Example usage for java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory interface-usage.


From source file org.apache.axis2.jaxws.utility.JAXWSThreadFactory.java

 * Factory to create threads in the ThreadPool Executor.  We provide a factory so 
 * the threads can be set as daemon threads so that they do not prevent the JVM from 
 * exiting normally when the main client thread is finished.

From source file person.louchen.snowflake.shadow.uid.utils.NamingThreadFactory.java

 * Named thread in ThreadFactory. If there is no specified name for thread, it
 * will auto detect using the invoker classname instead.
 * @author yutianbao

From source file org.rhq.metrics.simulator.SimulatorThreadFactory.java

 * @author John Sanda
public class SimulatorThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {

    private final Log log;

From source file org.polymap.core.runtime.PolymapThreadPoolExecutor.java

 * @author <a href="http://www.polymap.de">Falko Brutigam</a>
public class PolymapThreadPoolExecutor extends ThreadPoolExecutor implements ThreadFactory {

From source file be.fgov.kszbcss.rhq.websphere.config.NamedThreadFactory.java

class NamedThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NamedThreadFactory.class);

    private final ThreadGroup group;
    private final String namePrefix;
    private final AtomicInteger threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);

From source file org.rhq.core.pc.util.LoggingThreadFactory.java

 * This thread factory just adds a {@link UncaughtExceptionHandler} to threads it creates so that there are logs of the
 * exceptions that cause threads to die.
 * <p>Use this class when providing a thread factory to threadpools.</p>

From source file org.rhq.enterprise.server.util.LoggingThreadFactory.java

 * This thread factory just adds a {@link UncaughtExceptionHandler} to threads it creates so that there are logs of the
 * exceptions that cause threads to die.
 * <p>Use this class when providing a thread factory to threadpools.</p>

From source file net.pms.util.BasicThreadFactory.java

 * A {@link ThreadFactory} implementing a simple name structure.
 * @author Nadahar
public class BasicThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {

From source file org.apache.axis2.util.threadpool.ThreadPool.java

 * This the thread pool for axis2. This class will be used a singleton
 * across axis2 engine. <code>ThreadPool</code> is accepts <code>AxisWorkers</code> which has
 * run method on them and execute this method, using one of the threads
 * in the thread pool.

From source file com.brienwheeler.lib.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory.java

 * A {@link ThreadFactory} that creates threads belonging to a single parent {@link ThreadGroup}
 * and names each thread <i>name-count</i> where <i>name</i> is the value passed to setName() and
 * <i>count</i> is an increasing index for this NamedThreadFactory.
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