List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer getInt
public abstract int getInt();
From source
private void writeDataAndReadFromHFile(Path hfilePath, Algorithm compressAlgo, int entryCount, boolean findMidKey, boolean useTags) throws IOException { HFileContext context = new HFileContextBuilder().withBlockSize(4096).withIncludesTags(useTags) .withCompression(compressAlgo).build(); HFileWriterV3 writer = (HFileWriterV3) new HFileWriterV3.WriterFactoryV3(conf, new CacheConfig(conf)) .withPath(fs, hfilePath).withFileContext(context).withComparator(KeyValue.COMPARATOR).create(); Random rand = new Random(9713312); // Just a fixed seed. List<KeyValue> keyValues = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(entryCount); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) { byte[] keyBytes = TestHFileWriterV2.randomOrderedKey(rand, i); // A random-length random value. byte[] valueBytes = TestHFileWriterV2.randomValue(rand); KeyValue keyValue = null; if (useTags) { ArrayList<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(); for (int j = 0; j < 1 + rand.nextInt(4); j++) { byte[] tagBytes = new byte[16]; rand.nextBytes(tagBytes); tags.add(new Tag((byte) 1, tagBytes)); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . com*/ keyValue = new KeyValue(keyBytes, null, null, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, valueBytes, tags); } else { keyValue = new KeyValue(keyBytes, null, null, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, valueBytes); } writer.append(keyValue); keyValues.add(keyValue); } // Add in an arbitrary order. They will be sorted lexicographically by // the key. writer.appendMetaBlock("CAPITAL_OF_USA", new Text("Washington, D.C.")); writer.appendMetaBlock("CAPITAL_OF_RUSSIA", new Text("Moscow")); writer.appendMetaBlock("CAPITAL_OF_FRANCE", new Text("Paris")); writer.close(); FSDataInputStream fsdis =; long fileSize = fs.getFileStatus(hfilePath).getLen(); FixedFileTrailer trailer = FixedFileTrailer.readFromStream(fsdis, fileSize); assertEquals(3, trailer.getMajorVersion()); assertEquals(entryCount, trailer.getEntryCount()); HFileContext meta = new HFileContextBuilder().withCompression(compressAlgo).withIncludesMvcc(false) .withIncludesTags(useTags).withHBaseCheckSum(true).build(); HFileBlock.FSReader blockReader = new HFileBlock.FSReaderV2(fsdis, fileSize, meta); // Comparator class name is stored in the trailer in version 2. KVComparator comparator = trailer.createComparator(); HFileBlockIndex.BlockIndexReader dataBlockIndexReader = new HFileBlockIndex.BlockIndexReader(comparator, trailer.getNumDataIndexLevels()); HFileBlockIndex.BlockIndexReader metaBlockIndexReader = new HFileBlockIndex.BlockIndexReader( KeyValue.RAW_COMPARATOR, 1); HFileBlock.BlockIterator blockIter = blockReader.blockRange(trailer.getLoadOnOpenDataOffset(), fileSize - trailer.getTrailerSize()); // Data index. We also read statistics about the block index written after // the root level. dataBlockIndexReader.readMultiLevelIndexRoot(blockIter.nextBlockWithBlockType(BlockType.ROOT_INDEX), trailer.getDataIndexCount()); if (findMidKey) { byte[] midkey = dataBlockIndexReader.midkey(); assertNotNull("Midkey should not be null", midkey); } // Meta index. metaBlockIndexReader.readRootIndex(blockIter.nextBlockWithBlockType(BlockType.ROOT_INDEX).getByteStream(), trailer.getMetaIndexCount()); // File info FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo();; byte[] keyValueFormatVersion = fileInfo.get(HFileWriterV3.KEY_VALUE_VERSION); boolean includeMemstoreTS = keyValueFormatVersion != null && Bytes.toInt(keyValueFormatVersion) > 0; // Counters for the number of key/value pairs and the number of blocks int entriesRead = 0; int blocksRead = 0; long memstoreTS = 0; // Scan blocks the way the reader would scan them; long curBlockPos = 0; while (curBlockPos <= trailer.getLastDataBlockOffset()) { HFileBlock block = blockReader.readBlockData(curBlockPos, -1, -1, false); assertEquals(BlockType.DATA, block.getBlockType()); ByteBuffer buf = block.getBufferWithoutHeader(); int keyLen = -1; while (buf.hasRemaining()) { keyLen = buf.getInt(); int valueLen = buf.getInt(); byte[] key = new byte[keyLen]; buf.get(key); byte[] value = new byte[valueLen]; buf.get(value); byte[] tagValue = null; if (useTags) { int tagLen = buf.getShort(); tagValue = new byte[tagLen]; buf.get(tagValue); } if (includeMemstoreTS) { ByteArrayInputStream byte_input = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.array(), buf.arrayOffset() + buf.position(), buf.remaining()); DataInputStream data_input = new DataInputStream(byte_input); memstoreTS = WritableUtils.readVLong(data_input); buf.position(buf.position() + WritableUtils.getVIntSize(memstoreTS)); } // A brute-force check to see that all keys and values are correct. assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(key, keyValues.get(entriesRead).getKey()) == 0); assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(value, keyValues.get(entriesRead).getValue()) == 0); if (useTags) { assertNotNull(tagValue); KeyValue tkv = keyValues.get(entriesRead); assertEquals(tagValue.length, tkv.getTagsLength()); assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(tagValue, 0, tagValue.length, tkv.getTagsArray(), tkv.getTagsOffset(), tkv.getTagsLength()) == 0); } ++entriesRead; } ++blocksRead; curBlockPos += block.getOnDiskSizeWithHeader(); }"Finished reading: entries=" + entriesRead + ", blocksRead=" + blocksRead); assertEquals(entryCount, entriesRead); // Meta blocks. We can scan until the load-on-open data offset (which is // the root block index offset in version 2) because we are not testing // intermediate-level index blocks here. int metaCounter = 0; while (fsdis.getPos() < trailer.getLoadOnOpenDataOffset()) {"Current offset: " + fsdis.getPos() + ", scanning until " + trailer.getLoadOnOpenDataOffset()); HFileBlock block = blockReader.readBlockData(curBlockPos, -1, -1, false); assertEquals(BlockType.META, block.getBlockType()); Text t = new Text(); ByteBuffer buf = block.getBufferWithoutHeader(); if (Writables.getWritable(buf.array(), buf.arrayOffset(), buf.limit(), t) == null) { throw new IOException( "Failed to deserialize block " + this + " into a " + t.getClass().getSimpleName()); } Text expectedText = (metaCounter == 0 ? new Text("Paris") : metaCounter == 1 ? new Text("Moscow") : new Text("Washington, D.C.")); assertEquals(expectedText, t);"Read meta block data: " + t); ++metaCounter; curBlockPos += block.getOnDiskSizeWithHeader(); } fsdis.close(); }
From source
private InternalPrivateKeyToken decodePrivateKey(byte[] encoded, UUID idOfData, CryptoProfile cryptoProfile) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(encoded); byte[] marker = new byte[PK_MAGIC_MARKER.length]; buffer.get(marker);//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m if (!Arrays.equals(PK_MAGIC_MARKER, marker)) { throw new PhalanxException(PhalanxErrorCode.CP208, "CryptoData item '%s' does not appear to contain a private key", idOfData); } int profileId = buffer.getInt(); CryptoProfile profile = cryptoProfileService.retrieveProfile(profileId); byte[] data = new byte[encoded.length - (SK_MAGIC_MARKER.length + 4)]; buffer.get(data); PrivateKey privateKey = phoenixAsymmetric.toPrivateKey(data, profile); return new InternalPrivateKeyToken(privateKey); }
From source
private InternalSecretKeyToken decodeSecretKey(byte[] encoded, UUID idOfData) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(encoded); byte[] marker = new byte[SK_MAGIC_MARKER.length]; buffer.get(marker);//from w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m if (!Arrays.equals(SK_MAGIC_MARKER, marker)) { throw new PhalanxException(PhalanxErrorCode.CP213, "CryptoData item '%s' does not appear to contain a secret key", idOfData); } int profileId = buffer.getInt(); byte[] keyId = new byte[16]; buffer.get(keyId); UUID symCryptoDataId = toUUID(keyId); CryptoProfile cryptoProfile = cryptoProfileService.retrieveProfile(profileId); byte[] data = new byte[encoded.length - (SK_MAGIC_MARKER.length + 20)]; buffer.get(data); SecretKey secretKey = phoenixSymmetric.toSecretKey(data, cryptoProfile); SymedCryptoData symedCryptoData = new SymedCryptoData(); symedCryptoData.setId(symCryptoDataId); symedCryptoData.setProfile(profileId); return new InternalSecretKeyToken(secretKey, symedCryptoData); }
From source
public void startListener() { listeningExecutorService.submit(new Runnable() { private final int incomingBufferSize = 1024; //TODO check this @Override/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ public void run() { try { if (datagramSocket == null || datagramSocket.isClosed()) { datagramSocket = new DatagramSocket(UDP_PORT, InetAddress.getByName(""));"opening upd socket {}", datagramSocket.getLocalSocketAddress()); } final DatagramPacket datagramPacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[incomingBufferSize], incomingBufferSize); logger.trace("waiting for message on socket addr = {}", datagramSocket.getLocalSocketAddress()); isListening = true; datagramSocket.receive(datagramPacket); processingExecutorService.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { final String sourceAddress = datagramPacket.getAddress().getHostAddress(); ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(datagramPacket.getData(), datagramPacket.getOffset(), datagramPacket.getLength()); int magic = byteBuffer.getInt(); //4 bytes checkArgument(magic == MAGIC, "magic mismatch, expected %s, got %s", MAGIC, magic); final LocalDiscoveryProtos.Announce announce = LocalDiscoveryProtos.Announce .parseFrom(ByteString.copyFrom(byteBuffer)); final String deviceId = hashDataToDeviceIdString(announce.getId().toByteArray()); if (!equal(deviceId, configuration.getDeviceId())) { // logger.debug("received local announce from device id = {}", deviceId); final List<DeviceAddress> deviceAddresses = Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.transform( firstNonNull(announce.getAddressesList(), Collections.<String>emptyList()), new Function<String, DeviceAddress>() { @Override public DeviceAddress apply(String address) { // /* // When interpreting addresses with an unspecified address, e.g., tcp:// or tcp://:42424, the source address of the discovery announcement is to be used. // */ return DeviceAddress.newBuilder() .setAddress(address.replaceFirst( "tcp://(|):", "tcp://" + sourceAddress + ":")) .setDeviceId(deviceId) .setInstanceId(announce.getInstanceId()) .setProducer( DeviceAddress.AddressProducer.LOCAL_DISCOVERY) .build(); } })); boolean isNew = false; synchronized (localDiscoveryRecords) { isNew = !localDiscoveryRecords.removeAll(deviceId).isEmpty(); localDiscoveryRecords.putAll(deviceId, deviceAddresses); } MessageReceivedEvent() { @Override public List<DeviceAddress> getDeviceAddresses() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(deviceAddresses); } @Override public String getDeviceId() { return deviceId; } }); if (isNew) { NewLocalPeerEvent() { @Override public String getDeviceId() { return deviceId; } }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("error processing datagram", ex); } } }); listeningExecutorService.submit(this); } catch (Exception ex) { isListening = false; if (listeningExecutorService.isShutdown()) { return; } if (datagramSocket != null) { logger.warn("error receiving datagram", ex); listeningExecutorService.submit(this); } else if (ex instanceof { logger.warn("error opening udp server socket : {}", ex.toString()); } else { logger.warn("error opening udp server socket", ex); } } } }); }
From source
/** * Do the encoding, but do not cache the encoded data. * @return encoded data block with header and checksum *///from www . j a va 2 s . c om public byte[] encodeData() { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { baos.write(HConstants.HFILEBLOCK_DUMMY_HEADER); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(baos); this.dataBlockEncoder.startBlockEncoding(encodingCtx, out); ByteBuffer in = getUncompressedBuffer(); in.rewind(); int klength, vlength; short tagsLength = 0; long memstoreTS = 0L; KeyValue kv = null; while (in.hasRemaining()) { int kvOffset = in.position(); klength = in.getInt(); vlength = in.getInt(); ByteBufferUtils.skip(in, klength + vlength); if (this.meta.isIncludesTags()) { tagsLength = in.getShort(); ByteBufferUtils.skip(in, tagsLength); } if (this.meta.isIncludesMvcc()) { memstoreTS = ByteBufferUtils.readVLong(in); } kv = new KeyValue(in.array(), kvOffset, (int) KeyValue.getKeyValueDataStructureSize(klength, vlength, tagsLength)); kv.setMvccVersion(memstoreTS); this.dataBlockEncoder.encode(kv, encodingCtx, out); } BufferGrabbingByteArrayOutputStream stream = new BufferGrabbingByteArrayOutputStream(); baos.writeTo(stream); this.dataBlockEncoder.endBlockEncoding(encodingCtx, out, stream.buf); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Bug in encoding part of algorithm %s. " + "Probably it requested more bytes than are available.", toString()), e); } return baos.toByteArray(); }
From source
@Override public void readFrom(ByteBuffer data) { short i;/*from w w w . ja v a 2s . com*/ this.length = data.getShort(); if (length < MINIMUM_LENGTH) return; //TBD - Spurious Packet? this.tableId = data.get(); data.get(); // pad this.durationSeconds = data.getInt(); this.durationNanoseconds = data.getInt(); this.priority = data.getShort(); this.idleTimeout = data.getShort(); this.hardTimeout = data.getShort(); this.match_len = data.getShort(); this.idleAge = data.getShort(); this.hardAge = data.getShort(); this.cookie = data.getLong(); this.packetCount = data.getLong(); this.byteCount = data.getLong(); if (this.length == MINIMUM_LENGTH) { return; //TBD - can this happen?? } if (this.match == null) this.match = new V6Match(); ByteBuffer mbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(match_len); for (i = 0; i < match_len; i++) { mbuf.put(data.get()); } mbuf.rewind(); this.match.readFrom(mbuf); if (this.actionFactory == null) throw new RuntimeException("OFActionFactory not set"); /* * action list may be preceded by a padding of 0 to 7 bytes based upon this: */ short pad_size = (short) (((match_len + 7) / 8) * 8 - match_len); for (i = 0; i < pad_size; i++) data.get(); int action_len = this.length - MINIMUM_LENGTH - (match_len + pad_size); if (action_len > 0) this.actions = this.actionFactory.parseActions(data, action_len); }
From source
protected IndexImpl(ByteBuffer tableBuffer, List<IndexData> indexDatas, JetFormat format) throws IOException { ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, format.SKIP_BEFORE_INDEX_SLOT); //Forward past Unknown _indexNumber = tableBuffer.getInt(); int indexDataNumber = tableBuffer.getInt(); // read foreign key reference info byte relIndexType = tableBuffer.get(); int relIndexNumber = tableBuffer.getInt(); int relTablePageNumber = tableBuffer.getInt(); byte cascadeUpdatesFlag = tableBuffer.get(); byte cascadeDeletesFlag = tableBuffer.get(); _indexType = tableBuffer.get();/*from w ww.j av a 2 s.c o m*/ if ((_indexType == FOREIGN_KEY_INDEX_TYPE) && (relIndexNumber != INVALID_INDEX_NUMBER)) { _reference = new ForeignKeyReference(relIndexType, relIndexNumber, relTablePageNumber, (cascadeUpdatesFlag == CASCADE_UPDATES_FLAG), (cascadeDeletesFlag == CASCADE_DELETES_FLAG)); } else { _reference = null; } ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, format.SKIP_AFTER_INDEX_SLOT); //Skip past Unknown _data = indexDatas.get(indexDataNumber); _data.addIndex(this); }
From source
/** * // w w w . j a va 2 s .c om * Gets a String from cache or underlying encrypted/compressed file * * @param index * @return * @throws IOException */ private String getString(int index) throws IOException { // check if it is in cache? if (this.cache.containsKey(index)) { return this.cache.get(index); } // if not we have to read it from the file long itemPosition = this.stringPositionInFileList.get(index); String result = null; if (this.tempRAF == null) { this.accessTempFile(itemPosition); byte[] readSize = new byte[4];; int sizeOfString = ByteBuffer.wrap(readSize).getInt(); byte[] strbytes = new byte[sizeOfString];; this.currentPos += readSize.length + strbytes.length; result = new String(strbytes, EncryptedCachedDiskStringsTable.encoding); } else { FileChannel fc = this.tempRAF.getChannel().position(itemPosition); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); // read size of String; bb.flip(); int sizeOfStr = bb.getInt(); // read string bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(sizeOfStr);; bb.flip(); result = new String(bb.array(), EncryptedCachedDiskStringsTable.encoding); } if (this.cacheSize != 0) { this.cache.put(index, result); } return result; }
From source
public void run() { long tv_sec;/*from w ww. j a v a 2 s .com*/ long tv_usec; short type; short code; int value; while (true) { buttonFile = new File(flexGatewayButtonsDevice); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(100); buffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); try { fis = new FileInputStream(buttonFile); channel = fis.getChannel(); while (true) { buffer.clear(); int size =; buffer.rewind(); while (size > 0) { tv_sec = buffer.getInt(); tv_usec = buffer.getInt(); long tv = tv_sec * 1000000 + tv_usec; type = buffer.getShort(); code = buffer.getShort(); value = buffer.getInt(); size -= 16; if (type == 0 && code == 0 && value == 0) continue; // Code 3 -> front button // Code 2 -> back button // Value > 0 -> button pressed // Value > 0 -> button released // send event log.debug("Button: ms " + tv + " type " + (type & 0xffff) + " code " + (code & 0xffff) + " value " + (value & 0xffffffff)); Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); props.put("timestamp", new Long(tv)); if (value > 0) this.postEvent("button/" + code + "/UP", props); else this.postEvent("button/" + code + "/DOWN", props); } } } catch (ClosedByInterruptException e) { break; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.error("exception", e); break; } finally { try { if (channel != null) channel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("exception", e); break; } } } log.debug("exiting"); }
From source
private String readString(ByteBuffer buf) { int len = buf.getInt(); byte b[] = new byte[len]; buf.get(b, 0, len);/* w w w . ja v a 2s .c o m*/ String s1 = new String(b, Charset.forName("US-ASCII")); return s1; }