Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2017 Intuit Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import static*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext; import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.script.Bindings; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ScriptObjectMirror; import net.minidev.json.JSONObject; import net.minidev.json.JSONValue; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.bson.BsonDocument; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * * @author pthomas3 */ public class Script { public static final String VAR_SELF = "_"; public static final String VAR_DOLLAR = "$"; private Script() { // only static methods } private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Script.class); public static final boolean isCallSyntax(String text) { return text.startsWith("call "); } public static final boolean isGetSyntax(String text) { return text.startsWith("get "); } public static final boolean isJson(String text) { return text.startsWith("{") || text.startsWith("["); } public static final boolean isBson(String text) { return text.startsWith("B{"); } public static final boolean isXml(String text) { return text.startsWith("<"); } public static final boolean isXmlPath(String text) { return text.startsWith("/"); } public static final boolean isXmlPathFunction(String text) { return text.matches("^[a-z-]+\\(.+"); } public static final boolean isEmbeddedExpression(String text) { return text.startsWith("#(") && text.endsWith(")"); } public static final boolean isJsonPath(String text) { return text.startsWith("$.") || text.startsWith("$[") || text.equals("$"); } public static final boolean isVariable(String text) { return VARIABLE_PATTERN.matcher(text).matches(); } public static final boolean isVariableAndSpaceAndPath(String text) { return text.matches("^" + VARIABLE_PATTERN_STRING + "\\s+.+"); } public static final boolean isVariableAndJsonPath(String text) { return !text.endsWith(")") // hack, just to ignore JS method calls && text.matches("^" + VARIABLE_PATTERN_STRING + "\\..+"); } public static final boolean isVariableAndXmlPath(String text) { return text.matches("^" + VARIABLE_PATTERN_STRING + "/.*"); } public static final boolean isStringExpression(String text) { // somewhat of a cop out but should be sufficient // users can enclose complicated expressions in parantheses as a work around return text.startsWith("'") || text.startsWith("\"") || text.endsWith("'") || text.endsWith("\""); } public static boolean isJavaScriptFunction(String text) { return text.matches("^function\\s*[(].+"); } private static final Pattern VAR_AND_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\w+"); public static Pair<String, String> parseVariableAndPath(String text) { Matcher matcher = VAR_AND_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(text); matcher.find(); String name = text.substring(0, matcher.end()); String path; if (matcher.end() == text.length()) { path = ""; } else { path = text.substring(matcher.end()); } if (Script.isXmlPath(path) || Script.isXmlPathFunction(path)) { // xml, don't prefix for json } else { path = "$" + path; } return Pair.of(name, path); } public static ScriptValue eval(String text, ScriptContext context) { text = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(text); if (text.isEmpty()) { logger.trace("script is empty"); return ScriptValue.NULL; } if (isCallSyntax(text)) { // special case in form "call foo arg" text = text.substring(5); int pos = text.indexOf(' '); // TODO handle read('file with spaces in the name') String arg; if (pos != -1) { arg = text.substring(pos); text = text.substring(0, pos); } else { arg = null; } return call(text, arg, context); } else if (isGetSyntax(text)) { // special case in form // get json[*].path // get /xml/path // get xpath-function(expression) text = text.substring(4); String left; String right; if (isVariableAndSpaceAndPath(text)) { int pos = text.indexOf(' '); right = text.substring(pos + 1); left = text.substring(0, pos); } else { Pair<String, String> pair = parseVariableAndPath(text); left = pair.getLeft(); right = pair.getRight(); } if (isXmlPath(right) || isXmlPathFunction(right)) { return evalXmlPathOnVarByName(left, right, context); } else { return evalJsonPathOnVarByName(left, right, context); } } else if (isJsonPath(text)) { return evalJsonPathOnVarByName(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE, text, context); } else if (isJson(text)) { DocumentContext doc = JsonUtils.toJsonDoc(text); evalJsonEmbeddedExpressions(doc, context); return new ScriptValue(doc); } else if (isBson(text)) { text = text.substring(1); DocumentContext doc = JsonUtils.toJsonDoc(text); evalJsonEmbeddedExpressions(doc, context); JSONObject json = JSONValue.parse(doc.jsonString(), JSONObject.class); BsonDocument bson = BsonUtils.jsonToBson(json); return new ScriptValue(bson); } else if (isXml(text)) { Document doc = XmlUtils.toXmlDoc(text); evalXmlEmbeddedExpressions(doc, context); return new ScriptValue(doc); } else if (isXmlPath(text)) { return evalXmlPathOnVarByName(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE, text, context); } else if (isStringExpression(text)) { // has to be above variableAndXml/JsonPath because of / in URL-s etc return evalInNashorn(text, context); } else if (isVariableAndJsonPath(text)) { Pair<String, String> pair = parseVariableAndPath(text); return evalJsonPathOnVarByName(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight(), context); } else if (isVariableAndXmlPath(text)) { Pair<String, String> pair = parseVariableAndPath(text); return evalXmlPathOnVarByName(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight(), context); } else { // js expressions e.g. foo, foo(bar),, foo + bar, 5, true // including function declarations e.g. function() { } return evalInNashorn(text, context); } } public static ScriptValue evalXmlPathOnVarByName(String name, String exp, ScriptContext context) { ScriptValue value = context.vars.get(name); if (value == null) { logger.warn("no var found with name: {}", name); return ScriptValue.NULL; } switch (value.getType()) { case XML: Node doc = value.getValue(Node.class); String strVal = XmlUtils.getValueByPath(doc, exp); if (strVal != null) { // hack assuming this is the most common "intent" return new ScriptValue(strVal); } else { Node node = XmlUtils.getNodeByPath(doc, exp); return new ScriptValue(node); } default: throw new RuntimeException("cannot run xpath on type: " + value); } } public static ScriptValue evalJsonPathOnVarByName(String name, String exp, ScriptContext context) { ScriptValue value = context.vars.get(name); if (value == null) { logger.warn("no var found with name: {}", name); return ScriptValue.NULL; } switch (value.getType()) { case JSON: DocumentContext doc = value.getValue(DocumentContext.class); return new ScriptValue(; case MAP: // this happens because some jsonpath expressions evaluate to Map Map<String, Object> map = value.getValue(Map.class); DocumentContext fromMap = JsonPath.parse(map); return new ScriptValue(; case LIST: // this happens because some jsonpath expressions evaluate to List List list = value.getValue(List.class); DocumentContext fromList = JsonPath.parse(list); return new ScriptValue(; case XML: // time to auto-convert again Document xml = value.getValue(Document.class); DocumentContext xmlAsJson = XmlUtils.toJsonDoc(xml); return new ScriptValue(; default: throw new RuntimeException("cannot run jsonpath on type: " + value); } } public static ScriptValue evalInNashorn(String exp, ScriptContext context) { return evalInNashorn(exp, context, null, null); } public static ScriptValue evalInNashorn(String exp, ScriptContext context, ScriptValue selfValue, ScriptValue parentValue) { ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine nashorn = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn"); Bindings bindings = nashorn.getBindings(javax.script.ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); if (context != null) { Map<String, Object> map = context.getVariableBindings(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { bindings.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } bindings.put(ScriptContext.KARATE_NAME, new ScriptBridge(context)); } if (selfValue != null) { bindings.put(VAR_SELF, selfValue.getValue()); } if (parentValue != null) { bindings.put(VAR_DOLLAR, parentValue.getAfterConvertingFromJsonOrXmlIfNeeded()); } try { Object o = nashorn.eval(exp); ScriptValue result = new ScriptValue(o); logger.trace("nashorn returned: {}", result); return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("script failed: " + exp, e); } } public static ScriptValueMap clone(ScriptValueMap vars) { ScriptValueMap temp = new ScriptValueMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, ScriptValue> entry : vars.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); ScriptValue value = entry.getValue(); // TODO immutable / copy temp.put(key, value); } return temp; } public static Map<String, Object> simplify(ScriptValueMap vars) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(vars.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, ScriptValue> entry : vars.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); ScriptValue sv = entry.getValue(); if (sv == null) { logger.warn("vars has null vaue for key: {}", key); continue; } map.put(key, sv.getAfterConvertingFromJsonOrXmlIfNeeded()); } return map; } private static final String VARIABLE_PATTERN_STRING = "[a-zA-Z][\\w]*"; private static final Pattern VARIABLE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(VARIABLE_PATTERN_STRING); public static boolean isValidVariableName(String name) { return VARIABLE_PATTERN.matcher(name).matches(); } public static void evalJsonEmbeddedExpressions(DocumentContext doc, ScriptContext context) { Object o ="$"); evalJsonEmbeddedExpressions("$", o, context, doc); } private static void evalJsonEmbeddedExpressions(String path, Object o, ScriptContext context, DocumentContext root) { if (o == null) { return; } if (o instanceof Map) { Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) o; for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String childPath = path + "." + entry.getKey(); evalJsonEmbeddedExpressions(childPath, entry.getValue(), context, root); } } else if (o instanceof List) { List list = (List) o; int size = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object child = list.get(i); String childPath = path + "[" + i + "]"; evalJsonEmbeddedExpressions(childPath, child, context, root); } } else if (o instanceof String) { String value = (String) o; value = StringUtils.trim(value); if (isEmbeddedExpression(value)) { try { ScriptValue sv = evalInNashorn(value.substring(1), context); root.set(path, sv.getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("embedded json script eval failed at path {}: {}", path, e.getMessage()); } } } else { logger.trace("ignoring type: {} - {}", o.getClass(), o); } } public static void evalXmlEmbeddedExpressions(Node node, ScriptContext context) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { node = node.getFirstChild(); } NamedNodeMap attribs = node.getAttributes(); int attribCount = attribs.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < attribCount; i++) { Attr attrib = (Attr) attribs.item(i); String value = attrib.getValue(); value = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value); if (isEmbeddedExpression(value)) { try { ScriptValue sv = evalInNashorn(value.substring(1), context); attrib.setValue(sv.getAsString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("embedded xml-attribute script eval failed: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); int childCount = nodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { Node child = nodes.item(i); String value = child.getNodeValue(); if (value != null) { value = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value); if (isEmbeddedExpression(value)) { try { ScriptValue sv = evalInNashorn(value.substring(1), context); child.setNodeValue(sv.getAsString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("embedded xml-text script eval failed: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } else if (child.hasChildNodes()) { evalXmlEmbeddedExpressions(child, context); } } } public static void assign(String name, String exp, ScriptContext context) { assign(AssignType.AUTO, name, exp, context); } public static void assignText(String name, String exp, ScriptContext context) { assign(AssignType.TEXT, name, exp, context); } public static void assignYaml(String name, String exp, ScriptContext context) { assign(AssignType.YAML, name, exp, context); } private static void assign(AssignType type, String name, String exp, ScriptContext context) { name = StringUtils.trim(name); if (!isValidVariableName(name)) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid variable name: " + name); } if ("request".equals(name) || "url".equals(name)) { throw new RuntimeException( "'" + name + "' is not a variable, use the form '* " + name + " " + exp + "' instead"); } ScriptValue sv; switch (type) { case TEXT: exp = exp.replace("\n", "\\n"); if (!isQuoted(exp)) { exp = "'" + exp + "'"; } sv = evalInNashorn(exp, context); break; case YAML: DocumentContext doc = JsonUtils.fromYaml(exp); evalJsonEmbeddedExpressions(doc, context); sv = new ScriptValue(doc); break; default: // AUTO sv = eval(exp, context); } logger.trace("assigning {} = {} evaluated to {}", name, exp, sv); context.vars.put(name, sv); } public static boolean isQuoted(String exp) { return exp.startsWith("'") || exp.startsWith("\""); } public static AssertionResult matchNamed(String name, String path, String expected, ScriptContext context) { return matchNamed(MatchType.EQUALS, name, path, expected, context); } public static AssertionResult matchNamed(MatchType matchType, String name, String path, String expected, ScriptContext context) { name = StringUtils.trim(name); if (isJsonPath(name) || isXmlPath(name)) { // short-cut for operating on response path = name; name = ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE; } path = StringUtils.trimToNull(path); if (path == null) { Pair<String, String> pair = parseVariableAndPath(name); name = pair.getLeft(); path = pair.getRight(); } expected = StringUtils.trim(expected); if ("header".equals(name)) { // convenience shortcut for asserting against response header return matchNamed(matchType, ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE_HEADERS, "$['" + path + "'][0]", expected, context); } else { ScriptValue actual = context.vars.get(name); switch (actual.getType()) { case STRING: case INPUT_STREAM: return matchString(matchType, actual, expected, path, context); case XML: if ("$".equals(path)) { path = "/"; // whole document, also edge case where variable name was 'response' } if (!isJsonPath(path)) { return matchXmlPath(matchType, actual, path, expected, context); } // break; // fall through to JSON. yes, dot notation can be used on XML !! default: return matchJsonPath(matchType, actual, path, expected, context); } } } public static AssertionResult matchString(MatchType matchType, ScriptValue actual, String expected, String path, ScriptContext context) { ScriptValue expectedValue = eval(expected, context); expected = expectedValue.getAsString(); return matchStringOrPattern('*', path, matchType, null, actual, expected, context); } public static boolean isValidator(String text) { return text.startsWith("#"); } public static AssertionResult matchStringOrPattern(char delimiter, String path, MatchType matchType, Object actRoot, ScriptValue actValue, String expected, ScriptContext context) { if (expected == null) { if (!actValue.isNull()) { return matchFailed(path, actValue.getValue(), expected, "actual value is not null"); } } else if (isEmbeddedExpression(expected)) { ScriptValue parentValue = getValueOfParentNode(actRoot, path); ScriptValue expValue = evalInNashorn(expected.substring(1), context, actValue, parentValue); return matchNestedObject(delimiter, path, matchType, actRoot, actValue.getValue(), expValue.getValue(), context); } else if (isValidator(expected)) { String validatorName = expected.substring(1); if (validatorName.startsWith("regex")) { String regex = validatorName.substring(5); RegexValidator v = new RegexValidator(regex); ValidationResult vr = v.validate(actValue); if (!vr.isPass()) { // TODO wrap string values in quotes return matchFailed(path, actValue.getValue(), expected, vr.getMessage()); } } else if (validatorName.startsWith("?")) { String exp = validatorName.substring(1); ScriptValue parentValue = getValueOfParentNode(actRoot, path); ScriptValue result = Script.evalInNashorn(exp, context, actValue, parentValue); if (!result.isBooleanTrue()) { return matchFailed(path, actValue.getValue(), expected, "did not evaluate to 'true'"); } } else { Validator v = context.validators.get(validatorName); if (v == null) { return matchFailed(path, actValue.getValue(), expected, "unknown validator"); } else { ValidationResult vr = v.validate(actValue); if (!vr.isPass()) { return matchFailed(path, actValue.getValue(), expected, vr.getMessage()); } } } } else { String actual = actValue.getAsString(); switch (matchType) { case CONTAINS: if (!actual.contains(expected)) { return matchFailed(path, actual, expected, "not a sub-string"); } break; case EQUALS: if (!expected.equals(actual)) { return matchFailed(path, actual, expected, "not equal"); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("unsupported match type for string: " + matchType); } } return AssertionResult.PASS; } private static ScriptValue getValueOfParentNode(Object actRoot, String path) { if (actRoot instanceof DocumentContext) { Pair<String, String> parentAndLeaf = JsonUtils.getParentAndLeafPath(path); DocumentContext actDoc = (DocumentContext) actRoot; Object thisObject =; return new ScriptValue(thisObject); } else { return null; } } public static AssertionResult matchXmlPath(MatchType matchType, ScriptValue actual, String path, String expression, ScriptContext context) { Document actualDoc = actual.getValue(Document.class); Node actNode = XmlUtils.getNodeByPath(actualDoc, path); ScriptValue expected = eval(expression, context); Object actObject; Object expObject; switch (expected.getType()) { case XML: // convert to map and then compare Node expNode = expected.getValue(Node.class); expObject = XmlUtils.toObject(expNode); actObject = XmlUtils.toObject(actNode); break; default: // try string comparison actObject = new ScriptValue(actNode).getAsString(); expObject = expected.getAsString(); } if ("/".equals(path)) { path = ""; // else error x-paths reported would start with "//" } return matchNestedObject('/', path, matchType, actualDoc, actObject, expObject, context); } private static MatchType getInnerMatchType(MatchType outerMatchType) { switch (outerMatchType) { case EACH_CONTAINS: return MatchType.CONTAINS; case EACH_EQUALS: return MatchType.EQUALS; default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected outer match type: " + outerMatchType); } } public static AssertionResult matchJsonPath(MatchType matchType, ScriptValue actual, String path, String expression, ScriptContext context) { DocumentContext actualDoc; switch (actual.getType()) { case JSON: actualDoc = actual.getValue(DocumentContext.class); break; case JS_ARRAY: // happens for json resulting from nashorn ScriptObjectMirror som = actual.getValue(ScriptObjectMirror.class); actualDoc = JsonPath.parse(som.values()); break; case JS_OBJECT: // is a map-like object, happens for json resulting from nashorn case MAP: // this happens because some jsonpath operations result in Map Map<String, Object> map = actual.getValue(Map.class); actualDoc = JsonPath.parse(map); break; case LIST: // this also happens because some jsonpath operations result in List List list = actual.getValue(List.class); actualDoc = JsonPath.parse(list); break; case XML: // auto convert ! actualDoc = XmlUtils.toJsonDoc(actual.getValue(Node.class)); break; case STRING: // an edge case when the variable is a plain string not JSON, so switch to plain string compare String actualString = actual.getValue(String.class); ScriptValue expected = eval(expression, context); // exit the function early if (!expected.isString()) { return matchFailed(path, actualString, expected.getValue(), "type of actual value is 'string' but that of expected is " + expected.getType()); } else { return matchStringOrPattern('.', path, matchType, null, actual, expected.getValue(String.class), context); } case PRIMITIVE: return matchPrimitive(path, actual.getValue(), eval(expression, context).getValue()); default: throw new RuntimeException("not json, cannot do json path for value: " + actual + ", path: " + path); } Object actObject =; ScriptValue expected = eval(expression, context); Object expObject; switch (expected.getType()) { case JSON: expObject = expected.getValue(DocumentContext.class).read("$"); break; default: expObject = expected.getValue(); } switch (matchType) { case CONTAINS_ONLY: case CONTAINS: if (actObject instanceof List && !(expObject instanceof List)) { // if RHS is not a list, make it so expObject = Collections.singletonList(expObject); } case EQUALS: return matchNestedObject('.', path, matchType, actualDoc, actObject, expObject, context); case EACH_CONTAINS: case EACH_EQUALS: if (actObject instanceof List) { List actList = (List) actObject; MatchType listMatchType = getInnerMatchType(matchType); int actSize = actList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < actSize; i++) { Object actListObject = actList.get(i); String listPath = path + "[" + i + "]"; AssertionResult ar = matchNestedObject('.', listPath, listMatchType, actualDoc, actListObject, expObject, context); if (!ar.pass) { return ar; } } return AssertionResult.PASS; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "'match each' failed, not a json array: + " + actual + ", path: " + path); } default: // dead code return AssertionResult.PASS; } } private static String getLeafNameFromXmlPath(String path) { int pos = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (pos == -1) { return path; } else { path = path.substring(pos + 1); pos = path.indexOf('['); if (pos != -1) { return path.substring(0, pos); } else { return path; } } } private static Object toXmlString(String elementName, Object o) { if (o instanceof Map) { Node node = XmlUtils.fromObject(elementName, o); return XmlUtils.toString(node); } else { return o; } } public static AssertionResult matchFailed(String path, Object actObject, Object expObject, String reason) { if (path.startsWith("/")) { String leafName = getLeafNameFromXmlPath(path); actObject = toXmlString(leafName, actObject); expObject = toXmlString(leafName, expObject); path = path.replace("/@/", "/@"); } String message = String.format("path: %s, actual: %s, expected: %s, reason: %s", path, actObject, expObject, reason); logger.trace("assertion failed - {}", message); return; } public static AssertionResult matchNestedObject(char delimiter, String path, MatchType matchType, Object actRoot, Object actObject, Object expObject, ScriptContext context) { logger.trace("path: {}, actual: '{}', expected: '{}'", path, actObject, expObject); if (expObject == null) { if (actObject != null) { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "actual value is not null"); } return AssertionResult.PASS; // both are null } if (expObject instanceof String) { ScriptValue actValue = new ScriptValue(actObject); return matchStringOrPattern(delimiter, path, matchType, actRoot, actValue, expObject.toString(), context); } else if (expObject instanceof Map) { if (!(actObject instanceof Map)) { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "actual value is not of type 'map'"); } Map<String, Object> expMap = (Map) expObject; Map<String, Object> actMap = (Map) actObject; if (matchType != MatchType.CONTAINS && actMap.size() > expMap.size()) { // > is because of the chance of #ignore return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "actual value has more keys than expected - " + actMap.size() + ":" + expMap.size()); } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> expEntry : expMap.entrySet()) { // TDDO should we assert order, maybe XML needs this ? String key = expEntry.getKey(); String childPath = path + delimiter + key; AssertionResult ar = matchNestedObject(delimiter, childPath, MatchType.EQUALS, actRoot, actMap.get(key), expEntry.getValue(), context); if (!ar.pass) { return ar; } } return AssertionResult.PASS; // map compare done } else if (expObject instanceof List) { List expList = (List) expObject; List actList = (List) actObject; int actCount = actList.size(); int expCount = expList.size(); if (matchType != MatchType.CONTAINS && actCount != expCount) { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "actual and expected arrays are not the same size - " + actCount + ":" + expCount); } if (matchType == MatchType.CONTAINS || matchType == MatchType.CONTAINS_ONLY) { // just checks for existence for (Object expListObject : expList) { // for each expected item in the list boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < actCount; i++) { Object actListObject = actList.get(i); String listPath = buildListPath(delimiter, path, i); AssertionResult ar = matchNestedObject(delimiter, listPath, MatchType.EQUALS, actRoot, actListObject, expListObject, context); if (ar.pass) { // exact match, we found it found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return matchFailed(path + "[*]", actObject, expListObject, "actual value does not contain expected"); } } return AssertionResult.PASS; // all items were found } else { // exact compare of list elements and order for (int i = 0; i < expCount; i++) { Object expListObject = expList.get(i); Object actListObject = actList.get(i); String listPath = buildListPath(delimiter, path, i); AssertionResult ar = matchNestedObject(delimiter, listPath, MatchType.EQUALS, actRoot, actListObject, expListObject, context); if (!ar.pass) { return matchFailed(listPath, actListObject, expListObject, "[" + ar.message + "]"); } } return AssertionResult.PASS; // lists (and order) are identical } } else if (ClassUtils.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(expObject.getClass())) { return matchPrimitive(path, actObject, expObject); } else if (expObject instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal expNumber = (BigDecimal) expObject; if (actObject instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal actNumber = (BigDecimal) actObject; if (actNumber.compareTo(expNumber) != 0) { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal (big decimal)"); } } else { BigDecimal actNumber = convertToBigDecimal(actObject); if (actNumber == null || actNumber.compareTo(expNumber) != 0) { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal (primitive : big decimal)"); } } return AssertionResult.PASS; } else { // this should never happen throw new RuntimeException("unexpected type: " + expObject.getClass()); } } private static String buildListPath(char delimiter, String path, int index) { int listIndex = delimiter == '/' ? index + 1 : index; return path + "[" + listIndex + "]"; } private static BigDecimal convertToBigDecimal(Object o) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(); df.setParseBigDecimal(true); try { return (BigDecimal) df.parse(o.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("big decimal conversion failed: {}", e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static AssertionResult matchPrimitive(String path, Object actObject, Object expObject) { if (actObject == null) { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "actual value is null"); } if (!expObject.getClass().equals(actObject.getClass())) { if (actObject instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal actNumber = (BigDecimal) actObject; BigDecimal expNumber = convertToBigDecimal(expObject); if (expNumber == null || expNumber.compareTo(actNumber) != 0) { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal (big decimal : primitive)"); } else { return AssertionResult.PASS; } } else { // types are not the same, use the JS engine for a lenient equality check String exp = actObject + " == " + expObject; ScriptValue sv = evalInNashorn(exp, null); if (sv.isBooleanTrue()) { return AssertionResult.PASS; } else { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal"); } } } if (!expObject.equals(actObject)) { return matchFailed(path, actObject, expObject, "not equal"); } else { return AssertionResult.PASS; // primitives, are equal } } public static void setValueByPath(String name, String path, String exp, ScriptContext context) { name = StringUtils.trim(name); if ("request".equals(name) || "url".equals(name)) { throw new RuntimeException("'" + name + "' is not a variable," + " use the form '* " + name + " <expression>' to initialize the " + name + ", and <expression> can be a variable"); } path = StringUtils.trimToNull(path); if (path == null) { Pair<String, String> pair = parseVariableAndPath(name); name = pair.getLeft(); path = pair.getRight(); } if (isJsonPath(path)) { ScriptValue target = context.vars.get(name); ScriptValue value = eval(exp, context); switch (target.getType()) { case JSON: DocumentContext dc = target.getValue(DocumentContext.class); JsonUtils.setValueByPath(dc, path, value.getAfterConvertingFromJsonOrXmlIfNeeded()); break; case MAP: Map<String, Object> map = target.getValue(Map.class); DocumentContext fromMap = JsonPath.parse(map); JsonUtils.setValueByPath(fromMap, path, value.getAfterConvertingFromJsonOrXmlIfNeeded()); context.vars.put(name, fromMap); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("cannot set json path on unexpected type: " + target); } } else if (isXmlPath(path)) { Document doc = context.vars.get(name, Document.class); ScriptValue sv = eval(exp, context); switch (sv.getType()) { case XML: Node node = sv.getValue(Node.class); XmlUtils.setByPath(doc, path, node); break; default: XmlUtils.setByPath(doc, path, sv.getAsString()); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("unexpected path: " + path); } } public static ScriptValue call(String name, String argString, ScriptContext context) { ScriptValue argValue = eval(argString, context); ScriptValue sv = eval(name, context); switch (sv.getType()) { case JS_FUNCTION: switch (argValue.getType()) { case JSON: // force to java map (or list) argValue = new ScriptValue(argValue.getValue(DocumentContext.class).read("$")); case STRING: case PRIMITIVE: case NULL: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("only json or primitives allowed as (single) function call argument"); } ScriptObjectMirror som = sv.getValue(ScriptObjectMirror.class); return evalFunctionCall(som, argValue.getValue(), context); case FEATURE_WRAPPER: Object callArg = null; switch (argValue.getType()) { case LIST: callArg = argValue.getValue(List.class); break; case JSON: callArg = argValue.getValue(DocumentContext.class).read("$"); break; case MAP: callArg = argValue.getValue(Map.class); break; case NULL: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("only json, list/array or map allowed as feature call argument"); } FeatureWrapper feature = sv.getValue(FeatureWrapper.class); return evalFeatureCall(feature, callArg, context); default: logger.warn("not a js function or feature file: {} - {}", name, sv); return ScriptValue.NULL; } } public static ScriptValue evalFunctionCall(ScriptObjectMirror som, Object callArg, ScriptContext context) { // ensure that things like 'karate.get' operate on the latest variable state som.setMember(ScriptContext.KARATE_NAME, new ScriptBridge(context)); // convenience for users, can use 'karate' instead of 'this.karate' som.eval(String.format("var %s = this.%s", ScriptContext.KARATE_NAME, ScriptContext.KARATE_NAME)); Object result; if (callArg != null) { result =, callArg); } else { result =; } return new ScriptValue(result); } public static ScriptValue evalFeatureCall(FeatureWrapper feature, Object callArg, ScriptContext context) { if (callArg instanceof List) { // JSON array List list = (List) callArg; int count = list.size(); List result = new ArrayList(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Object rowArg = list.get(i); if (rowArg instanceof Map) { try { ScriptValue rowResult = evalFeatureCall(feature, context, (Map) rowArg); result.add(rowResult.getValue()); } catch (KarateException ke) { String message = "loop feature call failed, index: " + i + ", arg: " + rowArg + ", items: " + list; throw new KarateException(message, ke); } } else { throw new RuntimeException( "argument not json or map for feature call loop array position: " + i + ", " + rowArg); } } return new ScriptValue(result); } else if (callArg == null || callArg instanceof Map) { try { return evalFeatureCall(feature, context, (Map) callArg); } catch (KarateException ke) { String message = "feature call failed, arg: " + callArg; throw new KarateException(message, ke); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("unexpected feature call arg type: " + callArg.getClass()); } } private static ScriptValue evalFeatureCall(FeatureWrapper feature, ScriptContext context, Map<String, Object> callArg) { ScriptValueMap svm =, context, callArg); Map<String, Object> map = simplify(svm); return new ScriptValue(map); } public static Map<String, Object> toMap(ScriptObjectMirror som) { String[] keys = som.getOwnKeys(false); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(keys.length); for (String key : keys) { Object value = som.get(key); map.put(key, value); logger.trace("unpacked from js: {}: {}", key, value); } return map; } public static void callAndUpdateVars(String name, String arg, ScriptContext context) { ScriptValue sv = call(name, arg, context); Map<String, Object> result; switch (sv.getType()) { case JS_OBJECT: result = toMap(sv.getValue(ScriptObjectMirror.class)); break; case MAP: result = sv.getValue(Map.class); break; default: logger.debug("no vars returned from function call result: {}", sv); return; } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : result.entrySet()) { context.vars.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); logger.trace("unpacked var from map: {}", entry); } } public static Map<String, Validator> getDefaultValidators() { Map<String, Validator> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("ignore", IgnoreValidator.INSTANCE); map.put("null", NullValidator.INSTANCE); map.put("notnull", NotNullValidator.INSTANCE); map.put("uuid", UuidValidator.INSTANCE); map.put("string", StringValidator.INSTANCE); map.put("number", NumberValidator.INSTANCE); map.put("boolean", BooleanValidator.INSTANCE); map.put("array", ArrayValidator.INSTANCE); map.put("object", ObjectValidator.INSTANCE); return map; } public static AssertionResult assertBoolean(String expression, ScriptContext context) { ScriptValue result = Script.evalInNashorn(expression, context); if (!result.isBooleanTrue()) { return"assert evaluated to false: " + expression); } return AssertionResult.PASS; } }