List of usage examples for X509Certificate getSubjectDN
public abstract Principal getSubjectDN();
From source
public X509TrustManager getTrustManager(final Iterable<String> identitiesToTest, final CertificateMatcher clientVerifier, final CertificateMatcher serverVerifier) throws GeneralSecurityException { // obtain the default X509 trust manager X509TrustManager defaultTm = null; TrustManagerFactory tmFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()); //workaround for KeyStore ks = null;//w ww. j a v a 2 m String tsType = System.getProperty("", null); if ("Windows-ROOT".equals(tsType)) { try { ks = KeyStore.getInstance(tsType); ks.load(null, null); int numEntries = keyStoreAppendIndex(ks); "Using Windows-ROOT. Aliases sucessfully renamed on " + numEntries + " root certificates."); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not rename Windows-ROOT aliases", e); } } tmFactory.init(ks); for (TrustManager m : tmFactory.getTrustManagers()) { if (m instanceof X509TrustManager) { defaultTm = (X509TrustManager) m; break; } } if (defaultTm == null) throw new GeneralSecurityException("No default X509 trust manager found"); final X509TrustManager tm = defaultTm; return new X509TrustManager() { private boolean serverCheck; public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return tm.getAcceptedIssuers(); } public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { serverCheck = true; checkCertTrusted(chain, authType); } public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { serverCheck = false; checkCertTrusted(chain, authType); } private void checkCertTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { // check and default configurations for property // if missing default is null - false String defaultAlwaysTrustMode = CertificateVerificationActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString(CertificateService.PNAME_ALWAYS_TRUST); if (config.getBoolean(PNAME_ALWAYS_TRUST, Boolean.parseBoolean(defaultAlwaysTrustMode))) return; try { // check the certificate itself (issuer, validity) try { chain = tryBuildChain(chain); } catch (Exception e) { } // don't care and take the chain as is if (serverCheck) tm.checkServerTrusted(chain, authType); else tm.checkClientTrusted(chain, authType); if (identitiesToTest == null || !identitiesToTest.iterator().hasNext()) return; else if (serverCheck) serverVerifier.verify(identitiesToTest, chain[0]); else clientVerifier.verify(identitiesToTest, chain[0]); // ok, globally valid cert } catch (CertificateException e) { String thumbprint = getThumbprint(chain[0], THUMBPRINT_HASH_ALGORITHM); String message = null; List<String> propNames = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> storedCerts = new LinkedList<String>(); String appName = R.getSettingsString("service.gui.APPLICATION_NAME"); if (identitiesToTest == null || !identitiesToTest.iterator().hasNext()) { String propName = PNAME_CERT_TRUST_PREFIX + ".server." + thumbprint; propNames.add(propName); message = R.getI18NString("service.gui." + "CERT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION_TXT_NOHOST", new String[] { appName }); // get the thumbprints from the permanent allowances String hashes = config.getString(propName); if (hashes != null) for (String h : hashes.split(",")) storedCerts.add(h); // get the thumbprints from the session allowances List<String> sessionCerts = sessionAllowedCertificates.get(propName); if (sessionCerts != null) storedCerts.addAll(sessionCerts); } else { if (serverCheck) { message = R.getI18NString("service.gui." + "CERT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION_TXT", new String[] { appName, identitiesToTest.toString() }); } else { message = R.getI18NString("service.gui." + "CERT_DIALOG_PEER_DESCRIPTION_TXT", new String[] { appName, identitiesToTest.toString() }); } for (String identity : identitiesToTest) { String propName = PNAME_CERT_TRUST_PREFIX + ".param." + identity; propNames.add(propName); // get the thumbprints from the permanent allowances String hashes = config.getString(propName); if (hashes != null) for (String h : hashes.split(",")) storedCerts.add(h); // get the thumbprints from the session allowances List<String> sessionCerts = sessionAllowedCertificates.get(propName); if (sessionCerts != null) storedCerts.addAll(sessionCerts); } } if (!storedCerts.contains(thumbprint)) { switch (verify(chain, message)) { case DO_NOT_TRUST:"Untrusted certificate", e); throw new CertificateException("The peer provided certificate with Subject <" + chain[0].getSubjectDN() + "> is not trusted", e); case TRUST_ALWAYS: for (String propName : propNames) { String current = config.getString(propName); String newValue = thumbprint; if (current != null) newValue += "," + current; config.setProperty(propName, newValue); } break; case TRUST_THIS_SESSION_ONLY: for (String propName : propNames) getSessionCertEntry(propName).add(thumbprint); break; } } // ok, we've seen this certificate before } } private X509Certificate[] tryBuildChain(X509Certificate[] chain) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, CertificateException { // Only try to build chains for servers that send only their // own cert, but no issuer. This also matches self signed (will // be ignored later) and Root-CA signed certs. In this case we // throw the Root-CA away after the lookup if (chain.length != 1) return chain; // ignore self signed certs if (chain[0].getIssuerDN().equals(chain[0].getSubjectDN())) return chain; // prepare for the newly created chain List<X509Certificate> newChain = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>(chain.length + 4); for (X509Certificate cert : chain) { newChain.add(cert); } // search from the topmost certificate upwards CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); X509Certificate current = chain[chain.length - 1]; boolean foundParent; int chainLookupCount = 0; do { foundParent = false; // extract the url(s) where the parent certificate can be // found byte[] aiaBytes = current.getExtensionValue(Extension.authorityInfoAccess.getId()); if (aiaBytes == null) break; AuthorityInformationAccess aia = AuthorityInformationAccess .getInstance(X509ExtensionUtil.fromExtensionValue(aiaBytes)); // the AIA may contain different URLs and types, try all // of them for (AccessDescription ad : aia.getAccessDescriptions()) { // we are only interested in the issuer certificate, // not in OCSP urls the like if (!ad.getAccessMethod().equals(AccessDescription.id_ad_caIssuers)) continue; GeneralName gn = ad.getAccessLocation(); if (!(gn.getTagNo() == GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier && gn.getName() instanceof DERIA5String)) continue; URI uri = new URI(((DERIA5String) gn.getName()).getString()); // only http(s) urls; LDAP is taken care of in the // default implementation if (!(uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("http") || uri.getScheme().equals("https"))) continue; X509Certificate cert = null; // try to get cert from cache first to avoid consecutive // (slow) http lookups AiaCacheEntry cache = aiaCache.get(uri); if (cache != null && cache.cacheDate.after(new Date())) { cert = cache.cert; } else { // download if no cache entry or if it is expired if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Downloading parent certificate for <" + current.getSubjectDN() + "> from <" + uri + ">"); try { InputStream is = HttpUtils.openURLConnection(uri.toString()).getContent(); cert = (X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(is); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Could not download from <" + uri + ">"); } // cache for 10mins aiaCache.put(uri, new AiaCacheEntry(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 10 * 60 * 1000), cert)); } if (cert != null) { if (!cert.getIssuerDN().equals(cert.getSubjectDN())) { newChain.add(cert); foundParent = true; current = cert; break; // an AD was valid, ignore others } else logger.debug("Parent is self-signed, ignoring"); } } chainLookupCount++; } while (foundParent && chainLookupCount < 10); chain = newChain.toArray(chain); return chain; } }; }
From source
@Override /*// ww w.j a v a 2 s .c o m * Handles the CMP message * * Expects the CMP message to be a CrmfRequestMessage. The message is authenticated using * EndEntityCertificateAuthenticationModule in client mode. It used the attached certificate * to find then End Entity which this certificate belongs to and requesting for a new certificate * to be generated. * * If automatic update of the key (same as certificate renewal), the end entity's status is set to * 'NEW' before processing the request. If using the same old keys in the new certificate is not allowed, * a check is made to insure the the key specified in the request is not the same as the key of the attached * certificate. * * The KeyUpdateRequet is processed only in client mode. */ public ResponseMessage handleMessage(final BaseCmpMessage msg, boolean authenticated) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace(">handleMessage"); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("CMP running on RA mode: " + this.cmpConfiguration.getRAMode(this.confAlias)); } ResponseMessage resp = null; try { CrmfRequestMessage crmfreq = null; if (msg instanceof CrmfRequestMessage) { crmfreq = (CrmfRequestMessage) msg; crmfreq.getMessage(); EndEntityCertificateAuthenticationModule eecmodule = null; X509Certificate oldCert = null; // Find the subjectDN to look for String subjectDN = null; String issuerDN = null; if (this.cmpConfiguration.getRAMode(this.confAlias)) { // Check that EndEntityCertificate authentication module is set if (!cmpConfiguration.isInAuthModule(confAlias, CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_ENDENTITY_CERTIFICATE)) { String errmsg = "EndEnityCertificate authentication module is not configured. For a KeyUpdate request to be authentication in RA mode, EndEntityCertificate " + "authentication module has to be set and configured";; return CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, errmsg); } // Check PKIMessage authentication String authparameter = cmpConfiguration.getAuthenticationParameter( CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_ENDENTITY_CERTIFICATE, confAlias); eecmodule = new EndEntityCertificateAuthenticationModule(admin, authparameter, confAlias, cmpConfiguration, authenticated, caSession, certStoreSession, authorizationSession, endEntityProfileSession, endEntityAccessSession, authenticationProviderSession, endEntityManagementSession); if (!eecmodule.verifyOrExtract(crmfreq.getPKIMessage(), null)) {; return CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, eecmodule.getErrorMessage()); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("The CMP KeyUpdate request for SubjectDN '" + crmfreq.getSubjectDN() + "' was verified successfully"); } } oldCert = (X509Certificate) eecmodule.getExtraCert(); CertReqMessages kur = (CertReqMessages) crmfreq.getPKIMessage().getBody().getContent(); CertReqMsg certmsg; try { certmsg = kur.toCertReqMsgArray()[0]; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug( "Could not parse the revocation request. Trying to parse it as novosec generated message."); certmsg = CmpMessageHelper.getNovosecCertReqMsg(kur); LOG.debug("Succeeded in parsing the novosec generated request."); } X500Name dn = certmsg.getCertReq().getCertTemplate().getSubject(); if (dn != null) { subjectDN = dn.toString(); } dn = certmsg.getCertReq().getCertTemplate().getIssuer(); if (dn != null) { issuerDN = dn.toString(); } } else { // client mode eecmodule = new EndEntityCertificateAuthenticationModule(admin, null, confAlias, cmpConfiguration, authenticated, caSession, certStoreSession, authorizationSession, endEntityProfileSession, endEntityAccessSession, authenticationProviderSession, endEntityManagementSession); if (!eecmodule.verifyOrExtract(crmfreq.getPKIMessage(), null)) {; return CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, eecmodule.getErrorMessage()); } oldCert = (X509Certificate) eecmodule.getExtraCert(); subjectDN = oldCert.getSubjectDN().toString(); issuerDN = oldCert.getIssuerDN().toString(); } if (subjectDN == null) { final String errMsg = "Cannot find a SubjectDN in the request";; return CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, errMsg); } // Find the end entity that the certificate belongs to if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Looking for an end entity with subjectDN: " + subjectDN); } EndEntityInformation userdata = null; if (issuerDN == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("The CMP KeyUpdateRequest did not specify an issuer"); } List<EndEntityInformation> userdataList = endEntityAccessSession.findUserBySubjectDN(admin, subjectDN); if (userdataList.size() > 0) { userdata = userdataList.get(0); } if (userdataList.size() > 1) { LOG.warn("Multiple end entities with subject DN " + subjectDN + " were found. This may lead to unexpected behavior."); } } else { List<EndEntityInformation> userdataList = endEntityAccessSession .findUserBySubjectAndIssuerDN(admin, subjectDN, issuerDN); if (userdataList.size() > 0) { userdata = userdataList.get(0); } if (userdataList.size() > 1) { LOG.warn("Multiple end entities with subject DN " + subjectDN + " and issuer DN" + issuerDN + " were found. This may lead to unexpected behavior."); } } if (userdata == null) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage("cmp.infonouserfordn", subjectDN);; return CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_MESSAGE_CHECK, errMsg); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found user '" + userdata.getUsername() + "'"); } // The password that should be used to obtain the new certificate String password = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userdata.getPassword()) ? userdata.getPassword() : eecmodule.getAuthenticationString(); // Set the appropriate parameters in the end entity userdata.setPassword(password); endEntityManagementSession.changeUser(admin, userdata, true); if (this.cmpConfiguration.getKurAllowAutomaticUpdate(this.confAlias)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Setting the end entity status to 'NEW'. Username: " + userdata.getUsername()); } endEntityManagementSession.setUserStatus(admin, userdata.getUsername(), EndEntityConstants.STATUS_NEW); } // Set the appropriate parameters in the request crmfreq.setUsername(userdata.getUsername()); crmfreq.setPassword(password); if (crmfreq.getHeader().getProtectionAlg() != null) { crmfreq.setPreferredDigestAlg(AlgorithmTools .getDigestFromSigAlg(crmfreq.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId())); } // Check the public key, whether it is allowed to use the old keys or not. if (!this.cmpConfiguration.getKurAllowSameKey(this.confAlias)) { PublicKey certPublicKey = oldCert.getPublicKey(); PublicKey requestPublicKey = crmfreq.getRequestPublicKey(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Not allowing update with same key, comparing keys."); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("OldKey: " + certPublicKey.toString()); LOG.trace("NewKey: " + requestPublicKey.toString()); } } if (certPublicKey.equals(requestPublicKey)) { final String errMsg = "Invalid key. The public key in the KeyUpdateRequest is the same as the public key in the existing end entity certificate";; return CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_MESSAGE_CHECK, errMsg); } } // Process the request resp = signSession.createCertificate(admin, crmfreq, org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.CmpResponseMessage.class, userdata); if (resp == null) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage("cmp.errornullresp");; resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_MESSAGE_CHECK, errMsg); } } else { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage("cmp.errornocmrfreq");; resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_MESSAGE_CHECK, errMsg); } } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (UserDoesntFullfillEndEntityProfile e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (WaitingForApprovalException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (EjbcaException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (FinderException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (CesecoreException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());"Error while reading the public key of the extraCert attached to the CMP request");, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());"Error while reading the public key of the extraCert attached to the CMP request");, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());"Error while reading the public key of the extraCert attached to the CMP request");, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } catch (CertificateExtensionException e) { final String errMsg = INTRES.getLocalizedMessage(CMP_ERRORGENERAL, e.getMessage());, e); resp = CmpMessageHelper.createUnprotectedErrorMessage(msg, ResponseStatus.FAILURE, FailInfo.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("<handleMessage"); } return resp; }
From source
private BasicOCSPResp generateBasicOcspResp(Extensions exts, List<OCSPResponseItem> responses, String sigAlg, X509Certificate signerCert, OcspSigningCacheEntry ocspSigningCacheEntry, Date producedAt) throws OCSPException, NoSuchProviderException, CryptoTokenOfflineException { final PrivateKey signerKey = ocspSigningCacheEntry.getPrivateKey(); final String provider = ocspSigningCacheEntry.getSignatureProviderName(); BasicOCSPResp returnval = null;/* ww w . j a va2 s .c om*/ BasicOCSPRespBuilder basicRes = new BasicOCSPRespBuilder(ocspSigningCacheEntry.getRespId()); if (responses != null) { for (OCSPResponseItem item : responses) { basicRes.addResponse(item.getCertID(), item.getCertStatus(), item.getThisUpdate(), item.getNextUpdate(), item.getExtensions()); } } if (exts != null) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Enumeration oids = exts.oids(); if (oids.hasMoreElements()) { basicRes.setResponseExtensions(exts); } } final X509Certificate[] chain = ocspSigningCacheEntry.getResponseCertChain(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The response certificate chain contains " + chain.length + " certificates"); } /* * The below code breaks the EJB standard by creating its own thread pool and creating a single thread (of the HsmResponseThread * type). The reason for this is that the HSM may deadlock when requesting an OCSP response, which we need to guard against. Since * there is no way of performing this action within the EJB3.0 standard, we are consciously creating threads here. * * Note that this does in no way break the spirit of the EJB standard, which is to not interrupt EJB's transaction handling by * competing with its own thread pool, since these operations have no database impact. */ final Future<BasicOCSPResp> task = service .submit(new HsmResponseThread(basicRes, sigAlg, signerKey, chain, provider, producedAt)); try { returnval = task.get(HsmResponseThread.HSM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { task.cancel(true); throw new Error("OCSP response retrieval was interrupted while running. This should not happen", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { task.cancel(true); throw new OcspFailureException("Failure encountered while retrieving OCSP response.", e); } catch (TimeoutException e) { task.cancel(true); throw new CryptoTokenOfflineException("HSM timed out while trying to get OCSP response", e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Signing OCSP response with OCSP signer cert: " + signerCert.getSubjectDN().getName()); } if (!returnval.getResponderId().equals(ocspSigningCacheEntry.getRespId())) { log.error("Response responderId does not match signer certificate responderId!"); throw new OcspFailureException("Response responderId does not match signer certificate responderId!"); } if (!ocspSigningCacheEntry.checkResponseSignatureVerified()) { // We only check the response signature the first time for each OcspSigningCacheEntry to detect a misbehaving HSM. // The client is still responsible for validating the signature, see RFC 6960 Section 3.2.2 boolean verify; try { verify = returnval .isSignatureValid(new JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder().build(signerCert.getPublicKey())); } catch (OperatorCreationException e) { // Very fatal error throw new EJBException("Can not create Jca content signer: ", e); } if (verify) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The OCSP response is verifying."); } } else { log.error("The response is NOT verifying! Attempted to sign using " + CertTools.getSubjectDN(signerCert) + " but signature was not valid."); throw new OcspFailureException("Attempted to sign using " + CertTools.getSubjectDN(signerCert) + " but signature was not valid."); } } return returnval; }
From source
/** * Adds a certificate to a user/*from ww w. java 2 s .co m*/ * <P> * * Request/Response Syntax: * ui/admin-protocol-definition.html#user-admin * <P> * * <ul> * <li>signed.audit LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_CONFIG_ROLE used when configuring role information (anything under * users/groups) * </ul> */ @Override public Response addUserCert(String userID, UserCertData userCertData) { if (userCertData == null) throw new BadRequestException("Certificate data is null."); // ensure that any low-level exceptions are reported // to the signed audit log and stored as failures try { if (userID == null) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_NULL_RS_ID")); throw new BadRequestException(getUserMessage("CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_NULL_RS_ID", headers)); } IUser user = userGroupManager.createUser(userID); String encoded = userCertData.getEncoded(); // no cert is a success if (encoded == null) { auditAddUserCert(userID, userCertData, ILogger.SUCCESS); return createOKResponse(); } // only one cert added per operation X509Certificate cert = null; // Base64 decode cert byte binaryCert[] = Cert.parseCertificate(encoded); try { cert = new X509CertImpl(binaryCert); } catch (CertificateException e) { CMS.debug("UserService: Submitted data is not an X.509 certificate: " + e); // ignore } if (cert == null) { // TODO: Remove this code. Importing PKCS #7 is not supported. // cert chain direction boolean assending = true; // could it be a pkcs7 blob? CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_IS_PK_BLOB")); try { CryptoManager manager = CryptoManager.getInstance(); PKCS7 pkcs7 = new PKCS7(binaryCert); X509Certificate p7certs[] = pkcs7.getCertificates(); if (p7certs.length == 0) { CMS.debug("UserService: PKCS #7 data contains no certificates"); throw new BadRequestException("PKCS #7 data contains no certificates"); } // fix for 370099 - cert ordering can not be assumed // find out the ordering ... // self-signed and alone? take it. otherwise test // the ordering if (p7certs[0].getSubjectDN().toString().equals(p7certs[0].getIssuerDN().toString()) && (p7certs.length == 1)) { cert = p7certs[0]; CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_SINGLE_CERT_IMPORT")); } else if (p7certs[0].getIssuerDN().toString().equals(p7certs[1].getSubjectDN().toString())) { cert = p7certs[0]; CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_CERT_CHAIN_ACEND_ORD")); } else if (p7certs[1].getIssuerDN().toString().equals(p7certs[0].getSubjectDN().toString())) { assending = false; CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_CERT_CHAIN_DESC_ORD")); cert = p7certs[p7certs.length - 1]; } else { // not a chain, or in random order CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_CERT_BAD_CHAIN")); throw new BadRequestException(getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_CERT_ERROR", headers)); } CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_CHAIN_STORED_DB", String.valueOf(p7certs.length))); int j = 0; int jBegin = 0; int jEnd = 0; if (assending == true) { jBegin = 1; jEnd = p7certs.length; } else { jBegin = 0; jEnd = p7certs.length - 1; } // store the chain into cert db, except for the user cert for (j = jBegin; j < jEnd; j++) { CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_CERT_IN_CHAIN", String.valueOf(j), String.valueOf(p7certs[j].getSubjectDN()))); org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate leafCert = manager .importCACertPackage(p7certs[j].getEncoded()); if (leafCert == null) { CMS.debug("UserService: missing leaf certificate"); log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_LEAF_CERT_NULL")); } else { CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_LEAF_CERT_NON_NULL")); } if (leafCert instanceof InternalCertificate) { ((InternalCertificate) leafCert).setSSLTrust(InternalCertificate.VALID_CA | InternalCertificate.TRUSTED_CA | InternalCertificate.TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA); } else { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_NOT_INTERNAL_CERT", String.valueOf(p7certs[j].getSubjectDN()))); } } /* } catch (CryptoManager.UserCertConflictException e) { // got a "user cert" in the chain, most likely the CA // cert of this instance, which has a private key. Ignore log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_PKS7_IGNORED", e.toString())); */ } catch (PKIException e) { CMS.debug("UserService: Unable to import user certificate from PKCS #7 data: " + e); log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("USRGRP_SRVLT_CERT_ERROR", e.toString())); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("USRGRP_SRVLT_CERT_ERROR", e.toString())); throw new PKIException("Unable to import user certificate from PKCS #7 data: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } try { CMS.debug("UserService: " + CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_BEFORE_VALIDITY")); cert.checkValidity(); // throw exception if fails user.setX509Certificates(new X509Certificate[] { cert }); userGroupManager.addUserCert(user); auditAddUserCert(userID, userCertData, ILogger.SUCCESS); // read the data back userCertData.setVersion(cert.getVersion()); userCertData.setSerialNumber(new CertId(cert.getSerialNumber())); userCertData.setIssuerDN(cert.getIssuerDN().toString()); userCertData.setSubjectDN(cert.getSubjectDN().toString()); String certID = userCertData.getID(); userCertData = getUserCertData(userID, URLEncoder.encode(certID, "UTF-8")); return createCreatedResponse(userCertData, userCertData.getLink().getHref()); } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) { CMS.debug("UserService: Certificate expired: " + e); log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("ADMIN_SRVLT_ADD_CERT_EXPIRED", String.valueOf(cert.getSubjectDN()))); throw new BadRequestException("Certificate expired: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e) { CMS.debug("UserService: Certificate not yet valid: " + e); log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("USRGRP_SRVLT_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID", String.valueOf(cert.getSubjectDN()))); throw new BadRequestException("Certificate not yet valid: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } catch (PKIException e) { CMS.debug("UserService: Unable to import user certificate: " + e); auditAddUserCert(userID, userCertData, ILogger.FAILURE); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, e.toString()); auditAddUserCert(userID, userCertData, ILogger.FAILURE); throw new PKIException("Unable to import user certificate: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
From source
/** * Opens a new session using a certificate for login. * To use certificate authentication you must use a {@link CertAuthCapableAuthModule} with enabled certificate authentication * @param cert//from w w w . j ava 2s. c o m * The certificate used to login. * @param filter * A user access filter to reduce user rights * @return The access level to the database, as constant * WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_... * @throws WGAPIException */ public int openSession(X509Certificate cert, String filter) throws WGAPIException { if (!"true".equals(getCreationOptions().get(COPTION_FAKE_CERTAUTH))) { if (!certAuthEnabled()) { WGFactory.getLogger().warn("WGAPI: Tried to access database " + getDbReference() + " via certificate auth although it is not configured for it"); return WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOTLOGGEDIN; } if (cert == null) { return WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOTLOGGEDIN; } CertAuthCapableAuthModule auth = (CertAuthCapableAuthModule) getAuthenticationModule(); X509Certificate caCert = auth.getCA(); X509CRL crl = auth.getCRL(); // verify if clientCert is issued by given dbCA if (!CertificateValidationUtils.verify(cert, caCert)) { String message = "Failed login for '" + cert.getSubjectDN().getName() + "': Certificate was signed by another CA (Certificate authentication)"; WGFactory.getLogger().warn(message); return WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOTLOGGEDIN; } // check if client certificate is revoked if (CertificateValidationUtils.isCertRevoked(crl, cert)) { String message = "Failed login for '" + cert.getSubjectDN().getName() + "': Certificate was revoked by CRL (Certificate authentication)"; WGFactory.getLogger().info(message); return WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOTLOGGEDIN; } } String user = cert.getSubjectDN().toString(); return innerOpenSession(user, cert, filter, null); }
From source
/** Performs service of the actual OCSP request, which is contained in reqBytes. * /* w w w. j ava 2s. c o m*/ * @param reqBytes the binary OCSP request bytes. This parameter must already have been checked for max or min size. */ public void serviceOCSP(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (m_log.isTraceEnabled()) { m_log.trace(">service()"); } final int localTransactionID; synchronized (this) { this.mTransactionID += 1; localTransactionID = this.mTransactionID; } final IPatternLogger transactionLogger; final IPatternLogger auditLogger; final Date startTime = new Date(); if (this.mDoTransactionLog) { transactionLogger = this.transactionLogger.getPatternLogger(); } else { transactionLogger = new DummyPatternLogger(); // Ignores everything } if (this.mDoAuditLog) { auditLogger = this.auditLogger.getPatternLogger(); } else { auditLogger = new DummyPatternLogger(); // Ignores everything } final String remoteAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.OCSPREQUEST, ""); // No request bytes yet auditLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.LOG_ID, new Integer(localTransactionID)); auditLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.SESSION_ID, this.m_SessionID); auditLogger.paramPut(IOCSPLogger.CLIENT_IP, remoteAddress); transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.LOG_ID, new Integer(localTransactionID)); transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.SESSION_ID, this.m_SessionID); transactionLogger.paramPut(IOCSPLogger.CLIENT_IP, remoteAddress); try { // Read configuration values affecting the response, these can be dynamically updated from properties files in file system // Read default values here for each request since may take a millisecond to read the value // These values can be changed depending on if there are different configurations for different certificate profiles // In that case it is updated once we have read the certificate status of the certificate searched for. long maxAge = OcspConfiguration.getMaxAge(SecConst.CERTPROFILE_NO_PROFILE); long nextUpdate = OcspConfiguration.getUntilNextUpdate(SecConst.CERTPROFILE_NO_PROFILE); OCSPResp ocspresp = null; OCSPRespGenerator res = new OCSPRespGenerator(); X509Certificate cacert = null; // CA-certificate used to sign response try { byte[] reqBytes = checkAndGetRequestBytes(request); // Start logging process time after we have received the request transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); auditLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.OCSPREQUEST, new String(Hex.encode(reqBytes))); OCSPReq req = null; try { req = new OCSPReq(reqBytes); } catch (Exception e) { // When not being able to parse the request, we want to send a MalformedRequest back throw new MalformedRequestException(e); } if (req.getRequestorName() == null) { m_log.debug("Requestorname is null"); } else { if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("Requestorname is: " + req.getRequestorName().toString()); } transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.REQ_NAME, req.getRequestorName().toString()); } // Make sure our signature keys are updated loadPrivateKeys(, null); /** * check the signature if contained in request. * if the request does not contain a signature * and the servlet is configured in the way * the a signature is required we send back * 'sigRequired' response. */ if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("Incoming OCSP request is signed : " + req.isSigned()); } if (req.isSigned()) { X509Certificate signercert = OCSPUtil.checkRequestSignature(request.getRemoteAddr(), req,; String signercertIssuerName = CertTools.getIssuerDN(signercert); BigInteger signercertSerNo = CertTools.getSerialNumber(signercert); String signercertSubjectName = CertTools.getSubjectDN(signercert); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.SIGN_ISSUER_NAME_DN, signercertIssuerName); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.SIGN_SERIAL_NO, signercert.getSerialNumber().toByteArray()); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.SIGN_SUBJECT_NAME, signercertSubjectName); transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.REPLY_TIME, ITransactionLogger.REPLY_TIME); if (OcspConfiguration.getEnforceRequestSigning()) { // If it verifies OK, check if it is revoked final CertificateStatus status = CertTools.getIssuerDN(signercert), CertTools.getSerialNumber(signercert)); // If rci == null it means the certificate does not exist in database, we then treat it as ok, // because it may be so that only revoked certificates is in the (external) OCSP database. if (status.equals(CertificateStatus.REVOKED)) { String serno = signercertSerNo.toString(16); String infoMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.infosigner.revoked", signercertSubjectName, signercertIssuerName, serno);; throw new SignRequestSignatureException(infoMsg); } if (m_reqRestrictSignatures) { loadTrustDir(); if (m_reqRestrictMethod == OcspConfiguration.RESTRICTONSIGNER) { if (!OCSPUtil.checkCertInList(signercert, mTrustedReqSigSigners)) { String infoMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.infosigner.notallowed", signercertSubjectName, signercertIssuerName, signercertSerNo.toString(16));; throw new SignRequestSignatureException(infoMsg); } } else if (m_reqRestrictMethod == OcspConfiguration.RESTRICTONISSUER) { X509Certificate signerca = .findLatestBySubjectDN(HashID.getFromDN(signercertIssuerName)); if ((signerca == null) || (!OCSPUtil.checkCertInList(signerca, mTrustedReqSigIssuers))) { String infoMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.infosigner.notallowed", signercertSubjectName, signercertIssuerName, signercertSerNo.toString(16));; throw new SignRequestSignatureException(infoMsg); } } else { throw new Exception("m_reqRestrictMethod=" + m_reqRestrictMethod); // there must be an internal error. We do not want to send a response, just to be safe. } } } } else { if (OcspConfiguration.getEnforceRequestSigning()) { // Signature required throw new SignRequestException("Signature required"); } } // Get the certificate status requests that are inside this OCSP req Req[] requests = req.getRequestList(); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.NUM_CERT_ID, requests.length); if (requests.length <= 0) { String infoMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errornoreqentities");; { // All this just so we can create an error response cacert = .findLatestBySubjectDN(HashID.getFromDN(; } throw new MalformedRequestException(infoMsg); } int maxRequests = 100; if (requests.length > maxRequests) { String infoMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errortoomanyreqentities", maxRequests);; { // All this just so we can create an error response cacert = .findLatestBySubjectDN(HashID.getFromDN(; } throw new MalformedRequestException(infoMsg); } if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("The OCSP request contains " + requests.length + " simpleRequests."); } // Add standard response extensions Hashtable responseExtensions = OCSPUtil.getStandardResponseExtensions(req); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.SUCCESSFUL); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.SUCCESSFUL); // Look over the status requests ArrayList responseList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { CertificateID certId = requests[i].getCertID(); // now some Logging transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.SERIAL_NOHEX, certId.getSerialNumber().toByteArray()); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.DIGEST_ALGOR, certId.getHashAlgOID()); //todo, find text version of this or find out if it should be something else transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.ISSUER_NAME_HASH, certId.getIssuerNameHash()); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.ISSUER_KEY, certId.getIssuerKeyHash()); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.ISSUER_KEY, certId.getIssuerKeyHash()); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.SERIAL_NOHEX, certId.getSerialNumber().toByteArray()); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.ISSUER_NAME_HASH, certId.getIssuerNameHash()); byte[] hashbytes = certId.getIssuerNameHash(); String hash = null; if (hashbytes != null) { hash = new String(Hex.encode(hashbytes)); } String infoMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.inforeceivedrequest", certId.getSerialNumber().toString(16), hash, request.getRemoteAddr());; boolean unknownCA = false; // if the certId was issued by an unknown CA // The algorithm here: // We will sign the response with the CA that issued the first // certificate(certId) in the request. If the issuing CA is not available // on this server, we sign the response with the default responderId (from params in web.xml). // We have to look up the ca-certificate for each certId in the request though, as we will check // for revocation on the ca-cert as well when checking for revocation on the certId. cacert =; // Get the issuer of certId if (cacert == null) { // We could not find certificate for this request so get certificate for default responder cacert = .findLatestBySubjectDN(HashID.getFromDN(; unknownCA = true; } if (cacert == null) { String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorfindcacert", new String(Hex.encode(certId.getIssuerNameHash())),; m_log.error(errMsg); continue; } if (unknownCA == true) { String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorfindcacertusedefault", new String(Hex.encode(certId.getIssuerNameHash())));; // If we can not find the CA, answer UnknowStatus responseList.add(new OCSPResponseItem(certId, new UnknownStatus(), nextUpdate)); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.CERT_STATUS, OCSPUnidResponse.OCSP_UNKNOWN); transactionLogger.writeln(); continue; } else { transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.ISSUER_NAME_DN, cacert.getSubjectDN().getName()); } /* * Implement logic according to * chapter 2.7 in RFC2560 * * 2.7 CA Key Compromise * If an OCSP responder knows that a particular CA's private key has * been compromised, it MAY return the revoked state for all * certificates issued by that CA. */ final org.bouncycastle.ocsp.CertificateStatus certStatus; transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.CERT_STATUS, OCSPUnidResponse.OCSP_GOOD); // it seems to be correct // Check if the cacert (or the default responderid) is revoked final CertificateStatus cacertStatus = .getStatus(CertTools.getIssuerDN(cacert), CertTools.getSerialNumber(cacert)); if (!cacertStatus.equals(CertificateStatus.REVOKED)) { // Check if cert is revoked final CertificateStatus status = .getStatus(cacert.getSubjectDN().getName(), certId.getSerialNumber()); // If we have different maxAge and untilNextUpdate for different certificate profiles, we have to fetch these // values now that we have fetched the certificate status, that includes certificate profile. nextUpdate = OcspConfiguration.getUntilNextUpdate(status.certificateProfileId); maxAge = OcspConfiguration.getMaxAge(status.certificateProfileId); if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("Set nextUpdate=" + nextUpdate + ", and maxAge=" + maxAge + " for certificateProfileId=" + status.certificateProfileId); } final String sStatus; if (status.equals(CertificateStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE)) { // No revocation info available for this cert, handle it if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("Unable to find revocation information for certificate with serial '" + certId.getSerialNumber().toString(16) + "'" + " from issuer '" + cacert.getSubjectDN().getName() + "'"); } // If we do not treat non existing certificates as good // OR // we don't actually handle requests for the CA issuing the certificate asked about // then we return unknown if (!nonExistingIsGood(request.getRequestURL()) || == null) { sStatus = "unknown"; certStatus = new UnknownStatus(); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.CERT_STATUS, OCSPUnidResponse.OCSP_UNKNOWN); } else { sStatus = "good"; certStatus = null; // null means "good" in OCSP transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.CERT_STATUS, OCSPUnidResponse.OCSP_GOOD); } } else if (status.equals(CertificateStatus.REVOKED)) { // Revocation info available for this cert, handle it sStatus = "revoked"; certStatus = new RevokedStatus( new RevokedInfo(new DERGeneralizedTime(status.revocationDate), new CRLReason(status.revocationReason))); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.CERT_STATUS, OCSPUnidResponse.OCSP_REVOKED); //1 = revoked } else { sStatus = "good"; certStatus = null; transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.CERT_STATUS, OCSPUnidResponse.OCSP_GOOD); } infoMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.infoaddedstatusinfo", sStatus, certId.getSerialNumber().toString(16), cacert.getSubjectDN().getName());; responseList.add(new OCSPResponseItem(certId, certStatus, nextUpdate)); transactionLogger.writeln(); } else { certStatus = new RevokedStatus( new RevokedInfo(new DERGeneralizedTime(cacertStatus.revocationDate), new CRLReason(cacertStatus.revocationReason))); infoMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.infoaddedstatusinfo", "revoked", certId.getSerialNumber().toString(16), cacert.getSubjectDN().getName());; responseList.add(new OCSPResponseItem(certId, certStatus, nextUpdate)); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.CERT_STATUS, OCSPUnidResponse.OCSP_REVOKED); transactionLogger.writeln(); } // Look for extension OIDs Iterator iter = m_extensionOids.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String oidstr = (String); DERObjectIdentifier oid = new DERObjectIdentifier(oidstr); X509Extensions reqexts = req.getRequestExtensions(); if (reqexts != null) { X509Extension ext = reqexts.getExtension(oid); if (null != ext) { // We found an extension, call the extenstion class if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("Found OCSP extension oid: " + oidstr); } IOCSPExtension extObj = (IOCSPExtension) m_extensionMap.get(oidstr); if (extObj != null) { // Find the certificate from the certId X509Certificate cert = null; cert = (X509Certificate) .findCertificateByIssuerAndSerno(, cacert.getSubjectDN().getName(), certId.getSerialNumber()); if (cert != null) { // Call the OCSP extension Hashtable retext = extObj.process(request, cert, certStatus); if (retext != null) { // Add the returned X509Extensions to the responseExtension we will add to the basic OCSP response responseExtensions.putAll(retext); } else { String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorprocessextension", extObj.getClass().getName(), new Integer(extObj.getLastErrorCode())); m_log.error(errMsg); } } } } } } } // end of huge for loop if (cacert != null) { // Add responseExtensions X509Extensions exts = new X509Extensions(responseExtensions); // generate the signed response object BasicOCSPResp basicresp = signOCSPResponse(req, responseList, exts, cacert); ocspresp = res.generate(OCSPRespGenerator.SUCCESSFUL, basicresp); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.SUCCESSFUL); transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.SUCCESSFUL); } else { // Only unknown CAs in requests and no default reponders cert String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errornocacreateresp"); m_log.error(errMsg); throw new ServletException(errMsg); } } catch (MalformedRequestException e) { transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); auditLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorprocessreq", e.getMessage());; if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug(errMsg, e); } ocspresp = res.generate(OCSPRespGenerator.MALFORMED_REQUEST, null); // RFC 2560: responseBytes are not set on error. transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.MALFORMED_REQUEST); transactionLogger.writeln(); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.MALFORMED_REQUEST); } catch (SignRequestException e) { transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); auditLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorprocessreq", e.getMessage());; // No need to log the full exception here ocspresp = res.generate(OCSPRespGenerator.SIG_REQUIRED, null); // RFC 2560: responseBytes are not set on error. transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.SIG_REQUIRED); transactionLogger.writeln(); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.SIG_REQUIRED); } catch (SignRequestSignatureException e) { transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); auditLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorprocessreq", e.getMessage());; // No need to log the full exception here ocspresp = res.generate(OCSPRespGenerator.UNAUTHORIZED, null); // RFC 2560: responseBytes are not set on error. transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.UNAUTHORIZED); transactionLogger.writeln(); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.UNAUTHORIZED); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); auditLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorprocessreq", e.getMessage());, e); ocspresp = res.generate(OCSPRespGenerator.UNAUTHORIZED, null); // RFC 2560: responseBytes are not set on error. transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.UNAUTHORIZED); transactionLogger.writeln(); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.UNAUTHORIZED); } catch (Throwable e) { transactionLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); auditLogger.paramPut(IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME, IPatternLogger.PROCESS_TIME); String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorprocessreq", e.getMessage()); m_log.error(errMsg, e); ocspresp = res.generate(OCSPRespGenerator.INTERNAL_ERROR, null); // RFC 2560: responseBytes are not set on error. transactionLogger.paramPut(ITransactionLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.INTERNAL_ERROR); transactionLogger.writeln(); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.STATUS, OCSPRespGenerator.INTERNAL_ERROR); } byte[] respBytes = ocspresp.getEncoded(); auditLogger.paramPut(IAuditLogger.OCSPRESPONSE, new String(Hex.encode(respBytes))); auditLogger.writeln(); auditLogger.flush(); transactionLogger.flush(); if (mDoSaferLogging) { // See if the Errorhandler has found any problems if (hasErrorHandlerFailedSince(startTime)) {"ProbableErrorhandler reported error, cannot answer request"); ocspresp = res.generate(OCSPRespGenerator.INTERNAL_ERROR, null); // RFC 2560: responseBytes are not set on error. respBytes = ocspresp.getEncoded(); } // See if the Appender has reported any problems if (!canlog) {"SaferDailyRollingFileAppender reported error, cannot answer request"); ocspresp = res.generate(OCSPRespGenerator.INTERNAL_ERROR, null); // RFC 2560: responseBytes are not set on error. respBytes = ocspresp.getEncoded(); } } response.setContentType("application/ocsp-response"); //response.setHeader("Content-transfer-encoding", "binary"); response.setContentLength(respBytes.length); addRfc5019CacheHeaders(request, response, ocspresp, maxAge); response.getOutputStream().write(respBytes); response.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (OCSPException e) { String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorprocessreq", e.getMessage()); m_log.error(errMsg, e); throw new ServletException(e); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.error("", e); transactionLogger.flush(); auditLogger.flush(); } if (m_log.isTraceEnabled()) { m_log.trace("<service()"); } }