Example usage for java.math BigDecimal compareTo

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal compareTo


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal compareTo.


public int compareTo(BigDecimal val) 

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Compares this BigDecimal with the specified BigDecimal .


From source file:to.sparks.mtgox.example.TradingBot.java

private static boolean isDiffTooLarge(BigDecimal actualPrice, BigDecimal optimumPrice) {
    BigDecimal diff;//ww  w.  j ava  2 s . c  om
    if (actualPrice.compareTo(optimumPrice) < 0) {
        diff = optimumPrice.subtract(actualPrice);
    } else {
        diff = actualPrice.subtract(optimumPrice);
    return diff.compareTo(optimumPrice.multiply(percentAllowedPriceDeviation)) > 0;

From source file:org.cirdles.calamari.algorithms.TukeyBiweight.java

public static ValueModel calculateTukeyBiweightMean(String name, double tuningConstant, double[] values) {
    // guarantee termination
    BigDecimal epsilon = BigDecimal.ONE.movePointLeft(10);
    int iterationMax = 100;
    int iterationCounter = 0;

    int n = values.length;
    // initial mean is median
    BigDecimal mean = new BigDecimal(calculateMedian(values));

    // initial sigma is median absolute deviation from mean = median (MAD)
    double deviations[] = new double[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        deviations[i] = StrictMath.abs(values[i] - mean.doubleValue());
    }/*  w  ww.j  av a  2s .  c  o m*/
    BigDecimal sigma = new BigDecimal(calculateMedian(deviations)).max(BigDecimal.valueOf(SQUID_TINY_VALUE));

    BigDecimal previousMean;
    BigDecimal previousSigma;

    do {
        previousMean = mean;
        previousSigma = sigma;

        // init to zeroes
        BigDecimal[] deltas = new BigDecimal[n];
        BigDecimal[] u = new BigDecimal[n];
        BigDecimal sa = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal sb = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal sc = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        BigDecimal tee = new BigDecimal(tuningConstant).multiply(sigma);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            deltas[i] = new BigDecimal(values[i]).subtract(mean);
            if (tee.compareTo(deltas[i].abs()) > 0) {
                deltas[i] = new BigDecimal(values[i]).subtract(mean);
                u[i] = deltas[i].divide(tee, MathContext.DECIMAL128);
                BigDecimal uSquared = u[i].multiply(u[i]);
                sa = sa.add(deltas[i].multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(uSquared).pow(2)).pow(2));
                sb = sb.add(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(uSquared)
                        .multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(new BigDecimal(5.0).multiply(uSquared))));
                sc = sc.add(u[i].multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(uSquared).pow(2)));

        sigma = bigDecimalSqrtBabylonian(sa.multiply(new BigDecimal(n))).divide(sb.abs(),
        sigma = sigma.max(BigDecimal.valueOf(SQUID_TINY_VALUE));
        mean = previousMean.add(tee.multiply(sc).divide(sb, MathContext.DECIMAL128));

    } // both tests against epsilon must pass OR iterations top out
      // april 2016 Simon B discovered we need 101 iterations possible, hence the "<=" below
    while (((sigma.subtract(previousSigma).abs().divide(sigma, MathContext.DECIMAL128).compareTo(epsilon) > 0)//
            || mean.subtract(previousMean).abs().divide(mean, MathContext.DECIMAL128).compareTo(epsilon) > 0)//
            && (iterationCounter <= iterationMax));

    return new ValueModel(name, mean, "ABS", sigma);

From source file:com.skubit.iab.activities.TransactionDetailsActivity.java

private static final String formatCurrencyAmount(BigDecimal balanceNumber) {
    NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.getDefault());

    if (balanceNumber.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == -1) {
        balanceNumber = balanceNumber.multiply(new BigDecimal(-1));
    }//w  ww.ja va 2 s. c  o  m

    return numberFormat.format(balanceNumber);

From source file:Main.java

public static Duration subtract(XMLGregorianCalendar x1, XMLGregorianCalendar x2) {
    boolean positive = x1.compare(x2) >= 0;

    if (!positive) {
        XMLGregorianCalendar temp = x1;
        x1 = x2;//from   w  w  w  . jav  a2s .c o m
        x2 = temp;

    BigDecimal s1 = getSeconds(x1);
    BigDecimal s2 = getSeconds(x2);
    BigDecimal seconds = s1.subtract(s2);
    if (seconds.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
        seconds = seconds.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(60));

    GregorianCalendar g1 = x1.toGregorianCalendar();
    GregorianCalendar g2 = x2.toGregorianCalendar();

    int year = 0;
    for (int f : reverseFields) {
        if (f == Calendar.YEAR) {
            int year1 = g1.get(f);
            int year2 = g2.get(f);
            year = year1 - year2;
        } else {
            subtractField(g1, g2, f);

    return FACTORY.newDuration(positive, BigInteger.valueOf(year), BigInteger.valueOf(g1.get(Calendar.MONTH)),
            BigInteger.valueOf(g1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 1),
            BigInteger.valueOf(g1.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)), BigInteger.valueOf(g1.get(Calendar.MINUTE)),

From source file:och.comp.ops.BillingOps.java

public static boolean isNeedDeblockAccsState(BigDecimal oldBalance, BigDecimal newBalance,
        BigDecimal minActiveBalance) {
    if (oldBalance.compareTo(minActiveBalance) >= 0)
        return false;
    return newBalance.compareTo(minActiveBalance) >= 0;

From source file:org.fede.calculator.service.InvestmentServiceImpl.java

private static BigDecimal savingsPct(BigDecimal savingsNow, BigDecimal savingsThen, BigDecimal avgIncome) {
    if (savingsNow.compareTo(savingsThen) == 0) {
        return ZERO;
    }// w ww  .j  av  a 2s  .  c o  m
    return savingsNow.subtract(savingsThen).divide(avgIncome, CONTEXT);

From source file:Main.java

 * Write a {@link BigDecimal} value into XML output.
 * @param value//from   w ww  .  j ava  2 s . co m
 * value to write
 * @param min
 * minimal value
 * @param max
 * maximal value
 * @param precision
 * number of decimal places
 * @return
 * XML string
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 * if a validation error occured
private static String printDecimal(BigDecimal value, BigDecimal min, BigDecimal max, int precision,
        boolean zeroIncluded) {
    if (value == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided double value NULL is invalid!");
    value = value.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);

    if (min != null && value.compareTo(min) <= 0) {
        if (!zeroIncluded || !BigDecimal.ZERO.equals(value)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The provided double value " + value + " is too small (minimum is " + min + ")!");
    if (max != null && value.compareTo(max) >= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "The provided double value " + value + " is too high (maximum is " + max + ")!");

    return DatatypeConverter.printDecimal(value);

From source file:BigDSqrt.java

public static BigDecimal sqrt(BigDecimal n, int s) {
    BigDecimal TWO = BigDecimal.valueOf(2);

    // Obtain the first approximation
    BigDecimal x = n.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(3), s, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
    BigDecimal lastX = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);

    // Proceed through 50 iterations
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        x = n.add(x.multiply(x)).divide(x.multiply(TWO), s, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
        if (x.compareTo(lastX) == 0)
        lastX = x;//from  ww  w .j a  v a2s  .  c  o m
    return x;

From source file:uk.dsxt.voting.tests.TestDataGenerator.java

private static VoteResult generateVote(String id, HashMap<String, BigDecimal> securities, Voting voting) {
    VoteResult vote = new VoteResult(voting.getId(), id, securities.get(SECURITY));
    for (int j = 0; j < voting.getQuestions().length; j++) {
        String questionId = voting.getQuestions()[j].getId();

        if (voting.getQuestions()[j].isCanSelectMultiple()) {
            BigDecimal totalSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < voting.getQuestions()[j].getAnswers().length; i++) {
                String answerId = voting.getQuestions()[j].getAnswers()[i].getId();
                int amount = randomInt(0, vote.getPacketSize().subtract(totalSum).intValue());
                BigDecimal voteAmount = new BigDecimal(amount);
                totalSum = totalSum.add(voteAmount);
                if (voteAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0)
                    vote.setAnswer(questionId, answerId, voteAmount);
            }//from   ww  w  .  j  a  v a  2 s.  c  om
        } else {
            String answerId = voting.getQuestions()[j].getAnswers()[randomInt(0,
                    voting.getQuestions()[j].getAnswers().length - 1)].getId();
            BigDecimal voteAmount = new BigDecimal(randomInt(0, vote.getPacketSize().intValue()));
            if (voteAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0)
                vote.setAnswer(questionId, answerId, voteAmount);
    return vote;

From source file:com.squarespace.template.plugins.platform.CommerceUtils.java

public static JsonNode getNormalPriceMoneyNode(JsonNode item) {
    ProductType type = getProductType(item);
    JsonNode structuredContent = item.path("structuredContent");

    switch (type) {
    case PHYSICAL:
    case SERVICE:
    case GIFT_CARD:
        JsonNode variants = structuredContent.path("variants");
        if (variants.size() == 0) {
            return DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE;
        }//w  w w  .  jav  a  2  s.  co m
        JsonNode moneyNode = variants.get(0).path("priceMoney");
        BigDecimal price = getAmountFromMoneyNode(moneyNode);
        for (int i = 1; i < variants.size(); i++) {
            JsonNode currMoneyNode = variants.get(i).path("priceMoney");
            BigDecimal curr = getAmountFromMoneyNode(currMoneyNode);
            if (curr.compareTo(price) > 0) {
                price = curr;
                moneyNode = currMoneyNode;
        return moneyNode;

    case DIGITAL:
        JsonNode digitalMoneyNode = structuredContent.path("priceMoney");
        return digitalMoneyNode.isMissingNode() ? DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE : digitalMoneyNode;

        return DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE;