Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2007 Sly Technologies, Inc. This library is free software; you
 * can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
 * library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package com.slytechs.capture.file.editor;

import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.BufferException;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.BufferFetchException;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.HeaderReader;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.RawIterator;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.RecordError;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.RecordFilterTarget;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.SeekPattern;
import org.jnetstream.filter.Filter;

import com.slytechs.capture.file.Files;
import com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOPositional;
import com.slytechs.utils.collection.SeekResult;
import com.slytechs.utils.event.RuntimeIOException;
import com.slytechs.utils.memory.BufferBlock;
import com.slytechs.utils.memory.BufferUtils;
import com.slytechs.utils.memory.MemoryModel;
import com.slytechs.utils.memory.PartialBuffer;
import com.slytechs.utils.region.FlexRegion;
import com.slytechs.utils.region.RegionHandle;
import com.slytechs.utils.region.RegionSegment;

 * @author Mark Bednarczyk
 * @author Sly Technologies, Inc.
public abstract class AbstractRawIterator implements RawIterator {
    private static final RecordError[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new RecordError[0];

    private final static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractRawIterator.class);

    protected static final SeekResult NOT_OK = SeekResult.NotFullfilled;

    protected static final SeekResult OK = SeekResult.Fullfilled;

    protected static final int SEARCH_LENGTH = 64 * 1024;

    private AutoflushMonitor autoflush;

    private PartialBuffer blockBuffer;

    private final Closeable closeable;

    protected final FlexRegion<PartialLoader> edits;

    private final Filter<RecordFilterTarget> filter;

    private long global;

    private final HeaderReader headerReader;

    protected PartialLoader loader;

    protected SeekPattern pattern;

    protected long previousPosition;

    private RegionSegment<PartialLoader> segment;

    public AbstractRawIterator(final FlexRegion<PartialLoader> edits, final HeaderReader headerReader,
            final AutoflushMonitor autoflush, final Closeable closeable, final Filter<RecordFilterTarget> filter)
            throws IOException {

        this.edits = edits;
        this.headerReader = headerReader;
        this.autoflush = autoflush;
        this.closeable = closeable;
        this.filter = filter;


         * Align on the first record that matches our filter

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#abortChanges()
    public void abortChanges() throws IOException {

        // Now make sure that after edits have been cleared we end up somewhere
        // on a reasonable record start.
        if ( > this.edits.getLength()) {
        } else {

            // Lets find the first record starting from the current position

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#add(java.nio.ByteBuffer)
    public void add(final ByteBuffer b) throws IOException {
        this.add(b, true);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.RawIterator#add(ByteBuffer, boolean)
    public void add(final ByteBuffer element, final boolean copy) throws IOException {

        // Create one large memory cache for all elements
        final PartialLoader additions = new MemoryCacheLoader(element, copy, headerReader);

        // Now do the insert
        this.edits.insert(, additions.getLength(), additions);

        // Instead of skipping over all the records, its easier to simply increase
        // the position by total we just computed and be done with it.
        this.setPosition( + additions.getLength());


     * Adds a new record using two buffers. This method is more efficient then
     * using {@link #addAll(ByteBuffer[])} version as the two buffers are received
     * as normal paramters. This version of the signature is used when record's
     * header and content reside in two separate buffers.
     * @param b1
     *          first buffer containing the record's header
     * @param b2
     *          second buffer containing the record's content
     * @throws IOException
     *           any IO errors
    public void add(final ByteBuffer b1, final ByteBuffer b2) throws IOException {
        final long length = (b1.limit() - b1.position()) + (b2.limit() - b2.position());

        // Create a partial loader for our cache memory buffer and do the insert
        final PartialLoader record = new MemoryCacheLoader(b1, b2, headerReader);
        this.edits.insert(, length, record);

        // Advance past the record we just added
        this.setPosition( + length);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#add(ByteBuffer[])
    public void addAll(final ByteBuffer... elements) throws IOException {

        // Create one large memory cache for all elements
        final PartialLoader additions = new MemoryCacheLoader(headerReader, elements);

        // Now do the insert
        this.edits.insert(, additions.getLength(), additions);

        // Instead of skipping over all the records, its easier to simply increase
        // the position by total we just computed and be done with it.
        this.setPosition( + additions.getLength());


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#add(java.util.List)
    public void addAll(final List<ByteBuffer> elements) throws IOException {
        final ByteBuffer[] b = new ByteBuffer[elements.size()];

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
    public void close() throws IOException {

     * Takes a snapshow of positions. Converts an array of global positions into
     * handles. Since mutable operations change the positions of all subsequent
     * elements within the editor, you must use handles which keep track of the
     * changes and reflect accurate position after any change to previous
     * elements.
     * @param elements
     *          position elements to generate handles for
     * @return handles for all the position elements
    public RegionHandle[] convertToHandles(final Long[] elements) {

        final RegionHandle[] handles = new RegionHandle[elements.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            handles[i] = this.edits.createHandle(elements[i]);

        return handles;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
    public void flush() throws IOException {

     * @return
    protected final long getBoundaryEnd() {
        return edits.getLength();

    protected final long getBoundaryStart() {
        return 0;

     * @return the recordFilter
    public final Filter getFilter() {
        return this.filter;

    private PartialLoader getLoader(final RegionSegment<PartialLoader> segment) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {

        return segment.getData();

     * Gets the buffer at current position, does not advance and does not apply
     * the recordFilter.
     * @param headerReader
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public final ByteBuffer getNoFilter(final HeaderReader lengthGetter) throws IOException {

        final long regional = this.segment.mapGlobalToRegional(;
        final int min = lengthGetter.getMinLength();

        if (this.blockBuffer.checkBoundsRegional(regional, min) == false) {
            this.blockBuffer = this.loader.fetchBlock(regional, min);
        } else {
            this.blockBuffer.reposition(regional, min);

        final ByteBuffer buffer = this.blockBuffer.getByteBuffer();

        final int length = (int) this.getRecordLength(buffer, lengthGetter);
        final int allocation = this.loader.getBufferAllocation(length);

        if (this.blockBuffer.checkBoundsRegional(regional, length) == false) {

            if (length > allocation) {
                        .error("Record's length (" + length + ") is greater then prefetch buffer size ("
                                + allocation + ") at record position (" + + ")");
                throw new BufferUnderflowException();

            this.blockBuffer = this.loader.fetchBlock(regional, length);

        try {
            this.blockBuffer.reposition(regional, length);
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
            AbstractRawIterator.logger.error("Unable to set limit and position ByteBuffer properties "
                    + "at position (" + + "). Record's length (" + length + ").");
            throw e;

        return buffer;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOPositionable#getPosition()
    public long getPosition() throws IOException {

     * @param buffer
     * @return
    protected abstract int getRecordHeaderLength(ByteBuffer buffer);

    protected long getRecordLength(final ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
        return this.getRecordLength(buffer, this.headerReader);

    private long getRecordLength(final ByteBuffer buffer, final HeaderReader lengthGetter) throws IOException {

        final long length = lengthGetter.readLength(buffer);

        if (length < 0) {
                    .error("Invalid record length value (" + length + ") at record position (" + + ")");
            throw new BufferUnderflowException();

        return length;

    private long getRecordLength(final long regional, final HeaderReader headerReader) throws IOException {

        final PartialBuffer bblock;
        try {
            bblock = this.loader.fetchBlock(regional, headerReader.getMinLength());

        } catch (BufferFetchException e) {
            e.setMessage("Unable to read length from header");
            throw e;

        final ByteBuffer buffer = bblock.getByteBuffer();
        final long length = headerReader.readLength(buffer);

        if ((length < 0) || (length > 100000)) {
                    .error("Invalid record length value (" + length + ") at record position (" + + ")");
            throw new BufferUnderflowException();

        return length;

    private RegionSegment<PartialLoader> getSegment(final long position) {
        return this.edits.getSegment(position);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOIterator#hasNext()
    public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {

        seekFilter(); // Make sure we are aligned to the next filtered record

        return < getBoundaryEnd();

    private final boolean iterateToLast() throws IOException {

        long previous = this.getBoundaryStart();
        while (this.hasNext()) {
            previous = this.getPosition();


        return previous != this.getBoundaryStart();

    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see java.lang.Iterable#iterator()
    public Iterator<ByteBuffer> iterator() {
        final RawIterator i = this;
        return new Iterator<ByteBuffer>() {

            /* (non-Javadoc)
            * @see java.util.Iterator#hasNext()
            public boolean hasNext() {
                try {
                    return i.hasNext();
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeIOException(e);

            /* (non-Javadoc)
            * @see java.util.Iterator#next()
            public ByteBuffer next() {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeIOException(e);

            /* (non-Javadoc)
            * @see java.util.Iterator#remove()
            public void remove() {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeIOException(e);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOIterator#next()
    public ByteBuffer next() throws IOException {
        final ByteBuffer buffer = this.nextNoFilter(this.headerReader);

         * Next, apply the filter and advance the position to the next record

        return buffer;

     * Does all the work and does not apply the recordFilter.
     * @param headerReader
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    private ByteBuffer nextNoFilter(final HeaderReader lengthGetter) throws IOException {

        final long regional = this.segment.mapGlobalToRegional(;
        final int min = lengthGetter.getMinLength();

        if (this.blockBuffer.checkBoundsRegional(regional, min) == false) {
            this.blockBuffer = this.loader.fetchBlock(regional, min);
        } else {
            this.blockBuffer.reposition(regional, min);

        final ByteBuffer buffer = this.blockBuffer.getByteBuffer();

        final int length = (int) this.getRecordLength(buffer, lengthGetter);
        final int allocation = this.loader.getBufferAllocation(length);

        if (this.blockBuffer.checkBoundsRegional(regional, length) == false) {

            if (length > SEARCH_LENGTH) {
                        .warn("Record's length (" + length + ") is greater then prefetch buffer size (" + allocation
                                + ") at record position (" + + ")");
                if (pattern.match(buffer)) {
          "Erroneous record passes the search pattern test");
                throw new BufferUnderflowException();

            this.blockBuffer = this.loader.fetchBlock(regional, length);

        try {
            this.blockBuffer.reposition(regional, length);
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
            AbstractRawIterator.logger.error("Unable to set limit and position ByteBuffer properties "
                    + "at position (" + + "). Record's length (" + length + ").");
            throw e;

        this.previousPosition =;
        this.setPosition( + length);

        return buffer;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOIterator#remove()
    public void remove() throws IOException {

        if (global == edits.getLength()) {
            return; // Nothing to do

        final long length = this.getRecordLength(this.segment.mapGlobalToRegional(, this.headerReader);

        this.edits.remove(, length);



     * Does an in-memory remove by replacing the region of the entire file, with
     * the exception of the block header, with 0 length overlay.
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#removeAll()
    public void removeAll() throws IOException {
         * Alternative to calling abortChanges() would be to remove each segment
         * within edits by iterating over every segment and doing a remove on its
         * region. This might be neccessary in the future if granular undo operation
         * is supported. Currently with only the atomic undo we simply abort all in
         * memory changes.

        // First abort all in-memory changes

        final long length = this.edits.getLength() - this.getBoundaryStart();

        // Next simply remove the region making up the entire physical file
        this.edits.remove(this.getBoundaryStart(), length);

        // Position the cursor to front


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#remove(Collection<D>)
    public void removeAll(final Collection<Long> elements) throws IOException {

        final Long[] array = elements.toArray(new Long[elements.size()]);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOIterator#remove(long count)
    public void removeAll(final long count) throws IOException {
        if (count < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid count number. Less then 0");

        // Remember our current position
        final long start = this.getPosition();
        long total = 0;

        // Calculate total amount to be removed based on all records
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final long length = this.getRecordLength(this.segment.mapGlobalToRegional(,
            total += length;

            if (this.hasNext() == false) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid count number. "
                        + "Count is larger then records remaining from the current position");

        // Do one large remove of all the records
        this.edits.remove(start, total);

        // reinitize segment and buffer


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#remove(D[])
    public void removeAll(final Long... elements) throws IOException {

        final RegionHandle[] handles = this.convertToHandles(elements);

        for (final RegionHandle handle : handles) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#replace(java.lang.Object)
    public void replace(final ByteBuffer element) throws IOException {
        this.replace(element, true);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.RawIterator#replace(java.lang.Object, boolean)
    public void replace(final ByteBuffer element, final boolean copy) throws IOException {
        final long length = this.getRecordLength(this.segment.mapGlobalToRegional(, this.headerReader);
        final PartialLoader replacement = new MemoryCacheLoader(element, copy, headerReader);

        this.edits.replace(, length, replacement.getLength(), replacement);

        this.autoflush.autoflushChange(length + replacement.getLength());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.RawIterator#replaceInPlace()
    public void replaceInPlace() throws IOException {
        // remember the start of this record
        final long p = this.getPosition();

        // existing record from buffer
        final ByteBuffer original =;

        // its length
        final int length = (int) this.getRecordLength(original);

        // create new buffer by copy of the original
        final PartialLoader loader = new MemoryCacheLoader(original, true, headerReader);

        // now the replacement by region with the new buffer
        this.edits.replace(p, length, length, loader);

        this.autoflush.autoflushChange(length * 2);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.RawIterator#resize(long)
    public void resize(final long size) throws IOException {

        // Check for reasonable value since we currently only allocate from heap
        if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Current implementation uses in memory allocation. "
                    + "Not enough memory to allocate for the request. "
                    + "Must use physical storage backed allocation cache.");

        final long p = this.getPosition();
        final ByteBuffer b =;
        final int length = (int) this.getRecordLength(b);

        if (size == length) {
            return; // Nothing to do

        } else if (size < 0) {
             * Simply trucate the record by removing part of its region
            final int delta = length - (int) size;
            this.edits.remove(p + delta, delta);

        } else {
             * Expand the record by replacing the original segment where the record
             * resides, with a new segment of the new size. Copy the original record
             * content into the new buffer that replaces it.
            final PartialLoader loader = new MemoryCacheLoader((int) size, headerReader);
            final ByteBuffer dst = loader.fetchBlock(0, (int) size).getByteBuffer();

            // Do copy of or original record buffer into the new buffer

            // Do the region replacement
            this.edits.replace(p, length, size, loader);

        this.autoflush.autoflushChange(length + size);

     * Retains only the elements that are in this collection. All other records
     * are removed. The retained elements are reorder to match the order of as
     * specified by the collection's natural order.
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#retainAll(List)
    public void retainAll(final List<Long> elements) throws IOException {

        final Long[] array = elements.toArray(new Long[elements.size()]);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#retain(D[])
    public void retainAll(final Long... elements) throws IOException {

        final ByteBuffer[] originals = new ByteBuffer[elements.length];

        int i = 0;
        for (final long element : elements) {
            originals[i++] = BufferUtils.slice(;

        final long before = this.edits.getLength();

        // Very efficiently removes all records as a single region remap

        final long after = this.edits.getLength();

         * Make sure to record number of byte affected, in this case that can be
         * freed by a flush.
        this.autoflush.autoflushChange(before - after);

        // now we add our records back, in their user supplied order

     * Searches for a packet record start within the file. If the record header is
     * not found exactly at the specified offset, the search is repeated by
     * starting the match at the offset + 1. Incrementing the offset until a match
     * is found or maxSearch has been reached.
     * @param offset
     *          offset within the file to start the search at. This is the first
     *          byte to search for a record header match.
     * @param maxSearch
     *          a limit on the search. The search will be performed within the
     *          windows of offset <= search < (offset + maxSearch)
     * @return exact offset into the capture file of the start of the next record
     *         header. -1 indicates that no record header was found at the offset
     *         and with the limits set of maxSearch bytes.
     * @throws EOFException
     *           end of file has been reached before the header could be matched.
     *           This indicates that no positive match was made.
     * @throws IOException
     *           any IO errors
    public long searchForRecordStart(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int index, final int maxSearch)
            throws EOFException, IOException {

        final int l = index + maxSearch - this.pattern.minLength();

        for (int i = index; i < l; i++) {

            if (this.pattern.match(buffer) && verifyAdditionalRecords(buffer, 5)) {
                return i;

        return -1;

    public boolean verifyAdditionalRecords(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int count)
            throws EOFException, IOException {


        final int MAX_HEADER_LENGTH = 24;
        final ByteBuffer view = BufferUtils.duplicate(buffer);
        final int capacity = view.capacity();
        boolean status = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < count && view.position() + MAX_HEADER_LENGTH < capacity; i++) {
            long length = headerReader.readLength(view);
            int p = view.position() + (int) length;

            if (pattern.match(view) == false) {
                status = false;

            if (p + MAX_HEADER_LENGTH > view.capacity()) {

            view.limit(p + MAX_HEADER_LENGTH);

        return status;

    public SeekResult seek(final double percentage) throws IOException {
        if ((percentage < 0.0) || (percentage > 1.0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("percentage is out of range, must be between 0.0 and 1.0");

        final long global = (long) (percentage * this.edits.getLength());
        // logger.error("position=" + position);


     * @param filter
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public SeekResult seek(final Filter<RecordFilterTarget> filter) throws IOException {
        final long length = this.edits.getLength();

        if (filter == null) {
            return ( < length ? OK : NOT_OK);

        ByteBuffer buffer = null;

        long nextPosition =;

        do {

            if ( >= length) {
                return NOT_OK;

            nextPosition = this.getPosition();
            buffer = this.nextNoFilter(this.headerReader);

        } while (Files.checkRecordFilter(this.filter, buffer, headerReader) == false);


        return ( < length ? OK : NOT_OK);

    public SeekResult seek(long global) throws IOException {

        if (global == {
            return OK; // Nothing to DO

        final RegionSegment<PartialLoader> segment = this.edits.getSegment(global);
        final long regional = segment.mapGlobalToRegional(global);

        final PartialLoader loader = segment.getData();

         * For searches since we are skipping around the file, we supply a memory
         * hint of ByteArray so that only SEARCH_LENGTH of bytes are brought into
         * byte array memory. It makes no sense to bring in a 10Meg mapped buffer
         * into memory if we only need to look at one 4K block in it. Since the
         * cache is checked first, if the block does already exist in the memory
         * mapped case, then the cached block will be used. Also note that the fetch
         * version with MemoryModel, does not cache the returned buffers.
        final PartialBuffer buf = loader.fetchMinimum(regional, AbstractRawIterator.SEARCH_LENGTH,

        final int p = (int) (global - segment.mapRegionalToGlobal(buf.getStartRegional()));
        int maxSearch = (int) buf.getLength() - p;
        maxSearch = (maxSearch < AbstractRawIterator.SEARCH_LENGTH) ? maxSearch : AbstractRawIterator.SEARCH_LENGTH;

         * If we don't have enough bytes in this segment for even the minLength,
         * then no more records can be found here. The next segment, must contain a
         * record at its begining, therefore we can simply align there and call
         * hasNext() to confirm and apply the recordFilter if one has been defined.
         * If hasNext() can't fullfill the request due to a recordFilter, it will
         * return false.
        if (maxSearch < this.pattern.minLength()) {
            final long nextSegmentStart = segment.getEndGlobal();

            return (this.hasNext() ? OK : NOT_OK);

        buf.getByteBuffer().limit(p + maxSearch);

        final long local = this.searchForRecordStart(buf.getByteBuffer(), p, maxSearch);
        if (local == -1) {
             * Current segment did not contain a beginning of a packet, therefore move
             * on to the next segment. The start of each segment should begin with a
             * record, so this we should find the next record at startNextSegment
             * position, although if the file is corrupt, then we might need to search
             * through it until the next record.
            final long startNextSegment = segment.getEnd();

            if (startNextSegment == this.edits.getLength()) {
                 * No more segments, so we just searched through last segment and did
                 * not find start of record. Therefore seek to the end past the last
                 * record.

                return NOT_OK;
            } else {
                 * Every segment always starts with atleast 1 record. It is illegal to
                 * have segments with not records in them in any of the file formats.
                return (this.hasNext() ? OK : NOT_OK);

        final long reg = buf.mapLocalToRegional(local);
        final long glob = segment.mapRegionalToGlobal(reg);

        // if (TestFilter.positions.contains(glob) == false) {
        // System.out.printf("Not found in positions %d\n", glob);
        // }


        return (this.hasNext() ? OK : NOT_OK);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOSeekableFirstLast#seekEnd()
    public SeekResult seekEnd() throws IOException {

        return OK;

     * Applies the recordFilter starting at the current position. If the record at
     * the current position is acceptable, no advance is made. Otherwise the
     * position is advanced until the next acceptable record or the end of the
     * editor region.
     * @return TODO
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    private SeekResult seekFilter() throws IOException {
        return seek(this.filter);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOSeekableFirstLast#seekFirst()
    public SeekResult seekFirst() throws IOException {

        return (this.hasNext() ? OK : NOT_OK);

    public SeekResult seekSecond() throws IOException {

        return ( < edits.getLength() ? OK : NOT_OK);

     * Seeks to start of file, not using any filtering
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    private SeekResult seekFirstNoFilter() throws IOException {

        return OK;

     * Searches for the last record within the file. When no recordFilter is
     * applied, the last record is the last record within the file or seekEnd()
     * and status will be SeekResult.NotFound. If there is a recordFilter applied,
     * then the last record will be the last record matching the recordFilter
     * criteria within the file or seekEnd and SeekResult.NotFound.
    public SeekResult seekLast() throws IOException {

        final long length = this.edits.getLength();

         * If the file is empty with just the block header, then simply align to the
         * end where first record will go.
        if (length == this.getBoundaryStart()) {
            return (this.hasNext() ? OK : NOT_OK);

        if (length < AbstractRawIterator.SEARCH_LENGTH * 10) {

            return (this.iterateToLast() ? OK : NOT_OK);

        final double slenPercentage = (double) AbstractRawIterator.SEARCH_LENGTH
                / (double) (length - this.getBoundaryStart());

         * We're going to choose a percentage for back off from the back of the file
         * which depends on the size of the file. If the percentage of our
         * SEARCH_LENGTH (initially 4K) is less the 1%, then we simply go backwards
         * in 1% intervals. If the percentage is more then 1% we back off in 10%
         * intervals.
        final int delta;
        if (slenPercentage < 0.01) {
            delta = (int) (this.edits.getLength() * 0.01);

        } else {
            delta = (int) (this.edits.getLength() * 0.1);


         * For no filters set, we will always hit the last record on the first loop,
         * but if there is a recordFilter in place, we need to back off farther and
         * farther until possibly the beginning of the file, and good possibility
         * that we will not find a last record at all, since the recordFilter could
         * be too strict.
        for (long p = length - AbstractRawIterator.SEARCH_LENGTH; p > this.getBoundaryStart(); p -= delta) {

            if (this.iterateToLast()) {
                return OK;

        return NOT_OK;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.RawIterator#seekToIndex(long)
    public SeekResult seekToIndex(long recordIndex) throws IOException {

        while (this.hasNext() && (recordIndex > 0)) {


        return (recordIndex == 0 ? OK : NOT_OK);

    public void setAutoflush(final boolean state) throws IOException {

    private void setPosition() throws IOException {
        if ((this.segment != null) && this.segment.checkBoundsGlobal( {
            return; // We're still within the segment

         * The position is set to the end of the edits, this is 1 byte past the last
         * byte in the entire edit session. No loader or segment is associated with
         * this, but the position can legaly be set. Only add and seek ops are
         * allowed, remove and others will fail.
        if ( == this.edits.getLength()) {
            this.segment = null;
            this.loader = null;


        this.segment = this.getSegment(;
        this.loader = this.getLoader(this.segment);

        this.blockBuffer = BufferBlock.EMPTY_BUFFER;

    public long setPosition(final IOPositional position) throws IOException {
        return this.setPosition(position.getPosition());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOPositionable#setPosition(long)
    public long setPosition(final long global) throws IOException {
        if (global < getBoundaryStart()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
                    "The position [" + global + "]is outside the boundary of this bounded Iterator ["
                            + getBoundaryStart() + "-" + getBoundaryEnd() + "]");

        final long old = global; = global;


        return old;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.slytechs.utils.collection.IOSkippable#skip()
    public void skip() throws IOException {
        final long regional = this.segment.mapGlobalToRegional(;
        final long length = this.getRecordLength(regional, this.headerReader);

        if (length < this.headerReader.getMinLength()) {
            throw new BufferException("Read length is less then minimum length", null, regional, (int) length,
                    false, this.headerReader);

        this.setPosition( + length);

         * Align to the next record that matches our filter


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.file.RawIterator#skipIgnoreErrors()
    public RecordError[] skipOverErrors() throws IOException {

        Exception exception = null;

        try {
            return AbstractRawIterator.EMPTY_ARRAY;

        } catch (final BufferUnderflowException e) {
            exception = e;
        } catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            exception = e;

        final long old = this.getPosition(); + 1);

        final RecordError[] errors = new RecordError[1];
        errors[0] = new RecordError(old, exception.getMessage(), exception);

        return errors;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jnetstream.capture.file.FileModifier#swap(java.lang.Object,
     *      java.lang.Object)
    public void swap(final Long r1, final Long r2) throws IOException {

        if (r1 == r2) {
            return; // Nothing to do

        // Flip them around, make sure r1 is always < r2
        if (r1 < r2) {
            this.swap(r2, r1);

        final long p = this.getPosition(); // remember current position

        // 1st aquire the buffers for both records
        final ByteBuffer b1 = BufferUtils.slice(; // Remember the buffer

        final ByteBuffer b2 = BufferUtils.slice(; // Remember the buffer

        // Replace r2 first, as its replacement won't affect position of r1

        // Lastly replace r1, it might affect r2 position, but r2 has already been
        // replaced, so no big deal

         * Try to get back to roughly the same position, the position might only
         * change if r1 < position < r2 and if r1.length != r2.length, otherwise the
         * position should still end up on same record's start position

        this.autoflush.autoflushChange(b1.capacity() + b2.capacity());