Example usage for java.security KeyFactory getInstance

List of usage examples for java.security KeyFactory getInstance


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security KeyFactory getInstance.


public static KeyFactory getInstance(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException 

Source Link


Returns a KeyFactory object that converts public/private keys of the specified algorithm.


From source file:org.nick.ghettounlock.GhettoTrustAgent.java

public static RSAPublicKey getPublicKey(Context ctx) {
    String pubKeyStr = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx).getString(PREF_PUB_KEY, null);
    if (pubKeyStr == null) {
        return null;
    }/*from w ww  .ja va2s. com*/

    try {
        X509EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(
                Base64.decode(pubKeyStr.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT));
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        RSAPublicKey pubKey = (RSAPublicKey) kf.generatePublic(keySpec);

        return pubKey;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);


From source file:org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.oauth.SignerProvider.java

static KeyPair parseKeyPair(String pemData) {
    Matcher m = PEM_DATA.matcher(pemData.trim());

    if (!m.matches()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("String is not PEM encoded data");
    }/*from   ww w.j  av a2  s.  co  m*/

    String type = m.group(1);
    final byte[] content = b64Decode(utf8Encode(m.group(2)));

    PublicKey publicKey;
    PrivateKey privateKey = null;

    try {
        KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        if (type.equals("RSA PRIVATE KEY")) {
            ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(content);
            if (seq.size() != 9) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid RSA Private Key ASN1 sequence.");
            org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.RSAPrivateKey key = org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.RSAPrivateKey
            RSAPublicKeySpec pubSpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(key.getModulus(), key.getPublicExponent());
            RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec privSpec = new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(key.getModulus(), key.getPublicExponent(),
                    key.getPrivateExponent(), key.getPrime1(), key.getPrime2(), key.getExponent1(),
                    key.getExponent2(), key.getCoefficient());
            publicKey = fact.generatePublic(pubSpec);
            privateKey = fact.generatePrivate(privSpec);
        } else if (type.equals("PUBLIC KEY")) {
            KeySpec keySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(content);
            publicKey = fact.generatePublic(keySpec);
        } else if (type.equals("RSA PUBLIC KEY")) {
            ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(content);
            org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.RSAPublicKey key = org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.RSAPublicKey
            RSAPublicKeySpec pubSpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(key.getModulus(), key.getPublicExponent());
            publicKey = fact.generatePublic(pubSpec);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(type + " is not a supported format");

        return new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey);
    } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);

From source file:com.ibm.dbwkl.helper.CryptionModule.java

 * @return PrivateKey Instance//from ww w.j  a v a2  s .  co  m
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
private RSAPrivateKey getPrivateKey() throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
    byte[] privateKeyBytes = null;
    RSAPrivateKey privateKey = null;

    privateKeyBytes = getPrivateKeyBytes();
    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    KeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKeyBytes);
    privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);

    return privateKey;

From source file:net.adamcin.httpsig.testutil.KeyTestUtil.java

public static KeyPair getKeyPairFromProperties(String parentName, String keyName) {
    InputStream is = null;// w  w  w.j  a  v a 2 s .c  o  m
    try {
        is = KeyTestUtil.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + parentName + "/" + keyName + ".properties");
        Properties props = new Properties();
        if (TYPE_RSA.equals(props.getProperty(P_TYPE))) {
            RSAPrivateKeySpec privSpec = null;
            if (props.getProperty(RSA_P) != null && props.getProperty(RSA_Q) != null
                    && props.getProperty(RSA_U) != null) {
                privSpec = new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_N)),
                        new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_E)), new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_D)),
                        new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_P)), new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_Q)),
                        new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_PE)), new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_QE)),
                        new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_U)));
            } else {
                privSpec = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_N)),
                        new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_D)));
            RSAPublicKeySpec pubSpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_N)),
                    new BigInteger(props.getProperty(RSA_E)));

            KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
            return new KeyPair(keyFactory.generatePublic(pubSpec), keyFactory.generatePrivate(privSpec));
        } else if (TYPE_DSA.equals(props.getProperty(P_TYPE))) {
            DSAPrivateKeySpec privSpec = new DSAPrivateKeySpec(new BigInteger(props.getProperty(DSA_X)),
                    new BigInteger(props.getProperty(DSA_P)), new BigInteger(props.getProperty(DSA_Q)),
                    new BigInteger(props.getProperty(DSA_G)));
            DSAPublicKeySpec pubSpec = new DSAPublicKeySpec(new BigInteger(props.getProperty(DSA_Y)),
                    new BigInteger(props.getProperty(DSA_P)), new BigInteger(props.getProperty(DSA_Q)),
                    new BigInteger(props.getProperty(DSA_G)));
            KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
            return new KeyPair(keyFactory.generatePublic(pubSpec), keyFactory.generatePrivate(privSpec));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("Failed to read properties", e);
    } finally {

    return null;

From source file:com.torresbueno.RSAEncryptionDecryptionUtil.java

 * Read public key from file./*from  ww  w  . j  ava  2  s .  c  o m*/
 * @param filePath
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
public PrivateKey readPrivateKeyFromFile(String filePath) throws Exception {
    // Read file to a byte array.
    String privateKeyFileName = filePath;
    Path path = Paths.get(privateKeyFileName);
    byte[] privKeyByteArray = Files.readAllBytes(path);
    PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privKeyByteArray);
    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    PrivateKey myPrivKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
    return myPrivKey;

From source file:com.cablevision.util.sso.UtilSSO.java

 * Creates a PrivateKey from the specified public key file and algorithm.
 * Returns null if failure to generate PrivateKey.
 * /*from w  ww . ja v  a  2s  . c  om*/
 * @param PrivateKeyFilepath location of public key file
 * @param algorithm algorithm of specified key file
 * @return PrivateKey object representing contents of specified private key
 *         file, null if error in generating key or invalid file specified
public static PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String privateKeyFilepath, String algorithm) throws SamlException {
    try {
        InputStream privKey = null;

        ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        privKey = cl.getResourceAsStream(privateKeyFilepath);

        byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(privKey);


        System.out.println("Private bytes: " + Arrays.toString(bytes));

        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privSpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(bytes);
        KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
        return factory.generatePrivate(privSpec);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new SamlException("ERROR: Private key file not found - " + privateKeyFilepath);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new SamlException("ERROR: Invalid private key file - " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new SamlException("ERROR: Invalid private key algorithm - " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        throw new SamlException("ERROR: Invalid private key spec - " + e.getMessage());

From source file:com.clustercontrol.util.KeyCheck.java

 * ?//from  w ww  .  j a va 2 s.  co  m
 * com.clustercontrol.key.KeyGenerator????????public??
 * @param str
 * @return
 * @throws HinemosUnknown
public static PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String str) throws HinemosUnknown {
    try {
        KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(ALGORITHM);
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privateKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(string2Byte(str));
        return keyFactory.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec);
    } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        throw new HinemosUnknown("getPrivateKey fail " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new HinemosUnknown("getPrivateKey fail " + e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:de.tum.in.tumcampus.services.GcmIntentService.java

 * Loads the private key from preferences
 * @return The private key object//from  ww w  .ja v  a2 s  .  com
private PrivateKey getPrivateKeyFromSharedPrefs() {
    String privateKeyString = Utils.getInternalSettingString(this, Const.PRIVATE_KEY, "");
    byte[] privateKeyBytes = Base64.decode(privateKeyString, Base64.DEFAULT);
    KeyFactory keyFactory;
    try {
        keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privateKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKeyBytes);
        return keyFactory.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
    return null;

From source file:gemlite.core.util.RSAUtils.java

 * <p>/* w w  w .j  a v a  2  s.  c  om*/
 * </p>
 * @param data
 *          ??
 * @param publicKey
 *          (BASE64?)
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public static byte[] encryptByPublicKey(byte[] data, String publicKey) throws Exception {
    byte[] keyBytes = Base64Utils.decode(publicKey);
    X509EncodedKeySpec x509KeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes);
    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(KEY_ALGORITHM);
    Key publicK = keyFactory.generatePublic(x509KeySpec);
    // ?
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(keyFactory.getAlgorithm());
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicK);
    int inputLen = data.length;
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    int offSet = 0;
    byte[] cache;
    int i = 0;
    // ?
    while (inputLen - offSet > 0) {
        if (inputLen - offSet > MAX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK) {
            cache = cipher.doFinal(data, offSet, MAX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK);
        } else {
            cache = cipher.doFinal(data, offSet, inputLen - offSet);
        out.write(cache, 0, cache.length);
        offSet = i * MAX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK;
    byte[] encryptedData = out.toByteArray();
    return encryptedData;

From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cflib.v2_1.CFLib.Tip.CFTipEnvelopeHandler.java

public void setEncodedClientPublicKey(byte encoded[])
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidKeySpecException {
    X509EncodedKeySpec x509KeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(encoded);
    KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    clientPublicKey = kf.generatePublic(x509KeySpec);