List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer order
Endianness order
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public void run() { long tv_sec;//from www . j a va 2s.c o m long tv_usec; short type; short code; int value; while (true) { buttonFile = new File(flexGatewayButtonsDevice); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(100); buffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); try { fis = new FileInputStream(buttonFile); channel = fis.getChannel(); while (true) { buffer.clear(); int size =; buffer.rewind(); while (size > 0) { tv_sec = buffer.getInt(); tv_usec = buffer.getInt(); long tv = tv_sec * 1000000 + tv_usec; type = buffer.getShort(); code = buffer.getShort(); value = buffer.getInt(); size -= 16; if (type == 0 && code == 0 && value == 0) continue; // Code 3 -> front button // Code 2 -> back button // Value > 0 -> button pressed // Value > 0 -> button released // send event log.debug("Button: ms " + tv + " type " + (type & 0xffff) + " code " + (code & 0xffff) + " value " + (value & 0xffffffff)); Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); props.put("timestamp", new Long(tv)); if (value > 0) this.postEvent("button/" + code + "/UP", props); else this.postEvent("button/" + code + "/DOWN", props); } } } catch (ClosedByInterruptException e) { break; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.error("exception", e); break; } finally { try { if (channel != null) channel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("exception", e); break; } } } log.debug("exiting"); }
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/** * Set the length in the BitFingerprint (first two bytes) * //from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m * @param length * the length * @param bitFingerprint * the fingerprint */ private void lenghtToBitFingerprint(short length, byte[] bitFingerprint) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); bb.putShort(length); bitFingerprint[0] = bb.get(0); bitFingerprint[1] = bb.get(1); }
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/** * Extracts the BitFingerprint length from the first two bytes * // w ww .j a v a 2s . co m * @param bitFingerprint * the bytes * @return the length */ private short bitFingerprintToLength(byte[] bitFingerprint) { Preconditions.checkArgument(bitFingerprint.length >= 3); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); bb.put(bitFingerprint[0]); bb.put(bitFingerprint[1]); short length = bb.getShort(0); return length; }
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@Override public Design load(File file) { byte[] bytes = null; try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) { bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); } catch (IOException ex) { log.catching(ex);/* w w w . ja va2 s .c o m*/ } ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); Design design = new Design(); log.debug("Magic: {}{}{}{}", (char) bb.get(), (char) bb.get(), (char) bb.get(), (char) bb.get()); int pecStart = bb.getInt(8); log.debug("PEC Start: {}", pecStart); byte colorCount = bb.get(pecStart + 48); log.debug("Color Count: {}", colorCount); int colors[] = new int[colorCount]; for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) { colors[i] = bb.get() & 0xFF; log.debug("Color[{}] = {}", i, colors[i]); } bb.position(pecStart + 532); int x; int y; int colorChanges = 0; PESColor color = pesColorMap.get(colors[colorChanges++]); StitchGroup stitchGroup = new StitchGroup(); stitchGroup.setColor(color.getColor()); while (true) { x = bb.get() & 0xFF; y = bb.get() & 0xFF; if (x == 0xFF && y == 0x00) { log.debug("End of stitches"); break; } if (x == 0xFE && y == 0xB0) { int colorIndex = bb.get() & 0xFF; log.debug("Color change: {}", colorIndex); color = pesColorMap.get(colors[colorChanges++]); stitchGroup = new StitchGroup(); stitchGroup.setColor(color.getColor()); continue; } if ((x & 0x80) > 0) { log.debug("Testing X: {} - X & 0x80: {}", x, x & 0x80); if ((x & 0x20) > 0) { log.debug("Stich type TRIM"); } if ((x & 0x10) > 0) { log.debug("Stich type JUMP"); } x = ((x & 0x0F) << 8) + y; if ((x & 0x800) > 0) { x -= 0x1000; } y = bb.get() & 0xFF; } else if (x >= 0x40) { x -= 0x80; } if ((y & 0x80) > 0) { log.debug("Testing Y: {} - Y & 0x80: {}", y, y & 0x80); if ((y & 0x20) > 0) { log.debug("Stich type TRIM"); } if ((y & 0x10) > 0) { log.debug("Stich type JUMP"); } y = ((y & 0x0F) << 8) + bb.get() & 0xFF; if ((y & 0x800) > 0) { y -= 0x1000; } } else if (y >= 0x40) { y -= 0x80; } // Stitch designStitch = new Stitch(cx, -cy, nx, -ny); // stitchGroup.getStitches().add(designStitch); log.debug("X: {} Y: {}", x, y); } log.debug("Color Changes: {}", colorChanges); return design; }
From source
@Override public Design load(File file) { byte[] bytes = null; try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) { bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); } catch (IOException ex) { log.catching(ex);/*from w ww. jav a2 s.c o m*/ } ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); JEF jef = new JEF(); jef.setFirstStitchLocation(bb.getInt(0)); log.debug("First Stitch Location: {}", jef.getFirstStitchLocation()); jef.setThreadChangeCount(bb.getInt(24)); log.debug("Threads Changes: {}", jef.getThreadChangeCount()); jef.setHoop(Hoop.id2Hoop(bb.getInt(32))); log.debug("Hoop: {}", jef.getHoop()); jef.setStitchCount(bb.getInt(28)); log.debug("Stitch Count: {}", jef.getStitchCount()); bb.position(116); JEFColor[] colors = new JEFColor[jef.getThreadChangeCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < jef.getThreadChangeCount(); i++) { colors[i] = jefColorMap.get(bb.getInt()); } jef.setThreadColors(colors); for (int i = 0; i < jef.getThreadChangeCount(); i++) { log.debug("ThreadType{}: {}", i, bb.getInt()); } int dx = 0; int dy = 0; int cx = 0; int cy = 0; int nx = 0; int ny = 0; int change = 1; int stitches = 0; boolean isMove = false; bb.position(jef.getFirstStitchLocation()); JEFColor color = jef.getThreadColors()[change - 1]; Design design = new Design(); StitchGroup stitchGroup = new StitchGroup(); stitchGroup.setColor(color.getRgb()); for (int stitch = 1; stitch < jef.getStitchCount(); stitch++) { dx = bb.get(); dy = bb.get(); if (dx == -128) { switch (dy) { case 1: log.debug("change: {}", bb.position()); change++; color = jef.getThreadColors()[change - 1]; design.getStitchGroups().add(stitchGroup); stitchGroup = new StitchGroup(); stitchGroup.setColor(color.getRgb()); // bb.get(); // bb.get(); continue; case 2: // log.debug("move"); isMove = true; break; case 16: log.debug("last"); isMove = true; break; } } else { nx = cx + dx; ny = cy + dy; if (isMove) { isMove = false; } // } else { // log.debug("stitch"); stitches++; Stitch designStitch = new Stitch(cx, -cy, nx, -ny); stitchGroup.getStitches().add(designStitch); // } cx = nx; cy = ny; } } log.debug("Changes: {} Stitches {} End: {}", change, stitches, bb.position()); return design; }
From source
private ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(String strUUID) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(16); buffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(strUUID); buffer.putLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); buffer.putLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()); buffer.position(0);/*www. j a va 2s .co m*/ return buffer; }
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public String getTokenIdent(String token, byte[] tokenSipHashkey) { long ident = SipHashInline.hash24_palindromic(tokenSipHashkey, token.getBytes()); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES); buffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); buffer.putLong(ident);/*w w w . ja va2s .c o m*/ return Hex.encodeHexString(buffer.array()); }
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public PushData(byte[] _randoms, ByteBuffer _raw) throws MalformedPacketException { super(_randoms, PacketType.PUSH_DATA); _raw.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); if (_raw.remaining() < 8) { throw new MalformedPacketException("too short"); }/*from w w w .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ gatewayEui = new byte[8]; _raw.get(gatewayEui); byte[] json = new byte[_raw.remaining()]; _raw.get(json); JSONObject jo; try { jo = new JSONObject(new String(json)); } catch (JSONException ex) { throw new MalformedPacketException("malformed json"); } stats = new ArrayList<>(); rxpks = new ArrayList<>(); if (jo.has("rxpk")) { if (!jo.get("rxpk").getClass().equals(JSONArray.class)) { throw new MalformedPacketException("malformed json (rxpk)"); } JSONArray rxpk = jo.getJSONArray("rxpk"); for (int i = 0; i < rxpk.length(); i++) { rxpks.add(new Rxpk(rxpk.getJSONObject(i))); } } if (jo.has("stat")) { if (!jo.get("stat").getClass().equals(JSONArray.class)) { throw new MalformedPacketException("malformed json (stat)"); } JSONArray stat = jo.getJSONArray("stat"); for (int i = 0; i < stat.length(); i++) { stats.add(new Stat(stat.getJSONObject(i))); } } }
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public CrownstoneServiceData(byte[] bytes) { super();/* w ww . ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); bb.getShort(); // skip first two bytes (service UUID) bb.mark(); int val = bb.get(); if (val == 1) { setCrownstoneId(bb.getShort()); setCrownstoneStateId(bb.getShort()); setSwitchState((bb.get() & 0xff)); setEventBitmask(bb.get()); setTemperature(bb.get()); setPowerUsage(bb.getInt()); setAccumulatedEnergy(bb.getInt()); setRelayState(BleUtils.isBitSet(getSwitchState(), 7)); setPwm(getSwitchState() & ~(1 << 7)); } else { bb.reset(); setCrownstoneId(bb.getShort()); setCrownstoneStateId(bb.getShort()); setSwitchState((bb.get() & 0xff)); setEventBitmask(bb.get()); setTemperature(bb.get()); bb.get(); // skip reserved // bb.getShort(); // skip reserved setPowerUsage(bb.getInt()); setAccumulatedEnergy(bb.getInt()); setRelayState(BleUtils.isBitSet(getSwitchState(), 7)); setPwm(getSwitchState() & ~(1 << 7)); } }
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@Override public Element generateContentProtection(Document d) throws IOException { Element e = super.generateContentProtection(d); switch (cpType) { case CENC:/*ww w .j a v a2 s .c o m*/ e.appendChild(generateCENCContentProtectionData(d)); break; case MSPRO: Element pro = d.createElement(MSPRO_ELEMENT); // Generate base64-encoded PRO ByteBuffer ba = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); ba.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos); // PlayReady Header Object Size field ba.putInt(0, proSize); dos.write(ba.array()); // Number of Records field ba.putShort(0, (short) wrmHeaders.size()); dos.write(ba.array(), 0, 2); for (WRMHeader header : wrmHeaders) { byte[] wrmData = header.getWRMHeaderData(); // Record Type (always 1 for WRM Headers) ba.putShort(0, (short) 1); dos.write(ba.array(), 0, 2); // Record Length ba.putShort(0, (short) wrmData.length); dos.write(ba.array(), 0, 2); // Data dos.write(wrmData); } pro.setTextContent(Base64.encodeBase64String(baos.toByteArray())); e.appendChild(pro); break; } return e; }