Example usage for java.text MessageFormat format

List of usage examples for java.text MessageFormat format


In this page you can find the example usage for java.text MessageFormat format.


public final String format(Object obj) 

Source Link


Formats an object to produce a string.


From source file:com.okta.tools.awscli.java

private static void UpdateCredentialsFile(String profileName, String awsAccessKey, String awsSecretKey,
        String awsSessionToken) throws IOException {

    ProfilesConfigFile profilesConfigFile = null;
    Object[] args = { new String(profileName) };
    MessageFormat profileNameFormatWithBrackets = new MessageFormat("[{0}]");
    String profileNameWithBrackets = profileNameFormatWithBrackets.format(args);

    try {//ww w .  java  2  s  . c  o  m
        profilesConfigFile = new ProfilesConfigFile();
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        PopulateCredentialsFile(profileNameWithBrackets, awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, awsSessionToken);

    try {
        if (profilesConfigFile != null && profilesConfigFile.getCredentials(profileName) != null) {
            //if we end up here, it means we were  able to find a matching profile
            PopulateCredentialsFile(profileNameWithBrackets, awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, awsSessionToken);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        //this could happen if the default profile doesn't have a valid AWS Access Key ID
        //in this case, error would be "Unable to load credentials into profile [default]: AWS Access Key ID is not specified."
        PopulateCredentialsFile(profileNameWithBrackets, awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, awsSessionToken);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        //if we end up here, it means we were not able to find a matching profile so we need to append one
        PopulateCredentialsFile(profileNameWithBrackets, awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, awsSessionToken);
        //FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.aws/credentials", true);
        //TODO: need to be updated to work with Windows
        //PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileWriter);
        //WriteNewProfile(writer, profileNameWithBrackets, awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, awsSessionToken);

From source file:channellistmaker.channelfilemaker.ChannelDocumentMaker.java

private void addChannelElement(Document document, Element channels, Channel channel_o) {
    KeyFields kf = channel_o.getKeyfields();
    Element channel = document.createElement(EPG_CHANNEL);
    channels.appendChild(channel);//from  ww w  . j av  a2  s.co m
    this.addTextElement(document, channel, TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID, Integer.toString(kf.getTransportStreamId()));
    this.addTextElement(document, channel, ORIGINAL_NETWORK_ID, Integer.toString(kf.getOriginalNetworkId()));
    this.addTextElement(document, channel, SERVICE_ID, Integer.toString(kf.getServiceId()));
    this.addTextElement(document, channel, EPG_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_NUMBER,
    this.addTextElement(document, channel, EPG_DISPLAY_NAME, channel_o.getDisplayName());

    MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(
            "? = {0} ? = {1}  = {2} ??? = {3} ??? = {4}");
    Object[] message = { kf.getTransportStreamId(), kf.getOriginalNetworkId(), kf.getServiceId(),
            channel_o.getPhysicalChannelNumber(), channel_o.getDisplayName() };

From source file:com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException.java

public String getMessage() {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

    buffer.append("Error number ");
    buffer.append(getCode());/*from   www  . ja  v  a 2  s . co m*/
    buffer.append(" in ");

    String message = super.getMessage();
    if (message != null) {
        buffer.append(": ");
        if (this.args == null) {
        } else {
            MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(message);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                buffer.append("Cannot format message [" + message + "] with args ");
                for (int i = 0; i < this.args.length; i++) {
                    if (i != 0) {

    return buffer.toString();

From source file:libepg.epg.section.descriptor.Descriptor.java

 * ??????????//from   w ww. j  av a  2 s  .  c  o m
 * @param descriptor ?
public Descriptor(Descriptor descriptor) {

    this.descriptorTag = descriptor.descriptorTag;
    if (this.getClass() != this.descriptorTag.getDataType()) {
        MessageFormat msg1 = new MessageFormat(
                "??????????????={0} ?={1} ={2}");
        Object[] parameters1 = { this.getClass(), this.descriptorTag.getDataType(),
                Hex.encodeHexString(descriptor.getData()) };
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg1.format(parameters1));
    this.data = descriptor.data;

From source file:net.jcreate.e3.table.message.AbstractMessageSource.java

 * Resolve the given code and arguments as message in the given Locale,
 * returning null if not found. Does <i>not</i> fall back to the code
 * as default message. Invoked by getMessage methods.
 * @param code the code to lookup up, such as 'calculator.noRateSet'
 * @param args array of arguments that will be filled in for params
 * within the message/*from  w w  w .  j  a va2 s  .c om*/
 * @param locale the Locale in which to do the lookup
 * @return the resolved message, or <code>null</code> if not found
 * @see #getMessage(String, Object[], String, Locale)
 * @see #getMessage(String, Object[], Locale)
 * @see #getMessage(MessageSourceResolvable, Locale)
 * @see #setUseCodeAsDefaultMessage
protected String getMessageInternal(String code, Object[] args, Locale locale) {
    if (code == null) {
        return null;
    if (locale == null) {
        locale = Locale.getDefault();
    Object[] argsToUse = args;

    if (!isAlwaysUseMessageFormat() && ObjectUtils.isEmpty(args)) {
        // Optimized resolution: no arguments to apply,
        // therefore no MessageFormat needs to be involved.
        // Note that the default implementation still uses MessageFormat;
        // this can be overridden in specific subclasses.
        String message = resolveCodeWithoutArguments(code, locale);
        if (message != null) {
            return message;

    else {
        // Resolve arguments eagerly, for the case where the message
        // is defined in a parent MessageSource but resolvable arguments
        // are defined in the child MessageSource.
        argsToUse = resolveArguments(args, locale);

        MessageFormat messageFormat = resolveCode(code, locale);
        if (messageFormat != null) {
            synchronized (messageFormat) {
                return messageFormat.format(argsToUse);

    // Not found -> check parent, if any.
    return getMessageFromParent(code, argsToUse, locale);

From source file:libepg.epg.section.sectionreconstructor.PayLoadSplitter.java

 * 1:payload_unit_start_indicator?1?????0?????2??????????1?<br>
 * 2:payload_unit_start_indicator?1?????0????<br>
 * ?2???????????????<br>/*  w  ww .jav  a  2 s  . c o m*/
 * ????+1??????????2?<br>
 * 3:payload_unit_start_indicator?0????????1?
 * @return ??? <br>
public synchronized Map<PAYLOAD_PART_KEY, byte[]> getSplittedPayLoad() {

    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {

    Map<PAYLOAD_PART_KEY, byte[]> temp = new HashMap<>();
    EXEC: {
        if (this.packet
                .getPayload_unit_start_indicator() == TsPacket.PAYLOAD_UNIT_START_INDICATOR.NOT_START_POINT) {
            temp.put(PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.ALL_PAYLOAD, this.packet.getPayload());
            break EXEC;
        if (this.packet
                .getPayload_unit_start_indicator() == TsPacket.PAYLOAD_UNIT_START_INDICATOR.START_PES_OR_START_SECTION) {
            int pointerField = ByteConverter.byteToInt(this.packet.getPayload()[0]);
            int tempLength = this.packet.getPayload().length - 1;
            byte[] tempArray = new byte[tempLength];
            System.arraycopy(this.packet.getPayload(), 1, tempArray, 0, tempArray.length);
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                MessageFormat msg1 = new MessageFormat(
                        "?={0} ={1} 2??={2}");
                Object[] parameters1 = { pointerField, Hex.encodeHexString(this.packet.getPayload()),
                        Hex.encodeHexString(tempArray) };
            if (pointerField == 0) {
                temp.put(PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.PAYLOAD_AFTER_2_BYTE, tempArray);
                break EXEC;
            } else {
                byte[] prev = new byte[pointerField];
                System.arraycopy(tempArray, 0, prev, 0, prev.length);
                temp.put(PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.PREV_POINTER, prev);
                byte[] next = new byte[tempArray.length - pointerField];
                System.arraycopy(tempArray, pointerField, next, 0, next.length);
                temp.put(PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.NEXT_POINTER, next);
                break EXEC;


    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(temp);

From source file:cherry.foundation.numbering.NumberingManagerImpl.java

@Override/*from  w  ww  .j a  v a 2 s.  c om*/
public String issueAsString(String numberName) {

    checkArgument(numberName != null, "numberName must not be null");

    NumberingDefinition def = getNumberingDefinition(numberName);
    MessageFormat fmt = new MessageFormat(def.getTemplate());
    long current = numberingStore.loadAndLock(numberName);
    int offset = 0;
    try {

        long v = current + 1;
        checkState(v >= def.getMinValue(), "%s must be >= %s", numberName, def.getMinValue());
        checkState(v <= def.getMaxValue(), "%s must be <= %s", numberName, def.getMaxValue());
        String result = fmt.format(new Object[] { Long.valueOf(v) });

        offset = 1;
        return result;
    } finally {
        numberingStore.saveAndUnlock(numberName, current + offset);

From source file:libepg.epg.section.Section.java

 * ??????ID????+3?????????????// w ww  .  j a  va 2 s  . c o  m
 * @param data ?
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 * 1:???????ID????3???????<br>
 * 2:?2?0?????<br>
 * 3:???????preferedTableID???????????<br>
public Section(byte[] data) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    byte[] temp = Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length);
    final int id = ByteConverter.byteToInt(temp[0]);
    tableId = TABLE_ID.reverseLookUp(id);

    String hexValue = Hex.encodeHexString(data);

    if (tableId == null) {
        MessageFormat msg2 = new MessageFormat(
                "????? ???={0}");
        Object[] parameters2 = { hexValue };
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg2.format(parameters2));

    byte[] t = new byte[2];
    System.arraycopy(temp, 1, t, 0, t.length);
    int sectionLength = ByteConverter.bytesToInt(t);

    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace("b1 = " + Integer.toHexString(sectionLength));

    sectionLength = sectionLength & 0x0FFF;

    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace("b2 = " + Integer.toHexString(sectionLength));

    if (sectionLength > tableId.getMaxSectionLength().getMaxSectionBodyLength()) {
        MessageFormat msg3 = new MessageFormat(
                "?????????={0} ?={1} ???={2}");
        Object[] parameters3 = { tableId.getMaxSectionLength().getMaxSectionBodyLength(), sectionLength,
                hexValue };
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg3.format(parameters3));

    int targetLength = sectionLength + 3;
    byte[] sectionByteArray = new byte[targetLength];
    System.arraycopy(temp, 0, sectionByteArray, 0, sectionByteArray.length);

    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        MessageFormat msg1 = new MessageFormat("\n??={0}\n?={1}");
        Object[] parameters1 = { Hex.encodeHexString(temp), Hex.encodeHexString(sectionByteArray) };

    this.data = new ByteDataBlock(sectionByteArray);

From source file:libepg.epg.section.sectionreconstructor.SectionReconstructor.java

 * @param parcels ????//  www .  j a v  a 2  s  .  c  om
 * @param pid ?pid
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException ??pid?pid?????????
public SectionReconstructor(List<TsPacketParcel> parcels, int pid) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    this.pid = pid;
    List<TsPacketParcel> tempParcels = new ArrayList<>();
    for (TsPacketParcel parcel : tempParcels) {
        if (this.pid == parcel.getPacket().getPid()) {
        } else {
            MessageFormat WRONG_PID = new MessageFormat(
                    "??Pid?Pid???????????Pid={0} ={1}");
            Object[] parameters = { Integer.toHexString(this.getPid()), parcel.getPacket().toString() };
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(WRONG_PID.format(parameters));
    this.parcels = Collections.unmodifiableList(tempParcels);

From source file:ca.simplegames.micro.extensions.i18n.AbstractMessageSource.java

 * Resolve the given code and arguments as message in the given Locale,
 * returning null if not found. Does <i>not</i> fall back to the code
 * as default message. Invoked by getMessage methods.
 * @param code   the code to lookup up, such as 'calculator.noRateSet'
 * @param args   array of arguments that will be filled in for params
 *               within the message//from  w ww .  j a v a  2 s  .c o  m
 * @param locale the Locale in which to do the lookup
 * @return the resolved message, or <code>null</code> if not found
 * @see #getMessage(String, Object[], String, Locale)
 * @see #getMessage(String, Object[], Locale)
 * @see #getMessage(MessageSourceResolvable, Locale)
 * @see #setUseCodeAsDefaultMessage
protected String getMessageInternal(String code, Object[] args, Locale locale) {
    if (code == null) {
        return null;
    if (locale == null) {
        locale = Locale.getDefault();
    Object[] argsToUse = args;

    if (!isAlwaysUseMessageFormat() && (args == null || args.length == 0)) {
        // Optimized resolution: no arguments to apply,
        // therefore no MessageFormat needs to be involved.
        // Note that the default implementation still uses MessageFormat;
        // this can be overridden in specific subclasses.
        String message = resolveCodeWithoutArguments(code, locale);
        if (message != null) {
            return message;
    } else {
        // Resolve arguments eagerly, for the case where the message
        // is defined in a parent MessageSource but resolvable arguments
        // are defined in the child MessageSource.
        argsToUse = resolveArguments(args, locale);

        MessageFormat messageFormat = resolveCode(code, locale);
        if (messageFormat != null) {
            synchronized (messageFormat) {
                return messageFormat.format(argsToUse);

    // Not found -> check parent, if any.
    return getMessageFromParent(code, argsToUse, locale);