List of usage examples for KeyStore getCertificate
public final Certificate getCertificate(String alias) throws KeyStoreException
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/** * Loads a certificate with the specified org name from a keystore. * @param keyStore keystore from which to load the certificate * @param orgName name of the certificate org * @return X509Certificate// w ww .j a v a 2s . c o m */ public static X509Certificate getCert(KeyStore keyStore, String orgName) { try { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(orgName); if (cert == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to get certificate for " + "name \"" + orgName + "\" from keystore"); } return cert; } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
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/** * Returns the certificate associated with the given alias ,store and * password./*from ww w . j av a 2s .c om*/ * * @param store * the storePath * @param alias * the alias name * @param password * the password * @return the certificate, or null if the given alias does not exist or * does not contain a certificate. * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static X509Certificate getCertificateFromStore(String store, String alias, String password) throws Exception { KeyStore ks = getKeyStore(new File(store).toURL(), password); X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias); return c; }
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/** * Get the X509CredentialImpl object for a particular tenant * @return X509CredentialImpl object containing the public certificate of that tenant * @throws SSOAgentException Error when creating X509CredentialImpl object *///from www .j a va 2s . c o m public static X509CredentialImpl getX509CredentialImpl() throws SSOAgentException { X509CredentialImpl credentialImpl; String keyStoreFile = SSOConfigs.getTrustStore(); String keyStorePassword = SSOConfigs.getTrustStorePassword(); String alias = SSOConfigs.getIdPCertAlias(); KeyStore keyStore = getKeyStore(keyStoreFile, keyStorePassword, "JKS"); try { cert = null; if (alias != null) { cert = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(alias); if (cert == null) { throw new SSOAgentException( "Cannot find a certificate with the alias " + alias + "in the trust store"); } } credentialImpl = new X509CredentialImpl(cert); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SSOAgentException("Error instantiating an X509CredentialImpl object " + "for the public cert", e); } return credentialImpl; }
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public static X509Certificate getCertificate(File certificateFile, String pass, String certAlias) { X509Certificate certificate = null; try {// ww w.j ava 2s. co m FileInputStream cert = new FileInputStream(certificateFile); KeyStore pfxStore = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs12"); pfxStore.load(cert, pass.toCharArray()); if (StringUtils.empty(certAlias) && pfxStore.size() > 0) { certAlias = pfxStore.aliases().nextElement(); } certificate = (X509Certificate) pfxStore.getCertificate(certAlias); cert.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return certificate; }
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/** * Get the X509CredentialImpl object for a particular tenant * * @param domainName domain name//w ww .java 2s .c om * @return X509CredentialImpl object containing the public certificate of that tenant * @throws org.wso2.carbon.identity.authenticator.saml2.sso.SAML2SSOAuthenticatorException Error when creating X509CredentialImpl object */ public static X509CredentialImpl getX509CredentialImplForTenant(String domainName) throws SAML2SSOAuthenticatorException { int tenantID = MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID; RealmService realmService = SAML2SSOAuthBEDataHolder.getInstance().getRealmService(); // get the tenantID if (!domainName.equals(MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME)) { try { tenantID = realmService.getTenantManager().getTenantId(domainName); } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException e) { String errorMsg = "Error getting the TenantID for the domain name"; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new SAML2SSOAuthenticatorException(errorMsg, e); } } KeyStoreManager keyStoreManager = null; // get an instance of the corresponding Key Store Manager instance keyStoreManager = KeyStoreManager.getInstance(tenantID); X509CredentialImpl credentialImpl = null; try { if (tenantID != MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID) { // for non zero tenants, load private key from their generated key store KeyStore keystore = keyStoreManager.getKeyStore(generateKSNameFromDomainName(domainName)); cert = ( keystore .getCertificate(domainName); credentialImpl = new X509CredentialImpl(cert); } else { // for tenant zero, load the cert corresponding to given alias in authenticators.xml String alias = SAML2SSOAuthBEDataHolder.getInstance().getIdPCertAlias(); cert = null; if (alias != null) { cert = (X509Certificate) keyStoreManager.getPrimaryKeyStore().getCertificate(alias); if (cert == null) { String errorMsg = "Cannot find a certificate with the alias " + alias + " in the default key store. Please check the 'KeyAlias' property in" + " the SSO configuration of the authenticators.xml"; log.error(errorMsg); throw new SAML2SSOAuthenticatorException(errorMsg); } } else { // if the idpCertAlias is not given, use the default certificate. cert = keyStoreManager.getDefaultPrimaryCertificate(); } credentialImpl = new X509CredentialImpl(cert); } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Error instantiating an X509CredentialImpl object for the public cert."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new SAML2SSOAuthenticatorException(errorMsg, e); } return credentialImpl; }
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/** * Creates the X509Credential from the TrustStore certificate. */// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m public static X509Credential loadCredentialFromTrustStore(String alias, KeyStore trustStore) throws RelyingPartyException { X509Credential credential = null; cert = null; try { if (trustStore.containsAlias(alias)) { cert = ( trustStore.getCertificate(alias); credential = new X509CredentialImpl(cert); } } catch (KeyStoreException e) { log.error("Error while loading credentials from trust store", e); throw new RelyingPartyException("Error while loading credentials from trust store", e); } return credential; }
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/** * For debuging only. Prints out keystore certificate chain. * * @param keystore Keystore to print out. * @throws KeyStoreException If the keystore is broken. *///from www . j a v a 2 s .co m public static void printTrustCerts(KeyStore keystore) throws KeyStoreException { Enumeration<String> aliases = keystore.aliases(); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); String message = "Trusted certificate '" + alias + "':"; Certificate trustedcert = keystore.getCertificate(alias); if (trustedcert != null && trustedcert instanceof X509Certificate) { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) trustedcert; message += "\n Subject DN: " + cert.getSubjectDN(); message += "\n Signature Algorithm: " + cert.getSigAlgName(); message += "\n Valid from: " + cert.getNotBefore(); message += "\n Valid until: " + cert.getNotAfter(); message += "\n Issuer: " + cert.getIssuerDN(); }; } }
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public static Path runDigitalSignatureSign(Path input, String keystore, String alias, String password, String fileFormat)/*from w w w . ja va 2s.c om*/ throws CertificateException, IOException, KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException, InvalidFormatException, XMLSignatureException, MarshalException { Path output = Files.createTempFile("signed", "." + fileFormat); CopyOption[] copyOptions = new CopyOption[] { StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING }; Files.copy(input, output, copyOptions); KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(keystore); ks.load(is, password.toCharArray()); PrivateKey pk = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, password.toCharArray()); X509Certificate x509 = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias); SignatureConfig signatureConfig = new SignatureConfig(); signatureConfig.setKey(pk); signatureConfig.setSigningCertificateChain(Collections.singletonList(x509)); OPCPackage pkg =, PackageAccess.READ_WRITE); signatureConfig.setOpcPackage(pkg); SignatureInfo si = new SignatureInfo(); si.setSignatureConfig(signatureConfig); si.confirmSignature(); // boolean b = si.verifySignature(); pkg.close(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); return output; }
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private static void loadCA() throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException, UnrecoverableKeyException { KeyStore caKeyStore = securityFactory.createKeyStore("PKCS12"); File file = new File("test/resources/testdata/keys/testCA.p12"); FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(file); caKeyStore.load(input, "test".toCharArray()); rootCertificate = (X509Certificate) caKeyStore.getCertificate("root"); caCertificate = (X509Certificate) caKeyStore.getCertificate("ca"); caPrivateKey = (PrivateKey) caKeyStore.getKey("ca", null); assertNotNull(caCertificate);/*from w w w. j a v a2 s. c o m*/ assertNotNull(caPrivateKey); }
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public static Path runDigitalSignatureSign(Path input, String keystore, String alias, String password, String fileFormat) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, InvalidFormatException, XMLSignatureException, MarshalException { Path output = Files.createTempFile("signed", "." + fileFormat); CopyOption[] copyOptions = new CopyOption[] { StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING }; Files.copy(input, output, copyOptions); KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(keystore)) { ks.load(is, password.toCharArray()); PrivateKey pk = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, password.toCharArray()); X509Certificate x509 = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias); SignatureConfig signatureConfig = new SignatureConfig(); signatureConfig.setKey(pk);/*w w w . j a v a2s .c o m*/ signatureConfig.setSigningCertificateChain(Collections.singletonList(x509)); try (OPCPackage pkg =, PackageAccess.READ_WRITE)) { signatureConfig.setOpcPackage(pkg); SignatureInfo si = new SignatureInfo(); si.setSignatureConfig(signatureConfig); si.confirmSignature(); // boolean b = si.verifySignature(); } } return output; }