Example usage for java.nio ByteBuffer order

List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer order


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio ByteBuffer order.


Endianness order

To view the source code for java.nio ByteBuffer order.

Click Source Link


The byte order of this buffer, default is BIG_ENDIAN .


From source file:edu.harvard.iq.dvn.unf.Base64Encoding.java

 * @param digest byte array for encoding in base 64,
 * @param  chngByteOrd boolean indicating if to change byte order
 * @return String the encoded base64 of digest
 *//*from   w  w w .  j a v a 2s. c o  m*/
public static String tobase64(byte[] digest, boolean chngByteOrd) {

    byte[] tobase64 = null;
    ByteOrder local = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
    String ordbyte = local.toString();
    mLog.finer("Native byte order is: " + ordbyte);
    ByteBuffer btstream = ByteBuffer.wrap(digest);
    byte[] revdigest = null;
    if (chngByteOrd) {
        revdigest = changeByteOrder(digest, local);
    if (revdigest != null) {
    } else {

    tobase64 = Base64.encodeBase64(btstream.array());

    return new String(tobase64);


From source file:Main.java

public static long getCommentLength(final FileChannel fileChannel) throws IOException {
    // End of central directory record (EOCD)
    // Offset    Bytes     Description[23]
    // 0           4       End of central directory signature = 0x06054b50
    // 4           2       Number of this disk
    // 6           2       Disk where central directory starts
    // 8           2       Number of central directory records on this disk
    // 10          2       Total number of central directory records
    // 12          4       Size of central directory (bytes)
    // 16          4       Offset of start of central directory, relative to start of archive
    // 20          2       Comment length (n)
    // 22          n       Comment
    // For a zip with no archive comment, the
    // end-of-central-directory record will be 22 bytes long, so
    // we expect to find the EOCD marker 22 bytes from the end.

    final long archiveSize = fileChannel.size();
    if (archiveSize < ZIP_EOCD_REC_MIN_SIZE) {
        throw new IOException("APK too small for ZIP End of Central Directory (EOCD) record");
    }//from  ww  w .ja v  a  2 s.c  o  m
    // ZIP End of Central Directory (EOCD) record is located at the very end of the ZIP archive.
    // The record can be identified by its 4-byte signature/magic which is located at the very
    // beginning of the record. A complication is that the record is variable-length because of
    // the comment field.
    // The algorithm for locating the ZIP EOCD record is as follows. We search backwards from
    // end of the buffer for the EOCD record signature. Whenever we find a signature, we check
    // the candidate record's comment length is such that the remainder of the record takes up
    // exactly the remaining bytes in the buffer. The search is bounded because the maximum
    // size of the comment field is 65535 bytes because the field is an unsigned 16-bit number.
    final long maxCommentLength = Math.min(archiveSize - ZIP_EOCD_REC_MIN_SIZE, UINT16_MAX_VALUE);
    final long eocdWithEmptyCommentStartPosition = archiveSize - ZIP_EOCD_REC_MIN_SIZE;
    for (int expectedCommentLength = 0; expectedCommentLength <= maxCommentLength; expectedCommentLength++) {
        final long eocdStartPos = eocdWithEmptyCommentStartPosition - expectedCommentLength;

        final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);

        if (byteBuffer.getInt(0) == ZIP_EOCD_REC_SIG) {
            final ByteBuffer commentLengthByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2);
            fileChannel.position(eocdStartPos + ZIP_EOCD_COMMENT_LENGTH_FIELD_OFFSET);

            final int actualCommentLength = commentLengthByteBuffer.getShort(0);
            if (actualCommentLength == expectedCommentLength) {
                return actualCommentLength;
    throw new IOException("ZIP End of Central Directory (EOCD) record not found");

From source file:ca.psiphon.ploggy.Robohash.java

public static Bitmap getRobohash(Context context, boolean cacheCandidate, byte[] data)
        throws Utils.ApplicationError {
    try {//from   www  .  j  a  v  a2  s .  com
        MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
        byte[] digest = sha1.digest(data);

        String key = Utils.formatFingerprint(digest);
        Bitmap cachedBitmap = mCache.get(key);
        if (cachedBitmap != null) {
            return cachedBitmap;

        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(digest);
        // TODO: SecureRandom SHA1PRNG (but not LinuxSecureRandom)
        Random random = new Random(byteBuffer.getLong());

        AssetManager assetManager = context.getAssets();

        if (mConfig == null) {
            mConfig = new JSONObject(loadAssetToString(assetManager, CONFIG_FILENAME));

        int width = mConfig.getInt("width");
        int height = mConfig.getInt("height");

        JSONArray colors = mConfig.getJSONArray("colors");
        JSONArray parts = colors.getJSONArray(random.nextInt(colors.length()));

        Bitmap robotBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas robotCanvas = new Canvas(robotBitmap);

        for (int i = 0; i < parts.length(); i++) {
            JSONArray partChoices = parts.getJSONArray(i);
            String selection = partChoices.getString(random.nextInt(partChoices.length()));
            Bitmap partBitmap = loadAssetToBitmap(assetManager, selection);
            Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);
            Paint paint = new Paint();
            robotCanvas.drawBitmap(partBitmap, rect, rect, paint);

        if (cacheCandidate) {
            mCache.set(key, robotBitmap);

        return robotBitmap;

    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new Utils.ApplicationError(LOG_TAG, e);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new Utils.ApplicationError(LOG_TAG, e);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new Utils.ApplicationError(LOG_TAG, e);

From source file:org.bimserver.collada.SupportFunctions.java

public static void printMatrix(PrintWriter out, GeometryInfo geometryInfo) {
    ByteBuffer transformation = ByteBuffer.wrap(geometryInfo.getTransformation());
    FloatBuffer floatBuffer = transformation.asFloatBuffer();
    // Prepare to create the transform matrix.
    float[] matrix = new float[16];
    // Add the first 16 values of the buffer.
    for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++)
        matrix[i] = floatBuffer.get();/*from w w  w .ja  va  2  s  .c om*/
    // Switch from column-major (x.x ... x.y ... x.z ... 0 ...) to row-major orientation (x.x x.y x.z 0 ...)?
    matrix = Matrix.changeOrientation(matrix);
    // List all 16 elements of the matrix as a single space-delimited String object.
    if (!matrix.equals(identity))
        out.println("    <matrix>" + floatArrayToSpaceDelimitedString(matrix) + "</matrix>");

From source file:Main.java

 * Creates the Uri string with embedded expansion codes.
 * @param uri to be encoded/* w  w  w. ja v a  2 s . c om*/
 * @return the Uri string with expansion codes.
public static byte[] encodeUri(String uri) {
    if (uri == null || uri.length() == 0) {
        Log.i(TAG, "null or empty uri");
        return new byte[0];
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(uri.length());
    // UUIDs are ordered as byte array, which means most significant first
    int position = 0;

    // Add the byte code for the scheme or return null if none
    Byte schemeCode = encodeUriScheme(uri);
    if (schemeCode == null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "null scheme code");
        return null;
    String scheme = URI_SCHEMES.get(schemeCode);
    position += scheme.length();

    if (URLUtil.isNetworkUrl(scheme)) {
        Log.i(TAG, "is network URL");
        return encodeUrl(uri, position, bb);
    } else if ("urn:uuid:".equals(scheme)) {
        Log.i(TAG, "is UUID");
        return encodeUrnUuid(uri, position, bb);
    return null;

From source file:com.monitor.baseservice.utils.XCodeUtil.java

public static byte[] longToByteArray(long value) {
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE);
    bb.putLong(value);//from   w  ww . j  a va  2 s . c  om
    return bb.array();

From source file:burstcoin.observer.service.ATService.java

public static String getATLong(String hex) {
    ByteBuffer bf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
    bf.put(parseHexString(hex));//from w w  w.j av  a 2 s  . c om
    return toUnsignedLong(bf.getLong(0));

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.bitcoin.format.BitcoinUtil.java

* Reads a size from a reversed byte order, such as block size in the block header
* @param byteSize byte array with a length of exactly 4 
* @return size, returns 0 in case of invalid block size
*/// w w w  . j  ava  2  s . com

public static long getSize(byte[] byteSize) {
    if (byteSize.length != 4)
        return 0;
    ByteBuffer converterBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteSize);
    return convertSignedIntToUnsigned(converterBuffer.getInt());

From source file:io.warp10.quasar.trl.QuasarTokenRevocationListLoader.java

public static QuasarTokenRevocationListLoader getInstance(Properties config, byte[] appSipHashKey) {
    if (singleton.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(appSipHashKey);
        appIdSipHashKeyK0 = bb.getLong();
        appIdSipHashKeyK1 = bb.getLong();
        quasarTokenRevocationListLoader = new QuasarTokenRevocationListLoader(config);
    }/*from   w w w.j  a  v  a 2 s . c  o m*/
    return quasarTokenRevocationListLoader;

From source file:mtmo.test.mediadrm.Utils.java

public static String accountIdToMarlinFormat(final String accountId) {
    ByteBuffer accountIdBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(BYTES_OF_ACCOUNT_ID);
    try {/*w w  w.java 2  s .  c  o m*/
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
    return String.format(Locale.US, "%016x", accountIdBuf.getLong(0));