Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2005 Health Market Science, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA You can contact Health Market Science at or at the following address: Health Market Science 2700 Horizon Drive Suite 200 King of Prussia, PA 19406 */ package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.CursorBuilder; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Index; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.IndexBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Access table (logical) index. Logical indexes are backed for IndexData, * where one or more logical indexes could be backed by the same data. * * @author Tim McCune */ public class IndexImpl implements Index, Comparable<IndexImpl> { protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(IndexImpl.class); /** index type for primary key indexes */ public static final byte PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX_TYPE = (byte) 1; /** index type for foreign key indexes */ public static final byte FOREIGN_KEY_INDEX_TYPE = (byte) 2; /** flag for indicating that updates should cascade in a foreign key index */ private static final byte CASCADE_UPDATES_FLAG = (byte) 1; /** flag for indicating that deletes should cascade in a foreign key index */ private static final byte CASCADE_DELETES_FLAG = (byte) 1; /** index table type for the "primary" table in a foreign key index */ private static final byte PRIMARY_TABLE_TYPE = (byte) 1; /** indicate an invalid index number for foreign key field */ private static final int INVALID_INDEX_NUMBER = -1; /** the actual data backing this index (more than one index may be backed by the same data */ private final IndexData _data; /** 0-based index number */ private final int _indexNumber; /** the type of the index */ private final byte _indexType; /** Index name */ private String _name; /** foreign key reference info, if any */ private final ForeignKeyReference _reference; protected IndexImpl(ByteBuffer tableBuffer, List<IndexData> indexDatas, JetFormat format) throws IOException { ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, format.SKIP_BEFORE_INDEX_SLOT); //Forward past Unknown _indexNumber = tableBuffer.getInt(); int indexDataNumber = tableBuffer.getInt(); // read foreign key reference info byte relIndexType = tableBuffer.get(); int relIndexNumber = tableBuffer.getInt(); int relTablePageNumber = tableBuffer.getInt(); byte cascadeUpdatesFlag = tableBuffer.get(); byte cascadeDeletesFlag = tableBuffer.get(); _indexType = tableBuffer.get(); if ((_indexType == FOREIGN_KEY_INDEX_TYPE) && (relIndexNumber != INVALID_INDEX_NUMBER)) { _reference = new ForeignKeyReference(relIndexType, relIndexNumber, relTablePageNumber, (cascadeUpdatesFlag == CASCADE_UPDATES_FLAG), (cascadeDeletesFlag == CASCADE_DELETES_FLAG)); } else { _reference = null; } ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, format.SKIP_AFTER_INDEX_SLOT); //Skip past Unknown _data = indexDatas.get(indexDataNumber); _data.addIndex(this); } public IndexData getIndexData() { return _data; } public TableImpl getTable() { return getIndexData().getTable(); } public JetFormat getFormat() { return getTable().getFormat(); } public PageChannel getPageChannel() { return getTable().getPageChannel(); } public int getIndexNumber() { return _indexNumber; } public byte getIndexFlags() { return getIndexData().getIndexFlags(); } public int getUniqueEntryCount() { return getIndexData().getUniqueEntryCount(); } public int getUniqueEntryCountOffset() { return getIndexData().getUniqueEntryCountOffset(); } public String getName() { return _name; } void setName(String name) { _name = name; } public boolean isPrimaryKey() { return _indexType == PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX_TYPE; } public boolean isForeignKey() { return _indexType == FOREIGN_KEY_INDEX_TYPE; } public ForeignKeyReference getReference() { return _reference; } public IndexImpl getReferencedIndex() throws IOException { if (_reference == null) { return null; } TableImpl refTable = getTable().getDatabase().getTable(_reference.getOtherTablePageNumber()); if (refTable == null) { throw new IOException("Reference to missing table " + _reference.getOtherTablePageNumber()); } IndexImpl refIndex = null; int idxNumber = _reference.getOtherIndexNumber(); for (IndexImpl idx : refTable.getIndexes()) { if (idx.getIndexNumber() == idxNumber) { refIndex = idx; break; } } if (refIndex == null) { throw new IOException("Reference to missing index " + idxNumber + " on table " + refTable.getName()); } // finally verify that we found the expected index (should reference this // index) ForeignKeyReference otherRef = refIndex.getReference(); if ((otherRef == null) || (otherRef.getOtherTablePageNumber() != getTable().getTableDefPageNumber()) || (otherRef.getOtherIndexNumber() != _indexNumber)) { throw new IOException("Found unexpected index " + refIndex.getName() + " on table " + refTable.getName() + " with reference " + otherRef); } return refIndex; } public boolean shouldIgnoreNulls() { return getIndexData().shouldIgnoreNulls(); } public boolean isUnique() { return getIndexData().isUnique(); } public List<IndexData.ColumnDescriptor> getColumns() { return getIndexData().getColumns(); } public CursorBuilder newCursor() { return getTable().newCursor().setIndex(this); } /** * Whether or not the complete index state has been read. */ public boolean isInitialized() { return getIndexData().isInitialized(); } /** * Forces initialization of this index (actual parsing of index pages). * normally, the index will not be initialized until the entries are * actually needed. */ public void initialize() throws IOException { getIndexData().initialize(); } /** * Gets a new cursor for this index. * <p> * Forces index initialization. */ public IndexData.EntryCursor cursor() throws IOException { return cursor(null, true, null, true); } /** * Gets a new cursor for this index, narrowed to the range defined by the * given startRow and endRow. * <p> * Forces index initialization. * * @param startRow the first row of data for the cursor, or {@code null} for * the first entry * @param startInclusive whether or not startRow is inclusive or exclusive * @param endRow the last row of data for the cursor, or {@code null} for * the last entry * @param endInclusive whether or not endRow is inclusive or exclusive */ public IndexData.EntryCursor cursor(Object[] startRow, boolean startInclusive, Object[] endRow, boolean endInclusive) throws IOException { return getIndexData().cursor(startRow, startInclusive, endRow, endInclusive); } /** * Constructs an array of values appropriate for this index from the given * column values, expected to match the columns for this index. * @return the appropriate sparse array of data * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the wrong number of values are * provided */ public Object[] constructIndexRowFromEntry(Object... values) { return getIndexData().constructIndexRowFromEntry(values); } /** * Constructs an array of values appropriate for this index from the given * column value. * @return the appropriate sparse array of data or {@code null} if not all * columns for this index were provided */ public Object[] constructIndexRow(String colName, Object value) { return constructIndexRow(Collections.singletonMap(colName, value)); } /** * Constructs an array of values appropriate for this index from the given * column values. * @return the appropriate sparse array of data or {@code null} if not all * columns for this index were provided */ public Object[] constructIndexRow(Map<String, ?> row) { return getIndexData().constructIndexRow(row); } @Override public String toString() { ToStringBuilder sb = CustomToStringStyle.builder(this) .append("name", "(" + getTable().getName() + ") " + _name).append("number", _indexNumber) .append("isPrimaryKey", isPrimaryKey()).append("isForeignKey", isForeignKey()); if (_reference != null) { sb.append("foreignKeyReference", _reference); } sb.append("data", _data); return sb.toString(); } public int compareTo(IndexImpl other) { if (_indexNumber > other.getIndexNumber()) { return 1; } else if (_indexNumber < other.getIndexNumber()) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Writes the logical index definitions into a table definition buffer. * @param buffer Buffer to write to * @param indexes List of IndexBuilders to write definitions for */ protected static void writeDefinitions(TableCreator creator, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { // write logical index information for (IndexBuilder idx : creator.getIndexes()) { TableCreator.IndexState idxState = creator.getIndexState(idx); buffer.putInt(TableImpl.MAGIC_TABLE_NUMBER); // seemingly constant magic value which matches the table def buffer.putInt(idxState.getIndexNumber()); // index num buffer.putInt(idxState.getIndexDataNumber()); // index data num buffer.put((byte) 0); // related table type buffer.putInt(INVALID_INDEX_NUMBER); // related index num buffer.putInt(0); // related table definition page number buffer.put((byte) 0); // cascade updates flag buffer.put((byte) 0); // cascade deletes flag buffer.put(idx.getType()); // index type flags buffer.putInt(0); // unknown } // write index names for (IndexBuilder idx : creator.getIndexes()) { TableImpl.writeName(buffer, idx.getName(), creator.getCharset()); } } /** * Information about a foreign key reference defined in an index (when * referential integrity should be enforced). */ public static class ForeignKeyReference { private final byte _tableType; private final int _otherIndexNumber; private final int _otherTablePageNumber; private final boolean _cascadeUpdates; private final boolean _cascadeDeletes; public ForeignKeyReference(byte tableType, int otherIndexNumber, int otherTablePageNumber, boolean cascadeUpdates, boolean cascadeDeletes) { _tableType = tableType; _otherIndexNumber = otherIndexNumber; _otherTablePageNumber = otherTablePageNumber; _cascadeUpdates = cascadeUpdates; _cascadeDeletes = cascadeDeletes; } public byte getTableType() { return _tableType; } public boolean isPrimaryTable() { return (getTableType() == PRIMARY_TABLE_TYPE); } public int getOtherIndexNumber() { return _otherIndexNumber; } public int getOtherTablePageNumber() { return _otherTablePageNumber; } public boolean isCascadeUpdates() { return _cascadeUpdates; } public boolean isCascadeDeletes() { return _cascadeDeletes; } @Override public String toString() { return CustomToStringStyle.builder(this).append("otherIndexNumber", _otherIndexNumber) .append("otherTablePageNum", _otherTablePageNumber).append("isPrimaryTable", isPrimaryTable()) .append("isCascadeUpdates", isCascadeUpdates()).append("isCascadeDeletes", isCascadeDeletes()) .toString(); } } }