Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 Austin Keener & Michael Ritter * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import*; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.Guild; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.User; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.VoiceChannel; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.impl.JDAImpl; import; import; import; import net.dv8tion.jda.managers.impl.AudioManagerImpl; import net.dv8tion.jda.utils.SimpleLog; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class AudioWebSocket extends WebSocketAdapter { public static final SimpleLog LOG = SimpleLog.getLog("JDAAudioSocket"); public static final int DISCORD_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH = 32; public static final int INITIAL_CONNECTION_RESPONSE = 2; public static final int HEARTBEAT_PING_RETURN = 3; public static final int CONNECTING_COMPLETED = 4; public static final int USER_SPEAKING_UPDATE = 5; public static final int WEBSOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT = 1008; public static final int CONNECTION_SETUP_TIMEOUT = -41; public static final int UDP_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT = -42; protected AudioConnection audioConnection; private final JDAImpl api; private final Guild guild; private final HttpHost proxy; private boolean connected = false; private boolean ready = false; private Thread keepAliveThread; public WebSocket socket; private String endpoint; private String wssEndpoint; private boolean shutdown; private int ssrc; private String sessionId; private String token; private byte[] secretKey; private DatagramSocket udpSocket; private InetSocketAddress address; private Thread udpKeepAliveThread; public AudioWebSocket(String endpoint, JDAImpl api, Guild guild, String sessionId, String token) { this.endpoint = endpoint; this.api = api; this.guild = guild; this.sessionId = sessionId; this.token = token; //Append the Secure Websocket scheme so that our websocket library knows how to connect if (!endpoint.startsWith("wss://")) wssEndpoint = "wss://" + endpoint; if (sessionId == null || sessionId.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a voice connection using a null/empty sessionId!"); if (token == null || token.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a voice connection using a null/empty token!"); proxy = api.getGlobalProxy(); WebSocketFactory factory = new WebSocketFactory(); if (proxy != null) { ProxySettings settings = factory.getProxySettings(); settings.setHost(proxy.getHostName()); settings.setPort(proxy.getPort()); } try { socket = factory.createSocket(wssEndpoint).addListener(this); socket.connect(); } catch (IOException | WebSocketException e) { //Completely fail here. We couldn't make the connection. throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void send(String message) { socket.sendText(message); } @Override public void onConnected(WebSocket websocket, Map<String, List<String>> headers) { JSONObject connectObj = new JSONObject().put("op", 0).put("d", new JSONObject().put("server_id", guild.getId()).put("user_id", api.getSelfInfo().getId()) .put("session_id", sessionId).put("token", token)); send(connectObj.toString()); connected = true; } @Override public void onTextMessage(WebSocket websocket, String message) { JSONObject contentAll = new JSONObject(message); int opCode = contentAll.getInt("op"); switch (opCode) { case INITIAL_CONNECTION_RESPONSE: { JSONObject content = contentAll.getJSONObject("d"); ssrc = content.getInt("ssrc"); int port = content.getInt("port"); int heartbeatInterval = content.getInt("heartbeat_interval"); //Find our external IP and Port using Discord InetSocketAddress externalIpAndPort = null; int tries = 0; do { externalIpAndPort = handleUdpDiscovery(new InetSocketAddress(endpoint, port), ssrc); tries++; if (externalIpAndPort == null && tries > 5) { close(false, UDP_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT); return; } } while (externalIpAndPort == null); setupUdpKeepAliveThread(); send(new JSONObject().put("op", 1) .put("d", new JSONObject().put("protocol", "udp").put("data", new JSONObject().put("address", externalIpAndPort.getHostString()) .put("port", externalIpAndPort.getPort()) .put("mode", "xsalsa20_poly1305") //Discord requires encryption )).toString()); setupKeepAliveThread(heartbeatInterval); break; } case HEARTBEAT_PING_RETURN: { if (LOG.getEffectiveLevel().getPriority() <= SimpleLog.Level.TRACE.getPriority()) { long timePingSent = contentAll.getLong("d"); long ping = System.currentTimeMillis() - timePingSent; LOG.trace("ping: " + ping + "ms"); } break; } case CONNECTING_COMPLETED: { //secret_key is an array of 32 ints that are less than 256, so they are bytes. JSONArray keyArray = contentAll.getJSONObject("d").getJSONArray("secret_key"); secretKey = new byte[DISCORD_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH]; for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.length(); i++) secretKey[i] = (byte) keyArray.getInt(i); LOG.trace("Audio connection has finished connecting!"); ready = true; break; } case USER_SPEAKING_UPDATE: { JSONObject content = contentAll.getJSONObject("d"); boolean speaking = content.getBoolean("speaking"); int ssrc = content.getInt("ssrc"); String userId = content.getString("user_id"); User user = api.getUserById(userId); if (user == null) { LOG.warn("Got an Audio USER_SPEAKING_UPDATE for a non-existent User. JSON: " + contentAll); return; } audioConnection.updateUserSSRC(ssrc, userId, speaking); if (speaking) LOG.log(SimpleLog.Level.ALL, user.getUsername() + " started transmitting audio."); //Replace with event. else LOG.log(SimpleLog.Level.ALL, user.getUsername() + " stopped transmitting audio."); //Replace with event. break; } default: LOG.debug("Unknown Audio OP code.\n" + contentAll.toString(4)); } } @Override public void onDisconnected(WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame serverCloseFrame, WebSocketFrame clientCloseFrame, boolean closedByServer) { LOG.debug("The Audio connection was closed!"); LOG.debug("By remote? " + closedByServer); if (serverCloseFrame != null) { LOG.debug("Reason: " + serverCloseFrame.getCloseReason()); LOG.debug("Close code: " + serverCloseFrame.getCloseCode()); } if (clientCloseFrame != null) { LOG.debug("ClientReason: " + clientCloseFrame.getCloseReason()); LOG.debug("ClientCode: " + clientCloseFrame.getCloseCode()); this.close(false, clientCloseFrame.getCloseCode()); } else this.close(false, -1); } @Override public void onUnexpectedError(WebSocket websocket, WebSocketException cause) { handleCallbackError(websocket, cause); } @Override public void handleCallbackError(WebSocket websocket, Throwable cause) { LOG.log(cause); } public void close(boolean regionChange, int disconnectCode) { //Makes sure we don't run this method again after the socket.close(1000) call fires onDisconnect if (shutdown) return; connected = false; ready = false; shutdown = true; if (!regionChange) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().put("op", 4).put("d", new JSONObject().put("guild_id", guild.getId()) .put("channel_id", JSONObject.NULL).put("self_mute", false).put("self_deaf", false)); api.getClient().send(obj.toString()); } if (keepAliveThread != null) { keepAliveThread.interrupt(); keepAliveThread = null; } if (udpKeepAliveThread != null) { udpKeepAliveThread.interrupt(); udpKeepAliveThread = null; } if (udpSocket != null) udpSocket.close(); if (socket != null && socket.isOpen()) socket.sendClose(1000); AudioManagerImpl manager = (AudioManagerImpl) guild.getAudioManager(); VoiceChannel disconnectedChannel = manager.getConnectedChannel(); manager.setAudioConnection(null); if (disconnectCode == WEBSOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT || disconnectCode == UDP_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT) { LOG.warn("Unexpected disconnect of Audio Connection to guild: " + guild.getId()); manager.setUnexpectedDisconnectChannel(disconnectedChannel); } if (regionChange) { api.getEventManager().handle(new AudioRegionChangeEvent(api, disconnectedChannel)); } else { switch (disconnectCode) { case CONNECTION_SETUP_TIMEOUT: //Handled in AudioConnection break; case UDP_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT: api.getEventManager().handle(new AudioUnableToConnectEvent(api, disconnectedChannel)); break; default: api.getEventManager().handle(new AudioDisconnectEvent(api, disconnectedChannel)); } } } public DatagramSocket getUdpSocket() { return udpSocket; } public InetSocketAddress getAddress() { return address; } public byte[] getSecretKey() { return Arrays.copyOf(secretKey, secretKey.length); } public int getSSRC() { return ssrc; } public boolean isConnected() { return connected; } public boolean isReady() { return ready; } private InetSocketAddress handleUdpDiscovery(InetSocketAddress address, int ssrc) { //We will now send a packet to discord to punch a port hole in the NAT wall. //This is called UDP hole punching. try { udpSocket = new DatagramSocket(); //Use UDP, not TCP. //Create a byte array of length 70 containing our ssrc. ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(70); //70 taken from buffer.putInt(ssrc); //Put the ssrc that we were given into the packet to send back to discord. //Construct our packet to be sent loaded with the byte buffer we store the ssrc in. DatagramPacket discoveryPacket = new DatagramPacket(buffer.array(), buffer.array().length, address); udpSocket.send(discoveryPacket); //Discord responds to our packet, returning a packet containing our external ip and the port we connected through. DatagramPacket receivedPacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[70], 70); //Give a buffer the same size as the one we sent. udpSocket.setSoTimeout(1000); udpSocket.receive(receivedPacket); //The byte array returned by discord containing our external ip and the port that we used //to connect to discord with. byte[] received = receivedPacket.getData(); //Example string:" " //You'll notice that there are 4 leading nulls and a large amount of nulls between the the ip and // the last 2 bytes. Not sure why these exist. The last 2 bytes are the port. More info below. String ourIP = new String(receivedPacket.getData());//Puts the entire byte array in. nulls are converted to spaces. ourIP = ourIP.substring(0, ourIP.length() - 2); //Removes the port that is stuck on the end of this string. (last 2 bytes are the port) ourIP = ourIP.trim(); //Removes the extra whitespace(nulls) attached to both sides of the IP //The port exists as the last 2 bytes in the packet data, and is encoded as an UNSIGNED short. //Furthermore, it is stored in Little Endian instead of normal Big Endian. //We will first need to convert the byte order from Little Endian to Big Endian (reverse the order) //Then we will need to deal with the fact that the bytes represent an unsigned short. //Java cannot deal with unsigned types, so we will have to promote the short to a higher type. //Options: char or int. I will be doing int because it is just easier to work with. byte[] portBytes = new byte[2]; //The port is exactly 2 bytes in size. portBytes[0] = received[received.length - 1]; //Get the second byte and store as the first portBytes[1] = received[received.length - 2]; //Get the first byte and store as the second. //We have now effectively converted from Little Endian -> Big Endian by reversing the order. //For more information on how this is converting from an unsigned short to an int refer to: // int firstByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) portBytes[0])); //Promotes to int and handles the fact that it was unsigned. int secondByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) portBytes[1])); // //Combines the 2 bytes back together. int ourPort = (firstByte << 8) | secondByte; this.address = address; return new InetSocketAddress(ourIP, ourPort); } catch (SocketException e) { return null; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(e); return null; } } private void setupUdpKeepAliveThread() { udpKeepAliveThread = new Thread("AudioWebSocket UDP-KeepAlive Guild: " + guild.getId()) { @Override public void run() { while (socket.isOpen() && !udpSocket.isClosed() && !this.isInterrupted()) { long seq = 0; try { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES + 1); buffer.put((byte) 0xC9); buffer.putLong(seq); DatagramPacket keepAlivePacket = new DatagramPacket(buffer.array(), buffer.array().length, address); udpSocket.send(keepAlivePacket); Thread.sleep(5000); //Wait 5 seconds to send next keepAlivePacket. } catch (NoRouteToHostException e) { LOG.warn("Closing AudioConnection due to inability to ping audio packets."); LOG.warn("Cannot send audio packet because JDA navigate the route to Discord.\n" + "Are you sure you have internet connection? It is likely that you've lost connection."); AudioWebSocket.this.close(true, -1); break; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //We were asked to close. // e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; udpKeepAliveThread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 1); udpKeepAliveThread.setDaemon(true); udpKeepAliveThread.start(); } private void setupKeepAliveThread(int keepAliveInterval) { keepAliveThread = new Thread("AudioWebSocket WS-KeepAlive Guild: " + guild.getId()) { @Override public void run() { while (socket.isOpen() && !this.isInterrupted()) { send(new JSONObject().put("op", 3).put("d", System.currentTimeMillis()).toString()); try { Thread.sleep(keepAliveInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //We were asked to close. // e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; keepAliveThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); keepAliveThread.setDaemon(true); keepAliveThread.start(); } }