Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.htrace.impl; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.htrace.core.Span; class PackedBufferManager implements BufferManager { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PackedBuffer.class); private static final int MAX_PREQUEL_LENGTH = 2048; private static final int METHOD_ID_WRITE_SPANS = 0x1; private final Conf conf; private final ByteBuffer frameBuffer; private final PackedBuffer prequel; private final PackedBuffer spans; private final Selector selector; private int numSpans; PackedBufferManager(Conf conf) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.frameBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(PackedBuffer.HRPC_REQ_FRAME_LENGTH); this.prequel = new PackedBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(MAX_PREQUEL_LENGTH)); this.spans = new PackedBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(conf.bufferSize)); this.selector = SelectorProvider.provider().openSelector(); clear(); } @Override public void writeSpan(Span span) throws IOException { spans.writeSpan(span); numSpans++; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("wrote " + span.toJson() + " to PackedBuffer for " + conf.endpointStr + ". numSpans = " + numSpans + ", buffer position = " + spans.getBuffer().position()); } } @Override public int contentLength() { return spans.getBuffer().position(); } @Override public int getNumberOfSpans() { return numSpans; } @Override public void prepare() throws IOException { prequel.beginWriteSpansRequest(null, numSpans); long totalLength = prequel.getBuffer().position() + spans.getBuffer().position(); if (totalLength > PackedBuffer.MAX_HRPC_BODY_LENGTH) { throw new IOException("Can't send RPC of " + totalLength + " bytes " + "because it is longer than " + PackedBuffer.MAX_HRPC_BODY_LENGTH); } PackedBuffer.writeReqFrame(frameBuffer, METHOD_ID_WRITE_SPANS, 1, (int) totalLength); frameBuffer.flip(); prequel.getBuffer().flip(); spans.getBuffer().flip(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Preparing to send RPC of length " + (totalLength + PackedBuffer.HRPC_REQ_FRAME_LENGTH) + " to " + conf.endpointStr + ", containing " + numSpans + " spans."); } } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { SelectionKey sockKey = null; IOException ioe = null; frameBuffer.position(0); prequel.getBuffer().position(0); spans.getBuffer().position(0); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Preparing to flush " + numSpans + " spans to " + conf.endpointStr); } try { sockKey = doConnect(); doSend(sockKey, new ByteBuffer[] { frameBuffer, prequel.getBuffer(), spans.getBuffer() }); ByteBuffer response = prequel.getBuffer(); readAndValidateResponseFrame(sockKey, response, 1, METHOD_ID_WRITE_SPANS); } catch (IOException e) { // This LOG message is only at debug level because we also log these // exceptions at error level inside HTracedReceiver. The logging in // HTracedReceiver is rate-limited to avoid overwhelming the client log // if htraced goes down. The debug and trace logging is not // rate-limited. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Got exception during flush", e); } ioe = e; } finally { if (sockKey != null) { sockKey.cancel(); try { SocketChannel sock = (SocketChannel) sockKey.attachment(); sock.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (ioe != null) { ioe.addSuppressed(e); } } } } if (ioe != null) { throw ioe; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Successfully flushed " + numSpans + " spans to " + conf.endpointStr); } } private long updateRemainingMs(long startMs, long timeoutMs) { long deltaMs = TimeUtil.deltaMs(startMs, TimeUtil.nowMs()); if (deltaMs > timeoutMs) { return 0; } return timeoutMs - deltaMs; } private SelectionKey doConnect() throws IOException { SocketChannel sock =; SelectionKey sockKey = null; boolean success = false; try { if (sock.isBlocking()) { sock.configureBlocking(false); } InetSocketAddress resolvedEndpoint = new InetSocketAddress(conf.endpoint.getHostString(), conf.endpoint.getPort()); resolvedEndpoint.getHostName(); // trigger DNS resolution sock.connect(resolvedEndpoint); sockKey = sock.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT, sock); long startMs = TimeUtil.nowMs(); long remainingMs = conf.connectTimeoutMs; while (true) {; for (SelectionKey key : selector.keys()) { if (key.isConnectable()) { SocketChannel s = (SocketChannel) key.attachment(); s.finishConnect(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Successfully connected to " + conf.endpointStr + "."); } success = true; return sockKey; } } remainingMs = updateRemainingMs(startMs, conf.connectTimeoutMs); if (remainingMs == 0) { throw new IOException("Attempt to connect to " + conf.endpointStr + " timed out after " + TimeUtil.deltaMs(startMs, TimeUtil.nowMs()) + " ms."); } } } finally { if (!success) { if (sockKey != null) { sockKey.cancel(); } sock.close(); } } } /** * Send the provided ByteBuffer objects. * * We use non-blocking I/O because Java does not provide write timeouts. * Without a write timeout, the socket could get hung and we'd never recover. * We also use the GatheringByteChannel#write method which calls the pread() * system call under the covers. This ensures that even if TCP_NODELAY is on, * we send the minimal number of packets. */ private void doSend(SelectionKey sockKey, ByteBuffer[] bufs) throws IOException { long totalWritten = 0; sockKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); SocketChannel sock = (SocketChannel) sockKey.attachment(); long startMs = TimeUtil.nowMs(); long remainingMs = conf.ioTimeoutMs; while (true) {; int firstBuf = 0; for (SelectionKey key : selector.selectedKeys()) { if (key.isWritable()) { long written = sock.write(bufs, firstBuf, bufs.length - firstBuf); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Sent " + written + " bytes to " + conf.endpointStr); } totalWritten += written; } } while (true) { if (firstBuf == bufs.length) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Finished sending " + totalWritten + " bytes to " + conf.endpointStr); } return; } if (bufs[firstBuf].remaining() > 0) { break; } firstBuf++; } remainingMs = updateRemainingMs(startMs, conf.ioTimeoutMs); if (remainingMs == 0) { throw new IOException("Attempt to write to " + conf.endpointStr + " timed out after " + TimeUtil.deltaMs(startMs, TimeUtil.nowMs()) + " ms."); } } } private void doRecv(SelectionKey sockKey, ByteBuffer response) throws IOException { sockKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ); SocketChannel sock = (SocketChannel) sockKey.attachment(); int totalRead = response.remaining(); long startMs = TimeUtil.nowMs(); long remainingMs = conf.ioTimeoutMs; while (remainingMs > 0) {; for (SelectionKey key : selector.selectedKeys()) { if (key.isReadable()) {; } } if (response.remaining() == 0) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Received all " + totalRead + " bytes from " + conf.endpointStr); } return; } remainingMs = updateRemainingMs(startMs, conf.ioTimeoutMs); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Received " + (totalRead - response.remaining()) + " out of " + totalRead + " bytes from " + conf.endpointStr); } if (remainingMs == 0) { throw new IOException("Attempt to write to " + conf.endpointStr + " timed out after " + TimeUtil.deltaMs(startMs, TimeUtil.nowMs()) + " ms."); } } } private void readAndValidateResponseFrame(SelectionKey sockKey, ByteBuffer buf, long expectedSeq, int expectedMethodId) throws IOException { buf.clear(); buf.limit(PackedBuffer.HRPC_RESP_FRAME_LENGTH); doRecv(sockKey, buf); buf.flip(); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); long seq = buf.getLong(); if (seq != expectedSeq) { throw new IOException("Expected sequence number " + expectedSeq + ", but got sequence number " + seq); } int methodId = buf.getInt(); if (expectedMethodId != methodId) { throw new IOException("Expected method id " + expectedMethodId + ", but got " + methodId); } int errorLength = buf.getInt(); buf.getInt(); if ((errorLength < 0) || (errorLength > PackedBuffer.MAX_HRPC_ERROR_LENGTH)) { throw new IOException("Got server error with invalid length " + errorLength); } else if (errorLength > 0) { buf.clear(); buf.limit(errorLength); doRecv(sockKey, buf); buf.flip(); CharBuffer charBuf = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.decode(buf); String serverErrorStr = charBuf.toString(); throw new IOException("Got server error " + serverErrorStr); } } @Override public void clear() { frameBuffer.clear(); prequel.getBuffer().clear(); spans.getBuffer().clear(); numSpans = 0; } @Override public void close() { clear(); prequel.close(); spans.close(); try { selector.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error closing selector", e); } } }