List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer putLong
public abstract ByteBuffer putLong(long value);
From source
private static byte[] writePackageHeader(OleBlob.Builder oleBuilder, long contentLen) { byte[] prettyNameBytes = getZeroTermStrBytes(oleBuilder.getPrettyName()); String className = oleBuilder.getClassName(); String typeName = oleBuilder.getTypeName(); if (className == null) { className = typeName;/* w w w . ja v a 2 m*/ } else if (typeName == null) { typeName = className; } byte[] classNameBytes = getZeroTermStrBytes(className); byte[] typeNameBytes = getZeroTermStrBytes(typeName); int packageHeaderLen = 20 + prettyNameBytes.length + classNameBytes.length; int oleHeaderLen = 24 + typeNameBytes.length; byte[] headerBytes = new byte[packageHeaderLen + oleHeaderLen]; ByteBuffer bb = PageChannel.wrap(headerBytes); // write outer package header bb.putShort((short) PACKAGE_SIGNATURE); bb.putShort((short) packageHeaderLen); bb.putInt(PACKAGE_OBJECT_TYPE); bb.putShort((short) prettyNameBytes.length); bb.putShort((short) classNameBytes.length); int prettyNameOff = bb.position() + 8; bb.putShort((short) prettyNameOff); bb.putShort((short) (prettyNameOff + prettyNameBytes.length)); bb.putInt(-1); bb.put(prettyNameBytes); bb.put(classNameBytes); // put ole header bb.putInt(OLE_VERSION); bb.putInt(OLE_FORMAT); bb.putInt(typeNameBytes.length); bb.put(typeNameBytes); bb.putLong(0L); bb.putInt((int) contentLen); return headerBytes; }
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@Override public void run() { DatagramSocket socket = null; try {/* www. j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ byte[] incomingBuffer = new byte[1024]; DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(incomingBuffer, incomingBuffer.length); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); DatagramPacket outgoingPacket = new DatagramPacket(bb.array(), 0, 8, null, port); socket = new DatagramSocket(port); socket.setSoTimeout(100); while (isRunning.get()) { try { socket.receive(packet); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); bb.putLong(now); outgoingPacket.setAddress(packet.getAddress()); outgoingPacket.setPort(packet.getPort()); socket.send(outgoingPacket); bb.clear(); //System.out.println("Sent the time " + now); } catch (SocketTimeoutException ex) { // Do nothing if nothing was sent. } } } catch (BindException e) { // port is in use - increment and try again port++;; } catch (SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(socket); } }
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/** * Convert this {@link MicroPipelineStatistics} instance into its byte array representation * @return//w w w. j a v a 2s .c om */ public byte[] toByteArray() { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // describes how the size of the result array is computed // SIZE_OF_INT + // SIZE_OF_LONG + // SIZE_OF_LONG + // SIZE_OF_INT + // SIZE_OF_INT + // SIZE_OF_INT + // SIZE_OF_INT + // SIZE_OF_INT + // SIZE_OF_INT + // SIZE_OF_INT + // procNodeId.length + // pid.length + // cid.length + // (SIZE_OF_INT * 3)); <-- add extra int's // for storing the field sizes of processingNodeId, pipelineId and componentId // which are required when extracting content from byte array // >> 11x SIZE_OF_INT // >> 3x SIZE_OF_LONG // // ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(11 * SIZE_OF_INT + 3 * SIZE_OF_LONG + procNodeId.length + pid.length + cid.length); // allocated buffer byte[] procNodeId = (this.processingNodeId != null ? this.processingNodeId.getBytes() : new byte[0]); byte[] pid = (this.pipelineId != null ? this.pipelineId.getBytes() : new byte[0]); byte[] cid = (this.componentId != null ? this.componentId.getBytes() : new byte[0]); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer .allocate(11 * SIZE_OF_INT + 2 * SIZE_OF_LONG + procNodeId.length + pid.length + cid.length); buffer.putInt(this.numOfMessages); buffer.putLong(this.startTime); buffer.putLong(this.endTime); buffer.putInt(this.minDuration); buffer.putInt(this.maxDuration); buffer.putInt(this.avgDuration); buffer.putInt(this.minSize); buffer.putInt(this.maxSize); buffer.putInt(this.avgSize); buffer.putInt(this.errors); buffer.putInt(procNodeId.length); buffer.put(procNodeId); buffer.putInt(pid.length); buffer.put(pid); buffer.putInt(cid.length); buffer.put(cid); return buffer.array(); }
From source
public void writeLong(long value) { ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); b.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); b.putLong(value); writeBytes(b);/*from www.j a v a 2 s. co m*/ }
From source
public void putNeedleInBuffer(ByteBuffer result) throws Exception { int startPosition = result.position(); result.limit(result.capacity());//from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m result.putInt(MAGICSTART); result.putLong(needleNumber); result.put(flags); result.putInt(keyBytes.length); result.put(keyBytes); result.putInt(version == null ? 0 : version.toBytes().length); if (version != null) result.put(version.toBytes()); result.putInt(previousNeedle == null ? -1 : previousNeedle.getNeedleFileNumber()); // Chaining result.putLong(previousNeedle == null ? -1L : previousNeedle.getNeedleOffset()); // Chaining result.putInt(originalFileNumber); // Original needle location (for cleaning) result.putInt(originalSize); // Original needle size (for cleaning) result.putInt(data == null ? 0 : data.length); if (data != null) result.put(data); result.putInt(MAGICEND); result.put(hashMD5()); while (((result.position() - startPosition) % 256) > 0) { result.put(PADDING); } result.flip(); }
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/** * Initializes Terraform so it can execute the given commands. * Here is the order of operations:/*from ww w .jav a 2s . c o m*/ * Parses the credentials file and verifies the given credentials. * Generates a random string for this environment, which is appended to the output xml file. * Parses the xml file. * Runs the specified command (create, destroy, etc). * @throws XmlParsingException * @throws IOException * @throws CredentialsException * @throws CreationException * @throws DestructionException * @throws RestorationException */ public void execute() throws XmlParsingException, IOException, CredentialsException, CreationException, DestructionException, RestorationException { TerraformContext context = null; try { // parse xml and set context context = parseContext(inputXmlFile); Credentials credentials = parseCredentials(credsFile); context.setCredentials(credentials); if (AllowedCommands.CREATE.getCommandName().equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { // create new file if creating a new environment UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); //convert uuid to base 62 (allowed chars: 0-9 a-z A-Z) ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[16]); bb.putLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); bb.putLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()); String suffix = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(bb.array()); suffix = suffix.replaceAll("-", "Y"); suffix = suffix.replaceAll("_", "Z"); suffix = suffix.substring(0, 4); if (context.getEnvironment() != null) { context.getEnvironment().addSuffixToEnvName(suffix); log.debug("UUID for env " + context.getEnvironment().getName() + " is " + suffix); } else { throw new NullPointerException("No environment on context!"); } String name = context.getEnvironment().getName(); log.debug("Output filename = " + name); outputXmlFile = new File("env-" + name + ".xml"); log.debug("Calling create() on context"); context.create(); } else if (AllowedCommands.DESTROY.getCommandName().equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { String suffix = parseSuffix(context.getEnvironment().getName()); context.getEnvironment().setSuffix(suffix); log.debug("found suffix " + suffix); // write out instance failure regardless of success or failure outputXmlFile = inputXmlFile; log.debug("Calling destroy() on context"); context.destroy(); } else if (AllowedCommands.SUSPEND.getCommandName().equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { outputXmlFile = inputXmlFile; log.debug("Calling restore() on context");"Attempting to suspend power on all instances/VMs in the environment."); context.restore(); if (context instanceof ContextVmware) { SuspendCommand newCommand = new SuspendCommand((ContextVmware) context); newCommand.execute(); } else if (context instanceof ContextAWS) { newCommand = new (ContextAWS) context); newCommand.execute(); } else { log.warn("Could not resolve context to call command \"" + command + "\""); } } else if (AllowedCommands.RESUME.getCommandName().equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { outputXmlFile = inputXmlFile; log.debug("Calling restore() on context"); context.restore();"Attempting to power on all instances/VMs in the environment."); if (context instanceof ContextVmware) { ResumeCommand newCommand = new ResumeCommand((ContextVmware) context); newCommand.execute(); } else if (context instanceof ContextAWS) { newCommand = new (ContextAWS) context); newCommand.execute(); } else { log.warn("Could not resolve context to call command \"" + command + "\""); } } else if (AllowedCommands.TAKE_SNAPSHOT.getCommandName().equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { outputXmlFile = inputXmlFile; log.debug("Calling restore() on context"); context.restore();"Attempting to take snapshots of all instances/VMs in the environment."); if (context instanceof ContextVmware) { TakeSnapshotCommand newCommand = new TakeSnapshotCommand((ContextVmware) context); newCommand.execute(); } else if (context instanceof ContextAWS) { log.warn("Taking snapshots is not currently supported with Terraform and AWS."); } else { log.warn("Could not resolve context to call command \"" + command + "\""); } } } catch (ParserConfigurationException e1) { throw new XmlParsingException("ParserConfigurationException: " + e1.getMessage(), e1); } catch (SAXException e2) { throw new XmlParsingException("SAXException: " + e2.getMessage(), e2); } finally { if (context != null && context.doWriteContext() && outputXmlFile != null) { log.debug("Writing context out to " + outputXmlFile); writeEnvToXml(outputXmlFile, context); } } }
From source
private void setupUdpKeepAliveThread() { udpKeepAliveThread = new Thread("AudioWebSocket UDP-KeepAlive Guild: " + guild.getId()) { @Override//from ww w . jav a2 s. c om public void run() { while (socket.isOpen() && !udpSocket.isClosed() && !this.isInterrupted()) { long seq = 0; try { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES + 1); buffer.put((byte) 0xC9); buffer.putLong(seq); DatagramPacket keepAlivePacket = new DatagramPacket(buffer.array(), buffer.array().length, address); udpSocket.send(keepAlivePacket); Thread.sleep(5000); //Wait 5 seconds to send next keepAlivePacket. } catch (NoRouteToHostException e) { LOG.warn("Closing AudioConnection due to inability to ping audio packets."); LOG.warn("Cannot send audio packet because JDA navigate the route to Discord.\n" + "Are you sure you have internet connection? It is likely that you've lost connection."); AudioWebSocket.this.close(true, -1); break; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //We were asked to close. // e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; udpKeepAliveThread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 1); udpKeepAliveThread.setDaemon(true); udpKeepAliveThread.start(); }
From source
private void sendRequest(final ByteChannel channel, final long startOffset, final long endOffset, final int aryLength) throws IOException { byte[] bFilePath = StringUtils.getBytes(_filePath); int buflen = bFilePath.length + 29;//+ 4 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 1; if (buflen > RemotePagingService.MAX_COMMAND_BUFLEN) { throw new IllegalStateException("command size exceeds limit in MAX_COMMAND_BUFLEN(" + RemotePagingService.MAX_COMMAND_BUFLEN + "): " + buflen + " bytes"); }/*w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ ByteBuffer oprBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(buflen); oprBuf.putInt(buflen - 4); oprBuf.putInt(RemotePagingService.COMMAND_READ); oprBuf.putInt(bFilePath.length); // #1 oprBuf.put(bFilePath); // #2 oprBuf.putLong(startOffset); // #3 oprBuf.putLong(endOffset); // #4 oprBuf.put((byte) (_bigEndian ? 1 : 0)); // # 5 is big endian? oprBuf.flip(); NIOUtils.writeFully(channel, oprBuf); }
From source
public void writeIndexBlock(CacheBlock<byte[]> block, long keyOffset2Len, FileChannel channel) throws IOException { long pos = OFFSET + (long) block.getRecordNo() * RECORD_SIZE; checkFileSize(pos, RECORD_SIZE);//from w w w.j a v a2 s . co m ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(RECORD_SIZE); buf.put(block.getStatus()); buf.putLong(keyOffset2Len); buf.putLong(block.getDataOffset2Len()); buf.putLong(block.getBlock2Version()); buf.putShort(block.getNode()); buf.flip(); channel.write(buf, pos); }
From source
private synchronized void load() { if (isLoaded()) return;//from w w w.j a v a 2s . c o m File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.home", null), FILENAME); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(8); if (!f.exists() || f.length() != 8) { _uid = getRandomUID(); _loaded = true;"A new UID has been generated for this login server."); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { f.createNewFile(); fos = new FileOutputStream(f); FileChannel fc = fos.getChannel(); bb.putLong(getUID()); bb.flip(); fc.write(bb); fos.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { _log.warn("Could not store login server's UID!", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fos); f.setReadOnly(); } } else { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(f); FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel();; } catch (IOException e) { _log.warn("Could not read stored login server's UID!", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fis); } if (bb.position() > 0) { bb.flip(); _uid = bb.getLong(); } else _uid = getRandomUID(); _loaded = true; } }