List of usage examples for java.text MessageFormat format
public final String format(Object obj)
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/** * Utility method that checks if obj is an instance of targetType. * //from w w 2 s . co m * @param obj * Object to check * @param targetType * Class type for which to check * * @return true if obj is an instance of targetType * * @throws InvalidRequestException * if obj is not an instance of targetType. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static boolean isInstanceOf(Object obj, Class targetType) throws InvalidRequestException { if (targetType.isInstance(obj)) { return true; } else { Object[] notInstanceOfArgs = { targetType.getName(), obj.getClass().getName() }; MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(resourceBundle.getString("error.notInstanceOf")); throw new InvalidRequestException(form.format(notInstanceOfArgs)); } }
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void addListeners() { addPaintListener(e -> {/*ww w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ GC gc = e.gc; Rectangle rect = getClientArea(); Display display = getDisplay(); int count = data.size(); Point valueSize = gc.stringExtent(Integer.valueOf(valueMax).toString()); int leftX = rect.x + 2 * GAP + valueSize.x; int bottomY = rect.y + rect.height - 2 * GAP - valueSize.y; int unitWidth = (rect.width - 4 * GAP - valueSize.x - AXIS_WIDTH) / count - GAP; int unitHeight = (rect.height - 3 * GAP - AXIS_WIDTH - 2 * valueSize.y) / ((valueMax - valueMin) / valueIncrement); // draw the title int titleWidth = gc.stringExtent(title).x; int center = (Math.max(titleWidth, count * (unitWidth + GAP) + GAP) - titleWidth) / 2; gc.setForeground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK)); gc.drawString(title, leftX + AXIS_WIDTH + center, rect.y + GAP); // draw the y axis and value labels gc.setLineWidth(AXIS_WIDTH); gc.drawLine(leftX, rect.y + GAP + valueSize.y, leftX, bottomY); for (int i1 = valueMin; i1 <= valueMax; i1 += valueIncrement) { int y = bottomY - i1 * unitHeight; gc.drawLine(leftX, y, leftX - GAP, y); gc.drawString(Integer.valueOf(i1).toString(), rect.x + GAP, y - valueSize.y); } // draw the x axis and item labels gc.drawLine(leftX, bottomY, rect.x + rect.width - GAP, bottomY); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < count; i2++) { Object[] dataItem1 = data.get(i2); String itemLabel = (String) dataItem1[0]; int x1 = leftX + AXIS_WIDTH + GAP + i2 * (unitWidth + GAP); gc.drawString(itemLabel, x1, bottomY + GAP); } // draw the bars gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(color)); for (int i3 = 0; i3 < count; i3++) { Object[] dataItem2 = data.get(i3); int itemValue1 = ((Integer) dataItem2[1]).intValue(); int x2 = leftX + AXIS_WIDTH + GAP + i3 * (unitWidth + GAP); gc.fillRectangle(x2, bottomY - AXIS_WIDTH - itemValue1 * unitHeight, unitWidth, itemValue1 * unitHeight); } if (isFocusControl()) { if (selectedItem == -1) { // draw the focus rectangle around the whole bar chart gc.drawFocus(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } else { // draw the focus rectangle around the selected item Object[] dataItem3 = data.get(selectedItem); int itemValue2 = ((Integer) dataItem3[1]).intValue(); int x3 = leftX + AXIS_WIDTH + GAP + selectedItem * (unitWidth + GAP); gc.drawFocus(x3, bottomY - itemValue2 * unitHeight - AXIS_WIDTH, unitWidth, itemValue2 * unitHeight + AXIS_WIDTH + GAP + valueSize.y); } } }); addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { redraw(); } @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { redraw(); } }); addMouseListener(MouseListener.mouseDownAdapter(e -> { if (getClientArea().contains(e.x, e.y)) { setFocus(); int item = -1; int count = data.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (itemBounds(i).contains(e.x, e.y)) { item = i; break; } } if (item != selectedItem) { selectedItem = item; redraw(); getAccessible().setFocus(item); getAccessible().selectionChanged(); } } })); addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { boolean change = false; switch (e.keyCode) { case SWT.ARROW_DOWN: case SWT.ARROW_RIGHT: selectedItem++; if (selectedItem >= data.size()) selectedItem = 0; change = true; break; case SWT.ARROW_UP: case SWT.ARROW_LEFT: selectedItem--; if (selectedItem <= -1) selectedItem = data.size() - 1; change = true; break; case SWT.HOME: selectedItem = 0; change = true; break; case SWT.END: selectedItem = data.size() - 1; change = true; break; } if (change) { redraw(); getAccessible().setFocus(selectedItem); getAccessible().selectionChanged(); } } }); addTraverseListener(e -> { switch (e.detail) { case SWT.TRAVERSE_TAB_NEXT: case SWT.TRAVERSE_TAB_PREVIOUS: e.doit = true; break; } }); getAccessible().addAccessibleListener(new AccessibleAdapter() { @Override public void getName(AccessibleEvent e) { MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(""); //$NON_NLS$ formatter.applyPattern(bundle.getString("name")); //$NON_NLS$ int childID = e.childID; if (childID == ACC.CHILDID_SELF) { e.result = title; } else { Object[] item = data.get(childID); e.result = formatter.format(item); } } @Override public void getDescription(AccessibleEvent e) { int childID = e.childID; if (childID != ACC.CHILDID_SELF) { Object[] item = data.get(childID); String value = item[1].toString(); String colorName = bundle.getString("color" + color); //$NON_NLS$ MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(""); //$NON_NLS$ formatter.applyPattern(bundle.getString("color_value")); //$NON_NLS$ e.result = formatter.format(new String[] { colorName, value }); } } }); getAccessible().addAccessibleControlListener(new AccessibleControlAdapter() { @Override public void getRole(AccessibleControlEvent e) { if (e.childID == ACC.CHILDID_SELF) { e.detail = ACC.ROLE_LIST; } else { e.detail = ACC.ROLE_LISTITEM; } } @Override public void getChildCount(AccessibleControlEvent e) { e.detail = data.size(); } @Override public void getChildren(AccessibleControlEvent e) { int count = data.size(); Object[] children = new Object[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { children[i] = Integer.valueOf(i); } e.children = children; } @Override public void getChildAtPoint(AccessibleControlEvent e) { Point testPoint = toControl(e.x, e.y); int childID = ACC.CHILDID_NONE; if (getClientArea().contains(testPoint)) { childID = ACC.CHILDID_SELF; int count = data.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (itemBounds(i).contains(testPoint)) { childID = i; break; } } } e.childID = childID; } @Override public void getLocation(AccessibleControlEvent e) { Rectangle location = null; Point pt = null; int childID = e.childID; if (childID == ACC.CHILDID_SELF) { location = getClientArea(); pt = getParent().toDisplay(location.x, location.y); } else { location = itemBounds(childID); pt = toDisplay(location.x, location.y); } e.x = pt.x; e.y = pt.y; e.width = location.width; e.height = location.height; } @Override public void getFocus(AccessibleControlEvent e) { int childID = ACC.CHILDID_NONE; if (isFocusControl()) { if (selectedItem == -1) { childID = ACC.CHILDID_SELF; } else { childID = selectedItem; } } e.childID = childID; } @Override public void getSelection(AccessibleControlEvent e) { e.childID = (selectedItem == -1) ? ACC.CHILDID_NONE : selectedItem; } @Override public void getValue(AccessibleControlEvent e) { int childID = e.childID; if (childID != ACC.CHILDID_SELF) { Object[] dataItem = data.get(childID); e.result = ((Integer) dataItem[1]).toString(); } } @Override public void getState(AccessibleControlEvent e) { int childID = e.childID; e.detail = ACC.STATE_FOCUSABLE; if (isFocusControl()) e.detail |= ACC.STATE_FOCUSED; if (childID != ACC.CHILDID_SELF) { e.detail |= ACC.STATE_SELECTABLE; if (childID == selectedItem) e.detail |= ACC.STATE_SELECTED; } } }); }
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protected void showListPreference(String keyPreference, int keysR, int displayR, int summaryR) { String displayParm = ""; ListPreference lP = (ListPreference) findPreference(keyPreference); if (lP != null) { String[] k = getResources().getStringArray(keysR); String[] d = getResources().getStringArray(displayR); displayParm = d[0];//w ww . ja va2 s . c o m String listValue = lP.getValue(); for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) { if (listValue.equals(k[i])) { displayParm = d[i]; break; } } } else { displayParm = keyPreference + " was not found"; } MessageFormat sf = new MessageFormat(getText(summaryR).toString()); lP.setSummary(sf.format(new Object[] { displayParm })); }
From source
private String formatWithNullDetection(MessageFormat mf, Object[] args) { String message = mf.format(args); if ("null".equals(message)) { return null; } else {/*from ww w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ return message; } }
From source
/** * Returns a text message after parametric replacement of the specified * parameter placeholders. A null string result will be returned by * this method if no resource bundle has been configured. * * @param locale The requested message Locale, or <code>null</code> * for the system default Locale//from ww w . j av a 2 s .c om * @param key The message key to look up * @param args An array of replacement parameters for placeholders */ public String getMessage(Locale locale, String key, Object args[]) { // Cache MessageFormat instances as they are accessed if (locale == null) { locale = defaultLocale; } MessageFormat format = null; String formatKey = messageKey(locale, key); synchronized (formats) { format = (MessageFormat) formats.get(formatKey); if (format == null) { String formatString = getMessage(locale, key); if (formatString == null) { return returnNull ? null : ("???" + formatKey + "???"); } format = new MessageFormat(escape(formatString)); format.setLocale(locale); formats.put(formatKey, format); } } return format.format(args); }
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static String createMsg(String msg, Object[] args) { MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(msg); return formatter.format(args); }
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static String createMsg(String msg, Object arg) { MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(msg); return formatter.format(new Object[] { arg }); }
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public ActionForward confirmConvokes(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Boolean havingVigilantsThatAreTeachers = false; ConvokeBean beanWithTeachers = null; if (RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreTeachers") != null) { beanWithTeachers = (ConvokeBean) RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreTeachers") .getMetaObject().getObject(); }/*from w w w . j ava 2 s. c o m*/ ConvokeBean beanWithVigilants = (ConvokeBean) RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilants").getMetaObject() .getObject(); ConvokeBean beanWithUnavailables = (ConvokeBean) RenderUtils .getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreUnavailable").getMetaObject().getObject(); List<VigilantWrapper> teachers = null; List<VigilantWrapper> vigilants, unavailables; if (RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreTeachers") != null) { teachers = beanWithTeachers.getSelectedTeachers(); } vigilants = beanWithVigilants.getVigilants(); unavailables = beanWithUnavailables.getSelectedUnavailableVigilants(); String convokedVigilants = beanWithVigilants.getTeachersAsString(); String teachersVigilancies = null; if (RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreTeachers") != null) { teachersVigilancies = beanWithTeachers.getVigilantsAsString(); vigilants.addAll(teachers); } else { teachersVigilancies = RenderUtils.getResourceString("VIGILANCY_RESOURCES", "label.vigilancy.noone"); } vigilants.addAll(unavailables); beanWithVigilants.setVigilants(vigilants); String email = RenderUtils.getResourceString("VIGILANCY_RESOURCES", "label.vigilancy.emailConvoke"); MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(email); WrittenEvaluation evaluation = beanWithVigilants.getWrittenEvaluation(); DateTime beginDate = evaluation.getBeginningDateTime(); String date = beginDate.getDayOfMonth() + "/" + beginDate.getMonthOfYear() + "/" + beginDate.getYear(); String minutes = String.format("%02d", new Object[] { beginDate.getMinuteOfHour() }); Object[] args = { evaluation.getFullName(), date, beginDate.getHourOfDay(), minutes, beanWithVigilants.getRoomsAsString(), teachersVigilancies, convokedVigilants, beanWithVigilants.getSelectedVigilantGroup().getRulesLink() }; beanWithVigilants.setEmailMessage(format.format(args)); request.setAttribute("bean", beanWithVigilants); return mapping.findForward("confirmConvokes"); }
From source
/** * Formats the message stored in the resource bundle (using a * MessageFormat)./*from www .j av a 2 s. com*/ * * @param key the resourcebundle key * @param parameters the parameter collection for the message * @return the formated string */ public String formatMessage(final String key, final Object[] parameters) { final MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(getString(key)); format.setLocale(getLocale()); return format.format(parameters); }
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@Override public Collection<NodeDescription> getPersons(final Date modifiedSince) { final String query; if (modifiedSince == null) { query = this.personQuery; } else {/*from w w w. j a va2 s .c om*/ final MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(this.personDifferentialQuery, Locale.ENGLISH); query = mf.format(new Object[] { this.timestampFormat.format(modifiedSince) }); } final Supplier<InitialDirContext> contextSupplier = this.buildContextSupplier(); final Function<InitialDirContext, Boolean> nextPageChecker = this.buildNextPageChecker(); final Function<InitialDirContext, NamingEnumeration<SearchResult>> userSearcher = this .buildUserSearcher(query); final AtomicInteger totalEstimatedSize = new AtomicInteger(-1); if (this.enableProgressEstimation) { this.processQuery((result) -> { totalEstimatedSize.getAndIncrement(); }, this.userSearchBase, query, new String[0]); } final NodeMapper userMapper = this.buildUserMapper(); return new PersonCollection(contextSupplier, nextPageChecker, userSearcher, userMapper, this.queryBatchSize, totalEstimatedSize.get()); }