List of usage examples for java.lang Thread setName
public final synchronized void setName(String name)
From source
private @Nonnull List<VirtualMachine> runInstances(@Nonnull VMLaunchOptions cfg, @Nonnegative int instanceCount) throws CloudException, InternalException { List<VirtualMachine> servers = new ArrayList<VirtualMachine>(); // instance cache List<String> instanceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // instanceId cache ProviderContext ctx = getProvider().getContext(); if (ctx == null) { throw new CloudException("No context was established for this request"); }/*w ww. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ MachineImage img = null; final ComputeServices computeServices = getProvider().getComputeServices(); if (computeServices != null) { img = computeServices.getImageSupport().getImage(cfg.getMachineImageId()); } if (img == null) { throw new AWSResourceNotFoundException("No such machine image: " + cfg.getMachineImageId()); } Map<String, String> parameters = getProvider().getStandardParameters(getProvider().getContext(), EC2Method.RUN_INSTANCES); String ramdiskImage = (String) cfg.getMetaData().get("ramdiskImageId"), kernelImage = (String) cfg.getMetaData().get("kernelImageId"); EC2Method method; NodeList blocks; Document doc; parameters.put("ImageId", cfg.getMachineImageId()); parameters.put("MinCount", String.valueOf(instanceCount)); parameters.put("MaxCount", String.valueOf(instanceCount)); parameters.put("InstanceType", cfg.getStandardProductId()); AWSCloud.addValueIfNotNull(parameters, "ramdiskId", ramdiskImage); AWSCloud.addValueIfNotNull(parameters, "kernelId", kernelImage); AWSCloud.addValueIfNotNull(parameters, "IamInstanceProfile.Arn", cfg.getRoleId()); if (cfg.getUserData() != null) { try { parameters.put("UserData", Base64.encodeBase64String(cfg.getUserData().getBytes("utf-8"))); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new InternalException(e); } } if (cfg.isPreventApiTermination()) { parameters.put("DisableApiTermination", "true"); } if (cfg.getDataCenterId() != null) { parameters.put("Placement.AvailabilityZone", cfg.getDataCenterId()); } else if (cfg.getVolumes().length > 0) { for (VolumeAttachment a : cfg.getVolumes()) { if (a.volumeToCreate != null) { String dc = a.volumeToCreate.getDataCenterId(); if (dc != null) { cfg.inDataCenter(dc); break; } } } } AWSCloud.addValueIfNotNull(parameters, "KeyName", cfg.getBootstrapKey()); if (getProvider().getEC2Provider().isAWS()) { parameters.put("Monitoring.Enabled", String.valueOf(cfg.isExtendedAnalytics())); } if (cfg.isIoOptimized()) { parameters.put("EbsOptimized", "true"); } AWSCloud.addValueIfNotNull(parameters, "Placement.GroupName", cfg.getAffinityGroupId()); final ArrayList<VolumeAttachment> existingVolumes = new ArrayList<VolumeAttachment>(); TreeSet<String> deviceIds = new TreeSet<String>(); if (cfg.getVolumes().length > 0) { Iterable<String> possibles = getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport() .listPossibleDeviceIds(img.getPlatform()); int i = 1; for (VolumeAttachment a : cfg.getVolumes()) { if (a.deviceId != null) { deviceIds.add(a.deviceId); } else if (a.volumeToCreate != null && a.volumeToCreate.getDeviceId() != null) { deviceIds.add(a.volumeToCreate.getDeviceId()); a.deviceId = a.volumeToCreate.getDeviceId(); } } for (VolumeAttachment a : cfg.getVolumes()) { if (a.deviceId == null) { for (String id : possibles) { if (!deviceIds.contains(id)) { a.deviceId = id; deviceIds.add(id); } } if (a.deviceId == null) { throw new InternalException("Unable to identify a device ID for volume"); } } if (a.existingVolumeId == null) { parameters.put("BlockDeviceMapping." + i + ".DeviceName", a.deviceId); VolumeProduct prd = getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport() .getVolumeProduct(a.volumeToCreate.getVolumeProductId()); parameters.put("BlockDeviceMapping." + i + ".Ebs.VolumeType", prd.getProviderProductId()); if (a.volumeToCreate.getIops() > 0) { parameters.put("BlockDeviceMapping." + i + ".Ebs.Iops", String.valueOf(a.volumeToCreate.getIops())); } if (a.volumeToCreate.getSnapshotId() != null) { parameters.put("BlockDeviceMapping." + i + ".Ebs.SnapshotId", a.volumeToCreate.getSnapshotId()); } else { parameters.put("BlockDeviceMapping." + i + ".Ebs.VolumeSize", String.valueOf(a.volumeToCreate.getVolumeSize().getQuantity().intValue())); } i++; } else { existingVolumes.add(a); } } } if (cfg.getSubnetId() == null) { AWSCloud.addIndexedParameters(parameters, "SecurityGroupId.", cfg.getFirewallIds()); } else if (cfg.getNetworkInterfaces() != null && cfg.getNetworkInterfaces().length > 0) { VMLaunchOptions.NICConfig[] nics = cfg.getNetworkInterfaces(); int i = 1; for (VMLaunchOptions.NICConfig c : nics) { parameters.put("NetworkInterface." + i + ".DeviceIndex", String.valueOf(i)); // this only applies for the first NIC if (i == 1) { parameters.put("NetworkInterface.1.AssociatePublicIpAddress", String.valueOf(cfg.isAssociatePublicIpAddress())); } if (c.nicId == null) { parameters.put("NetworkInterface." + i + ".SubnetId", c.nicToCreate.getSubnetId()); parameters.put("NetworkInterface." + i + ".Description", c.nicToCreate.getDescription()); AWSCloud.addValueIfNotNull(parameters, "NetworkInterface." + i + ".PrivateIpAddress", c.nicToCreate.getIpAddress()); AWSCloud.addIndexedParameters(parameters, "NetworkInterface." + i + ".SecurityGroupId.", c.nicToCreate.getFirewallIds()); } else { parameters.put("NetworkInterface." + i + ".NetworkInterfaceId", c.nicId); } i++; } } else { parameters.put("NetworkInterface.1.DeviceIndex", "0"); parameters.put("NetworkInterface.1.SubnetId", cfg.getSubnetId()); parameters.put("NetworkInterface.1.AssociatePublicIpAddress", String.valueOf(cfg.isAssociatePublicIpAddress())); AWSCloud.addValueIfNotNull(parameters, "NetworkInterface.1.PrivateIpAddress", cfg.getPrivateIp()); AWSCloud.addIndexedParameters(parameters, "NetworkInterface.1.SecurityGroupId.", cfg.getFirewallIds()); } // Send request to AWS method = new EC2Method(getProvider(), parameters); try { doc = method.invoke(); } catch (EC2Exception e) { String code = e.getCode(); if (code != null && code.equals("InsufficientInstanceCapacity")) { return servers; } logger.error(e.getSummary()); throw new CloudException(e); } blocks = doc.getElementsByTagName("instancesSet"); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.getLength(); i++) { NodeList instances = blocks.item(i).getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < instances.getLength(); j++) { Node instance = instances.item(j); if (instance.getNodeName().equals("item")) { VirtualMachine server = toVirtualMachine(ctx, instance, new ArrayList<IpAddress>() /* can't be an elastic IP */); if (server != null) { servers.add(server); instanceIds.add(server.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); } } } } // Wait for EC2 to figure out the server exists List<VirtualMachine> serversCopy = describeInstances(instanceIds.toArray(new String[instanceIds.size()])); long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + CalendarWrapper.MINUTE; while (timeout > System.currentTimeMillis() && serversCopy.size() < servers.size()) { try { Thread.sleep(5000L); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } try { serversCopy = describeInstances(instanceIds.toArray(new String[instanceIds.size()])); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } // FIXME: not clear what is to be done if time is out but `serversCopy` is still less than `servers` // Set all instances their tags List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(); Map<String, Object> meta = cfg.getMetaData(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : meta.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("name") || entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("description")) { continue; } // Tag value can be null, make sure we are careful tags.add(new Tag(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() == null ? "" : entry.getValue().toString())); } tags.add(new Tag("Name", cfg.getFriendlyName())); tags.add(new Tag("Description", cfg.getDescription())); if (cfg.getVirtualMachineGroup() != null) { tags.add(new Tag("dsnVMGroup", cfg.getVirtualMachineGroup())); } getProvider().createTags(instanceIds.toArray(new String[instanceIds.size()]), tags.toArray(new Tag[tags.size()])); // Set all instances their passwords and attach volumes for (VirtualMachine server : servers) { if (cfg.isIpForwardingAllowed()) { enableIpForwarding(server.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); } if (cfg.isIpForwardingAllowed()) { enableIpForwarding(server.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); } if (server != null && cfg.getBootstrapKey() != null) { try { final String sid = server.getProviderVirtualMachineId(); try { Callable<String> callable = new GetPassCallable(sid, getProvider()); String password =; if (password == null) { server.setRootPassword(null); server.setPasswordCallback(callable); } else { server.setRootPassword(password); } server.setPlatform(Platform.WINDOWS); } catch (CloudException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Unable to retrieve password for " + server.getProviderVirtualMachineId() + ", Let's hope it's Unix: " + t.getMessage()); } } if (!existingVolumes.isEmpty()) { final VirtualMachine vm = server; getProvider().hold(); Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { for (VolumeAttachment a : existingVolumes) { try { if (computeServices != null) { computeServices.getVolumeSupport().attach(a.existingVolumeId, vm.getProviderMachineImageId(), a.deviceId); } } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore all errors } } } finally { getProvider().release(); } } }; thread.setName("Volume Mounter for " + server); thread.start(); } } return servers; }
From source
/** * Executes a reactor./* w w w .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * * @param is * If non-null, this can be consulted for ignoring some tasks. Only used during the initialization of Jenkins. */ private void executeReactor(final InitStrategy is, TaskBuilder... builders) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ReactorException { Reactor reactor = new Reactor(builders) { /** * Sets the thread name to the task for better diagnostics. */ @Override protected void runTask(Task task) throws Exception { if (is != null && is.skipInitTask(task)) return; ACL.impersonate(ACL.SYSTEM); // full access in the initialization thread String taskName = task.getDisplayName(); Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); String name = t.getName(); if (taskName != null) t.setName(taskName); try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); super.runTask(task); if (LOG_STARTUP_PERFORMANCE)"Took %dms for %s by %s", System.currentTimeMillis() - start, taskName, name)); } finally { t.setName(name); SecurityContextHolder.clearContext(); } } }; new InitReactorRunner() { @Override protected void onInitMilestoneAttained(InitMilestone milestone) { initLevel = milestone; } }.run(reactor); }
From source
SQLPaxosLogger(int id, String strID, String dbPath, PaxosMessenger<?> messenger) { super(id, dbPath, messenger); this.strID = strID; GC = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2, new ThreadFactory() { @Override/*from www. ja va 2 s .c om*/ public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread thread = Executors.defaultThreadFactory().newThread(r); thread.setName(SQLPaxosLogger.class.getSimpleName() + ":" + strID); return thread; } }); // new Timer(strID); addDerbyLogger(this); this.journaler = new Journaler(this.logDirectory, this.strID/* this.myID */); this.deleteTmpJournalFiles(); this.mapDB = USE_MAP_DB ? new MapDBContainer(DBMaker.fileDB(new File(this.getLogIndexDBPrefix())).make(), DBMaker.memoryDB().transactionDisable().make()) : null; Diskable<String, LogIndex> disk = new Diskable<String, LogIndex>() { @Override public Set<String> commit(Map<String, LogIndex> toCommit) throws IOException { return SQLPaxosLogger.this.pauseLogIndex(toCommit); } @Override public LogIndex restore(String key) throws IOException { return SQLPaxosLogger.this.unpauseLogIndex(key); } public String toString() { return MessageLogDiskMap.class.getSimpleName() + SQLPaxosLogger.this.strID; } }; this.messageLog = USE_MAP_DB ? new MessageLogMapDB(this.mapDB.inMemory, this.mapDB.onDisk, disk) : USE_DISK_MAP ? new MessageLogDiskMap(disk) : new MessageLogPausable(disk); // will set up db, connection, tables, etc. as needed if (!initialize(true)) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initiate " + PaxosManager.class.getSimpleName() + " for " + id); ; }
From source
private void enableIpForwarding(final String instanceId) throws CloudException { Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "enableIpForwarding"); long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + CalendarWrapper.MINUTE; while (timeout > System.currentTimeMillis()) { try { Map<String, String> params = getProvider().getStandardParameters(getProvider().getContext(), EC2Method.MODIFY_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE); EC2Method m;//from w w w.j av a2 s . c o m params.put("InstanceId", instanceId); params.put("SourceDestCheck.Value", "false"); m = new EC2Method(getProvider(), params); m.invoke(); return; } catch (EC2Exception ex) { if (ex.getStatus() != 404) { logger.error("Unable to modify instance attributes on " + instanceId + ".", ex); return; } } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error("Unable to modify instance attributes on " + instanceId + ".", ex); return; } finally { APITrace.end(); } try { Thread.sleep(5000L); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } } }; t.setName(EC2Method.MODIFY_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE + " thread"); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); }
From source
@Override public void process() { System.out.print("Reading query..."); final Reconstruction query = getReconstruction("query"); System.out.println("done"); System.out.print("Reading reference..."); final Reconstruction reference = getReconstruction("reference"); System.out.println("done"); System.out.printf(" Query reconstruction %20s %6s,%6s\n", query.getAccession(), query.getMetabolome().size(), query.getReactome().size()); System.out.printf("Reference reconstruction %20s %6s,%6s\n", reference.getAccession(), reference.getMetabolome().size(), reference.getReactome().size()); if (has("profile")) { // break point for starting visual vm Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Ready to go? [y/n]:\n"); while (!scanner.nextLine().equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // await signal System.out.println("Okay, let me know"); System.out.print("Ready to go? [y/n]:"); }/*from ww w . j ava 2 s . c om*/ } MolecularHashFactory.getInstance().setDepth(1); final EntityAligner<Metabolite> aligner = new MappedEntityAligner<Metabolite>( reference.getMetabolome().toList(), false); final List<MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher> hashCodeMatchers = new ArrayList<MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher>(); hashCodeMatchers.add(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, StereoSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, ChargeSeed.class)); hashCodeMatchers.add(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, StereoSeed.class)); hashCodeMatchers.add(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, ChargeSeed.class)); aligner.push(new DirectMatcher<Metabolite>()); aligner.push(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, StereoSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, ChargeSeed.class)); aligner.push(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, StereoSeed.class)); aligner.push(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, ChargeSeed.class)); aligner.push(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class)); aligner.push(new NameMatcher<Metabolite>()); aligner.push(new NameMatcher<Metabolite>(true, true)); final EntityMatcher<Metabolite, ?> nameMatcher = new NameMatcher<Metabolite>(true, true); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Collection<Metabolite> unmatched = new ArrayList<Metabolite>(); Collection<Multimap<Metabolite, Metabolite>> mismatched = new ArrayList<Multimap<Metabolite, Metabolite>>(); int matched = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Metabolite m : query.getMetabolome()) { List<Metabolite> matches = aligner.getMatches(m); matched += matches.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1; if (matches.isEmpty()) { unmatched.add(m); } // for (Metabolite r : matches) { // if (!nameMatcher.matches(m, r)) { // Multimap multimap = HashMultimap.create(); // multimap.putAll(m, matches); // mismatched.add(multimap); // break; // } // } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Completed in " + (end - start) + " ms"); System.out.println("Matched " + matched + "/" + query.getMetabolome().size() + " entities"); System.out.println("Structure mismatch " + mismatched.size()); try { File tmp = File.createTempFile("unmatched", ".tsv"); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(tmp), '\t'); for (Metabolite m : unmatched) { writer.writeNext(new String[] { m.getAccession(), m.getName(), m.getAnnotationsExtending(CrossReference.class).toString() }); } writer.close(); System.out.println("Unmatched entries written to: " + tmp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } try { File tmp = File.createTempFile("miss-matched", ".tsv"); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(tmp), '\t'); for (Multimap<Metabolite, Metabolite> emap : mismatched) { for (Map.Entry<Metabolite, Metabolite> e : emap.entries()) { List<Set<Integer>> qh = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(); List<Set<Integer>> rh = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(); for (MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher matcher : hashCodeMatchers) { qh.add(matcher.calculatedMetric(e.getKey())); } for (MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher matcher : hashCodeMatchers) { rh.add(matcher.calculatedMetric(e.getValue())); } writer.writeNext(new String[] { e.getKey().getAccession(), e.getKey().getName(), e.getKey().getAnnotationsExtending(CrossReference.class).toString(), e.getValue().getAccession(), e.getValue().getName(), e.getValue().getAnnotationsExtending(CrossReference.class).toString(), "", Joiner.on(", ").join(qh), Joiner.on(", ").join(rh) }); } } writer.close(); System.out.println("Miss-matched entries written to: " + tmp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } }); t.setName("METABOLOME ALIGNMENT"); t.start(); try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } final Map<Metabolite, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<Metabolite, java.lang.Integer>(); Reactome reactome = query.getReactome(); for (Metabolite m : query.getMetabolome()) { countMap.put(m, reactome.participatesIn(m).size()); } System.out.println("Most common metabolites:"); for (Map.Entry<Metabolite, Integer> e : entriesSortedByValues(countMap)) { if (e.getValue() > 40) { System.out.println(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getKey().hashCode() + ":" + e.getValue()); } } Set<Metabolite> queryCurrencyMetabolites = new HashSet<Metabolite>(); Set<Metabolite> referenceCurrencyMetabolites = new HashSet<Metabolite>(); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("H+")); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("H2O")); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("CO2")); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("ammonium")); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("ammonia")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H+")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H2O")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("CO2")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("ammonium")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("ammonia")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("Phosphate")); int count = 0; int transport = 0; System.out.println(); System.out.println("| REACTOME ALIGNMENT |"); EntityAligner<MetabolicReaction> reactionAligner = new MappedEntityAligner<MetabolicReaction>( reference.reactome().toList()); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner)); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, false)); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, true, Collections.singleton(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H+").iterator().next()))); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, false, Collections.singleton(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H+").iterator().next()))); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, false, new HashSet<Metabolite>(Arrays.asList(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H+").iterator().next(), reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H2O").iterator().next())))); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, false, referenceCurrencyMetabolites)); for (MetabolicReaction reaction : reactome) { // skip transport reactsions for now if (TransportReactionUtil.isTransport(reaction)) { transport++; continue; } System.out.println(reaction.getIdentifier() + ": " + reaction); Collection<MetabolicReaction> matches = reactionAligner.getMatches(reaction); for (MetabolicReaction rxnMatch : matches) { System.out.println("\t" + rxnMatch); } count += matches.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0; if (true) continue; Map<Identifier, MutableInt> reactionReferences = new HashMap<Identifier, MutableInt>(); for (Participant<Metabolite, ?> p : reaction.getParticipants()) { Metabolite m = p.getMolecule(); System.out.print("\t" + m.getName() + " == "); for (Metabolite r : aligner.getMatches(m)) { System.out.print(r + " "); for (Reaction rxnRef : reference.participatesIn(r)) { Identifier identifier = rxnRef.getIdentifier(); if (!reactionReferences.containsKey(identifier)) { reactionReferences.put(identifier, new MutableInt()); } reactionReferences.get(identifier).increment(); } } System.out.println(); } Map<Identifier, MetabolicReaction> idToReaction = new HashMap<Identifier, MetabolicReaction>(); for (MetabolicReaction r : reference.reactome()) { idToReaction.put(r.getIdentifier(), r); } System.out.println("Candidate matches for " + reaction); for (Map.Entry<Identifier, MutableInt> e : reactionReferences.entrySet()) { int nParticipants = e.getValue().toInteger(); if (nParticipants >= adjustedCount(reaction, queryCurrencyMetabolites)) { Collection<MetabolicParticipant> refps = adjustedParticipants(idToReaction.get(e.getKey()), referenceCurrencyMetabolites); boolean show = true; MetabolicReaction referenceReaction = idToReaction.get(e.getKey()); System.out.println(referenceReaction); for (Participant<Metabolite, ?> p : adjustedParticipants(reaction, queryCurrencyMetabolites)) { List<Metabolite> referenceMetabolites = aligner.getMatches(p.getMolecule()); if (referenceMetabolites.isEmpty()) { // missing reference show = false; break; } if (referenceMetabolites.size() > 1) { // complex case show = false; break; } Metabolite r = referenceMetabolites.get(0); boolean found = false; MetabolicParticipant remove = null; for (MetabolicParticipant rp : refps) { if (rp.getMolecule().equals(r)) { found = true; remove = rp; break; } } if (!found) { show = false; } else { refps.remove(remove); } } // matches if (show && refps.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("\t [match] " + referenceReaction); // MetabolicReaction rxn1 = m2.calculatedMetric(reaction).iterator().readNext(); // MetabolicReaction rxn2 = m2.calculatedMetric(referenceReaction).iterator().readNext(); // System.out.println(rxn1.hashCode()); // System.out.println(rxn2.hashCode()); // System.out.println(rxn1.equals(rxn2)); } } } } System.out.println(count + "/" + query.getReactome().size() + " were not matched (transport reactions skipped by default) n transport reactions = " + transport); }
From source
@Override public void notifyFrame(final ByteArrayObject frame) { Thread thr = new Thread() { @Override//from ww w. j ava 2s. c o m public void run() { try { byte[] msg = frame.getByteArray(); int size = frame.getByteCount(true); short[] messageShort = new short[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) messageShort[i] = (short) (msg[i] & 0xff); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadixDataReceived("<<< Received data: ", messageShort); addToReceivedDataQueue(size, messageShort); try { processMessages(); } catch (Exception e) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) logger.error("Error on notifyFrame:" + e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) logger.error("Error on notifyFrame: " + e.getMessage()); } } }; thr.setName("Thread notifyFrame"); thr.start(); }
From source
public void processMessages() throws Exception { // Look on received messages int _size = 0; synchronized (this) { _size = messages.size();//from w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m } while (_size > 0) { short[] message = null; synchronized (this) { message = messages.remove(0); } ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); bb.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); bb.put((byte) message[0]); bb.put((byte) message[1]); short _command = bb.getShort(0); /* APSDE-DATA.Indication */ if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSDEDataIndication) { final APSMessageEvent messageEvent = new APSMessageEvent(); short destAddressMode = message[3]; messageEvent.setDestinationAddressMode((long) destAddressMode); BigInteger _ieee = null; Address address = new Address(); switch (destAddressMode) { case 0x00: // Reserved (No source address supplied) if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Message Discarded: found reserved 0x00 as Destination Address Mode "); } // Error found, we don't proceed and discard the // message return; case 0x01: // Value16bitgroupfordstAddr (DstEndpoint not // present) // No destination end point (so FF broadcast), // present // short // address on 2 bytes address.setNetworkAddress( DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4])); _ieee = gal.getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache(address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_ieee != null) address.setIeeeAddress(_ieee); messageEvent.setDestinationAddress(address); messageEvent.setDestinationEndpoint((short) 0xff); break; case 0x02: // Value16bitAddrandDstEndpoint (16 bit address // supplied) address.setNetworkAddress( DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4])); _ieee = gal.getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache(address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_ieee != null) address.setIeeeAddress(_ieee); messageEvent.setDestinationAddress(address); messageEvent.setDestinationEndpoint(message[6]); break; default: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { logger.error("Message Discarded: not valid Destination Address Mode"); } // Error found, we don't proceed and discard the // message return; } messageEvent.setSourceAddressMode((long) message[7]); address = new Address(); address.setNetworkAddress(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[9], (byte) message[8])); _ieee = gal.getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache(address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_ieee != null) address.setIeeeAddress(_ieee); messageEvent.setSourceAddress(address); messageEvent.setSourceEndpoint(message[10]); messageEvent.setProfileID(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[12], (byte) message[11])); messageEvent.setClusterID(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[14], (byte) message[13])); if (gal.getGatewayStatus() == GatewayStatus.GW_RUNNING && gal.get_GalNode() != null) { /* Update The Node Data */ int _indexOnCache = -1; _indexOnCache = gal.existIntoNetworkCache(address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache != -1) { /* The node is already into the DB */ if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getKeepAliveThreshold() > 0) { if (!gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).isSleepy()) { gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).reset_numberOfAttempt(); gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache) .setTimerFreshness(gal.getPropertiesManager().getKeepAliveThreshold()); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { //System.out.println("\n\rPostponing timer Freshness by Aps.Indication for node:" + gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).get_node().getAddress().getNetworkAddress() + "\n\r");"Postponing timer Freshness by Aps.Indication for node:" + gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).get_node().getAddress() .getNetworkAddress()); } } } } else { // 0x8034 is a LeaveAnnouncement, 0x0013 is a // DeviceAnnouncement, 0x8001 is a IEEE_Addr_Rsp if ((gal.getPropertiesManager().getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes() > 0) && (!(messageEvent.getProfileID() == 0x0000 && (messageEvent.getClusterID() == 0x0013 || messageEvent.getClusterID() == 0x8034 || messageEvent.getClusterID() == 0x8001)))) { if (address.getNetworkAddress() != gal.get_GalNode().get_node().getAddress() .getNetworkAddress()) { Runnable thr = new MyThread(address) { @Override public void run() { Address _address = (Address) this.getParameter(); int _indexOnCache = -1; _indexOnCache = gal.existIntoNetworkCache(_address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache == -1) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { //System.out.println("\n\rAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes procedure of Node:" + messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getNetworkAddress() + "\n\r");"AutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes procedure of Node:" + messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getNetworkAddress()); } try { // Insert the node into cache, // but with the // discovery_completed flag a // false BigInteger ieee = null; WrapperWSNNode o = new WrapperWSNNode(gal); WSNNode _newNode = new WSNNode(); o.set_discoveryCompleted(false); _newNode.setAddress(_address); o.set_node(_newNode); gal.getNetworkcache().add(o); Thread.sleep(500); /* * Reading the IEEEAddress of * the new node */ if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) "Sending IeeeReq to:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); System.out.println( "Sending IeeeReq to:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); ieee = readExtAddress(INTERNAL_TIMEOUT, _address.getNetworkAddress().shortValue()); _address.setIeeeAddress(ieee); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Readed Ieee of the new node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Ieee: " + ieee.toString()); System.out.println("Readed Ieee of the new node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Ieee: " + ieee.toString()); } if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled())"Sending NodeDescriptorReq to:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); NodeDescriptor _ndesc = getNodeDescriptorSync(INTERNAL_TIMEOUT, _address); _newNode.setCapabilityInformation(_ndesc.getMACCapabilityFlag()); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Readed NodeDescriptor of the new node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); System.out.println("Readed NodeDescriptor of the new node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); } o.reset_numberOfAttempt(); o.set_discoveryCompleted(true); if (!o.isSleepy()) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getKeepAliveThreshold() > 0) { o.setTimerFreshness( gal.getPropertiesManager().getKeepAliveThreshold()); } if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getForcePingTimeout() > 0) { o.setTimerForcePing( gal.getPropertiesManager().getForcePingTimeout()); } } _indexOnCache = gal.existIntoNetworkCache( _newNode.getAddress().getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache > -1) { gal.getNetworkcache().remove(_indexOnCache); } // Updating the node // informations gal.getNetworkcache().add(o); o.set_discoveryCompleted(true); Status _st = new Status(); _st.setCode((short) GatewayConstants.SUCCESS); gal.get_gatewayEventManager().nodeDiscovered(_st, _newNode); } catch (GatewayException e) { logger.error("Error on getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes for node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Error:" + e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Error on getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes for node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Error:" + e.getMessage()); _indexOnCache = gal .existIntoNetworkCache(_address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache > -1) { gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).abortTimers(); gal.getNetworkcache().remove(_indexOnCache); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error on getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes for node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Error:" + e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Error on getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes for node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Error:" + e.getMessage()); _indexOnCache = gal .existIntoNetworkCache(_address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache > -1) { gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).abortTimers(); gal.getNetworkcache().remove(_indexOnCache); } } } } }; Thread _thr0 = new Thread(thr); _thr0.setName("Thread getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes:" + address.getNetworkAddress()); _thr0.start(); } } } } int lastAsdu = 16 + message[15] - 1; messageEvent.setData(DataManipulation.subByteArray(message, 16, lastAsdu)); messageEvent.setAPSStatus(message[lastAsdu + 1]); // ASK Jump WasBroadcast // Security Status switch (message[lastAsdu + 3]) { case 0x00: messageEvent.setSecurityStatus(SecurityStatus.UNSECURED); break; case 0x01: messageEvent.setSecurityStatus(SecurityStatus.SECURED_NWK_KEY); break; case 0x02: messageEvent.setSecurityStatus(SecurityStatus.SECURED_LINK_KEY); break; // ASK 0x03 not present on telecomitalia object default: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Message Discarded: not valid Security Status"); } // Error found, we don't proceed and discard the // message return; } messageEvent.setLinkQuality(message[lastAsdu + 4]); messageEvent.setRxTime((long) DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[(lastAsdu + 8)], (byte) message[(lastAsdu + 5)])); // ASK: jumped iMsgType, pNext, iDataSize, pData, // iBufferNumber if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APSDE-DATA.Indication", message); if ((messageEvent.getDestinationAddressMode() == GatewayConstants.ADDRESS_MODE_SHORT) && (messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getIeeeAddress() == null)) messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().setIeeeAddress(gal.getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache( messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getNetworkAddress())); if ((messageEvent.getDestinationAddressMode() == GatewayConstants.EXTENDED_ADDRESS_MODE) && (messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getNetworkAddress() == null)) messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().setNetworkAddress(gal.getShortAddress_FromNetworkCache( messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getIeeeAddress())); if ((messageEvent.getSourceAddressMode() == GatewayConstants.ADDRESS_MODE_SHORT) && (messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getIeeeAddress() == null)) messageEvent.getSourceAddress().setIeeeAddress(gal .getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache(messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getNetworkAddress())); if ((messageEvent.getSourceAddressMode() == GatewayConstants.EXTENDED_ADDRESS_MODE) && (messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getNetworkAddress() == null)) messageEvent.getSourceAddress().setNetworkAddress( gal.getShortAddress_FromNetworkCache(messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getIeeeAddress())); if (messageEvent.getProfileID().equals(0)) {/* * ZDO Command */ if (messageEvent.getClusterID() == 0x8031) { String __key = ""; __key = String.format("%04X", messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getNetworkAddress()); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.LQI_REQ) && __key.equalsIgnoreCase(pl.get_Key())) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode((short) messageEvent.getAPSStatus()); Mgmt_LQI_rsp _res = new Mgmt_LQI_rsp(messageEvent.getData()); pl.set_objectOfResponse(_res); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } // profileid == 0 gal.getZdoManager().ZDOMessageIndication(messageEvent); } else { // profileid > 0 ZCLMessage _zm = new ZCLMessage(); _zm.setAPSStatus(messageEvent.getAPSStatus()); _zm.setClusterID(messageEvent.getClusterID()); _zm.setDestinationEndpoint(messageEvent.getDestinationEndpoint()); _zm.setProfileID(messageEvent.getProfileID()); _zm.setRxTime(messageEvent.getRxTime()); _zm.setSourceAddress(messageEvent.getSourceAddress()); _zm.setSourceAddressMode(messageEvent.getSourceAddressMode()); _zm.setSourceEndpoint(messageEvent.getSourceEndpoint()); byte[] data = messageEvent.getData(); // ZCL Header // Frame control 8bit // Manufacturer code 0/16bits // Transaction sequence number 8bit // Command identifier 8 bit ByteArrayObject _header = new ByteArrayObject(); ByteArrayObject _payload = new ByteArrayObject(); if ((data[0] & 0x04) == 1)/* Check manufacturer code */ { _header.addByte(data[0]);// Frame control _header.addByte(data[1]);// Manufacturer Code(1/2) _header.addByte(data[2]);// Manufacturer Code(2/2) _header.addByte(data[3]);// Transaction sequence number _header.addByte(data[4]);// Command Identifier for (int i = 5; i < data.length; i++) _payload.addByte(data[i]); } else { _header.addByte(data[0]);// Frame control _header.addByte(data[1]);// Transaction sequence number _header.addByte(data[2]);// Command Identifier for (int i = 3; i < data.length; i++) _payload.addByte(data[i]); } _zm.setZCLHeader(_header.getRealByteArray()); _zm.setZCLPayload(_payload.getRealByteArray()); gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyZCLCommand(_zm); gal.getApsManager().APSMessageIndication(messageEvent); } } /* APSDE-DATA.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSDEDataConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APSDE-DATA.Confirm", message); /* DestAddress + DestEndPoint + SourceEndPoint */ long destAddress = DataManipulation.toLong((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10], (byte) message[9], (byte) message[8], (byte) message[7], (byte) message[6], (byte) message[5], (byte) message[4]); byte destEndPoint = (byte) message[12]; byte sourceEndPoint = (byte) message[13]; String Key = String.format("%016X", destAddress) + String.format("%02X", destEndPoint) + String.format("%02X", sourceEndPoint); // Found APSDE-DATA.Confirm. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { /* DestAddress + DestEndPoint + SourceEndPoint */ /* * if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) *"APSDE-DATA.Confirm KEY SEND: " + * pl.get_Key() + " -- KEY Received: " + Key); */ if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.APS) && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(Key)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[14]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZTC-Error.event */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCErrorevent) { byte len = (byte) message[2]; String MessageStatus = ""; if (len > 0) { int status = message[3]; switch (status) { case 0x00: MessageStatus = "0x00: gSuccess_c (Should not be seen in this event.)"; break; case 0xF4: MessageStatus = "0xF4: gZtcOutOfMessages_c (ZTC tried to allocate a message, but the allocation failed.)"; break; case 0xF5: MessageStatus = "0xF5: gZtcEndPointTableIsFull_c (Self explanatory.)"; break; case 0xF6: MessageStatus = "0xF6: gZtcEndPointNotFound_c (Self explanatory.)"; break; case 0xF7: MessageStatus = "0xF7: gZtcUnknownOpcodeGroup_c (ZTC does not recognize the opcode group, and there is no application hook.)"; break; case 0xF8: MessageStatus = "0xF8: gZtcOpcodeGroupIsDisabled_c (ZTC support for an opcode group is turned off by a compile option.)"; break; case 0xF9: MessageStatus = "0xF9: gZtcDebugPrintFailed_c (An attempt to print a debug message ran out of buffer space.)"; break; case 0xFA: MessageStatus = "0xFA: gZtcReadOnly_c (Attempt to set read-only data.)"; break; case 0xFB: MessageStatus = "0xFB: gZtcUnknownIBIdentifier_c (Self explanatory.)"; break; case 0xFC: MessageStatus = "0xFC: gZtcRequestIsDisabled_c (ZTC support for an opcode is turned off by a compile option.)"; break; case 0xFD: MessageStatus = "0xFD: gZtcUnknownOpcode_c (Self expanatory.)"; break; case 0xFE: MessageStatus = "0xFE: gZtcTooBig_c (A data item to be set or retrieved is too big for the buffer available to hold it.)"; break; case 0xFF: MessageStatus = "0xFF: gZtcError_c (Non-specific, catchall error code.)"; break; default: break; } } String logMessage = "Extracted ZTC-ERROR.Event Status:" + MessageStatus; if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix(logMessage, message); } /* ZDP-Mgmt_Nwk_Update.Notify */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmt_Nwk_UpdateNotify) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Nwk_Update.Notify", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.NWK_UPDATE) { EnergyScanResult _result = new EnergyScanResult(); int _address = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[4], (byte) message[3]); short _status = message[5]; if (_status == GatewayConstants.SUCCESS) { byte[] _scannedChannel = new byte[4]; _scannedChannel[0] = (byte) message[9]; _scannedChannel[1] = (byte) message[8]; _scannedChannel[2] = (byte) message[7]; _scannedChannel[3] = (byte) message[6]; int _totalTrasmission = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10]); int _trasmissionFailure = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[13], (byte) message[12]); short _scannedChannelListCount = message[14]; for (int i = 0; i < _scannedChannelListCount; i++) { ScannedChannel _sc = new ScannedChannel(); // _sc.setChannel(value) _sc.setEnergy(message[15 + i]); _result.getScannedChannel().add(_sc); } synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[7]); pl.set_objectOfResponse(_result); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } } /* ZDP-SimpleDescriptor.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPSimpleDescriptorResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-ExtendedSimpleDescriptor.Response", message); /* Address + EndPoint */ Address _add = new Address(); _add.setNetworkAddress(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4])); byte EndPoint = (byte) message[7]; String Key = String.format("%04X", _add.getNetworkAddress()) + String.format("%02X", EndPoint); // Found ZDP-SimpleDescriptor.Response. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { /* Address + EndPoint */ if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.GET_SIMPLE_DESCRIPTOR) && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(Key)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); if (pl.getStatus().getCode() == GatewayConstants.SUCCESS) { SimpleDescriptor _sp = new SimpleDescriptor(); _sp.setApplicationProfileIdentifier( DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[9], (byte) message[8])); _sp.setApplicationDeviceIdentifier(DataManipulation .toIntFromShort((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10])); _sp.setApplicationDeviceVersion(message[12]); int _index = 14; short _numInpCluster = message[13]; for (int i = 0; i < _numInpCluster; i++) { _sp.getApplicationInputCluster().add(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort( (byte) message[_index + 1], (byte) message[_index])); _index = _index + 2; } short _numOutCluster = message[_index++]; for (int i = 0; i < _numOutCluster; i++) { _sp.getApplicationOutputCluster().add(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort( (byte) message[_index + 1], (byte) message[_index])); _index = _index + 2; } ServiceDescriptor _toRes = new ServiceDescriptor(); _toRes.setAddress(_add); _toRes.setEndPoint(EndPoint); _toRes.setSimpleDescriptor(_sp); pl.set_objectOfResponse(_toRes); } pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-GetEndPointIdList.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSGetEndPointIdListConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APS-GetEndPointIdList.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.GET_END_POINT_LIST)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); NodeServices _res = new NodeServices(); if (pl.getStatus().getCode() == GatewayConstants.SUCCESS) { short length = message[4]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ActiveEndpoints _ep = new ActiveEndpoints(); _ep.setEndPoint(message[5 + i]); _res.getActiveEndpoints().add(_ep); } } pl.set_objectOfResponse(_res); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-BIND.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmtBindResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-BIND.Response", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.ADD_BINDING)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); switch (pl.getStatus().getCode()) { case GatewayConstants.SUCCESS: break; case 0x84: pl.getStatus().setMessage("NOT_SUPPORTED (NOT SUPPORTED)"); break; case 0x8C: pl.getStatus().setMessage("TABLE_FULL (TABLE FULL)"); break; case 0x8D: pl.getStatus().setMessage("NOT_AUTHORIZED (NOT AUTHORIZED)"); break; } pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-UNBIND.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPUnbindResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-UNBIND.Response", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.REMOVE_BINDING)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); switch (pl.getStatus().getCode()) { case GatewayConstants.SUCCESS: break; case 0x84: pl.getStatus().setMessage("NOT_SUPPORTED (NOT SUPPORTED)"); break; case 0x88: pl.getStatus().setMessage("No_Entry (No Entry)"); break; case 0x8D: pl.getStatus().setMessage("NOT_AUTHORIZED (NOT AUTHORIZED"); break; } pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-Mgmt_Bind.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmt_BindResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Bind.Response", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.GET_BINDINGS)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); BindingList _res = new BindingList(); if (pl.getStatus().getCode() == GatewayConstants.SUCCESS) { short length = message[6]; int _index = 6; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Binding _b = new Binding(); long src_longAddress = DataManipulation.toLong((byte) message[_index + 8], (byte) message[_index + 7], (byte) message[_index + 6], (byte) message[_index + 5], (byte) message[_index + 4], (byte) message[_index + 3], (byte) message[_index + 2], (byte) message[_index + 1]); short _srcEP = message[_index + 9]; int _cluster = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[_index + 11], (byte) message[_index + 10]); short _DestinationMode = message[_index + 12]; Device _dev = new Device(); if (_DestinationMode == 0x03) { long dst_longAddress = DataManipulation.toLong( (byte) message[_index + 20], (byte) message[_index + 19], (byte) message[_index + 18], (byte) message[_index + 17], (byte) message[_index + 16], (byte) message[_index + 15], (byte) message[_index + 14], (byte) message[_index + 13]); short _dstEP = message[_index + 21]; _dev.setAddress(BigInteger.valueOf(dst_longAddress)); _dev.setEndpoint(_dstEP); _index = _index + 21; } else if (_DestinationMode == 0x01) { int _groupId = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort( (byte) message[_index + 14], (byte) message[_index + 13]); _dev.setAddress(BigInteger.valueOf(_groupId)); _index = _index + 10; } _b.setClusterID(_cluster); _b.setSourceEndpoint(_srcEP); _b.setSourceIEEEAddress(BigInteger.valueOf(src_longAddress)); _b.getDeviceDestination().add(_dev); _res.getBinding().add(_b); } } pl.set_objectOfResponse(_res); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-DeregisterEndPoint.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSDeRegisterEndPointConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APS-DeregisterEndPoint.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.DEREGISTER_END_POINT)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-ZDP-Mgmt_Lqi.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmtLqiResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix( "Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Lqi.Response... waiting the related Indication ZDO", message); } /* ZTC-ReadExtAddr.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCReadExtAddrConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZTC-ReadExtAddr.Confirm", message); long longAddress = DataManipulation.toLong((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10], (byte) message[9], (byte) message[8], (byte) message[7], (byte) message[6], (byte) message[5], (byte) message[4]); BigInteger _bi = BigInteger.valueOf(longAddress); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.READ_EXT_ADDRESS)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.set_objectOfResponse(_bi); pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-IEEE_addr.response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPIeeeAddrResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-IEEE_addr.response", message); long longAddress = DataManipulation.toLong((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10], (byte) message[9], (byte) message[8], (byte) message[7], (byte) message[6], (byte) message[5], (byte) message[4]); BigInteger _bi = BigInteger.valueOf(longAddress); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.READ_IEEE_ADDRESS)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.set_objectOfResponse(_bi); pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-Mgmt_Leave.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmtLeaveResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Leave.Response", message); } /* ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPActiveEpResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response", message); short Status = message[3]; Address _add = new Address(); _add.setNetworkAddress(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4])); String Key = String.format("%04X", _add.getNetworkAddress()); List<Short> _toRes = null; NodeServices _node = new NodeServices(); _node.setAddress(_add); switch (Status) { case 0x00: _toRes = new ArrayList<Short>(); int _EPCount = message[6]; for (int i = 0; i < _EPCount; i++) { _toRes.add(message[7 + i]); ActiveEndpoints _aep = new ActiveEndpoints(); _aep.setEndPoint(message[7 + i]); _node.getActiveEndpoints().add(_aep); } if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response status:00 - Success"); } break; case 0x80: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response status:80 - Inv_RequestType"); } break; case 0x89: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response status:89 - No_Descriptor"); } break; case 0x81: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response status:81 - Device_Not_found"); } break; } // Found ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { /* DestAddress */ if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.ACTIVE_EP) && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(Key)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.set_objectOfResponse(_toRes); pl.getStatus().setCode(Status); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-StopNwkEx.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCStopNwkExConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-StopNwkEx.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.STOP_NETWORK) { if (message[3] == 0x00) { gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyGatewayStopResult(makeStatusObject( "The stop command has been processed byt ZDO with success.", (short) 0x00)); synchronized (gal) { gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STOPPING); } } synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* NLME-GET.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMEGetConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-GET.Confirm", message); String _Key = String.format("%02X", message[4]); // Found APSDE-DATA.Confirm. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.NMLE_GET && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(_Key)) { short _Length = (short) DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[9], (byte) message[8]); byte[] _res = DataManipulation.subByteArray(message, 10, _Length + 9); if (_Length >= 2) _res = DataManipulation.reverseBytes(_res); synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.set_objectOfResponse(DataManipulation.convertBytesToString(_res)); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APSME_GET.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSMEGetConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APSME_GET.Confirm", message); String _Key = String.format("%02X", message[4]); // Found APSME_GET-DATA.Confirm. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.APSME_GET && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(_Key)) { short _Length = (short) DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[9], (byte) message[8]); byte[] _res = DataManipulation.subByteArray(message, 10, _Length + 9); if (_Length >= 2) _res = DataManipulation.reverseBytes(_res); synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.set_objectOfResponse(DataManipulation.convertBytesToString(_res)); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } // ZDP-StartNwkEx.Confirm else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCStartNwkExConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-StartNwkEx.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.START_NETWORK) { if (message[3] == 0x00) { gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STARTED); } synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-RegisterEndPoint.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSRegisterEndPointConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APS-RegisterEndPoint.Confirm", message); // Found APS-RegisterEndPoint.Confirm. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.CONFIGURE_END_POINT) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZTC-ModeSelect.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCModeSelectConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZTC-ModeSelect.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.MODE_SELECT) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* MacGetPIBAttribute.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacGetPIBAttributeConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacGetPIBAttribute.Confirm", message); } /* MacBeaconNotify.Indication */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacBeaconNotifyIndication) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacBeaconNotify.Indication", message); } /* MacBeaconStart.Indication */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacPollNotifyIndication) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacBeaconStart.Indication", message); } /* NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Confirmn */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENETWORKFORMATIONConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-START-ROUTER.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMESTARTROUTERRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Confirm", message); } /* MacStart.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacStartRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacStart.Request", message); } /* MacStart.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacStartConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacStart.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-START-ROUTER.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMESTARTROUTERConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-START-ROUTER.Confirm", message); } /* NWK-ProcessSecureFrame.Report */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NWKProcessSecureFrameReport) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NWK-ProcessSecureFrame.Report", message); } /* ZDP-Nwk-ProcessSecureFrame.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPNwkProcessSecureFrameConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Nwk-ProcessSecureFrame.Confirm", message); } /* BlackBox.WriteSAS.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.BlackBoxWriteSASConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted BlackBox.WriteSAS.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.WRITE_SAS) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZTC-GetChannel.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCGetChannelConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZTC-GetChannel.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.CHANNEL_REQUEST) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.set_objectOfResponse(message[4]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-NodeDescriptor.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPNodeDescriptorResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-NodeDescriptor.Response", message); int _NWKAddressOfInterest = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4]); Address _addressOfInterst = new Address(); _addressOfInterst.setNetworkAddress(_NWKAddressOfInterest); NodeDescriptor _node = new NodeDescriptor(); /* First Byte */ byte _first = (byte) message[6]; byte _Logical_byte = (byte) (_first & 0x07);/* Bits 0,1,2 */ byte _ComplexDescriptorAvalilable = (byte) ((_first & 0x08) >> 3);/* Bit3 */ byte _UserDescriptorAvalilable = (byte) ((_first & 0x0A) >> 4);/* Bit4 */ switch (_Logical_byte) { case FreescaleConstants.LogicalType.Coordinator: _node.setLogicalType(LogicalType.COORDINATOR); break; case FreescaleConstants.LogicalType.Router: _node.setLogicalType(LogicalType.ROUTER); break; case FreescaleConstants.LogicalType.EndDevice: _node.setLogicalType(LogicalType.END_DEVICE); break; default: throw new Exception("LogicalType is not valid value"); } _node.setComplexDescriptorAvailable((_ComplexDescriptorAvalilable == 1 ? true : false)); _node.setUserDescriptorAvailable((_UserDescriptorAvalilable == 1 ? true : false)); /* Second Byte */ byte _second = (byte) message[7]; /* Aps flags bits 0,1,2 */ byte _FrequencyBand = (byte) ((_second & 0xF8) >> 0x03);/* * bits * 3 * ,4,5, * 6,7 */ switch (_FrequencyBand) { case 0x01: _node.setFrequencyBand("868MHz"); break; case 0x04: _node.setFrequencyBand("900MHz"); break; case 0x08: _node.setFrequencyBand("2400MHz"); break; default: _node.setFrequencyBand("Reserved"); break; } /* MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE Byte */ byte _MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE = (byte) message[8]; MACCapability _maccapability = new MACCapability(); byte _AlternatePanCoordinator = (byte) (_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x01);/* Bit0 */ byte _DeviceIsFFD = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x02) >> 1);/* Bit1 */ byte _MainsPowered = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x04) >> 2);/* Bit2 */ byte _ReceiverOnWhenIdle = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x08) >> 3);/* Bit3 */ // bit 4-5 reserved byte _SecuritySupported = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x40) >> 6);/* Bit6 */ byte _AllocateAddress = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x80) >> 7);/* Bit7 */ _maccapability.setAlternatePanCoordinator((_AlternatePanCoordinator == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setDeviceIsFFD((_DeviceIsFFD == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setMainsPowered((_MainsPowered == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setReceiverOnWhenIdle((_ReceiverOnWhenIdle == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setSecuritySupported((_SecuritySupported == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setAllocateAddress((_AllocateAddress == 1 ? true : false)); _node.setMACCapabilityFlag(_maccapability); /* ManufacturerCode_BYTES */ int _ManufacturerCode_BYTES = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[10], (byte) message[9]); _node.setManufacturerCode(_ManufacturerCode_BYTES); /* MaximumBufferSize_BYTE */ short _MaximumBufferSize_BYTE = message[11]; _node.setMaximumBufferSize(_MaximumBufferSize_BYTE); /* MaximumTransferSize_BYTES */ int _MaximumTransferSize_BYTES = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[13], (byte) message[12]); _node.setMaximumIncomingTransferSize(_MaximumTransferSize_BYTES); /* ServerMask_BYTES */ int _ServerMask_BYTES = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[15], (byte) message[14]); ServerMask _serverMask = new ServerMask(); byte _PrimaryTrustCenter = (byte) (_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x01);/* Bit0 */ byte _BackupTrustCenter = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x02) >> 1);/* Bit1 */ byte _PrimaryBindingTableCache = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x04) >> 2);/* Bit2 */ byte _BackupBindingTableCache = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x08) >> 3);/* Bit3 */ byte _PrimaryDiscoveryCache = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x10) >> 4);/* Bit4 */ byte _BackupDiscoveryCache = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x20) >> 5);/* Bit5 */ _serverMask.setPrimaryTrustCenter((_PrimaryTrustCenter == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setBackupTrustCenter((_BackupTrustCenter == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setPrimaryBindingTableCache((_PrimaryBindingTableCache == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setBackupBindingTableCache((_BackupBindingTableCache == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setPrimaryDiscoveryCache((_PrimaryDiscoveryCache == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setBackupDiscoveryCache((_BackupDiscoveryCache == 1 ? true : false)); _node.setServerMask(_serverMask); /* MaximumOutTransferSize_BYTES */ int _MaximumOutTransferSize_BYTES = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[17], (byte) message[16]); _node.setMaximumOutgoingTransferSize(_MaximumOutTransferSize_BYTES); /* CapabilityField_BYTES */ byte _CapabilityField_BYTES = (byte) message[18]; DescriptorCapability _DescriptorCapability = new DescriptorCapability(); byte _ExtendedActiveEndpointListAvailable = (byte) (_CapabilityField_BYTES & 0x01);/* Bit0 */ byte _ExtendedSimpleDescriptorListAvailable = (byte) ((_CapabilityField_BYTES & 0x02) >> 1);/* Bit1 */ _DescriptorCapability.setExtendedActiveEndpointListAvailable( (_ExtendedActiveEndpointListAvailable == 1 ? true : false)); _DescriptorCapability.setExtendedSimpleDescriptorListAvailable( (_ExtendedSimpleDescriptorListAvailable == 1 ? true : false)); _node.setDescriptorCapabilityField(_DescriptorCapability); String _key = String.format("%04X", _NWKAddressOfInterest); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.NODE_DESCRIPTOR && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(_key)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]);/* Status */ pl.set_objectOfResponse(_node); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* NMLE-SET.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NMLESETConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NMLE-SET.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.NMLE_SET) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APSME-SET.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSMESetConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APSME-SET.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.APSME_SET) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-Mgmt_Permit_Join.response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmt_Permit_JoinResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Permit_Join.response", message); short status = message[3]; String mess = ""; switch (status) { case 0x00: break; case 0x80: mess = "InvRequestType"; break; case 0x84: mess = "Not Supported"; break; case 0x87: mess = "Table Full"; break; case 0x8D: mess = "NOT AUTHORIZED"; break; case 0xC5: mess = "Already present in the network"; break; } synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.PERMIT_JOIN) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.getStatus().setMessage(mess); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-ClearDeviceKeyPairSet.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSClearDeviceKeyPairSetConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("APS-ClearDeviceKeyPairSet.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; String mess = ""; switch (status) { case 0x00: break; } synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.CLEAR_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_SET) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.getStatus().setMessage(mess); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZTC-ClearNeighborTableEntry.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCClearNeighborTableEntryConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("ZTC-ClearNeighborTableEntry.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; String mess = ""; switch (status) { case 0x00: break; } synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.CLEAR_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_ENTRY) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.getStatus().setMessage(mess); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* NLME-JOIN.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMEJOINConfirm) { short _status = message[8]; switch (_status) { case 0x00: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: SUCCESS (Joined the network)"); } break; case 0xC2: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: INVALID_REQUEST (Not Valid Request)"); } break; case 0xC3: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NOT_PERMITTED (Not allowed to join the network)"); } break; case 0xCA: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NO_NETWORKS (Network not found)"); } break; case 0x01: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: PAN_AT_CAPACITY (PAN at capacity)"); } break; case 0x02: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: PAN_ACCESS_DENIED (PAN access denied)"); } break; case 0xE1: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE (Transmission failed due to activity on the channel)"); } break; case 0xE4: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: FAILED_SECURITY_CHECK (The received frame failed security check)"); } break; case 0xE8: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: INVALID_PARAMETER (A parameter in the primitive is out of the valid range)"); } break; case 0xE9: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NO_ACK (Acknowledgement was not received)"); } break; case 0xEB: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NO_DATA (No response data was available following a request)"); } break; case 0xF3: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: UNAVAILABLE_KEY (The appropriate key is not available in the ACL)"); } break; case 0xEA: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NO_BEACON (No Networks)"); } break; default: throw new Exception("Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: Invalid Status - " + _status); } if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("NLME-JOIN.Confirm", message); } /* ZDO-NetworkState.Event */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDONetworkStateEvent) { short _status = message[3]; String mess; switch (_status) { case 0x00: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceInitialized (Device Initialized)"); } break; case 0x01: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinNetworkDiscoveryState (Device in Network Discovery State)"); } break; case 0x02: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceJoinNetworkstate (Device Join Network state)"); } break; case 0x03: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinCoordinatorstartingstate (Device in Coordinator starting state)"); } gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STARTING); break; case 0x04: mess = "ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinRouterRunningstate (Device in Router Running state)"; gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyGatewayStartResult(makeStatusObject(mess, _status)); gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_RUNNING); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {; } break; case 0x05: mess = "ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinEndDeviceRunningstate (Device in End Device Running state)"; gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyGatewayStartResult(makeStatusObject(mess, _status)); gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_RUNNING); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {; } break; case 0x09: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Deviceinleavenetworkstate (Device in leave network state)"); } gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STOPPING); break; case 0x0A: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Deviceinauthenticationstate (Device in authentication state)"); } break; case 0x0B: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Deviceinstoppedstate (Device in stopped state)"); } gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STOPPED); break; case 0x0C: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinOrphanjoinstate (Device in Orphan join state)"); } break; case 0x10: mess = "ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinCoordinatorRunningstate (Device is Coordinator Running state)"; gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyGatewayStartResult(makeStatusObject(mess, _status)); gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_RUNNING); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {; } break; case 0x11: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinKeytransferstate (Device in Key transfer state)"); } break; case 0x12: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Deviceinauthenticationstate (Device in authentication state)"); } break; case 0x13: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceOfftheNetwork (Device Off the Network)"); } break; default: throw new Exception("ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Invalid Status - " + _status); } } /* MacSetPIBAttribute.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacSetPIBAttributeConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacSetPIBAttribute.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-ENERGY-SCAN.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMEENERGYSCANRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-ENERGY-SCAN.Request", message); } /* MacScan.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacScanRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacScan.Request", message); } /* MacScan.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacScanConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacScan.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-ENERGY-SCAN.confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMEENERGYSCANconfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-ENERGY-SCAN.confirm", message); } /* NLME-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENETWORKDISCOVERYRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.Request", message); } /* MacScan.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacScanRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacScan.Request", message); } /* NLME-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENetworkDiscoveryConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENETWORKFORMATIONRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Request", message); } /* NLME-SET.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMESetRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-SET.Request", message); } /* NLME-NWK-STATUS.Indication */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENwkStatusIndication) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("NLME-NWK-STATUS.Indication", message); } /* NLME-ROUTE-DISCOVERY.confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENWKSTATUSIndication) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("NLME-ROUTE-DISCOVERY.confirm", message); } else { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted a Message not in Message Management", message); } synchronized (this) { _size = messages.size(); } } }
From source
@Override public @Nonnull VirtualMachine launch(@Nonnull VMLaunchOptions withLaunchOptions) throws CloudException, InternalException { logger.debug("Name: " + withLaunchOptions.getHostName() + ", description: " + withLaunchOptions.getDescription() + "friendly name: " + withLaunchOptions.getFriendlyName()); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("ENTER - " + ServerSupport.class.getName() + ".launch(" + withLaunchOptions + ")"); }//from w w w . ja v a 2s.c o m try { MachineImage img = provider.getComputeServices().getImageSupport() .getImage(withLaunchOptions.getMachineImageId()); if (img == null) { throw new CloudException("No such machine image: " + withLaunchOptions.getMachineImageId()); } MachineImageState state = img.getCurrentState(); String name = img.getName(); boolean cloneFound = false; if (state.equals(MachineImageState.ACTIVE) && name.contains("clone")) {"Available 'clone' - will attach directly to new server"); cloneFound = true; } else {"Image is either mounted or is not a clone - cloning drive from machine image " + img.getProviderMachineImageId()); } String media = img.getTag("media").toString(); String imageDriveId = null; //dmayne 20130529: cdrom does not need to be cloned and can be attached directly if (!media.equals("cdrom") && !cloneFound) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Cloning drive from machine image " + img.getProviderMachineImageId() + "..."); } JSONObject drive = provider.getComputeServices().getImageSupport() .cloneDrive(withLaunchOptions.getMachineImageId(), withLaunchOptions.getHostName(), null); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("drive=" + drive); } String driveId = null; try { JSONObject actualDrive = null; if (drive.has("objects")) { JSONArray objects = drive.getJSONArray("objects"); actualDrive = (JSONObject) objects.get(0); driveId = actualDrive.getString("uuid"); } if (driveId == null) { throw new CloudException("No drive was cloned to support the machine launch process"); } long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + (CalendarWrapper.MINUTE * 40L); String status = actualDrive.getString("status"); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Waiting for new drive " + driveId + " to become active..."); } while (timeout > System.currentTimeMillis()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("" + driveId + "=" + status); } if (status != null && (status.equals("mounted") || status.equals("unmounted"))) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Drive is now ready for launching"); } break; } try { Thread.sleep(20000L); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } try { actualDrive = provider.getComputeServices().getImageSupport().getDrive(driveId); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } if (actualDrive == null) { throw new CloudException("Cloned drive has disappeared"); } status = actualDrive.getString("status"); } imageDriveId = actualDrive.getString("uuid"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new InternalException(e); } } else { imageDriveId = img.getProviderMachineImageId(); } //dmayne 20130529: now we can create server and attach drive try { JSONObject newServer = new JSONObject(), newDrive = new JSONObject(), newNic = new JSONObject(), newVlan = new JSONObject(); JSONArray drives = new JSONArray(), nics = new JSONArray(); newServer.put("name", withLaunchOptions.getHostName().replaceAll("\n", " ")); String password = withLaunchOptions.getBootstrapPassword(); if (password == null) { password = generatePassword(); } newServer.put("vnc_password", password); newDrive.put("boot_order", 1); newDrive.put("device", "virtio"); newDrive.put("dev_channel", "0:0"); newDrive.put("drive", imageDriveId); drives.put(newDrive); newServer.put("drives", drives); String productId = withLaunchOptions.getStandardProductId(); int cpuCount = 1, cpuSpeed = 1000, ramInMb = 512; long ramInBytes = 536870912; String[] parts = productId.replaceAll("\n", " ").split(":"); if (parts.length > 1) { cpuCount = 1; try { ramInMb = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); ramInBytes = ramInMb * 1024L * 1024L; cpuSpeed = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); if (parts.length == 3) { cpuCount = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); // total speed will be cpuCount * perSMPspeed cpuSpeed = cpuSpeed * cpuCount; } } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { // ignore } } newServer.put("cpu", String.valueOf(cpuSpeed)); newServer.put("mem", String.valueOf(ramInBytes)); newServer.put("smp", String.valueOf(cpuCount)); if (withLaunchOptions.getVlanId() != null) { newVlan.put("uuid", withLaunchOptions.getVlanId().replaceAll("\n", " ")); newNic.put("vlan", newVlan); nics.put(newNic); newServer.put("nics", nics); } else { JSONObject newIP = new JSONObject(); newIP.put("conf", "dhcp"); newNic.put("ip_v4_conf", newIP); //firewall support if (withLaunchOptions.getFirewallIds() != null && withLaunchOptions.getFirewallIds().length > 0) { if (withLaunchOptions.getFirewallIds().length == 1) { newNic.put("firewall_policy", withLaunchOptions.getFirewallIds()[0]); } else { logger.warn( "Firewall not applied to server as there is more than one - current list has " + withLaunchOptions.getFirewallIds().length); } } nics.put(newNic); newServer.put("nics", nics); } CloudSigmaMethod method = new CloudSigmaMethod(provider); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Creating server...."); } //dmayne 20130218: use JSON Parsing VirtualMachine vm = null; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(method.postString("/servers/", newServer.toString())); //dmayne 20130227: check value returned and extract created server from the objects array if (obj != null) { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) obj; JSONArray arr = object.getJSONArray("objects"); JSONObject server = arr.getJSONObject(0); vm = toVirtualMachine((JSONObject) server); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("vm=" + vm); } if (vm == null) { throw new CloudException("No virtual machine was provided in the response"); } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Waiting for " + vm.getProviderVirtualMachineId() + " to be STOPPED or RUNNING..."); } vm = waitForState(vm, CalendarWrapper.MINUTE * 15L, VmState.STOPPED, VmState.RUNNING); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("post wait vm=" + vm); } if (vm == null) { throw new CloudException("Virtual machine disappeared waiting for startup state"); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("status.vm." + vm.getProviderVirtualMachineId() + "=" + vm.getCurrentState()); } if (!VmState.RUNNING.equals(vm.getCurrentState())) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Setting up a separate thread to start " + vm.getProviderVirtualMachineId() + "..."); } final String id = vm.getProviderVirtualMachineId(); Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { try { VirtualMachine vm = null; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { try { if (vm == null) { try { vm = getVirtualMachine(id); } catch (Throwable ignore) { // ignore } } if (vm != null) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Verifying the state of " + id); } vm = waitForState(vm, CalendarWrapper.MINUTE * 15L, VmState.STOPPED, VmState.RUNNING); if (vm == null || VmState.TERMINATED.equals(vm.getCurrentState()) || VmState.RUNNING.equals(vm.getCurrentState())) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { "Pre-emptive return due to non-existence or true running: " + id); } return; } } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Start attempt " + (i + 1) + " on " + id); } ServerSupport.this.start(id); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"VM " + id + " started"); } try { Thread.sleep(2000L); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } return; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to start virtual machine " + id + " post-create: " + e.getMessage()); } try { Thread.sleep(60000L); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"VM " + id + " never started"); if (vm != null) { logger.debug("status.vm." + id + " (not started)=" + vm.getCurrentState()); } } } finally { provider.release(); } } }; provider.hold(); t.setName("Start CloudSigma VM " + id); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } return vm; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new InternalException(e); } } finally { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("EXIT - " + ServerSupport.class.getName() + ".launch()"); } } }
From source
/** * Starts the threads prepared by prepareThreads(). Before you start the threads, you can add RowListeners to them. * * @throws KettleException//from ww w .j a va 2 s .co m * if there is a communication error with a remote output socket. */ public void startThreads() throws KettleException { // Now prepare to start all the threads... // nrOfFinishedSteps = 0; nrOfActiveSteps = 0; ExtensionPointHandler.callExtensionPoint(log,, this); fireTransStartedListeners(); for (int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) { final StepMetaDataCombi sid = steps.get(i); sid.step.markStart(); sid.step.initBeforeStart(); // also attach a Step Listener to detect when we're done... // StepListener stepListener = new StepListener() { public void stepActive(Trans trans, StepMeta stepMeta, StepInterface step) { nrOfActiveSteps++; if (nrOfActiveSteps == 1) { // Transformation goes from in-active to active... // PDI-5229 sync added synchronized (transListeners) { for (TransListener listener : transListeners) { listener.transActive(Trans.this); } } } } public void stepFinished(Trans trans, StepMeta stepMeta, StepInterface step) { synchronized (Trans.this) { nrOfFinishedSteps++; if (nrOfFinishedSteps >= steps.size()) { // Set the finished flag // setFinished(true); // Grab the performance statistics one last time (if enabled) // addStepPerformanceSnapShot(); try { fireTransFinishedListeners(); } catch (Exception e) { step.setErrors(step.getErrors() + 1L); log.logError(getName() + " : " + BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "Trans.Log.UnexpectedErrorAtTransformationEnd"), e); } } // If a step fails with an error, we want to kill/stop the others // too... // if (step.getErrors() > 0) { log.logMinimal(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "Trans.Log.TransformationDetectedErrors")); log.logMinimal( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "Trans.Log.TransformationIsKillingTheOtherSteps")); killAllNoWait(); } } } }; // Make sure this is called first! // if (sid.step instanceof BaseStep) { ((BaseStep) sid.step).getStepListeners().add(0, stepListener); } else { sid.step.addStepListener(stepListener); } } if (transMeta.isCapturingStepPerformanceSnapShots()) { stepPerformanceSnapshotSeqNr = new AtomicInteger(0); stepPerformanceSnapShots = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<StepPerformanceSnapShot>>(); // Calculate the maximum number of snapshots to be kept in memory // String limitString = environmentSubstitute(transMeta.getStepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit()); if (Const.isEmpty(limitString)) { limitString = EnvUtil.getSystemProperty(Const.KETTLE_STEP_PERFORMANCE_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT); } stepPerformanceSnapshotSizeLimit = Const.toInt(limitString, 0); // Set a timer to collect the performance data from the running threads... // stepPerformanceSnapShotTimer = new Timer("stepPerformanceSnapShot Timer: " + transMeta.getName()); TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() { public void run() { if (!isFinished()) { addStepPerformanceSnapShot(); } } }; stepPerformanceSnapShotTimer.schedule(timerTask, 100, transMeta.getStepPerformanceCapturingDelay()); } // Now start a thread to monitor the running transformation... // setFinished(false); paused.set(false); stopped.set(false); transFinishedBlockingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Object>(10); TransListener transListener = new TransAdapter() { public void transFinished(Trans trans) { try { ExtensionPointHandler.callExtensionPoint(log,, trans); } catch (KettleException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error calling extension point at end of transformation", e); } // First of all, stop the performance snapshot timer if there is is // one... // if (transMeta.isCapturingStepPerformanceSnapShots() && stepPerformanceSnapShotTimer != null) { stepPerformanceSnapShotTimer.cancel(); } setFinished(true); running = false; // no longer running log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_TRANSFORMATION_EXECUTION_STOP); // If the user ran with metrics gathering enabled and a metrics logging table is configured, add another // listener... // MetricsLogTable metricsLogTable = transMeta.getMetricsLogTable(); if (metricsLogTable.isDefined()) { try { writeMetricsInformation(); } catch (Exception e) { log.logError("Error writing metrics information", e); errors.incrementAndGet(); } } // Close the unique connections when running database transactionally. // This will commit or roll back the transaction based on the result of this transformation. // if (transMeta.isUsingUniqueConnections()) { trans.closeUniqueDatabaseConnections(getResult()); } } }; // This should always be done first so that the other listeners achieve a clean state to start from (setFinished and // so on) // transListeners.add(0, transListener); running = true; switch (transMeta.getTransformationType()) { case Normal: // Now start all the threads... // for (int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) { final StepMetaDataCombi combi = steps.get(i); RunThread runThread = new RunThread(combi); Thread thread = new Thread(runThread); thread.setName(getName() + " - " + combi.stepname); ExtensionPointHandler.callExtensionPoint(log,, combi); // Call an extension point at the end of the step // combi.step.addStepListener(new StepAdapter() { @Override public void stepFinished(Trans trans, StepMeta stepMeta, StepInterface step) { try { ExtensionPointHandler.callExtensionPoint(log,, combi); } catch (KettleException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected error in calling extension point upon step finish", e); } } }); thread.start(); } break; case SerialSingleThreaded: new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { // Always disable thread priority management, it will always slow us // down... // for (StepMetaDataCombi combi : steps) { combi.step.setUsingThreadPriorityManagment(false); } // // This is a single threaded version... // // Sort the steps from start to finish... // Collections.sort(steps, new Comparator<StepMetaDataCombi>() { public int compare(StepMetaDataCombi c1, StepMetaDataCombi c2) { boolean c1BeforeC2 = transMeta.findPrevious(c2.stepMeta, c1.stepMeta); if (c1BeforeC2) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } }); boolean[] stepDone = new boolean[steps.size()]; int nrDone = 0; while (nrDone < steps.size() && !isStopped()) { for (int i = 0; i < steps.size() && !isStopped(); i++) { StepMetaDataCombi combi = steps.get(i); if (!stepDone[i]) { // if (combi.step.canProcessOneRow() || // !combi.step.isRunning()) { boolean cont = combi.step.processRow(combi.meta,; if (!cont) { stepDone[i] = true; nrDone++; } // } } } } } catch (Exception e) { errors.addAndGet(1); log.logError("Error executing single threaded", e); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) { StepMetaDataCombi combi = steps.get(i); combi.step.dispose(combi.meta,; combi.step.markStop(); } } } }).start(); break; case SingleThreaded: // Don't do anything, this needs to be handled by the transformation // executor! // break; default: break; } ExtensionPointHandler.callExtensionPoint(log,, this); if (log.isDetailed()) { log.logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "Trans.Log.TransformationHasAllocated", String.valueOf(steps.size()), String.valueOf(rowsets.size()))); } }