Example usage for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction

List of usage examples for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction.



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From source file:org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.builder.DescriptionBuilderUtils.java

 * Return the class for this name/*from  w w  w.  j a  va 2 s.  c  om*/
 * @return Class
private static Class forName(final String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
    Class cl = null;
    try {
        cl = (Class) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
            public Object run() throws ClassNotFoundException {
                return Class.forName(className);
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Exception thrown from AccessController: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        throw (ClassNotFoundException) e.getException();

    return cl;

From source file:org.apache.bsf.BSFManager.java

 * Evaluate the given expression of the given language and return the
 * resulting value.//from  w  w w.  java2  s  . co m
 * @param lang language identifier
 * @param source (context info) the source of this expression
 (e.g., filename)
 * @param lineNo (context info) the line number in source for expr
 * @param columnNo (context info) the column number in source for expr
 * @param expr the expression to evaluate
 * @exception BSFException if anything goes wrong while running the script
public Object eval(String lang, String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object expr) throws BSFException {

    final BSFEngine e = loadScriptingEngine(lang);
    final String sourcef = source;
    final int lineNof = lineNo, columnNof = columnNo;
    final Object exprf = expr;
    Object result = null;

    try {
        final Object resultf = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
            public Object run() throws Exception {
                return e.eval(sourcef, lineNof, columnNof, exprf);
        result = resultf;
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException prive) {

        logger.error("Exception: ", prive);
        throw (BSFException) prive.getException();

    return result;

From source file:org.apache.axiom.om.util.StAXUtils.java

public static XMLStreamWriter createXMLStreamWriter(StAXWriterConfiguration configuration, final Writer out)
        throws XMLStreamException {
    final XMLOutputFactory outputFactory = getXMLOutputFactory(configuration);
    try {//from  ww  w  .jav a2  s  .  c o  m
        XMLStreamWriter writer = (XMLStreamWriter) AccessController
                .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
                    public Object run() throws XMLStreamException {
                        return outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(out);
        if (isDebugEnabled) {
            log.debug("XMLStreamWriter is " + writer.getClass().getName());
        return writer;
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
        throw (XMLStreamException) pae.getException();

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.BlockingRpcConnection.java

 * If multiple clients with the same principal try to connect to the same server at the same time,
 * the server assumes a replay attack is in progress. This is a feature of kerberos. In order to
 * work around this, what is done is that the client backs off randomly and tries to initiate the
 * connection again. The other problem is to do with ticket expiry. To handle that, a relogin is
 * attempted.//from  ww  w.jav a2s.  c  om
 * <p>
 * The retry logic is governed by the {@link #shouldAuthenticateOverKrb} method. In case when the
 * user doesn't have valid credentials, we don't need to retry (from cache or ticket). In such
 * cases, it is prudent to throw a runtime exception when we receive a SaslException from the
 * underlying authentication implementation, so there is no retry from other high level (for eg,
 * HCM or HBaseAdmin).
 * </p>
private void handleSaslConnectionFailure(final int currRetries, final int maxRetries, final Exception ex,
        final UserGroupInformation user) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    user.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
        public Object run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
            if (shouldAuthenticateOverKrb()) {
                if (currRetries < maxRetries) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("Exception encountered while connecting to " + "the server : " + ex);
                    // try re-login
                    // have granularity of milliseconds
                    // we are sleeping with the Connection lock held but since this
                    // connection instance is being used for connecting to the server
                    // in question, it is okay
                    Thread.sleep(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(reloginMaxBackoff) + 1);
                    return null;
                } else {
                    String msg = "Couldn't setup connection for "
                            + UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().getUserName() + " to " + serverPrincipal;
                    LOG.warn(msg, ex);
                    throw (IOException) new IOException(msg).initCause(ex);
            } else {
                LOG.warn("Exception encountered while connecting to " + "the server : " + ex);
            if (ex instanceof RemoteException) {
                throw (RemoteException) ex;
            if (ex instanceof SaslException) {
                String msg = "SASL authentication failed."
                        + " The most likely cause is missing or invalid credentials." + " Consider 'kinit'.";
                LOG.fatal(msg, ex);
                throw new RuntimeException(msg, ex);
            throw new IOException(ex);

From source file:org.apache.coheigea.bigdata.hdfs.ranger.HDFSRangerTest.java

public void readTestUsingTagPolicy() throws Exception {
    FileSystem fileSystem = hdfsCluster.getFileSystem();

    // Write a file - the AccessControlEnforcer won't be invoked as we are the "superuser"
    final Path file = new Path("/tmp/tmpdir6/data-file2");
    FSDataOutputStream out = fileSystem.create(file);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
        out.write(("data" + i + "\n").getBytes("UTF-8"));
        out.flush();//from  ww  w . j a  v  a 2 s . c om

    // Change permissions to read-only
    fileSystem.setPermission(file, new FsPermission(FsAction.READ, FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE));

    // Now try to read the file as "bob" - this should be allowed (by the policy - user)
    UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting("bob", new String[] {});
    ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {

        public Void run() throws Exception {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            conf.set("fs.defaultFS", defaultFs);

            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

            // Read the file
            FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(file);
            ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            IOUtils.copy(in, output);
            String content = new String(output.toByteArray());

            return null;

    // Now try to read the file as "alice" - this should be allowed (by the policy - group)
    ugi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting("alice", new String[] { "IT" });
    ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {

        public Void run() throws Exception {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            conf.set("fs.defaultFS", defaultFs);

            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

            // Read the file
            FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(file);
            ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            IOUtils.copy(in, output);
            String content = new String(output.toByteArray());

            return null;

    // Now try to read the file as unknown user "eve" - this should not be allowed
    ugi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting("eve", new String[] {});
    ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {

        public Void run() throws Exception {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            conf.set("fs.defaultFS", defaultFs);

            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

            // Read the file
            try {
                Assert.fail("Failure expected on an incorrect permission");
            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                // expected

            return null;

    // Now try to read the file as known user "dave" - this should not be allowed, as he doesn't have the correct permissions
    ugi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting("dave", new String[] {});
    ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {

        public Void run() throws Exception {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            conf.set("fs.defaultFS", defaultFs);

            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

            // Read the file
            try {
                Assert.fail("Failure expected on an incorrect permission");
            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                // expected

            return null;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.AbstractTestWALReplay.java

 * Test case of HRegion that is only made out of bulk loaded files.  Assert
 * that we don't 'crash'.//  w w  w  . j a va 2 s. c  om
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws IllegalAccessException
 * @throws NoSuchFieldException
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 * @throws SecurityException
public void testRegionMadeOfBulkLoadedFilesOnly() throws IOException, SecurityException,
        IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, InterruptedException {
    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf("testRegionMadeOfBulkLoadedFilesOnly");
    final HRegionInfo hri = createBasic3FamilyHRegionInfo(tableName);
    final Path basedir = new Path(this.hbaseRootDir, tableName.getNameAsString());
    final HTableDescriptor htd = createBasic3FamilyHTD(tableName);
    Region region2 = HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(hri, hbaseRootDir, this.conf, htd);
    WAL wal = createWAL(this.conf, hbaseRootDir, logName);
    Region region = HRegion.openHRegion(hri, htd, wal, this.conf);

    byte[] family = htd.getFamilies().iterator().next().getName();
    Path f = new Path(basedir, "hfile");
    HFileTestUtil.createHFile(this.conf, fs, f, family, family, Bytes.toBytes(""), Bytes.toBytes("z"), 10);
    List<Pair<byte[], String>> hfs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], String>>(1);
    hfs.add(Pair.newPair(family, f.toString()));
    region.bulkLoadHFiles(hfs, true, null);

    // Add an edit so something in the WAL
    byte[] row = tableName.getName();
    region.put((new Put(row)).addColumn(family, family, family));
    final int rowsInsertedCount = 11;

    assertEquals(rowsInsertedCount, getScannedCount(region.getScanner(new Scan())));

    // Now 'crash' the region by stealing its wal
    final Configuration newConf = HBaseConfiguration.create(this.conf);
    User user = HBaseTestingUtility.getDifferentUser(newConf, tableName.getNameAsString());
    user.runAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
        public Object run() throws Exception {
            WAL wal2 = createWAL(newConf, hbaseRootDir, logName);

            HRegion region2 = HRegion.openHRegion(newConf, FileSystem.get(newConf), hbaseRootDir, hri, htd,
            long seqid2 = region2.getOpenSeqNum();
            assertTrue(seqid2 > -1);
            assertEquals(rowsInsertedCount, getScannedCount(region2.getScanner(new Scan())));

            // I can't close wal1.  Its been appropriated when we split.
            return null;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility.TestVisibilityLabelsReplication.java

public static void setAuths(final Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    PrivilegedExceptionAction<VisibilityLabelsResponse> action = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<VisibilityLabelsResponse>() {
        public VisibilityLabelsResponse run() throws Exception {
            try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf)) {
                return VisibilityClient.setAuths(conn,
                        new String[] { SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL, PRIVATE, TOPSECRET, UNICODE_VIS_TAG }, "user1");
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                throw new Exception(e);
            }/*from  w  w  w  . j a va2 s  .  co  m*/
    VisibilityLabelsResponse response = SUPERUSER.runAs(action);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.TestLease.java

static public DFSClient createDFSClientAs(UserGroupInformation ugi, final Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<DFSClient>() {
        @Override//www. java  2  s.co m
        public DFSClient run() throws Exception {
            return new DFSClient(null, mcp, conf, null);

From source file:org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.builder.DescriptionBuilderUtils.java

 * @return ClassLoader//from   w  ww . j a  v a 2  s  .  co  m
private static ClassLoader getContextClassLoader(final ClassLoader classLoader) {
    ClassLoader cl;
    try {
        cl = (ClassLoader) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
            public Object run() throws ClassNotFoundException {
                return classLoader != null ? classLoader : Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Exception thrown from AccessController: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(e.getException());

    return cl;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestSecureRESTServer.java

public void testNegativeAuthorization() throws Exception {
    Pair<CloseableHttpClient, HttpClientContext> pair = getClient();
    CloseableHttpClient client = pair.getFirst();
    HttpClientContext context = pair.getSecond();

    StringEntity entity = new StringEntity("{\"name\":\"test\", \"ColumnSchema\":[{\"name\":\"f\"}]}",
    HttpPut put = new HttpPut("http://localhost:" + REST_TEST.getServletPort() + "/test/schema");
    put.setEntity(entity);/*from   ww  w  .  j av  a2  s .c o  m*/

    UserGroupInformation unprivileged = UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI(CLIENT_PRINCIPAL,
    unprivileged.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
        public Void run() throws Exception {
            try (CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(put, context)) {
                final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                assertEquals("Got response: " + EntityUtils.toString(entity), HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN,
            return null;