List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement getGeneratedKeys
ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException;
object. From source
/** * Save given inputs to the database./*from w ww .j ava 2 s .c o m*/ * * Use given prepare statement to save all inputs into repository. * * @param config * corresponding config * @param inputs * List of inputs that needs to be saved * @param baseInputStmt * Statement that we can utilize * @throws java.sql.SQLException * In case of any failure on Derby side */ private void registerConfigInputs(MConfig config, List<MInput<?>> inputs, PreparedStatement baseInputStmt) throws SQLException { short inputIndex = 0; for (MInput<?> input : inputs) { baseInputStmt.setString(1, input.getName()); baseInputStmt.setLong(2, config.getPersistenceId()); baseInputStmt.setShort(3, inputIndex++); baseInputStmt.setString(4, input.getType().name()); baseInputStmt.setBoolean(5, input.isSensitive()); // String specific column(s) if (input.getType().equals(MInputType.STRING)) { MStringInput strInput = (MStringInput) input; baseInputStmt.setShort(6, strInput.getMaxLength()); } else { baseInputStmt.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER); } baseInputStmt.setString(7, input.getEditable().name()); // Enum specific column(s) if (input.getType() == MInputType.ENUM) { baseInputStmt.setString(8, StringUtils.join(((MEnumInput) input).getValues(), ",")); } else { baseInputStmt.setNull(8, Types.VARCHAR); } int baseInputCount = baseInputStmt.executeUpdate(); if (baseInputCount != 1) { throw new SqoopException(CommonRepositoryError.COMMON_0014, Integer.toString(baseInputCount)); } ResultSet rsetInputId = baseInputStmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SqoopException(CommonRepositoryError.COMMON_0015); } long inputId = rsetInputId.getLong(1); input.setPersistenceId(inputId); } }
From source
/** * @param applicationId/*from w w w . jav a 2 s. co m*/ * @param localAndOutboundAuthConfig * @param connection * @throws SQLException * @throws IdentityApplicationManagementException */ private void updateLocalAndOutboundAuthenticationConfiguration(int applicationId, LocalAndOutboundAuthenticationConfig localAndOutboundAuthConfig, Connection connection) throws SQLException, IdentityApplicationManagementException { int tenantID = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(); PreparedStatement updateAuthTypePrepStmt = null; if (localAndOutboundAuthConfig == null) { // no local or out-bound configuration for this service provider. return; } PreparedStatement storeSendAuthListOfIdPsPrepStmt = null; try { storeSendAuthListOfIdPsPrepStmt = connection .prepareStatement(ApplicationMgtDBQueries.UPDATE_BASIC_APPINFO_WITH_SEND_AUTH_LIST_OF_IDPS); // IS_SEND_LOCAL_SUBJECT_ID=? WHERE TENANT_ID= ? AND ID = ? storeSendAuthListOfIdPsPrepStmt.setString(1, localAndOutboundAuthConfig.isAlwaysSendBackAuthenticatedListOfIdPs() ? "1" : "0"); storeSendAuthListOfIdPsPrepStmt.setInt(2, tenantID); storeSendAuthListOfIdPsPrepStmt.setInt(3, applicationId); storeSendAuthListOfIdPsPrepStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(storeSendAuthListOfIdPsPrepStmt); } PreparedStatement storeUseTenantDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt = null; try { storeUseTenantDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt = connection.prepareStatement( ApplicationMgtDBQueries.UPDATE_BASIC_APPINFO_WITH_USE_TENANT_DOMAIN_LOCAL_SUBJECT_ID); // IS_USE_TENANT_DIMAIN_LOCAL_SUBJECT_ID=? WHERE TENANT_ID= ? AND ID = ? storeUseTenantDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt.setString(1, localAndOutboundAuthConfig.isUseTenantDomainInLocalSubjectIdentifier() ? "1" : "0"); storeUseTenantDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt.setInt(2, tenantID); storeUseTenantDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt.setInt(3, applicationId); storeUseTenantDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(storeUseTenantDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt); } PreparedStatement storeUseUserstoreDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt = null; try { storeUseUserstoreDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt = connection.prepareStatement( ApplicationMgtDBQueries.UPDATE_BASIC_APPINFO_WITH_USE_USERSTORE_DOMAIN_LOCAL_SUBJECT_ID); // IS_USE_USERSTORE_DIMAIN_LOCAL_SUBJECT_ID=? WHERE TENANT_ID= ? AND ID = ? storeUseUserstoreDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt.setString(1, localAndOutboundAuthConfig.isUseUserstoreDomainInLocalSubjectIdentifier() ? "1" : "0"); storeUseUserstoreDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt.setInt(2, tenantID); storeUseUserstoreDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt.setInt(3, applicationId); storeUseUserstoreDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(storeUseUserstoreDomainInLocalSubjectIdStmt); } PreparedStatement storeSubjectClaimUri = null; try { storeSubjectClaimUri = connection .prepareStatement(ApplicationMgtDBQueries.UPDATE_BASIC_APPINFO_WITH_SUBJECT_CLAIM_URI); // SUBJECT_CLAIM_URI=? WHERE TENANT_ID= ? AND ID = ? storeSubjectClaimUri.setString(1, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(localAndOutboundAuthConfig.getSubjectClaimUri())); storeSubjectClaimUri.setInt(2, tenantID); storeSubjectClaimUri.setInt(3, applicationId); storeSubjectClaimUri.executeUpdate(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(storeSubjectClaimUri); } AuthenticationStep[] authSteps = localAndOutboundAuthConfig.getAuthenticationSteps(); if (authSteps == null || authSteps.length == 0) { // if no authentication steps defined - it should be the default behavior. localAndOutboundAuthConfig.setAuthenticationType(ApplicationConstants.AUTH_TYPE_DEFAULT); } try { if (localAndOutboundAuthConfig.getAuthenticationType() == null) { // no authentication type defined - set to default. localAndOutboundAuthConfig.setAuthenticationType(ApplicationConstants.AUTH_TYPE_DEFAULT); } updateAuthTypePrepStmt = connection .prepareStatement(ApplicationMgtDBQueries.UPDATE_BASIC_APPINFO_WITH_AUTH_TYPE); // AUTH_TYPE=? WHERE TENANT_ID= ? AND ID = ? updateAuthTypePrepStmt.setString(1, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(localAndOutboundAuthConfig.getAuthenticationType())); updateAuthTypePrepStmt.setInt(2, tenantID); updateAuthTypePrepStmt.setInt(3, applicationId); updateAuthTypePrepStmt.execute(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(updateAuthTypePrepStmt); } if (authSteps != null && authSteps.length > 0) { // we have authentications steps defined. PreparedStatement storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt = null; storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(ApplicationMgtDBQueries.STORE_STEP_IDP_AUTH); try { if (ApplicationConstants.AUTH_TYPE_LOCAL .equalsIgnoreCase(localAndOutboundAuthConfig.getAuthenticationType())) { // for local authentication there can only be only one authentication step and // only one local authenticator. if (authSteps.length != 1 || authSteps[0] == null || authSteps[0].getLocalAuthenticatorConfigs() == null || authSteps[0].getLocalAuthenticatorConfigs().length != 1 || (authSteps[0].getFederatedIdentityProviders() != null && authSteps[0].getFederatedIdentityProviders().length >= 1)) { String errorMessage = "Invalid local authentication configuration." + " For local authentication there can only be only one authentication step and only one local authenticator"; throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException(errorMessage); } } else if (ApplicationConstants.AUTH_TYPE_FEDERATED .equalsIgnoreCase(localAndOutboundAuthConfig.getAuthenticationType())) { // for federated authentication there can only be only one authentication step // and only one federated authenticator - which is the default authenticator of // the corresponding authenticator. if (authSteps.length != 1 || authSteps[0] == null || authSteps[0].getFederatedIdentityProviders() == null || authSteps[0].getFederatedIdentityProviders().length != 1 || authSteps[0].getLocalAuthenticatorConfigs().length > 0) { String errorMessage = "Invalid federated authentication configuration." + " For federated authentication there can only be only one authentication step and only one federated authenticator"; throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException(errorMessage); } IdentityProvider fedIdp = authSteps[0].getFederatedIdentityProviders()[0]; IdentityProviderDAO idpDAO = ApplicationMgtSystemConfig.getInstance().getIdentityProviderDAO(); String defualtAuthName = idpDAO.getDefaultAuthenticator(fedIdp.getIdentityProviderName()); // set the default authenticator. FederatedAuthenticatorConfig defaultAuth = new FederatedAuthenticatorConfig(); defaultAuth.setName(defualtAuthName); fedIdp.setDefaultAuthenticatorConfig(defaultAuth); fedIdp.setFederatedAuthenticatorConfigs(new FederatedAuthenticatorConfig[] { defaultAuth }); } // iterating through each step. for (AuthenticationStep authStep : authSteps) { int stepId = 0; IdentityProvider[] federatedIdps = authStep.getFederatedIdentityProviders(); // an authentication step should have at least one federated identity // provider or a local authenticator. if ((federatedIdps == null || federatedIdps.length == 0) && (authStep.getLocalAuthenticatorConfigs() == null || authStep.getLocalAuthenticatorConfigs().length == 0)) { String errorMesssage = "Invalid authentication configuration." + "An authentication step should have at least one federated identity " + "provider or a local authenticator"; throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException(errorMesssage); } // we have valid federated identity providers. PreparedStatement storeStepPrepStmtz = null; ResultSet result = null; try { String dbProductName = connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName(); storeStepPrepStmtz = connection.prepareStatement(ApplicationMgtDBQueries.STORE_STEP_INFO, new String[] { DBUtils.getConvertedAutoGeneratedColumnName(dbProductName, "ID") }); // TENANT_ID, STEP_ORDER, APP_ID storeStepPrepStmtz.setInt(1, tenantID); storeStepPrepStmtz.setInt(2, authStep.getStepOrder()); storeStepPrepStmtz.setInt(3, applicationId); storeStepPrepStmtz.setString(4, authStep.isSubjectStep() ? "1" : "0"); storeStepPrepStmtz.setString(5, authStep.isAttributeStep() ? "1" : "0"); storeStepPrepStmtz.execute(); result = storeStepPrepStmtz.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { stepId = result.getInt(1); } } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(result); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(storeStepPrepStmtz); } if (authStep.getLocalAuthenticatorConfigs() != null && authStep.getLocalAuthenticatorConfigs().length > 0) { for (LocalAuthenticatorConfig lclAuthenticator : authStep.getLocalAuthenticatorConfigs()) { // set the identity provider name to LOCAL. int authenticatorId = getAuthentictorID(connection, tenantID, ApplicationConstants.LOCAL_IDP_NAME, lclAuthenticator.getName()); if (authenticatorId < 0) { authenticatorId = addAuthenticator(connection, tenantID, ApplicationConstants.LOCAL_IDP_NAME, lclAuthenticator.getName(), lclAuthenticator.getDisplayName()); } if (authenticatorId > 0) { // ID, TENANT_ID, AUTHENTICATOR_ID storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.setInt(1, stepId); storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.setInt(2, tenantID); storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.setInt(3, authenticatorId); storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.addBatch(); } if (debugMode) { log.debug("Updating Local IdP of Application " + applicationId + " Step Order: " + authStep.getStepOrder() + " IdP: " + ApplicationConstants.LOCAL_IDP + " Authenticator: " + lclAuthenticator.getName()); } } } // we have federated identity providers. if (federatedIdps != null && federatedIdps.length > 0) { // iterating through each IDP of the step for (IdentityProvider federatedIdp : federatedIdps) { String idpName = federatedIdp.getIdentityProviderName(); // the identity provider name wso2carbon-local-idp is reserved. if (ApplicationConstants.LOCAL_IDP.equalsIgnoreCase(idpName)) { throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException( "The federated IdP name cannot be equal to " + ApplicationConstants.LOCAL_IDP); } FederatedAuthenticatorConfig[] authenticators = federatedIdp .getFederatedAuthenticatorConfigs(); if (authenticators != null && authenticators.length > 0) { for (FederatedAuthenticatorConfig authenticator : authenticators) { // ID, TENANT_ID, AUTHENTICATOR_ID int authenticatorId = getAuthentictorID(connection, tenantID, idpName, authenticator.getName()); if (authenticatorId > 0) { if (authenticator != null) { storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.setInt(1, stepId); storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.setInt(2, tenantID); storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.setInt(3, authenticatorId); storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.addBatch(); if (debugMode) { log.debug("Updating Federated IdP of Application " + applicationId + " Step Order: " + authStep.getStepOrder() + " IdP: " + idpName + " Authenticator: " + authenticator); } } } } } } } } storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt.executeBatch(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(storeStepIDPAuthnPrepStmt); } } }
From source
/** * Instantiate a new Flow from FlowData. <br> * A new flow will be created from a template if necessary. * /*from w w w .ja va 2 s .co m*/ * @param userInfo * @param fileName * flow file name * @return null if OK, otherwise error occurred */ public synchronized String deployFlow(UserInfoInterface userInfo, String fileName) { String retObj = null; int flowId = -1; String sLogin = userInfo.getUtilizador(); Logger.trace(this, "deployFlow", sLogin + " call for file " + fileName); Connection db = null; Statement st = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean found = false; try { db = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); db.setAutoCommit(false); pst = db.prepareStatement("select flowid from flow where flowfile=? and organizationid=?"); pst.setString(1, fileName); pst.setString(2, userInfo.getOrganization()); rs = pst.executeQuery(); if ( { found = true; flowId = rs.getInt("flowid"); } rs.close(); pst.close(); if (!found) { Timestamp now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); pst = db.prepareStatement(DBQueryManager.getQuery("FlowHolder.COPY_FLOW_TEMPLATE"), new String[] { "flowid" }); pst.setTimestamp(1, now); pst.setString(2, userInfo.getOrganization()); pst.setTimestamp(3, now); pst.setString(4, fileName); int updated = pst.executeUpdate(); if (updated == 0) throw new Exception("Could not copy flow template"); rs = pst.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { flowId = rs.getInt(1); found = true; } else { throw new Exception("Could not get new flow id from template copy"); } rs.close(); pst.close(); } db.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); retObj = "O fluxo não foi encontrado: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; Logger.error(sLogin, this, "deployFlow", retObj); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, pst, rs); db = null; pst = null; rs = null; } if (null != retObj) return retObj; if (!found) return "O fluxo não existe ou não está disponível"; FlowData flow = refreshFlow(userInfo, flowId); // if(null == flow) return "Fluxo invalido."; boolean online = flow != null && flow.isDeployed(); flow.setOnline(online); notifyDeploy(userInfo, flowId, online); try { db = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); st = db.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate("update flow set enabled=" + (online ? 1 : 0) + " where flowid=" + flowId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); retObj = "Não foi possível actualizar o estado do fluxo."; Logger.error(sLogin, this, "deployFlow", retObj); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); db = null; st = null; rs = null; } if (flow == null) { retObj = "Invalid flow"; // fd can be null at this point } else if (flow.hasError()) { retObj = flow.getError(); } Logger.debug(sLogin, this, "deployFlow", fileName + " flow commited"); return retObj; }
From source
/** * Stores basic application information and meta-data such as the application name, creator and * tenant.// ww w . j ava2s.c om * * @param serviceProvider * @throws IdentityApplicationManagementException */ @Override public int createApplication(ServiceProvider serviceProvider, String tenantDomain) throws IdentityApplicationManagementException { // get logged-in users tenant identifier. int tenantID = -123; if (tenantDomain != null) { try { tenantID = ApplicationManagementServiceComponentHolder.getInstance().getRealmService() .getTenantManager().getTenantId(tenantDomain); } catch (UserStoreException e1) { throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException("Error while reading application"); } } String qualifiedUsername = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getUsername(); if (ApplicationConstants.LOCAL_SP.equals(serviceProvider.getApplicationName())) { qualifiedUsername = CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_SYSTEM_USERNAME; } String username = UserCoreUtil.removeDomainFromName(qualifiedUsername); String userStoreDomain = UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(qualifiedUsername); String applicationName = serviceProvider.getApplicationName(); String description = serviceProvider.getDescription(); if (applicationName == null) { // check for required attributes. throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException("Application Name is required."); } if (ApplicationManagementServiceComponent.getFileBasedSPs().containsKey(applicationName)) { throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException( "Application with the same name laoded from the file system."); } if (debugMode) { log.debug("Creating Application " + applicationName + " for user " + qualifiedUsername); } Connection connection = IdentityDatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement storeAppPrepStmt = null; ResultSet results = null; try { String dbProductName = connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName(); storeAppPrepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(ApplicationMgtDBQueries.STORE_BASIC_APPINFO, new String[] { DBUtils.getConvertedAutoGeneratedColumnName(dbProductName, "ID") }); // TENANT_ID, APP_NAME, USER_STORE, USERNAME, DESCRIPTION, AUTH_TYPE storeAppPrepStmt.setInt(1, tenantID); storeAppPrepStmt.setString(2, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(applicationName)); storeAppPrepStmt.setString(3, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(userStoreDomain)); storeAppPrepStmt.setString(4, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(username)); storeAppPrepStmt.setString(5, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(description)); // by default authentication type would be default. // default authenticator is defined system-wide - in the configuration file. storeAppPrepStmt.setString(6, ApplicationConstants.AUTH_TYPE_DEFAULT); storeAppPrepStmt.execute(); results = storeAppPrepStmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (!connection.getAutoCommit()) { connection.commit(); } int applicationId = 0; if ( { applicationId = results.getInt(1); } // some JDBC Drivers returns this in the result, some don't if (applicationId == 0) { if (debugMode) { log.debug("JDBC Driver did not return the application id, executing Select operation"); } applicationId = getApplicationIDByName(applicationName, tenantID, connection); } if (debugMode) { log.debug("Application Stored successfully with application id " + applicationId); } return applicationId; } catch (SQLException e) { try { if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } } catch (SQLException sql) { throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException("Error while Creating Application", sql); } throw new IdentityApplicationManagementException("Error while Creating Application", e); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(results); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(storeAppPrepStmt); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeConnection(connection); } }
From source
/** * @param provisioningConnectors//from w ww. jav a 2 s . co m * @param dbConnection * @param idpId * @throws IdentityProviderManagementException * @throws SQLException */ private void addProvisioningConnectorConfigs(ProvisioningConnectorConfig[] provisioningConnectors, Connection dbConnection, int idpId, int tenantId) throws IdentityProviderManagementException, SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { // SP_IDP_ID,SP_IDP_PROV_CONNECTOR_TYPE, SP_IDP_PROV_CONFIG_KEY, // SP_IDP_PROV_CONFIG_VALUE, SP_IDP_PROV_CONFIG_IS_SECRET // SP_IDP_PROV_CONFIG_PROPERTY // TENANT_ID, PROVISIONING_CONFIG_ID, PROPERTY_KEY, PROPERTY_VALUE, PROPERTY_TYPE, // IS_SECRET String sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.ADD_IDP_PROVISIONING_PROPERTY_SQL; prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); String sqlBaseStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.ADD_IDP_PROVISIONING_CONFIG_SQL; String dbProductName = dbConnection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName(); PreparedStatement prepBaseStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlBaseStmt, new String[] { DBUtils.getConvertedAutoGeneratedColumnName(dbProductName, "ID") }); if (provisioningConnectors != null) { for (ProvisioningConnectorConfig connector : provisioningConnectors) { Property[] connctorProperties = connector.getProvisioningProperties(); if (connctorProperties != null) { // SP_IDP_PROVISIONING_CONFIG // TENANT_ID, IDP_ID, PROVISIONING_CONNECTOR_TYPE, IS_ENABLED, IS_DEFAULT prepBaseStmt.setInt(1, tenantId); prepBaseStmt.setInt(2, idpId); prepBaseStmt.setString(3, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(connector.getName())); if (connector.isEnabled()) { prepBaseStmt.setString(4, "1"); } else { prepBaseStmt.setString(4, "0"); } if (connector.isBlocking()) { prepBaseStmt.setString(5, "1"); } else { prepBaseStmt.setString(5, "0"); } prepBaseStmt.executeUpdate(); rs = prepBaseStmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { int provisioningConfigID = rs.getInt(1); if (connctorProperties.length > 0) { for (Property config : connctorProperties) { if (config == null) { continue; } // SP_IDP_PROV_CONFIG_PROPERTY //TENANT_ID, PROVISIONING_CONFIG_ID, PROPERTY_KEY, // PROPERTY_VALUE, PROPERTY_BLOB_VALUE, PROPERTY_TYPE, IS_SECRET prepStmt.setInt(1, tenantId); prepStmt.setInt(2, provisioningConfigID); prepStmt.setString(3, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(config.getName())); // TODO : Sect property type accordingly if (IdentityApplicationConstants.ConfigElements.PROPERTY_TYPE_BLOB .equals(config.getType())) { prepStmt.setString(4, null); setBlobValue(config.getValue(), prepStmt, 5); prepStmt.setString(6, config.getType()); } else { prepStmt.setString(4, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(config.getValue())); setBlobValue(null, prepStmt, 5); prepStmt.setString(6, IdentityApplicationConstants.ConfigElements.PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING); } if (config.isConfidential()) { prepStmt.setString(7, "1"); } else { prepStmt.setString(7, "0"); } prepStmt.addBatch(); } } } // Adding properties for base config prepStmt.executeBatch(); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IdentityProviderManagementException("An error occurred while processing content stream.", e); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); } }
From source
/** * *///from www.jav a2 s.c o m @Override public void insertTopicVersions(List<TopicVersion> topicVersions) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean useBatch = (topicVersions.size() > 1); try { conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); if (!this.autoIncrementPrimaryKeys()) { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(STATEMENT_INSERT_TOPIC_VERSION); } else if (useBatch) { // generated keys don't work in batch mode stmt = conn.prepareStatement(STATEMENT_INSERT_TOPIC_VERSION_AUTO_INCREMENT); } else { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(STATEMENT_INSERT_TOPIC_VERSION_AUTO_INCREMENT, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } int topicVersionId = -1; if (!this.autoIncrementPrimaryKeys() || useBatch) { // manually retrieve next topic version id when using batch // mode or when the database doesn't support generated keys. topicVersionId = DatabaseConnection.executeSequenceQuery(STATEMENT_SELECT_TOPIC_VERSION_SEQUENCE); } for (TopicVersion topicVersion : topicVersions) { if (!this.autoIncrementPrimaryKeys() || useBatch) { // FIXME - if two threads update the database simultaneously then // it is possible that this code could set the topic version ID // to a value that is different from what the database ends up // using. topicVersion.setTopicVersionId(topicVersionId++); } StringReader sr = null; try { int index = 1; stmt.setInt(index++, topicVersion.getTopicVersionId()); if (topicVersion.getEditDate() == null) { topicVersion.setEditDate(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); } stmt.setInt(index++, topicVersion.getTopicId()); stmt.setString(index++, topicVersion.getEditComment()); //pass the content into a stream to be passed to Cach sr = new StringReader(topicVersion.getVersionContent()); stmt.setCharacterStream(index++, sr, topicVersion.getVersionContent().length()); if (topicVersion.getAuthorId() == null) { stmt.setNull(index++, Types.INTEGER); } else { stmt.setInt(index++, topicVersion.getAuthorId()); } stmt.setInt(index++, topicVersion.getEditType()); stmt.setString(index++, topicVersion.getAuthorDisplay()); stmt.setTimestamp(index++, topicVersion.getEditDate()); if (topicVersion.getPreviousTopicVersionId() == null) { stmt.setNull(index++, Types.INTEGER); } else { stmt.setInt(index++, topicVersion.getPreviousTopicVersionId()); } stmt.setInt(index++, topicVersion.getCharactersChanged()); stmt.setString(index++, topicVersion.getVersionParamString()); } finally { if (sr != null) { sr.close(); } } if (useBatch) { stmt.addBatch(); } else { stmt.executeUpdate(); } if (this.autoIncrementPrimaryKeys() && !useBatch) { rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SQLException("Unable to determine auto-generated ID for database record"); } topicVersion.setTopicVersionId(rs.getInt(1)); } } if (useBatch) { stmt.executeBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UncategorizedSQLException("insertTopicVersions", null, e); } finally { DatabaseConnection.closeConnection(conn, stmt, rs); } }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}//w w w .ja va 2 s. c o m */ @Override public void createSubmission(MSubmission submission, Connection conn) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; int result; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_INSERT_SUBMISSION, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); stmt.setLong(1, submission.getJobId()); stmt.setString(2, submission.getStatus().name()); stmt.setString(3, submission.getCreationUser()); stmt.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(submission.getCreationDate().getTime())); stmt.setString(5, submission.getLastUpdateUser()); stmt.setTimestamp(6, new Timestamp(submission.getLastUpdateDate().getTime())); stmt.setString(7, submission.getExternalId()); stmt.setString(8, submission.getExternalLink()); stmt.setString(9, submission.getExceptionInfo()); stmt.setString(10, submission.getExceptionStackTrace()); result = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (result != 1) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0012, Integer.toString(result)); } ResultSet rsetSubmissionId = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0013); } long submissionId = rsetSubmissionId.getLong(1); if (submission.getCounters() != null) { createSubmissionCounters(submissionId, submission.getCounters(), conn); } // Save created persistence id submission.setPersistenceId(submissionId); } catch (SQLException ex) { logException(ex, submission); throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0034, ex); } finally { closeStatements(stmt); } }
From source
public void addResourceDO(ResourceDO resourceDO) throws RegistryException { JDBCDatabaseTransaction.ManagedRegistryConnection conn = JDBCDatabaseTransaction.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = null; PreparedStatement ps1 = null; ResultSet result = null;/*from ww w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ try { String sql = "INSERT INTO REG_RESOURCE (REG_PATH_ID, REG_NAME, REG_MEDIA_TYPE, " + "REG_CREATOR, REG_CREATED_TIME, REG_LAST_UPDATOR, " + "REG_LAST_UPDATED_TIME, REG_DESCRIPTION, " + "REG_CONTENT_ID, REG_TENANT_ID, REG_UUID) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; String sql1 = "SELECT MAX(REG_VERSION) FROM REG_RESOURCE"; String dbProductName = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName(); boolean returnsGeneratedKeys = DBUtils.canReturnGeneratedKeys(dbProductName); if (returnsGeneratedKeys) { ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql, new String[] { DBUtils.getConvertedAutoGeneratedColumnName(dbProductName, "REG_VERSION") }); } else { ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); } ps.setInt(1, resourceDO.getPathID()); ps.setString(2, resourceDO.getName()); ps.setString(3, resourceDO.getMediaType()); ps.setString(4, resourceDO.getAuthor()); ps.setTimestamp(5, new Timestamp(resourceDO.getCreatedOn())); ps.setString(6, resourceDO.getLastUpdater()); ps.setTimestamp(7, new Timestamp(resourceDO.getLastUpdatedOn())); ps.setString(8, resourceDO.getDescription()); if (resourceDO.getContentID() > 0) { ps.setInt(9, resourceDO.getContentID()); } else { ps.setNull(9, Types.INTEGER); } ps.setInt(10, CurrentSession.getTenantId()); ps.setString(11, resourceDO.getUUID()); if (returnsGeneratedKeys) { ps.executeUpdate(); result = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); } else { synchronized (ADD_RESOURCE_LOCK) { ps.executeUpdate(); ps1 = conn.prepareStatement(sql1); result = ps1.executeQuery(); } } if ( { long version = result.getLong(1); resourceDO.setVersion(version); } ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { String msg = "Failed to add resource to version " + resourceDO.getVersion() + ". " + e.getMessage(); log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } finally { try { try { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } finally { try { if (ps1 != null) { ps1.close(); } } finally { if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } } } } catch (SQLException ex) { String msg = RegistryConstants.RESULT_SET_PREPARED_STATEMENT_CLOSE_ERROR; log.error(msg, ex); } } }
From source
public void loadInputUrlFromFile(final String inputUrlsFile) { Element element;/*from w w w . j ava 2 s.c o m*/ Connection con = this.getConnection(); Statement stmt; PreparedStatement ps; ResultSet rs; String line, url_id, honeypotid = null; String operationid = null; boolean check = true; long count = 0; if (inputUrlsFile == null) { System.out.println("Error: There is no input-url file!"); System.exit(1); } if ((ConfigManager.getInstance().getConfigOption("import_check") != null) && (ConfigManager.getInstance().getConfigOption("import_check").toLowerCase().equals("false"))) { check = false; } try { stmt = con.createStatement(); //get honeypot id String serverip = ConfigManager.getInstance().getConfigOption("server-listen-address"); String serverport = ConfigManager.getInstance().getConfigOption("server-listen-port"); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT honeypot_id FROM honeypot WHERE ipaddress=\'" + serverip + "\'"); if ( { honeypotid = rs.getString(1); } else { //insert a new honeypot stmt.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO honeypot(ipaddress, port) Values(\'" + serverip + "\', " + serverport + ")", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { honeypotid = rs.getString(1); } else { System.out.println("System can't find any honeypot ip=" + serverip); System.exit(0); } } setSystemStatus(true); //open url file BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(inputUrlsFile), "UTF-8")); //add new operation stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO operation(description, honeypot_id) Values (\'" + inputUrlsFile + "\', \'" + honeypotid + "\')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { operationid = rs.getString(1); setCurrentOperation(operationid); } System.out.println("The system is going to inspect urls in the new operation: " + operationid); //update visit start time for operation SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.S"); String date = sf.format(new Date()); stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE operation SET visitstarttime=\'" + date + "\' " + "WHERE operation_id=" + operationid + " AND visitstarttime IS NULL"); System.out.println("Please wait for inserting urls into database..."); if (!check) //NO checking existance of url in database { while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if ((line.length() > 0)) { //line = line.trim().toLowerCase(); line = line.trim(); if (!line.startsWith("#")) { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO url(url) Values (?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setString(1, line); ps.executeUpdate(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys();; url_id = rs.getString(1); stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO url_operation(url_id, operation_id) Values (" + url_id + ", " + operationid + ")"); element = new Element(); = "url"; element.attributes.put("add", ""); element.attributes.put("id", url_id); element.attributes.put("url", line); EventsController.getInstance().notifyEventObservers(element); count++; } } } } else //checking existance of url in database. Inserting only if no existance { while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if ((line.length() > 0)) { //line = line.trim().toLowerCase(); line = line.trim(); if (!line.startsWith("#")) { ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT url_id FROM url WHERE url.url = ?"); ps.setString(1, line); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO url(url) Values (?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setString(1, line); ps.executeUpdate(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys();; count++; } //check URL id and operation id: not exist url_id = rs.getString(1); ps = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT url_id, operation_id FROM url_operation WHERE url_id = ? AND operation_id= ?"); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(url_id)); ps.setLong(2, Long.parseLong(operationid)); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO url_operation(url_id, operation_id) Values (" + url_id + ", " + operationid + ")"); element = new Element(); = "url"; element.attributes.put("add", ""); element.attributes.put("id", url_id); element.attributes.put("url", line); EventsController.getInstance().notifyEventObservers(element); } } } } } con.close(); System.out.println("******** IMPORT URLs INTO DATABASE: " + count + " URLs have been inserted into database! ********"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public TariffDTO addTariff(TariffDTO tariff) throws BusinessException { Connection con = null;// ww w .j av a 2 s. co m PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; Integer tariffId = 0; try { con = DbUtils.getDbConnection(DataSourceNames.WSO2TELCO_RATE_DB); if (con == null) { log.error("unable to open " + DataSourceNames.WSO2TELCO_RATE_DB + " database connection"); throw new BusinessException(ServiceError.SERVICE_ERROR_OCCURED); } StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("insert into "); query.append(DatabaseTables.TARIFF.getTObject()); query.append( " (tariffname, tariffdesc, tariffdefaultval, tariffmaxcount, tariffexcessrate, tariffdefrate, tariffspcommission, tariffadscommission, tariffopcocommission, tariffsurchargeval, tariffsurchargeAds, tariffsurchargeOpco, createdby)"); query.append(" values"); query.append(" (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps = con.prepareStatement(query.toString(), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); log.debug("sql query in addTariff : " + ps); ps.setString(1, tariff.getTariffName()); ps.setString(2, tariff.getTariffDescription()); Double tariffDefaultVal = tariff.getTariffDefaultVal(); if (tariffDefaultVal != null) { ps.setDouble(3, tariffDefaultVal); } else { ps.setNull(3, Types.DOUBLE); } Integer tariffMaxCount = tariff.getTariffMaxCount(); if (tariffMaxCount != null) { ps.setInt(4, tariffMaxCount); } else { ps.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER); } Double tariffExcessRate = tariff.getTariffExcessRate(); if (tariffExcessRate != null) { ps.setDouble(5, tariffExcessRate); } else { ps.setNull(5, Types.DOUBLE); } Double tariffDefRate = tariff.getTariffDefRate(); if (tariffDefRate != null) { ps.setDouble(6, tariffDefRate); } else { ps.setNull(6, Types.DOUBLE); } Double tariffSPCommission = tariff.getTariffSPCommission(); if (tariffSPCommission != null) { ps.setDouble(7, tariffSPCommission); } else { ps.setNull(7, Types.DOUBLE); } Double tariffAdsCommission = tariff.getTariffAdsCommission(); if (tariffAdsCommission != null) { ps.setDouble(8, tariffAdsCommission); } else { ps.setNull(8, Types.DOUBLE); } Double tariffOpcoCommission = tariff.getTariffOpcoCommission(); if (tariffOpcoCommission != null) { ps.setDouble(9, tariffOpcoCommission); } else { ps.setNull(9, Types.DOUBLE); } Double tariffSurChargeval = tariff.getTariffSurChargeval(); if (tariffSurChargeval != null) { ps.setDouble(10, tariffSurChargeval); } else { ps.setNull(10, Types.DOUBLE); } Double tariffSurChargeAds = tariff.getTariffSurChargeAds(); if (tariffSurChargeAds != null) { ps.setDouble(11, tariffSurChargeAds); } else { ps.setNull(11, Types.DOUBLE); } Double tariffSurChargeOpco = tariff.getTariffSurChargeOpco(); if (tariffSurChargeOpco != null) { ps.setDouble(12, tariffSurChargeOpco); } else { ps.setNull(12, Types.DOUBLE); } ps.setString(13, tariff.getCreatedBy()); ps.executeUpdate(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); while ( { tariffId = rs.getInt(1); } tariff.setTariffId(tariffId); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("database operation error in addTariff : ", e); throw new BusinessException(ServiceError.SERVICE_ERROR_OCCURED); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("error in addTariff : ", e); throw new BusinessException(ServiceError.SERVICE_ERROR_OCCURED); } finally { DbUtils.closeAllConnections(ps, con, rs); } return tariff; }