List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement getGeneratedKeys
ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException;
object. From source
/** * Method for adding version details to database. * * @param dbConnection database connection * @param version version object//from ww w.j a v a 2 s . c o m * @param applicationId application id * @param tenantId tenant id * @throws AppCloudException */ public void addVersion(Connection dbConnection, Version version, int applicationId, int tenantId) throws AppCloudException { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { preparedStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SQLQueryConstants.ADD_VERSION, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); preparedStatement.setString(1, version.getVersionName()); preparedStatement.setString(2, version.getHashId()); preparedStatement.setInt(3, applicationId); preparedStatement.setInt(4, version.getRuntimeId()); preparedStatement.setInt(5, tenantId); preparedStatement.setString(6, version.getConSpecCpu()); preparedStatement.setString(7, version.getConSpecMemory()); preparedStatement.setString(8, version.getExposureLevel()); preparedStatement.execute(); resultSet = preparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys(); List<Tag> tags = version.getTags(); if (tags != null) { addTags(dbConnection, tags, version.getHashId(), tenantId); } List<RuntimeProperty> runtimeProperties = version.getRuntimeProperties(); if (runtimeProperties != null) { addRunTimeProperties(dbConnection, runtimeProperties, version.getHashId(), tenantId); } } catch (SQLException e) { String msg = "Error occurred while adding application version to database for application id : " + applicationId + " version : " + version.getVersionName() + " in tenant : " + tenantId; throw new AppCloudException(msg, e); } finally { DBUtil.closeResultSet(resultSet); DBUtil.closePreparedStatement(preparedStatement); } }
From source
/** * Method for adding application details to database. * * @param dbConnection database connection * @param application application object * @param tenantId tenant id//w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m * @throws AppCloudException */ public void addApplication(Connection dbConnection, Application application, int tenantId) throws AppCloudException { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { int applicationId = 0; preparedStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SQLQueryConstants.ADD_APPLICATION, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); preparedStatement.setString(1, application.getApplicationName()); preparedStatement.setString(2, application.getHashId()); preparedStatement.setString(3, application.getDescription()); preparedStatement.setInt(4, tenantId); preparedStatement.setString(5, application.getDefaultVersion()); preparedStatement.setString(6, application.getApplicationType()); preparedStatement.setString(7, application.getCloudType()); preparedStatement.execute(); resultSet = preparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys(); while ( { applicationId = resultSet.getInt(1); } List<Version> versions = application.getVersions(); if (versions != null) { for (Version version : versions) { addVersion(dbConnection, version, applicationId, tenantId); } } InputStream iconInputStream; if (application.getIcon() != null) { iconInputStream = IOUtils.toBufferedInputStream(application.getIcon().getBinaryStream()); if (iconInputStream.available() != 0) { updateApplicationIcon(dbConnection, iconInputStream, applicationId, tenantId); } } } catch (SQLException e) { String msg = "Error occurred while adding application : " + application.getApplicationName() + " to database " + "in tenant : " + tenantId + " and cloud : " + application.getCloudType(); throw new AppCloudException(msg, e); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Error while generating stream of the icon for application : " + application.getApplicationName() + " in tenant : " + tenantId + " and cloud : " + application.getCloudType(); throw new AppCloudException(msg, e); } finally { DBUtil.closeResultSet(resultSet); DBUtil.closePreparedStatement(preparedStatement); } }
From source
/** * Resolves counter id.//from w ww. j a v a2 s . co m * * @param counter Given counter * @param conn Connection to database * @return Id * @throws SQLException */ private long getCounterId(Counter counter, Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement select = null; PreparedStatement insert = null; ResultSet rsSelect = null; ResultSet rsInsert = null; try { select = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_SELECT_COUNTER); select.setString(1, counter.getName()); rsSelect = select.executeQuery(); if ( { return rsSelect.getLong(1); } insert = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_INSERT_COUNTER, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); insert.setString(1, counter.getName()); insert.executeUpdate(); rsInsert = insert.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0013); } return rsInsert.getLong(1); } finally { closeResultSets(rsSelect, rsInsert); closeStatements(select, insert); } }
From source
/** * Resolves counter group database id.//from ww w . j av a2 s . c om * * @param group Given group * @param conn Connection to database * @return Id * @throws SQLException */ private long getCounterGroupId(CounterGroup group, Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement select = null; PreparedStatement insert = null; ResultSet rsSelect = null; ResultSet rsInsert = null; try { select = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_SELECT_COUNTER_GROUP); select.setString(1, group.getName()); rsSelect = select.executeQuery(); if ( { return rsSelect.getLong(1); } insert = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_INSERT_COUNTER_GROUP, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); insert.setString(1, group.getName()); insert.executeUpdate(); rsInsert = insert.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0013); } return rsInsert.getLong(1); } finally { closeResultSets(rsSelect, rsInsert); closeStatements(select, insert); } }
From source
/** * @param conn//from w w w . java 2 s.c o m * @param tenantId * @param idpName * @param authenticatorName * @param authenticatorDispalyName * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int addAuthenticator(Connection conn, int tenantId, String idpName, String authenticatorName, String authenticatorDispalyName) throws SQLException { int authenticatorId = -1; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; // TENANT_ID, IDP_ID, NAME,IS_ENABLED, DISPLAY_NAME String sqlStmt = ApplicationMgtDBQueries.STORE_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATOR; try { String dbProductName = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName(); prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStmt, new String[] { DBUtils.getConvertedAutoGeneratedColumnName(dbProductName, "ID") }); prepStmt.setInt(1, tenantId); prepStmt.setString(2, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(idpName)); prepStmt.setInt(3, tenantId); prepStmt.setString(4, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(authenticatorName)); prepStmt.setString(5, "1"); prepStmt.setString(6, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(authenticatorDispalyName)); prepStmt.execute(); rs = prepStmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { authenticatorId = rs.getInt(1); } } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); } return authenticatorId; }
From source
/** * Insert directions: FROM and TO./*from ww w. jav a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param conn * @return Map<Direction, Long> direction ID => Direction */ protected Map<Direction, Long> insertDirections(Connection conn) { // Add directions Map<Direction, Long> directionMap = new TreeMap<Direction, Long>(); PreparedStatement insertDirectionStmt = null; try { // Insert directions and get IDs. for (Direction direction : Direction.values()) { insertDirectionStmt = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_INSERT_DIRECTION, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); insertDirectionStmt.setString(1, direction.toString()); if (insertDirectionStmt.executeUpdate() != 1) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0046, "Could not add directions FROM and TO."); } ResultSet directionId = insertDirectionStmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Loaded direction: " + directionId.getLong(1)); } directionMap.put(direction, directionId.getLong(1)); } else { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0047, "Could not get ID of direction " + direction); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0000, e); } finally { closeStatements(insertDirectionStmt); } return directionMap; }
From source
/** * We are creating the LINK FORM for HDFS and later it the schema will * be renamed to LINK CONFIG//from w w w . j a v a 2s . co m * NOTE: Should be used only in the upgrade path! */ @Deprecated private Long createHdfsLinkForm(Connection conn, Long connectorId) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Creating HDFS link."); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; int result; try { short index = 0; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_INSERT_INTO_FORM, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); stmt.setLong(1, connectorId); stmt.setString(2, "linkConfig"); // it could also be set to the deprecated "CONNECTION" stmt.setString(3,; stmt.setShort(4, index); result = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (result != 1) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0012, Integer.toString(result)); } ResultSet rsetFormId = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0013); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Created HDFS connector link FORM."); } return rsetFormId.getLong(1); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0019, ex); } finally { closeStatements(stmt); } }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}//from w w w. j av a 2 s .co m */ @Override public void createSubmission(MSubmission submission, Connection conn) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; int result; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(crudQueries.getStmtInsertSubmission(), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); stmt.setLong(1, submission.getJobId()); stmt.setString(2, submission.getStatus().name()); stmt.setString(3, submission.getCreationUser()); stmt.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(submission.getCreationDate().getTime())); stmt.setString(5, submission.getLastUpdateUser()); stmt.setTimestamp(6, new Timestamp(submission.getLastUpdateDate().getTime())); stmt.setString(7, submission.getExternalJobId()); stmt.setString(8, submission.getExternalLink()); stmt.setString(9, submission.getError().getErrorSummary()); stmt.setString(10, submission.getError().getErrorDetails()); result = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (result != 1) { throw new SqoopException(CommonRepositoryError.COMMON_0009, Integer.toString(result)); } ResultSet rsetSubmissionId = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SqoopException(CommonRepositoryError.COMMON_0010); } long submissionId = rsetSubmissionId.getLong(1); if (submission.getCounters() != null) { createSubmissionCounters(submissionId, submission.getCounters(), conn); } // Save created persistence id submission.setPersistenceId(submissionId); } catch (SQLException ex) { logException(ex, submission); throw new SqoopException(CommonRepositoryError.COMMON_0031, ex); } finally { closeStatements(stmt); } }
From source
/** * Pre-register Driver since the 1.99.3 release NOTE: This should be used only * in the upgrade path/*from w w w .j a v a2 s .com*/ */ @Deprecated protected long registerDriver(Connection conn) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Begin Driver loading."); } PreparedStatement baseDriverStmt = null; try { baseDriverStmt = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_INSERT_INTO_CONFIGURABLE, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); baseDriverStmt.setString(1, MDriver.DRIVER_NAME); baseDriverStmt.setString(2, Driver.getClassName()); baseDriverStmt.setString(3, "1"); baseDriverStmt.setString(4,; int baseDriverCount = baseDriverStmt.executeUpdate(); if (baseDriverCount != 1) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0012, Integer.toString(baseDriverCount)); } ResultSet rsetDriverId = baseDriverStmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0013); } return rsetDriverId.getLong(1); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0050, ex); } finally { closeStatements(baseDriverStmt); } }
From source
private long insertAndGetDriverId(MDriver mDriver, Connection conn) { PreparedStatement baseDriverStmt = null; try {// w w w . java2 s. co m baseDriverStmt = conn.prepareStatement(STMT_INSERT_INTO_CONFIGURABLE, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); baseDriverStmt.setString(1, mDriver.getUniqueName()); baseDriverStmt.setString(2, Driver.getClassName()); baseDriverStmt.setString(3, mDriver.getVersion()); baseDriverStmt.setString(4, mDriver.getType().name()); int baseDriverCount = baseDriverStmt.executeUpdate(); if (baseDriverCount != 1) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0012, Integer.toString(baseDriverCount)); } ResultSet rsetDriverId = baseDriverStmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0013); } return rsetDriverId.getLong(1); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0050, mDriver.toString(), ex); } finally { closeStatements(baseDriverStmt); } }