List of usage examples for java.nio.channels SocketChannel open
public static SocketChannel open() throws IOException
From source
/** * Set up initial connections to socket and wrap the stream in buffered reader and writer. * @throws DeviceException /*www . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ */ public void connect() throws DeviceException { try { synchronized (socketAccessLock) { if (!isConnected()) { InetSocketAddress inetAddr = new InetSocketAddress(host, commandPort); socketChannel =; socketChannel.connect(inetAddr); socketChannel.socket().setSoTimeout(socketTimeOut); socketChannel.configureBlocking(true); socketChannel.finishConnect(); cleanPipe(); doStartupScript(); connected = true; } } } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { // this could be fatal as reconnect attempts are futile. logger.error(getName() + ": connect: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (ConnectException ex) { logger.debug(getName() + ": connect: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ix) { logger.error(getName() + ": connect: " + ix.getMessage()); } }
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private void prepareNextConnection(Pipe.Context ctx, String nextAddress) throws IOException { ctx.nextChannel =; ctx.nextChannel.socket().setTcpNoDelay(true); ctx.nextChannel.configureBlocking(false); ctx.nextChannel.socket().setSoTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); ctx.nextChannel.connect(new InetSocketAddress(getIP(nextAddress), getPort(nextAddress))); connectToNext(ctx);//from w w w. j av a2 }
From source
private SocketInfo initConnections(Selector selector) throws IOException { log.trace("initConnections()"); for (URI target : addresses) { SocketChannel channel =; channel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY, true); channel.configureBlocking(false); try {/*w w w. j a va 2 s . c om*/ channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT, target); if (channel.connect(new InetSocketAddress(target.getHost(), target.getPort()))) { // connected immediately channel.configureBlocking(true); return new SocketInfo(target, channel.socket()); } } catch (Exception e) { closeQuietly(channel); log.trace("Error connecting to '{}': {}", target, e); } } return null; }
From source
@Override public SocketChannel create() { try {/*from w ww . j av a 2 s. c om*/ return; } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Erreur lors de l'ouverture de la socket", e); return null; } }
From source
public int connect() throws IOException { last_use = System.currentTimeMillis(); // log.debug("connect(): new Socket()"); // final InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByAddress("xyz", new byte [] { (byte) 192, (byte) 168, (byte) 0, (byte) 5 /* 19 */ } ); final InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(remote_host); final SocketAddress s_address = new InetSocketAddress(address, remote_port); socket_channel =; socket_channel.configureBlocking(true); socket_channel.connect(s_address);/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ socket_channel.configureBlocking(false); // log.debug("local port: " + ((InetSocketAddress) socket_channel.getLocalAddress()).getPort()); local_port = ((InetSocketAddress) socket_channel.getLocalAddress()).getPort(); return local_port; }
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/** * //from w w w .j a va 2s .c o m * @param timeout * @param retryTimes * @throws IOException */ public boolean connect(final boolean enableTimeoutCheck, final int timeout, final int retryTimes) { if (enableTimeoutCheck) { if (retryTimes <= 0) { // up to re-try times return isConnected(); } Timer timer = new Timer(); // after timeout seconds, run timer task, if not connected, re-try again timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { if (!isConnected()) { int newRetryTimes = retryTimes - 1; connect(enableTimeoutCheck, timeout, newRetryTimes); } } }, timeout); } try { SocketChannel channel =; channel.configureBlocking(false); channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); channel.connect(servAddr); select(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("try to connecte to server[" + servAddr.toString() + "] error, " + e.getMessage()); } return isConnected(); }
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@Test(timeOut = 15000) public void testDirectConnectionToEchoServer() throws IOException { SocketChannel client =; try {//w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m client.connect(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", doubleEchoServer.getServerSocketPort())); writeToSocket(client, "Knock\n".getBytes()); String response = readFromSocket(client); client.close(); assertEquals(response, "Knock Knock\n"); } finally { client.close(); } }
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@Test(enabled = false, timeOut = 15000) public void testDirectConnectionToEchoServer() throws IOException { SocketChannel client =; try {/*from ww w .j av a2s. com*/ client.connect(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", doubleEchoServer.getServerSocketPort())); writeToSocket(client, "Knock\n".getBytes()); String response = readFromSocket(client); client.close(); assertEquals(response, "Knock Knock\n"); } finally { client.close(); } }
From source
private SelectionKey doConnect() throws IOException { SocketChannel sock =; SelectionKey sockKey = null;//from w w w. j ava 2s . c o m boolean success = false; try { if (sock.isBlocking()) { sock.configureBlocking(false); } InetSocketAddress resolvedEndpoint = new InetSocketAddress(conf.endpoint.getHostString(), conf.endpoint.getPort()); resolvedEndpoint.getHostName(); // trigger DNS resolution sock.connect(resolvedEndpoint); sockKey = sock.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT, sock); long startMs = TimeUtil.nowMs(); long remainingMs = conf.connectTimeoutMs; while (true) {; for (SelectionKey key : selector.keys()) { if (key.isConnectable()) { SocketChannel s = (SocketChannel) key.attachment(); s.finishConnect(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Successfully connected to " + conf.endpointStr + "."); } success = true; return sockKey; } } remainingMs = updateRemainingMs(startMs, conf.connectTimeoutMs); if (remainingMs == 0) { throw new IOException("Attempt to connect to " + conf.endpointStr + " timed out after " + TimeUtil.deltaMs(startMs, TimeUtil.nowMs()) + " ms."); } } } finally { if (!success) { if (sockKey != null) { sockKey.cancel(); } sock.close(); } } }
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@Test(timeOut = 15000) public void testTunnelToEchoServer() throws IOException { MockServer proxyServer = startConnectProxyServer(); Tunnel tunnel ="localhost", doubleEchoServer.getServerSocketPort(), "localhost", proxyServer.getServerSocketPort()); try {/*w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ int tunnelPort = tunnel.getPort(); SocketChannel client =; client.connect(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", tunnelPort)); client.write(ByteBuffer.wrap("Knock\n".getBytes())); String response = readFromSocket(client); client.close(); assertEquals(response, "Knock Knock\n"); assertEquals(proxyServer.getNumConnects(), 1); } finally { proxyServer.stopServer(); tunnel.close(); assertFalse(tunnel.isTunnelThreadAlive()); } }