List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer putLong
public abstract ByteBuffer putLong(long value);
From source
@Override public void serialize(final Object frame, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { String data = ""; WebSocketFrame theFrame = null;/*w w w. ja v a 2 s . com*/ if (frame instanceof String) { data = (String) frame; theFrame = new WebSocketFrame(WebSocketFrame.TYPE_DATA, data); } else if (frame instanceof WebSocketFrame) { theFrame = (WebSocketFrame) frame; data = theFrame.getPayload(); } if (data != null && data.startsWith("HTTP/1.1")) { outputStream.write(data.getBytes()); return; } int lenBytes; int payloadLen = this.server ? 0 : 0x80; //masked boolean close = theFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrame.TYPE_CLOSE; boolean ping = theFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrame.TYPE_PING; boolean pong = theFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrame.TYPE_PONG; byte[] bytes = theFrame.getBinary() != null ? theFrame.getBinary() : data.getBytes("UTF-8"); int length = bytes.length; if (close) { length += 2; } if (length >= Math.pow(2, 16)) { lenBytes = 8; payloadLen |= 127; } else if (length > 125) { lenBytes = 2; payloadLen |= 126; } else { lenBytes = 0; payloadLen |= length; } int mask = (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length + 6 + lenBytes); if (ping) { buffer.put((byte) 0x89); } else if (pong) { buffer.put((byte) 0x8a); } else if (close) { buffer.put((byte) 0x88); } else if (theFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrame.TYPE_DATA_BINARY) { buffer.put((byte) 0x82); } else { // Final fragment; text buffer.put((byte) 0x81); } buffer.put((byte) payloadLen); if (lenBytes == 2) { buffer.putShort((short) length); } else if (lenBytes == 8) { buffer.putLong(length); } byte[] maskBytes = new byte[4]; if (!server) { buffer.putInt(mask); buffer.position(buffer.position() - 4); buffer.get(maskBytes); } if (close) { buffer.putShort(theFrame.getStatus()); // TODO: mask status when client } for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { if (server) { buffer.put(bytes[i]); } else { buffer.put((byte) (bytes[i] ^ maskBytes[i % 4])); } } outputStream.write(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position()); }
From source
/** * Fill the measures min values with minimum , this is needed for backward version compatability * as older versions don't store min values for measures *//* w w w .j a v a 2s. c o m*/ private byte[][] updateMinValues(byte[][] minValues, int[] minMaxLen) { byte[][] updatedValues = minValues; if (minValues.length < minMaxLen.length) { updatedValues = new byte[minMaxLen.length][]; System.arraycopy(minValues, 0, updatedValues, 0, minValues.length); List<CarbonMeasure> measures = segmentProperties.getMeasures(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); for (int i = 0; i < measures.size(); i++) { buffer.rewind(); DataType dataType = measures.get(i).getDataType(); if (dataType == DataTypes.BYTE) { buffer.putLong(Byte.MIN_VALUE); updatedValues[minValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } else if (dataType == DataTypes.SHORT) { buffer.putLong(Short.MIN_VALUE); updatedValues[minValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } else if (dataType == DataTypes.INT) { buffer.putLong(Integer.MIN_VALUE); updatedValues[minValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } else if (dataType == DataTypes.LONG) { buffer.putLong(Long.MIN_VALUE); updatedValues[minValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } else if (DataTypes.isDecimal(dataType)) { updatedValues[minValues.length + i] = DataTypeUtil .bigDecimalToByte(BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)); } else { buffer.putDouble(Double.MIN_VALUE); updatedValues[minValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } } } return updatedValues; }
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/** * Fill the measures max values with maximum , this is needed for backward version compatability * as older versions don't store max values for measures *///from w ww . j av a 2s.c o m private byte[][] updateMaxValues(byte[][] maxValues, int[] minMaxLen) { byte[][] updatedValues = maxValues; if (maxValues.length < minMaxLen.length) { updatedValues = new byte[minMaxLen.length][]; System.arraycopy(maxValues, 0, updatedValues, 0, maxValues.length); List<CarbonMeasure> measures = segmentProperties.getMeasures(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); for (int i = 0; i < measures.size(); i++) { buffer.rewind(); DataType dataType = measures.get(i).getDataType(); if (dataType == DataTypes.BYTE) { buffer.putLong(Byte.MAX_VALUE); updatedValues[maxValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } else if (dataType == DataTypes.SHORT) { buffer.putLong(Short.MAX_VALUE); updatedValues[maxValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } else if (dataType == DataTypes.INT) { buffer.putLong(Integer.MAX_VALUE); updatedValues[maxValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } else if (dataType == DataTypes.LONG) { buffer.putLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); updatedValues[maxValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } else if (DataTypes.isDecimal(dataType)) { updatedValues[maxValues.length + i] = DataTypeUtil .bigDecimalToByte(BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)); } else { buffer.putDouble(Double.MAX_VALUE); updatedValues[maxValues.length + i] = buffer.array().clone(); } } } return updatedValues; }
From source
private static ByteBuffer makeCatalogVersionAndBytes(int catalogVersion, long txnId, long uniqueId, byte[] catalogBytes, byte[] deploymentBytes) { ByteBuffer versionAndBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + // catalog bytes length catalogBytes.length + 4 + // deployment bytes length deploymentBytes.length + 4 + // catalog version 8 + // txnID 8 + // unique ID 20 + // catalog SHA-1 hash 20 // deployment SHA-1 hash );/*from w w w . j av a 2s. c om*/ versionAndBytes.putInt(catalogVersion); versionAndBytes.putLong(txnId); versionAndBytes.putLong(uniqueId); try { versionAndBytes.put((new InMemoryJarfile(catalogBytes)).getSha1Hash()); } catch (IOException ioe) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to build InMemoryJarfile from bytes, should never happen.", true, ioe); } versionAndBytes.put(makeDeploymentHash(deploymentBytes)); versionAndBytes.putInt(catalogBytes.length); versionAndBytes.put(catalogBytes); versionAndBytes.putInt(deploymentBytes.length); versionAndBytes.put(deploymentBytes); return versionAndBytes; }
From source
private static long getCodeOTP(byte[] secret, long timeIndex) { try {/* w w w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ SecretKeySpec signKey = new SecretKeySpec(secret, "HmacSHA1"); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); buffer.putLong(timeIndex); byte[] timeBytes = buffer.array(); Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1"); mac.init(signKey); byte[] hash = mac.doFinal(timeBytes); int offset = hash[19] & 0xf; long truncatedHash = hash[offset] & 0x7f; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { truncatedHash <<= 8; truncatedHash |= hash[offset + i] & 0xff; } return (truncatedHash %= 1000000); } catch (Exception ex) { return 0; } }
From source
private void populateDataBuffer(ByteBuffer dataFileBuffer, Collection<PcpValueInfo> valueInfos) throws IOException { // Automatically cleanup the file if this is a mapping where we // mandate PID checking from the MMV PMDA (MMV_FLAG_PROCESS) and // we were able to stash a path name earlier if (file != null && flags.contains(MmvFlag.MMV_FLAG_PROCESS)) { file.deleteOnExit();/*from ww w. ja v a2s . c om*/ } dataFileBuffer.position(0); dataFileBuffer.put(TAG); dataFileBuffer.putInt(mmvVersion.getVersion()); long generation = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; dataFileBuffer.putLong(generation); int gen2Offset = dataFileBuffer.position(); // Generation 2 will be filled in later, once the file's ready dataFileBuffer.putLong(0); // 2 TOC blocks, 3 if there are instances dataFileBuffer.putInt(tocCount()); dataFileBuffer.putInt(getFlagMask()); dataFileBuffer.putInt(getProcessIdentifier()); dataFileBuffer.putInt(clusterIdentifier); Collection<? extends MmvWritable> instanceDomains = getInstanceDomains(); Collection<? extends MmvWritable> instances = getInstances(); Collection<? extends MmvWritable> metrics = getMetricInfos(); Collection<? extends MmvWritable> strings = getStrings(); int tocBlockIndex = 0; if (!instanceDomains.isEmpty()) { dataFileBuffer.position(getTocOffset(tocBlockIndex++)); writeToc(dataFileBuffer, TocType.INSTANCE_DOMAINS, instanceDomains.size(), instanceDomains.iterator().next().getOffset()); } if (!instances.isEmpty()) { dataFileBuffer.position(getTocOffset(tocBlockIndex++)); writeToc(dataFileBuffer, TocType.INSTANCES, instances.size(), instances.iterator().next().getOffset()); } dataFileBuffer.position(getTocOffset(tocBlockIndex++)); int metricsFirstEntryOffset = metrics.isEmpty() ? 0 : metrics.iterator().next().getOffset(); int valuesFirstEntryOffset = valueInfos.isEmpty() ? 0 : valueInfos.iterator().next().getOffset(); writeToc(dataFileBuffer, TocType.METRICS, metrics.size(), metricsFirstEntryOffset); dataFileBuffer.position(getTocOffset(tocBlockIndex++)); writeToc(dataFileBuffer, TocType.VALUES, valueInfos.size(), valuesFirstEntryOffset); if (!getStrings().isEmpty()) { dataFileBuffer.position(getTocOffset(tocBlockIndex++)); writeToc(dataFileBuffer, TocType.STRINGS, strings.size(), strings.iterator().next().getOffset()); } for (MmvWritable instanceDomain : instanceDomains) { instanceDomain.writeToMmv(dataFileBuffer); } for (MmvWritable info : metrics) { info.writeToMmv(dataFileBuffer); } for (MmvWritable info : valueInfos) { info.writeToMmv(dataFileBuffer); } for (MmvWritable string : strings) { string.writeToMmv(dataFileBuffer); } // Once it's set up, let the agent know dataFileBuffer.position(gen2Offset); dataFileBuffer.putLong(generation); }
From source
/** * Finishes the addition of entries to this archive, without closing it. * //from ww w . ja va 2s .c o m * @throws IOException if archive is already closed. */ public void finish() throws IOException { if (finished) { throw new IOException("This archive has already been finished"); } finished = true; final long headerPosition = channel.position(); final ByteArrayOutputStream headerBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final DataOutputStream header = new DataOutputStream(headerBaos); writeHeader(header); header.flush(); final byte[] headerBytes = headerBaos.toByteArray(); channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(headerBytes)); final CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32(); crc32.update(headerBytes); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(SevenZFile.sevenZSignature.length + 2 /* version */ + 4 /* start header CRC */ + 8 /* next header position */ + 8 /* next header length */ + 4 /* next header CRC */).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // signature header channel.position(0); bb.put(SevenZFile.sevenZSignature); // version bb.put((byte) 0).put((byte) 2); // placeholder for start header CRC bb.putInt(0); // start header bb.putLong(headerPosition - SevenZFile.SIGNATURE_HEADER_SIZE).putLong(0xffffFFFFL & headerBytes.length) .putInt((int) crc32.getValue()); crc32.reset(); crc32.update(bb.array(), SevenZFile.sevenZSignature.length + 6, 20); bb.putInt(SevenZFile.sevenZSignature.length + 2, (int) crc32.getValue()); bb.flip(); channel.write(bb); }
From source
private void commitBucketTableToDisk() throws BucketTableManagerException { File currentFile = null;/*from ww w .j av a 2 s .co m*/ FileChannel fileChannel = null; ByteBuffer headerBuffer = null; try { logger.warn("Start commit bucket table..."); if (bucketTable.getRequestedCheckPoint() == null || bucketTable.getRequestedCheckPoint().isEmpty()) throw new BucketTableManagerException("commit requested while there is no requested checkpoint"); currentFile = getLatestCommitedFile(); File nextFile = getNextFile(getLatestCommitedFile()); fileChannel = (new RandomAccessFile(nextFile, "rw")).getChannel(); // Write header with empty checkpoint headerBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADERSIZE); fileChannel.position(0L); headerBuffer.putInt(MAGICSTART); headerBuffer.putLong(mapSize); // NeedlePointer lastCheckPoint = bucketTable.getLastCheckPoint() ; // Reset checkpoint to no checkpoint done NeedlePointer lastCheckPoint = new NeedlePointer(); // Empty needle lastCheckPoint.putNeedlePointerToBuffer(headerBuffer); headerBuffer.putInt(MAGICEND); headerBuffer.flip(); // truncate buffer fileChannel.write(headerBuffer); // Now writes buffers for (int i = 0; i < nbBuffers; i++) { bucketTable.prepareBufferForWriting(i); int written = fileChannel.write(bucketTable.getBuffer(i)); if (written < bucketTable.getBuffer(i).limit()) throw new BucketTableManagerException("Incomplete write for bucket table file " + nextFile.getName() + ", expected " + mapSize + HEADERSIZE); // else //"Bucket table commit: written "+(i+1)*entriesPerBuffer+" buckets"+((i<(nbBuffers-1))?"...":"")) ; try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (Throwable th) { } } // Writes second magic number ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(NeedleLogInfo.INFOSIZE); buffer.rewind(); buffer.limit(INTSIZE); buffer.putInt(MAGICSTART); buffer.rewind(); fileChannel.write(buffer); // Write Needle Log Info Iterator<NeedleLogInfo> it = logInfoPerLogNumber.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { buffer.rewind(); buffer.limit(NeedleLogInfo.INFOSIZE); NeedleLogInfo nli =; nli.putNeedleLogInfo(buffer, true); int written = fileChannel.write(buffer); if (written < NeedleLogInfo.INFOSIZE) throw new BucketTableManagerException( "Incomplete write for bucket table file, writing log infos " + nextFile.getName()); } // Writes checkpoint headerBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(NeedlePointer.POINTERSIZE); headerBuffer.rewind(); headerBuffer.limit(NeedlePointer.POINTERSIZE); // System.out.println("Writing checkpoint in index "+bucketTable.getRequestedCheckPoint()) ; bucketTable.getRequestedCheckPoint().putNeedlePointerToBuffer(headerBuffer, true); // Flip buffer after write headerBuffer.rewind(); // fileChannel.force(false) ; if (fileChannel.write(headerBuffer, CHECKPOINTOFFSET) < NeedlePointer.POINTERSIZE) { throw new BucketTableManagerException("Could not write checkpoint to " + nextFile.getName()); } fileChannel.force(true); fileChannel.close(); if (!nextFile.renameTo(getCommittedFile(nextFile))) throw new BucketTableManagerException( "Could not rename " + nextFile.getName() + " to " + getCommittedFile(nextFile).getName()); logger.warn("Committed bucket table."); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new BucketTableManagerException("Failed writting bucket table", ie); } finally { headerBuffer = null; //May ease garbage collection if (fileChannel != null) { try { fileChannel.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new BucketTableManagerException("Failed to close file channel", ex); } } } try { if (currentFile != null) { if (!currentFile.delete()) logger.error("Failed deleting previous bucket table" + currentFile.getName()); } } catch (Throwable th) { logger.error("Failed deleting previous bucket table" + currentFile.getName(), th); } }