Example usage for java.security KeyStore getCertificate

List of usage examples for java.security KeyStore getCertificate


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security KeyStore getCertificate.


public final Certificate getCertificate(String alias) throws KeyStoreException 

Source Link


Returns the certificate associated with the given alias.


From source file:de.conterra.suite.security.portal.gpx.EmbeddedSAMLTokenIntegrationContext.java

private void initKeyStore(StringAttributeMap stringAttributeMap) {
    LOGGER.entering("EmbeddedSAMLTokenIntegrationContext", "initKeyStore");
    String type = getValFromConfig(CONFIG_PARAM_KEYSTORE_TYPE, "JKS");
    String keystoreLoc = getValFromConfig(CONFIG_PARAM_KEYSTORE_LOC, "/gpt/config/keystore.jks");
    String keystorePw = getValFromConfig(CONFIG_PARAM_KEYSTORE_PW, "changeit");
    String keyAlias = getValFromConfig(CONFIG_PARAM_KEYSTORE_KEY_ALIAS, "gpt-security");
    String keyPw = getValFromConfig(CONFIG_PARAM_KEYSTORE_KEY_PW, "changeit");

    LOGGER.finest(MessageFormat.format("Instantiating keystore from: {0}", keystoreLoc));
    LOGGER.finest(MessageFormat.format("Using certificate alias: {0}", keyAlias));
    if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getValFromConfig(CONFIG_PARAM_KEYSTORE_PWS_ENCRYPTED, "false"))) {
        // TODO: test this stuff
        keystorePw = PC1_Encryptor.decrypt(keystorePw);
        keyPw = PC1_Encryptor.decrypt(keyPw);
    }/*from   w  w  w . jav  a  2  s. c  o  m*/

    try {
        KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(type);
        InputStream in = findInputStream(keystoreLoc);
        try {
            keystore.load(in, keystorePw.toCharArray());
            Certificate cert = keystore.getCertificate(keyAlias);
            Key key = keystore.getKey(keyAlias, keyPw.toCharArray());
            m_applicationCertificate = cert;
            m_applicationPrivateKey = key;
            if (cert == null || key == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("key alias '" + keyAlias + "> not found!");
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // ignore
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Can't load certificate and key with alias '" + keyAlias
                + "' from keystore '" + keystoreLoc + "'! Msg" + e, e);

From source file:davmail.util.ClientCertificateTest.java

public void testWindowsSmartCard() {
    try {// w  w w  .  j a  va  2s.  co  m
        KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY");
        ks.load(null, null);
        java.util.Enumeration en = ks.aliases();

        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
            String aliasKey = (String) en.nextElement();
            X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(aliasKey);
            System.out.println("---> alias : " + aliasKey + " " + c.getSubjectDN());

            //PrivateKey key = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(aliasKey, "Passw0rd".toCharArray());
            Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(aliasKey);

    } catch (Exception ioe) {

From source file:org.opendaylight.aaa.cert.impl.ODLKeyTool.java

public String getCertificate(final String keyStoreName, final String keyStorePwd, final String certAlias,
        final boolean withTag) {
    try {//w  ww .  ja  v  a 2s.  c o m
        final KeyStore ctlKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
        final FileInputStream fInputStream = new FileInputStream(workingDir + keyStoreName);
        ctlKeyStore.load(fInputStream, keyStorePwd.toCharArray());
        if (ctlKeyStore.containsAlias(certAlias)) {
            final X509Certificate odlCert = (X509Certificate) ctlKeyStore.getCertificate(certAlias);
            final String cert = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(odlCert.getEncoded());
            if (withTag) {
                final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                return sb.toString();
            return cert;
        LOG.info("{} KeyStore does not contain alias {}", keyStoreName, certAlias);
        return null;
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException | IOException | KeyStoreException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to get Certificate {}", e.getMessage());
        return null;

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.certificate.mgt.core.impl.KeyStoreReader.java

public Certificate getCACertificate() throws KeystoreException {
    KeyStore keystore = loadCertificateKeyStore();
    Certificate caCertificate;/*w  w  w  . j av a2  s .c o  m*/
    try {
        CertificateKeystoreConfig certificateKeystoreConfig = CertificateConfigurationManager.getInstance()
        caCertificate = keystore.getCertificate(certificateKeystoreConfig.getCACertAlias());
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
        String errorMsg = "KeyStore issue occurred when loading KeyStore";
        throw new KeystoreException(errorMsg, e);
    } catch (CertificateManagementException e) {
        String errorMsg = "Unable to find KeyStore configuration in certificate-mgt.config file.";
        throw new KeystoreException(errorMsg, e);

    if (caCertificate == null) {
        throw new KeystoreException("CA certificate not found in KeyStore");

    return caCertificate;

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.certificate.mgt.core.impl.KeyStoreReader.java

public Certificate getRACertificate() throws KeystoreException {
    KeyStore keystore = loadCertificateKeyStore();
    Certificate raCertificate;/*from   w w  w . j  a  v  a2 s  .c  o m*/
    try {
        CertificateKeystoreConfig certificateKeystoreConfig = CertificateConfigurationManager.getInstance()
        raCertificate = keystore.getCertificate(certificateKeystoreConfig.getRACertAlias());
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
        String errorMsg = "KeyStore issue occurred when retrieving RA private key";
        throw new KeystoreException(errorMsg, e);
    } catch (CertificateManagementException e) {
        String errorMsg = "Unable to find KeyStore configuration in certificate-mgt.config file.";
        throw new KeystoreException(errorMsg, e);

    if (raCertificate == null) {
        throw new KeystoreException("RA certificate not found in KeyStore");

    return raCertificate;

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.core.bootup.validator.SystemValidator.java

 * validate primary keystore with default keystore in the application
 * here we assume that if the primary keystore did not contain certificate with wso2carbon alias, customer has
 * modified the default wso2carbon keystore. (means customer using his own keystore)
 * @return validated ValidationResult object
 * @throws CertificateException//from w  w w  .j  ava2 s.co  m
private ValidationResult validateKeystoreFingerprint(String certFingerprint)
        throws CertificateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, IOException {
    ValidationResult result = new ValidationResult();
    String msg = null;
    boolean isValid;
    KeyStore primaryKeyStore = getPrimaryKeyStore();
    X509Certificate wso2CarbonCert = null;
    if (primaryKeyStore != null) {
        wso2CarbonCert = (X509Certificate) primaryKeyStore
    } else {
        log.error("Error loading primary keystore, cannot validate keystore");

    if ((wso2CarbonCert != null) && getCertFingerprint(wso2CarbonCert).equalsIgnoreCase(certFingerprint)) {
        // this is the fault stage where the client use default wso2carbon keystore
        msg = "Carbon is configured to use the default keystore (wso2carbon.jks). To maximize security when deploying to a production environment, configure a new keystore with a unique password in the production server profile.";
        isValid = false;
    } else {
        // wso2carbon keystore not present (client has modified the keystore)
        isValid = true;
    return result;

From source file:com.fine47.http.SecureSocketFactory.java

private SecureSocketFactory(String factoryId, KeyStore store, String alias) throws CertificateException,
        NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException {

    // Loading the CA certificate from store.
    Certificate rootca = store.getCertificate(alias);

    // Turn it to X509 format.
    InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(rootca.getEncoded());
    X509Certificate x509ca = (X509Certificate) CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509").generateCertificate(is);

    if (null == x509ca) {
        throw new CertificateException("Found expired SSL certificate in this store: " + factoryId);
    }//from w w w .j a  v a2s .  c  o m

    // Check the CA's validity.

    // Accepted CA is only the one installed in the store.
    acceptedIssuers = new X509Certificate[] { x509ca };

    // Get the public key.
    publicKey = rootca.getPublicKey();

    sslCtx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
    sslCtx.init(null, new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {

        public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {

        public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {
            Exception error = null;

            if (null == chain || 0 == chain.length) {
                error = new CertificateException("Certificate chain is invalid");
            } else if (null == authType || 0 == authType.length()) {
                error = new CertificateException("Authentication type is invalid");
            } else
                try {
                    for (X509Certificate cert : chain) {
                        if (ActivityHttpClient.isDebugging()) {
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "Server Certificate Details:");
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "---------------------------");
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "IssuerDN: " + cert.getIssuerDN().toString());
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "SubjectDN: " + cert.getSubjectDN().toString());
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "Serial Number: " + cert.getSerialNumber());
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "Version: " + cert.getVersion());
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "Not before: " + cert.getNotBefore().toString());
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "Not after: " + cert.getNotAfter().toString());
                            Log.d(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "---------------------------");

                        // Make sure that it hasn't expired.

                        // Verify the certificate's chain.
                } catch (InvalidKeyException ex) {
                    error = ex;
                } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
                    error = ex;
                } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) {
                    error = ex;
                } catch (SignatureException ex) {
                    error = ex;
            if (null != error && ActivityHttpClient.isDebugging()) {
                Log.e(ActivityHttpClient.LOG_TAG, "Error while setting up a secure socket factory.", error);
                throw new CertificateException(error);

        public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
            return acceptedIssuers;
    } }, null);


From source file:org.opendaylight.aaa.cert.impl.ODLKeyTool.java

public String generateCertificateReq(final String keyStoreName, final String keyStorePwd, final String keyAlias,
        final String signAlg, final boolean withTag) {
    try {/*from   w w  w  .j  a  v a  2 s .  co  m*/
        final KeyStore ctlKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
        final FileInputStream fInputStream = new FileInputStream(workingDir + keyStoreName);
        ctlKeyStore.load(fInputStream, keyStorePwd.toCharArray());
        if (ctlKeyStore.containsAlias(keyAlias)) {
            final X509Certificate odlCert = (X509Certificate) ctlKeyStore.getCertificate(keyAlias);
            final PublicKey pubKey = odlCert.getPublicKey();
            final PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey) ctlKeyStore.getKey(keyAlias, keyStorePwd.toCharArray());
            final String subject = odlCert.getSubjectDN().getName();
            final X509Name xname = new X509Name(subject);
            final String signatureAlgorithm = signAlg;
            final PKCS10CertificationRequest csr = new PKCS10CertificationRequest(signatureAlgorithm, xname,
                    pubKey, null, privKey);
            final String certReq = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(csr.getEncoded());
            if (withTag) {
                final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                return sb.toString();
            return certReq;
        LOG.info("{} KeyStore does not contain alias {}", keyStoreName, keyAlias);
        return null;
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException | IOException | KeyStoreException
            | UnrecoverableKeyException | InvalidKeyException | NoSuchProviderException
            | SignatureException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to generate certificate request {}", e.getMessage());
        return null;

From source file:nu.yona.app.utils.AppUtils.java

public static boolean checkCACertificate() {
    boolean isCertExist = false;
    try {/*  www .j  ava  2s.  c o  m*/
        KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidCAStore");
        if (ks != null) {
            ks.load(null, null);
            Enumeration aliases = ks.aliases();
            if (YonaApplication.getEventChangeManager().getDataState().getUser() != null && YonaApplication
                    .getEventChangeManager().getDataState().getUser().getSslRootCertCN() != null) {
                String caCertName = YonaApplication.getEventChangeManager().getDataState().getUser()
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(caCertName)) {
                    while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
                        String alias = (String) aliases.nextElement();
                        java.security.cert.X509Certificate cert = (java.security.cert.X509Certificate) ks
                        if (cert.getIssuerDN().getName().contains(caCertName)) {
                            isCertExist = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        reportException(AppUtils.class.getSimpleName(), e, Thread.currentThread());
    return isCertExist;


From source file:ch.cyberduck.core.ssl.CertificateStoreX509KeyManager.java

public String chooseClientAlias(final String[] keyTypes, final Principal[] issuers, final Socket socket) {
    try {//from www  .ja v a  2  s .  c o m
        final X509Certificate selected;
        final String hostname = socket.getInetAddress().getHostName();
        try {
            final String alias = bookmark.getCredentials().getCertificate();
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(alias)) {
                log.info(String.format("Return saved certificate alias %s for host %s", alias, bookmark));
                return alias;
            selected = callback.choose(keyTypes, issuers, bookmark,
                            "The server requires a certificate to validate your identity. Select the certificate to authenticate yourself to {0}."),
        } catch (ConnectionCanceledException e) {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                log.info(String.format("No certificate selected for socket %s", socket));
            return null;
        if (null == selected) {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                log.info(String.format("No certificate selected for socket %s", socket));
            // Disconnect
            return null;
        final String[] aliases = this.getClientAliases(keyTypes, issuers);
        if (null != aliases) {
            final KeyStore store;
            try {
                store = this.getKeystore();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return null;
            for (String alias : aliases) {
                if (store.getCertificate(alias).equals(selected)) {
                    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                        log.info(String.format("Selected certificate alias %s for certificate %s", alias,
                    return alias;
        log.warn(String.format("No matching alias found for selected certificate %s", selected));
        // Return null if there are no matches
        return null;
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
        log.error(String.format("Keystore not loaded %s", e.getMessage()));
    // Return null if there are no matches
    return null;