("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { } } try { bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return bleuScore; }
From source
/** * Send transaction to one of a specified set of orderers with the specified user context. * IF there are no event hubs or eventing peers this future returns immediately completed * indicating that orderer has accepted the transaction only. * * @param proposalResponses/*from w ww. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param transactionOptions * @return Future allowing access to the result of the transaction invocation. */ public CompletableFuture<TransactionEvent> sendTransaction(Collection<ProposalResponse> proposalResponses, TransactionOptions transactionOptions) { try { if (null == transactionOptions) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Parameter transactionOptions can't be null"); } checkChannelState(); User userContext = transactionOptions.userContext != null ? transactionOptions.userContext : client.getUserContext(); userContextCheck(userContext); if (null == proposalResponses) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("sendTransaction proposalResponses was null"); } List<Orderer> orderers = transactionOptions.orderers != null ? transactionOptions.orderers : new ArrayList<>(getOrderers()); // make certain we have our own copy final List<Orderer> shuffeledOrderers = new ArrayList<>(orderers); if (transactionOptions.shuffleOrders) { Collections.shuffle(shuffeledOrderers); } if (config.getProposalConsistencyValidation()) { HashSet<ProposalResponse> invalid = new HashSet<>(); int consistencyGroups = SDKUtils.getProposalConsistencySets(proposalResponses, invalid).size(); if (consistencyGroups != 1 || !invalid.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(format( "The proposal responses have %d inconsistent groups with %d that are invalid." + " Expected all to be consistent and none to be invalid.", consistencyGroups, invalid.size())); } } List<FabricProposalResponse.Endorsement> ed = new LinkedList<>(); FabricProposal.Proposal proposal = null; ByteString proposalResponsePayload = null; String proposalTransactionID = null; TransactionContext transactionContext = null; for (ProposalResponse sdkProposalResponse : proposalResponses) { ed.add(sdkProposalResponse.getProposalResponse().getEndorsement()); if (proposal == null) { proposal = sdkProposalResponse.getProposal(); proposalTransactionID = sdkProposalResponse.getTransactionID(); if (proposalTransactionID == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Proposals with missing transaction ID"); } proposalResponsePayload = sdkProposalResponse.getProposalResponse().getPayload(); if (proposalResponsePayload == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Proposals with missing payload."); } transactionContext = sdkProposalResponse.getTransactionContext(); if (transactionContext == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Proposals with missing transaction context."); } } else { final String transactionID = sdkProposalResponse.getTransactionID(); if (transactionID == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Proposals with missing transaction id."); } if (!proposalTransactionID.equals(transactionID)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( format("Proposals with different transaction IDs %s, and %s", proposalTransactionID, transactionID)); } } } TransactionBuilder transactionBuilder = TransactionBuilder.newBuilder(); Payload transactionPayload = transactionBuilder.chaincodeProposal(proposal).endorsements(ed) .proposalResponsePayload(proposalResponsePayload).build(); Envelope transactionEnvelope = createTransactionEnvelope(transactionPayload, transactionContext); NOfEvents nOfEvents = transactionOptions.nOfEvents; if (nOfEvents == null) { nOfEvents = NOfEvents.createNofEvents(); Collection<Peer> eventingPeers = getEventingPeers(); boolean anyAdded = false; if (!eventingPeers.isEmpty()) { anyAdded = true; nOfEvents.addPeers(eventingPeers); } Collection<EventHub> eventHubs = getEventHubs(); if (!eventHubs.isEmpty()) { anyAdded = true; nOfEvents.addEventHubs(getEventHubs()); } if (!anyAdded) { nOfEvents = NOfEvents.createNoEvents(); } } else if (nOfEvents != NOfEvents.nofNoEvents) { StringBuilder issues = new StringBuilder(100); Collection<Peer> eventingPeers = getEventingPeers(); nOfEvents.unSeenPeers().forEach(peer -> { if (peer.getChannel() != this) { issues.append(format("Peer %s added to NOFEvents does not belong this channel. ", peer.getName())); } else if (!eventingPeers.contains(peer)) { issues.append(format("Peer %s added to NOFEvents is not a eventing Peer in this channel. ", peer.getName())); } }); nOfEvents.unSeenEventHubs().forEach(eventHub -> { if (!eventHubs.contains(eventHub)) { issues.append(format("Eventhub %s added to NOFEvents does not belong this channel. ", eventHub.getName())); } }); if (nOfEvents.unSeenEventHubs().isEmpty() && nOfEvents.unSeenPeers().isEmpty()) { issues.append("NofEvents had no Eventhubs added or Peer eventing services."); } String foundIssues = issues.toString(); if (!foundIssues.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(foundIssues); } } final boolean replyonly = nOfEvents == NOfEvents.nofNoEvents || (getEventHubs().isEmpty() && getEventingPeers().isEmpty()); CompletableFuture<TransactionEvent> sret; if (replyonly) { //If there are no eventhubs to complete the future, complete it // immediately but give no transaction event logger.debug(format( "Completing transaction id %s immediately no event hubs or peer eventing services found in channel %s.", proposalTransactionID, name)); sret = new CompletableFuture<>(); } else { sret = registerTxListener(proposalTransactionID, nOfEvents, transactionOptions.failFast); } logger.debug(format("Channel %s sending transaction to orderer(s) with TxID %s ", name, proposalTransactionID)); boolean success = false; Exception lException = null; // Save last exception to report to user .. others are just logged. BroadcastResponse resp = null; Orderer failed = null; for (Orderer orderer : shuffeledOrderers) { if (failed != null) { logger.warn(format("Channel %s %s failed. Now trying %s.", name, failed, orderer)); } failed = orderer; try { if (null != diagnosticFileDumper) { logger.trace(format("Sending to channel %s, orderer: %s, transaction: %s", name, orderer.getName(), diagnosticFileDumper .createDiagnosticProtobufFile(transactionEnvelope.toByteArray()))); } resp = orderer.sendTransaction(transactionEnvelope); lException = null; // no longer last exception .. maybe just failed. if (resp.getStatus() == Status.SUCCESS) { success = true; break; } else { logger.warn(format("Channel %s %s failed. Status returned %s", name, orderer, getRespData(resp))); } } catch (Exception e) { String emsg = format("Channel %s unsuccessful sendTransaction to orderer %s (%s)", name, orderer.getName(), orderer.getUrl()); if (resp != null) { emsg = format("Channel %s unsuccessful sendTransaction to orderer %s (%s). %s", name, orderer.getName(), orderer.getUrl(), getRespData(resp)); } logger.error(emsg); lException = new Exception(emsg, e); } } if (success) { logger.debug(format("Channel %s successful sent to Orderer transaction id: %s", name, proposalTransactionID)); if (replyonly) { sret.complete(null); // just say we're done. } return sret; } else { String emsg = format( "Channel %s failed to place transaction %s on Orderer. Cause: UNSUCCESSFUL. %s", name, proposalTransactionID, getRespData(resp)); unregisterTxListener(proposalTransactionID); CompletableFuture<TransactionEvent> ret = new CompletableFuture<>(); ret.completeExceptionally( lException != null ? new Exception(emsg, lException) : new Exception(emsg)); return ret; } } catch (Exception e) { CompletableFuture<TransactionEvent> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); future.completeExceptionally(e); return future; } }
From source
public void updatePackageState(ArrayList<PackageInstallInfo> installInfos) { HashSet<String> completedPackages = new HashSet<String>(); for (final PackageInstallInfo installInfo : installInfos) { mapOverItems(MAP_RECURSE, new ItemOperator() { @Override/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View v, View parent) { if (info instanceof ShortcutInfo && v instanceof BubbleTextView) { ShortcutInfo si = (ShortcutInfo) info; ComponentName cn = si.getTargetComponent(); if (si.isPromise() && (cn != null) && installInfo.packageName.equals(cn.getPackageName())) { si.setInstallProgress(installInfo.progress); if (installInfo.state == PackageInstallerCompat.STATUS_FAILED) { // Mark this info as broken. si.status &= ~ShortcutInfo.FLAG_INSTALL_SESSION_ACTIVE; } ((BubbleTextView) v).applyState(false); } } else if (v instanceof PendingAppWidgetHostView && info instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo && ((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) info).providerName.getPackageName() .equals(installInfo.packageName)) { ((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) info).installProgress = installInfo.progress; ((PendingAppWidgetHostView) v).applyState(); } // process all the shortcuts return false; } }); if (installInfo.state == PackageInstallerCompat.STATUS_INSTALLED) { completedPackages.add(installInfo.packageName); } } // Note that package states are sent only for myUser if (!completedPackages.isEmpty()) { restorePendingWidgets(completedPackages); } }
From source
/** * * @param trainingData/*from w ww . j ava2s .com*/ */ @Override public void createNaiveAlignments(ArrayList<DatasetInstance> trainingData) { HashMap<String, HashMap<ArrayList<Action>, HashMap<Action, Integer>>> punctPatterns = new HashMap<>(); getPredicates().forEach((predicate) -> { punctPatterns.put(predicate, new HashMap<ArrayList<Action>, HashMap<Action, Integer>>()); }); HashMap<DatasetInstance, ArrayList<Action>> punctRealizations = new HashMap<DatasetInstance, ArrayList<Action>>(); -> { HashMap<ArrayList<Action>, ArrayList<Action>> calculatedRealizationsCache = new HashMap<>(); HashSet<ArrayList<Action>> initRealizations = new HashSet<>(); if (!calculatedRealizationsCache.containsKey(di.getDirectReferenceSequence())) { initRealizations.add(di.getDirectReferenceSequence()); } -> { HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> values = new HashMap<>(); di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().keySet().forEach((attr) -> { values.put(attr, new HashSet<>(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().get(attr))); }); ArrayList<Action> randomRealization = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < realization.size(); i++) { Action a = realization.get(i); if (a.getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { randomRealization.add(new Action(a.getWord(), a.getAttribute())); } else { randomRealization.add(new Action(a.getWord(), "")); } } if (values.keySet().isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!getAttributes().get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()) .contains("empty")) { getAttributes().get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()).add("empty"); } randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute("empty=empty"); } } } else { HashMap<Double, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>> indexAlignments = new HashMap<>(); HashSet<String> noValueAttrs = new HashSet<String>(); values.keySet().forEach((attr) -> { values.get(attr).stream().filter( (value) -> ((!(value.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || value.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || value.startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X))) && !value.isEmpty())) .map((value) -> { String valueToCheck = value; if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes") || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no") || valueToCheck.equals("none") //|| attr.equals("dont_care") || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) { valueToCheck = attr + ":" + value; noValueAttrs.add(attr + "=" + value); } if (valueToCheck.equals(attr)) { noValueAttrs.add(attr + "=" + value); } return valueToCheck; }) .filter((valueToCheck) -> (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty") && getValueAlignments().containsKey(valueToCheck))) .forEachOrdered((valueToCheck) -> { for (ArrayList<String> align : getValueAlignments().get(valueToCheck) .keySet()) { int n = align.size(); for (int i = 0; i <= randomRealization.size() - n; i++) { ArrayList<String> compare = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integer> indexAlignment = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { compare.add(randomRealization.get(i + j).getWord()); indexAlignment.add(i + j); } if (compare.equals(align)) { if (!indexAlignments.containsKey( getValueAlignments().get(valueToCheck).get(align))) { indexAlignments.put( getValueAlignments().get(valueToCheck).get(align), new HashMap()); } indexAlignments .get(getValueAlignments().get(valueToCheck).get(align)) .put(attr + "=" + valueToCheck, indexAlignment); } } } }); }); ArrayList<Double> similarities = new ArrayList<>(indexAlignments.keySet()); Collections.sort(similarities); HashSet<String> assignedAttrValues = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<Integer> assignedIntegers = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = similarities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (String attrValue : indexAlignments.get(similarities.get(i)).keySet()) { if (!assignedAttrValues.contains(attrValue)) { boolean isUnassigned = true; for (Integer index : indexAlignments.get(similarities.get(i)).get(attrValue)) { if (assignedIntegers.contains(index)) { isUnassigned = false; } } if (isUnassigned) { assignedAttrValues.add(attrValue); for (Integer index : indexAlignments.get(similarities.get(i)).get(attrValue)) { assignedIntegers.add(index); randomRealization.get(index).setAttribute(attrValue.toLowerCase().trim()); } } } } } //System.out.println("-1: " + randomRealization); -> (a.getWord().startsWith(Action.TOKEN_X))) .forEachOrdered((a) -> { String attr = a.getWord().substring(3, a.getWord().lastIndexOf('_')).toLowerCase() .trim(); a.setAttribute(attr + "=" + a.getWord()); }); HashSet<String> unalignedNoValueAttrs = new HashSet<>(); noValueAttrs.forEach((noValueAttr) -> { boolean assigned = false; for (Action a : randomRealization) { if (a.getAttribute().equals(noValueAttr)) { assigned = true; } } if (!assigned) { unalignedNoValueAttrs.add(noValueAttr); } }); boolean isAllEmpty = true; boolean hasSpace = false; for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() && !randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]") && !randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { isAllEmpty = false; } if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { hasSpace = true; } } if (isAllEmpty && hasSpace && !unalignedNoValueAttrs.isEmpty()) { unalignedNoValueAttrs.forEach((attrValue) -> { int index = getRandomGen().nextInt(randomRealization.size()); boolean change = false; while (!change) { if (!randomRealization.get(index).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { randomRealization.get(index).setAttribute(attrValue.toLowerCase().trim()); change = true; } else { index = getRandomGen().nextInt(randomRealization.size()); } } }); } //System.out.println(isAllEmpty + " " + hasSpace + " " + unalignedNoValueAttrs); //System.out.println(">> " + noValueAttrs); //System.out.println(">> " + values); //System.out.println("0: " + randomRealization); String previousAttr = ""; int start = -1; for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT) && !randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() && !randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (start != -1) { int middle = (start + i - 1) / 2 + 1; for (int j = start; j < middle; j++) { if (randomRealization.get(j).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(j).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { randomRealization.get(j).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } for (int j = middle; j < i; j++) { if (randomRealization.get(j).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(j).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { randomRealization.get(j) .setAttribute(randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute()); } } } start = i; previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } else { previousAttr = ""; } } //System.out.println("1: " + randomRealization); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = randomRealization.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } else { previousAttr = ""; } } //System.out.println("2: " + randomRealization); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < randomRealization.size(); i++) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } } //System.out.println("3: " + randomRealization); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = randomRealization.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().isEmpty() || randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals("[]")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } } //System.out.println("4: " + randomRealization); } //FIX WRONG @PUNCT@ String previousAttr = ""; for (int i = randomRealization.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT) && !randomRealization.get(i).getWord().matches("[,.?!;:']")) { if (!previousAttr.isEmpty()) { randomRealization.get(i).setAttribute(previousAttr); } } else if (!randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { previousAttr = randomRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } } ArrayList<Action> cleanRandomRealization = new ArrayList<>(); -> (!a.getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT))) .forEachOrdered((a) -> { cleanRandomRealization.add(a); }); //ADD END TOKENS ArrayList<Action> endRandomRealization = new ArrayList<>(); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cleanRandomRealization.size(); i++) { Action a = cleanRandomRealization.get(i); if (!previousAttr.isEmpty() && !a.getAttribute().equals(previousAttr)) { endRandomRealization.add(new Action(Action.TOKEN_END, previousAttr)); } endRandomRealization.add(a); previousAttr = a.getAttribute(); } endRandomRealization.add(new Action(Action.TOKEN_END, previousAttr)); endRandomRealization.add(new Action(Action.TOKEN_END, Action.TOKEN_END)); calculatedRealizationsCache.put(realization, endRandomRealization); //System.out.println(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate() + ": " + endRandomRealization); ArrayList<String> attrValues = new ArrayList<String>(); endRandomRealization.forEach((a) -> { if (attrValues.isEmpty()) { attrValues.add(a.getAttribute()); } else if (!attrValues.get(attrValues.size() - 1).equals(a.getAttribute())) { attrValues.add(a.getAttribute()); } }); if (attrValues.size() > getMaxContentSequenceLength()) { setMaxContentSequenceLength(attrValues.size()); } ArrayList<Action> punctRealization = new ArrayList<>(); punctRealization.addAll(randomRealization); previousAttr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < punctRealization.size(); i++) { if (!punctRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { if (!punctRealization.get(i).getAttribute().equals(previousAttr) && !previousAttr.isEmpty()) { punctRealization.add(i, new Action(Action.TOKEN_END, previousAttr)); i++; } previousAttr = punctRealization.get(i).getAttribute(); } } if (!punctRealization.get(punctRealization.size() - 1).getWord().equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { punctRealization.add(new Action(Action.TOKEN_END, previousAttr)); } return punctRealization; }).map((punctRealization) -> { punctRealizations.put(di, punctRealization); return punctRealization; }).forEachOrdered((punctRealization) -> { for (int i = 0; i < punctRealization.size(); i++) { Action a = punctRealization.get(i); if (a.getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_PUNCT)) { boolean legal = true; ArrayList<Action> surroundingActions = new ArrayList<>(); if (i - 2 >= 0) { surroundingActions.add(punctRealization.get(i - 2)); } else { surroundingActions.add(null); } if (i - 1 >= 0) { surroundingActions.add(punctRealization.get(i - 1)); } else { legal = false; } boolean oneMore = false; if (i + 1 < punctRealization.size()) { surroundingActions.add(punctRealization.get(i + 1)); if (!punctRealization.get(i + 1).getAttribute().equals(Action.TOKEN_END)) { oneMore = true; } } else { legal = false; } if (oneMore && i + 2 < punctRealization.size()) { surroundingActions.add(punctRealization.get(i + 2)); } else { surroundingActions.add(null); } if (legal) { if (!punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()) .containsKey(surroundingActions)) { punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()) .put(surroundingActions, new HashMap<Action, Integer>()); } if (!punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()) .get(surroundingActions).containsKey(a)) { punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()) .get(surroundingActions).put(a, 1); } else { punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()) .get(surroundingActions) .put(a, punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()) .get(surroundingActions).get(a) + 1); } } } } }); di.setDirectReferenceSequence(calculatedRealizationsCache.get(di.getDirectReferenceSequence())); return di; }).forEachOrdered((di) -> { HashSet<String> attrValuesToBeMentioned = new HashSet<>(); di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().keySet().forEach((attribute) -> { int a = 0; for (String value : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributeValues().get(attribute)) { if (value.startsWith("\"x")) { value = "x" + a; a++; } else if (value.startsWith("\"")) { value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1).replaceAll(" ", "_"); } attrValuesToBeMentioned.add(attribute + "=" + value); } }); di.getDirectReferenceSequence().stream().map((key) -> { attrValuesToBeMentioned.remove(key.getAttribute()); return key; }); }); punctRealizations.keySet().forEach((di) -> { ArrayList<Action> punctRealization = punctRealizations.get(di); punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()).keySet().forEach((surrounds) -> { int beforeNulls = 0; if (surrounds.get(0) == null) { beforeNulls++; } if (surrounds.get(1) == null) { beforeNulls++; } for (int i = 0 - beforeNulls; i < punctRealization.size(); i++) { boolean matches = true; int m = 0; for (int s = 0; s < surrounds.size(); s++) { if (surrounds.get(s) != null) { if (i + s < punctRealization.size()) { if (!punctRealization.get(i + s).getWord().equals(surrounds.get(s) .getWord()) /*|| !cleanActionList.get(i).getAttribute().equals(surrounds.get(s).getAttribute())*/) { matches = false; s = surrounds.size(); } else { m++; } } else { matches = false; s = surrounds.size(); } } else if (s < 2 && i + s >= 0) { matches = false; s = surrounds.size(); } else if (s >= 2 && i + s < punctRealization.size()) { matches = false; s = surrounds.size(); } } if (matches && m > 0) { Action a = new Action("", ""); if (!punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()).get(surrounds) .containsKey(a)) { punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()).get(surrounds).put(a, 1); } else { punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()).get(surrounds).put(a, punctPatterns.get(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate()).get(surrounds) .get(a) + 1); } } } }); }); punctPatterns.keySet().forEach((predicate) -> { punctPatterns.get(predicate).keySet().forEach((punct) -> { Action bestAction = null; int bestCount = 0; for (Action a : punctPatterns.get(predicate).get(punct).keySet()) { if (punctPatterns.get(predicate).get(punct).get(a) > bestCount) { bestAction = a; bestCount = punctPatterns.get(predicate).get(punct).get(a); } else if (punctPatterns.get(predicate).get(punct).get(a) == bestCount && bestAction.getWord().isEmpty()) { bestAction = a; } } if (!getPunctuationPatterns().containsKey(predicate)) { getPunctuationPatterns().put(predicate, new HashMap<ArrayList<Action>, Action>()); } if (!bestAction.getWord().isEmpty()) { getPunctuationPatterns().get(predicate).put(punct, bestAction); } }); }); }