Example usage for java.security.cert X509Certificate getSubjectDN

List of usage examples for java.security.cert X509Certificate getSubjectDN


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security.cert X509Certificate getSubjectDN.


public abstract Principal getSubjectDN();

Source Link


Denigrated, replaced by #getSubjectX500Principal() .


From source file:eu.europa.ejusticeportal.dss.applet.model.token.CertificateDisplayUtils.java

 * Get the information from the certificate to allow it to be displayed in human readable form.
 * /*from www .  j  a v  a2 s  . c o  m*/
 * @param keyEntry the DSSPrivateKeyEntry
 * @return the CertificateDisplayName
public static CertificateDisplayDetails getDisplayDetails(DSSPrivateKeyEntry keyEntry, CardProfile cp) {
    final X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) keyEntry.getCertificate();
    String subjectDN = cert.getSubjectDN().getName();
    Map<String, String> parts = parseLdapName(subjectDN);
    if (parts.get("CN") != null) {
        subjectDN = parts.get("CN");
    String issuerDN = cert.getIssuerX500Principal() == null ? "" : cert.getIssuerX500Principal().getName();

    parts = parseLdapName(issuerDN);
    String issuerCountry = parts.get("C") == null ? "" : parts.get("C");

    String issuerName = parts.get("CN") == null ? "" : parts.get("CN");
    if (parts.get("O") != null) {
        issuerName += ", " + parts.get("O");
    String serialNumber = formatSerialNumber(cert.getSerialNumber());
    CertificateDisplayDetails cdd = new CertificateDisplayDetails(subjectDN, issuerName, issuerCountry,
            serialNumber, digest(cert), qualified(cert), sscd(cert), cert.getKeyUsage(), cert, cp,
    //check the expiration/start date
    cdd.setSummaryInfo(summaryInfo(subjectDN, issuerName, issuerCountry, serialNumber, cdd.getStartDate(),
    return cdd;

From source file:com.dbay.apns4j.tools.ApnsTools.java

public final static SocketFactory createSocketFactory(InputStream keyStore, String password,
        String keystoreType, String algorithm, String protocol)
        throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException,
        UnrecoverableKeyException, KeyManagementException, CertificateExpiredException {

    char[] pwdChars = password.toCharArray();
    KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType);
    ks.load(keyStore, pwdChars);/*from ww  w.j  av  a 2  s . c  om*/

    // ??
    Enumeration<String> enums = ks.aliases();
    String alias = "";
    if (enums.hasMoreElements()) {
        alias = enums.nextElement();
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(alias)) {
        X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias);
        if (null != certificate) {
            String type = certificate.getType();
            int ver = certificate.getVersion();
            String name = certificate.getSubjectDN().getName();
            String serialNumber = certificate.getSerialNumber().toString(16);
            String issuerDN = certificate.getIssuerDN().getName();
            String sigAlgName = certificate.getSigAlgName();
            String publicAlgorithm = certificate.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm();
            Date before = certificate.getNotBefore();
            Date after = certificate.getNotAfter();

            String beforeStr = DateFormatUtils.format(before, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            String afterStr = DateFormatUtils.format(after, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

            // ??
            long expire = DateUtil.getNumberOfDaysBetween(new Date(), after);
            if (expire <= 0) {
                if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
                            "?[{}], [{}], ?[{}], ??[{}], ?[{}], ??[{}], [{}], [{}][{}], ?[{}]",
                            name, type, ver, serialNumber, issuerDN, sigAlgName, publicAlgorithm, beforeStr,
                            afterStr, Math.abs(expire));

                throw new CertificateExpiredException("??[" + Math.abs(expire) + "]");

            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
                        "?[{}], [{}], ?[{}], ??[{}], ?[{}], ??[{}], [{}], [{}][{}], ?[{}]?",
                        name, type, ver, serialNumber, issuerDN, sigAlgName, publicAlgorithm, beforeStr,
                        afterStr, expire);

    KeyManagerFactory kf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
    kf.init(ks, pwdChars);

    TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
    tmf.init((KeyStore) null);
    SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance(protocol);
    context.init(kf.getKeyManagers(), tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);

    return context.getSocketFactory();

From source file:nl.nn.adapterframework.http.AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactoryBase.java

protected static KeyStore createKeyStore(final URL url, final String password, String keyStoreType,
        String prefix) throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException {
    if (url == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keystore url for " + prefix + " may not be null");
    }/*w  w w .j a v  a 2 s. c om*/
    log.info("Initializing keystore for " + prefix + " from " + url.toString());
    KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType);
    keystore.load(url.openStream(), password != null ? password.toCharArray() : null);
    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        Enumeration aliases = keystore.aliases();
        while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
            String alias = (String) aliases.nextElement();
            log.info(prefix + " '" + alias + "':");
            Certificate trustedcert = keystore.getCertificate(alias);
            if (trustedcert != null && trustedcert instanceof X509Certificate) {
                X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) trustedcert;
                log.info("  Subject DN: " + cert.getSubjectDN());
                log.info("  Signature Algorithm: " + cert.getSigAlgName());
                log.info("  Valid from: " + cert.getNotBefore());
                log.info("  Valid until: " + cert.getNotAfter());
                log.info("  Issuer: " + cert.getIssuerDN());
    return keystore;

From source file:net.jmhertlein.mcanalytics.api.auth.SSLUtil.java

 * Given a certificate signing request, produce a signed certificate.
 * @param caKey/*from   ww  w.j av  a2s  . c  om*/
 * @param caCert
 * @param r
 * @param makeAuthority
 * @return
public static X509Certificate fulfillCertRequest(PrivateKey caKey, X509Certificate caCert,
        PKCS10CertificationRequest r, boolean makeAuthority) {
    X509v3CertificateBuilder b = new JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder(new X500Name(caCert.getSubjectDN().getName()), // the order of O,OU,CN returned is very important
            BigInteger.probablePrime(128, new SecureRandom()), Date.from(Instant.now().minusSeconds(1)),
            Date.from(LocalDateTime.now().plusYears(3).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC)), r.getSubject(),

    try {
        b.addExtension(Extension.basicConstraints, true, new BasicConstraints(makeAuthority));
    } catch (CertIOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(SSLUtil.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    try {
        ContentSigner signer = new JcaContentSignerBuilder(SIGNING_ALGORITHM).setProvider("BC").build(caKey);
        X509CertificateHolder build = b.build(signer);
        return new JcaX509CertificateConverter().setProvider("BC").getCertificate(build);
    } catch (OperatorCreationException | CertificateException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(SSLUtil.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        return null;

From source file:eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.http.client.TrustedHttpsClient.java

private static final void importCertificate(final String url, final KeyStore trustStore) throws Exception {
    final URL url2 = new URL(url);
    final SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
    final TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory
    final X509TrustManager defaultTrustManager = (X509TrustManager) trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers()[0];
    final SavingTrustManager trustManager = new SavingTrustManager(defaultTrustManager);
    sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { trustManager }, null);
    final SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = sslContext.getSocketFactory();
    final SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket(url2.getHost(),
            url2.getPort() > 0 ? url2.getPort() : 443);
    socket.setSoTimeout(10000);/*from   w  w  w. j  a v a 2s.  c om*/
    try {
    } catch (SSLException e) {

    final X509Certificate[] chain = trustManager.chain;
    if (chain == null) {
        LOGGER.error("Could not obtain server certificate chain from: " + url);

    final MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
    final MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
    for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) {
        final X509Certificate cert = chain[i];
        final String alias = url2.getHost() + "-" + (i + 1);
        if (!trustStore.containsAlias(alias)) {
            LOGGER.trace("Importing certificate to trusted keystore >> " + "Subject: " + cert.getSubjectDN()
                    + ", Issuer: " + cert.getIssuerDN() + ", SHA1: " + printHexBinary(sha1.digest()) + ", MD5: "
                    + printHexBinary(md5.digest()) + ", Alias: " + alias);
            trustStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert);

From source file:ch.bfh.unicert.certimport.Main.java

 * Create a certificate fot the given CSV record
 * @param record the record to parse/*from  w w  w  .  j  a  va2s.  c o  m*/
 * @throws InvalidNameException
private static void createCertificate(CSVRecord record) throws InvalidNameException {

    int recordid = Integer.parseInt(record.get(0));
    String pemCert = record.get(1);
    String institution = record.get(2);
    int revoked = Integer.parseInt(record.get(3));
    if (revoked == 1) {
        System.out.println("Certficate " + recordid + " is revoked. Looking for next certificate...");

    String studyBranch = record.get(5);
    String uniqueId = record.get(6);
    String mail = record.get(8);

    CertificateFactory cf;
    X509Certificate cert;
    try {
        cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
        cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(pemCert.getBytes()));
    } catch (CertificateException ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Not able to read certificate for record {0}, exception: {1}",
                new Object[] { recordid, ex });

    DSAPublicKey pubKey = (DSAPublicKey) cert.getPublicKey();

    String commonName = cert.getSubjectDN().getName();

    LdapName ln = new LdapName(cert.getSubjectX500Principal().toString());

    for (Rdn rdn : ln.getRdns()) {
        if (rdn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("CN")) {
            commonName = (String) rdn.getValue();
        } else if (rdn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("UID")) {
            uniqueId = (String) rdn.getValue();
        } else if (rdn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("OU")) {
            studyBranch = (String) rdn.getValue();

    IdentityData idData = new IdentityData(commonName, uniqueId, institution, studyBranch, null, null, null,
            null, null, "SwitchAAI", null);

    try {
        Certificate certificate = issuer.createClientCertificate(idData, keystorePath, pubKey, 10, "UniVote",
                new String[] { "Voter" }, uniBoardWSDLurl, uniBoardUrl, section);
        System.out.println("Certificate published for " + recordid + ". Count " + counter + " of 6424");
    } catch (CertificateCreationException ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Not able to create certificate for record {0}, exception: {1}",
                new Object[] { recordid, ex });

From source file:org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication.java

 * Return the email address from <code>certificate</code>, or null if an
 * email address cannot be found in the certificate.
 * <p>/* w w w.  ja  va  2s .  c  o  m*/
 * Note that the certificate parsing has only been tested with certificates
 * granted by the MIT Certification Authority, and may not work elsewhere.
 * @param certificate -
 *            An X509 certificate object
 * @return - The email address found in certificate, or null if an email
 *         address cannot be found in the certificate.
private static String getEmail(X509Certificate certificate) throws SQLException {
    Principal principal = certificate.getSubjectDN();

    if (principal == null) {
        return null;

    String dn = principal.getName();
    if (dn == null) {
        return null;

    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(dn, ",");
    String token = null;
    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        int len = "emailaddress=".length();

        token = (String) tokenizer.nextToken();

        if (token.toLowerCase().startsWith("emailaddress=")) {
            // Make sure the token actually contains something
            if (token.length() <= len) {
                return null;

            return token.substring(len).toLowerCase();

    return null;

From source file:com.xwiki.authentication.sts.STSTokenValidator.java

 * validateSubjectDN(SignableSAMLObject samlToken, String subjectName)
 * Validates the subject (subject distinguished name) value from the certificate. 
 * @param samlToken SignableSAMLObject saml Token
 * @param subjectName subjectNamme name to Validate
 * @return boolean valid => true, not valid => false
 *///from  w ww .j  a va2  s  .  c  o  m
private static boolean validateSubjectDN(SignableSAMLObject samlToken, String subjectName)
        throws UnmarshallingException, ValidationException, CertificateException {
    Signature signature = samlToken.getSignature();
    KeyInfo keyInfo = signature.getKeyInfo();
    X509Certificate pubKey = KeyInfoHelper.getCertificates(keyInfo).get(0);
    String subjectDN = pubKey.getSubjectDN().getName();
    log.trace("passed subjectName: '" + subjectName + "' certificate SubjectDN: '" + subjectDN);
    return subjectDN.equals(subjectName);

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.certificate.mgt.core.impl.CertificateGenerator.java

public static String getCommonName(X509Certificate requestCertificate) {
    String distinguishedName = requestCertificate.getSubjectDN().getName();
    if (distinguishedName != null && !distinguishedName.isEmpty()) {
        String[] dnSplits = distinguishedName.split(",");
        for (String dnSplit : dnSplits) {
            if (dnSplit.contains("CN=")) {
                String[] cnSplits = dnSplit.split("=");
                if (cnSplits[1] != null) {
                    return cnSplits[1];
                }//from  ww w  . j  av  a2s.c o m
    return null;

From source file:org.apache.nifi.registry.security.util.CertificateUtils.java

 * Returns the DN extracted from the server certificate.
 * @param socket the SSL Socket/*from   w w w  .j av  a 2 s  .c o  m*/
 * @return the extracted DN
 * @throws CertificateException if there is a problem parsing the certificate
private static String extractPeerDNFromServerSSLSocket(Socket socket) throws CertificateException {
    String dn = null;
    if (socket instanceof SSLSocket) {
        final SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket) socket;
        try {
            final Certificate[] certChains = sslSocket.getSession().getPeerCertificates();
            if (certChains != null && certChains.length > 0) {
                X509Certificate x509Certificate = convertAbstractX509Certificate(certChains[0]);
                dn = x509Certificate.getSubjectDN().getName().trim();
                logger.debug("Extracted DN={} from server certificate", dn);
        } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) {
            if (e.getMessage().equals(PEER_NOT_AUTHENTICATED_MSG)) {
                logger.error("The server did not present a certificate and thus the DN cannot"
                        + " be extracted. Check that the other endpoint is providing a complete certificate chain");
            throw new CertificateException(e);
    return dn;