List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer put
public ByteBuffer put(ByteBuffer src)
From source
public void cutColumns(InputStream in, int noCardsPerCase, int caseLength, String delimitor, String tabFileName) throws IOException { if (delimitor == null) { delimitor = defaultDelimitor;/*w ww . j a v a 2s.c om*/ } OUT_LEN = colwidth; // calculated by parseList dbgLog.fine("out_len=" + OUT_LEN); String firstline = null; if (caseLength == 0) { int cread; int ccounter = 0; firstline = ""; while (caseLength == 0 && (cread = != -1) { ccounter++; if (cread == '\n') { caseLength = ccounter; } char c = (char) cread; firstline = firstline + c; } } if (caseLength == 0) { throw new IOException("Subsetting failed: could not read incoming byte stream. " + "(Requested file may be unavailable or missing)"); } REC_LEN = caseLength; dbgLog.fine("REC_LEN=" + REC_LEN); for (int i = 0; i < cargSet.get(Long.valueOf(noCardsPerCase)).size(); i++) { int varEndOffset = cargSet.get(Long.valueOf(noCardsPerCase)).get(i).get(1); if (REC_LEN <= varEndOffset + 1) { throw new IOException("Failed to subset incoming byte stream. Invalid input. " + "(Detected the first record of " + REC_LEN + " bytes; " + "one of the columns requested ends at " + varEndOffset + " bytes)."); } } Boolean dottednotation = false; Boolean foundData = false; // cutting a data file ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(in); // input byte-buffer size = row-length + 1(=> new line char) ByteBuffer inbuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(REC_LEN); OutputStream outs = new FileOutputStream(tabFileName); WritableByteChannel outc = Channels.newChannel(outs); ByteBuffer outbuffer = null; int pos = 0; int offset = 0; int outoffset = 0; int begin = 0; int end = 0; int blankoffset = 0; int blanktail = 0; int k; try { // lc: line counter int lc = 0; while (firstline != null || != -1) { if (firstline != null) { // we have the first line saved as a String: inbuffer.put(firstline.getBytes()); firstline = null; } // calculate i-th card number lc++; k = lc % noCardsPerCase; if (k == 0) { k = noCardsPerCase; } //out.println("***** " +lc+ "-th line, recod k=" + k + " *****"); byte[] line_read = new byte[OUT_LEN]; byte[] junk = new byte[REC_LEN]; byte[] line_final = new byte[OUT_LEN]; //out.println("READ: " + offset); inbuffer.rewind(); offset = 0; outoffset = 0; // how many variables are cut from this k-th card int noColumns = cargSet.get(Long.valueOf(k)).size(); //out.println("noColumns=" + noColumns); //out.println("cargSet k =" + cargSet.get(Long.valueOf(k))); for (int i = 0; i < noColumns; i++) { //out.println("**** " + i +"-th col ****"); begin = cargSet.get(Long.valueOf(k)).get(i).get(0); // bounds[2 * i]; end = cargSet.get(Long.valueOf(k)).get(i).get(1); // bounds[2 * i + 1]; //out.println("i: begin: " + begin + "\ti: end:" + end); try { // throw away offect bytes if (begin - offset - 1 > 0) { inbuffer.get(junk, 0, (begin - offset - 1)); } // get requested bytes inbuffer.get(line_read, outoffset, (end - begin + 1)); // set outbound data outbounds[2 * i] = outoffset; outbounds[2 * i + 1] = outoffset + (end - begin); // current position moved to outoffset pos = outoffset; dottednotation = false; foundData = false; blankoffset = 0; blanktail = 0; // as position increases while (pos <= (outoffset + (end - begin))) { //out.println("pos=" + pos + "\tline_read[pos]=" + // new String(line_read).replace("\000", "\052")); // decimal octal // 48 =>0 60 // 46 => . 56 // 32 = space 40 // dot: if (line_read[pos] == '\056') { dottednotation = true; } // space: if (line_read[pos] == '\040') { if (foundData) { blanktail = blanktail > 0 ? blanktail : pos - 1; } else { blankoffset = pos + 1; } } else { foundData = true; blanktail = 0; } pos++; } // increase the outoffset by width outoffset += (end - begin + 1); // dot false if (!dottednotation) { if (blankoffset > 0) { // set outbound value to blankoffset outbounds[2 * i] = blankoffset; } if (blanktail > 0) { outbounds[2 * i + 1] = blanktail; } } } catch (BufferUnderflowException bufe) { //bufe.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(bufe.getMessage()); } // set offset to the value of end-position offset = end; } outoffset = 0; // for each var for (int i = 0; i < noColumns; i++) { begin = outbounds[2 * i]; end = outbounds[2 * i + 1]; //out.println("begin=" + begin + "\t end=" + end); for (int j = begin; j <= end; j++) { line_final[outoffset++] = line_read[j]; } if (i < (noColumns - 1)) { line_final[outoffset++] = '\011'; // tab x09 } else { if (k == cargSet.size()) { line_final[outoffset++] = '\012'; // LF x0A } else { line_final[outoffset++] = '\011'; // tab x09 } } } //out.println("line_final=" + // new String(line_final).replace("\000", "\052")); outbuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(line_final, 0, outoffset); outc.write(outbuffer); inbuffer.clear(); } // while loop } catch (IOException ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("Failed to subset incoming fixed-field stream: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
private static int serializeStringKeyEvent(byte[] key, ByteBuffer serializationBuffer, DbusEventInfo eventInfo) {//w w w . j ava 2s. c om ByteBuffer valueBuffer = eventInfo.getValueByteBuffer(); int payloadLen = (valueBuffer == null) ? eventInfo.getValueLength() : valueBuffer.remaining(); int startPosition = serializationBuffer.position(); byte[] attributes = null; // Event without explicit opcode specified should always be considered UPSERT or existing code will break if (eventInfo.getOpCode() == DbusOpcode.DELETE) { if (serializationBuffer.order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) attributes = DeleteStringKeyAttributesBigEndian.clone(); else attributes = DeleteStringKeyAttributesLittleEndian.clone(); } else { if (serializationBuffer.order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) attributes = UpsertStringKeyAttributesBigEndian.clone(); else attributes = UpsertStringKeyAttributesLittleEndian.clone(); } if (eventInfo.isEnableTracing()) { setTraceFlag(attributes, serializationBuffer.order()); } if (eventInfo.isReplicated()) setExtReplicationFlag(attributes, serializationBuffer.order()); serializationBuffer.put(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1).putInt(HeaderCrcDefault) .putInt(StringValueOffset(key.length) + payloadLen).put(attributes) .putLong(eventInfo.getSequenceId()).putShort(eventInfo.getpPartitionId()) .putShort(eventInfo.getlPartitionId()).putLong(eventInfo.getTimeStampInNanos()) .putShort(eventInfo.getSrcId()).put(eventInfo.getSchemaId(), 0, 16).putInt(HeaderCrcDefault) .putInt(key.length).put(key); if (valueBuffer != null) { // note. put will advance position. In the case of wrapped byte[] it is ok, in the case of // ByteBuffer this is actually a read only copy of the buffer passed in. serializationBuffer.put(valueBuffer); } int stopPosition = serializationBuffer.position(); long valueCrc = ByteBufferCRC32.getChecksum(serializationBuffer, startPosition + StringKeyOffset, key.length + payloadLen); Utils.putUnsignedInt(serializationBuffer, startPosition + ValueCrcOffset, valueCrc); if (eventInfo.isAutocommit()) { //TODO (DDSDBUS-61): Medium : can avoid new here DbusEventV1 e = new DbusEventV1(serializationBuffer, startPosition); e.applyCrc(); } serializationBuffer.position(stopPosition); return (stopPosition - startPosition); }
From source
@Override public synchronized int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException { checkReadOptions();/*ww w. j av a2s .co m*/ long fileLen = doGetSize(); if (position >= fileLen) { return -1; } int totalBytesRead = 0; while (dst.hasRemaining() && (position < fileLen)) { int r = dst.remaining(); initBuffer(r); if (calcBlockIndex(position + r - 1) == index) { // within current block, read until dst is full or to EOF int eofoffset = calcBlockOffset(fileLen); int limit = Math.min(buffer.position() + r, eofoffset); if (limit > buffer.capacity()) { // copy the remaining bytes in buffer to dst, then fill dst // with empty bytes until full or to the calculated limit dst.put(buffer); dst.put(new byte[Math.min(limit - buffer.capacity(), dst.remaining())]); } else { buffer.limit(limit); dst.put(buffer); buffer.limit(buffer.capacity()); // restore original limit } int bytesRead = (r - dst.remaining()); totalBytesRead += bytesRead; positionInternal(position + bytesRead, false); } else { // read to the end of the current block r = buffer.remaining(); if (r == 0) { r = (int) (blockSize - position); dst.put(new byte[r]); } else { dst.put(buffer); } totalBytesRead += r; // move position to beginning of next buffer, repeat loop positionInternal(position + r, false); } } //closeBlock(); return totalBytesRead; }
From source
/** * Method to set byte array to the MediaCodec encoder * if you use Surface to input data to encoder, you should not call this method * @param buffer// w ww .j av a 2s. c o m * @param lengthlength of byte array, zero means EOS. * @param presentationTimeUs */ // protected void encode(final byte[] buffer, final int length, final long presentationTimeUs) { protected void encode(final ByteBuffer buffer, int length, long presentationTimeUs) { if (!mIsRunning || !isRecording()) return; while (mIsRunning) { final int inputBufferIndex = mMediaCodec.dequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC); if (inputBufferIndex >= 0) { final ByteBuffer inputBuffer = encoderInputBuffers[inputBufferIndex]; inputBuffer.clear(); if (buffer != null) { inputBuffer.put(buffer); } if (length <= 0) { // send EOS mIsEOS = true; if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "send BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM"); mMediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex, 0, 0, presentationTimeUs, MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM); } else { mMediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex, 0, length, presentationTimeUs, 0); } break; } else if (inputBufferIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) { // wait for MediaCodec encoder is ready to encode // nothing to do here because MediaCodec#dequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC) // will wait for maximum TIMEOUT_USEC(10msec) on each call } } }
From source
/** * Create the usage map definition page buffer. The "used pages" map is in * row 0, the "pages with free space" map is in row 1. Index usage maps are * in subsequent rows.// w ww .ja va 2s . c o m */ private static void createUsageMapDefinitionBuffer(TableCreator creator) throws IOException { // 2 table usage maps plus 1 for each index int umapNum = 2 + creator.getIndexCount(); JetFormat format = creator.getFormat(); int usageMapRowLength = format.OFFSET_USAGE_MAP_START + format.USAGE_MAP_TABLE_BYTE_LENGTH; int freeSpace = format.DATA_PAGE_INITIAL_FREE_SPACE - (umapNum * getRowSpaceUsage(usageMapRowLength, format)); // for now, don't handle writing that many indexes if (freeSpace < 0) { throw new IOException("FIXME attempting to write too many indexes"); } int umapPageNumber = creator.getUmapPageNumber(); PageChannel pageChannel = creator.getPageChannel(); ByteBuffer rtn = pageChannel.createPageBuffer(); rtn.put(PageTypes.DATA); rtn.put((byte) 0x1); //Unknown rtn.putShort((short) freeSpace); //Free space in page rtn.putInt(0); //Table definition rtn.putInt(0); //Unknown rtn.putShort((short) umapNum); //Number of records on this page // write two rows of usage map definitions for the table int rowStart = findRowEnd(rtn, 0, format) - usageMapRowLength; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { rtn.putShort(getRowStartOffset(i, format), (short) rowStart); if (i == 0) { // initial "usage pages" map definition rtn.put(rowStart, UsageMap.MAP_TYPE_REFERENCE); } else { // initial "pages with free space" map definition rtn.put(rowStart, UsageMap.MAP_TYPE_INLINE); } rowStart -= usageMapRowLength; } if (creator.hasIndexes()) { for (int i = 0; i < creator.getIndexes().size(); ++i) { IndexBuilder idx = creator.getIndexes().get(i); // allocate root page for the index int rootPageNumber = pageChannel.allocateNewPage(); int umapRowNum = i + 2; // stash info for later use TableCreator.IndexState idxState = creator.getIndexState(idx); idxState.setRootPageNumber(rootPageNumber); idxState.setUmapRowNumber((byte) umapRowNum); idxState.setUmapPageNumber(umapPageNumber); // index map definition, including initial root page rtn.putShort(getRowStartOffset(umapRowNum, format), (short) rowStart); rtn.put(rowStart, UsageMap.MAP_TYPE_INLINE); rtn.putInt(rowStart + 1, rootPageNumber); rtn.put(rowStart + 5, (byte) 1); rowStart -= usageMapRowLength; } } pageChannel.writePage(rtn, umapPageNumber); }
From source
/** * Initializes the Leaf with data/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ * * @param kvs * data to insert as KeyValueObj Array * @param from * from where in the array to start inserting * @param maxTo * usually lvs.length - 1 * @return number of keys inserted */ public int bulkInitialize(final SimpleEntry<K, ?>[] kvs, final int from, final int maxTo) { initialize(); final int remainingToInsert = maxTo - from + 1; if (remainingToInsert <= 0) return 0; final ByteBuffer buf = rawPage().bufferForWriting(Header.size()); final int entrySize = keySerializer.getSerializedLength() + valueSerializer.getSerializedLength(); final int entriesThatFit = buf.remaining() / entrySize; final int entriesToInsert = entriesThatFit > remainingToInsert ? remainingToInsert : entriesThatFit; // determine value type boolean isSerialized = (kvs[from].getValue() instanceof byte[]); if (!isSerialized) { for (int i = 0; i < entriesToInsert; i++) { buf.put(keySerializer.serialize(kvs[from + i].getKey())); buf.put(valueSerializer.serialize((V) kvs[from + i].getValue())); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < entriesToInsert; i++) { buf.put(keySerializer.serialize(kvs[from + i].getKey())); buf.put((byte[]) kvs[from + i].getValue()); } } setNumberOfEntries(entriesToInsert); rawPage.sync(); return entriesToInsert; }
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public void resize(final long size) throws IOException { // Check for reasonable value since we currently only allocate from heap if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Current implementation uses in memory allocation. " + "Not enough memory to allocate for the request. " + "Must use physical storage backed allocation cache."); }// w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m final long p = this.getPosition(); final ByteBuffer b =; final int length = (int) this.getRecordLength(b); if (size == length) { return; // Nothing to do } else if (size < 0) { /* * Simply trucate the record by removing part of its region */ final int delta = length - (int) size; this.edits.remove(p + delta, delta); } else { /* * Expand the record by replacing the original segment where the record * resides, with a new segment of the new size. Copy the original record * content into the new buffer that replaces it. */ final PartialLoader loader = new MemoryCacheLoader((int) size, headerReader); final ByteBuffer dst = loader.fetchBlock(0, (int) size).getByteBuffer(); // Do copy of or original record buffer into the new buffer dst.put(b); // Do the region replacement this.edits.replace(p, length, size, loader); } this.autoflush.autoflushChange(length + size); }
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@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("doGet("); // Test adapter function? final String testAdapterStr = request.getParameter(HTestAdapter.KEY_PARAM); if (testAdapterStr != null && testAdapterStr.length() != 0) { doTestAdapter(request, response); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")doGet"); return;/*from w w w .j a v a 2s . com*/ } // Negotiate? final String negoStr = request.getParameter("negotiate"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("negotiate=" + negoStr); if (negoStr != null && negoStr.length() != 0) { ByteBuffer ibuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(negoStr.length() * 3); ibuf.put(negoStr.getBytes("UTF-8")); ibuf.flip(); doNegotiate(request, response, ibuf); return; } // Get stream or old utility request // Parameter messageid final String messageIdStr = request.getParameter("messageid"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("messageId=" + messageIdStr); if (messageIdStr == null || messageIdStr.length() == 0) { // response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); response.getWriter().println("HHttpServlet running."); return; } // Paremter streamid is set, if a stream is to be read final String streamIdStr = request.getParameter("streamid"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("streamId=" + streamIdStr); // Parameter cancel is set, if the message given by messageid must be // canceled. For newer clients, this functionality is replaced by the // UtilityRequest interface. // To support older clients, it is still handled here. final String cancelStr = request.getParameter("cancel"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("cancel=" + cancelStr); if (cancelStr != null && cancelStr.length() != 0) { final HSession sess = getSessionFromMessageHeaderOrHttpRequest(null, request); if (sess != null) { long messageId = BBufferJson.parseLong(messageIdStr); if (messageId == HWireClient.MESSAGEID_CANCEL_ALL_REQUESTS) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("activeMessages.cleanup"); sess.wireServer.cancelAllMessages(); } else if (messageId == HWireClient.MESSAGEID_DISCONNECT) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("sess.done"); sess.done(); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("activeMessages.cancelMessage"); sess.wireServer.cancelMessage(messageId); } } response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.getOutputStream().close(); } // Read a stream else if (streamIdStr != null && streamIdStr.length() != 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("sendOutgoingStream"); final String serverIdStr = request.getParameter("serverid"); // Byte-Range request? // // Range: bytes=0- // Range: bytes=64312833-64657026 final BContentStream stream = doGetStream(serverIdStr, messageIdStr, streamIdStr); HRangeRequest rangeRequest = new HRangeRequest(request); sendOutgoingStream(stream, response, rangeRequest); } // Bad request else { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); response.getOutputStream().close(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")doGet"); }
From source
/** * Writes the given name into the given buffer in the format as expected by * {@link #readName}./*ww w. jav a 2s. c o m*/ */ static void writeName(ByteBuffer buffer, String name, Charset charset) { ByteBuffer encName = Column.encodeUncompressedText(name, charset); buffer.putShort((short) encName.remaining()); buffer.put(encName); }
From source
/** * Writes the column definitions into a table definition buffer. * @param buffer Buffer to write to/*w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ */ protected static void writeDefinitions(TableCreator creator, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { List<ColumnBuilder> columns = creator.getColumns(); short fixedOffset = (short) 0; short variableOffset = (short) 0; // we specifically put the "long variable" values after the normal // variable length values so that we have a better chance of fitting it // all (because "long variable" values can go in separate pages) short longVariableOffset = countNonLongVariableLength(columns); for (ColumnBuilder col : columns) { buffer.put(col.getType().getValue()); buffer.putInt(TableImpl.MAGIC_TABLE_NUMBER); //constant magic number buffer.putShort(col.getColumnNumber()); //Column Number if (col.isVariableLength()) { if (!col.getType().isLongValue()) { buffer.putShort(variableOffset++); } else { buffer.putShort(longVariableOffset++); } } else { buffer.putShort((short) 0); } buffer.putShort(col.getColumnNumber()); //Column Number again if (col.getType().isTextual()) { // this will write 4 bytes (note we don't support writing dbs which // use the text code page) writeSortOrder(buffer, col.getTextSortOrder(), creator.getFormat()); } else { // note scale/precision not stored for calculated numeric fields if (col.getType().getHasScalePrecision() && !col.isCalculated()) { buffer.put(col.getPrecision()); // numeric precision buffer.put(col.getScale()); // numeric scale } else { buffer.put((byte) 0x00); //unused buffer.put((byte) 0x00); //unused } buffer.putShort((short) 0); //Unknown } buffer.put(getColumnBitFlags(col)); // misc col flags // note access doesn't seem to allow unicode compression for calced fields if (col.isCalculated()) { buffer.put(CALCULATED_EXT_FLAG_MASK); } else if (col.isCompressedUnicode()) { //Compressed buffer.put(COMPRESSED_UNICODE_EXT_FLAG_MASK); } else { buffer.put((byte) 0); } buffer.putInt(0); //Unknown, but always 0. //Offset for fixed length columns if (col.isVariableLength()) { buffer.putShort((short) 0); } else { buffer.putShort(fixedOffset); fixedOffset += col.getType().getFixedSize(col.getLength()); } if (!col.getType().isLongValue()) { short length = col.getLength(); if (col.isCalculated()) { // calced columns have additional value overhead if (!col.getType().isVariableLength() || col.getType().getHasScalePrecision()) { length = CalculatedColumnUtil.CALC_FIXED_FIELD_LEN; } else { length += CalculatedColumnUtil.CALC_EXTRA_DATA_LEN; } } buffer.putShort(length); //Column length } else { buffer.putShort((short) 0x0000); // unused } } for (ColumnBuilder col : columns) { TableImpl.writeName(buffer, col.getName(), creator.getCharset()); } }