Example usage for java.util HashSet addAll

List of usage examples for java.util HashSet addAll


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util HashSet addAll.


boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);

Source Link


Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set if they're not already present (optional operation).


From source file:amie.keys.CSAKey.java

public void discoverConditionalKeysForCondition(Graph newGraph, Graph graph, HashSet<Node> candidateKeys,
        Rule conditionRule, Set<Rule> output) {
    HashSet<Node> newCandidateKeys = new HashSet<>();
    for (Node candidateKey : candidateKeys) {
        //  System.out.println("candidateKey:" + candidateKey);
        if (candidateKey.toExplore) {
            //   System.out.println("candidate:" + candidateKey);
            // if (candidateKey.toExplore) {
            List<String> properties = candidateKey.mapToString(id2Property);
            Rule amieRule = buildAMIERule(properties, conditionRule);
            //    System.out.println("rule:" + amieRule);
            boolean isConditionalKey = isConditionaKey(amieRule);
            //System.out.println("isConditionalKey:"+isConditionalKey +  " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "\t" + Utilities.formatKey(amieRule));

            if (amieRule.getSupport() >= support && !isConditionalKey) {
                //System.out.println("Case 0" +  " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
                if (!newGraph.graph.containsKey(candidateKey)) {
                    //System.out.println("Case 1" +  " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
                    Node newCandidateKey = candidateKey.clone();
                    HashSet<Node> children = new HashSet<>();
                    newGraph.graph.put(newCandidateKey, children);
                    newGraph.nodes.put(newCandidateKey, newCandidateKey);
                } else {
                    //System.out.println("Case 2" +  " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId());                       
                    HashSet<Node> children = new HashSet<>();
                    newGraph.graph.put(candidateKey, children);
                }/*from w  w  w. j a  v a2  s.co  m*/

            // If the rule is a conditional above the support
            // and there is no a simpler key already discovered
            // then output it
            if (isConditionalKey && amieRule.getSupport() >= support
                    && !isSubsumedByKey(amieRule, conditionRule, conditions2Keys)) {
                //        System.out.println("KEY");
                if (!newGraph.graph.containsKey(candidateKey)) {
                    //       System.out.println("clone");
                    Node newCandidateKey = candidateKey.clone();
                    synchronized (output) {
                    //System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(amieRule) + "\tThread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Case 3");
                    conditions2Keys.put(conditionRule, amieRule);
                    newCandidateKey.toExplore = false;
                    HashSet<Node> children = new HashSet<>();
                    newGraph.graph.put(newCandidateKey, children);
                    newGraph.nodes.put(newCandidateKey, newCandidateKey);
                } else {
                    synchronized (output) {
                    //System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(amieRule) + "\tThread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Case 4");
                    conditions2Keys.put(conditionRule, amieRule);
                    candidateKey.toExplore = false;
                    HashSet<Node> children = new HashSet<>();
                    newGraph.graph.put(candidateKey, children);
                    newGraph.nodes.put(candidateKey, candidateKey);
        } else {
            //System.out.println("Case 5");

    // createChildren
    HashSet<Node> allChildren = new HashSet<>();
    // System.out.println("newCandidateKeys:"+newCandidateKeys);
    for (Node parent1 : newCandidateKeys) {
        //    System.out.println("parent1:"+parent1);
        for (Node parent2 : newCandidateKeys) {
            if (parent1 != parent2 && parent1.toExplore != false && parent2.toExplore != false) {
                HashSet<Integer> newSet = new HashSet<>();
                HashSet<Integer> condProp_KeyProp = new HashSet<>();
                condProp_KeyProp.addAll(getRelations(conditionRule, property2Id));
                //     System.out.println("newSet:" + newSet);
                if ((newSet.size() == parent1.set.size() + 1)
                        && (getSupport(newSet, conditionRule, (int) support))
                        && Graph.containsASuperSetOf(nonKeysInt, condProp_KeyProp) != -1) {
                    //      System.out.println("enters");
                    Node child = new Node(newSet);
                    if (hasFalseParent(newSet, newCandidateKeys)) {
                        //         System.out.println("falseParent");
                        child.toExplore = false;
                    HashSet<Node> children1 = newGraph.graph.get(parent1);
                    newGraph.graph.put(parent1, children1);
                    newGraph.nodes.put(child, child);
                    HashSet<Node> grandChildren = new HashSet<>();
                    newGraph.graph.put(child, grandChildren);
                    HashSet<Node> children2 = newGraph.graph.get(parent2);
                    newGraph.graph.put(parent2, children2);

    if (!allChildren.isEmpty()) {
        discoverConditionalKeysForCondition(newGraph, newGraph, allChildren, conditionRule, output);

From source file:io.hops.hopsworks.api.zeppelin.rest.NotebookRestApi.java

 * Search for a Notes with permissions/*from   w w w.ja  v a 2 s.c o m*/
public Response search(@QueryParam("q") String queryTerm) {
    LOG.info("Searching notes for: {}", queryTerm);
    String principal = SecurityUtils.getPrincipal();
    HashSet<String> roles = SecurityUtils.getRoles();
    HashSet<String> userAndRoles = new HashSet<>();
    List<Map<String, String>> notesFound = noteSearchService.query(queryTerm);
    for (int i = 0; i < notesFound.size(); i++) {
        String[] Id = notesFound.get(i).get("id").split("/", 2);
        String noteId = Id[0];
        if (!notebookAuthorization.isOwner(noteId, userAndRoles)
                && !notebookAuthorization.isReader(noteId, userAndRoles)
                && !notebookAuthorization.isWriter(noteId, userAndRoles)) {
    LOG.info("{} notes found", notesFound.size());
    return new JsonResponse<>(Status.OK, notesFound).build();

From source file:com.espertech.esper.epl.named.NamedWindowRootViewInstance.java

 * Return a snapshot using index lookup filters.
 * @param optionalFilter to index lookup
 * @return events//w w  w . j  a v a2s.  c o m
public Collection<EventBean> snapshot(FilterSpecCompiled optionalFilter, Annotation[] annotations) {

    // Determine virtual data window
    VirtualDWView virtualDataWindow = null;
    if (isVirtualDataWindow()) {
        virtualDataWindow = getVirtualDataWindow();

    if (optionalFilter == null || optionalFilter.getParameters().length == 0) {
        if (virtualDataWindow != null) {
            Pair<IndexMultiKey, EventTable> pair = virtualDataWindow
                    .getFireAndForgetDesc(Collections.<String>emptySet(), Collections.<String>emptySet());
            return virtualDataWindow.getFireAndForgetData(pair.getSecond(), new Object[0],
                    new RangeIndexLookupValue[0], annotations);
        return null;

    // Determine what straight-equals keys and which ranges are available.
    // Widening/Coercion is part of filter spec compile.
    Set<String> keysAvailable = new HashSet<String>();
    Set<String> rangesAvailable = new HashSet<String>();
    for (FilterSpecParam param : optionalFilter.getParameters()) {
        if (!(param instanceof FilterSpecParamConstant || param instanceof FilterSpecParamRange
                || param instanceof FilterSpecParamIn)) {
        if (param.getFilterOperator() == FilterOperator.EQUAL || param.getFilterOperator() == FilterOperator.IS
                || param.getFilterOperator() == FilterOperator.IN_LIST_OF_VALUES) {
        } else if (param.getFilterOperator().isRangeOperator()
                || param.getFilterOperator().isInvertedRangeOperator()
                || param.getFilterOperator().isComparisonOperator()) {
        } else if (param.getFilterOperator().isRangeOperator()) {

    // Find an index that matches the needs
    Pair<IndexMultiKey, EventTableAndNamePair> tablePair;
    if (virtualDataWindow != null) {
        Pair<IndexMultiKey, EventTable> tablePairNoName = virtualDataWindow.getFireAndForgetDesc(keysAvailable,
        tablePair = new Pair<IndexMultiKey, EventTableAndNamePair>(tablePairNoName.getFirst(),
                new EventTableAndNamePair(tablePairNoName.getSecond(), null));
    } else {
        IndexHint indexHint = IndexHint.getIndexHint(annotations);
        tablePair = indexRepository.findTable(keysAvailable, rangesAvailable, explicitIndexes, indexHint);

    if (rootView.isQueryPlanLogging() && rootView.getQueryPlanLog().isInfoEnabled()) {
        String prefix = "Fire-and-forget from window " + rootView.getEventType().getName() + " ";
        String indexName = tablePair != null && tablePair.getSecond() != null
                ? tablePair.getSecond().getIndexName()
                : null;
        String indexText = indexName != null ? "index " + indexName + " " : "full table scan ";
        indexText += "(snapshot only, for join see separate query plan)";
        if (tablePair == null) {
            rootView.getQueryPlanLog().info(prefix + indexText);
        } else {
                    .info(prefix + indexText + tablePair.getSecond().getEventTable().toQueryPlan());

        QueryPlanIndexHook hook = QueryPlanIndexHookUtil.getHook(annotations);
        if (hook != null) {
            hook.fireAndForget(new QueryPlanIndexDescFAF(indexName,
                    tablePair != null ? tablePair.getSecond().getEventTable().getClass().getSimpleName()
                            : null));

    if (tablePair == null) {
        return null; // indicates table scan

    // Compile key sets which contain key index lookup values
    String[] keyIndexProps = IndexedPropDesc.getIndexProperties(tablePair.getFirst().getHashIndexedProps());
    boolean hasKeyWithInClause = false;
    Object[] keyValues = new Object[keyIndexProps.length];
    for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keyIndexProps.length; keyIndex++) {
        for (FilterSpecParam param : optionalFilter.getParameters()) {
            if (param.getLookupable().getExpression().equals(keyIndexProps[keyIndex])) {
                if (param.getFilterOperator() == FilterOperator.IN_LIST_OF_VALUES) {
                    Object[] keyValuesList = ((MultiKeyUntyped) param.getFilterValue(null,
                    if (keyValuesList.length == 0) {
                    } else if (keyValuesList.length == 1) {
                        keyValues[keyIndex] = keyValuesList[0];
                    } else {
                        keyValues[keyIndex] = keyValuesList;
                        hasKeyWithInClause = true;
                } else {
                    keyValues[keyIndex] = param.getFilterValue(null, agentInstanceContext);

    // Analyze ranges - these may include key lookup value (EQUALS semantics)
    String[] rangeIndexProps = IndexedPropDesc.getIndexProperties(tablePair.getFirst().getRangeIndexedProps());
    RangeIndexLookupValue[] rangeValues;
    if (rangeIndexProps.length > 0) {
        rangeValues = compileRangeLookupValues(rangeIndexProps, optionalFilter.getParameters());
    } else {
        rangeValues = new RangeIndexLookupValue[0];

    EventTable eventTable = tablePair.getSecond().getEventTable();
    IndexMultiKey indexMultiKey = tablePair.getFirst();

    // table lookup without in-clause
    if (!hasKeyWithInClause) {
        return fafTableLookup(virtualDataWindow, indexMultiKey, eventTable, keyValues, rangeValues,

    // table lookup with in-clause: determine combinations
    Object[][] combinations = new Object[keyIndexProps.length][];
    for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.length; i++) {
        if (keyValues[i] instanceof Object[]) {
            combinations[i] = (Object[]) keyValues[i];
        } else {
            combinations[i] = new Object[] { keyValues[i] };

    // enumerate combinations
    CombinationEnumeration enumeration = new CombinationEnumeration(combinations);
    HashSet<EventBean> events = new HashSet<EventBean>();
    for (; enumeration.hasMoreElements();) {
        Object[] keys = enumeration.nextElement();
        Collection<EventBean> result = fafTableLookup(virtualDataWindow, indexMultiKey, eventTable, keys,
                rangeValues, annotations);
    return events;

From source file:org.apache.maven.plugin.cxx.CppCheckMojo.java

protected String getCommandArgs() {
    String params = commandArgs + " ";
    HashSet<String> excudedSet = new HashSet<String>();

    Iterator it = includeDirs.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        FileSet afileSet = new FileSet();

        String dir = it.next().toString();
        params += "-I\"" + dir + "\" ";

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(excludes)) {
            afileSet.setDirectory(new File(dir).getAbsolutePath());
            // $FB pour viter d'avoir TROP de fichier excludes (inutiles) dans la boucle for ci-aprs
            getLog().debug("cppcheck excludes are :" + Arrays.toString(afileSet.getExcludes().toArray()));

            FileSetManager aFileSetManager = new FileSetManager();
            String[] found = aFileSetManager.getExcludedFiles(afileSet);
            excudedSet.addAll(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(found)));
        }//from w  w w .  j  a  v  a  2s .c om
    it = sourceDirs.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        FileSet afileSet = new FileSet();

        String dir = it.next().toString();
        params += "-I\"" + dir + "\" ";

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(excludes)) {
            afileSet.setDirectory(new File(dir).getAbsolutePath());
            // $FB pour viter d'avoir TROP de fichiers exclude (inutile) dans la boucle for ci-aprs
            getLog().debug("cppcheck excludes are :" + Arrays.toString(afileSet.getExcludes().toArray()));

            FileSetManager aFileSetManager = new FileSetManager();
            String[] found = aFileSetManager.getExcludedFiles(afileSet);
            excudedSet.addAll(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(found)));
    for (Iterator<String> iter = excudedSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        String s = iter.next();
        //cppcheck only check *.cpp, *.cxx, *.cc, *.c++, *.c, *.tpp, and *.txx files
        // so remove unneeded exclusions
        if (s.matches("(.+\\.cpp)|(.+\\.cxx)|(.+\\.cc)|(.+\\.c\\+\\+)|(.+\\.c)|(.+\\.tpp)|(.+\\.txx)")) {
            params += "-i\"" + s + "\" ";

    it = sourceDirs.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        params += "\"" + it.next() + "\" ";

    return params;

From source file:io.hops.hopsworks.api.zeppelin.rest.NotebookRestApi.java

 * set note authorization information// ww  w  . j a v a  2 s.c om
public Response putNotePermissions(@PathParam("noteId") String noteId, String req) throws IOException {
    String principal = SecurityUtils.getPrincipal();
    HashSet<String> roles = SecurityUtils.getRoles();
    HashSet<String> userAndRoles = new HashSet<>();

    checkIfUserIsOwner(noteId, ownerPermissionError(userAndRoles, notebookAuthorization.getOwners(noteId)));

    HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> permMap = gson.fromJson(req,
            new TypeToken<HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>>() {
    Note note = notebook.getNote(noteId);

    LOG.info("Set permissions {} {} {} {} {}", noteId, principal, permMap.get("owners"), permMap.get("readers"),

    HashSet<String> readers = permMap.get("readers");
    HashSet<String> owners = permMap.get("owners");
    HashSet<String> writers = permMap.get("writers");
    // Set readers, if writers and owners is empty -> set to user requesting the change
    if (readers != null && !readers.isEmpty()) {
        if (owners.isEmpty()) {
            owners = Sets.newHashSet(SecurityUtils.getPrincipal());
    // Set writers, if owners is empty -> set to user requesting the change
    if (writers != null && !writers.isEmpty()) {
        if (owners.isEmpty()) {
            owners = Sets.newHashSet(SecurityUtils.getPrincipal());

    notebookAuthorization.setReaders(noteId, readers);
    notebookAuthorization.setWriters(noteId, writers);
    notebookAuthorization.setOwners(noteId, owners);
    LOG.debug("After set permissions {} {} {}", notebookAuthorization.getOwners(noteId),
            notebookAuthorization.getReaders(noteId), notebookAuthorization.getWriters(noteId));
    AuthenticationInfo subject = new AuthenticationInfo(SecurityUtils.getPrincipal());
    notebookServer.broadcastNoteList(subject, userAndRoles);
    return new JsonResponse<>(Status.OK).build();

From source file:com.milaboratory.core.tree.SequenceTreeMapTest.java

public void testNIterator() throws Exception {
    SequenceTreeMap<NucleotideSequence, Integer> map = new SequenceTreeMap<>(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET);

    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("attagaca"), 1)); // 1 mm
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("attacaca"), 2)); // match
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("ataacaca"), 3)); // 1 mm
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("attcgtca"), 4)); // many mm
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("atttacaca"), 5)); // 1 insertion in stretch
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("atacaca"), 6)); // 1 deletion in the "t" stretch
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("attacacta"), 7)); // 1 insertion
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("attcaca"), 8)); // 1 deletion
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("attacac"), 9)); // 1 deletion in the end
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("ttacaca"), 10)); // 1 deletion in the beginning
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("tattacaca"), 11)); // 1 insertion in the beginning
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("attacacat"), 12)); // 1 insertion in the ent
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("attacact"), 13)); // 1 mm end
    assertNull(map.put(new NucleotideSequence("tttacaca"), 14)); // 1 mm begin

    NucleotideSequence reference = new NucleotideSequence("attacaca");

    SequenceTreeMap.Node<Integer> node;

    HashSet<Integer>[] allAsserts = new HashSet[3];
    allAsserts[0] = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(1, 3, 13, 14));
    allAsserts[1] = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(6, 8, 9, 10));
    allAsserts[2] = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(5, 7, 11, 12));

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {

        double lastPenalty = -1.0;
        HashSet<Integer> asserts = new HashSet<>();
        asserts.add(2);/*from  w w  w .  j a  v  a  2  s  .c o  m*/
        int[] maxMut = new int[3];
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
            if (((0x1 << j) & i) != 0) {
                maxMut[j] = 1;

        HashSet<Integer> asserts1 = new HashSet<>(asserts);

        NeighborhoodIterator ni = map.getNeighborhoodIterator(reference, 0.5,
                new double[] { 0.31, 0.301, 0.3001 }, maxMut, null);

        while ((node = ni.nextNode()) != null) {
            assertTrue(lastPenalty <= ni.getPenalty());
            lastPenalty = ni.getPenalty();

From source file:de.ks.flatadocdb.session.Session.java

private Set<SessionEntry> handleRenames() {
    Set<SessionEntry> renamed = entriesById.values().stream()//
            .filter(e -> !e.isChild())//
            .filter(e -> {/*w w w.j av  a2  s .c o  m*/
                EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = e.getEntityDescriptor();
                String newFileName = entityDescriptor.getFileGenerator().getFileName(repository,
                        entityDescriptor, e.object);
                return !newFileName.equals(e.getFileName());

    HashSet<Object> processed = new HashSet<>();
    for (SessionEntry sessionEntry : renamed) {
        boolean alreadyProcessed = processed.contains(sessionEntry.getObject());
        if (!alreadyProcessed) {
            removeSessionEntry(sessionEntry, sessionEntry.getObject(), processed);

            Set<Relation> allRelations = sessionEntry.getEntityDescriptor().getChildRelations();
            for (Relation child : allRelations) {
                Collection<Object> related = child.getRelatedEntities(sessionEntry.getObject());
    return renamed;

From source file:org.briljantframework.data.vector.AbstractVector.java

protected <T> Vector combineVectors(Class<? extends T> cls, Vector other,
        BiFunction<? super T, ? super T, ?> combiner, Builder builder) {
    Index thisIndex = getIndex();//  www  .j av a2s  .c o m
    Index otherIndex = Objects.requireNonNull(other, "require other vector").getIndex();
    if (otherIndex instanceof IntIndex) {
        int size = Math.min(size(), other.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            builder.set(thisIndex.get(i), combiner.apply(loc().get(cls, i), other.loc().get(cls, i)));
    } else {
        HashSet<Object> keys = new HashSet<>();
        for (Object key : keys) {
            boolean thisIndexContainsKey = thisIndex.contains(key);
            boolean otherIndexContainsKey = otherIndex.contains(key);
            if (thisIndexContainsKey && otherIndexContainsKey) {
                builder.set(key, combiner.apply(get(cls, key), other.get(cls, key)));
            } else if (thisIndexContainsKey) {
                builder.set(key, this, key);
            } else {
                builder.set(key, other, key);
    return builder.build();

From source file:org.compass.core.lucene.engine.store.DefaultLuceneSearchEngineStore.java

public String[] internalCalcSubIndexes(String[] subIndexes, String[] aliases, Class[] types, boolean poly) {
    if (aliases == null && types == null) {
        return calcSubIndexes(subIndexes, aliases);
    }// w  ww  .  j a v  a2s .  c om
    HashSet<String> aliasesSet = new HashSet<String>();
    if (aliases != null) {
        for (String alias : aliases) {
            ResourceMapping resourceMapping = mapping.getRootMappingByAlias(alias);
            if (resourceMapping == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No root mapping found for alias [" + alias + "]");
            if (poly) {
    if (types != null) {
        for (Class type : types) {
            ResourceMapping resourceMapping = mapping.getRootMappingByClass(type);
            if (resourceMapping == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No root mapping found for class [" + type + "]");
            if (poly) {
    return calcSubIndexes(subIndexes, aliasesSet.toArray(new String[aliasesSet.size()]));

From source file:uk.ac.soton.itinnovation.sad.service.services.EMClient.java

 * Defines SAD metric model./*from   w w  w .j a v  a  2s  .  c om*/
private HashSet<MetricGenerator> createMetricModel(Experiment experiment) {

    measurementSetMap.clear(); // This map will be useful later for reporting measurement summaries

    theMetricGenerator = new MetricGenerator();
    theMetricGenerator.setName("SAD Metric Generator");
    theMetricGenerator.setDescription("Metric generator for Social Analytics Dashboard");


    MetricGroup theMetricGroup = new MetricGroup();
    theMetricGroup.setName("SAD Metric Group");
    theMetricGroup.setDescription("Metric group for all Social Analytics Dashboard metrics");

    Entity theEntity = new Entity();
    theEntity.setName("SAD Service");
    theEntity.setDescription("Entity for Social Analytics Dashboard");

    Attribute totalPluginExecutions = new Attribute();
    totalPluginExecutions.setName("Number of jobs started");
    totalPluginExecutions.setDescription("Number of times SAD plugins have been submitted for execution");

    numPluginsRunMeasurementSetUuid = setupMeasurementForAttribute(totalPluginExecutions, theMetricGroup,
            MetricType.RATIO, new Unit("Times"));

    Attribute failedPluginExecutions = new Attribute();
    failedPluginExecutions.setName("Failed plugin executions");
    failedPluginExecutions.setDescription("Number of times SAD plugins have failed to execute");

    numPluginsFailedMeasurementSetUuid = setupMeasurementForAttribute(failedPluginExecutions, theMetricGroup,
            MetricType.RATIO, new Unit("Times"));

    Attribute successfulPluginExecutions = new Attribute();
    successfulPluginExecutions.setName("Successful plugin executions");
    successfulPluginExecutions.setDescription("Number of times SAD plugins have executed successfully");

    numPluginsSuccessMeasurementSetUuid = setupMeasurementForAttribute(successfulPluginExecutions,
            theMetricGroup, MetricType.RATIO, new Unit("Times"));

    Attribute namesOfPluginsExecuted = new Attribute();
    namesOfPluginsExecuted.setName("Names of plugins executed");
    namesOfPluginsExecuted.setDescription("Names of plugins submitted for execution");

    pluginNameMeasurementSetUuid = setupMeasurementForAttribute(namesOfPluginsExecuted, theMetricGroup,
            MetricType.NOMINAL, new Unit(""));

    Attribute namesOfMethodsCalled = new Attribute();
    namesOfMethodsCalled.setName("Names of methods called");
    namesOfMethodsCalled.setDescription("Names of service methods called");

    methodsCalledMeasurementSetUuid = setupMeasurementForAttribute(namesOfMethodsCalled, theMetricGroup,
            MetricType.NOMINAL, new Unit(""));

    Attribute timeSpendOnServiceMethodCall = new Attribute();
    timeSpendOnServiceMethodCall.setName("Service method call duration");
    timeSpendOnServiceMethodCall.setDescription("Time spend on service method call");

    timeSpentOnServiceCallMeasurementSetUuid = setupMeasurementForAttribute(timeSpendOnServiceMethodCall,
            theMetricGroup, MetricType.RATIO, new Unit("mSec"));

    Attribute timeSpendOnDatabaseQueryCall = new Attribute();
    timeSpendOnDatabaseQueryCall.setName("Database query duration");
    timeSpendOnDatabaseQueryCall.setDescription("Time spend on querying the database");

    timeSpentOnDatabaseQueryMeasurementSetUuid = setupMeasurementForAttribute(timeSpendOnDatabaseQueryCall,
            theMetricGroup, MetricType.RATIO, new Unit("mSec"));

    Attribute pluginExecutionDuration = new Attribute();
    pluginExecutionDuration.setName("Plugin execution duration");
    pluginExecutionDuration.setDescription("How long it took for the plugin to run");

    pluginExecutionDurationMeasurementSetUuid = setupMeasurementForAttribute(pluginExecutionDuration,
            theMetricGroup, MetricType.RATIO, new Unit("mSec"));

    metricGenerators.put(theMetricGenerator.getUUID(), theMetricGenerator);

    HashSet<MetricGenerator> mgSet = new HashSet<>();

    logger.debug("Reporting the following metric generator set to ECC: ");
    int counter = 0;
    for (MetricGenerator tempMg : mgSet) {
        printMetricGenerator(tempMg, counter);

    metricsModelSetup = true;

    return mgSet;