Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package amie.keys; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import; import; import amie.mining.assistant.DefaultMiningAssistant; import amie.mining.assistant.MiningAssistant; import amie.rosa.AlignKBs; import amie.rules.Rule; import javatools.datatypes.ByteString; import javatools.datatypes.IntHashMap; import javatools.datatypes.Triple; import telecom.util.collections.MultiMap; /** * * @author symeonid */ public class CSAKey { // Dictionaries private Map<String, Integer> property2Id; private Map<Integer, String> id2Property; private HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeysInt; //static HashSet<node> nonKeysIntNodes = new HashSet<>(); private List<Integer> propertiesList; /** * A map where the keys are conditions, e.g., residence=Paris * and the values are conditional keys with that condition, e.g., * nationality zipCode | residence=Paris; lastname nationality | residence=Paris * etc. */ private MultiMap<Rule, Rule> conditions2Keys = new MultiMap<>(); private MiningAssistant miningHelper = null; public static final float defaultMinSupport = 2; public float support = defaultMinSupport; private KB kb; public String nonKeysFile = null; private static int maxLoad = 50; private static int minLoad = 20; public CSAKey(MiningAssistant assistant, HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeysInt, Map<String, Integer> property2Id, Map<Integer, String> id2Property, List<Integer> propertiesList) { this.nonKeysInt = nonKeysInt; this.property2Id = property2Id; this.id2Property = id2Property; this.propertiesList = propertiesList; this.miningHelper = assistant; this.kb = assistant.getKb(); } /** * Parses the command line arguments and the returns an object that maps each argument * to its value. * @param args * @return * @throws IOException */ public static Triple<MiningAssistant, Float, String> parseArguments(String[] args) throws IOException { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); float inputSupport = defaultMinSupport; // create the command line parser CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); // create the Options Options options = new Options(); CommandLine cli = null; Option supportOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("min-support").hasArg() .withDescription( "Minimum support. Default: 5 positive examples. If the option percentage is enabled, " + "the value is considered as the percentage of entities covered " + "by the a conditional key.") .create("mins"); Option ratioOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("percentage") .withDescription("Interpret the support as a percentage " + "Default: false").create("p"); Option nonKeysOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("non-keys").withDescription("Path the to the non-keys file.") .hasArg().isRequired().create("nk"); Option minLoadOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("").withDescription("Mininum load").hasArg().create("minl"); Option maxLoadOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("").withDescription("Maximum load").hasArg().create("maxl"); options.addOption(supportOpt); options.addOption(ratioOpt); options.addOption(nonKeysOpt); options.addOption(minLoadOpt); options.addOption(maxLoadOpt); try { cli = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println("Unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage()); formatter.printHelp("CombinationsExploration [OPTIONS] <TSV FILES>", options); System.exit(1); } String[] fileNameArgs = cli.getArgs(); // Use kb =, 1) to ignore the first // argument. This first argument could be the list of non-keys //kb =; KB kb = AlignKBs.loadFiles(fileNameArgs, 0); MiningAssistant miningHelper = new DefaultMiningAssistant(kb); if (cli.hasOption("mins")) { try { inputSupport = Float.parseFloat(cli.getOptionValue("mins")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage()); formatter.printHelp("CombinationsExploration [OPTIONS] <TSV FILES>", options); System.exit(1); } } if (cli.hasOption("p")) { System.out.println("Support interpreted as a " + inputSupport + "% of the number of entities."); long numberOfInstances = kb.size(Column.Subject); System.out.println(numberOfInstances + " instances found as subjects in the KB."); inputSupport = (int) Math.ceil(numberOfInstances * inputSupport / 100.0); } if (cli.hasOption("minl")) { minLoad = Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue("minl")); System.out.println("minLoad=" + minLoad); } if (cli.hasOption("maxl")) { maxLoad = Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue("maxl")); System.out.println("maxLoad=" + maxLoad); } System.out.println("Using minimum support " + inputSupport); return new Triple<>(miningHelper, inputSupport, cli.getOptionValue("nk")); } private static int computeLoad(List<List<String>> nks) { int sum = 0; for (List<String> nk : nks) { sum += nk.size(); } return sum; } private static int[] nextIndex(List<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeys, int lastIndex, int batchSize) { int result[] = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int idx = lastIndex; while (result[1] < batchSize) { if (idx >= nonKeys.size()) break; result[1] += nonKeys.get(idx).size(); ++idx; } result[0] = idx; return result; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final Triple<MiningAssistant, Float, String> parsedArgs = parseArguments(args); final Set<Rule> output = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // Helper object that contains the implementation for the calculation // of confidence and support // The file with the non-keys, one per line long timea = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<List<String>> inputNonKeys = Utilities.parseNonKeysFile(parsedArgs.third); System.out.println(inputNonKeys.size() + " input non-keys"); final List<List<String>> nonKeys = pruneBySupport(inputNonKeys, parsedArgs.second, parsedArgs.first.getKb()); Collections.sort(nonKeys, new Comparator<List<String>>() { @Override public int compare(List<String> o1, List<String> o2) { int r =, o1.size()); if (r == 0) { return, o1.hashCode()); } return r; } }); System.out.println(nonKeys.size() + " non-keys after pruning"); int totalLoad = computeLoad(nonKeys); System.out.println(totalLoad + " is the total load"); int nThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); //int batchSize = Math.max(Math.min(maxBatchSize, totalLoad / nThreads), minBatchSize); int batchSize = Math.max(Math.min(maxLoad, totalLoad / nThreads), minLoad); final Queue<int[]> chunks = new PriorityQueue(50, new Comparator<int[]>() { @Override public int compare(int[] o1, int[] o2) { return[2], o1[2]); } }); final HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeysInt = new HashSet<>(); final HashMap<String, Integer> property2Id = new HashMap<>(); final HashMap<Integer, String> id2Property = new HashMap<>(); final List<Integer> propertiesList = new ArrayList<>(); int support = (int) parsedArgs.second.floatValue(); KB kb = parsedArgs.first.getKb(); buildDictionaries(nonKeys, nonKeysInt, property2Id, id2Property, propertiesList, support, kb); final List<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeysIntList = new ArrayList<>(nonKeysInt); int start = 0; int[] nextIdx = nextIndex(nonKeysIntList, 0, batchSize); int end = nextIdx[0]; int load = nextIdx[1]; while (start < nonKeysIntList.size()) { int[] chunk = new int[] { start, end, load }; chunks.add(chunk); start = end; nextIdx = nextIndex(nonKeysIntList, end, batchSize); end = nextIdx[0]; load = nextIdx[1]; } Thread[] threads = new Thread[Math.min(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), chunks.size())]; for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) { threads[i] = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { int[] chunk = null; synchronized (chunks) { if (!chunks.isEmpty()) { chunk = chunks.poll(); } else { break; } } System.out.println("Processing chunk " + Arrays.toString(chunk)); mine(parsedArgs, nonKeysIntList, property2Id, id2Property, propertiesList, chunk[0], chunk[1], output); } } }); threads[i].start(); } for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) { threads[i].join(); } long timeb = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("==== Unique C-keys ====="); for (Rule r : output) { System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(r)); } System.out.println( "VICKEY found " + output.size() + " unique conditional keys in " + (timeb - timea) + " ms"); } /** * * @param propertyIds * @param ids2Properties * @return */ static int support(HashSet<Integer> propertyIds, Map<Integer, String> ids2Properties, KB kb) { List<ByteString[]> query = new ArrayList<>(); ByteString var = ByteString.of("?s"); int k = 0; for (Integer id : propertyIds) { String relation = ids2Properties.get(id); if (relation == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No property with id " + id); } query.add(KB.triple(var, ByteString.of(relation), ByteString.of("?o" + k))); ++k; } return (int) kb.countDistinct(var, query); } /** * Returns only the non-keys with (1) more than one property, (2) * whose support is above the minimum support threshold. * @param parseNonKeysFile * @param second * @return */ private static List<List<String>> pruneBySupport(List<List<String>> nonKeys, Float supportThreshold, KB kb) { List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); // We get a map with the properties and their number of subjects IntHashMap<ByteString> propertiesSupport = kb.frequentBindingsOf(ByteString.of("?p"), ByteString.of("?s"), KB.triples(KB.triple("?s", "?p", "?o"))); for (List<String> nonKey : nonKeys) { if (nonKey.size() == 1) continue; List<String> newNonKey = new ArrayList<>(); for (String property : nonKey) { int support = propertiesSupport.get(ByteString.of(property)); if (support >= supportThreshold) { newNonKey.add(property); } } if (newNonKey.size() > 1) { result.add(newNonKey); } } return simplifyNonKeysSet(result); } private static void mine(Triple<MiningAssistant, Float, String> parsedArgs, List<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeysInt, HashMap<String, Integer> property2Id, HashMap<Integer, String> id2Property, List<Integer> propertiesList, int start, int end, Set<Rule> output) { // First prune non-promising non-keys HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> hs = new HashSet<>(nonKeysInt.subList(start, end)); CSAKey ckminer = new CSAKey(parsedArgs.first, hs, property2Id, id2Property, propertiesList); //System.out.println(hs); = parsedArgs.second.floatValue(); ckminer.discoverConditionalKeys(output); } private static HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> subSet(HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeysInt2, int start, int end) { int counter = 0; Iterator<HashSet<Integer>> it = nonKeysInt2.iterator(); HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> result = new HashSet<>(); while (counter < start) {; ++counter; } while (counter < end) { result.add(; ++counter; } return result; } /** * It builds a rule of the form r(?a, ?l) r(?b, ?l') ... c(?a, C), c(?b, C') * ... => equals(a, b) from a set of non-instantiated properties (r) and a * set of instantiated atoms of the form c(?a, C). * * @param properties * @param conditions * @return */ private Rule buildAMIERule(List<String> properties, Rule conditionsRule) { Rule rule = new Rule(KB.triple("?a", KB.EQUALSstr, "?b"), 0.0); int k = 1; for (String property : properties) { rule.getTriples() .add(KB.triple(ByteString.of("?a"), ByteString.of(property), ByteString.of("?ob" + k))); rule.getTriples() .add(KB.triple(ByteString.of("?b"), ByteString.of(property), ByteString.of("?ob" + k))); ++k; } for (ByteString[] conditionAtom : conditionsRule.getTriples()) { ByteString[] missingAtom = conditionAtom.clone(); missingAtom[0] = ByteString.of("?b"); rule.getTriples().add(conditionAtom.clone()); rule.getTriples().add(missingAtom); } miningHelper.computeCardinality(rule); miningHelper.computeStandardConfidence(rule); return rule; } private static int getPropertySupport(String property, KB kb) { IntHashMap<ByteString> propertiesSupport = kb.frequentBindingsOf(ByteString.of("?p"), ByteString.of("?s"), KB.triples(KB.triple("?s", "?p", "?o"))); int propertySupport = propertiesSupport.get(ByteString.of(property)); if (propertySupport != -1) { return propertySupport; } return 0; } /** * Construction of the maps from properties -> id and id -> properties */ private static void buildDictionaries(List<List<String>> nonKeys, HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeysInt, HashMap<String, Integer> property2Id, HashMap<Integer, String> id2Property, List<Integer> propertiesList, int support, KB kb) { int id = 0; HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeysIntTmp = new HashSet<>(); for (List<String> nonKey : nonKeys) { HashSet<Integer> nonKeyInt = new HashSet<>(); for (int k = 0; k < nonKey.size(); ++k) { // Ignore String property = nonKey.get(k); //**** Debugging code ***/ /*// List<String> testingProperties = Arrays.asList("db:campus", "db:mascot", "db:officialschoolcolour", "db:athletics", "db:country"); // if (getPropertySupport(property, kb) < support || !testingProperties.contains(property)) { // continue; // } */ //**** Debugging code ***/ if (!property2Id.containsKey(property)) { property2Id.put(property, id); id2Property.put(id, property); propertiesList.add(id); ++id; } Integer idProperty = property2Id.get(property); nonKeyInt.add(idProperty); } nonKeysIntTmp.add(nonKeyInt); } nonKeysInt.addAll(simplifyHashNonKeySet(nonKeysIntTmp)); //System.out.println("Simplified " + nonKeysInt + "\tThread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "\t" + id2Property); } /** * It outputs all the conditional keys on a KB given a minimum support * threshold. * @param support * @param kb */ public void discoverConditionalKeys(Set<Rule> output) { HashMap<Rule, Graph> ruleToGraphFirstLevel = new HashMap<>(); /** * We build a graph (subset lattice) for each property. The graph contains nodes * for each of the other properties and all its possible combinations. * For instance given the relations 1, 2, 3, 4. The graph for property 1 * contains as nodes: 2, 3, 4, 23, 24, 34, 234 with their corresponding * parent relationships, e.g., 23 has 2 and 3 as parents. While relations * are strings, we have mapped them to an integer space (that is why the key * is an integer) **/ HashMap<Integer, Graph> instantiatedProperty2Graph = buildPropertyGraphs((int) support); //System.out.println(instantiatedProperty2Graph); /** * Here we find all conditional keys when the condition has size 1, i.e., it involves * only one property such as residence=Paris | zipCode, field. * The map contains the conditions as keys and the list of potential properties that could * be used to extend this condition as values. */ HashMap<Rule, HashSet<String>> conditionsToPotentialExtensions = discoverConditionalKeysFirstLevel( ruleToGraphFirstLevel, instantiatedProperty2Graph, output); //for (Rule rule : ruleToGraphFirstLevel.keySet()) { // System.out.println("rule:" + rule + " => " + ruleToGraphFirstLevel.get(rule) + "\tThread" + Thread.currentThread().getId() ); //} if (conditionsToPotentialExtensions.size() != 0) { // If there is room for extension, we look for conditional keys of longer size. discoverConditionalKeysPerLevel(conditionsToPotentialExtensions, ruleToGraphFirstLevel, ruleToGraphFirstLevel, output); } System.out.println("We found " + conditions2Keys.valueSize() + " key(s)"); } public HashMap<Integer, Graph> buildPropertyGraphs(int support) { HashMap<Integer, Graph> instantiatedProperty2Graph = new HashMap<>(); for (int instantiatedProperty : propertiesList) { /**** Debugging code ***/ /*List<String> testingProperties = Arrays.asList("db:athletics", "db:country"); if (!testingProperties.contains(id2Property.get(instantiatedProperty))) continue;*/ /**** Debugging code ***/ //build a graph for the instantiatedProperty Graph graph = new Graph(nonKeysInt, propertiesList, instantiatedProperty, id2Property, miningHelper.getKb(), support); instantiatedProperty2Graph.put(instantiatedProperty, graph); } return instantiatedProperty2Graph; } public void discoverConditionalKeysForCondition(Graph newGraph, Graph graph, HashSet<Node> candidateKeys, Rule conditionRule, Set<Rule> output) { HashSet<Node> newCandidateKeys = new HashSet<>(); for (Node candidateKey : candidateKeys) { // System.out.println("candidateKey:" + candidateKey); if (candidateKey.toExplore) { // System.out.println("candidate:" + candidateKey); // if (candidateKey.toExplore) { List<String> properties = candidateKey.mapToString(id2Property); Rule amieRule = buildAMIERule(properties, conditionRule); // System.out.println("rule:" + amieRule); boolean isConditionalKey = isConditionaKey(amieRule); //System.out.println("isConditionalKey:"+isConditionalKey + " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "\t" + Utilities.formatKey(amieRule)); if (amieRule.getSupport() >= support && !isConditionalKey) { //System.out.println("Case 0" + " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); if (!newGraph.graph.containsKey(candidateKey)) { //System.out.println("Case 1" + " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); Node newCandidateKey = candidateKey.clone(); HashSet<Node> children = new HashSet<>(); newGraph.graph.put(newCandidateKey, children); newGraph.nodes.put(newCandidateKey, newCandidateKey); newCandidateKeys.add(newCandidateKey); } else { //System.out.println("Case 2" + " Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); HashSet<Node> children = new HashSet<>(); newGraph.graph.put(candidateKey, children); newCandidateKeys.add(candidateKey); } } // If the rule is a conditional above the support // and there is no a simpler key already discovered // then output it if (isConditionalKey && amieRule.getSupport() >= support && !isSubsumedByKey(amieRule, conditionRule, conditions2Keys)) { // System.out.println("KEY"); if (!newGraph.graph.containsKey(candidateKey)) { // System.out.println("clone"); Node newCandidateKey = candidateKey.clone(); synchronized (output) { output.add(amieRule); } //System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(amieRule) + "\tThread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Case 3"); System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(amieRule)); conditions2Keys.put(conditionRule, amieRule); newCandidateKey.toExplore = false; HashSet<Node> children = new HashSet<>(); newGraph.graph.put(newCandidateKey, children); newGraph.nodes.put(newCandidateKey, newCandidateKey); newCandidateKeys.add(newCandidateKey); } else { synchronized (output) { output.add(amieRule); } System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(amieRule)); //System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(amieRule) + "\tThread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " Case 4"); conditions2Keys.put(conditionRule, amieRule); candidateKey.toExplore = false; HashSet<Node> children = new HashSet<>(); newGraph.graph.put(candidateKey, children); newGraph.nodes.put(candidateKey, candidateKey); newCandidateKeys.add(candidateKey); } } } else { //System.out.println("Case 5"); newCandidateKeys.add(candidateKey); } } // createChildren HashSet<Node> allChildren = new HashSet<>(); // System.out.println("newCandidateKeys:"+newCandidateKeys); for (Node parent1 : newCandidateKeys) { // System.out.println("parent1:"+parent1); for (Node parent2 : newCandidateKeys) { if (parent1 != parent2 && parent1.toExplore != false && parent2.toExplore != false) { HashSet<Integer> newSet = new HashSet<>(); newSet.addAll(parent1.set); newSet.addAll(parent2.set); HashSet<Integer> condProp_KeyProp = new HashSet<>(); condProp_KeyProp.addAll(newSet); condProp_KeyProp.addAll(getRelations(conditionRule, property2Id)); // System.out.println("newSet:" + newSet); if ((newSet.size() == parent1.set.size() + 1) && (getSupport(newSet, conditionRule, (int) support)) && Graph.containsASuperSetOf(nonKeysInt, condProp_KeyProp) != -1) { // System.out.println("enters"); Node child = new Node(newSet); if (hasFalseParent(newSet, newCandidateKeys)) { // System.out.println("falseParent"); child.toExplore = false; } HashSet<Node> children1 = newGraph.graph.get(parent1); children1.add(child); newGraph.graph.put(parent1, children1); newGraph.nodes.put(child, child); HashSet<Node> grandChildren = new HashSet<>(); newGraph.graph.put(child, grandChildren); HashSet<Node> children2 = newGraph.graph.get(parent2); children2.add(child); newGraph.graph.put(parent2, children2); allChildren.add(child); } } } } if (!allChildren.isEmpty()) { discoverConditionalKeysForCondition(newGraph, newGraph, allChildren, conditionRule, output); } } /** * It determines whether there exists a more general version of the given conditional key, a version of the * key with the exact same relations but fewer instantiations. For instance * if the key states lastname | nationality=French, field=Databases but the map contains a key * lastname nationality | field=Databases (here nationality is not instantiated), the method will report * this as a subsumption case and return true. * @param conditionalKey * @param conditionRule * @param conditions2Keys2 * @return */ private boolean isSubsumedByKey(Rule conditionalKey, Rule conditionRule, MultiMap<Rule, Rule> conditions2Keys2) { if (conditionRule.getLength() < 2) { return false; } Set<ByteString> instantiations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<ByteString> instantiatedRelations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<ByteString> nonInstantiatedRelations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Utilities.parseConditionalKey(conditionalKey, nonInstantiatedRelations, instantiations, instantiatedRelations); /** * Now get all possible simpler versions of the condition If the * condition is field=Databases, residence=Paris, gender=female the * method returns: field=Databases, residence=Paris field=Database, * gender=female residence=Paris, gender=female residence=Paris * gender=female field=Databases * */ List<Rule> properSubconditions = getAllProperSubconditions(conditionRule); for (Rule subCondition : properSubconditions) { List<Rule> potentialParents = conditions2Keys2.get(subCondition); if (potentialParents != null) { for (Rule potentialParent : potentialParents) { if (potentialParent.getLength() != conditionalKey.getLength()) { // System.out.println("potentialParent:" + potentialParent); continue; } Set<ByteString> instantiatedRelationsParent = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<ByteString> nonInstantiatedRelationsParent = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<ByteString> instantiationsParent = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Utilities.parseConditionalKey(potentialParent, nonInstantiatedRelationsParent, instantiationsParent, instantiatedRelationsParent); Set<ByteString> instansiatedNonInstantiatedRelations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); instansiatedNonInstantiatedRelations.addAll(instantiatedRelations); instansiatedNonInstantiatedRelations.addAll(nonInstantiatedRelations); Set<ByteString> instansiatedNonInstantiatedRelationsParent = new LinkedHashSet<>(); instansiatedNonInstantiatedRelationsParent.addAll(instantiatedRelationsParent); instansiatedNonInstantiatedRelationsParent.addAll(nonInstantiatedRelationsParent); if (instantiatedRelations.containsAll(instantiatedRelationsParent) && nonInstantiatedRelationsParent.containsAll(nonInstantiatedRelations) && instansiatedNonInstantiatedRelationsParent .containsAll(instansiatedNonInstantiatedRelations)) { return true; } } } } return false; } private List<Rule> getAllProperSubconditions(Rule conditionRule) { int numberOfConditions = conditionRule.getLength(); List<Rule> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (int size = 1; size < numberOfConditions; ++size) { List<int[]> combinations = telecom.util.collections.Collections.subsetsOfSize(numberOfConditions, size); for (int[] combination : combinations) { List<ByteString[]> atoms = new ArrayList<>(); for (int idx : combination) { atoms.add(conditionRule.getTriples().get(idx)); } Rule newRule = null; long card = kb.countDistinct(atoms.get(0)[0], atoms); if (atoms.size() > 1) { newRule = new Rule(atoms.get(0), atoms.subList(1, atoms.size()), card); } else { newRule = new Rule(atoms.get(0), card); } results.add(newRule); } } return results; } private boolean isConditionaKey(Rule amieRule) { return amieRule.getStdConfidence() == 1.0; } public HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> buidPropertyGraph(int property) { HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> propertyPowerSets = new HashSet<>(); for (HashSet<Integer> nonKeyInt : nonKeysInt) { if (nonKeyInt.contains(property)) { HashSet<Integer> remainingSet = new HashSet<>(nonKeyInt); remainingSet.addAll(nonKeyInt); remainingSet.remove(property); propertyPowerSets.addAll(powerSet(remainingSet)); } } return propertyPowerSets; } public HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> powerSet(HashSet<Integer> originalSet) { HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> sets = new HashSet<HashSet<Integer>>(); if (originalSet.isEmpty()) { sets.add(new HashSet<Integer>()); return sets; } List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(originalSet); int head = list.get(0); HashSet<Integer> rest = new HashSet<Integer>(list.subList(1, list.size())); for (HashSet<Integer> set : powerSet(rest)) { HashSet<Integer> newSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); newSet.add(head); newSet.addAll(set); sets.add(newSet); sets.add(set); } return sets; } /** * public static void nonKeysIntToNodes() { * * for (HashSet<Integer> nonKeyInt : nonKeysInt) { node nonKeyNode = new * node(); nonKeyNode.set = nonKeyInt; nonKeyNode.toExplore = true; * nonKeysIntNodes.add(nonKeyNode); } } * */ private void flagChildren(Graph graph, Node candidateKey) { // System.out.println("graph1:"+graph); // System.out.println("candidateKey:"+candidateKey); if (graph.graph.containsKey(candidateKey)) { HashSet<Node> childrenNodes = graph.graph.get(candidateKey); for (Node child : childrenNodes) { child.toExplore = false; } } // System.out.println("graph2:"+graph); } private HashMap<Rule, HashSet<String>> discoverConditionalKeysFirstLevel(HashMap<Rule, Graph> ruleToGraph, HashMap<Integer, Graph> instantiatedProperty2Graph, Set<Rule> output) { Rule rule = new Rule(); for (int conditionProperty : instantiatedProperty2Graph.keySet()) { Graph graph = instantiatedProperty2Graph.get(conditionProperty); String prop = id2Property.get(conditionProperty); Iterable<Rule> conditions = Utilities.getConditions(rule, prop, (int) support, kb); for (Rule conditionRule : conditions) { Graph newGraph = new Graph(); discoverConditionalKeysForCondition(newGraph, graph, graph.topGraphNodes(), conditionRule, output); ruleToGraph.put(conditionRule, newGraph); } } HashMap<Rule, HashSet<String>> newRuleToExtendWith = new HashMap<>(); for (Rule conRule : ruleToGraph.keySet()) { Graph newGraph = ruleToGraph.get(conRule); HashSet<String> properties = new HashSet<>(); for (Node node : newGraph.topGraphNodes()) { if (node.toExplore) { Iterator<Integer> it = node.set.iterator(); int prop =; String propertyStr = id2Property.get(prop); properties.add(propertyStr); } } if (properties.size() != 0) { newRuleToExtendWith.put(conRule, properties); } } return newRuleToExtendWith; } private HashSet<Integer> getRelations(Rule rule, Map<String, Integer> relation2Id) { List<ByteString> relationsInRule = rule.getAllRelationsBS(); HashSet<Integer> result = new HashSet<>(); for (ByteString relation : relationsInRule) { Integer id = relation2Id.get(relation.toString()); if (id != null) { result.add(id); } } return result; } /** * * @param ruleToExtendWith * @param ruleToGraphFirstLevel * @param ruleToGraphLastLevel * @param kb */ private void discoverConditionalKeysPerLevel(HashMap<Rule, HashSet<String>> ruleToExtendWith, HashMap<Rule, Graph> ruleToGraphFirstLevel, HashMap<Rule, Graph> ruleToGraphLastLevel, Set<Rule> output) { //System.out.println("discoverConditionalKeysPerLevel()"); HashMap<Rule, Graph> ruleToGraphThisLevel = new HashMap<>(); for (Rule currentRule : ruleToExtendWith.keySet()) { Graph graph = ruleToGraphLastLevel.get(currentRule); //System.out.println("Current rule: " + currentRule+ " Graph:"+graph); for (String conditionProperty : ruleToExtendWith.get(currentRule)) { if (Utilities.getRelationIds(currentRule, property2Id).last() > property2Id .get(conditionProperty)) { Graph currentGraphNew = (Graph) graph.clone(); Integer propertyId = property2Id.get(conditionProperty); HashSet<Integer> propertiesSet = new HashSet<>(); propertiesSet.add(propertyId); Node node = currentGraphNew.createOrGetNode(propertiesSet); //Before it was createNode node.toExplore = false; Iterable<Rule> conditions = Utilities.getConditions(currentRule, conditionProperty, (int) support, kb); for (Rule conditionRule : conditions) { Rule complementaryRule = getComplementaryRule(conditionRule); if (!ruleToGraphFirstLevel.containsKey(complementaryRule)) { // We should never fall in this case for (Rule r : ruleToGraphFirstLevel.keySet()) { System.out.println(r.getDatalogBasicRuleString()); } System.out.println(complementaryRule.getDatalogBasicRuleString()); System.out.println(complementaryRule + " not found in the first level graph"); } Graph complementaryGraphNew = ruleToGraphFirstLevel.get(complementaryRule); //System.out.println("Complementary rule: " + complementaryRule + "\tThread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "\t" + complementaryGraphNew); Graph newGraphNew = (Graph) currentGraphNew.clone(); HashSet<Integer> conditionProperties = new HashSet<>(); conditionProperties.addAll(getRelations(conditionRule, property2Id)); conditionProperties.addAll(getRelations(currentRule, property2Id)); //System.out.println("currentGraph:"+currentGraphNew); //System.out.println("clone of currentGraph:"+newGraphNew); newGraphNew = mergeGraphs(newGraphNew, complementaryGraphNew, newGraphNew.topGraphNodes(), conditionProperties); //System.out.println("newMergeGraph:"+newGraphNew); discoverConditionalKeysForComplexConditions(newGraphNew, newGraphNew.topGraphNodes(), conditionRule, output); ruleToGraphThisLevel.put(conditionRule, newGraphNew); } } } } HashMap<Rule, HashSet<String>> newRuleToExtendWith = new HashMap<>(); for (Rule conRule : ruleToGraphThisLevel.keySet()) { Graph newGraphNew = ruleToGraphThisLevel.get(conRule); for (Node node : newGraphNew.topGraphNodes()) { HashSet<String> properties = new HashSet<>(); if (node.toExplore) { Iterator<Integer> it = node.set.iterator(); int prop =; String propertyStr = id2Property.get(prop); properties.add(propertyStr); } if (properties.size() != 0) { newRuleToExtendWith.put(conRule, properties); } } } if (newRuleToExtendWith.size() != 0) { discoverConditionalKeysPerLevel(newRuleToExtendWith, ruleToGraphFirstLevel, ruleToGraphThisLevel, output); } //System.out.println("discoverConditionalKeysPerLevel()"); } public void discoverConditionalKeysForComplexConditions(Graph graph, HashSet<Node> candidateKeys, Rule conditionRule, Set<Rule> output) { HashSet<Node> childrenCandidateKeys = new HashSet<>(); // System.out.println("candidates:" + candidateKeys); for (Node candidateKey : candidateKeys) { // System.out.println("candidate:" + candidateKey); if (candidateKey.toExplore) { // System.out.println("candidate:" + candidateKey); if (candidateKey.toExplore) { List<String> properties = candidateKey.mapToString(id2Property); // System.out.println("properties:"+properties); Rule amieRule = buildAMIERule(properties, conditionRule); // System.out.println("amieRule:" + amieRule.getDatalogFullRuleString()); boolean isConditionalKey = isConditionaKey(amieRule); if (amieRule.getSupport() < support || isConditionalKey) { candidateKey.toExplore = false; // System.out.println("key"); flagChildren(graph, candidateKey); } // If the rule is a conditional above the support // and there is no a simpler key already discovered // then output it if (isConditionalKey && amieRule.getSupport() >= support && !isSubsumedByKey(amieRule, conditionRule, conditions2Keys)) { synchronized (output) { output.add(amieRule); } //System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(amieRule) + "\tThread " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); System.out.println(Utilities.formatKey(amieRule)); conditions2Keys.put(conditionRule, amieRule); } if (candidateKey.toExplore) { if (graph.graph.containsKey(candidateKey)) { childrenCandidateKeys.addAll(graph.graph.get(candidateKey)); } } } } else { flagChildren(graph, candidateKey); } } //System.out.println("OUT"); if (!childrenCandidateKeys.isEmpty()) { discoverConditionalKeysForComplexConditions(graph, childrenCandidateKeys, conditionRule, output); } } private Rule getComplementaryRule(Rule conditionRule) { long cardinality = kb.count(conditionRule.getHead()); Rule complementaryRule = new Rule(conditionRule.getHead(), cardinality); return complementaryRule; } public boolean containsSubSet(HashSet<Integer> allPropertiesSet) { boolean contains = false; if (nonKeysInt.contains(allPropertiesSet)) { return true; } for (HashSet<Integer> nonKeyInt : nonKeysInt) { // System.out.println("nonKeyInt:"+nonKeyInt); if (nonKeyInt.containsAll(allPropertiesSet)) { //|| nonKeyInt.equals(allPropertiesSet)) { return true; } } return contains; } private Graph mergeGraphs(Graph currentGraph, Graph graph2, HashSet<Node> currentGraphTopNodes, HashSet<Integer> conditionProperties) { HashSet<Node> childrenNodes = new HashSet<>(); for (Node currentGraphNewtopNode : currentGraphTopNodes) { if (currentGraphNewtopNode.toExplore) { // System.out.println("currentGraphNewtopNode:"+currentGraphNewtopNode); if (graph2.graph.containsKey(currentGraphNewtopNode)) { // System.out.println("yes"); Node nodeInGraphNew2 = graph2.getNode(currentGraphNewtopNode); if (!nodeInGraphNew2.toExplore) { // System.out.println("no2"); currentGraphNewtopNode.toExplore = false; currentGraph.createOrGetNode(currentGraphNewtopNode); } else { // System.out.println("yes2"); HashSet<Integer> allProperties = new HashSet<>(); allProperties.addAll(conditionProperties); allProperties.addAll(currentGraphNewtopNode.set); // System.out.println("allProperties:"+allProperties); if (!containsSubSet(allProperties)) { // System.out.println("no3"); currentGraphNewtopNode.toExplore = false; currentGraph.createOrGetNode(currentGraphNewtopNode); } } } else { // System.out.println("no"); currentGraphNewtopNode.toExplore = false; currentGraph.createOrGetNode(currentGraphNewtopNode); } } if (currentGraph.graph.get(currentGraphNewtopNode) != null) { childrenNodes.addAll(currentGraph.graph.get(currentGraphNewtopNode)); } } if (!childrenNodes.isEmpty()) { mergeGraphs(currentGraph, graph2, childrenNodes, conditionProperties); } return currentGraph; } public static HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> simplifyHashNonKeySet(HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> nonKeySet) { HashSet<HashSet<Integer>> newnonKeySet = new HashSet<HashSet<Integer>>(); newnonKeySet.addAll(nonKeySet); for (HashSet set : nonKeySet) { for (HashSet set2 : nonKeySet) { if (set2 != set && set2.containsAll(set)) { newnonKeySet.remove(set); break; } } } return newnonKeySet; } private static List<List<String>> simplifyNonKeysSet(List<List<String>> nonKeySet) { List<List<String>> newnonKeySet = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); newnonKeySet.addAll(nonKeySet); for (List<String> set : nonKeySet) { for (List<String> set2 : nonKeySet) { if (set2 != set && set2.containsAll(set)) { newnonKeySet.remove(set); break; } } } return newnonKeySet; } private static boolean hasFalseParent(HashSet<Integer> newSet2, HashSet<Node> newCandidateKeys) { for (Node parent : newCandidateKeys) { // System.out.println("parent:" + parent); // System.out.println("parent.toExplore:" + parent.toExplore); // System.out.println("=>"+newSet2.containsAll(parent.set)); if (newSet2.containsAll(parent.set) && parent.toExplore == false) { // System.out.println("doesnt enter"); return true; } } return false; } public boolean getSupport(HashSet<Integer> properties, Rule conditionsRule, int support) { Rule rule = new Rule(KB.triple("?a", KB.EQUALSstr, "?b"), 0.0); int k = 1; for (int property : properties) { rule.getTriples().add(KB.triple(ByteString.of("?a"), ByteString.of(id2Property.get(property)), ByteString.of("?ob" + k))); rule.getTriples().add(KB.triple(ByteString.of("?b"), ByteString.of(id2Property.get(property)), ByteString.of("?ob" + k))); ++k; } for (ByteString[] conditionAtom : conditionsRule.getTriples()) { ByteString[] missingAtom = conditionAtom.clone(); missingAtom[0] = ByteString.of("?b"); rule.getTriples().add(conditionAtom.clone()); rule.getTriples().add(missingAtom); } miningHelper.computeCardinality(rule); if ((int) rule.getSupport() < support) { return false; } else { return true; } } }