Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package libepg.epg.section.sectionreconstructor; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import libepg.epg.section.Section; import libepg.epg.section.Section.CRC_STATUS; import libepg.epg.section.TABLE_ID; import libepg.ts.packet.TsPacket; import libepg.ts.packet.TsPacketParcel; import epgtools.loggerfactory.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; /** * ??pid??TS??? * * TS??????????????? * payload_unit_start_indicator?1???TS4???(????????)????(1?)?? * * 1:payload_unit_start_indicator?1?????0?????2??????payload_unit_start_indicator?1??????1<br> * 2:payload_unit_start_indicator?1?????0?????2??????????????<br> * ???+1??????<br> * 3:payload_unit_start_indicator?0??????????????<br> * * payload_unit_start_indicator?0???????? ???? * * * PID ???? PSI ???? payload_unit_start_indicator ?? * adaptation_field_control ? pointer_field ? data_byte ?????? * ?payload_unit_start_indicator ? 1 ???? payload ????????? * pointer_field ??? * * @author normal */ public final class SectionReconstructor { /** * false????????????? */ public static final boolean CLASS_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE = true; private static final Log LOG; static { final Class<?> myClass = MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass(); LOG = new LoggerFactory(myClass, SectionReconstructor.CLASS_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE).getLOG(); } private final List<TsPacketParcel> parcels; private final int pid; /** * @param parcels ???? * @param pid ?pid * @throws IllegalArgumentException ??pid?pid????????? */ public SectionReconstructor(List<TsPacketParcel> parcels, int pid) throws IllegalArgumentException { = pid; List<TsPacketParcel> tempParcels = new ArrayList<>(); tempParcels.addAll(parcels); for (TsPacketParcel parcel : tempParcels) { if ( == parcel.getPacket().getPid()) { } else { MessageFormat WRONG_PID = new MessageFormat( "??Pid?Pid???????????Pid={0} ={1}"); Object[] parameters = { Integer.toHexString(this.getPid()), parcel.getPacket().toString() }; throw new IllegalArgumentException(WRONG_PID.format(parameters)); } } this.parcels = Collections.unmodifiableList(tempParcels); } public int getPid() { return pid; } /** * getSectionByteArrays()??????????CRC???????? * * @return ? */ public synchronized Set<Section> getSections() { Set<byte[]> section_byte = this.getSectionByteArrays(); Set<Section> ret = new HashSet<>(); for (byte[] b : section_byte) { final Section sec; Section s_t = null; try { s_t = new Section(b); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn( "??????????????", e); s_t = null; } finally { sec = s_t; } if (sec != null) { if (sec.checkCRC() == CRC_STATUS.NO_CRC_ERROR) { ret.add(sec); } else { LOG.warn("CRC?????????????"); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret); } /** * ??????? ?????????????????? * * @return ??? * */ public synchronized Set<byte[]> getSectionByteArrays() { Set<byte[]> ret = new TreeSet<>((byte[] left, byte[] right) -> { for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < left.length && j < right.length; i++, j++) { int a = (left[i] & 0xff); int b = (right[j] & 0xff); if (a != b) { return a - b; } } return left.length - right.length; }); boolean first_start_indicator_found = false; ByteBuffer buf = null; PayLoadSplitter splitter = new PayLoadSplitter(); for (TsPacketParcel parcel : parcels) { splitter.setPacket(parcel.getPacket()); Map<PayLoadSplitter.PAYLOAD_PART_KEY, byte[]> t_map = splitter.getSplittedPayLoad(); if ((buf == null) || (parcel.isMissingJustBefore() == TsPacketParcel.MISSING_PACKET_FLAG.MISSING_JUST_BEFORE)) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "?????????????????????????"); } if (buf == null) { buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(TABLE_ID.MAX_SECTION_LENGTH.BYTE_4093.getMaxSectionLength()); } else { buf.clear(); } } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("?=" + Hex.encodeHexString(buf.array())); } if ((first_start_indicator_found == false) && (parcel.getPacket() .getPayload_unit_start_indicator() == TsPacket.PAYLOAD_UNIT_START_INDICATOR.START_PES_OR_START_SECTION)) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("??"); } first_start_indicator_found = true; } if (first_start_indicator_found == false) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "?????????"); } } else if (parcel.getPacket() .getPayload_unit_start_indicator() == TsPacket.PAYLOAD_UNIT_START_INDICATOR.START_PES_OR_START_SECTION) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "??????????"); } if (buf.position() == 0) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "??0=?????????->??2?????????????+1?????"); } byte[] temp_array = null; if (t_map.size() == 1) { temp_array = t_map.get(PayLoadSplitter.PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.PAYLOAD_AFTER_2_BYTE); } else { temp_array = t_map.get(PayLoadSplitter.PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.NEXT_POINTER); } buf.put(temp_array); } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "??0????=???????->??2???????????\n???????????????+1?????"); } byte[] temp_array = null; if (t_map.containsKey(PayLoadSplitter.PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.PAYLOAD_AFTER_2_BYTE)) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "???????????????"); } this.addToReturnObject(buf, ret); buf.clear(); temp_array = t_map.get(PayLoadSplitter.PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.PAYLOAD_AFTER_2_BYTE); buf.put(temp_array); } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "??????????????????"); } temp_array = t_map.get(PayLoadSplitter.PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.PREV_POINTER); buf.put(temp_array); this.addToReturnObject(buf, ret); buf.clear(); temp_array = t_map.get(PayLoadSplitter.PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.NEXT_POINTER); buf.put(temp_array); } } } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "?????->????->??????"); } buf.put(t_map.get(PayLoadSplitter.PAYLOAD_PART_KEY.ALL_PAYLOAD)); } } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret); } /** * ?????????????????? * ByteBuffer?array()???????????????????? * */ private synchronized void addToReturnObject(ByteBuffer buf, Set<byte[]> dest) { byte[] BeforeCutDown = buf.array(); byte[] AfterCutDown = new byte[buf.position()]; System.arraycopy(BeforeCutDown, 0, AfterCutDown, 0, AfterCutDown.length); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { MessageFormat msg1 = new MessageFormat("\n??={0}\n?={1}"); Object[] parameters1 = { Hex.encodeHexString(BeforeCutDown), Hex.encodeHexString(AfterCutDown) }; LOG.trace(msg1.format(parameters1)); } if (dest.add(AfterCutDown)) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { MessageFormat msg2 = new MessageFormat("\n???={0}"); Object[] parameters2 = { Hex.encodeHexString(AfterCutDown) }; LOG.trace(msg2.format(parameters2)); } } else if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { MessageFormat msg3 = new MessageFormat("\n???????={0}"); Object[] parameters3 = { Hex.encodeHexString(AfterCutDown) }; LOG.trace(msg3.format(parameters3)); } } }