Example usage for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction

List of usage examples for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security PrivilegedExceptionAction PrivilegedExceptionAction.



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From source file:org.nebulaframework.deployment.classloading.GridArchiveClassLoader.java

 * Attempts to find the given Class with in the {@code GridArchive}. If
 * found (either as direct class file or with in a {@code .jar} library
 * inside {@code .nar} file), returns the Class instance for it.
 * /*from  ww w  .j  a  va  2 s  . co m*/
 * @return the {@code Class<?>} instance for the class to be loaded
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException if unable to find the class
public Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
    try {

        // Convert class name to file name
        final String fileName = name.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class";

        // Search in Archive | Exception if failed
        byte[] bytes = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<byte[]>() {

            public byte[] run() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
                return findInArchive(fileName);


        // If found, define class and return
        return defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length, REMOTE_CODESOURCE);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ClassNotFoundException("Unable to locate class", e);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.procedure.TruncateTableProcedure.java

private boolean preTruncate(final MasterProcedureEnv env) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final MasterCoprocessorHost cpHost = env.getMasterCoprocessorHost();
    if (cpHost != null) {
        final TableName tableName = getTableName();
        user.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
            @Override//from   w w w  .j a va  2s  .  c o  m
            public Void run() throws Exception {
                return null;
    return true;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.txn.compactor.Initiator.java

private CompactionType checkForCompaction(final CompactionInfo ci, final ValidTxnList txns,
        final StorageDescriptor sd, final String runAs) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // If it's marked as too many aborted, we already know we need to compact
    if (ci.tooManyAborts) {
        LOG.debug("Found too many aborted transactions for " + ci.getFullPartitionName() + ", "
                + "initiating major compaction");
        return CompactionType.MAJOR;
    }/* ww w .  j a va 2 s  .  c  om*/
    if (runJobAsSelf(runAs)) {
        return determineCompactionType(ci, txns, sd);
    } else {
        LOG.info("Going to initiate as user " + runAs);
        UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(runAs,
        return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<CompactionType>() {
            public CompactionType run() throws Exception {
                return determineCompactionType(ci, txns, sd);

From source file:org.apache.carbondata.core.util.CarbonUtil.java

 * This method will be used to delete the folder and files
 * @param path file path array//from ww w  .  j  a  v a2 s. c om
 * @throws Exception exception
public static void deleteFoldersAndFiles(final File... path) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {

        public Void run() throws Exception {
            for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
            return null;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.TestDistributedFileSystem.java

public void testFileChecksum() throws Exception {
    ((Log4JLogger) HftpFileSystem.LOG).getLogger().setLevel(Level.ALL);

    final long seed = RAN.nextLong();
    System.out.println("seed=" + seed);
    RAN.setSeed(seed);/*www  .  ja  v a  2  s. com*/

    final Configuration conf = getTestConfiguration();
    conf.setBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_WEBHDFS_ENABLED_KEY, true);
    conf.set("slave.host.name", "localhost");

    final MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, 2, true, null);
    final FileSystem hdfs = cluster.getFileSystem();

    final String nnAddr = conf.get("dfs.http.address");
    final UserGroupInformation current = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    final UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(current.getShortUserName() + "x",
            new String[] { "user" });

    try {
        ((DistributedFileSystem) hdfs).getFileChecksum(new Path("/test/TestNonExistingFile"));
        fail("Expecting FileNotFoundException");
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        assertTrue("Not throwing the intended exception message",
                e.getMessage().contains("File does not exist: /test/TestNonExistingFile"));

    try {
        Path path = new Path("/test/TestExistingDir/");
        ((DistributedFileSystem) hdfs).getFileChecksum(path);
        fail("Expecting FileNotFoundException");
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        assertTrue("Not throwing the intended exception message",
                e.getMessage().contains("File does not exist: /test/TestExistingDir"));

    final String hftpuri = "hftp://" + nnAddr;
    System.out.println("hftpuri=" + hftpuri);
    final FileSystem hftp = ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<FileSystem>() {
        public FileSystem run() throws Exception {
            return new Path(hftpuri).getFileSystem(conf);

    final String webhdfsuri = WebHdfsFileSystem.SCHEME + "://" + nnAddr;
    System.out.println("webhdfsuri=" + webhdfsuri);
    final FileSystem webhdfs = ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<FileSystem>() {
        public FileSystem run() throws Exception {
            return new Path(webhdfsuri).getFileSystem(conf);

    final Path dir = new Path("/filechecksum");
    final int block_size = 1024;
    final int buffer_size = conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096);
    conf.setInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512);

    //try different number of blocks
    for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
        //generate random data
        final byte[] data = new byte[RAN.nextInt(block_size / 2 - 1) + n * block_size + 1];
        System.out.println("data.length=" + data.length);

        //write data to a file
        final Path foo = new Path(dir, "foo" + n);
            final FSDataOutputStream out = hdfs.create(foo, false, buffer_size, (short) 2, block_size);

        //compute checksum
        final FileChecksum hdfsfoocs = hdfs.getFileChecksum(foo);
        System.out.println("hdfsfoocs=" + hdfsfoocs);

        final FileChecksum hftpfoocs = hftp.getFileChecksum(foo);
        System.out.println("hftpfoocs=" + hftpfoocs);

        final Path qualified = new Path(hftpuri + dir, "foo" + n);
        final FileChecksum qfoocs = hftp.getFileChecksum(qualified);
        System.out.println("qfoocs=" + qfoocs);

        final FileChecksum webhdfsfoocs = webhdfs.getFileChecksum(foo);
        System.out.println("webhdfsfoocs=" + webhdfsfoocs);

        final Path webhdfsqualified = new Path(webhdfsuri + dir, "foo" + n);
        final FileChecksum webhdfs_qfoocs = webhdfs.getFileChecksum(webhdfsqualified);
        System.out.println("webhdfs_qfoocs=" + webhdfs_qfoocs);

        //write another file
        final Path bar = new Path(dir, "bar" + n);
            final FSDataOutputStream out = hdfs.create(bar, false, buffer_size, (short) 2, block_size);

        { //verify checksum
            final FileChecksum barcs = hdfs.getFileChecksum(bar);
            final int barhashcode = barcs.hashCode();
            assertEquals(hdfsfoocs.hashCode(), barhashcode);
            assertEquals(hdfsfoocs, barcs);

            assertEquals(hftpfoocs.hashCode(), barhashcode);
            assertEquals(hftpfoocs, barcs);

            assertEquals(qfoocs.hashCode(), barhashcode);
            assertEquals(qfoocs, barcs);

            assertEquals(webhdfsfoocs.hashCode(), barhashcode);
            assertEquals(webhdfsfoocs, barcs);

            assertEquals(webhdfs_qfoocs.hashCode(), barhashcode);
            assertEquals(webhdfs_qfoocs, barcs);

        hdfs.setPermission(dir, new FsPermission((short) 0));
        { //test permission error on hftp 
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                FileSystem.LOG.info("GOOD: getting an exception", ioe);

        { //test permission error on webhdfs 
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                FileSystem.LOG.info("GOOD: getting an exception", ioe);
        hdfs.setPermission(dir, new FsPermission((short) 0777));

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.kerberos.TestKerberosKinit.java

private void testHiveJdbcConnection(final String configResources, final String keytab,
        final String realUserPrincipal, final String proxyUser, final String hiveHostName) throws Exception {

    final Configuration configuration = TestKerberosKinit.createConfigurationFromList(configResources);
    UserGroupInformation realugi = TestKerberosKinit.generateKerberosTicket(configuration, keytab,
            realUserPrincipal);/*w w  w  .j  a  v a2  s . c  om*/

    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("Sucessfully got a kerberos ticket in the JVM");

    HiveConnection realUserConnection = (HiveConnection) realugi
            .doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Connection>() {
                public Connection run() {
                    Connection connection;
                    try {
                        String url = hiveHostName;
                        if (proxyUser != null) {
                            url = url + ";hive.server2.proxy.user=" + proxyUser;
                        System.out.println("Hive URL: " + url);
                        connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url);


                        System.out.println("creating statement");
                        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();

                        String sql = "show databases";
                        ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
                        System.out.println(" \n");
                        System.out.println("Executing the Hive Query:");
                        System.out.println(" ");

                        System.out.println("List of Databases");
                        while (res.next()) {

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Error creating connection with proxy user", e);
                    return connection;


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.kms.server.KMS.java

@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)//from  w  w  w.  j  a v a2 s.  c  o  m
public Response getKeysMetadata(@QueryParam(KMSRESTConstants.KEY) List<String> keyNamesList) throws Exception {
    try {
        LOG.trace("Entering getKeysMetadata method.");
        UserGroupInformation user = HttpUserGroupInformation.get();
        final String[] keyNames = keyNamesList.toArray(new String[keyNamesList.size()]);
        assertAccess(KMSACLs.Type.GET_METADATA, user, KMSOp.GET_KEYS_METADATA);

        KeyProvider.Metadata[] keysMeta = user.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<KeyProvider.Metadata[]>() {
            public KeyProvider.Metadata[] run() throws Exception {
                return provider.getKeysMetadata(keyNames);

        Object json = KMSServerJSONUtils.toJSON(keyNames, keysMeta);
        kmsAudit.ok(user, KMSOp.GET_KEYS_METADATA, "");
        LOG.trace("Exiting getKeysMetadata method.");
        return Response.ok().type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).entity(json).build();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.debug("Exception in getKeysmetadata.", e);
        throw e;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.procedure.DeleteTableProcedure.java

private boolean preDelete(final MasterProcedureEnv env) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final MasterCoprocessorHost cpHost = env.getMasterCoprocessorHost();
    if (cpHost != null) {
        final TableName tableName = this.tableName;
        user.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
            @Override//from   w ww. j av  a  2s  .  c om
            public Void run() throws Exception {
                return null;
    return true;

From source file:org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.URIResolverImpl.java

private InputStream openStream_doPriv(final URL streamURL) throws IOException {
    try {//from  ww w.j a  v  a2s. c  om
        return (InputStream) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
            public Object run() throws IOException {
                return streamURL.openStream();
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
        throw (IOException) e.getException();

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas.TestSuperUserQuotaPermissions.java

private <T> T doAsUser(UserGroupInformation ugi, Callable<T> task) throws Exception {
    return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<T>() {
        public T run() throws Exception {
            return task.call();
        }// ww w .j  a  v a  2s .  com