List of usage examples for KeyStore getCertificate
public final Certificate getCertificate(String alias) throws KeyStoreException
From source
public void processTrustStore(TrustStoreDetail trustStoreDetail) { try {/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ Set<X509Certificate> newTrustStoreCerts = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(); Set<X509Certificate> previousTrustStoreCerts = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(); Set<X509Certificate> resultingTrustStoreCerts = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(); for (TrustStoreCertificateDetail trustStoreCertificateDetail : trustStoreDetail.getCertificate()) { CertificateGroupDetail certGroup = getTolvenConfigWrapper() .getCredentialGroup(trustStoreCertificateDetail.getRefId()); if (certGroup == null) { throw new RuntimeException("The trusted group " + trustStoreCertificateDetail.getRefId() + " in truststore " + trustStoreDetail.getId() + " does not exist"); } X509Certificate trustStoreX509Certificate = getTolvenConfigWrapper().getX509Certificate(certGroup); newTrustStoreCerts.add(trustStoreX509Certificate); } File trustStoreFile = new File(trustStoreDetail.getSource()); if (TolvenConfigWrapper.TOLVEN_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT_PEM.equals(trustStoreDetail.getFormat())) { if (trustStoreFile.exists()) { previousTrustStoreCerts = getTolvenConfigWrapper().getX509Certificates(trustStoreFile); for (X509Certificate cert : previousTrustStoreCerts) { resultingTrustStoreCerts.add(cert); } } // And now for what Java calls a Set intersection resultingTrustStoreCerts.retainAll(newTrustStoreCerts); if (resultingTrustStoreCerts.size() != newTrustStoreCerts.size() || !resultingTrustStoreCerts.containsAll(newTrustStoreCerts)) { FileOutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(trustStoreFile); for (X509Certificate x509Certificate : newTrustStoreCerts) { out.write(convertToPEMBytes(x509Certificate)); } } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } }"Created truststore: " + trustStoreDetail.getId()); } } else if (TolvenConfigWrapper.TOLVEN_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT_JKS.equals(trustStoreDetail.getFormat()) || TolvenConfigWrapper.TOLVEN_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT_PKCS12.equals(trustStoreDetail.getFormat())) { char[] truststorepass = getPasswordHolder().getPassword(trustStoreDetail.getId()); if (trustStoreFile.exists()) { KeyStore trustStore = getTolvenConfigWrapper().getKeyStore(truststorepass, trustStoreFile, trustStoreDetail.getFormat()); Enumeration<String> enumeration = trustStore.aliases(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = enumeration.nextElement(); X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) trustStore.getCertificate(alias); previousTrustStoreCerts.add(cert); resultingTrustStoreCerts.add(cert); } } // And now for what Java calls a Set intersection resultingTrustStoreCerts.retainAll(newTrustStoreCerts); if (resultingTrustStoreCerts.size() != newTrustStoreCerts.size() || !resultingTrustStoreCerts.containsAll(newTrustStoreCerts)) { KeyStore trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(trustStoreDetail.getFormat()); trustStore.load(null, truststorepass); for (X509Certificate newCert : newTrustStoreCerts) { String alias = newCert.getSubjectDN().getName(); trustStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, newCert); } trustStoreFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); write(trustStore, trustStoreFile, truststorepass);"Created truststore: " + trustStoreDetail.getId()); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized keystore format: " + trustStoreDetail.getFormat()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to process truststore: " + trustStoreDetail.getId(), ex); } }
From source
private void service(String operation, String message, String remoteAddr, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { try {//w ww. j a v a2s. c o m if ((operation == null) || (message == null)) { log.error("Got request missing operation and/or message parameters."); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Parameters 'operation' and 'message' must be supplied!"); return; } log.debug("Got request '" + operation + "'"); log.debug("Message: " + message); log.debug("Operation is : " + operation); String alias = scepraks.getAlias(); log.debug("SCEP RA Keystore alias : " + alias); KeyStore raks = scepraks.getKeyStore(); Certificate[] chain = raks.getCertificateChain(alias); X509Certificate cacert = null; if (chain.length > 1) { // This should absolutely be more than one! cacert = (X509Certificate) chain[1]; } else { log.error( "Certificate chain in RA keystore is only 1 certificate long! This is en error, because there should also be CA certificates."); } X509Certificate racert = (X509Certificate) raks.getCertificate(alias); String kspwd = ExtraConfiguration.instance() .getString(ExtraConfiguration.SCEPKEYSTOREPWD + keyStoreNumber); PrivateKey rapriv = (PrivateKey) raks.getKey(alias, kspwd.toCharArray()); if (operation.equals("PKIOperation")) { byte[] scepmsg = Base64.decode(message.getBytes()); // Read the message end get the cert, this also checks authorization boolean includeCACert = true; if (StringUtils.equals("0", getInitParameter("includeCACert"))) { includeCACert = false; } byte[] reply = null; ScepRequestMessage reqmsg = new ScepRequestMessage(scepmsg, includeCACert); String transId = reqmsg.getTransactionId(); log.debug("Received a message of type: " + reqmsg.getMessageType()); if (reqmsg.getMessageType() == ScepRequestMessage.SCEP_TYPE_GETCERTINITIAL) {"Received a GetCertInitial message from host: " + remoteAddr); Message msg = null; try { msg = msgHome.findByMessageId(transId); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: internal resources"Error looking for message with transId " + transId + " :", e); } if (msg != null) { if (msg.getStatus().equals(Message.STATUS_PROCESSED)) { log.debug("Request is processed with status: " + msg.getStatus()); SubMessages submessagesresp = msg.getSubMessages(null, null, null); Iterator<ISubMessage> iter = submessagesresp.getSubMessages().iterator(); PKCS10Response resp = (PKCS10Response); // create proper ScepResponseMessage IResponseMessage ret = reqmsg.createResponseMessage( org.ejbca.core.protocol.scep.ScepResponseMessage.class, reqmsg, racert, rapriv, cryptProvider); ret.setCACert(cacert); X509Certificate respCert = resp.getCertificate(); if (resp.isSuccessful() && (respCert != null)) { ret.setCertificate(respCert); } else { ret.setStatus(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); ret.setFailInfo(FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST); String failText = resp.getFailInfo(); ret.setFailText(failText); } ret.create(); reply = ret.getResponseMessage(); } else { log.debug("Request is not yet processed, status: " + msg.getStatus()); reply = createPendingResponseMessage(reqmsg, racert, rapriv, cryptProvider) .getResponseMessage(); log.debug("Responding with pending response, still pending."); } } else { // User doesn't exist } } else { if (reqmsg.getMessageType() == ScepRequestMessage.SCEP_TYPE_PKCSREQ) { log.debug("Received a PKCSReq message from host: " + remoteAddr); // Decrypt the Scep message and extract the pkcs10 request if (reqmsg.requireKeyInfo()) { // scep encrypts message with the RAs certificate reqmsg.setKeyInfo(racert, rapriv, cryptProvider); } // Verify the request if (reqmsg.verify() == false) { String msg = "POPO verification failed."; log.error(msg); throw new SignRequestSignatureException(msg); } String username = reqmsg.getUsername(); if (username == null) { String msg = "No username in request, request DN: " + reqmsg.getRequestDN(); log.error(msg); throw new SignRequestException(msg); }"Received a SCEP/PKCS10 request for user: " + username + ", from host: " + remoteAddr); String authPwd = ExtraConfiguration.instance().getString(ExtraConfiguration.SCEPAUTHPWD); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(authPwd) && !StringUtils.equals(authPwd, "none")) { log.debug("Requiring authPwd in order to precess SCEP requests"); String pwd = reqmsg.getPassword(); if (!StringUtils.equals(authPwd, pwd)) { log.error("Wrong auth password received in SCEP request: " + pwd); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Auth pwd missmatch"); return; } log.debug("Request passed authPwd test."); } else { log.debug("Not requiring authPwd in order to precess SCEP requests"); } // Try to find the CA name from the issuerDN, if we can't find it (i.e. not defined in web.xml) we use the default String issuerDN = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(reqmsg.getIssuerDN()); String caName = ExtraConfiguration.instance().getString(issuerDN); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(caName)) { caName = ExtraConfiguration.instance().getString(ExtraConfiguration.SCEPDEFAULTCA);"Did not find a CA name from issuerDN: " + issuerDN + ", using the default CA '" + caName + "'"); } else { log.debug("Found a CA name '" + caName + "' from issuerDN: " + issuerDN); } // Get altNames if we can find them String altNames = reqmsg.getRequestAltNames(); byte[] encoded = reqmsg.getCertificationRequest().getEncoded(); String pkcs10 = new String(Base64.encode(encoded, false)); // Create a pkcs10 request String certificateProfile = ExtraConfiguration.instance() .getString(ExtraConfiguration.SCEPCERTPROFILEKEY); String entityProfile = ExtraConfiguration.instance() .getString(ExtraConfiguration.SCEPENTITYPROFILEKEY); boolean createOrEditUser = ExtraConfiguration.instance() .getBoolean(ExtraConfiguration.SCEPEDITUSER); PKCS10Request req = new PKCS10Request(100, username, reqmsg.getRequestDN(), altNames, null, null, entityProfile, certificateProfile, caName, pkcs10); req.setCreateOrEditUser(createOrEditUser); SubMessages submessages = new SubMessages(); submessages.addSubMessage(req); msgHome.create(transId, submessages); reply = createPendingResponseMessage(reqmsg, racert, rapriv, cryptProvider) .getResponseMessage(); } } if (reply == null) { // This is probably a getCert message? log.debug("Sending HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED (501) response"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Can not handle request"); return; } // Send back SCEP response, PKCS#7 which contains the end entity's certificate, or pending, or failure sendBinaryBytes(reply, response, "application/x-pki-message", null); } else if (operation.equals("GetCACert")) { // The response has the content type tagged as application/x-x509-ca-cert. // The body of the response is a DER encoded binary X.509 certificate. // For example: "Content-Type:application/x-x509-ca-cert\n\n"<BER-encoded X509> // IF we are not an RA, which in case we should return the same thing as GetCACertChain"Got SCEP cert request for CA '" + message + "'"); if (chain != null) { if (chain.length > 1) { // We are an RA, so return the same as GetCACertChain, but with other content type getCACertChain(message, remoteAddr, response, alias, raks, false); } else { // The CA certificate is no 0 X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) chain[0]; if (chain.length > 1) { cert = (X509Certificate) chain[1]; } log.debug("Found cert with DN '" + cert.getSubjectDN().toString() + "'");"Sent certificate for CA '" + message + "' to SCEP client with ip " + remoteAddr); sendBinaryBytes(cert.getEncoded(), response, "application/x-x509-ca-cert", null); } } else { log.error("No CA certificates found"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "No CA certificates found."); } } else if (operation.equals("GetCACertChain")) { // The response for GetCACertChain is a certificates-only PKCS#7 // SignedDatato carry the certificates to the end entity, with a // Content-Type of application/x-x509-ca-ra-cert-chain."Got SCEP cert chain request for CA '" + message + "'"); getCACertChain(message, remoteAddr, response, alias, raks, true); } else if (operation.equals("GetCACaps")) { // The response for GetCACaps is a <lf> separated list of capabilities /* "GetNextCACert" CA Supports the GetNextCACert message. "POSTPKIOperation" PKIOPeration messages may be sent via HTTP POST. "SHA-1" CA Supports the SHA-1 hashing algorithm in signatures and fingerprints. If present, the client SHOULD use SHA-1. If absent, the client MUST use MD5 to maintain backward compatability. "Renewal" Clients may use current certificate and key to authenticate an enrollment request for a new certificate. */"Got SCEP CACaps request for CA '" + message + "'"); response.setContentType("text/plain"); response.getOutputStream().print("POSTPKIOperation\nSHA-1"); } } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae) { log.error("Empty or invalid request received.", ae); // TODO: Send back proper Failure Response response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, ae.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error in ScepRAServlet:", e); // TODO: Send back proper Failure Response response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } }
From source
private static void loadCA() throws Exception { KeyStore caKeyStore = securityFactory.createKeyStore("PKCS12"); File file = new File("test/resources/testdata/keys/testCA.p12"); FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(file); caKeyStore.load(input, "test".toCharArray()); rootCertificate = (X509Certificate) caKeyStore.getCertificate("root"); caCertificate = (X509Certificate) caKeyStore.getCertificate("ca"); caPrivateKey = (PrivateKey) caKeyStore.getKey("ca", null); assertNotNull(caCertificate);/* w w w.jav a 2 s. c o m*/ assertNotNull(caPrivateKey); }
From source
/** * Constructor for X509 credentials. The certificate and corresponding * private key are loaded from a PKCS#12 keystore file. * /* w ww. ja v a2 m*/ * @param ipStsLocation * the location of the IP-STS WS-Trust web service. * @param rStsLocation * the location of the R-STS WS-Trust web service. * @param rStsRealm * the AGIV R-STS realm. * @param pkcs12File * the PKCS#12 keystore file. * @param pkcs12Password * the PKCS#12 keystore password. * @throws SecurityException * gets thrown in case of a PKCS#12 keystore error. * @see AGIVSecurity#AGIVSecurity(String, String, X509Certificate, * PrivateKey) */ public AGIVSecurity(String ipStsLocation, String rStsLocation, String rStsRealm, File pkcs12File, String pkcs12Password) throws SecurityException { this.ipStsLocation = ipStsLocation; this.rStsLocation = rStsLocation; this.rStsRealm = rStsRealm; this.username = null; this.password = null; InputStream pkcs12InputStream; try { pkcs12InputStream = new FileInputStream(pkcs12File); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new SecurityException("PKCS#12 file does not exist: " + pkcs12File.getAbsolutePath()); } Provider sunJSSEProvider = Security.getProvider("SunJSSE"); try { KeyStore keyStore; if (null != sunJSSEProvider) { // avoid older BouncyCastle implementations keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", sunJSSEProvider); } else { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12"); } keyStore.load(pkcs12InputStream, pkcs12Password.toCharArray()); Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases(); String alias = aliases.nextElement(); this.certificate = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(alias); this.privateKey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(alias, pkcs12Password.toCharArray()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("error loading PKCS#12 keystore: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new SecurityException("error loading PKCS#12 certificate: " + e.getMessage(), e); } this.externalIpStsClient = null; this.secureConversationTokens = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SecurityToken>(); this.rStsSecurityTokens = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SecurityToken>(); this.stsListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<STSListener>(); }
From source
/** * Lists keystore contents on STDOUT. Output is similar to keytool -list -v. * * @param line Parsed command line arguments container. * * @throws Exception On errors.//from w w w . j av a 2s . co m */ protected void list(final CommandLine line) throws Exception { validateOptions(line); final KeyStore store = readKeyStore(line); final Enumeration<String> aliases = store.aliases(); System.out.println(""); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { final String alias = aliases.nextElement(); System.out.println("Alias name: " + alias); System.out.println("Creation date: " + store.getCreationDate(alias)); if (store.isKeyEntry(alias)) { System.out.println("Entry type: keyEntry"); final Certificate[] chain = store.getCertificateChain(alias); System.out.println("Certificate chain length: " + chain.length); for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) { System.out.println("===== Certificate [" + i + "] ====="); printCertificate(chain[i]); } } else { System.out.println("Entry type: trustedCertEntry"); System.out.println("Certificate details:"); printCertificate(store.getCertificate(alias)); } System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); } }
From source
/** * The subjectRDN argument is either an X500Principal or a BouncyCastle X509Name instance. *//*from w w w . j a va 2 s.c om*/ private Vector getAlias(Object subjectRDN, KeyStore store) throws WSSecurityException { // Store the aliases found Vector aliases = new Vector(); Certificate cert = null; try { for (Enumeration e = store.aliases(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String alias = (String) e.nextElement(); Certificate[] certs = store.getCertificateChain(alias); if (certs == null || certs.length == 0) { // no cert chain, so lets check if getCertificate gives us a result. cert = store.getCertificate(alias); if (cert == null) { continue; } certs = new Certificate[] { cert }; } else { cert = certs[0]; } if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) { X500Principal foundRDN = ((X509Certificate) cert).getSubjectX500Principal(); Object certName = createBCX509Name(foundRDN.getName()); if (subjectRDN.equals(certName)) { aliases.add(alias); } } } } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.FAILURE, "keystore", null, e); } return aliases; }
From source
/** * Read meta data public key cert.//from ww w. j a v a 2 s. co m * * @param sWorkingDir * the s working dir * @throws ASelectException * the a select exception */ private void readMetaDataPublicKeyCert(String sWorkingDir) throws ASelectException { String sMethod = "readMetaDataPublicKeyCert"; try { StringBuffer sbKeystoreLocation = new StringBuffer(sWorkingDir); sbKeystoreLocation.append(File.separator); sbKeystoreLocation.append("aselectserver"); sbKeystoreLocation.append(File.separator); sbKeystoreLocation.append("keystores"); sbKeystoreLocation.append(File.separator); sbKeystoreLocation.append(PUBLIC_KEYSTORE_NAME); _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod, "Read:" + sbKeystoreLocation); File fKeystore = new File(sbKeystoreLocation.toString()); if (!fKeystore.exists()) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Keystore cannot be found: "); sbError.append(sbKeystoreLocation.toString()); _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, sbError.toString()); throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_NOT_FOUND); } KeyStore ksASelect = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS"); ksASelect.load(new FileInputStream(sbKeystoreLocation.toString()), null); Enumeration<?> enumAliases = ksASelect.aliases(); while (enumAliases.hasMoreElements()) { String sAlias = (String) enumAliases.nextElement(); sAlias = sAlias.toLowerCase(); if (sAlias.equals(getPublicKeyAlias())) { // server_id A-Select IdP x509Cert = ( ksASelect .getCertificate(sAlias); String encodedCert = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(x509Cert.getEncoded())); _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod, "Found public key alias for : " + getPublicKeyAlias() + " retrieved encoded signing certificate"); setSigningCertificate(encodedCert); } } if (getSigningCertificate() == null) { _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, "No alias found for idp public key with name : " + getPublicKeyAlias()); throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_CONFIG_ERROR); } } catch (Exception e) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer(" Error loading public keys from directory: '"); sbError.append(sWorkingDir); sbError.append("'"); _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, sbError.toString(), e); throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR, e); } }
From source
private X509Certificate findCertIssuerInStore(X509Certificate x509cert, KeyStore kStore) throws CertificateException { X509Certificate x509issuer = null; debug("searching store for issuer: " + x509cert.getIssuerDN()); // check in our local root CA Store Enumeration<String> enumAliases; try {/*from w w w .j a v a 2s .c om*/ enumAliases = kStore.aliases(); X509Certificate x509search = null; while (enumAliases.hasMoreElements()) { x509search = (X509Certificate) kStore.getCertificate(enumAliases.nextElement()); if (checkSubjectMatchesIssuer(x509search.getSubjectX500Principal(), x509cert.getIssuerX500Principal())) { x509issuer = x509search; debug("found issuer for current cert in chain in ROOT CA store: " + x509issuer.getSubjectDN()); break; } } } catch (KeyStoreException e) { String errMsg = mContext.getString(R.string.error_problem_access_local_root_ca_store); debug(errMsg); throw new CertificateException(errMsg); } return x509issuer; }
From source
/** * Populate the available server public keys into a local static HashMap. This method is not * thread safe./* w w w.jav a 2 s.c o m*/ */ public static void initCertsMap(Properties props) throws Exception { certificateMap = new HashMap(); certificateFilePath = props.getProperty(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_PROP); if (certificateFilePath != null && certificateFilePath.length() > 0) { KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS"); String keyStorePass = props.getProperty(PUBLIC_KEY_PASSWD_PROP); char[] passPhrase = (keyStorePass != null ? keyStorePass.toCharArray() : null); FileInputStream keystorefile = new FileInputStream(certificateFilePath); try { ks.load(keystorefile, passPhrase); } finally { keystorefile.close(); } Enumeration aliases = ks.aliases(); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = (String) aliases.nextElement(); Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(alias); if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) { String subject = ((X509Certificate) cert).getSubjectDN().getName(); certificateMap.put(subject, cert); } } } }
From source
private void validateCertificateKeyInKeyStore(KeyStore keyStore, X509Certificate x509Certificate, String secretPassword) throws KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { String defaultAlias = Collections.list(keyStore.aliases()).get(0); X509Certificate secretCertificate = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(defaultAlias); Assert.assertNotNull(secretCertificate); Assert.assertTrue(secretCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal().getName() .equals(x509Certificate.getSubjectX500Principal().getName())); Assert.assertTrue(secretCertificate.getIssuerX500Principal().getName() .equals(x509Certificate.getIssuerX500Principal().getName())); Assert.assertTrue(secretCertificate.getSerialNumber().equals(x509Certificate.getSerialNumber())); // Validate the key in the KeyStore Key secretKey = keyStore.getKey(defaultAlias, secretPassword.toCharArray()); Assert.assertNotNull(secretKey);// w w w.j a v a 2 s .c om Assert.assertTrue(secretKey instanceof PrivateKey); PrivateKey secretPrivateKey = (PrivateKey) secretKey; // Create a KeyPair with the private key from the KeyStore and public // key from the certificate to verify they match KeyPair keyPair = new KeyPair(secretCertificate.getPublicKey(), secretPrivateKey); Assert.assertNotNull(keyPair); verifyRSAKeyPair(keyPair); }