Example usage for java.math BigDecimal compareTo

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal compareTo


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal compareTo.


public int compareTo(BigDecimal val) 

Source Link


Compares this BigDecimal with the specified BigDecimal .


From source file:com.aoindustries.website.clientarea.accounting.MakePaymentNewCardForm.java

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
    ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request);
    if (errors == null)
        errors = new ActionErrors();
    if (GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(paymentAmount)) {
        errors.add("paymentAmount", new ActionMessage("makePaymentStoredCardForm.paymentAmount.required"));
    } else {/*w w  w  .ja  v a2s .c  o m*/
        try {
            // Make sure can parse as int-of-pennies format (Once we no longer use int-of-pennies, this should be removed)
            // Long-term plan is to use BigDecimal exclusively for all monetary values. - DRA 2007-10-09
            int pennies = SQLUtility.getPennies(this.paymentAmount);
            // Make sure can parse as BigDecimal, and is correct value
            BigDecimal pa = new BigDecimal(this.paymentAmount);
            if (pa.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0) {
                        new ActionMessage("makePaymentStoredCardForm.paymentAmount.mustBeGeaterThanZero"));
            } else if (pa.scale() > 2) {
                // Must not have more than 2 decimal places
                        new ActionMessage("makePaymentStoredCardForm.paymentAmount.invalid"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException err) {
            errors.add("paymentAmount", new ActionMessage("makePaymentStoredCardForm.paymentAmount.invalid"));
    return errors;

From source file:com.intuit.karate.Script.java

private static AssertionResult matchPrimitive(String path, Object actObject, Object expObject) {
    if (actObject == null) {
        return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "actual value is null");
    }//from   w ww  .  j a v a2s  .c  o  m
    if (!expObject.getClass().equals(actObject.getClass())) {
        if (actObject instanceof BigDecimal) {
            BigDecimal actNumber = (BigDecimal) actObject;
            BigDecimal expNumber = convertToBigDecimal(expObject);
            if (expNumber == null || expNumber.compareTo(actNumber) != 0) {
                return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal (big decimal : primitive)");
            } else {
                return AssertionResult.PASS;
        } else {
            // types are not the same, use the JS engine for a lenient equality check
            String exp = actObject + " == " + expObject;
            ScriptValue sv = evalInNashorn(exp, null);
            if (sv.isBooleanTrue()) {
                return AssertionResult.PASS;
            } else {
                return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal");
    if (!expObject.equals(actObject)) {
        return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal");
    } else {
        return AssertionResult.PASS; // primitives, are equal

From source file:fuzzy.util.MaxMF.java

public Map<Double, Double> evaluate(Collection<T> x, MembershipFunction<T> mf) {
    Map<Double, Double> max = new HashMap<Double, Double>();
    BigDecimal maxValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.0);
    boolean first = true;
    for (T value : x) {
        BigDecimal temp = new BigDecimal(mf.evaluate(value), new MathContext(precision, roundingMode));
        if (first || temp.compareTo(maxValue) > 0) {
            first = false;/*from  w ww  .  jav a2 s.  co  m*/
            maxValue = temp;
            max.put(value.doubleValue(), temp.doubleValue());
        } else if (temp.compareTo(maxValue) == 0) {
            max.put(value.doubleValue(), temp.doubleValue());
        } // else ignore since it's less than the maximum value
    return max;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.io.BigDecimalWritable.java

public void set(BigDecimal value) {
    value = value.stripTrailingZeros();// w  w w  .j  a v  a 2s.  c  o  m
    if (value.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
        // Special case for 0, because java doesn't strip zeros correctly on that number.
        value = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    set(value.unscaledValue().toByteArray(), value.scale());

From source file:io.curly.advisor.model.Review.java

private BigDecimal fixPrecision(BigDecimal rate) {
    if (rate == null)
        return BigDecimal.ZERO;
    BigDecimal decimal = rate.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE);
    BigInteger integer = rate.toBigInteger();
    if (decimal.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0.5)) > 0) {
        return new BigDecimal(integer.add(new BigInteger("1")));
    } else if (decimal.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0.5)) < 0) {
        return new BigDecimal(integer);
    }/* w w  w  .ja  v a  2  s  . c om*/
    return rate;

From source file:io.curly.advisor.model.Review.java

 * Function to round up when the decimal part is more than a half, and down when its less than, if it is a half keep it
 * @return fixed rate/*from   w  ww. j  ava  2s  . c  om*/
public BigDecimal fixPrecision() {
    if (rate == null)
        return null;
    BigDecimal decimal = rate.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE);
    BigInteger integer = rate.toBigInteger();
    if (decimal.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0.5)) > 0) {
        rate = new BigDecimal(integer.add(new BigInteger("1")));
    } else if (decimal.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0.5)) < 0) {
        rate = new BigDecimal(integer);
    return rate;

From source file:it.govpay.core.utils.RtUtils.java

private static void validaSemantica(CtDatiVersamentoRPT rpt, CtDatiVersamentoRT rt, EsitoValidazione esito) {

    valida(rpt.getCodiceContestoPagamento(), rt.getCodiceContestoPagamento(), esito,
            "CodiceContestoPagamento non corrisponde", true);
    valida(rpt.getIdentificativoUnivocoVersamento(), rt.getIdentificativoUnivocoVersamento(), esito,
            "IdentificativoUnivocoVersamento non corrisponde", true);

    Rpt.EsitoPagamento esitoPagamento = validaSemanticaCodiceEsitoPagamento(rt.getCodiceEsitoPagamento(),
            esito);//from   w w  w.j av  a2 s .co  m

    // Se siamo in pagamento eseguito, parzialmente eseguito o parzialmente decorso, devono esserci tanti versamenti quanti pagamenti.
    if (esitoPagamento != null) {
        switch (esitoPagamento) {
            if (rt.getDatiSingoloPagamento().size() != rpt.getDatiSingoloVersamento().size()) {
                esito.addErrore("Numero di pagamenti diverso dal numero di versamenti per una ricevuta di tipo "
                        + esitoPagamento.name(), true);
            if (rt.getDatiSingoloPagamento().size() != 0
                    && rt.getDatiSingoloPagamento().size() != rpt.getDatiSingoloVersamento().size()) {
                esito.addErrore("Numero di pagamenti diverso dal numero di versamenti per una ricevuta di tipo "
                        + esitoPagamento.name(), true);

    BigDecimal importoTotaleCalcolato = BigDecimal.ZERO;

    for (int i = 0; i < rpt.getDatiSingoloVersamento().size(); i++) {

        CtDatiSingoloVersamentoRPT singoloVersamento = rpt.getDatiSingoloVersamento().get(i);
        CtDatiSingoloPagamentoRT singoloPagamento = null;
        if (rt.getDatiSingoloPagamento().size() != 0) {
            singoloPagamento = rt.getDatiSingoloPagamento().get(i);
            validaSemanticaSingoloVersamento(singoloVersamento, singoloPagamento, esito);
            importoTotaleCalcolato = importoTotaleCalcolato.add(singoloPagamento.getSingoloImportoPagato());

    if (importoTotaleCalcolato.compareTo(rt.getImportoTotalePagato()) != 0)
        esito.addErrore("ImportoTotalePagato [" + rt.getImportoTotalePagato().doubleValue()
                + "] non corrisponde alla somma dei SingoliImportiPagati ["
                + importoTotaleCalcolato.doubleValue() + "]", true);
    if (esitoPagamento == Rpt.EsitoPagamento.PAGAMENTO_NON_ESEGUITO
            && rt.getImportoTotalePagato().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)
        esito.addErrore("ImportoTotalePagato [" + rt.getImportoTotalePagato().doubleValue()
                + "] diverso da 0 per un pagamento con esito 'Non Eseguito'.", true);
    if (esitoPagamento == Rpt.EsitoPagamento.DECORRENZA_TERMINI
            && rt.getImportoTotalePagato().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)
        esito.addErrore("ImportoTotalePagato [" + rt.getImportoTotalePagato().doubleValue()
                + "] diverso da 0 per un pagamento con esito 'Decorrenza temini'.", true);
    if (esitoPagamento == Rpt.EsitoPagamento.PAGAMENTO_ESEGUITO
            && rt.getImportoTotalePagato().compareTo(rpt.getImportoTotaleDaVersare()) != 0)
        esito.addErrore("Importo totale del pagamento [" + rt.getImportoTotalePagato().doubleValue()
                + "] diverso da quanto richiesto [" + rpt.getImportoTotaleDaVersare().doubleValue() + "]",

From source file:org.whispersystems.bithub.controllers.GithubController.java

private boolean isViablePaymentAmount(BigDecimal payment) {
    return payment.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) == 1;

From source file:com.willetinc.hadoop.mapreduce.dynamodb.BigDecimalSplitter.java

 * <p>/*from   w  w w .  j ava 2 s . c  om*/
 * Returns a list of BigDecimals one element longer than the list of input
 * splits. This represents the boundaries between input splits. All splits
 * are open on the top end, except the last one.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * So the list [0, 5, 8, 12, 18] would represent splits capturing the
 * intervals:
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The smallest positive value supported by DynamoDB 'e' is used to separate
 * intervals
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * e = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * [0, 5] [5+e, 8] [8+e, 12] [12+e, 18]
 * </p>
List<BigDecimal> split(BigDecimal numSplits, BigDecimal minVal, BigDecimal maxVal) {

    List<BigDecimal> splits = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();

    // Use numSplits as a hint. May need an extra task if the size doesn't
    // divide cleanly.

    BigDecimal splitSize = tryDivide(maxVal.subtract(minVal), (numSplits));
    if (splitSize.compareTo(MIN_INCREMENT) < 0) {
        splitSize = MIN_INCREMENT;
        LOG.warn("Set BigDecimal splitSize to MIN_INCREMENT");

    BigDecimal curVal = minVal;

    while (curVal.compareTo(maxVal) <= 0) {
        curVal = curVal.add(splitSize);

    if (splits.get(splits.size() - 1).compareTo(maxVal) != 0 || splits.size() == 1) {
        // We didn't end on the maxVal. Add that to the end of the list.

    return splits;

From source file:org.apache.tajo.validation.MaxValidator.java

protected <T> boolean validateInternal(T object) {
    boolean result = false;

    if (object != null) {
        if ((object instanceof Byte) || (object instanceof Short) || (object instanceof Integer)) {
            Integer objInteger = Integer.decode(object.toString());
            Integer maxInteger = Integer.decode(maxValue);
            result = objInteger.compareTo(maxInteger) <= 0;
        } else if (object instanceof Long) {
            Long objLong = Long.decode(object.toString());
            Long maxLong = Long.decode(maxValue);
            result = objLong.compareTo(maxLong) <= 0;
        } else if ((object instanceof Float) || (object instanceof Double)) {
            Double objDouble = Double.valueOf(object.toString());
            Double maxDouble = Double.valueOf(maxValue);
            result = objDouble.compareTo(maxDouble) <= 0;
        } else if (object instanceof BigInteger) {
            BigInteger objInteger = (BigInteger) object;
            BigInteger maxInteger = new BigInteger(maxValue);
            result = objInteger.compareTo(maxInteger) <= 0;
        } else if (object instanceof BigDecimal) {
            BigDecimal objDecimal = (BigDecimal) object;
            BigDecimal maxDecimal = new BigDecimal(maxValue);
            result = objDecimal.compareTo(maxDecimal) <= 0;
        }//from   www  .  ja  v a2  s .  c om
    } else {
        result = true;

    return result;