Example usage for java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory interface-usage.


From source file DaemonThreadFactory.java

 * Simple implementation of a ThreadFactory that 
 * marks all of the threads as daemon threads.
public class DaemonThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    private final ThreadFactory factory = Executors.defaultThreadFactory();

From source file io.kahu.hawaii.util.call.dispatch.HawaiiThreadFactory.java

public class HawaiiThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    private final String threadPrefix;
    private int nrThreads;

    public HawaiiThreadFactory(String threadPrefix) {

From source file com.newlandframework.rpc.parallel.NamedThreadFactory.java

 * @author tangjie<https://github.com/tang-jie>
 * @filename:NamedThreadFactory.java
 * @description:NamedThreadFactory?
 * @blogs http://www.cnblogs.com/jietang/
 * @since 2016/10/7

From source file com.espertech.esper.core.thread.EngineThreadFactory.java

 * Thread factory for threading options.
public class EngineThreadFactory implements java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EngineThreadFactory.class);
    private final String engineURI;

From source file org.onlab.util.GroupedThreadFactory.java

 * Thread factory for creating threads that belong to the specified thread group.
public final class GroupedThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {

    public static final String DELIMITER = "/";

From source file org.opendaylight.atrium.util.AtriumGroupedThreadFactory.java

 * Thread factory for creating threads that belong to the specified thread group.
public final class AtriumGroupedThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {

    public static final String DELIMITER = "/";

From source file org.opendaylight.atrium.atriumutil.GroupedThreadFactory.java

 * Thread factory for creating threads that belong to the specified thread group.
public final class GroupedThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {

    public static final String DELIMITER = "/";

From source file fusejext2.JextThreadFactory.java

public class JextThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    private Logger logger = Filesystem.getLogger();
    private String threadPrefix = "jext2thread";

    AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(1);

From source file ch.algotrader.concurrent.BasicThreadFactory.java

 * Basic thread factory that can create threads with a specific group, name and
 * daemon attribute.
public final class BasicThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {

From source file com.baidu.fsg.uid.utils.NamingThreadFactory.java

 * Named thread in ThreadFactory. If there is no specified name for thread, it
 * will auto detect using the invoker classname instead.
 * @author yutianbao