List of usage examples for KeyFactory getInstance
public static KeyFactory getInstance(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
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/** * Load an unencrypted PKCS #8 private key from the stream. The encoding of * the private key may be PEM or DER.// w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m * * @param is * Stream to load the unencrypted private key from * @return The private key * @throws PrivateKeyEncryptedException * If private key is encrypted * @throws CryptoException * Problem encountered while loading the private key * @throws IOException * If an I/O error occurred */ public static PrivateKey load(InputStream is) throws CryptoException, IOException { byte[] streamContents = ReadUtil.readFully(is); // Check pkcs #8 is unencrypted EncryptionType encType = getEncryptionType(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamContents)); if (encType == null) { // Not a valid PKCS #8 private key throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NotValidPkcs8.exception.message")); } if (encType == ENCRYPTED) { throw new PrivateKeyEncryptedException(res.getString("Pkcs8IsEncrypted.exception.message")); } byte[] pvkBytes = null; // Check if stream is PEM encoded PemInfo pemInfo = PemUtil.decode(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamContents)); if (pemInfo != null) { // It is - get DER from PEM pvkBytes = pemInfo.getContent(); } /* * If we haven't got the key bytes via PEM then just use stream * contents directly (assume it is DER encoded) */ if (pvkBytes == null) { // Read in private key bytes pvkBytes = streamContents; } try { // Determine private key algorithm from key bytes String privateKeyAlgorithm = getPrivateKeyAlgorithm(pvkBytes); // Convert bytes to private key PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privateKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(pvkBytes); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(privateKeyAlgorithm); PrivateKey pvk = keyFactory.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec); return pvk; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoLoadPkcs8PrivateKey.exception.message"), ex); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoLoadPkcs8PrivateKey.exception.message"), ex); } }
From source
public static void createAndStartServer(int webPort, String localAddress, int localPort, String secureLocalAddress, int secureLocalPort, String redisUrl) throws Exception { // Prepare LWM2M server LeshanServerBuilder builder = new LeshanServerBuilder(); builder.setLocalAddress(localAddress, localPort); builder.setLocalSecureAddress(secureLocalAddress, secureLocalPort); builder.setEncoder(new DefaultLwM2mNodeEncoder()); LwM2mNodeDecoder decoder = new DefaultLwM2mNodeDecoder(); builder.setDecoder(decoder);/*from w ww . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ // connect to redis if needed Pool<Jedis> jedis = null; if (redisUrl != null) { // TODO: support sentinel pool and make pool configurable jedis = new JedisPool(new URI(redisUrl)); } // Get public and private server key PrivateKey privateKey = null; PublicKey publicKey = null; try { // Get point values byte[] publicX = Hex .decodeHex("fcc28728c123b155be410fc1c0651da374fc6ebe7f96606e90d927d188894a73".toCharArray()); byte[] publicY = Hex .decodeHex("d2ffaa73957d76984633fc1cc54d0b763ca0559a9dff9706e9f4557dacc3f52a".toCharArray()); byte[] privateS = Hex .decodeHex("1dae121ba406802ef07c193c1ee4df91115aabd79c1ed7f4c0ef7ef6a5449400".toCharArray()); // Get Elliptic Curve Parameter spec for secp256r1 AlgorithmParameters algoParameters = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("EC"); algoParameters.init(new ECGenParameterSpec("secp256r1")); ECParameterSpec parameterSpec = algoParameters.getParameterSpec(ECParameterSpec.class); // Create key specs KeySpec publicKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec( new ECPoint(new BigInteger(publicX), new BigInteger(publicY)), parameterSpec); KeySpec privateKeySpec = new ECPrivateKeySpec(new BigInteger(privateS), parameterSpec); // Get keys publicKey = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC").generatePublic(publicKeySpec); privateKey = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC").generatePrivate(privateKeySpec); builder.setPublicKey(publicKey); builder.setPrivateKey(privateKey); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidParameterSpecException e) { LOG.error("Unable to initialize RPK.", e); System.exit(-1); } // Define model provider LwM2mModelProvider modelProvider = new StandardModelProvider(); builder.setObjectModelProvider(modelProvider); // Set securityStore & registrationStore EditableSecurityStore securityStore; if (jedis == null) { // use file persistence securityStore = new FileSecurityStore(); } else { // use Redis Store securityStore = new RedisSecurityStore(jedis); builder.setRegistrationStore(new RedisRegistrationStore(jedis)); } builder.setSecurityStore(securityStore); // Create and start LWM2M server LeshanServer lwServer =; // Now prepare Jetty Server server = new Server(webPort); WebAppContext root = new WebAppContext(); root.setContextPath("/"); root.setResourceBase(LeshanServerDemo.class.getClassLoader().getResource("webapp").toExternalForm()); root.setParentLoaderPriority(true); server.setHandler(root); // Create Servlet EventServlet eventServlet = new EventServlet(lwServer, lwServer.getSecureAddress().getPort()); ServletHolder eventServletHolder = new ServletHolder(eventServlet); root.addServlet(eventServletHolder, "/event/*"); ServletHolder clientServletHolder = new ServletHolder( new ClientServlet(lwServer, lwServer.getSecureAddress().getPort())); root.addServlet(clientServletHolder, "/api/clients/*"); ServletHolder securityServletHolder = new ServletHolder(new SecurityServlet(securityStore, publicKey)); root.addServlet(securityServletHolder, "/api/security/*"); ServletHolder objectSpecServletHolder = new ServletHolder( new ObjectSpecServlet(lwServer.getModelProvider())); root.addServlet(objectSpecServletHolder, "/api/objectspecs/*"); // Start Jetty & Leshan lwServer.start(); server.start();"Web server started at {}.", server.getURI()); }
From source
/** * <p>Decodes a DSA public key according to the SSH standard from the * data <code>_buffer</code> based on <b>NIST's FIPS-186</b>. The values of * the DSA public key specification are read in the order * <ul>/* w w w . ja va2 s . com*/ * <li>prime p</li> * <li>sub-prime q</li> * <li>base g</li> * <li>public key y</li> * </ul> * With the specification the related DSA public key is generated.</p> * * @param _buffer SSH2 data buffer where the type of the key is already * read * @return DSA public key instance * @throws PublicKeyParseException if the SSH2 public key blob could not be * decoded * @see DSAPublicKeySpec * @see <a href="">Digital Signature Algorithm on Wikipedia</a> * @see <a href="">RFC 4253 Section 6.6</a> */ private static PublicKey decodeDSAPublicKey(final SSH2DataBuffer _buffer) throws PublicKeyParseException { final BigInteger p = _buffer.readMPint(); final BigInteger q = _buffer.readMPint(); final BigInteger g = _buffer.readMPint(); final BigInteger y = _buffer.readMPint(); try { final KeyFactory dsaKeyFact = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA"); final DSAPublicKeySpec dsaPubSpec = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y, p, q, g); return dsaKeyFact.generatePublic(dsaPubSpec); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PublicKeyParseException( PublicKeyParseException.ErrorCode.SSH2DSA_ERROR_DECODING_PUBLIC_KEY_BLOB, e); } }
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static PublicKey loadPublicKey(String file, String algorithm) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException { // Read Public Key. File filePublicKey = new File(file); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] encodedPublicKey = new byte[(int) filePublicKey.length()];;//from w w w.ja va 2 s. co m fis.close(); // Generate Public Key. KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm); X509EncodedKeySpec publicKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(encodedPublicKey); PublicKey publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); return publicKey; }
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public static PublicKey getPublicOscarKey(String publicOscarKeyString) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException { X509EncodedKeySpec pubKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(Base64.decodeBase64(publicOscarKeyString)); KeyFactory pubKeyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); PublicKey publicOscarKey = pubKeyFactory.generatePublic(pubKeySpec); return publicOscarKey; }
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/** * <p>/*from w w w . j ava2s . c o m*/ * ? * </p> * * @param data ?? * @param privateKey ?(BASE64?) * @return byte * @throws Exception Exception */ public static byte[] encryptByPrivateKey(byte[] data, String privateKey) throws Exception { byte[] keyBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(privateKey); PKCS8EncodedKeySpec pkcs8KeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(KEY_ALGORITHM); Key privateK = keyFactory.generatePrivate(pkcs8KeySpec); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(keyFactory.getAlgorithm()); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, privateK); int inputLen = data.length; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int offSet = 0; byte[] cache; int index = 0; // ? while (inputLen - offSet > 0) { if (inputLen - offSet > MAX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK) { cache = cipher.doFinal(data, offSet, MAX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK); } else { cache = cipher.doFinal(data, offSet, inputLen - offSet); } out.write(cache, 0, cache.length); index++; offSet = index * MAX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK; } byte[] encryptedData = out.toByteArray(); out.close(); return encryptedData; }
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/** * Generates a PublicKey instance from a string containing the * Base64-encoded public key./* w w w .j av a 2 s. co m*/ * * @param encodedPublicKey Base64-encoded public key * @throws IllegalArgumentException if encodedPublicKey is invalid */ public static PublicKey generatePublicKey(String encodedPublicKey) { try { //byte[] decodedKey = Base64.decode(encodedPublicKey); byte[] decodedKey = Base64.decode(encodedPublicKey, Base64.DEFAULT); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(KEY_FACTORY_ALGORITHM); return keyFactory.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(decodedKey)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid key specification."); throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } // catch (Base64DecoderException e) { // Log.e(TAG, "Base64 decoding failed."); // throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); //} }
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/** * Gets the private key from bytes./*from w ww . j a va 2 s . com*/ * * @param keyBytes the key bytes * @return the private * @throws InvalidKeyException invalid key exception */ public static PrivateKey getPrivate(byte[] keyBytes) throws InvalidKeyException { try { PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes); KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(RSA); return kf.generatePrivate(spec); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException ex) { throw new InvalidKeyException(ex); } }
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@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mOuyaFacade = OuyaFacade.getInstance(); Bundle developerInfo = new Bundle(); developerInfo.putString(OuyaFacade.OUYA_DEVELOPER_ID, DEVELOPER_ID); developerInfo.putByteArray(OuyaFacade.OUYA_DEVELOPER_PUBLIC_KEY, loadApplicationKey()); mOuyaFacade = OuyaFacade.getInstance(); mOuyaFacade.init(this, developerInfo); // Uncomment this line to test against the server using "fake" credits. // This will also switch over to a separate "test" purchase history. //ouyaFacade.setTestMode(); setContentView(R.layout.sample_app); receiptListView = (ListView) findViewById(; receiptListView.setFocusable(false); /*//from ww w . j a va2 s . co m * In order to avoid "application not responding" popups, Android demands that long-running operations * happen on a background thread. Listener objects provide a way for you to specify what ought to happen * at the end of the long-running operation. Examples of this pattern in Android include * android.os.AsyncTask. */ findViewById( View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { fetchGamerInfo(); } }); // Attempt to restore the product and receipt list from the savedInstanceState Bundle if (savedInstanceState != null) { if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(PRODUCTS_INSTANCE_STATE_KEY)) { Parcelable[] products = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArray(PRODUCTS_INSTANCE_STATE_KEY); mProductList = new ArrayList<Product>(products.length); for (Parcelable product : products) { mProductList.add((Product) product); } addProducts(); } if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(RECEIPTS_INSTANCE_STATE_KEY)) { Parcelable[] receipts = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArray(RECEIPTS_INSTANCE_STATE_KEY); mReceiptList = new ArrayList<Receipt>(receipts.length); for (Parcelable receipt : receipts) { mReceiptList.add((Receipt) receipt); } addReceipts(); } } // Request the product list if it could not be restored from the savedInstanceState Bundle if (mProductList == null) { requestProducts(); } // Make sure the receipt ListView starts empty if the receipt list could not be restored // from the savedInstanceState Bundle. if (mReceiptList == null) { receiptListView.setAdapter(new ReceiptAdapter(this, new Receipt[0])); } // Create a PublicKey object from the key data downloaded from the developer portal. try { X509EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(loadApplicationKey()); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); mPublicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unable to create encryption key", e); } }