Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cloudata.core.commitlog.pipe; import; import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException; import; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cloudata.core.commitlog.CommitLogServerIF; import org.cloudata.core.commitlog.UnmatchedLogException; import org.cloudata.core.commitlog.pipe.Pipe.Context; import org.cloudata.core.common.Constants; import org.cloudata.core.common.testhelper.FaultInjectionProxy; import org.cloudata.core.common.testhelper.ProxyExceptionHelper; public class InitState extends PipeState implements InitStateTestIF { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(InitState.class); static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 5000; // 5 sec private static PipeState singleton = new InitState(); public static PipeState instance() { return singleton; } InitStateTestIF testProxy; private InitState() { testProxy = this; if (CommitLogServerIF.IS_TEST_MODE) { testProxy = FaultInjectionProxy.wrap(this, InitStateTestIF.class); } } public void init(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { // LOG.debug("INIT STATE!!!"); ctx.msg.clear(); ctx.prevChannel.configureBlocking(false); ctx.registerToSelect(ctx.prevChannel, SelectionKey.OP_READ); } public void close(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { ctx.msg.clear(); ctx.deregisterFromSelectAll(ctx.prevChannel); } public boolean readFromPrev(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { if (! { return false; } PipeConnectionInfo connInfo = PipeConnectionInfo.decode(ctx.msg.getBuffer()); int pipePosition = 0; try { pipePosition = testProxy.processPipeConnection(ctx, connInfo); } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) { ProxyExceptionHelper.handleException(e, LOG); } String nextAddr = connInfo.nextAddress(pipePosition); LOG.debug("pipeKey : " + connInfo.pipeKey + ", pipePos : " + pipePosition + ", nextAddr : " + nextAddr); if (nextAddr != null) { prepareNextConnection(ctx, nextAddr); } else { ctx.isLastPipe = true; LOG.debug("connection establishment OK"); sendOkToPrev(ctx); } return true; } public int processPipeConnection(Pipe.Context ctx, PipeConnectionInfo connInfo) throws IOException, UnmatchedLogException { int pipePosition; if ((pipePosition = connInfo.find(ctx.getMyInetAddress())) < 0) { LOG.warn("The address of this host is not in the list. Deny request connecting pipe."); LOG.warn("localhost : " + ctx.getMyInetAddress()); throw new IOException("Wrong address in pipe info"); } ctx.prepare(connInfo, pipePosition); return pipePosition; } private void sendOkToPrev(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { // LOG.debug("init.sendOkToPrev"); ctx.msg.clear(); ctx.msg.setMessage(0, Constants.PIPE_CONNECTED); writeToPrev(ctx); } private void sendErrorToPrev(Context ctx, String msg) throws IOException { // LOG.debug("init.sendErrorToPrev"); ctx.msg.clear(); ctx.msg.setMessage(0, msg); writeToPrev(ctx); } private void prepareNextConnection(Pipe.Context ctx, String nextAddress) throws IOException { ctx.nextChannel =; ctx.nextChannel.socket().setTcpNoDelay(true); ctx.nextChannel.configureBlocking(false); ctx.nextChannel.socket().setSoTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); ctx.nextChannel.connect(new InetSocketAddress(getIP(nextAddress), getPort(nextAddress))); connectToNext(ctx); } public boolean connectToNext(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { if (ctx.nextChannel.finishConnect()) { ctx.deregisterFromSelect(ctx.nextChannel, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); ctx.registerToSelect(ctx.nextChannel, SelectionKey.OP_READ); writeToNext(ctx); return true; } else { ctx.registerToSelect(ctx.nextChannel, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); return false; } } public boolean readFromNext(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { boolean done =; if (done) { byte[] bufArray = new byte[ctx.msg.buffer.limit()]; ctx.msg.buffer.get(bufArray); ctx.msg.buffer.rewind(); String ret = new String(bufArray); if (ret.startsWith("OK") == false) { LOG.warn("connection establishment is fail due to [" + ret + "]"); } writeToPrev(ctx); if (ret.startsWith("OK") == false) { throw new IOException("Error due to [" + ret + "]"); } LOG.debug("connection establishement OK"); } return done; } public boolean writeToPrev(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { if (ctx.msg.write(ctx.prevChannel)) { ctx.deregisterFromSelect(ctx.prevChannel, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); ctx.changePipeState(RunState.instance()); return true; } else { ctx.registerToSelect(ctx.prevChannel, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); return false; } } public boolean writeToNext(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { if (ctx.msg.write(ctx.nextChannel)) { try { testProxy.clearWriteProcess(ctx); } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) { ProxyExceptionHelper.handleException(e, LOG); } return true; } else { ctx.registerToSelect(ctx.nextChannel, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); return false; } } public void clearWriteProcess(Pipe.Context ctx) throws IOException { ctx.deregisterFromSelect(ctx.nextChannel, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); ctx.msg.clear(); } private int getPort(String addr) { return Integer.valueOf(addr.substring(addr.indexOf(":") + 1)); } private String getIP(String addr) { return addr.substring(0, addr.indexOf(":")); } public String getStateName() { return "Init State"; } }