Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013. EMBL, European Bioinformatics Institute * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * @author John May */ public class Align2Reference extends CommandLineMain { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Align2Reference.class); public static void main(String[] args) { new Align2Reference().process(args); } @Override public void setupOptions() { add(new Option("q", "query", true, "Query reconstruction ('.mr' folder)")); add(new Option("r", "reference", true, "Reference reconstruction ('.mr' folder)")); add(new Option("p", "profile", false, "Provides a stop point in order to start a Visual VM profiler")); } @Override public void process() { System.out.print("Reading query..."); final Reconstruction query = getReconstruction("query"); System.out.println("done"); System.out.print("Reading reference..."); final Reconstruction reference = getReconstruction("reference"); System.out.println("done"); System.out.printf(" Query reconstruction %20s %6s,%6s\n", query.getAccession(), query.getMetabolome().size(), query.getReactome().size()); System.out.printf("Reference reconstruction %20s %6s,%6s\n", reference.getAccession(), reference.getMetabolome().size(), reference.getReactome().size()); if (has("profile")) { // break point for starting visual vm Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Ready to go? [y/n]:\n"); while (!scanner.nextLine().equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // await signal System.out.println("Okay, let me know"); System.out.print("Ready to go? [y/n]:"); } } MolecularHashFactory.getInstance().setDepth(1); final EntityAligner<Metabolite> aligner = new MappedEntityAligner<Metabolite>( reference.getMetabolome().toList(), false); final List<MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher> hashCodeMatchers = new ArrayList<MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher>(); hashCodeMatchers.add(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, StereoSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, ChargeSeed.class)); hashCodeMatchers.add(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, StereoSeed.class)); hashCodeMatchers.add(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, ChargeSeed.class)); aligner.push(new DirectMatcher<Metabolite>()); aligner.push(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, StereoSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, ChargeSeed.class)); aligner.push(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, StereoSeed.class)); aligner.push(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class, ChargeSeed.class)); aligner.push(new MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher(AtomicNumberSeed.class, BondOrderSumSeed.class, ConnectedAtomSeed.class)); aligner.push(new NameMatcher<Metabolite>()); aligner.push(new NameMatcher<Metabolite>(true, true)); final EntityMatcher<Metabolite, ?> nameMatcher = new NameMatcher<Metabolite>(true, true); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Collection<Metabolite> unmatched = new ArrayList<Metabolite>(); Collection<Multimap<Metabolite, Metabolite>> mismatched = new ArrayList<Multimap<Metabolite, Metabolite>>(); int matched = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Metabolite m : query.getMetabolome()) { List<Metabolite> matches = aligner.getMatches(m); matched += matches.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1; if (matches.isEmpty()) { unmatched.add(m); } // for (Metabolite r : matches) { // if (!nameMatcher.matches(m, r)) { // Multimap multimap = HashMultimap.create(); // multimap.putAll(m, matches); // mismatched.add(multimap); // break; // } // } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Completed in " + (end - start) + " ms"); System.out.println("Matched " + matched + "/" + query.getMetabolome().size() + " entities"); System.out.println("Structure mismatch " + mismatched.size()); try { File tmp = File.createTempFile("unmatched", ".tsv"); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(tmp), '\t'); for (Metabolite m : unmatched) { writer.writeNext(new String[] { m.getAccession(), m.getName(), m.getAnnotationsExtending(CrossReference.class).toString() }); } writer.close(); System.out.println("Unmatched entries written to: " + tmp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } try { File tmp = File.createTempFile("miss-matched", ".tsv"); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(tmp), '\t'); for (Multimap<Metabolite, Metabolite> emap : mismatched) { for (Map.Entry<Metabolite, Metabolite> e : emap.entries()) { List<Set<Integer>> qh = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(); List<Set<Integer>> rh = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(); for (MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher matcher : hashCodeMatchers) { qh.add(matcher.calculatedMetric(e.getKey())); } for (MetaboliteHashCodeMatcher matcher : hashCodeMatchers) { rh.add(matcher.calculatedMetric(e.getValue())); } writer.writeNext(new String[] { e.getKey().getAccession(), e.getKey().getName(), e.getKey().getAnnotationsExtending(CrossReference.class).toString(), e.getValue().getAccession(), e.getValue().getName(), e.getValue().getAnnotationsExtending(CrossReference.class).toString(), "", Joiner.on(", ").join(qh), Joiner.on(", ").join(rh) }); } } writer.close(); System.out.println("Miss-matched entries written to: " + tmp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } }); t.setName("METABOLOME ALIGNMENT"); t.start(); try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } final Map<Metabolite, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<Metabolite, java.lang.Integer>(); Reactome reactome = query.getReactome(); for (Metabolite m : query.getMetabolome()) { countMap.put(m, reactome.participatesIn(m).size()); } System.out.println("Most common metabolites:"); for (Map.Entry<Metabolite, Integer> e : entriesSortedByValues(countMap)) { if (e.getValue() > 40) { System.out.println(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getKey().hashCode() + ":" + e.getValue()); } } Set<Metabolite> queryCurrencyMetabolites = new HashSet<Metabolite>(); Set<Metabolite> referenceCurrencyMetabolites = new HashSet<Metabolite>(); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("H+")); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("H2O")); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("CO2")); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("ammonium")); queryCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(query.getMetabolome().ofName("ammonia")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H+")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H2O")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("CO2")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("ammonium")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("ammonia")); referenceCurrencyMetabolites.addAll(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("Phosphate")); int count = 0; int transport = 0; System.out.println(); System.out.println("| REACTOME ALIGNMENT |"); EntityAligner<MetabolicReaction> reactionAligner = new MappedEntityAligner<MetabolicReaction>( reference.reactome().toList()); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner)); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, false)); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, true, Collections.singleton(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H+").iterator().next()))); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, false, Collections.singleton(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H+").iterator().next()))); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, false, new HashSet<Metabolite>(Arrays.asList(reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H+").iterator().next(), reference.getMetabolome().ofName("H2O").iterator().next())))); reactionAligner.push(new ReactionMatcher(aligner, false, referenceCurrencyMetabolites)); for (MetabolicReaction reaction : reactome) { // skip transport reactsions for now if (TransportReactionUtil.isTransport(reaction)) { transport++; continue; } System.out.println(reaction.getIdentifier() + ": " + reaction); Collection<MetabolicReaction> matches = reactionAligner.getMatches(reaction); for (MetabolicReaction rxnMatch : matches) { System.out.println("\t" + rxnMatch); } count += matches.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0; if (true) continue; Map<Identifier, MutableInt> reactionReferences = new HashMap<Identifier, MutableInt>(); for (Participant<Metabolite, ?> p : reaction.getParticipants()) { Metabolite m = p.getMolecule(); System.out.print("\t" + m.getName() + " == "); for (Metabolite r : aligner.getMatches(m)) { System.out.print(r + " "); for (Reaction rxnRef : reference.participatesIn(r)) { Identifier identifier = rxnRef.getIdentifier(); if (!reactionReferences.containsKey(identifier)) { reactionReferences.put(identifier, new MutableInt()); } reactionReferences.get(identifier).increment(); } } System.out.println(); } Map<Identifier, MetabolicReaction> idToReaction = new HashMap<Identifier, MetabolicReaction>(); for (MetabolicReaction r : reference.reactome()) { idToReaction.put(r.getIdentifier(), r); } System.out.println("Candidate matches for " + reaction); for (Map.Entry<Identifier, MutableInt> e : reactionReferences.entrySet()) { int nParticipants = e.getValue().toInteger(); if (nParticipants >= adjustedCount(reaction, queryCurrencyMetabolites)) { Collection<MetabolicParticipant> refps = adjustedParticipants(idToReaction.get(e.getKey()), referenceCurrencyMetabolites); boolean show = true; MetabolicReaction referenceReaction = idToReaction.get(e.getKey()); System.out.println(referenceReaction); for (Participant<Metabolite, ?> p : adjustedParticipants(reaction, queryCurrencyMetabolites)) { List<Metabolite> referenceMetabolites = aligner.getMatches(p.getMolecule()); if (referenceMetabolites.isEmpty()) { // missing reference show = false; break; } if (referenceMetabolites.size() > 1) { // complex case show = false; break; } Metabolite r = referenceMetabolites.get(0); boolean found = false; MetabolicParticipant remove = null; for (MetabolicParticipant rp : refps) { if (rp.getMolecule().equals(r)) { found = true; remove = rp; break; } } if (!found) { show = false; } else { refps.remove(remove); } } // matches if (show && refps.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("\t [match] " + referenceReaction); // MetabolicReaction rxn1 = m2.calculatedMetric(reaction).iterator().readNext(); // MetabolicReaction rxn2 = m2.calculatedMetric(referenceReaction).iterator().readNext(); // System.out.println(rxn1.hashCode()); // System.out.println(rxn2.hashCode()); // System.out.println(rxn1.equals(rxn2)); } } } } System.out.println(count + "/" + query.getReactome().size() + " were not matched (transport reactions skipped by default) n transport reactions = " + transport); } static <M> int adjustedCount(Reaction<? extends Participant<M, ?>> rxn, Set<M> currency) { int count = 0; for (Participant<M, ?> p : rxn.getParticipants()) { count += currency.contains(p.getMolecule()) ? 0 : 1; } return count; } static <M, P extends Participant<M, ?>> Collection<P> adjustedParticipants(Reaction<P> rxn, Set<M> currency) { Collection<P> participants = new ArrayList<P>(); for (P p : rxn.getParticipants()) { if (!currency.contains(p.getMolecule())) { participants.add(p); } } return participants; } static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>> SortedSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> entriesSortedByValues(Map<K, V> map) { SortedSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> sortedEntries = new TreeSet<Map.Entry<K, V>>(new Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>>() { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry<K, V> e1, Map.Entry<K, V> e2) { int res = e1.getValue().compareTo(e2.getValue()); return res != 0 ? res : 1; // Special fix to preserve items with equal values } }); for (Map.Entry<K, V> e : map.entrySet()) { sortedEntries.add(e); } return sortedEntries; } public Reconstruction getReconstruction(String option) { File file = getFile(option); try { return; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.fatal("Could not read reconstruction '" + option + "': " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.fatal("Could not read reconstruction '" + option + "': " + e.getMessage()); } System.exit(1); return null; } }