Example usage for java.security KeyFactory getInstance

List of usage examples for java.security KeyFactory getInstance


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security KeyFactory getInstance.


public static KeyFactory getInstance(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException 

Source Link


Returns a KeyFactory object that converts public/private keys of the specified algorithm.


From source file:com.centurylink.mdw.services.util.AuthUtils.java

private static synchronized JWTVerifier createCustomTokenVerifier(String algorithmName, String issuer) {
    JWTVerifier tempVerifier = verifierCustom.get(issuer);
    if (tempVerifier == null) {
        Properties props = null;//ww  w .  j  a  v  a  2  s . c  om
        if (customProviders == null) {
            props = PropertyManager.getInstance().getProperties(PropertyNames.MDW_JWT);
            customProviders = new HashMap<>();
            for (String pn : props.stringPropertyNames()) {
                String[] pnParsed = pn.split("\\.", 4);
                if (pnParsed.length == 4) {
                    String issuer_name = pnParsed[2];
                    String attrname = pnParsed[3];
                    Properties issuerSpec = customProviders.get(issuer_name);
                    if (issuerSpec == null) {
                        issuerSpec = new Properties();
                        customProviders.put(issuer_name, issuerSpec);
                    String v = props.getProperty(pn);
                    issuerSpec.put(attrname, v);

        props = customProviders.get(getCustomProviderGroupName(issuer));

        if (props == null) {
            logger.severe("Exception creating Custom JWT Verifier for " + issuer + " - Missing 'key' Property");
            return null;

        String propAlg = props.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_JWT_ALGORITHM);
        if (StringHelper.isEmpty(algorithmName)
                || (!StringHelper.isEmpty(propAlg) && !algorithmName.equals(propAlg))) {
            String message = "Exception creating Custom JWT Verifier - ";
            message = StringHelper.isEmpty(algorithmName) ? "Missing 'alg' claim in JWT"
                    : ("Mismatch algorithm with specified Property for " + issuer);
            return null;
        String key = System.getenv("MDW_JWT_" + getCustomProviderGroupName(issuer).toUpperCase() + "_KEY");
        if (StringHelper.isEmpty(key)) {
            if (!algorithmName.startsWith("HS")) { // Only allow use of Key in MDW properties for asymmetric algorithms
                key = props.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_JWT_KEY);
                if (StringHelper.isEmpty(key)) {
                    logger.severe("Exception creating Custom JWT Verifier for " + issuer
                            + " - Missing 'key' Property");
                    return null;
            } else {
                logger.severe("Could not find properties for JWT issuer " + issuer);
                return null;

        try {
            maxAge = PropertyManager.getIntegerProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_AUTH_TOKEN_MAX_AGE, 0) * 1000L;

            Algorithm algorithm = null;
            Method algMethod = null;
            if (algorithmName.startsWith("HS")) { // HMAC
                String methodName = "HMAC" + algorithmName.substring(2);
                algMethod = Algorithm.none().getClass().getMethod(methodName, String.class);
                algorithm = (Algorithm) algMethod.invoke(Algorithm.none(), key);
            } else if (algorithmName.startsWith("RS")) { // RSA
                String methodName = "RSA" + algorithmName.substring(2);
                byte[] publicBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(key.getBytes());
                X509EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(publicBytes);
                KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
                PublicKey pubKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
                algMethod = Algorithm.none().getClass().getMethod(methodName, RSAPublicKey.class,
                algorithm = (Algorithm) algMethod.invoke(Algorithm.none(), pubKey, null);
            } else {
                        "Exception creating Custom JWT Verifier - Unsupported Algorithm: " + algorithmName);
                return null;

            String subject = props.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_JWT_SUBJECT);

            Verification tmp = JWT.require(algorithm).withIssuer(issuer);
            tmp = StringHelper.isEmpty(subject) ? tmp : tmp.withSubject(subject);
            tempVerifier = tmp.build();
            verifierCustom.put(issuer, tempVerifier);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException
                | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
            logger.severeException("Exception creating Custom JWT Verifier for " + issuer, e);
    return tempVerifier;

From source file:org.alfresco.encryption.AlfrescoKeyStoreImpl.java

void importPrivateKey(String keyAlias, String keyPassword, InputStream fl, InputStream certstream)
        throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, CertificateException,
        KeyStoreException {/*from  w w  w  . j  a  v a 2 s.  com*/
    KeyInfoManager keyInfoManager = null;

    try {
        keyInfoManager = getKeyInfoManager(getKeyMetaDataFileLocation());
        KeyStore ks = loadKeyStore(getKeyStoreParameters(), keyInfoManager);

        // loading Key
        byte[] keyBytes = new byte[fl.available()];
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        fl.read(keyBytes, 0, fl.available());
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keysp = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes);
        PrivateKey key = kf.generatePrivate(keysp);

        // loading CertificateChain
        CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");

        Collection c = cf.generateCertificates(certstream);
        Certificate[] certs = new Certificate[c.toArray().length];

        certs = (Certificate[]) c.toArray(new Certificate[0]);

        // storing keystore
        ks.setKeyEntry(keyAlias, key, keyPassword.toCharArray(), certs);

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Key and certificate stored.");
            logger.debug("Alias:" + keyAlias);

        ks.store(new FileOutputStream(getKeyStoreParameters().getLocation()), keyPassword.toCharArray());
    } finally {
        if (keyInfoManager != null) {


From source file:com.vmware.identity.idm.server.ServerUtils.java

public static PrivateKey getPrivateKeyValue(LdapValue[] value) {
    PrivateKey privateKey = null;

    if ((value != null) && (value.length == 1)) {
        byte[] privateKeyBytes = value[0].getValue();
        if (privateKeyBytes != null) {
            try {
                KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");

                EncodedKeySpec privateKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKeyBytes);

                privateKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec);
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex1) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No such algorithm");
            } catch (InvalidKeySpecException ex2) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid key spec");
            }//from   w w w.j a  v a  2s .  com
    return privateKey;

From source file:org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.HandShake.java

 * This assumes that authentication is the last piece of info in handshake
 */// www .  j  av a  2 s.  c o m
public void writeCredentials(DataOutputStream dos, DataInputStream dis, Properties p_credentials,
        boolean isNotification, DistributedMember member, HeapDataOutputStream heapdos)
        throws IOException, GemFireSecurityException {

    if (p_credentials == null) {
        // No credentials indicator

    if (dhSKAlgo == null || dhSKAlgo.length() == 0) {
        // Normal credentials without encryption indicator
        DataSerializer.writeProperties(p_credentials, heapdos);

    try {
        InternalLogWriter securityLogWriter = (InternalLogWriter) this.system.getSecurityLogWriter();
        securityLogWriter.fine("HandShake: using Diffie-Hellman key exchange with algo " + dhSKAlgo);
        boolean requireAuthentication = (certificateFilePath != null && certificateFilePath.length() > 0);
        if (requireAuthentication) {
            securityLogWriter.fine("HandShake: server authentication using digital " + "signature required");
        // Credentials with encryption indicator
        // Send the symmetric encryption algorithm name
        DataSerializer.writeString(dhSKAlgo, heapdos);
        // Send the DH public key
        byte[] keyBytes = dhPublicKey.getEncoded();
        DataSerializer.writeByteArray(keyBytes, heapdos);
        byte[] clientChallenge = null;
        if (requireAuthentication) {
            // Authentication of server should be with the client supplied
            // challenge
            clientChallenge = new byte[64];
            DataSerializer.writeByteArray(clientChallenge, heapdos);

        // Expect the alias and signature in the reply
        byte acceptanceCode = dis.readByte();
        if (acceptanceCode != REPLY_OK && acceptanceCode != REPLY_AUTH_NOT_REQUIRED) {
            // Ignore the useless data
            if (!isNotification) {
            readMessage(dis, dos, acceptanceCode, member);
        } else if (acceptanceCode == REPLY_OK) {
            // Get the public key of the other side
            keyBytes = DataSerializer.readByteArray(dis);
            if (requireAuthentication) {
                String subject = DataSerializer.readString(dis);
                byte[] signatureBytes = DataSerializer.readByteArray(dis);
                if (!certificateMap.containsKey(subject)) {
                    throw new AuthenticationFailedException(

                // Check the signature with the public key
                X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certificateMap.get(subject);
                Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(cert.getSigAlgName());
                // Check the challenge string
                if (!sig.verify(signatureBytes)) {
                    throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
                            "Mismatch in client " + "challenge bytes. Malicious server?");
                        .fine("HandShake: Successfully verified the " + "digital signature from server");

            byte[] challenge = DataSerializer.readByteArray(dis);
            X509EncodedKeySpec x509KeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes);
            KeyFactory keyFact = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH");
            // PublicKey pubKey = keyFact.generatePublic(x509KeySpec);
            this.clientPublicKey = keyFact.generatePublic(x509KeySpec);

            HeapDataOutputStream hdos = new HeapDataOutputStream(Version.CURRENT);
            try {
                DataSerializer.writeProperties(p_credentials, hdos);
                // Also add the challenge string
                DataSerializer.writeByteArray(challenge, hdos);

                // byte[] encBytes = encrypt.doFinal(hdos.toByteArray());
                byte[] encBytes = encryptBytes(hdos.toByteArray(),
                        getEncryptCipher(dhSKAlgo, this.clientPublicKey));
                DataSerializer.writeByteArray(encBytes, dos);
            } finally {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw ex;
    } catch (GemFireSecurityException ex) {
        throw ex;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new AuthenticationFailedException("HandShake failed in Diffie-Hellman key exchange", ex);

From source file:de.tum.frm2.nicos_android.nicos.NicosClient.java

private PublicKey extractPublicKey(String source) {
    // Java wants the key formatted without prefix and postfix.
    String prefix = "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----";
    String postfix = "\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----";

    // Java's string formatting/slicing is... 'slightly' inferior to python's.
    String keyNoPrefix = source.substring(prefix.length());
    String reversed = new StringBuilder(keyNoPrefix).reverse().toString();
    String reversedNoPostfix = reversed.substring(postfix.length());
    String keyString = new StringBuilder(reversedNoPostfix).reverse().toString();
    keyString = keyString.replace("\n", "");

    ASN1InputStream in = new ASN1InputStream(Base64.decode(keyString, Base64.NO_WRAP));
    ASN1Primitive obj;//from  ww  w.jav  a 2 s  .co  m
    try {
        obj = in.readObject();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

    RSAPublicKey key = RSAPublicKey.getInstance(obj);
    RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = null;
    if (key != null) {
        keySpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(key.getModulus(), key.getPublicExponent());

    KeyFactory keyFactory = null;
    try {
        keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        // Cannot happen.

    PublicKey pubkey = null;
    try {
        if (keyFactory != null) {
            pubkey = keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
    } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        // Cannot (SHOULD NOT) happen.
    return pubkey;

From source file:cn.usually.common.pay.union.sdknew.SecureUtil.java

public static PublicKey getPublicKey(String modulus, String exponent) {
    try {//from w  w w . j a v a2  s .c o  m
        BigInteger b1 = new BigInteger(modulus);
        BigInteger b2 = new BigInteger(exponent);
        KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(b1, b2);
        return keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("getPublicKey error", e);

From source file:com.netscape.cms.servlet.test.DRMTest.java

 * Verify the generated asymmetric key pair.
 * @param keyAlgorithm - Algorithm used to generate keys.
 * @param privateKey - binary data of the private key.
 * @param publicKey - binary data of he public key.
 * @return//from   ww  w .  j  av  a  2s  .c  om
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
 * @throws InvalidKeyException
 * @throws SignatureException
 * @throws IOException
public static boolean isKeyPairValid(String keyAlgorithm, byte[] privateKey, byte[] publicKey)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException,
        IOException {
    String algorithm = keyAlgorithm.toUpperCase();
    String signingAlgorithm = "SHA1with" + algorithm;
    KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
    PrivateKey priKey = factory.generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKey));
    PublicKey pubKey = factory.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(publicKey));
    Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(signingAlgorithm);
    String s = "Data to test asymmetric keys.";

    // Sign the data with the private key.
    byte[] realSig = sig.sign();

    Signature sig2 = Signature.getInstance(signingAlgorithm);

    // Verify the signature with the public key.
    return sig2.verify(realSig);

From source file:org.openbravo.erpCommon.obps.ActivationKey.java

private PublicKey getPublicKey(String strPublickey) {
    try {/*ww w.  ja  va 2  s .  c om*/
        KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        byte[] rawPublicKey = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.decodeBase64(strPublickey.getBytes());

        X509EncodedKeySpec publicKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(rawPublicKey);
        return keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

From source file:nl.knmi.adaguc.services.oauth2.OAuth2Handler.java

 * RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY ((n, e), M, S) using SHA-256
 * /* w ww .  j  av a 2 s.  c o m*/
 * @param modulus_n
 * @param exponent_e
 * @param signinInput_M
 * @param signature_S
 * @return
 * @throws SignatureException
 * @throws InvalidKeyException
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
static boolean RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_VERIFY(String modulus_n, String exponent_e, String signinInput_M,
        String signature_S)
        throws SignatureException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
    Debug.println("Starting verification");
    /* RSA SHA-256 RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY */
    // Modulus (n from https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/certs)
    String n = modulus_n;
    // Exponent (e from https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/certs)
    String e = exponent_e;
    // The JWT Signing Input (JWT Header and JWT Payload concatenated with
    // ".")
    byte[] M = signinInput_M.getBytes();
    // Signature (JWT Crypto)
    byte[] S = Base64.decodeBase64(signature_S);

    byte[] modulusBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(n);
    byte[] exponentBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(e);
    BigInteger modulusInteger = new BigInteger(1, modulusBytes);
    BigInteger exponentInteger = new BigInteger(1, exponentBytes);

    RSAPublicKeySpec rsaPubKey = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulusInteger, exponentInteger);
    KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    PublicKey pubKey = fact.generatePublic(rsaPubKey);
    Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
    boolean isVerified = signature.verify(S);
    Debug.println("Verify result [" + isVerified + "]");
    return isVerified;

From source file:org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.HandShake.java

 * This method writes what readCredential() method expects to read. (Note the use of singular
 * credential). It is similar to writeCredentials(), except that it doesn't write
 * credential-properties.// ww  w .j  av a2s .  c  om
public byte writeCredential(DataOutputStream dos, DataInputStream dis, String authInit, boolean isNotification,
        DistributedMember member, HeapDataOutputStream heapdos) throws IOException, GemFireSecurityException {

    if (!this.multiuserSecureMode && (authInit == null || authInit.length() == 0)) {
        // No credentials indicator
        return -1;

    if (dhSKAlgo == null || dhSKAlgo.length() == 0) {
        // Normal credentials without encryption indicator
        this.appSecureMode = CREDENTIALS_NORMAL;
        // DataSerializer.writeProperties(p_credentials, heapdos);
        return -1;
    byte acceptanceCode = -1;
    try {
        InternalLogWriter securityLogWriter = (InternalLogWriter) this.system.getSecurityLogWriter();
        securityLogWriter.fine("HandShake: using Diffie-Hellman key exchange with algo " + dhSKAlgo);
        boolean requireAuthentication = (certificateFilePath != null && certificateFilePath.length() > 0);
        if (requireAuthentication) {
            securityLogWriter.fine("HandShake: server authentication using digital " + "signature required");
        // Credentials with encryption indicator
        this.appSecureMode = CREDENTIALS_DHENCRYPT;
        // Send the symmetric encryption algorithm name
        DataSerializer.writeString(dhSKAlgo, heapdos);
        // Send the DH public key
        byte[] keyBytes = dhPublicKey.getEncoded();
        DataSerializer.writeByteArray(keyBytes, heapdos);
        byte[] clientChallenge = null;
        if (requireAuthentication) {
            // Authentication of server should be with the client supplied
            // challenge
            clientChallenge = new byte[64];
            DataSerializer.writeByteArray(clientChallenge, heapdos);

        // Expect the alias and signature in the reply
        acceptanceCode = dis.readByte();
        if (acceptanceCode != REPLY_OK && acceptanceCode != REPLY_AUTH_NOT_REQUIRED) {
            // Ignore the useless data
            if (!isNotification) {
            readMessage(dis, dos, acceptanceCode, member);
        } else if (acceptanceCode == REPLY_OK) {
            // Get the public key of the other side
            keyBytes = DataSerializer.readByteArray(dis);
            if (requireAuthentication) {
                String subject = DataSerializer.readString(dis);
                byte[] signatureBytes = DataSerializer.readByteArray(dis);
                if (!certificateMap.containsKey(subject)) {
                    throw new AuthenticationFailedException(

                // Check the signature with the public key
                X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certificateMap.get(subject);
                Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(cert.getSigAlgName());
                // Check the challenge string
                if (!sig.verify(signatureBytes)) {
                    throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
                            "Mismatch in client " + "challenge bytes. Malicious server?");
                        .fine("HandShake: Successfully verified the " + "digital signature from server");

            // Read server challenge bytes
            byte[] serverChallenge = DataSerializer.readByteArray(dis);
            X509EncodedKeySpec x509KeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes);
            KeyFactory keyFact = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH");
            // PublicKey pubKey = keyFact.generatePublic(x509KeySpec);
            this.clientPublicKey = keyFact.generatePublic(x509KeySpec);

            HeapDataOutputStream hdos = new HeapDataOutputStream(Version.CURRENT);
            try {
                // Add the challenge string
                DataSerializer.writeByteArray(serverChallenge, hdos);
                // byte[] encBytes = encrypt.doFinal(hdos.toByteArray());
                byte[] encBytes = encryptBytes(hdos.toByteArray(),
                        getEncryptCipher(dhSKAlgo, this.clientPublicKey));
                DataSerializer.writeByteArray(encBytes, dos);
            } finally {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw ex;
    } catch (GemFireSecurityException ex) {
        throw ex;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new AuthenticationFailedException("HandShake failed in Diffie-Hellman key exchange", ex);
    return acceptanceCode;