List of usage examples for X509Certificate getSubjectDN
public abstract Principal getSubjectDN();
From source
private void logAdminName(final AuthenticationToken admin, final IPatternLogger logger) { // Log certificate info final X509Certificate cert = ((X509CertificateAuthenticationToken) admin).getCertificate(); logger.paramPut(TransactionTags.ADMIN_DN.toString(), cert.getSubjectDN().toString()); logger.paramPut(TransactionTags.ADMIN_ISSUER_DN.toString(), cert.getIssuerDN().toString()); // Log IP address MessageContext msgctx = wsContext.getMessageContext(); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) msgctx.get(MessageContext.SERVLET_REQUEST); logger.paramPut(TransactionTags.ADMIN_REMOTE_IP.toString(), request.getRemoteAddr()); String addr = request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For"); if (addr != null) addr = addr.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9.:-_]", "?"); logger.paramPut(TransactionTags.ADMIN_FORWARDED_IP.toString(), addr); }
From source
@Override public List<UserDataSourceVOWS> fetchUserData(List<String> userDataSourceNames, String searchString) throws UserDataSourceException, EjbcaException, AuthorizationDeniedException { final AuthenticationToken admin; EjbcaWSHelper ejbhelper = new EjbcaWSHelper(wsContext, authorizationSession, caAdminSession, caSession, certificateProfileSession, certificateStoreSession, endEntityAccessSession, endEntityProfileSession, hardTokenSession, endEntityManagementSession, webAuthenticationSession, cryptoTokenManagementSession); if (WebServiceConfiguration.getNoAuthorizationOnFetchUserData()) { final AuthenticationToken tmp = ejbhelper.getAdmin(true); // We know client certificate is needed, so no other authentication tokens can exist X509Certificate admincert = ((X509CertificateAuthenticationToken) tmp).getCertificate(); admin = new AlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken(new X509Principal(admincert.getSubjectDN().getName())); } else {/*from ww w. ja v a 2s . co m*/ admin = ejbhelper.getAdmin(); } final ArrayList<UserDataSourceVOWS> retval = new ArrayList<UserDataSourceVOWS>(); final IPatternLogger logger = TransactionLogger.getPatternLogger(); logAdminName(admin, logger); try { final ArrayList<Integer> userDataSourceIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); { final Iterator<String> iter = userDataSourceNames.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final String name =; final int id = userDataSourceSession.getUserDataSourceId(admin, name); if (id != 0) { userDataSourceIds.add(Integer.valueOf(id)); } else { log.error("Error User Data Source with name : " + name + " doesn't exist."); } } } { final Iterator<UserDataSourceVO> iter = userDataSourceSession .fetch(admin, userDataSourceIds, searchString).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UserDataSourceVO next =; retval.add(new UserDataSourceVOWS( ejbhelper.convertEndEntityInformation(next.getEndEntityInformation()), next.getIsFieldModifyableSet())); } } } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { // EJBException, ClassCastException, ... throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException(e, logger, ErrorCode.CA_NOT_EXISTS, Level.INFO); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // EJBException, ClassCastException, ... throw EjbcaWSHelper.getInternalException(e, logger); } finally { logger.writeln(); logger.flush(); } return retval; }
From source
/** * Gets the country from X.509 Certificate. * /*from w ww.j a v a2s .c o m*/ * @param keyInfo the key info * * @return the country */ private String getCountry(final KeyInfo keyInfo) { LOG.debug("Recover country information."); String result = ""; try { final org.opensaml.xml.signature.X509Certificate xmlCert = keyInfo.getX509Datas().get(0) .getX509Certificates().get(0); // Transform the KeyInfo to X509Certificate. CertificateFactory certFact; certFact = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); final ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(xmlCert.getValue())); final X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certFact.generateCertificate(bis); String distName = cert.getSubjectDN().toString(); distName = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(StringUtils.upperCase(distName)); final String countryCode = "C="; final int init = distName.indexOf(countryCode); if (init > StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { // Exist country code. int end = distName.indexOf(',', init); if (end <= StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { end = distName.length(); } if (init < end && end > StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { result = distName.substring(init + countryCode.length(), end); //It must be a two characters value if (result.length() > 2) { result = result.substring(0, 2); } } } } catch (CertificateException e) { LOG.error("Procces getCountry from certificate."); } return result.trim(); }
From source
private BasicOCSPResp generateBasicOcspResp(OCSPReq ocspRequest, X509Extensions exts, List<OCSPResponseItem> responses, String sigAlg, X509Certificate signerCert, PrivateKey signerKey, String provider, X509Certificate[] chain, int respIdType) throws NotSupportedException, OCSPException, NoSuchProviderException, CryptoTokenOfflineException { BasicOCSPResp returnval = null;/*from w ww. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ BasicOCSPRespGenerator basicRes = null; basicRes = createOcspResponseGenerator(ocspRequest, signerCert, respIdType); if (responses != null) { for (OCSPResponseItem item : responses) { basicRes.addResponse(item.getCertID(), item.getCertStatus(), item.getThisUpdate(), item.getNextUpdate(), null); } } if (exts != null) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Enumeration oids = exts.oids(); if (oids.hasMoreElements()) { basicRes.setResponseExtensions(exts); } } /* * The below code breaks the EJB standard by creating its own thread pool and creating a single thread (of the HsmResponseThread * type). The reason for this is that the HSM may deadlock when requesting an OCSP response, which we need to guard against. Since * there is no way of performing this action within the EJB3.0 standard, we are consciously creating threads here. * * Note that this does in no way break the spirit of the EJB standard, which is to not interrupt EJB's transaction handling by * competing with its own thread pool, since these operations have no database impact. */ final ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); final Future<BasicOCSPResp> task = service .submit(new HsmResponseThread(basicRes, sigAlg, signerKey, chain, provider)); try { returnval = task.get(HsmResponseThread.HSM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new Error("OCSP response retrieval was interrupted while running. This should not happen", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new OcspFailureException("Failure encountered while retrieving OCSP response.", e); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new CryptoTokenOfflineException("HSM timed out while trying to get OCSP response", e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Signing OCSP response with OCSP signer cert: " + signerCert.getSubjectDN().getName()); RespID respId = null; if (respIdType == OcspConfiguration.RESPONDERIDTYPE_NAME) { respId = new RespID(signerCert.getSubjectX500Principal()); } else { respId = new RespID(signerCert.getPublicKey()); } if (!returnval.getResponderId().equals(respId)) { log.error("Response responderId does not match signer certificate responderId!"); } boolean verify = returnval.verify(signerCert.getPublicKey(), "BC"); if (verify) { log.debug("The OCSP response is verifying."); } else { log.error("The response is NOT verifying!"); } } return returnval; }
From source
protected X509Certificate createCertificateFromCSR(PKCS10CertificationRequest csr) throws CertException { X509Certificate cert; try {//w w w . j av a 2s . c o m X509V3CertificateGenerator certGen = new X509V3CertificateGenerator(); certGen.setSerialNumber(BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); certGen.setIssuerDN(getRootCertificate().getIssuerX500Principal()); certGen.setSubjectDN(csr.getCertificationRequestInfo().getSubject()); certGen.setNotBefore(getCertStartDate()); certGen.setNotAfter(getCertEndDate()); certGen.setPublicKey(csr.getPublicKey("BC")); certGen.setSignatureAlgorithm(CERT_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM); certGen.addExtension(X509Extensions.SubjectKeyIdentifier, false, new SubjectKeyIdentifierStructure(csr.getPublicKey("BC"))); certGen.addExtension(X509Extensions.AuthorityKeyIdentifier, false, new AuthorityKeyIdentifierStructure(getRootCertificate())); certGen.addExtension(X509Extensions.BasicConstraints, true, new BasicConstraints(false)); certGen.addExtension(X509Extensions.KeyUsage, true, new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.digitalSignature)); certGen.addExtension(X509Extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage, true, new ExtendedKeyUsage(KeyPurposeId.id_kp_serverAuth)); ASN1Set attributes = csr.getCertificationRequestInfo().getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i != attributes.size(); i++) { Attribute attr = Attribute.getInstance(attributes.getObjectAt(i)); if (attr.getAttrType().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_extensionRequest)) { X509Extensions extensions = X509Extensions.getInstance(attr.getAttrValues().getObjectAt(0)); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Enumeration e = extensions.oids(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { DERObjectIdentifier oid = (DERObjectIdentifier) e.nextElement(); X509Extension ext = extensions.getExtension(oid); certGen.addExtension(oid, ext.isCritical(), ext.getValue().getOctets()); } } } KeyPair rootKeyPair = getKeyPair(rootService.getRootKeyStore(), rootService.getRootKeyAlias(), rootService.getRootCertificateAlias(), rootService.getRootKeyPassword()); cert = certGen.generate(rootKeyPair.getPrivate(), "BC"); } catch (CertificateParsingException e) { throw new CertException(e); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { throw new CertException(e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new CertException(e); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw new CertException(e); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { throw new CertException(e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new CertException(e); } catch ( e) { throw new CertException(e); } LOG.debug("Certificate generated for subject: " + cert.getSubjectDN()); return cert; }
From source
/** * Search for e-mail address, first in SubjectAltName (as in PKIX recommendation) then in subject DN. Original author: Marco Ferrante, (c) 2005 * CSITA - University of Genoa (Italy)//from w ww . j ava 2s .c o m * * @param certificate * @return subject email or null if not present in certificate */ public static String getEMailAddress(Certificate certificate) { log.debug("Searching for EMail Address in SubjectAltName"); if (certificate == null) { return null; } if (certificate instanceof X509Certificate) { X509Certificate x509cert = (X509Certificate) certificate; try { if (x509cert.getSubjectAlternativeNames() != null) { for (List<?> item : x509cert.getSubjectAlternativeNames()) { Integer type = (Integer) item.get(0); if (type.intValue() == 1) { return (String) item.get(1); } } } } catch (CertificateParsingException e) { log.error("Error parsing certificate: ", e); } log.debug("Searching for EMail Address in Subject DN"); ArrayList<String> emails = CertTools.getEmailFromDN(x509cert.getSubjectDN().getName()); if (!emails.isEmpty()) { return (String) emails.get(0); } } return null; }
From source
@Override public List<TokenCertificateResponseWS> genTokenCertificates(UserDataVOWS userDataWS, List<TokenCertificateRequestWS> tokenRequests, HardTokenDataWS hardTokenDataWS, boolean overwriteExistingSN, boolean revokePreviousCards) throws CADoesntExistsException, AuthorizationDeniedException, WaitingForApprovalException, HardTokenExistsException, UserDoesntFullfillEndEntityProfile, ApprovalException, EjbcaException, ApprovalRequestExpiredException, ApprovalRequestExecutionException { final ArrayList<TokenCertificateResponseWS> retval = new ArrayList<TokenCertificateResponseWS>(); final EjbcaWSHelper ejbhelper = new EjbcaWSHelper(wsContext, authorizationSession, caAdminSession, caSession, certificateProfileSession, certificateStoreSession, endEntityAccessSession, endEntityProfileSession, hardTokenSession, endEntityManagementSession, webAuthenticationSession, cryptoTokenManagementSession); AuthenticationToken admin = ejbhelper.getAdmin(true); int endEntityProfileId = 0; boolean hardTokenExists = false; boolean userExists = false; boolean approvalSuccessfullStep1 = false; boolean isRejectedStep1 = false; // Get Significant user Id final CAInfo significantcAInfo; final ArrayList<> genCertificates = new ArrayList<>(); final IPatternLogger logger = TransactionLogger.getPatternLogger(); logAdminName(admin, logger);/*w w w . ja v a2 s .c o m*/ final AuthenticationToken intAdmin = new AlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken( new UsernamePrincipal("EJBCAWS.genTokenCertificates")); try { significantcAInfo = caSession.getCAInfo(intAdmin, userDataWS.getCaName()); if (significantcAInfo == null) { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException( "Error the given CA : " + userDataWS.getCaName() + " could not be found.", logger, ErrorCode.CA_NOT_EXISTS, null); } EndEntityInformation endEntityInformation = endEntityAccessSession.findUser(intAdmin, userDataWS.getUsername()); if (endEntityInformation != null) { endEntityProfileId = endEntityInformation.getEndEntityProfileId(); userExists = true; } else { try { endEntityProfileId = endEntityProfileSession .getEndEntityProfileId(userDataWS.getEndEntityProfileName()); } catch (EndEntityProfileNotFoundException e) { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException("Error given end entity profile : " + userDataWS.getEndEntityProfileName() + " could not be found", logger, ErrorCode.EE_PROFILE_NOT_EXISTS, null); } } // Approval request if we require approvals to generate token certificates ApprovalRequest ar = null; if (ejbhelper.isAdmin()) { final List<String> rules = new ArrayList<String>(); rules.add(StandardRules.CREATECERT.resource()); rules.add(AccessRulesConstants.HARDTOKEN_ISSUEHARDTOKENS); rules.add(StandardRules.CAACCESS.resource() + significantcAInfo.getCAId()); if (overwriteExistingSN) { rules.add(AccessRulesConstants.REGULAR_REVOKEENDENTITY); rules.add(AccessRulesConstants.ENDENTITYPROFILEPREFIX + endEntityProfileId + AccessRulesConstants.REVOKE_END_ENTITY); } if (userExists) { rules.add(AccessRulesConstants.REGULAR_EDITENDENTITY); rules.add(AccessRulesConstants.ENDENTITYPROFILEPREFIX + endEntityProfileId + AccessRulesConstants.EDIT_END_ENTITY); } else { rules.add(AccessRulesConstants.REGULAR_CREATEENDENTITY); rules.add(AccessRulesConstants.ENDENTITYPROFILEPREFIX + endEntityProfileId + AccessRulesConstants.CREATE_END_ENTITY); } String[] rulesArray = rules.toArray(new String[rules.size()]); if (!authorizationSession.isAuthorizedNoLogging(admin, rulesArray)) { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("authorization.notuathorizedtoresource", Arrays.toString(rulesArray), null); throw new AuthorizationDeniedException(msg); } } else { if (WebServiceConfiguration.getApprovalForGenTokenCertificates()) { ar = new GenerateTokenApprovalRequest(userDataWS.getUsername(), userDataWS.getSubjectDN(), hardTokenDataWS.getLabel(), admin, null, WebServiceConfiguration.getNumberOfRequiredApprovals(), significantcAInfo.getCAId(), endEntityProfileId); int status = ApprovalDataVO.STATUS_REJECTED; try { status = approvalSession.isApproved(admin, ar.generateApprovalId(), 1); approvalSuccessfullStep1 = (status == ApprovalDataVO.STATUS_APPROVED); isRejectedStep1 = (status == ApprovalDataVO.STATUS_REJECTED); if (status == ApprovalDataVO.STATUS_APPROVED) { ApprovalDataVO approvalDataVO = approvalSession.findNonExpiredApprovalRequest(intAdmin, ar.generateApprovalId()); String originalDN = ((GenerateTokenApprovalRequest) approvalDataVO.getApprovalRequest()) .getDN(); userDataWS.setSubjectDN(originalDN); // replace requested DN with original DN to make sure nothing have changed. } else if (status == ApprovalDataVO.STATUS_REJECTED) { throw new ApprovalRequestExecutionException( "The approval for id " + ar.generateApprovalId() + " has been rejected."); } else if (status == ApprovalDataVO.STATUS_EXPIREDANDNOTIFIED || status == ApprovalDataVO.STATUS_EXPIRED) { throw new ApprovalException( "The approval for id " + ar.generateApprovalId() + " has expired."); } else { throw new WaitingForApprovalException("The approval for id " + ar.generateApprovalId() + " have not yet been approved", ar.generateApprovalId()); } } catch (ApprovalException e) { approvalSession.addApprovalRequest(admin, ar); throw new WaitingForApprovalException("Approval request with id " + ar.generateApprovalId() + " have been added for approval.", ar.generateApprovalId()); } } else { throw new AuthorizationDeniedException(); } } if (ar != null && isRejectedStep1) { throw new ApprovalRequestExecutionException( "The approval for id " + ar.generateApprovalId() + " has been rejected."); } if (ar != null && !approvalSuccessfullStep1) { throw new WaitingForApprovalException( "The approval for id " + ar.generateApprovalId() + " has not yet been approved", ar.generateApprovalId()); } if (ar != null) { // We need to create a new AuthenticationToken here that has the "name" of the admin making the request, but that // behaves like an "AlwaysAllowedAuthenticationToken". This is because the request admin does not have privileges, // but we want to log as if the requesting admin performed actions below. final Set<? extends Principal> principals = admin.getPrincipals(); Principal p = null; if (!principals.isEmpty()) { p = principals.iterator().next(); } else { final Set<?> credentials = admin.getCredentials(); if (!credentials.isEmpty()) { final Object o = credentials.iterator().next(); if (o instanceof X509Certificate) { final X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) o; p = new X500Principal(cert.getSubjectDN().getName()); } } else { log.error("Admin does not have neither Principals nor Credentials"); } } admin = new AlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken(p); } hardTokenExists = hardTokenSession.existsHardToken(hardTokenDataWS.getHardTokenSN()); if (hardTokenExists) { if (overwriteExistingSN) { // fetch all old certificates and revoke them. Collection<> currentCertificates = hardTokenSession .findCertificatesInHardToken(hardTokenDataWS.getHardTokenSN()); HardTokenInformation currentHardToken = hardTokenSession.getHardToken(admin, hardTokenDataWS.getHardTokenSN(), false); Iterator<> iter = currentCertificates.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { nextCert = ( iter .next(); try { endEntityManagementSession.revokeCert(admin, CertTools.getSerialNumber(nextCert), CertTools.getIssuerDN(nextCert), RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_SUPERSEDED); } catch (AlreadyRevokedException e) { // Ignore previously revoked certificates } catch (FinderException e) { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException( "Error revoking old certificate, the user : " + currentHardToken.getUsername() + " of the old certificate couldn't be found in database.", logger, ErrorCode.USER_NOT_FOUND, null); } } } else { throw new HardTokenExistsException( "Error hard token with sn " + hardTokenDataWS.getHardTokenSN() + " already exists."); } } if (revokePreviousCards) { List<HardTokenDataWS> htd = getHardTokenDatas(admin, userDataWS.getUsername(), false, true, logger); Iterator<HardTokenDataWS> htdIter = htd.iterator(); while (htdIter.hasNext()) { HardTokenDataWS toRevoke =; try { if (hardTokenDataWS.getLabel().equals(HardTokenConstants.LABEL_TEMPORARYCARD) && toRevoke.getLabel() != null && !toRevoke.getLabel().equals(HardTokenConstants.LABEL_TEMPORARYCARD)) { // Token have extended key usage MS Logon, don't revoke it Iterator<> revokeCerts = hardTokenSession .findCertificatesInHardToken(toRevoke.getHardTokenSN()).iterator(); while (revokeCerts.hasNext()) { X509Certificate next = (X509Certificate); try { if (WebServiceConfiguration.getSuspendAllCertificates() || next.getExtendedKeyUsage() == null || !next.getExtendedKeyUsage() .contains(KeyPurposeId.id_kp_smartcardlogon.getId())) { endEntityManagementSession.revokeCert(admin, next.getSerialNumber(), CertTools.getIssuerDN(next), RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_CERTIFICATEHOLD); } } catch (CertificateParsingException e) { log.error(e); } catch (FinderException e) { log.error(e); } } } else { revokeToken(admin, toRevoke.getHardTokenSN(), RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED, logger); } } catch (AlreadyRevokedException e) { // Do nothing } } } try { // Check if the userdata exist and edit/add it depending on which String password = PasswordGeneratorFactory .getInstance(PasswordGeneratorFactory.PASSWORDTYPE_ALLPRINTABLE).getNewPassword(8, 8); EndEntityInformation userData = ejbhelper.convertUserDataVOWS(admin, userDataWS); userData.setPassword(password); if (userExists) { endEntityManagementSession.changeUser(admin, userData, true); } else { endEntityManagementSession.addUser(admin, userData, true); } Date bDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - (10 * 60 * 1000)); Iterator<TokenCertificateRequestWS> iter = tokenRequests.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TokenCertificateRequestWS next =; int certificateProfileId = certificateProfileSession .getCertificateProfileId(next.getCertificateProfileName()); if (certificateProfileId == 0) { EjbcaWSHelper .getEjbcaException( "Error the given Certificate Profile : " + next.getCertificateProfileName() + " couldn't be found.", logger, ErrorCode.CERT_PROFILE_NOT_EXISTS, null); } Date eDate = null; if (next.getValidityIdDays() != null) { try { long validity = Long.parseLong(next.getValidityIdDays()); eDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (validity * 3600 * 24 * 1000)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException("Error : Validity in Days must be a number", logger, ErrorCode.BAD_VALIDITY_FORMAT, null); } } CAInfo cAInfo = caSession.getCAInfo(admin, next.getCAName()); if (cAInfo == null) { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException( "Error the given CA : " + next.getCAName() + " couldn't be found.", logger, ErrorCode.CA_NOT_EXISTS, null); } if (!authorizationSession.isAuthorizedNoLogging(admin, StandardRules.CAACCESS.resource() + cAInfo.getCAId())) { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("authorization.notuathorizedtoresource", StandardRules.CAACCESS.resource() + cAInfo.getCAId(), null); throw new AuthorizationDeniedException(msg); } if (next.getType() == HardTokenConstants.REQUESTTYPE_PKCS10_REQUEST) { userData.setCertificateProfileId(certificateProfileId); userData.setCAId(cAInfo.getCAId()); userData.setPassword(password); userData.setStatus(EndEntityConstants.STATUS_NEW); endEntityManagementSession.changeUser(admin, userData, false); PKCS10RequestMessage pkcs10req = new PKCS10RequestMessage(next.getPkcs10Data()); cert; if (eDate == null) { cert = signSession.createCertificate(admin, userData.getUsername(), password, pkcs10req.getRequestPublicKey()); } else { cert = signSession.createCertificate(admin, userData.getUsername(), password, pkcs10req.getRequestPublicKey(), -1, bDate, eDate); } genCertificates.add(cert); retval.add(new TokenCertificateResponseWS(new Certificate(cert))); } else if (next.getType() == HardTokenConstants.REQUESTTYPE_KEYSTORE_REQUEST) { if (!next.getTokenType().equals(HardTokenConstants.TOKENTYPE_PKCS12)) { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException( "Unsupported Key Store Type : " + next.getTokenType() + " only " + HardTokenConstants.TOKENTYPE_PKCS12 + " is supported", logger, ErrorCode.NOT_SUPPORTED_KEY_STORE, null); } KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys(next.getKeyspec(), next.getKeyalg()); userData.setCertificateProfileId(certificateProfileId); userData.setCAId(cAInfo.getCAId()); userData.setPassword(password); userData.setStatus(EndEntityConstants.STATUS_NEW); endEntityManagementSession.changeUser(admin, userData, true); X509Certificate cert; if (eDate == null) { cert = (X509Certificate) signSession.createCertificate(admin, userData.getUsername(), password, keys.getPublic()); } else { cert = (X509Certificate) signSession.createCertificate(admin, userData.getUsername(), password, keys.getPublic(), -1, bDate, eDate); } genCertificates.add(cert); // Generate Keystore // Fetch CA Cert Chain. Collection<> chain = caSession .getCAInfo(admin, cAInfo.getCAId()).getCertificateChain(); String alias = CertTools.getPartFromDN(CertTools.getSubjectDN(cert), "CN"); if (alias == null) { alias = userData.getUsername(); } pkcs12 = KeyTools.createP12(alias, keys.getPrivate(), cert, chain); retval.add(new TokenCertificateResponseWS(new KeyStore(pkcs12, userDataWS.getPassword()))); } else { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException( "Error in request, only REQUESTTYPE_PKCS10_REQUEST and REQUESTTYPE_KEYSTORE_REQUEST are supported token requests.", logger, ErrorCode.NOT_SUPPORTED_REQUEST_TYPE, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getInternalException(e, logger); } finally { endEntityManagementSession.setUserStatus(admin, userDataWS.getUsername(), EndEntityConstants.STATUS_GENERATED); } // Add hard token data HardToken hardToken; String signatureInitialPIN = ""; String signaturePUK = ""; String basicInitialPIN = ""; String basicPUK = ""; Iterator<PinDataWS> iter = hardTokenDataWS.getPinDatas().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PinDataWS pinData =; switch (pinData.getType()) { case HardTokenConstants.PINTYPE_BASIC: basicInitialPIN = pinData.getInitialPIN(); basicPUK = pinData.getPUK(); break; case HardTokenConstants.PINTYPE_SIGNATURE: signatureInitialPIN = pinData.getInitialPIN(); signaturePUK = pinData.getPUK(); break; default: throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException("Unsupported PIN Type " + pinData.getType(), logger, ErrorCode.NOT_SUPPORTED_PIN_TYPE, null); } } int tokenType = SwedishEIDHardToken.THIS_TOKENTYPE; switch (hardTokenDataWS.getTokenType()) { case HardTokenConstants.TOKENTYPE_SWEDISHEID: hardToken = new SwedishEIDHardToken(basicInitialPIN, basicPUK, signatureInitialPIN, signaturePUK, 0); break; case HardTokenConstants.TOKENTYPE_ENHANCEDEID: hardToken = new EnhancedEIDHardToken(signatureInitialPIN, signaturePUK, basicInitialPIN, basicPUK, false, 0); tokenType = EnhancedEIDHardToken.THIS_TOKENTYPE; break; default: throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException("Unsupported Token Type : " + hardTokenDataWS.getTokenType(), logger, ErrorCode.NOT_SUPPORTED_TOKEN_TYPE, null); } hardToken.setLabel(hardTokenDataWS.getLabel()); if (overwriteExistingSN) { if (hardTokenExists) { try { hardTokenSession.removeHardToken(admin, hardTokenDataWS.getHardTokenSN()); } catch (HardTokenDoesntExistsException e) { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getEjbcaException(e, logger, ErrorCode.HARD_TOKEN_NOT_EXISTS, Level.ERROR); } } } hardTokenSession.addHardToken(admin, hardTokenDataWS.getHardTokenSN(), userDataWS.getUsername(), significantcAInfo.getSubjectDN(), tokenType, hardToken, genCertificates, hardTokenDataWS.getCopyOfSN()); if (ar != null) { approvalSession.markAsStepDone(admin, ar.generateApprovalId(), GenerateTokenApprovalRequest.STEP_1_GENERATETOKEN); } } catch (FinderException e) { throw EjbcaWSHelper.getInternalException(e, logger); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // EJBException, ClassCastException, ... throw EjbcaWSHelper.getInternalException(e, logger); } finally { logger.writeln(); logger.flush(); } return retval; }
From source
private boolean isIssuedByCert(List<Certificate> certChain, X509Certificate certToCheck) { if (certChain == null || certChain.isEmpty()) return false; for (Certificate cert : certChain) { X509Certificate x509Cert = (X509Certificate) cert; if (x509Cert.getSubjectDN().getName().compareToIgnoreCase(certToCheck.getIssuerDN().getName()) == 0) { return true; }/*from w w w .jav a 2s .c o m*/ } return false; }
From source
/** * Test method for creating/editing a user a requesting a certificate in a single transaction. *///from ww w.j a va 2s. co m protected void certificateRequest() throws Exception { final UserDataVOWS userData1 = getUserData(CA1_WSTESTUSER1); ErrorCode errorCode = certreqInternal(userData1, getP10(), CertificateHelper.CERT_REQ_TYPE_PKCS10); assertNull("PKCS#10 request resulted in error code: " + (errorCode == null ? "" : errorCode.getInternalErrorCode()), errorCode); errorCode = certreqInternal(userData1, CRMF, CertificateHelper.CERT_REQ_TYPE_CRMF); assertNull("CRMF request resulted in error code: " + (errorCode == null ? "" : errorCode.getInternalErrorCode()), errorCode); errorCode = certreqInternal(userData1, SPCAK, CertificateHelper.CERT_REQ_TYPE_SPKAC); assertNull("SPKAC request resulted in error code: " + (errorCode == null ? "" : errorCode.getInternalErrorCode()), errorCode); errorCode = certreqInternal(userData1, PUBLICKEY_PEM, CertificateHelper.CERT_REQ_TYPE_PUBLICKEY); assertNull("PUBLICKEY request resulted in error code: " + (errorCode == null ? "" : errorCode.getInternalErrorCode()), errorCode); errorCode = certreqInternal(userData1, PUBLICKEY_BASE64, CertificateHelper.CERT_REQ_TYPE_PUBLICKEY); assertNull("PUBLICKEY request resulted in error code: " + (errorCode == null ? "" : errorCode.getInternalErrorCode()), errorCode); // Test with custom extensions final AuthenticationToken admin = new TestAlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken( new UsernamePrincipal("SYSTEMTEST")); userData1.setStatus(UserDataVOWS.STATUS_NEW); userData1.setTokenType(UserDataVOWS.TOKEN_TYPE_USERGENERATED); userData1.setEndEntityProfileName(WS_EEPROF_EI); userData1.setCertificateProfileName(WS_CERTPROF_EI); ejbcaraws.editUser(userData1); CertificateResponse certificateResponse = ejbcaraws.certificateRequest(userData1, getP10(), CertificateHelper.CERT_REQ_TYPE_PKCS10, null, CertificateHelper.RESPONSETYPE_CERTIFICATE); X509Certificate cert = certificateResponse.getCertificate(); byte[] ext = cert.getExtensionValue(""); // Certificate profile did not allow extension override assertNull("no extension should exist", ext); // Allow extension override CertificateProfile profile = certificateProfileSession.getCertificateProfile(WS_CERTPROF_EI); profile.setAllowExtensionOverride(true); certificateProfileSession.changeCertificateProfile(admin, WS_CERTPROF_EI, profile); // Now our extension should be possible to get in there try { ejbcaraws.editUser(userData1); certificateResponse = ejbcaraws.certificateRequest(userData1, getP10(), CertificateHelper.CERT_REQ_TYPE_PKCS10, null, CertificateHelper.RESPONSETYPE_CERTIFICATE); cert = certificateResponse.getCertificate(); assertNotNull(cert); assertEquals(getDN(CA1_WSTESTUSER1), cert.getSubjectDN().toString()); ext = cert.getExtensionValue(""); assertNotNull("there should be an extension", ext); ASN1InputStream asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ext)); try { DEROctetString oct = (DEROctetString) (asn1InputStream.readObject()); assertEquals("Extension did not have the correct value", "foo123", (new String(oct.getOctets())).trim()); } finally { asn1InputStream.close(); } } finally { // restore profile.setAllowExtensionOverride(false); certificateProfileSession.changeCertificateProfile(admin, WS_CERTPROF_EI, profile); } // Make a test with EV TLS DN components try { final UserDataVOWS userData2 = getUserData(CA1_WSTESTUSER1); userData2.setUsername("EVTLSEJBCAWSTEST"); userData2.setSubjectDN( "CN=EVTLSEJBCAWSTEST,JurisdictionCountry=DE,JurisdictionState=Stockholm,JurisdictionLocality=Solna"); try { certificateResponse = ejbcaraws.certificateRequest(userData2, getP10(), CertificateHelper.CERT_REQ_TYPE_PKCS10, null, CertificateHelper.RESPONSETYPE_CERTIFICATE); } catch (EjbcaException_Exception e) { errorCode = e.getFaultInfo().getErrorCode();, e); assertNotNull("error code should not be null", errorCode); fail("certificate request with EV TLS DN components failed with error code " + errorCode.getInternalErrorCode()); } // Verify that the response is of the right type assertNotNull(certificateResponse); assertTrue(certificateResponse.getResponseType().equals(CertificateHelper.RESPONSETYPE_CERTIFICATE)); // Verify that the certificate in the response has the same Subject DN // as in the request. cert = certificateResponse.getCertificate(); assertNotNull(cert); assertEquals( "JurisdictionCountry=DE,JurisdictionState=Stockholm,JurisdictionLocality=Solna,CN=EVTLSEJBCAWSTEST", CertTools.getSubjectDN(cert)); } finally { // Clean up immediately endEntityManagementSession.deleteUser(admin, "EVTLSEJBCAWSTEST"); internalCertStoreSession.removeCertificate(CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert)); } }
From source
/** * Metodo encargado de la verificacin de los certificados * //w w w. ja v a2 s .c om * @param certificadoX509 * @throws ExcepcionErrorInterno */ public CodigoError validarCRL(X509Certificate certificadoX509) { try { // 1.- Inicia la factoria de certificados CertificateFactory factoriaCertificados = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509", BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME); log.debug("Validando certificado perteneciente a: " + certificadoX509.getIssuerDN()); CertPathValidator validador = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX", BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME); // 2.- Configuracin de los parametros del validador // 2.1.- Para comprobar que el camino de confianza no esta roto, // tengo en cuenta todos los certificados PKIXParameters parametros = new PKIXParameters(certificadosConfianza); // Fecha para la comprobacin de validez. parametros.setDate(new Date()); if (validacionOnline) { // Para la validacin online de del estado de revocacin de los // certificados // ************ // creo un almacen( cache ) de certificados y CRLs para no tener // que conectarme a las crls // en cada validacin // Genero un listado de las CRLS que vamos a utilizar para la // validacin del certificado. List<CRL> listaCRLsCertificadosAlmacenados = new LinkedList<CRL>(); // Aade las crls de los certificados de confianza reconocidos // por Viafirma. // estos certificados son los marcados con el prefijo viafirma_ for (TrustAnchor trustAnchor : certificadosConfianza) { // TODO establecer un sistema de cache eficiente // TODO recuperar solo las crls del certificado en uso. listaCRLsCertificadosAlmacenados .addAll(CRLUtil.getCurrentInstance().getCRLs(trustAnchor.getTrustedCert())); // para cada certificado. } // aado al listado todas las crls del certificado actual. EJ // para el caso de // un certificado de FNMT el certificado personal contiene CN = // CRL1827,OU = FNMT Clase 2 CA,O = FNMT,C = ES listaCRLsCertificadosAlmacenados.addAll(CRLUtil.getCurrentInstance().getCRLs(certificadoX509)); // parametros para la creacin del almacen(cache CRLs) CollectionCertStoreParameters params = new CollectionCertStoreParameters( listaCRLsCertificadosAlmacenados); CertStore almacen = CertStore.getInstance("Collection", params, BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME); parametros.addCertStore(almacen); } else { // No se utilizan las CRLs para la comprobacin de la // revocacin. parametros.setRevocationEnabled(false); } // certificados a validar ( solo 1) List<X509Certificate> certificadosValidar = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>(1); certificadosValidar.add(certificadoX509); // genero el listado de certificados a validar CertPath certPath = factoriaCertificados.generateCertPath(certificadosValidar); // validacin CertPathValidatorResult resultado = validador.validate(certPath, parametros); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (resultado instanceof { // pintamos el arbol de politicas PolicyNode node = (( resultado).getPolicyTree(); StringBuffer ruta = new StringBuffer( "Certificado vlido: " + certificadoX509.getSubjectDN().getName()); while (node != null) { ruta.append("-->"); ruta.append(node.getValidPolicy()); if (node.getChildren().hasNext()) { node = node.getChildren().next(); } else { node = null; } }"ruta de validacin: " + ruta); } } return CodigoError.OK_CERTIFICADO_VALIDADO; } catch (CertificateException e) { log.fatal(CodigoError.ERROR_INTERNO, e); return CodigoError.ERROR_INTERNO; } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { log.fatal(CodigoError.ERROR_INTERNO, e); return CodigoError.ERROR_INTERNO; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { log.fatal(CodigoError.ERROR_INTERNO, e); return CodigoError.ERROR_INTERNO; } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { log.fatal(CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_CONFIGURACION_PARAMETRO, e); return CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_CONFIGURACION_PARAMETRO; } catch (CRLException e) { log.fatal(CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_CRL, e); return CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_CRL; } catch (CertPathValidatorException e) { // detectamos el tipo de problema if (e.getMessage().contains( || e.getMessage().contains("Certificate revocation after") || e.getMessage().contains("NotAfter") || e.getMessage().contains("certificate expired on")) { log.warn("El certificado esta caducado." + e.getMessage() + " " + certificadoX509.getSubjectDN()); return CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_CERTIFICADO_CADUCADO; } else if (e.getMessage().contains( { log.warn( "Algunos de los certificados en el camino de certificacin no tiene crl. Algunos de los certificados no se puede validar." + e.getMessage() + " " + certificadoX509.getSubjectDN()); return CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_CRL; } else if (e.getMessage().contains("no valid CRL found")) { log.warn("No se ha podido comprobar la validez del certificado. " + e.getMessage() + " " + certificadoX509.getSubjectDN()); return CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_CRL; } else if (e.getMessage().contains("CertPath not found")) { log.warn("Autoridad de certificacin no reconicida." + e.getMessage() + " " + certificadoX509.getIssuerDN()); return CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_AUTORIDAD_NO_RECONOCIDA; } else { log.warn("Autoridad de certificacin no reconicida." + e.getMessage() + " " + certificadoX509.getIssuerDN()); return CodigoError.ERROR_VALIDACION_AUTORIDAD_NO_RECONOCIDA; } // TODO couldn't // validate certificate: // NotBefore: // Thu Apr 19 19:22:17 CEST 2007 // at // org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.PKIXCertPathValidatorSpi.engineValidate( } }