List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement getGeneratedKeys
ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException;
object. From source
@Post("json") public String request(final String entity) { addAllowOrigin();/*w ww.ja v a 2s. c o m*/ JSONObject request = null; final ErrorList errorList = new ErrorList(); final JSONObject answer = new JSONObject(); String answerString; System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("NEW_SYNC_REQUEST"), getIP())); if (entity != null && !entity.isEmpty()) // try parse the string to a JSON object try { request = new JSONObject(entity); String lang = request.optString("language"); // Load Language Files for Client final List<String> langs = Arrays .asList(settings.getString("RMBT_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES").split(",\\s*")); if (langs.contains(lang)) { errorList.setLanguage(lang); labels = ResourceManager.getSysMsgBundle(new Locale(lang)); } else lang = settings.getString("RMBT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE"); // System.out.println(request.toString(4)); if (conn != null) { final JSONArray syncList = new JSONArray(); UUID uuid = null; if (request.optString("uuid").length() > 0) uuid = UUID.fromString(request.getString("uuid")); if (uuid != null && request.optString("sync_code").length() == 0) { String syncCode = ""; try { final PreparedStatement st = conn .prepareStatement("SELECT rmbt_get_sync_code(CAST (? AS UUID)) AS code"); st.setString(1, uuid.toString()); final ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( syncCode = rs.getString("code"); else errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_GET_SYNC_SQL"); // errorList.addError(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("ERROR_DB_GET_CLIENT"), // new Object[] {uuid})); rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (final SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_GET_SYNC_SQL"); // errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_GET_CLIENT_SQL"); } if (errorList.getLength() == 0) { final JSONObject jsonItem = new JSONObject(); //lower case code is easier to enter on mobile devices jsonItem.put("sync_code", syncCode.toLowerCase(Locale.US)); syncList.put(jsonItem); } } else if (uuid != null && request.optString("sync_code").length() > 0) { final String syncCode = request.getString("sync_code").toUpperCase(Locale.US); int syncGroup1 = 0; int uid1 = 0; int syncGroup2 = 0; int uid2 = 0; String msgTitle = labels.getString("SYNC_SUCCESS_TITLE"); String msgText = labels.getString("SYNC_SUCCESS_TEXT"); boolean error = false; try { PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM client WHERE sync_code = ? AND sync_code_timestamp + INTERVAL '1 month' > NOW()"); st.setString(1, syncCode); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { syncGroup1 = rs.getInt("sync_group_id"); uid1 = rs.getInt("uid"); } else { msgTitle = labels.getString("SYNC_CODE_TITLE"); msgText = labels.getString("SYNC_CODE_TEXT"); error = true; // errorList.addError(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("ERROR_DB_GET_CLIENT"), // new Object[] {uuid})); } rs.close(); st.close(); st = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM client WHERE uuid = CAST(? AS UUID)"); st.setString(1, uuid.toString()); rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { syncGroup2 = rs.getInt("sync_group_id"); uid2 = rs.getInt("uid"); } else { msgTitle = labels.getString("SYNC_UUID_TITLE"); msgText = labels.getString("SYNC_UUID_TEXT"); error = true; // errorList.addError(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("ERROR_DB_GET_CLIENT"), // new Object[] {uuid})); } rs.close(); st.close(); if (syncGroup1 > 0 && syncGroup1 == syncGroup2) { msgTitle = labels.getString("SYNC_GROUP_TITLE"); msgText = labels.getString("SYNC_GROUP_TEXT"); error = true; } if (uid1 > 0 && uid1 == uid2) { msgTitle = labels.getString("SYNC_CLIENT_TITLE"); msgText = labels.getString("SYNC_CLIENT_TEXT"); error = true; } if (!error) if (syncGroup1 == 0 && syncGroup2 == 0) { int key = 0; // create new group st = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO sync_group(tstamp) " + "VALUES(now())", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); int affectedRows = st.executeUpdate(); if (affectedRows == 0) errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_STORE_SYNC_GROUP"); else { rs = st.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( // Retrieve the auto generated // key(s). key = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); } st.close(); if (key > 0) { st = conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE client SET sync_group_id = ? WHERE uid = ? OR uid = ?"); st.setInt(1, key); st.setInt(2, uid1); st.setInt(3, uid2); affectedRows = st.executeUpdate(); if (affectedRows == 0) errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_UPDATE_SYNC_GROUP"); } } else if (syncGroup1 == 0 && syncGroup2 > 0) { // add 1 to 2 st = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE client SET sync_group_id = ? WHERE uid = ?"); st.setInt(1, syncGroup2); st.setInt(2, uid1); final int affectedRows = st.executeUpdate(); if (affectedRows == 0) errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_UPDATE_SYNC_GROUP"); } else if (syncGroup1 > 0 && syncGroup2 == 0) { // add 2 to 1 st = conn .prepareStatement("UPDATE client SET sync_group_id = ? WHERE uid = ? "); st.setInt(1, syncGroup1); st.setInt(2, uid2); final int affectedRows = st.executeUpdate(); if (affectedRows == 0) errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_UPDATE_SYNC_GROUP"); } else if (syncGroup1 > 0 && syncGroup2 > 0) { // add all of 2 to 1 st = conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE client SET sync_group_id = ? WHERE sync_group_id = ?"); st.setInt(1, syncGroup1); st.setInt(2, syncGroup2); int affectedRows = st.executeUpdate(); if (affectedRows == 0) errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_UPDATE_SYNC_GROUP"); else { // Delete empty group st = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM sync_group WHERE uid = ?"); st.setInt(1, syncGroup2); affectedRows = st.executeUpdate(); if (affectedRows == 0) errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_DELETE_SYNC_GROUP"); } } } catch (final SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_GET_SYNC_SQL"); // errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_GET_CLIENT_SQL"); } if (errorList.getLength() == 0) { final JSONObject jsonItem = new JSONObject(); jsonItem.put("msg_title", msgTitle); jsonItem.put("msg_text", msgText); jsonItem.put("success", !error); syncList.put(jsonItem); } } answer.put("sync", syncList); } else errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_CONNECTION"); } catch (final JSONException e) { errorList.addError("ERROR_REQUEST_JSON"); System.out.println("Error parsing JSDON Data " + e.toString()); } else errorList.addErrorString("Expected request is missing."); try { answer.putOpt("error", errorList.getList()); } catch (final JSONException e) { System.out.println("Error saving ErrorList: " + e.toString()); } answerString = answer.toString(); return answerString; }
From source
/** * Stores a new survey described with JSON into the MobSOS database. * The MobSOS database thereby generates a new id returned by this method. * @throws ParseException /*from w ww .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ */ private int storeNewSurvey(JSONObject survey) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException, ParseException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; String sub = (String) getActiveUserInfo().get("sub"); try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into " + jdbcSchema + ".survey(owner, organization, logo, name, description, resource, start, end, lang ) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); stmt.clearParameters(); stmt.setString(1, sub); // active agent becomes owner automatically stmt.setString(2, (String) survey.get("organization")); stmt.setString(3, (String) survey.get("logo")); stmt.setString(4, (String) survey.get("name")); stmt.setString(5, (String) survey.get("description")); stmt.setString(6, (String) survey.get("resource")); stmt.setTimestamp(7, new Timestamp(DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime((String) survey.get("start")).getTimeInMillis())); stmt.setTimestamp(8, new Timestamp(DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime((String) survey.get("end")).getTimeInMillis())); stmt.setString(9, (String) survey.get("lang")); stmt.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("No new survey was created!"); } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (rset != null) rset.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } throw new NoSuchElementException("No new survey was created!"); }
From source
private int createForum(Connection connection, String forumName, int catgId, String forumDescription, int forumType, int accessType, boolean forumModerated, int gradeType, Date startDate, Date endDate, int lockEndDate) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("creating forum with forumName :" + forumName + " for categoryId : " + catgId); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Entering createForum......"); int forumId = -1; try {// w w w. j a v a2s . c o m String forumGetMaxOrder = "SELECT MAX(forum_order) FROM jforum_forums"; PreparedStatement p = connection.prepareStatement(forumGetMaxOrder); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); int order = 1; if ( { order = rs.getInt(1) + 1; } rs.close(); p.close(); //if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"forum order : "+ order); String forumAddNew = null; if (sqlService.getVendor().equals("oracle")) { forumAddNew = "INSERT INTO jforum_forums (forum_id, categories_id, forum_name, " + "forum_desc, forum_order, forum_type, forum_access_type, forum_grade_type, start_date, end_date, lock_end_date) " + "VALUES (jforum_forums_seq.nextval, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; p = connection.prepareStatement(forumAddNew); p.setInt(1, catgId); p.setString(2, forumName); p.setString(3, forumDescription); p.setInt(4, order); p.setInt(5, forumType); p.setInt(6, accessType); if (gradeType == GRADE_BY_FORUM || gradeType == GRADE_BY_TOPIC) p.setInt(7, gradeType); else p.setInt(7, GRADE_DISABLED); if (startDate == null) { p.setTimestamp(8, null); } else { p.setTimestamp(8, new Timestamp(startDate.getTime())); } if (endDate == null) { p.setTimestamp(9, null); p.setInt(10, 0); } else { p.setTimestamp(9, new Timestamp(endDate.getTime())); p.setInt(10, lockEndDate); } p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); String forumLastGeneratedForumId = "SELECT jforum_forums_seq.currval FROM DUAL"; p = connection.prepareStatement(forumLastGeneratedForumId); rs = p.executeQuery(); if ( { forumId = rs.getInt(1); } rs.close(); p.close(); } else if (sqlService.getVendor().equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { forumAddNew = "INSERT INTO jforum_forums (categories_id, forum_name, forum_desc, " + "forum_order, forum_type, forum_access_type, forum_grade_type, start_date, end_date, lock_end_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; p = connection.prepareStatement(forumAddNew, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); p.setInt(1, catgId); p.setString(2, forumName); p.setString(3, forumDescription); p.setInt(4, order); p.setInt(5, forumType); p.setInt(6, accessType); if (gradeType == GRADE_BY_FORUM || gradeType == GRADE_BY_TOPIC) p.setInt(7, gradeType); else p.setInt(7, GRADE_DISABLED); if (startDate == null) { p.setTimestamp(8, null); } else { p.setTimestamp(8, new Timestamp(startDate.getTime())); } if (endDate == null) { p.setTimestamp(9, null); p.setInt(10, 0); } else { p.setTimestamp(9, new Timestamp(endDate.getTime())); p.setInt(10, lockEndDate); } p.executeUpdate(); rs = p.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { forumId = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); p.close(); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Exiting createForum......"); } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("createForum():Error while creating forum : " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } return forumId; }
From source
/** * Runs the insertCommonValueWithIdentity prepared statement. * <code>/* ww w.j av a 2 s . c o m*/ * INSERT INTO {0} ( VALUE) VALUES( ?) * </code> * *@param stmtProvider * factory and cache of PreparedStatments *@param connection * connection to underlying database * *@param value template parameter * *@param commonValuesTable template parameter *@return Long *@throws org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.RdbException */ public static Long insertCommonValueWithIdentity( final org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.PreparedStatementProvider stmtProvider, final java.sql.Connection connection, String value, String commonValuesTable) throws org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.RdbException { java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = null; //long startTimer=System.currentTimeMillis(); try { ps = stmtProvider.getPreparedSQLStatementWithGeneratedIDS(insertCommonValueWithIdentity, new String[] { commonValuesTable }, connection); int argc = 1; if (value == null) { throw new org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.RdbException( org.openanzo.exceptions.ExceptionConstants.RDB.NULL_PARAMETER, "value", "insertCommonValueWithIdentity"); } else { ps.setString(argc++, value); } java.sql.ResultSet rs = null; try { if (ps.execute()) { rs = ps.getResultSet(); } else { rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); } if (rs != null && { return rs.getLong(1); } else { return null; } } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(org.openanzo.exceptions.LogUtils.RDB_MARKER, "Error closing result set", sqle); } } } } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { throw new org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.RdbException( org.openanzo.exceptions.ExceptionConstants.RDB.FAILED_EXECUTING_SQL, e, "insertCommonValueWithIdentity", stmtProvider.getSqlString(insertCommonValueWithIdentity), "" + "value=" + ((value != null) ? value.toString() : "null"), "" + "commonValuesTable=" + ((commonValuesTable != null) ? commonValuesTable.toString() : "null")); } finally { if (ps != null) { try { ps.close(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(org.openanzo.exceptions.LogUtils.RDB_MARKER, "Error closing prepared statement", sqle); } } //long endtimer=(System.currentTimeMillis()-startTimer); //if(endtimer>CUTOFF)System.out.println("[insertCommonValueWithIdentity]"+endtimer); } }
From source
/** * create topic/* w ww . j a v a2s . c o m*/ * @param connection connection * @param forumId forum id * @param topicTitle topic title * @param userId user id * @param topicType topic type * @param firstPostId first post id * @return */ private int createTopic(Connection connection, String toContextId, int fromForumId, int fromTopicId, int forumId, String topicTitle, int userId, int topicType, int topicGrade, int firstPostId, Date startDate, Date endDate, int lockEndDate, Date gradebookEndDate) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("creating topic with topicName :" + topicTitle + " for forum_id : " + forumId); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Entering createTopic......"); int topicId = -1; try { PreparedStatement p = null; ResultSet rs = null; String topicAddNew = null; if (sqlService.getVendor().equals("oracle")) { topicAddNew = "INSERT INTO jforum_topics (topic_id, forum_id, topic_title, " + "user_id, topic_time, topic_first_post_id, topic_last_post_id, " + "topic_type, moderated, topic_grade, topic_export, start_date, end_date, lock_end_date)" + "VALUES (jforum_topics_seq.nextval, ?, ?, ?, ?, SYSDATE, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; p = connection.prepareStatement(topicAddNew); p.setInt(1, forumId); p.setString(2, topicTitle); p.setInt(3, userId); //p.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); p.setInt(4, 0); p.setInt(5, 0); p.setInt(6, topicType); p.setInt(7, 0); if (topicGrade == GRADE_YES) p.setInt(8, topicGrade); else p.setInt(8, GRADE_NO); p.setInt(9, EXPORT_YES); if (startDate == null) { p.setTimestamp(10, null); } else { p.setTimestamp(10, new Timestamp(startDate.getTime())); } if (endDate == null) { p.setTimestamp(11, null); p.setInt(12, 0); } else { p.setTimestamp(11, new Timestamp(endDate.getTime())); p.setInt(12, lockEndDate); } p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); String forumLastGeneratedTopicId = "SELECT jforum_topics_seq.currval FROM DUAL"; p = connection.prepareStatement(forumLastGeneratedTopicId); rs = p.executeQuery(); if ( { topicId = rs.getInt(1); } rs.close(); p.close(); } else if (sqlService.getVendor().equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { topicAddNew = "INSERT INTO jforum_topics (forum_id, topic_title, user_id, " + "topic_time, topic_first_post_id, topic_last_post_id, topic_type, moderated, topic_grade, topic_export, start_date, end_date, lock_end_date)" + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; p = connection.prepareStatement(topicAddNew, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); p.setInt(1, forumId); p.setString(2, topicTitle); p.setInt(3, userId); //p.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); p.setInt(4, 0); p.setInt(5, 0); p.setInt(6, topicType); p.setInt(7, 0); if (topicGrade == GRADE_YES) p.setInt(8, topicGrade); else p.setInt(8, GRADE_NO); p.setInt(9, EXPORT_YES); if (startDate == null) { p.setTimestamp(10, null); } else { p.setTimestamp(10, new Timestamp(startDate.getTime())); } if (endDate == null) { p.setTimestamp(11, null); p.setInt(12, 0); } else { p.setTimestamp(11, new Timestamp(endDate.getTime())); p.setInt(12, lockEndDate); } p.executeUpdate(); rs = p.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { topicId = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); p.close(); } } //create grade for grade topic if (topicGrade == GRADE_YES) { String gradeModelSelectByForumTopicId = "SELECT grade_id, context, grade_type, forum_id, topic_id, points, add_to_gradebook, categories_id, min_posts, min_posts_required " + "FROM jforum_grade WHERE forum_id = ? and topic_id = ?"; PreparedStatement gradePrepStmnt = connection.prepareStatement(gradeModelSelectByForumTopicId); gradePrepStmnt.setInt(1, fromForumId); gradePrepStmnt.setInt(2, fromTopicId); ResultSet rsGrade = gradePrepStmnt.executeQuery(); float gradePoints = 0f; if ( { gradePoints = rsGrade.getFloat("points"); } int addToGradebook = rsGrade.getInt("add_to_gradebook"); boolean minPostsRequired = false; int minPosts = 0; if (rsGrade.getInt("min_posts_required") == 1) { minPostsRequired = true; minPosts = rsGrade.getInt("min_posts"); } rsGrade.close(); gradePrepStmnt.close(); int gradeId = createGrade(connection, toContextId, GRADE_BY_TOPIC, forumId, topicId, 0, gradePoints, addToGradebook, minPostsRequired, minPosts, topicTitle); if (startDate != null || endDate != null) { } else if (gradebookEndDate != null) { endDate = gradebookEndDate; } if ((gradeId > 0) && (addToGradebook == 1)) { createGradebookEntry(gradeId, topicTitle, gradePoints, endDate); } } } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("createTopic():Error while creating topic : " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Exiting createTopic......"); return topicId; }
From source
private void insertNounSynset(NounSynset[] nounSynset, int wordId, String objectName, String tableName) { try {/* ww w .j a va2 s . c o m*/ for (NounSynset h : nounSynset) { for (String s : h.getWordForms()) { PreparedStatement existingTerm = con.prepareStatement( "select id from recommender_" + objectName + "_" + tableName + " where term = ?;"); existingTerm.setString(1, s); ResultSet rs = existingTerm.executeQuery(); int termid = 0; if ( { termid = rs.getInt("id"); } else { PreparedStatement insert1 = con.prepareStatement( "insert into recommender_" + objectName + "_" + tableName + " (term) values (?);", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); insert1.setString(1, s); insert1.executeUpdate(); try (ResultSet generatedKeys = insert1.getGeneratedKeys()) { if ( { termid = generatedKeys.getInt(1); } else { // throw new SQLException("Creating user failed, no ID obtained."); } } } PreparedStatement insert = con.prepareStatement("insert into recommender_" + objectName + "_" + tableName + "_word " + " (termid, idfid) values (?,?);"); insert.setInt(1, termid); insert.setInt(2, wordId); insert.executeUpdate(); insert.close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
/** * create post//from ww w. jav a 2s . c o m * @param connection * @param exisPostId * @param topicId * @param forumId * @param userId * @return */ private int createPost(Connection connection, int exisPostId, int topicId, int forumId, int userId) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Entering createPost......"); //use exisPostId for post properties String addNewPost = null; PreparedStatement p = null; ResultSet rs = null; int postId = -1; try { String exisPostDetails = "SELECT post_id, topic_id, forum_id, user_id, post_time, " + "enable_bbcode, enable_html, enable_smilies, enable_sig," + "attach , need_moderate FROM jforum_posts WHERE post_id = ?"; PreparedStatement exisPostDetailsStmnt = connection.prepareStatement(exisPostDetails); exisPostDetailsStmnt.setInt(1, exisPostId); ResultSet rsexisPostDetails = exisPostDetailsStmnt.executeQuery(); int enableBbcode = 0; int enableHtml = 0; int enableSmilies = 0; int enableSig = 0; int attach = 0; int needModerate = 0; if ( { enableBbcode = rsexisPostDetails.getInt("enable_bbcode"); enableHtml = rsexisPostDetails.getInt("enable_html"); enableSmilies = rsexisPostDetails.getInt("enable_smilies"); enableSig = rsexisPostDetails.getInt("enable_sig"); attach = rsexisPostDetails.getInt("attach"); needModerate = rsexisPostDetails.getInt("need_moderate"); } exisPostDetailsStmnt.close(); rsexisPostDetails.close(); if (sqlService.getVendor().equals("oracle")) { addNewPost = "INSERT INTO jforum_posts (post_id, topic_id, forum_id, user_id, " + "post_time, poster_ip, enable_bbcode, enable_html, enable_smilies, " + "enable_sig, post_edit_time, attach, need_moderate) " + "VALUES (jforum_posts_seq.nextval, ?, ?, ?, SYSDATE, ?, ?, ?, ?,?, SYSDATE, ?, ?)"; p = connection.prepareStatement(addNewPost); p.setInt(1, topicId); p.setInt(2, forumId); p.setLong(3, userId); //p.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); UsageSession usageSession = UsageSessionService.getSession(); p.setString(4, usageSession.getIpAddress()); p.setInt(5, enableBbcode); p.setInt(6, enableHtml); p.setInt(7, enableSmilies); p.setInt(8, enableSig); p.setInt(9, attach); p.setInt(10, needModerate); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); String lastGeneratedTopidId = "SELECT jforum_posts_seq.currval FROM DUAL"; p = connection.prepareStatement(lastGeneratedTopidId); rs = p.executeQuery(); if ( { postId = rs.getInt(1); } rs.close(); p.close(); } else if (sqlService.getVendor().equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { addNewPost = "INSERT INTO jforum_posts (topic_id, forum_id, user_id, " + "post_time, poster_ip, enable_bbcode, enable_html, enable_smilies, " + "enable_sig, post_edit_time, attach, need_moderate) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?)"; p = connection.prepareStatement(addNewPost, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); p.setInt(1, topicId); p.setInt(2, forumId); p.setLong(3, userId); //p.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); UsageSession usageSession = UsageSessionService.getSession(); p.setString(4, usageSession.getIpAddress()); p.setInt(5, enableBbcode); p.setInt(6, enableHtml); p.setInt(7, enableSmilies); p.setInt(8, enableSig); p.setInt(9, attach); p.setInt(10, needModerate); p.executeUpdate(); rs = p.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { postId = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); p.close(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error("createPost():Error while creating post : " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Exiting createPost......"); return postId; }
From source
public Integer addProjection(ProjectionShadow p) throws ProjectionManagementException { Connection conn = null;/* w w w .j a v a 2 s .co m*/ ResultSet rst = null; try { Projection pj = p.createProjection(); for (int clid : p.getClassifiers()) { Classifier cl = classifiers.get(clid); if (cl == null) throw new ProjectionManagementException("Invalid classifer ID=" + clid, ProjectionManagementException.INV_CLASSIFIER_ID); pj.addClassifier(cl); } conn = dSrc.getConnection(); PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertProjectionSQL, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); pstmt.setString(1, p.getName()); pstmt.setString(2, p.getDescription()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); rst = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys(); int id = -1; if ( id = rst.getInt(1); pstmt.close(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertProjectionContentSQL); int n = 1; for (int clid : p.getClassifiers()) { pstmt.setInt(1, id); pstmt.setInt(2, clid); pstmt.setInt(3, n++); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } pstmt.close(); p.setId(id); projectionList.add(p); return id; } catch (SQLException e) { Log.error("SQL error", e); throw new ProjectionManagementException("SQL error", e, ProjectionManagementException.SQL_ERROR); } finally { if (rst != null) try { rst.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.error("Connection closing error", e); } } }
From source
public int addCollection(CollectionShadow rs) throws CollectionManagementException { Connection conn = null;/* w 2s .c o m*/ ResultSet rst = null; try { Collection<Annotation> annots = null; if (rs.getAnnotations() != null) { annots = new ArrayList<Annotation>(rs.getAnnotations().size()); for (AnnotationShadow ant : rs.getAnnotations()) { Tag t = tags.get(ant.getTag()); if (t == null) throw new CollectionManagementException("Invalid tag ID=" + ant.getTag(), CollectionManagementException.INV_TAG_ID); Annotation a = new Annotation(); a.setText(ant.getText()); a.setTag(t); annots.add(a); } } conn = dSrc.getConnection(); PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertCollectionSQL, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); pstmt.setString(1, rs.getName()); pstmt.setLong(2, System.currentTimeMillis()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); rst = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys(); int id = -1; if ( id = rst.getInt(1); pstmt.close(); if (rs.getAnnotations() != null) { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertCollectionAnnotationSQL); for (AnnotationShadow ant : rs.getAnnotations()) { pstmt.setInt(1, id); pstmt.setInt(2, ant.getTag()); pstmt.setString(3, ant.getText()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } pstmt.close(); } rs.setId(id); collectionList.add(rs); SampleCollection r = rs.createCollection(); r.setAnnotations(annots); collections.put(rs.getId(), r); return id; } catch (SQLException e) { Log.error("SQL error", e); throw new CollectionManagementException("SQL error", e, CollectionManagementException.SQL_ERROR); } finally { if (rst != null) try { rst.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.error("Connection closing error", e); } } }
From source
public int addStudy(StudyShadow rs) throws StudyManagementException { Connection conn = null;/*w w w. j a v a 2 s .c om*/ ResultSet rst = null; try { Collection<Annotation> annots = null; if (rs.getAnnotations() != null) { annots = new ArrayList<Annotation>(rs.getAnnotations().size()); for (AnnotationShadow ant : rs.getAnnotations()) { Tag t = tags.get(ant.getTag()); if (t == null) throw new StudyManagementException("Invalid tag ID=" + ant.getTag(), StudyManagementException.INV_TAG_ID); Annotation a = new Annotation(); a.setText(ant.getText()); a.setTag(t); annots.add(a); } } conn = dSrc.getConnection(); PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertStudySQL, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); pstmt.setString(1, rs.getName()); pstmt.setLong(2, System.currentTimeMillis()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); rst = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys(); int id = -1; if ( id = rst.getInt(1); pstmt.close(); if (rs.getAnnotations() != null) { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertStudyAnnotationSQL); for (AnnotationShadow ant : rs.getAnnotations()) { pstmt.setInt(1, id); pstmt.setInt(2, ant.getTag()); pstmt.setString(3, ant.getText()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } pstmt.close(); } if (rs.getCollections() != null) { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertStudyCollectionsSQL); for (int cohId : rs.getCollections()) { pstmt.setInt(1, id); pstmt.setInt(2, cohId); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } pstmt.close(); } rs.setId(id); studyList.add(rs); return id; } catch (SQLException e) { Log.error("SQL error", e); throw new StudyManagementException("SQL error", e, StudyManagementException.SQL_ERROR); } finally { if (rst != null) try { rst.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.error("Connection closing error", e); } } }