Example usage for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction

List of usage examples for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction.



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From source file:com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.lib.hive.HiveMetastoreUtil.java

 * Returns the hdfs paths where the avro schema is stored after serializing.
 * Path is appended with current time so as to have an ordering.
 * @param rootTableLocation Root Table Location
 * @return Hdfs Path String./*w  w w .  j  a  v a2  s. com*/
public static String serializeSchemaToHDFS(UserGroupInformation loginUGI, final FileSystem fs,
        final String rootTableLocation, final String schemaJson) throws StageException {
    final String folderPath = rootTableLocation + HiveMetastoreUtil.SEP
            + HiveMetastoreUtil.HDFS_SCHEMA_FOLDER_NAME;
    final Path schemasFolderPath = new Path(folderPath);
    final String path = folderPath + SEP + HiveMetastoreUtil.AVRO_SCHEMA
            + DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), "yyyy-MM-dd--HH_mm_ss");
    try {
        loginUGI.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
            public Void run() throws Exception {
                if (!fs.exists(schemasFolderPath)) {
                Path schemaFilePath = new Path(path);
                //This will never happen unless two HMS targets are writing, we will error out for this
                //and let user handle this via error record handling.
                if (!fs.exists(schemaFilePath)) {
                    try (FSDataOutputStream os = fs.create(schemaFilePath)) {
                } else {
                    LOG.error(Utils.format("Already schema file {} exists in HDFS", path));
                    throw new IOException("Already schema file exists");
                return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Error in Writing Schema to HDFS: " + e.toString(), e);
        throw new StageException(Errors.HIVE_18, path, e.getMessage());
    return path;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility.TestVisibilityLabelsWithDeletes.java

public void testVisibilityLabelsWithDeleteColumnsWithMultipleVersions() throws Exception {
    setAuths();//from w  ww  . j  a va  2s.c  o  m
    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(TEST_NAME.getMethodName());
    try (Table table = doPuts(tableName)) {
        PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void> actiona = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
            public Void run() throws Exception {
                try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
                        Table table = connection.getTable(tableName)) {
                    Delete d = new Delete(row1);
                    d.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(
                            "(" + PRIVATE + "&" + CONFIDENTIAL + ")|(" + SECRET + "&" + TOPSECRET + ")"));
                    d.addColumns(fam, qual, 125l);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new IOException(t);
                return null;

        Scan s = new Scan();
        s.setAuthorizations(new Authorizations(SECRET, PRIVATE, CONFIDENTIAL, TOPSECRET));
        ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(s);
        Result[] next = scanner.next(3);
        assertTrue(next.length == 2);
        CellScanner cellScanner = next[0].cellScanner();
        Cell current = cellScanner.current();
        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(current.getRowArray(), current.getRowOffset(), current.getRowLength(), row1, 0,
        assertEquals(current.getTimestamp(), 127l);
        current = cellScanner.current();
        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(current.getRowArray(), current.getRowOffset(), current.getRowLength(), row1, 0,
        assertEquals(current.getTimestamp(), 126l);
        current = cellScanner.current();
        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(current.getRowArray(), current.getRowOffset(), current.getRowLength(), row1, 0,
        assertEquals(current.getTimestamp(), 125l);
        cellScanner = next[1].cellScanner();
        current = cellScanner.current();
        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(current.getRowArray(), current.getRowOffset(), current.getRowLength(), row2, 0,

From source file:org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade.java

 * Executes the method of the specified <code>ApplicationContext</code>
 * @param method The method object to be invoked.
 * @param context The AppliationContext object on which the method
 *                   will be invoked//  w  w w.  j  a  va  2 s  . c  o  m
 * @param params The arguments passed to the called method.
private Object executeMethod(final Method method, final ApplicationContext context, final Object[] params)
        throws PrivilegedActionException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {

    if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
        return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
            public Object run() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
                return method.invoke(context, params);
    } else {
        return method.invoke(context, params);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobLocalizer.java

public void localizeJobFiles(final JobID jobid, JobConf jConf, Path localJobFile, Path localJobTokenFile,
        final TaskUmbilicalProtocol taskTracker) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // Download the job.jar for this job from the system FS
    localizeJobJarFile(jConf);/*from w w w .ja va 2  s . c  o m*/

    jConf.set(JOB_LOCAL_CTXT, ttConf.get(JOB_LOCAL_CTXT));

    //update the config some more
    jConf.set(TokenCache.JOB_TOKENS_FILENAME, localJobTokenFile.toString());

    //setup the distributed cache
    final long[] sizes = downloadPrivateCache(jConf);
    if (sizes != null) {
        //the following doAs is required because the DefaultTaskController
        //calls the localizeJobFiles method in the context of the TaskTracker
        //process. The JVM authorization check would fail without this
        //doAs. In the LinuxTC case, this doesn't harm.
        UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(jobid.toString());
        ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
            public Object run() throws IOException {
                taskTracker.updatePrivateDistributedCacheSizes(jobid, sizes);
                return null;


    // Create job-acls.xml file in job userlog dir and write the needed
    // info for authorization of users for viewing task logs of this job.
    writeJobACLs(jConf, new Path(TaskLog.getJobDir(jobid).toURI().toString()));

    //write the updated jobConf file in the job directory
    JobLocalizer.writeLocalJobFile(localJobFile, jConf);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode.java

private void startHttpServer(final Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    final String infoAddr = NetUtils.getServerAddress(conf, "dfs.info.bindAddress", "dfs.info.port",
    final InetSocketAddress infoSocAddr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(infoAddr);
    if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
        String httpsUser = SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal(
                conf.get(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KRB_HTTPS_USER_NAME_KEY), infoSocAddr.getHostName());
        if (httpsUser == null) {
                    + " not defined in config. Starting http server as "
                    + SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal(conf.get(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY),
                    + ": Kerberized SSL may be not function correctly.");
        } else {//from w ww . j  av  a 2  s. c  om
            // Kerberized SSL servers must be run from the host principal...
            LOG.info("Logging in as " + httpsUser + " to start http server.");
            SecurityUtil.login(conf, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KEYTAB_FILE_KEY,
                    DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KRB_HTTPS_USER_NAME_KEY, infoSocAddr.getHostName());
    UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser();
    try {
        this.httpServer = ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<HttpServer>() {
            public HttpServer run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                String infoHost = infoSocAddr.getHostName();
                int infoPort = infoSocAddr.getPort();
                httpServer = new HttpServer("hdfs", infoHost, infoPort, infoPort == 0, conf,
                        SecurityUtil.getAdminAcls(conf, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_ADMIN)) {
                        if (WebHdfsFileSystem.isEnabled(conf, LOG)) {
                            //add SPNEGO authentication filter for webhdfs
                            final String name = "SPNEGO";
                            final String classname = AuthFilter.class.getName();
                            final String pathSpec = WebHdfsFileSystem.PATH_PREFIX + "/*";
                            Map<String, String> params = getAuthFilterParams(conf);
                            defineFilter(webAppContext, name, classname, params, new String[] { pathSpec });
                            LOG.info("Added filter '" + name + "' (class=" + classname + ")");

                            // add webhdfs packages
                            addJerseyResourcePackage(NamenodeWebHdfsMethods.class.getPackage().getName() + ";"
                                    + Param.class.getPackage().getName(), pathSpec);

                    private Map<String, String> getAuthFilterParams(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
                        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
                        String principalInConf = conf
                        if (principalInConf != null && !principalInConf.isEmpty()) {
                            params.put(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_WEB_AUTHENTICATION_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_KEY, SecurityUtil
                                    .getServerPrincipal(principalInConf, serverAddress.getHostName()));
                        String httpKeytab = conf.get(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_WEB_AUTHENTICATION_KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KEY);
                        if (httpKeytab != null && !httpKeytab.isEmpty()) {
                            params.put(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_WEB_AUTHENTICATION_KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KEY, httpKeytab);
                        return params;

                boolean certSSL = conf.getBoolean("dfs.https.enable", false);
                boolean useKrb = UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled();
                if (certSSL || useKrb) {
                    boolean needClientAuth = conf.getBoolean("dfs.https.need.client.auth", false);
                    InetSocketAddress secInfoSocAddr = NetUtils
                            .createSocketAddr(infoHost + ":" + conf.get("dfs.https.port", infoHost + ":" + 0));
                    Configuration sslConf = new Configuration(false);
                    if (certSSL) {
                        sslConf.addResource(conf.get("dfs.https.server.keystore.resource", "ssl-server.xml"));
                    httpServer.addSslListener(secInfoSocAddr, sslConf, needClientAuth, useKrb);
                    // assume same ssl port for all datanodes
                    InetSocketAddress datanodeSslPort = NetUtils
                            .createSocketAddr(conf.get("dfs.datanode.https.address", infoHost + ":" + 50475));
                    httpServer.setAttribute("datanode.https.port", datanodeSslPort.getPort());
                httpServer.setAttribute("name.node", NameNode.this);
                httpServer.setAttribute("name.node.address", getNameNodeAddress());
                httpServer.setAttribute("name.system.image", getFSImage());
                httpServer.setAttribute(JspHelper.CURRENT_CONF, conf);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("getDelegationToken", GetDelegationTokenServlet.PATH_SPEC,
                        GetDelegationTokenServlet.class, true);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("renewDelegationToken", RenewDelegationTokenServlet.PATH_SPEC,
                        RenewDelegationTokenServlet.class, true);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("cancelDelegationToken", CancelDelegationTokenServlet.PATH_SPEC,
                        CancelDelegationTokenServlet.class, true);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("fsck", "/fsck", FsckServlet.class, true);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("getimage", "/getimage", GetImageServlet.class, true);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("listPaths", "/listPaths/*", ListPathsServlet.class, false);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("data", "/data/*", FileDataServlet.class, false);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("checksum", "/fileChecksum/*",
                        FileChecksumServlets.RedirectServlet.class, false);
                httpServer.addInternalServlet("contentSummary", "/contentSummary/*",
                        ContentSummaryServlet.class, false);

                // The web-server port can be ephemeral... ensure we have the correct info
                infoPort = httpServer.getPort();
                httpAddress = new InetSocketAddress(infoHost, infoPort);
                conf.set("dfs.http.address", infoHost + ":" + infoPort);
                LOG.info("Web-server up at: " + infoHost + ":" + infoPort);
                return httpServer;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);
    } finally {
        if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()
                && conf.get(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KRB_HTTPS_USER_NAME_KEY) != null) {
            // Go back to being the correct Namenode principal
            LOG.info("Logging back in as "
                    + SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal(conf.get(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY),
                    + " following http server start.");
            SecurityUtil.login(conf, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KEYTAB_FILE_KEY,
                    DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY, serverAddress.getHostName());

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.procedure.DeleteColumnFamilyProcedure.java

 * Coprocessor Action.//from  w  ww. j  a  v a  2 s .  c om
 * @param env MasterProcedureEnv
 * @param state the procedure state
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws InterruptedException
private void runCoprocessorAction(final MasterProcedureEnv env, final DeleteColumnFamilyState state)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final MasterCoprocessorHost cpHost = env.getMasterCoprocessorHost();
    if (cpHost != null) {
        user.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
            public Void run() throws Exception {
                switch (state) {
                    cpHost.preDeleteColumnHandler(tableName, familyName);
                    cpHost.postDeleteColumnHandler(tableName, familyName);
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this + " unhandled state=" + state);
                return null;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility.TestVisibilityLabelsReplication.java

public static void addLabels() throws Exception {
    PrivilegedExceptionAction<VisibilityLabelsResponse> action = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<VisibilityLabelsResponse>() {
        public VisibilityLabelsResponse run() throws Exception {
            try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf)) {
                VisibilityClient.addLabels(conn, labels);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new IOException(t);
            }/*w  w  w .  j a v  a2 s .  c  om*/
            return null;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.kms.server.KMS.java

@Path(KMSRESTConstants.KEY_VERSION_RESOURCE + "/{versionName:.*}")
@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)//from  w  ww . j  a  v  a 2s .  c  o m
public Response getKeyVersion(@PathParam("versionName") final String versionName) throws Exception {
    try {
        LOG.trace("Entering getKeyVersion method.");
        UserGroupInformation user = HttpUserGroupInformation.get();
        KMSClientProvider.checkNotEmpty(versionName, "versionName");
        assertAccess(KMSACLs.Type.GET, user, KMSOp.GET_KEY_VERSION);
        LOG.debug("Getting key with version name {}.", versionName);

        KeyVersion keyVersion = user.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<KeyVersion>() {
            public KeyVersion run() throws Exception {
                return provider.getKeyVersion(versionName);

        if (keyVersion != null) {
            kmsAudit.ok(user, KMSOp.GET_KEY_VERSION, keyVersion.getName(), "");
        Object json = KMSServerJSONUtils.toJSON(keyVersion);
        LOG.trace("Exiting getKeyVersion method.");
        return Response.ok().type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).entity(json).build();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.debug("Exception in getKeyVersion.", e);
        throw e;

From source file:org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util.WSDL4JWrapper.java

private URL getURLFromJAR(URLClassLoader urlLoader, URL relativeURL) {
    URL[] urlList = null;/*from   w w w. j  a va 2  s.c  om*/
    ResourceFinderFactory rff = (ResourceFinderFactory) MetadataFactoryRegistry
    ResourceFinder cf = rff.getResourceFinder();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("ResourceFinderFactory: " + rff.getClass().getName());
        log.debug("ResourceFinder: " + cf.getClass().getName());

    urlList = cf.getURLs(urlLoader);
    if (urlList == null) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("No URL's found in URL ClassLoader");
        throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("WSDL4JWrapperErr1"));

    for (URL url : urlList) {
        if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
            // Insure that Windows spaces are properly handled in the URL
            final File f = new File(url.getPath().replaceAll("%20", " "));
            // If file is not of type directory then its a jar file
            if (isAFile(f)) {
                try {
                    JarFile jf = (JarFile) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
                        public Object run() throws IOException {
                            return new JarFile(f);
                    Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jf.entries();
                    // read all entries in jar file and return the first
                    // wsdl file that matches
                    // the relative path
                    while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                        JarEntry je = entries.nextElement();
                        String name = je.getName();
                        if (name.endsWith(".wsdl")) {
                            String relativePath = relativeURL.getPath();
                            if (relativePath.endsWith(name)) {
                                String path = f.getAbsolutePath();
                                // This check is necessary because Unix/Linux file paths begin
                                // with a '/'. When adding the prefix 'jar:file:/' we may end
                                // up with '//' after the 'file:' part. This causes the URL 
                                // object to treat this like a remote resource
                                if (path != null && path.indexOf("/") == 0) {
                                    path = path.substring(1, path.length());

                                URL absoluteUrl = new URL("jar:file:/" + path + "!/" + je.getName());
                                return absoluteUrl;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(e);

    return null;

From source file:com.trendmicro.hdfs.webdav.HDFSResource.java

public boolean isCollection() {
    try {/*from   w  w  w. j  a v  a2s .c o m*/
        return user.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Boolean>() {
            public Boolean run() throws Exception {
                return FileSystem.get(conf).getFileStatus(path).isDir();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);