List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer getInt
public abstract int getInt();
From source
private void decodeData(BufferedInputStream stream) throws IOException { dbgLog.fine("\n***** decodeData(): start *****"); if (stream == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream == null!"); }/* ww w .j ava 2 s . c om*/ //int nvar = (Integer)smd.getFileInformation().get("varQnty"); int nvar = dataTable.getVarQuantity().intValue(); //int nobs = (Integer)smd.getFileInformation().get("caseQnty"); int nobs = dataTable.getCaseQuantity().intValue(); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { dbgLog.fine("data dimensions[observations x variables] = (" + nobs + "x" + nvar + ")"); } if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { dbgLog.fine("bytes per row=" + bytes_per_row + " bytes"); } if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { dbgLog.fine("variableTypes=" + Arrays.deepToString(variableTypes)); } if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { dbgLog.fine("StringLengthTable=" + StringLengthTable); } // create a File object to save the tab-delimited data file FileOutputStream fileOutTab = null; PrintWriter pwout = null; File tabDelimitedDataFile = File.createTempFile("tempTabfile.", ".tab"); // save the temp tab-delimited file in the return ingest object: ingesteddata.setTabDelimitedFile(tabDelimitedDataFile); fileOutTab = new FileOutputStream(tabDelimitedDataFile); pwout = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutTab, "utf8"), true); /* Should we lose this dateFormat thing in 4.0? * the UNF should be calculatable on the app side solely from the data * stored in the tab file and the type information stored the dataVariable * object. * furthermore, the very idea of storing a format entry not just for * every variable, but for every value/observation is a bit strange. * TODO: review and confirm that, in the 3.* implementation, every * entry in dateFormat[nvar][*] is indeed the same - except for the * missing value entries. -- L.A. 4.0 (OK, I got rid of the dateFormat; instead I kinda sorta assume that the format is the same for every value in a column, save for the missing values... like this: dataTable.getDataVariables().get(columnCounter).setFormatSchemaName(ddt.format); BUT, this needs to be reviewed/confirmed etc! */ //String[][] dateFormat = new String[nvar][nobs]; for (int i = 0; i < nobs; i++) { byte[] dataRowBytes = new byte[bytes_per_row]; Object[] dataRow = new Object[nvar]; int nbytes =, 0, bytes_per_row); if (nbytes == 0) { String errorMessage = "reading data: no data were read at(" + i + "th row)"; throw new IOException(errorMessage); } // decoding each row int byte_offset = 0; for (int columnCounter = 0; columnCounter < variableTypes.length; columnCounter++) { Integer varType = variableTypeMap.get(variableTypes[columnCounter]); // 4.0 Check if this is a time/date variable: boolean isDateTimeDatum = false; String formatCategory = dataTable.getDataVariables().get(columnCounter).getFormatCategory(); if (formatCategory != null && (formatCategory.equals("time") || formatCategory.equals("date"))) { isDateTimeDatum = true; } String variableFormat = dateVariableFormats[columnCounter]; switch (varType != null ? varType : 256) { case -5: // Byte case // note: 1 byte signed byte byte_datum = dataRowBytes[byte_offset]; if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column byte =" + byte_datum); } if (byte_datum >= BYTE_MISSING_VALUE) { if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column byte MV=" + byte_datum); } dataRow[columnCounter] = MissingValueForTabDelimitedFile; } else { dataRow[columnCounter] = byte_datum; } byte_offset++; break; case -4: // Stata-int (=java's short: 2byte) case // note: 2-byte signed int, not java's int ByteBuffer int_buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(dataRowBytes, byte_offset, 2); if (isLittleEndian) { int_buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } short short_datum = int_buffer.getShort(); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column stata int =" + short_datum); } if (short_datum >= INT_MISSIG_VALUE) { if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column stata long missing value=" + short_datum); } dataRow[columnCounter] = MissingValueForTabDelimitedFile; } else { if (isDateTimeDatum) { DecodedDateTime ddt = decodeDateTimeData("short", variableFormat, Short.toString(short_datum)); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row , decodedDateTime " + ddt.decodedDateTime + ", format=" + ddt.format); } dataRow[columnCounter] = ddt.decodedDateTime; //dateFormat[columnCounter][i] = ddt.format; dataTable.getDataVariables().get(columnCounter).setFormat(ddt.format); } else { dataRow[columnCounter] = short_datum; } } byte_offset += 2; break; case -3: // stata-Long (= java's int: 4 byte) case // note: 4-byte singed, not java's long //dbgLog.fine("DATreader: stata long"); ByteBuffer long_buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(dataRowBytes, byte_offset, 4); if (isLittleEndian) { long_buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } int int_datum = long_buffer.getInt(); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { //dbgLog.fine(i + "-th row " + columnCounter // + "=th column stata long =" + int_datum); } if (int_datum >= LONG_MISSING_VALUE) { if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { //dbgLog.fine(i + "-th row " + columnCounter // + "=th column stata long missing value=" + int_datum); } dataRow[columnCounter] = MissingValueForTabDelimitedFile; } else { if (isDateTimeDatum) { DecodedDateTime ddt = decodeDateTimeData("int", variableFormat, Integer.toString(int_datum)); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row , decodedDateTime " + ddt.decodedDateTime + ", format=" + ddt.format); } dataRow[columnCounter] = ddt.decodedDateTime; dataTable.getDataVariables().get(columnCounter).setFormat(ddt.format); } else { dataRow[columnCounter] = int_datum; } } byte_offset += 4; break; case -2: // float case // note: 4-byte ByteBuffer float_buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(dataRowBytes, byte_offset, 4); if (isLittleEndian) { float_buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } float float_datum = float_buffer.getFloat(); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column float =" + float_datum); } if (FLOAT_MISSING_VALUE_SET.contains(float_datum)) { if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column float missing value=" + float_datum); } dataRow[columnCounter] = MissingValueForTabDelimitedFile; } else { if (isDateTimeDatum) { DecodedDateTime ddt = decodeDateTimeData("float", variableFormat, doubleNumberFormatter.format(float_datum)); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row , decodedDateTime " + ddt.decodedDateTime + ", format=" + ddt.format); } dataRow[columnCounter] = ddt.decodedDateTime; dataTable.getDataVariables().get(columnCounter).setFormat(ddt.format); } else { dataRow[columnCounter] = float_datum; // This may be temporary - but for now (as in, while I'm testing // 4.0 ingest against 3.* ingest, I need to be able to tell if a // floating point value was a single, or double float in the // original STATA file: -- L.A. Jul. 2014 dataTable.getDataVariables().get(columnCounter).setFormat("float"); } } byte_offset += 4; break; case -1: // double case // note: 8-byte ByteBuffer double_buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(dataRowBytes, byte_offset, 8); if (isLittleEndian) { double_buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } double double_datum = double_buffer.getDouble(); if (DOUBLE_MISSING_VALUE_SET.contains(double_datum)) { if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column double missing value=" + double_datum); } dataRow[columnCounter] = MissingValueForTabDelimitedFile; } else { if (isDateTimeDatum) { DecodedDateTime ddt = decodeDateTimeData("double", variableFormat, doubleNumberFormatter.format(double_datum)); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row , decodedDateTime " + ddt.decodedDateTime + ", format=" + ddt.format); } dataRow[columnCounter] = ddt.decodedDateTime; dataTable.getDataVariables().get(columnCounter).setFormat(ddt.format); } else { dataRow[columnCounter] = doubleNumberFormatter.format(double_datum); } } byte_offset += 8; break; case 0: // String case int strVarLength = StringLengthTable.get(columnCounter); String raw_datum = new String( Arrays.copyOfRange(dataRowBytes, byte_offset, (byte_offset + strVarLength)), "ISO-8859-1"); // TODO: // is it the right thing to do, to default to "ISO-8859-1"? // (it may be; since there's no mechanism for specifying // alternative encodings in Stata, this may be their default; // it just needs to be verified. -- L.A. Jul. 2014) String string_datum = getNullStrippedString(raw_datum); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column string =" + string_datum); } if (string_datum.isEmpty()) { if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { dbgLog.finer(i + "-th row " + columnCounter + "=th column string missing value=" + string_datum); } // TODO: /* Is this really a missing value case? * Or is it an honest empty string? * Is there such a thing as a missing value for a String in Stata? * -- L.A. 4.0 */ dataRow[columnCounter] = MissingValueForTabDelimitedFile; } else { /* * Some special characters, like new lines and tabs need to * be escaped - otherwise they will break our TAB file * structure! * But before we escape anything, all the back slashes * already in the string need to be escaped themselves. */ String escapedString = string_datum.replace("\\", "\\\\"); // escape quotes: escapedString = escapedString.replaceAll("\"", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\"")); // escape tabs and new lines: escapedString = escapedString.replaceAll("\t", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\t")); escapedString = escapedString.replaceAll("\n", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\n")); escapedString = escapedString.replaceAll("\r", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\r")); // the escaped version of the string is stored in the tab file // enclosed in double-quotes; this is in order to be able // to differentiate between an empty string (tab-delimited empty string in // double quotes) and a missing value (tab-delimited empty string). // Although the question still remains - is it even possible // to store an empty string, that's not a missing value, in Stata? // - see the comment in the missing value case above. -- L.A. 4.0 dataRow[columnCounter] = "\"" + escapedString + "\""; } byte_offset += strVarLength; break; default: dbgLog.fine("unknown variable type found"); String errorMessage = "unknow variable Type found at data section"; throw new InvalidObjectException(errorMessage); } // switch } // for-columnCounter // Dump the row of data to the tab-delimited file we are producing: pwout.println(StringUtils.join(dataRow, "\t")); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { //dbgLog.fine(i + "-th row's data={" + StringUtils.join(dataRow, ",") + "};"); } } // for- i (row) pwout.close(); if (dbgLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { dbgLog.fine("variableTypes:\n" + Arrays.deepToString(variableTypes)); } dbgLog.fine("DTA Ingest: decodeData(): end."); }
From source
private void decodeAppLogs(ByteBuffer buf) { UUID uuid = getUUID(buf);/* ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ int timestamp = buf.getInt(); int logLevel = buf.get() & 0xff; int messageLength = buf.get() & 0xff; int lineNumber = buf.getShort() & 0xffff; String fileName = getFixedString(buf, 16); String message = getFixedString(buf, messageLength); LOG.debug("APP_LOGS (" + logLevel + ") from uuid " + uuid.toString() + " in " + fileName + ":" + lineNumber + " " + message); }
From source
private GBDeviceEventSendBytes decodePing(ByteBuffer buf) { byte command = buf.get(); if (command == PING_PING) { int cookie = buf.getInt();"Received PING - will reply"); GBDeviceEventSendBytes sendBytes = new GBDeviceEventSendBytes(); sendBytes.encodedBytes = encodePing(PING_PONG, cookie); return sendBytes; }// w w w. j ava2 s. c o m return null; }
From source
private GBDeviceEvent decodeVoiceControl(ByteBuffer buf) { buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); byte command = buf.get(); int flags = buf.getInt(); byte session_type = buf.get(); //0x01 dictation 0x02 command short session_id = buf.getShort(); //attributes/*w ww. j av a 2s . co m*/ byte count = buf.get(); byte type = buf.get(); short length = buf.getShort(); byte[] version = new byte[20]; buf.get(version); //it's a string like "1.2rc1" int sample_rate = buf.getInt(); short bit_rate = buf.getShort(); byte bitstream_version = buf.get(); short frame_size = buf.getShort(); GBDeviceEventSendBytes sendBytes = new GBDeviceEventSendBytes(); if (command == 0x01) { //session setup sendBytes.encodedBytes = null; } else if (command == 0x02) { //dictation result sendBytes.encodedBytes = null; } return sendBytes; }
From source
/** * Deserialize a raw byte value for this column into an Object * @param data The raw byte value/* w w w. ja v a2s . c o m*/ * @param order Byte order in which the raw value is stored * @return The deserialized Object * @usage _advanced_method_ */ public Object read(byte[] data, ByteOrder order) throws IOException { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); buffer.order(order); if (_type == DataType.BOOLEAN) { throw new IOException("Tried to read a boolean from data instead of null mask."); } else if (_type == DataType.BYTE) { return Byte.valueOf(buffer.get()); } else if (_type == DataType.INT) { return Short.valueOf(buffer.getShort()); } else if (_type == DataType.LONG) { return Integer.valueOf(buffer.getInt()); } else if (_type == DataType.DOUBLE) { return Double.valueOf(buffer.getDouble()); } else if (_type == DataType.FLOAT) { return Float.valueOf(buffer.getFloat()); } else if (_type == DataType.SHORT_DATE_TIME) { return readDateValue(buffer); } else if (_type == DataType.BINARY) { return data; } else if (_type == DataType.TEXT) { return decodeTextValue(data); } else if (_type == DataType.MONEY) { return readCurrencyValue(buffer); } else if (_type == DataType.OLE) { if (data.length > 0) { return readLongValue(data); } return null; } else if (_type == DataType.MEMO) { if (data.length > 0) { return readLongStringValue(data); } return null; } else if (_type == DataType.NUMERIC) { return readNumericValue(buffer); } else if (_type == DataType.GUID) { return readGUIDValue(buffer, order); } else if ((_type == DataType.UNKNOWN_0D) || (_type == DataType.UNKNOWN_11)) { // treat like "binary" data return data; } else if (_type == DataType.COMPLEX_TYPE) { return new ComplexValueForeignKey(this, buffer.getInt()); } else if (_type.isUnsupported()) { return rawDataWrapper(data); } else { throw new IOException("Unrecognized data type: " + _type); } }
From source
private GBDeviceEventAppManagement decodeAppFetch(ByteBuffer buf) { byte command = buf.get(); if (command == 0x01) { UUID uuid = getUUID(buf); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); int app_id = buf.getInt(); GBDeviceEventAppManagement fetchRequest = new GBDeviceEventAppManagement(); fetchRequest.type = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.EventType.INSTALL; fetchRequest.event = GBDeviceEventAppManagement.Event.REQUEST; fetchRequest.token = app_id;//from w w w .j a va2 s .c om fetchRequest.uuid = uuid; return fetchRequest; } return null; }
From source
private GBDeviceEventScreenshot decodeScreenshot(ByteBuffer buf, int length) { if (mDevEventScreenshot == null) { byte result = buf.get(); mDevEventScreenshot = new GBDeviceEventScreenshot(); int version = buf.getInt(); if (result != 0) { return null; }// w ww. j av a 2s . c o m mDevEventScreenshot.width = buf.getInt(); mDevEventScreenshot.height = buf.getInt(); if (version == 1) { mDevEventScreenshot.bpp = 1; mDevEventScreenshot.clut = clut_pebble; } else { mDevEventScreenshot.bpp = 8; mDevEventScreenshot.clut = clut_pebbletime; } mScreenshotRemaining = (mDevEventScreenshot.width * mDevEventScreenshot.height * mDevEventScreenshot.bpp) / 8; = new byte[mScreenshotRemaining]; length -= 13; } if (mScreenshotRemaining == -1) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { byte corrected = buf.get(); if (mDevEventScreenshot.bpp == 1) { corrected = reverseBits(corrected); } else { corrected = (byte) (corrected & 0b00111111); }[ - mScreenshotRemaining + i] = corrected; } mScreenshotRemaining -= length;"Screenshot remaining bytes " + mScreenshotRemaining); if (mScreenshotRemaining == 0) { mScreenshotRemaining = -1;"Got screenshot : " + mDevEventScreenshot.width + "x" + mDevEventScreenshot.height + " " + "pixels"); GBDeviceEventScreenshot devEventScreenshot = mDevEventScreenshot; mDevEventScreenshot = null; return devEventScreenshot; } return null; }
From source
private ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Object>> decodeDict(ByteBuffer buf) { ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Object>> dict = new ArrayList<>(); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); byte dictSize = buf.get(); while (dictSize-- > 0) { Integer key = buf.getInt(); byte type = buf.get(); short length = buf.getShort(); switch (type) { case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_UINT: if (length == 1) { dict.add(new Pair<Integer, Object>(key, buf.get())); } else if (length == 2) { dict.add(new Pair<Integer, Object>(key, buf.getShort())); } else { dict.add(new Pair<Integer, Object>(key, buf.getInt())); }/*from w w w . j ava 2 s . c om*/ break; case TYPE_CSTRING: case TYPE_BYTEARRAY: byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; buf.get(bytes); if (type == TYPE_BYTEARRAY) { dict.add(new Pair<Integer, Object>(key, bytes)); } else { dict.add(new Pair<Integer, Object>(key, new String(bytes))); } break; default: } } return dict; }
From source
@Test public void testSecondaryIndexBinarySearch() throws IOException { int numTotalKeys = 99; assertTrue(numTotalKeys % 2 == 1); // Ensure no one made this even. // We only add odd-index keys into the array that we will binary-search. int numSearchedKeys = (numTotalKeys - 1) / 2; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos); dos.writeInt(numSearchedKeys);/*from w w w. ja va 2s . c o m*/ int curAllEntriesSize = 0; int numEntriesAdded = 0; // Only odd-index elements of this array are used to keep the secondary // index entries of the corresponding keys. int secondaryIndexEntries[] = new int[numTotalKeys]; for (int i = 0; i < numTotalKeys; ++i) { byte[] k = TestHFileWriterV2.randomOrderedKey(rand, i * 2); KeyValue cell = new KeyValue(k, Bytes.toBytes("f"), Bytes.toBytes("q"), Bytes.toBytes("val")); //KeyValue cell = new KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(k, 0, k.length); keys.add(cell.getKey()); String msgPrefix = "Key #" + i + " (" + Bytes.toStringBinary(k) + "): "; StringBuilder padding = new StringBuilder(); while (msgPrefix.length() + padding.length() < 70) padding.append(' '); msgPrefix += padding; if (i % 2 == 1) { dos.writeInt(curAllEntriesSize); secondaryIndexEntries[i] = curAllEntriesSize; + "secondary index entry #" + ((i - 1) / 2) + ", offset " + curAllEntriesSize); curAllEntriesSize += cell.getKey().length + HFileBlockIndex.SECONDARY_INDEX_ENTRY_OVERHEAD; ++numEntriesAdded; } else { secondaryIndexEntries[i] = -1; + "not in the searched array"); } } // Make sure the keys are increasing. for (int i = 0; i < keys.size() - 1; ++i) assertTrue( KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(keys.get(i), 0, keys.get(i).length), new KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(keys.get(i + 1), 0, keys.get(i + 1).length)) < 0); dos.writeInt(curAllEntriesSize); assertEquals(numSearchedKeys, numEntriesAdded); int secondaryIndexOffset = dos.size(); assertEquals(Bytes.SIZEOF_INT * (numSearchedKeys + 2), secondaryIndexOffset); for (int i = 1; i <= numTotalKeys - 1; i += 2) { assertEquals(dos.size(), secondaryIndexOffset + secondaryIndexEntries[i]); long dummyFileOffset = getDummyFileOffset(i); int dummyOnDiskSize = getDummyOnDiskSize(i); LOG.debug("Storing file offset=" + dummyFileOffset + " and onDiskSize=" + dummyOnDiskSize + " at offset " + dos.size()); dos.writeLong(dummyFileOffset); dos.writeInt(dummyOnDiskSize); LOG.debug("Stored key " + ((i - 1) / 2) + " at offset " + dos.size()); dos.write(keys.get(i)); } dos.writeInt(curAllEntriesSize); ByteBuffer nonRootIndex = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray()); for (int i = 0; i < numTotalKeys; ++i) { byte[] searchKey = keys.get(i); byte[] arrayHoldingKey = new byte[searchKey.length + searchKey.length / 2]; // To make things a bit more interesting, store the key we are looking // for at a non-zero offset in a new array. System.arraycopy(searchKey, 0, arrayHoldingKey, searchKey.length / 2, searchKey.length); KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue cell = new KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(arrayHoldingKey, searchKey.length / 2, searchKey.length); int searchResult = BlockIndexReader.binarySearchNonRootIndex(cell, nonRootIndex, KeyValue.COMPARATOR); String lookupFailureMsg = "Failed to look up key #" + i + " (" + Bytes.toStringBinary(searchKey) + ")"; int expectedResult; int referenceItem; if (i % 2 == 1) { // This key is in the array we search as the element (i - 1) / 2. Make // sure we find it. expectedResult = (i - 1) / 2; referenceItem = i; } else { // This key is not in the array but between two elements on the array, // in the beginning, or in the end. The result should be the previous // key in the searched array, or -1 for i = 0. expectedResult = i / 2 - 1; referenceItem = i - 1; } assertEquals(lookupFailureMsg, expectedResult, searchResult); // Now test we can get the offset and the on-disk-size using a // higher-level API function.s boolean locateBlockResult = (BlockIndexReader.locateNonRootIndexEntry(nonRootIndex, cell, KeyValue.COMPARATOR) != -1); if (i == 0) { assertFalse(locateBlockResult); } else { assertTrue(locateBlockResult); String errorMsg = "i=" + i + ", position=" + nonRootIndex.position(); assertEquals(errorMsg, getDummyFileOffset(referenceItem), nonRootIndex.getLong()); assertEquals(errorMsg, getDummyOnDiskSize(referenceItem), nonRootIndex.getInt()); } } }
From source
private GBDeviceEvent[] decodeDictToJSONAppMessage(UUID uuid, ByteBuffer buf) throws JSONException { buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); byte dictSize = buf.get(); if (dictSize == 0) {"dict size is 0, ignoring"); return null; }//from ww w .j av a 2 s . com JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); while (dictSize-- > 0) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); Integer key = buf.getInt(); byte type = buf.get(); short length = buf.getShort(); jsonObject.put("key", key); if (type == TYPE_CSTRING) { length--; } jsonObject.put("length", length); switch (type) { case TYPE_UINT: jsonObject.put("type", "uint"); if (length == 1) { jsonObject.put("value", buf.get() & 0xff); } else if (length == 2) { jsonObject.put("value", buf.getShort() & 0xffff); } else { jsonObject.put("value", buf.getInt() & 0xffffffffL); } break; case TYPE_INT: jsonObject.put("type", "int"); if (length == 1) { jsonObject.put("value", buf.get()); } else if (length == 2) { jsonObject.put("value", buf.getShort()); } else { jsonObject.put("value", buf.getInt()); } break; case TYPE_BYTEARRAY: case TYPE_CSTRING: byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; buf.get(bytes); if (type == TYPE_BYTEARRAY) { jsonObject.put("type", "bytes"); jsonObject.put("value", new String(Base64.encode(bytes, Base64.NO_WRAP))); } else { jsonObject.put("type", "string"); jsonObject.put("value", new String(bytes)); buf.get(); // skip null-termination; } break; default:"unknown type in appmessage, ignoring"); return null; } jsonArray.put(jsonObject); } GBDeviceEventSendBytes sendBytesAck = null; if (mAlwaysACKPebbleKit) { // this is a hack we send an ack to the Pebble immediately because somebody said it helps some PebbleKit apps :P sendBytesAck = new GBDeviceEventSendBytes(); sendBytesAck.encodedBytes = encodeApplicationMessageAck(uuid, last_id); } GBDeviceEventAppMessage appMessage = new GBDeviceEventAppMessage(); appMessage.appUUID = uuid; = last_id & 0xff; appMessage.message = jsonArray.toString(); return new GBDeviceEvent[] { appMessage, sendBytesAck }; }