List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer order
Endianness order
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byte[] encodeApplicationMessagePush(short endpoint, UUID uuid, ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Object>> pairs) { int length = LENGTH_UUID + 3; // UUID + (PUSH + id + length of dict) for (Pair<Integer, Object> pair : pairs) { if (pair.first == null || pair.second == null) continue; length += 7; // key + type + length if (pair.second instanceof Integer) { length += 4;/* ww w. j ava 2 s .com*/ } else if (pair.second instanceof Short) { length += 2; } else if (pair.second instanceof Byte) { length += 1; } else if (pair.second instanceof String) { length += ((String) pair.second).getBytes().length + 1; } else if (pair.second instanceof byte[]) { length += ((byte[]) pair.second).length; } else { LOG.warn("unknown type: " + pair.second.getClass().toString()); } } ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(LENGTH_PREFIX + length); buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); buf.putShort((short) length); buf.putShort(endpoint); // 48 or 49 buf.put(APPLICATIONMESSAGE_PUSH); buf.put(++last_id); buf.putLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); buf.putLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()); buf.put((byte) pairs.size()); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); for (Pair<Integer, Object> pair : pairs) { if (pair.first == null || pair.second == null) continue; buf.putInt(pair.first); if (pair.second instanceof Integer) { buf.put(TYPE_INT); buf.putShort((short) 4); // length buf.putInt((int) pair.second); } else if (pair.second instanceof Short) { buf.put(TYPE_INT); buf.putShort((short) 2); // length buf.putShort((short) pair.second); } else if (pair.second instanceof Byte) { buf.put(TYPE_INT); buf.putShort((short) 1); // length buf.put((byte) pair.second); } else if (pair.second instanceof String) { String str = (String) pair.second; buf.put(TYPE_CSTRING); buf.putShort((short) (str.getBytes().length + 1)); buf.put(str.getBytes()); buf.put((byte) 0); } else if (pair.second instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) pair.second; buf.put(TYPE_BYTEARRAY); buf.putShort((short) bytes.length); buf.put(bytes); } } return buf.array(); }
From source
private GBDeviceEventAppManagement decodeAppFetch(ByteBuffer buf) { byte command = buf.get(); if (command == 0x01) { UUID uuid = getUUID(buf); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); int app_id = buf.getInt(); GBDeviceEventAppManagement fetchRequest = new GBDeviceEventAppManagement(); fetchRequest.type = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.EventType.INSTALL; fetchRequest.event = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.Event.REQUEST; fetchRequest.token = app_id;//from w ww. j a v a 2 s .c o m fetchRequest.uuid = uuid; return fetchRequest; } return null; }
From source
private byte[] encodeWeatherPin(int timestamp, String title, String subtitle, String body, String location, int iconId) { final short NOTIFICATION_PIN_LENGTH = 46; final short ACTION_LENGTH_MIN = 10; String[] parts = { title, subtitle, body, location, "test", "test" }; // Calculate length first byte actions_count = 1; short actions_length; String remove_string = "Remove"; actions_length = (short) (ACTION_LENGTH_MIN * actions_count + remove_string.getBytes().length); byte attributes_count = 3; short attributes_length = (short) (21 + actions_length); if (parts != null) { for (String s : parts) { if (s == null || s.equals("")) { continue; }//from w w w .ja v a 2 s .c o m attributes_count++; attributes_length += (3 + s.getBytes().length); } } UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("61b22bc8-1e29-460d-a236-3fe409a43901"); short pin_length = (short) (NOTIFICATION_PIN_LENGTH + attributes_length); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(pin_length); // pin (46 bytes) buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); buf.putLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); buf.putLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()); buf.putLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); buf.putLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits() | 0xff); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); buf.putInt(timestamp); // 32-bit timestamp buf.putShort((short) 0); // duration buf.put((byte) 0x02); // type (0x02 = pin) buf.putShort((short) 0x0001); // flags 0x0001 = ? buf.put((byte) 0x06); // layout (0x06 = weather) buf.putShort(attributes_length); // total length of all attributes and actions in bytes buf.put(attributes_count); buf.put(actions_count); byte attribute_id = 0; // Encode Pascal-Style Strings if (parts != null) { for (String s : parts) { attribute_id++; if (s == null || s.equals("")) { continue; } int partlength = s.getBytes().length; if (partlength > 512) partlength = 512; if (attribute_id == 4) { buf.put((byte) 11); } else if (attribute_id == 5) { buf.put((byte) 25); } else if (attribute_id == 6) { buf.put((byte) 26); } else { buf.put(attribute_id); } buf.putShort((short) partlength); buf.put(s.getBytes(), 0, partlength); } } buf.put((byte) 4); // icon buf.putShort((short) 4); // length of int buf.putInt(0x80000000 | iconId); buf.put((byte) 6); // icon buf.putShort((short) 4); // length of int buf.putInt(0x80000000 | iconId); buf.put((byte) 14); // last updated buf.putShort((short) 4); // length of int buf.putInt(timestamp); // remove action buf.put((byte) 123); // action id buf.put((byte) 0x09); // remove buf.put((byte) 0x01); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // attribute id (title) buf.putShort((short) remove_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(remove_string.getBytes()); return encodeBlobdb(uuid, BLOBDB_INSERT, BLOBDB_PIN, buf.array()); }
From source
private byte[] encodeExtensibleNotification(int id, int timestamp, String title, String subtitle, String body, String sourceName, boolean hasHandle, String[] cannedReplies) { final short ACTION_LENGTH_MIN = 10; String[] parts = { title, subtitle, body }; // Calculate length first byte actions_count; short actions_length; String dismiss_string;//from www .ja v a2s. c om String open_string = "Open on phone"; String mute_string = "Mute"; String reply_string = "Reply"; if (sourceName != null) { mute_string += " " + sourceName; } byte dismiss_action_id; if (hasHandle && !"ALARMCLOCKRECEIVER".equals(sourceName)) { actions_count = 3; dismiss_string = "Dismiss"; dismiss_action_id = 0x02; actions_length = (short) (ACTION_LENGTH_MIN * actions_count + dismiss_string.getBytes().length + open_string.getBytes().length + mute_string.getBytes().length); } else { actions_count = 1; dismiss_string = "Dismiss all"; dismiss_action_id = 0x03; actions_length = (short) (ACTION_LENGTH_MIN * actions_count + dismiss_string.getBytes().length); } int replies_length = -1; if (cannedReplies != null && cannedReplies.length > 0) { actions_count++; for (String reply : cannedReplies) { replies_length += reply.getBytes().length + 1; } actions_length += ACTION_LENGTH_MIN + reply_string.getBytes().length + replies_length + 3; // 3 = attribute id (byte) + length(short) } byte attributes_count = 0; int length = 21 + 10 + actions_length; if (parts != null) { for (String s : parts) { if (s == null || s.equals("")) { continue; } attributes_count++; length += (3 + s.getBytes().length); } } // Encode Prefix ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(length + LENGTH_PREFIX); buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); buf.putShort((short) (length)); buf.putShort(ENDPOINT_EXTENSIBLENOTIFS); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // ! buf.put((byte) 0x00); // ? buf.put((byte) 0x01); // add notifications buf.putInt(0x00000000); // flags - ? buf.putInt(id); buf.putInt(0x00000000); // ANCS id buf.putInt(timestamp); buf.put((byte) 0x01); // layout - ? buf.put(attributes_count); buf.put(actions_count); byte attribute_id = 0; // Encode Pascal-Style Strings if (parts != null) { for (String s : parts) { attribute_id++; if (s == null || s.equals("")) { continue; } int partlength = s.getBytes().length; if (partlength > 255) partlength = 255; buf.put(attribute_id); buf.putShort((short) partlength); buf.put(s.getBytes(), 0, partlength); } } // dismiss action buf.put(dismiss_action_id); buf.put((byte) 0x04); // dismiss buf.put((byte) 0x01); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // attribute id (title) buf.putShort((short) dismiss_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(dismiss_string.getBytes()); // open and mute actions if (hasHandle && !"ALARMCLOCKRECEIVER".equals(sourceName)) { buf.put((byte) 0x01); buf.put((byte) 0x02); // generic buf.put((byte) 0x01); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // attribute id (title) buf.putShort((short) open_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(open_string.getBytes()); buf.put((byte) 0x04); buf.put((byte) 0x02); // generic buf.put((byte) 0x01); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // attribute id (title) buf.putShort((short) mute_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(mute_string.getBytes()); } if (cannedReplies != null && replies_length > 0) { buf.put((byte) 0x05); buf.put((byte) 0x03); // reply action buf.put((byte) 0x02); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // title buf.putShort((short) reply_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(reply_string.getBytes()); buf.put((byte) 0x08); // canned replies buf.putShort((short) replies_length); for (int i = 0; i < cannedReplies.length - 1; i++) { buf.put(cannedReplies[i].getBytes()); buf.put((byte) 0x00); } // last one must not be zero terminated, else we get an additional emply reply buf.put(cannedReplies[cannedReplies.length - 1].getBytes()); } return buf.array(); }
From source
private byte[] encodeBlobdbNotification(int id, int timestamp, String title, String subtitle, String body, String sourceName, boolean hasHandle, NotificationType notificationType, String[] cannedReplies) { final short NOTIFICATION_PIN_LENGTH = 46; final short ACTION_LENGTH_MIN = 10; String[] parts = { title, subtitle, body }; if (notificationType == null) { notificationType = NotificationType.UNKNOWN; }//from ww w. ja v a 2 s. co m int icon_id = notificationType.icon; byte color_id = notificationType.color; // Calculate length first byte actions_count; short actions_length; String dismiss_string; String open_string = "Open on phone"; String mute_string = "Mute"; String reply_string = "Reply"; if (sourceName != null) { mute_string += " " + sourceName; } byte dismiss_action_id; if (hasHandle && !"ALARMCLOCKRECEIVER".equals(sourceName)) { actions_count = 3; dismiss_string = "Dismiss"; dismiss_action_id = 0x02; actions_length = (short) (ACTION_LENGTH_MIN * actions_count + dismiss_string.getBytes().length + open_string.getBytes().length + mute_string.getBytes().length); } else { actions_count = 1; dismiss_string = "Dismiss all"; dismiss_action_id = 0x03; actions_length = (short) (ACTION_LENGTH_MIN * actions_count + dismiss_string.getBytes().length); } int replies_length = -1; if (cannedReplies != null && cannedReplies.length > 0) { actions_count++; for (String reply : cannedReplies) { replies_length += reply.getBytes().length + 1; } actions_length += ACTION_LENGTH_MIN + reply_string.getBytes().length + replies_length + 3; // 3 = attribute id (byte) + length(short) } byte attributes_count = 2; // icon short attributes_length = (short) (11 + actions_length); if (parts != null) { for (String s : parts) { if (s == null || s.equals("")) { continue; } attributes_count++; attributes_length += (3 + s.getBytes().length); } } short pin_length = (short) (NOTIFICATION_PIN_LENGTH + attributes_length); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(pin_length); // pin - 46 bytes buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); buf.putLong(GB_UUID_MASK); buf.putLong(id); buf.putLong(UUID_NOTIFICATIONS.getMostSignificantBits()); buf.putLong(UUID_NOTIFICATIONS.getLeastSignificantBits()); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); buf.putInt(timestamp); // 32-bit timestamp buf.putShort((short) 0); // duration buf.put((byte) 0x01); // type (0x01 = notification) buf.putShort((short) 0x0001); // flags 0x0001 = ? buf.put((byte) 0x04); // layout (0x04 = notification?) buf.putShort(attributes_length); // total length of all attributes and actions in bytes buf.put(attributes_count); buf.put(actions_count); byte attribute_id = 0; // Encode Pascal-Style Strings if (parts != null) { for (String s : parts) { attribute_id++; if (s == null || s.equals("")) { continue; } int partlength = s.getBytes().length; if (partlength > 512) partlength = 512; buf.put(attribute_id); buf.putShort((short) partlength); buf.put(s.getBytes(), 0, partlength); } } buf.put((byte) 4); // icon buf.putShort((short) 4); // length of int buf.putInt(0x80000000 | icon_id); buf.put((byte) 28); // background_color buf.putShort((short) 1); // length of int buf.put(color_id); // dismiss action buf.put(dismiss_action_id); buf.put((byte) 0x02); // generic action, dismiss did not do anything buf.put((byte) 0x01); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // attribute id (title) buf.putShort((short) dismiss_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(dismiss_string.getBytes()); // open and mute actions if (hasHandle && !"ALARMCLOCKRECEIVER".equals(sourceName)) { buf.put((byte) 0x01); buf.put((byte) 0x02); // generic action buf.put((byte) 0x01); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // attribute id (title) buf.putShort((short) open_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(open_string.getBytes()); buf.put((byte) 0x04); buf.put((byte) 0x02); // generic action buf.put((byte) 0x01); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // attribute id (title) buf.putShort((short) mute_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(mute_string.getBytes()); } if (cannedReplies != null && replies_length > 0) { buf.put((byte) 0x05); buf.put((byte) 0x03); // reply action buf.put((byte) 0x02); // number attributes buf.put((byte) 0x01); // title buf.putShort((short) reply_string.getBytes().length); buf.put(reply_string.getBytes()); buf.put((byte) 0x08); // canned replies buf.putShort((short) replies_length); for (int i = 0; i < cannedReplies.length - 1; i++) { buf.put(cannedReplies[i].getBytes()); buf.put((byte) 0x00); } // last one must not be zero terminated, else we get an additional emply reply buf.put(cannedReplies[cannedReplies.length - 1].getBytes()); } return encodeBlobdb(UUID.randomUUID(), BLOBDB_INSERT, BLOBDB_NOTIFICATION, buf.array()); }
From source
private GBDeviceEvent decodeBlobDb(ByteBuffer buf) { final String ENDPOINT_NAME = "BLOBDB"; final String statusString[] = { "unknown", "success", "general failure", "invalid operation", "invalid database id", "invalid data", "key does not exist", "database full", "data stale", }; buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); short token = buf.getShort(); byte status = buf.get(); if (status >= 0 && status < statusString.length) { + ": " + statusString[status] + " (token " + (token & 0xffff) + ")"); } else {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ LOG.warn(ENDPOINT_NAME + ": unknown status " + status + " (token " + (token & 0xffff) + ")"); } return null; }
From source
@Override public byte[] encodeSetTime() { final short LENGTH_SETTIME = 5; long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); long ts_offset = (SimpleTimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(ts)); ByteBuffer buf; if (mFwMajor >= 3) { String timezone = SimpleTimeZone.getDefault().getID(); short length = (short) (LENGTH_SETTIME + timezone.getBytes().length + 3); buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(LENGTH_PREFIX + length); buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); buf.putShort(length);//from w w w . j av a2 s. c o m buf.putShort(ENDPOINT_TIME); buf.put(TIME_SETTIME_UTC); buf.putInt((int) (ts / 1000)); buf.putShort((short) (ts_offset / 60000)); buf.put((byte) timezone.getBytes().length); buf.put(timezone.getBytes());; } else { buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(LENGTH_PREFIX + LENGTH_SETTIME); buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); buf.putShort(LENGTH_SETTIME); buf.putShort(ENDPOINT_TIME); buf.put(TIME_SETTIME); buf.putInt((int) ((ts + ts_offset) / 1000)); } return buf.array(); }
From source
/** * Writes a numeric value./* ww w .j ava2 s . co m*/ */ private void writeNumericValue(ByteBuffer buffer, Object value) throws IOException { Object inValue = value; try { BigDecimal decVal = toBigDecimal(value); inValue = decVal; int signum = decVal.signum(); if (signum < 0) { decVal = decVal.negate(); } // write sign byte buffer.put((signum < 0) ? NUMERIC_NEGATIVE_BYTE : 0); // adjust scale according to this column type (will cause the an // ArithmeticException if number has too many decimal places) decVal = decVal.setScale(getScale()); // check precision if (decVal.precision() > getPrecision()) { throw new IOException( "Numeric value is too big for specified precision " + getPrecision() + ": " + decVal); } // convert to unscaled BigInteger, big-endian bytes byte[] intValBytes = toUnscaledByteArray(decVal, getType().getFixedSize() - 1); if (buffer.order() != ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) { fixNumericByteOrder(intValBytes); } buffer.put(intValBytes); } catch (ArithmeticException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("Numeric value '" + inValue + "' out of range").initCause(e); } }
From source
@Override public GBDeviceEvent[] decodeResponse(byte[] responseData) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(responseData); buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); short length = buf.getShort(); short endpoint = buf.getShort(); GBDeviceEvent devEvts[] = null;/* w ww . ja v a2s . co m*/ byte pebbleCmd; switch (endpoint) { case ENDPOINT_MUSICCONTROL: pebbleCmd = buf.get(); GBDeviceEventMusicControl musicCmd = new GBDeviceEventMusicControl(); switch (pebbleCmd) { case MUSICCONTROL_NEXT: musicCmd.event = GBDeviceEventMusicControl.Event.NEXT; break; case MUSICCONTROL_PREVIOUS: musicCmd.event = GBDeviceEventMusicControl.Event.PREVIOUS; break; case MUSICCONTROL_PLAY: musicCmd.event = GBDeviceEventMusicControl.Event.PLAY; break; case MUSICCONTROL_PAUSE: musicCmd.event = GBDeviceEventMusicControl.Event.PAUSE; break; case MUSICCONTROL_PLAYPAUSE: musicCmd.event = GBDeviceEventMusicControl.Event.PLAYPAUSE; break; case MUSICCONTROL_VOLUMEUP: musicCmd.event = GBDeviceEventMusicControl.Event.VOLUMEUP; break; case MUSICCONTROL_VOLUMEDOWN: musicCmd.event = GBDeviceEventMusicControl.Event.VOLUMEDOWN; break; default: break; } devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { musicCmd }; break; case ENDPOINT_PHONECONTROL: pebbleCmd = buf.get(); GBDeviceEventCallControl callCmd = new GBDeviceEventCallControl(); switch (pebbleCmd) { case PHONECONTROL_HANGUP: callCmd.event = GBDeviceEventCallControl.Event.END; break; default:"Unknown PHONECONTROL event" + pebbleCmd); break; } devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { callCmd }; break; case ENDPOINT_FIRMWAREVERSION: pebbleCmd = buf.get(); GBDeviceEventVersionInfo versionCmd = new GBDeviceEventVersionInfo(); buf.getInt(); // skip versionCmd.fwVersion = getFixedString(buf, 32); mFwMajor = versionCmd.fwVersion.charAt(1) - 48;"Pebble firmware major detected as " + mFwMajor); byte[] tmp = new byte[9]; buf.get(tmp, 0, 9); int hwRev = buf.get() + 8; if (hwRev >= 0 && hwRev < hwRevisions.length) { versionCmd.hwVersion = hwRevisions[hwRev]; } devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { versionCmd }; break; case ENDPOINT_APPMANAGER: pebbleCmd = buf.get(); switch (pebbleCmd) { case APPMANAGER_GETAPPBANKSTATUS: GBDeviceEventAppInfo appInfoCmd = new GBDeviceEventAppInfo(); int slotCount = buf.getInt(); int slotsUsed = buf.getInt(); appInfoCmd.apps = new GBDeviceApp[slotsUsed]; boolean[] slotInUse = new boolean[slotCount]; for (int i = 0; i < slotsUsed; i++) { int id = buf.getInt(); int index = buf.getInt(); slotInUse[index] = true; String appName = getFixedString(buf, 32); String appCreator = getFixedString(buf, 32); int flags = buf.getInt(); GBDeviceApp.Type appType; if ((flags & 16) == 16) { // FIXME: verify this assumption appType = GBDeviceApp.Type.APP_ACTIVITYTRACKER; } else if ((flags & 1) == 1) { // FIXME: verify this assumption appType = GBDeviceApp.Type.WATCHFACE; } else { appType = GBDeviceApp.Type.APP_GENERIC; } Short appVersion = buf.getShort(); appInfoCmd.apps[i] = new GBDeviceApp(tmpUUIDS.get(i), appName, appCreator, appVersion.toString(), appType); } for (int i = 0; i < slotCount; i++) { if (!slotInUse[i]) { appInfoCmd.freeSlot = (byte) i;"found free slot " + i); break; } } devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { appInfoCmd }; break; case APPMANAGER_GETUUIDS: GBDeviceEventSendBytes sendBytes = new GBDeviceEventSendBytes(); sendBytes.encodedBytes = encodeSimpleMessage(ENDPOINT_APPMANAGER, APPMANAGER_GETAPPBANKSTATUS); devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { sendBytes }; tmpUUIDS.clear(); slotsUsed = buf.getInt(); for (int i = 0; i < slotsUsed; i++) { UUID uuid = getUUID(buf);"found uuid: " + uuid); tmpUUIDS.add(uuid); } break; case APPMANAGER_REMOVEAPP: GBDeviceEventAppManagement deleteRes = new GBDeviceEventAppManagement(); deleteRes.type = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.EventType.DELETE; int result = buf.getInt(); switch (result) { case APPMANAGER_RES_SUCCESS: deleteRes.event = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.Event.SUCCESS; break; default: deleteRes.event = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.Event.FAILURE; break; } devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { deleteRes }; break; default:"Unknown APPMANAGER event" + pebbleCmd); break; } break; case ENDPOINT_PUTBYTES: pebbleCmd = buf.get(); GBDeviceEventAppManagement installRes = new GBDeviceEventAppManagement(); installRes.type = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.EventType.INSTALL; switch (pebbleCmd) { case PUTBYTES_INIT: installRes.token = buf.getInt(); installRes.event = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.Event.SUCCESS; break; default: installRes.token = buf.getInt(); installRes.event = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.Event.FAILURE; break; } devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { installRes }; break; case ENDPOINT_APPLICATIONMESSAGE: case ENDPOINT_LAUNCHER: pebbleCmd = buf.get(); last_id = buf.get(); UUID uuid = getUUID(buf); switch (pebbleCmd) { case APPLICATIONMESSAGE_PUSH: == ENDPOINT_LAUNCHER ? "got LAUNCHER PUSH from UUID : " : "got APPLICATIONMESSAGE PUSH from UUID : ") + uuid); AppMessageHandler handler = mAppMessageHandlers.get(uuid); if (handler != null) { if (handler.isEnabled()) { if (endpoint == ENDPOINT_APPLICATIONMESSAGE) { ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Object>> dict = decodeDict(buf); devEvts = handler.handleMessage(dict); } else { currentRunningApp = uuid; devEvts = handler.onAppStart(); } } else { devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { null }; } } else { try { if (endpoint == ENDPOINT_APPLICATIONMESSAGE) { devEvts = decodeDictToJSONAppMessage(uuid, buf); } else { currentRunningApp = uuid; GBDeviceEventAppManagement gbDeviceEventAppManagement = new GBDeviceEventAppManagement(); gbDeviceEventAppManagement.uuid = uuid; gbDeviceEventAppManagement.type = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.EventType.START; gbDeviceEventAppManagement.event = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.Event.SUCCESS; devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { gbDeviceEventAppManagement }; } } catch (JSONException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } } break; case APPLICATIONMESSAGE_ACK:"got APPLICATIONMESSAGE/LAUNCHER (EP " + endpoint + ") ACK"); devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { null }; break; case APPLICATIONMESSAGE_NACK:"got APPLICATIONMESSAGE/LAUNCHER (EP " + endpoint + ") NACK"); devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { null }; break; case APPLICATIONMESSAGE_REQUEST:"got APPLICATIONMESSAGE/LAUNCHER (EP " + endpoint + ") REQUEST"); devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { null }; break; default: break; } break; case ENDPOINT_PHONEVERSION: pebbleCmd = buf.get(); switch (pebbleCmd) { case PHONEVERSION_REQUEST:"Pebble asked for Phone/App Version - repLYING!"); GBDeviceEventSendBytes sendBytes = new GBDeviceEventSendBytes(); sendBytes.encodedBytes = encodePhoneVersion(PHONEVERSION_REMOTE_OS_ANDROID); devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { sendBytes }; break; default: break; } break; case ENDPOINT_DATALOG: devEvts = decodeDatalog(buf, length); break; case ENDPOINT_SCREENSHOT: devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { decodeScreenshot(buf, length) }; break; case ENDPOINT_EXTENSIBLENOTIFS: case ENDPOINT_NOTIFICATIONACTION: devEvts = decodeAction(buf); break; case ENDPOINT_PING: devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { decodePing(buf) }; break; case ENDPOINT_APPFETCH: devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { decodeAppFetch(buf) }; break; case ENDPOINT_SYSTEMMESSAGE: devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { decodeSystemMessage(buf) }; break; case ENDPOINT_APPRUNSTATE: devEvts = decodeAppRunState(buf); break; case ENDPOINT_BLOBDB: devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { decodeBlobDb(buf) }; break; case ENDPOINT_APPREORDER: devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[] { decodeAppReorder(buf) }; break; case ENDPOINT_APPLOGS: decodeAppLogs(buf); break; // case ENDPOINT_VOICECONTROL: // devEvts = new GBDeviceEvent[]{decodeVoiceControl(buf)}; // case ENDPOINT_AUDIOSTREAM: // LOG.debug(GB.hexdump(responseData, 0, responseData.length)); // break; default: break; } return devEvts; }
From source
/** * Serialize an Object into a raw byte value for this column * @param obj Object to serialize// www .ja v a2s. c om * @param order Order in which to serialize * @return A buffer containing the bytes * @usage _advanced_method_ */ public ByteBuffer write(Object obj, int remainingRowLength, ByteOrder order) throws IOException { if (isRawData(obj)) { // just slap it right in (not for the faint of heart!) return ByteBuffer.wrap(((RawData) obj).getBytes()); } if (!isVariableLength() || !getType().isVariableLength()) { return writeFixedLengthField(obj, order); } // var length column if (!getType().isLongValue()) { // this is an "inline" var length field switch (getType()) { case NUMERIC: // don't ask me why numerics are "var length" columns... ByteBuffer buffer = getPageChannel().createBuffer(getType().getFixedSize(), order); writeNumericValue(buffer, obj); buffer.flip(); return buffer; case TEXT: byte[] encodedData = encodeTextValue(obj, 0, getLengthInUnits(), false).array(); obj = encodedData; break; case BINARY: case UNKNOWN_0D: case UNSUPPORTED_VARLEN: // should already be "encoded" break; default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected inline var length type: " + getType()); } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(toByteArray(obj)); buffer.order(order); return buffer; } // var length, long value column switch (getType()) { case OLE: // should already be "encoded" break; case MEMO: int maxMemoChars = DataType.MEMO.toUnitSize(DataType.MEMO.getMaxSize()); obj = encodeTextValue(obj, 0, maxMemoChars, false).array(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected var length, long value type: " + getType()); } // create long value buffer return writeLongValue(toByteArray(obj), remainingRowLength); }