List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer put
public ByteBuffer put(ByteBuffer src)
From source
/** * Sends a single packet of audio data. It reads from the * {@link #outputDataBuffer} and will rewind that buffer when it reaches the * end so that it continuously streams the source file in a loop. *//* w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ private void sendAudioData() { ByteBuffer packetDataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(payloadSizeBytes); while (packetDataBuffer.hasRemaining()) { if (!outputDataBuffer.hasRemaining()) { outputDataBuffer.rewind(); } packetDataBuffer.put(outputDataBuffer.get()); } timestamp += numSamplesPerPacket; RtpPacket packet = new RtpPacket(); packet.setPayloadType(outputEncodingType.getPayloadType()); packet.setSSRC(ssrc); packet.setSequenceNumber(++sequenceNumber); packet.setTimestamp(timestamp); packet.setRtpPayloadData(packetDataBuffer.array()); rtpSession.sendData(packet); }
From source
/** * check for iOS activation//from ww w. ja v a 2s .c o m * * @throws MessageNotFoundException */ public byte[] checkStatusAppleUA(String recipientToken) throws ExchangeException, MessageNotFoundException { int capacity = mVersionLen // + 4 + recipientToken.length() // + 4; ByteBuffer msg = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); msg.putInt(mVersion); msg.putInt(recipientToken.length()); msg.put(recipientToken.getBytes()); msg.putInt(SafeSlingerConfig.NOTIFY_APPLEUA); mNotRegistered = false; byte[] resp = doPost(mUrlPrefix + mHost + "/checkStatus" + mUrlSuffix, msg.array()); mNotRegistered = isNotRegisteredErrorCodes(resp); resp = handleResponseExceptions(resp, 0); return resp; }
From source
/** * @see MsnMimeMessage#toOutgoingMsg(MsnProtocol) *//*w w w. ja v a2s. co m*/ @Override public OutgoingMSG[] toOutgoingMsg(MsnProtocol protocol) { OutgoingMSG message = new OutgoingMSG(protocol); message.setMsgType(OutgoingMSG.TYPE_MSNC1); byte[] mimeMessageHeader = Charset.encodeAsByteArray(toString()); byte[] body = bodyToMessage(); if (body == null) { body = new byte[0]; } ByteBuffer msg = ByteBuffer .allocate(mimeMessageHeader.length + BINARY_HEADER_LEN + body.length + BINARY_FOOTER_LEN); msg.put(mimeMessageHeader); msg.put(binaryHeader); msg.put(body); msg.put(binaryFooter); message.setMsg(msg.array()); return new OutgoingMSG[] { message }; }
From source
/** * put a file, its meta-data, and retrieval id on the server * /*from w ww .j ava2s .co m*/ * @throws MessageNotFoundException */ @Deprecated public byte[] postFileAndroidC2DM(byte[] msgHashBytes, byte[] msgData, byte[] fileData, String recipientToken) throws ExchangeException, MessageNotFoundException { handleSizeRestictions(fileData); int capacity = mVersionLen // + 4 + msgHashBytes.length // + 4 + recipientToken.length() // + 4 + msgData.length // + 4 + fileData.length; ByteBuffer msg = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); msg.putInt(mVersion); msg.putInt(msgHashBytes.length); msg.put(msgHashBytes); msg.putInt(recipientToken.length()); msg.put(recipientToken.getBytes()); msg.putInt(msgData.length); msg.put(msgData); msg.putInt(fileData.length); msg.put(fileData); mNotRegistered = false; byte[] resp = doPost(mUrlPrefix + mHost + "/postFile1" + mUrlSuffix, msg.array()); mNotRegistered = isNotRegisteredErrorCodes(resp); resp = handleResponseExceptions(resp, 0); return resp; }
From source
@Override public short handleSet(byte[] key, byte[] value, int flags, int expiry) { final ByteBuffer reqPacket = ByteBuffer .allocate(HEADER_LENGTH + SET_EXTRA_LENGTH + key.length + value.length); // request header Header header = new Header(MAGIC_BYTE_REQUEST, OPCODE_SET); header.setBodyLength(SET_EXTRA_LENGTH, key.length, value.length); header.encode(reqPacket);/*w w w . j a v a 2*/ // request body (flags, expiration, key, value) reqPacket.putInt(flags); reqPacket.putInt(expiry); reqPacket.put(key); reqPacket.put(value); reqPacket.flip(); final ByteBuffer resPacket = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_LENGTH); final SocketAddress sockAddr = getSocket(key); final ByteChannel channel = sockPool.borrowObject(sockAddr); try { NIOUtils.writeFully(channel, reqPacket); NIOUtils.readFully(channel, resPacket); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); return ResponseStatus.UNKNOWN.status; } finally { sockPool.returnObject(sockAddr, channel); } resPacket.flip(); short status = resPacket.getShort(6); return status; }
From source
/** * put a file, its meta-data, and retrieval id on the server * /*from w ww . j av a 2 s. co m*/ * @throws MessageNotFoundException */ @Deprecated public byte[] postFileAppleUA(byte[] msgHashBytes, byte[] msgData, byte[] fileData, String recipientToken) throws ExchangeException, MessageNotFoundException { handleSizeRestictions(fileData); int capacity = mVersionLen // + 4 + msgHashBytes.length // + 4 + recipientToken.length() // + 4 + msgData.length // + 4 + fileData.length; ByteBuffer msg = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); msg.putInt(mVersion); msg.putInt(msgHashBytes.length); msg.put(msgHashBytes); msg.putInt(recipientToken.length()); msg.put(recipientToken.getBytes()); msg.putInt(msgData.length); msg.put(msgData); msg.putInt(fileData.length); msg.put(fileData); mNotRegistered = false; byte[] resp = doPost(mUrlPrefix + mHost + "/postFile2" + mUrlSuffix, msg.array()); mNotRegistered = isNotRegisteredErrorCodes(resp); resp = handleResponseExceptions(resp, 0); return resp; }
From source
/** * put a message, file, its meta-data, and retrieval id on the server * //w w w.j av a 2 s. c o m * @throws MessageNotFoundException */ public byte[] postMessage(byte[] msgHashBytes, byte[] msgData, byte[] fileData, String recipientToken, int notifyType) throws ExchangeException, MessageNotFoundException { handleSizeRestictions(fileData); int capacity = mVersionLen // + 4 + msgHashBytes.length // + 4 + recipientToken.length() // + 4 + msgData.length // + 4 + fileData.length // + 4; ByteBuffer msg = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); msg.putInt(mVersion); msg.putInt(msgHashBytes.length); msg.put(msgHashBytes); msg.putInt(recipientToken.length()); msg.put(recipientToken.getBytes()); msg.putInt(msgData.length); msg.put(msgData); msg.putInt(fileData.length); msg.put(fileData); msg.putInt(notifyType); mNotRegistered = false; byte[] resp = doPost(mUrlPrefix + mHost + "/postMessage" + mUrlSuffix, msg.array()); mNotRegistered = isNotRegisteredErrorCodes(resp); resp = handleResponseExceptions(resp, 0); return resp; }
From source
/** * ?//w w w . j ava 2s. co m * * @return * */ public byte[] dump() { if (bodyDecrypted == null) return new byte[0]; else { byte[] debugContent = new byte[getLength(bodyDecrypted.length)]; ByteBuffer debugBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(debugContent); putHead(debugBuf); debugBuf.put(bodyDecrypted); putTail(debugBuf); debugBuf = null; return debugContent; } }
From source
/** * Convert the exploit to a shellcode in binary format * * @param exploit payload compiled code//from w w w . ja va 2 s . c om * @return the shellcode * @throws Exception */ private byte[] preprocessToBin(byte[] exploit) throws Exception { Pair<ArrayList<Integer>, List<Byte>> data = preprocessRop(exploit); int size = 4 + data.first.size() * 4 + data.second.size(); byte[] out = new byte[size + ((-size) & 3)]; ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(out).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); buf.putInt(data.second.size()); for (Integer val : data.first) { buf.putInt(val); } for (Byte val : data.second) { buf.put(val); } return out; }
From source
/** * ?Authorized_key????<BR>//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m * * @param publicKey * @return */ private synchronized boolean addKey(String publicKey) { m_log.debug("add key start"); if (SKIP_KEYFILE_UPDATE) {"skipped appending publicKey"); return true; } //??? String fileName = AgentProperties.getProperty(execUser.toLowerCase() + AUTHORIZED_KEY_PATH); m_log.debug("faileName" + fileName); if (fileName == null || fileName.length() == 0) return false; //File? File fi = new File(fileName); RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = null; FileChannel channel = null; FileLock lock = null; boolean add = false; try { //RandomAccessFile? randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(fi, "rw"); //FileChannel? channel = randomAccessFile.getChannel(); // for (int i = 0; i < (FILELOCK_TIMEOUT / FILELOCK_WAIT); i++) { if (null != (lock = channel.tryLock())) { break; }"waiting for locked file... [" + (i + 1) + "/" + (FILELOCK_TIMEOUT / FILELOCK_WAIT) + " : " + fileName + "]"); Thread.sleep(FILELOCK_WAIT); } if (null == lock) { m_log.warn("file locking timeout."); return false; } // (?) synchronized (authKeyLock) { //?? channel.position(channel.size()); //? String writeData = "\n" + publicKey; // m_log.debug("add key : " + writeData); //????? ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(512); //??? buffer.clear(); buffer.put(writeData.getBytes()); buffer.flip(); channel.write(buffer); } add = true; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.error(e); } finally { try { if (channel != null) { channel.close(); } if (randomAccessFile != null) { randomAccessFile.close(); } if (lock != null) { // lock.release(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } return add; }