List of usage examples for java.lang Thread setName
public final synchronized void setName(String name)
From source
/** * Start the WorkerManager//from w w w .j a v a 2s . com * * @param hrs WorkerManager * @param name the name of thread * @return the thread of startWorkerManager */ public static Thread startWorkerManager(final WorkerManager hrs, final String name) { Thread t = new Thread(hrs); t.setName(name); t.start(); return t; }
From source
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { labels = dataPreparationToolGUI.getLabels(); continueLoop = true;/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ dataPreparationToolGUI.disableAllBtnAndItems(); dataPreparationToolGUI.disableEditionTab(); dataPreparationToolGUI.disableRadioButtons(); dataPreparationToolGUI.disableAllBatchBtns(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().setFilename(""); final Object[] objects = dataPreparationToolGUI.getXmlEadList().getSelectedValues(); final ApexActionListener apexActionListener = this; new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { FileInstance uniqueFileInstance = null; String uniqueXslMessage = ""; int numberOfFiles = objects.length; int currentFileNumberBatch = 0; ProgressFrame progressFrame = new ProgressFrame(labels, parent, true, false, apexActionListener); JProgressBar batchProgressBar = progressFrame.getProgressBarBatch(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane().disableConversionBtn(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane().disableValidationBtn(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane().disableConvertAndValidateBtn(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getXmlEadList().setEnabled(false); for (Object oneFile : objects) { if (!continueLoop) { break; } File file = (File) oneFile; FileInstance fileInstance = dataPreparationToolGUI.getFileInstances().get(file.getName()); if (numberOfFiles == 1) { uniqueFileInstance = fileInstance; } if (!fileInstance.isXml()) { fileInstance.setXml(XmlChecker.isXmlParseable(file) == null); if (!fileInstance.isXml()) { if (type == CONVERT || type == CONVERT_AND_VALIDATE) { fileInstance.setConversionErrors(labels.getString("conversion.error.fileNotXml")); } else if (type == VALIDATE || type == CONVERT_AND_VALIDATE) { fileInstance.setValidationErrors(labels.getString("validation.error.fileNotXml")); } dataPreparationToolGUI.enableSaveBtn(); dataPreparationToolGUI.enableRadioButtons(); dataPreparationToolGUI.enableEditionTab(); } } SummaryWorking summaryWorking = new SummaryWorking(dataPreparationToolGUI.getResultArea(), batchProgressBar); summaryWorking.setTotalNumberFiles(numberOfFiles); summaryWorking.setCurrentFileNumberBatch(currentFileNumberBatch); Thread threadRunner = new Thread(summaryWorking); threadRunner.setName(SummaryWorking.class.toString()); threadRunner.start(); JProgressBar progressBar = null; Thread threadProgress = null; CounterThread counterThread = null; CounterCLevelCall counterCLevelCall = null; if (fileInstance.isXml()) { currentFileNumberBatch = currentFileNumberBatch + 1; if (type == CONVERT || type == CONVERT_AND_VALIDATE) { dataPreparationToolGUI.setResultAreaText(labels.getString("converting") + " " + file.getName() + " (" + (currentFileNumberBatch) + "/" + numberOfFiles + ")"); String eadid = ""; boolean doTransformation = true; if (fileInstance.getValidationSchema() .equals(Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_APE_SCHEMA.getPath())) || fileInstance.getValidationSchema().equals( Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_EAD_SCHEMA.getPath()))) { StaxTransformationTool staxTransformationTool = new StaxTransformationTool(file);; LOG.debug("file has eadid? " + staxTransformationTool.isFileWithEadid()); if (!staxTransformationTool.isFileWithEadid()) { EadidQueryComponent eadidQueryComponent; if (staxTransformationTool.getUnitid() != null && !staxTransformationTool.getUnitid().equals("")) { eadidQueryComponent = new EadidQueryComponent( staxTransformationTool.getUnitid()); } else { eadidQueryComponent = new EadidQueryComponent(labels); } int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(parent, eadidQueryComponent.getMainPanel(), labels.getString("enterEADID"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); while (StringUtils.isEmpty(eadidQueryComponent.getEntryEadid()) && result != JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(parent, eadidQueryComponent.getMainPanel(), labels.getString("enterEADID"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); } if (result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { eadid = eadidQueryComponent.getEntryEadid(); } else if (result == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { doTransformation = false; } } } if (doTransformation) { int counterMax = 0; if (fileInstance.getConversionScriptName() .equals(Utilities.XSL_DEFAULT_APEEAD_NAME)) { progressBar = progressFrame.getProgressBarSingle(); progressBar.setVisible(true); progressFrame .setTitle(labels.getString("progressTrans") + " - " + file.getName()); CountCLevels countCLevels = new CountCLevels(); counterMax = countCLevels.countOneFile(file); if (counterMax > 0) { counterCLevelCall = new CounterCLevelCall(); counterCLevelCall.initializeCounter(counterMax); counterThread = new CounterThread(counterCLevelCall, progressBar, counterMax); threadProgress = new Thread(counterThread); threadProgress.setName(CounterThread.class.toString()); threadProgress.start(); } } try { try { File xslFile = new File(fileInstance.getConversionScriptPath()); File outputFile = new File(Utilities.TEMP_DIR + "temp_" + file.getName()); outputFile.deleteOnExit(); StringWriter xslMessages; HashMap<String, String> parameters = dataPreparationToolGUI.getParams(); parameters.put("eadidmissing", eadid); CheckIsEadFile checkIsEadFile = new CheckIsEadFile(file);; if (checkIsEadFile.isEadRoot()) { File outputFile_temp = new File( Utilities.TEMP_DIR + ".temp_" + file.getName()); TransformationTool.createTransformation(FileUtils.openInputStream(file), outputFile_temp, Utilities.BEFORE_XSL_FILE, null, true, true, null, true, null); xslMessages = TransformationTool.createTransformation( FileUtils.openInputStream(outputFile_temp), outputFile, xslFile, parameters, true, true, null, true, counterCLevelCall); outputFile_temp.delete(); } else { xslMessages = TransformationTool.createTransformation( FileUtils.openInputStream(file), outputFile, xslFile, parameters, true, true, null, true, null); } fileInstance.setConversionErrors(xslMessages.toString()); fileInstance .setCurrentLocation(Utilities.TEMP_DIR + "temp_" + file.getName()); fileInstance.setConverted(); fileInstance.setLastOperation(FileInstance.Operation.CONVERT); uniqueXslMessage = xslMessages.toString(); if (xslMessages.toString().equals("")) { if (fileInstance.getConversionScriptName() .equals(Utilities.XSL_DEFAULT_APEEAD_NAME)) { fileInstance.setConversionErrors( labels.getString("conversion.noExcludedElements")); } else { fileInstance.setConversionErrors( labels.getString("conversion.finished")); } } if (!continueLoop) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { fileInstance.setConversionErrors(labels.getString("conversionException") + "\r\n\r\n-------------\r\n" + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Error when converting " + file.getName(), e); } if (threadProgress != null) { counterThread.stop(); threadProgress.interrupt(); } if (progressBar != null) { if (counterMax > 0) { progressBar.setValue(counterMax); } progressBar.setIndeterminate(true); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error when converting and validating", e); } finally { summaryWorking.stop(); threadRunner.interrupt(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getXmlEadListLabel().repaint(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getXmlEadList().repaint(); if (progressBar != null) { progressBar.setVisible(false); } } } if (numberOfFiles == 1) { uniqueFileInstance = fileInstance; } } if (type == VALIDATE || type == CONVERT_AND_VALIDATE) { try { try { File fileToValidate = new File(fileInstance.getCurrentLocation()); InputStream is = FileUtils.openInputStream(fileToValidate); dataPreparationToolGUI .setResultAreaText(labels.getString("validating") + " " + file.getName() + " (" + currentFileNumberBatch + "/" + numberOfFiles + ")"); XsdObject xsdObject = fileInstance.getValidationSchema(); List<SAXParseException> exceptions; if (xsdObject.getName().equals(Xsd_enum.DTD_EAD_2002.getReadableName())) { exceptions = DocumentValidation.xmlValidationAgainstDtd( fileToValidate.getAbsolutePath(), Utilities.getUrlPathXsd(xsdObject)); } else { exceptions = DocumentValidation.xmlValidation(is, Utilities.getUrlPathXsd(xsdObject), xsdObject.isXsd11()); } if (exceptions == null || exceptions.isEmpty()) { fileInstance.setValid(true); fileInstance.setValidationErrors(labels.getString("validationSuccess")); if (xsdObject.getFileType().equals(FileInstance.FileType.EAD) && xsdObject.getName().equals("apeEAD")) { XmlQualityCheckerCall xmlQualityCheckerCall = new XmlQualityCheckerCall(); InputStream is2 = FileUtils .openInputStream(new File(fileInstance.getCurrentLocation())); TransformationTool.createTransformation(is2, null, Utilities.XML_QUALITY_FILE, null, true, true, null, false, xmlQualityCheckerCall); String xmlQualityStr = createXmlQualityString(xmlQualityCheckerCall); fileInstance.setValidationErrors( fileInstance.getValidationErrors() + xmlQualityStr); fileInstance.setXmlQualityErrors( createXmlQualityErrors(xmlQualityCheckerCall)); } } else { String errors = Utilities.stringFromList(exceptions); fileInstance.setValidationErrors(errors); fileInstance.setValid(false); } fileInstance.setLastOperation(FileInstance.Operation.VALIDATE); } catch (Exception ex) { fileInstance.setValid(false); fileInstance.setValidationErrors(labels.getString("validationException") + "\r\n\r\n-------------\r\n" + ex.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Error when validating", ex); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error when validating", e); } finally { summaryWorking.stop(); threadRunner.interrupt(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getXmlEadListLabel().repaint(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getXmlEadList().repaint(); if (progressBar != null) { progressBar.setVisible(false); } } if (numberOfFiles == 1) { uniqueFileInstance = fileInstance; } } } } Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); if (progressFrame != null) { try { progressFrame.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error when stopping the progress bar", e); } } dataPreparationToolGUI.getFinalAct().run(); if (numberOfFiles > 1) { dataPreparationToolGUI.getXmlEadList().clearSelection(); } else if (uniqueFileInstance != null) { if (type != VALIDATE) { dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane() .setConversionErrorText(replaceGtAndLt(uniqueFileInstance.getConversionErrors())); if (uniqueXslMessage.equals("")) { dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane() .checkFlashingTab(APETabbedPane.TAB_CONVERSION, Utilities.FLASHING_GREEN_COLOR); } else { dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane() .checkFlashingTab(APETabbedPane.TAB_CONVERSION, Utilities.FLASHING_RED_COLOR); } } if (type != CONVERT) { dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane() .setValidationErrorText(uniqueFileInstance.getValidationErrors()); if (uniqueFileInstance.isValid()) { dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane() .checkFlashingTab(APETabbedPane.TAB_VALIDATION, Utilities.FLASHING_GREEN_COLOR); if (uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema() .equals(Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_APE_SCHEMA.getPath()))) { dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane().enableConversionEdmBtn(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane().enableValidationReportBtn(); } else if (uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema() .equals(Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_EAD_SCHEMA.getPath())) || uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema() .equals(Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.DTD_EAD_2002.getPath())) || uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema().equals( Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_EAC_SCHEMA.getPath()))) { dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane().enableConversionBtn(); // dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane().enableValidationReportBtn(); } } else { dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane() .checkFlashingTab(APETabbedPane.TAB_VALIDATION, Utilities.FLASHING_RED_COLOR); if (uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema() .equals(Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_APE_SCHEMA.getPath())) || uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema().equals( Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_EAD_SCHEMA.getPath())) || uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema() .equals(Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.DTD_EAD_2002.getPath())) || uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema().equals( Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_APE_EAC_SCHEMA.getPath())) || uniqueFileInstance.getValidationSchema().equals( Utilities.getXsdObjectFromPath(Xsd_enum.XSD_EAC_SCHEMA.getPath()))) { dataPreparationToolGUI.enableConversionBtns(); dataPreparationToolGUI.getAPEPanel().getApeTabbedPane() .enableConvertAndValidateBtn(); } } } dataPreparationToolGUI.enableMessageReportBtns(); } if (continueLoop) { dataPreparationToolGUI.setResultAreaText(labels.getString("finished")); } else { dataPreparationToolGUI.setResultAreaText(labels.getString("aborted")); } dataPreparationToolGUI.enableSaveBtn(); if (type == CONVERT) { dataPreparationToolGUI.enableValidationBtns(); } dataPreparationToolGUI.enableRadioButtons(); dataPreparationToolGUI.enableEditionTab(); } }).start(); }
From source
public void testSingleWriterMultiReader() { Thread writerThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { CompassTemplate template = new CompassTemplate(getCompass()); try { for (long count = 0; count < getNumberOfObjects(); count++) { A a = new A(); = count;//from w w w. j ava 2 s . c o m a.data1 = "" + count;; lastId.incrementAndGet(); } } catch (Exception e) { error = true; logger.error("WRITER THREAD FAILED", e); } writerDone = true; } }); writerThread.setName("WRITER"); Thread[] readerThreads = new Thread[getNumberOfReaders()]; for (int i = 0; i < readerThreads.length; i++) { readerThreads[i] = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { CompassTemplate template = new CompassTemplate(getCompass()); while (!writerDone) { try { for (long i = 0; i < lastId.get(); i++) { A a = template.get(A.class, i); if (a == null) { error = true; logger.error("FAILED TO READ ID [" + i + "]"); } } } catch (Exception e) { error = true; logger.error("READER THREAD FAILED", e); } } } }); readerThreads[i].setName("READER[" + i + "]"); } writerThread.start(); for (Thread readerThread : readerThreads) { readerThread.start(); } try { writerThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("Failed to join on writer thread, interrupted", e); } for (Thread readerThread : readerThreads) { try { readerThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("Failed to join on reader thread, interrupted", e); } } if (error) { fail("Single writer multi writer test failed, see logs..."); } }
From source
/** * Helper method that starts an Append Lease renewer thread and the * thread pool./*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ public synchronized void initialize() { if (initialized) { return; } /* * Start the thread for Append lease renewer. */ Thread appendLeaseRenewer = new Thread(new AppendRenewer()); appendLeaseRenewer.setDaemon(true); appendLeaseRenewer.setName(String.format("%s-AppendLeaseRenewer", key)); appendLeaseRenewer.start(); /* * Parameters to ThreadPoolExecutor: * corePoolSize : the number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle, * unless allowCoreThreadTimeOut is set * maximumPoolSize : the maximum number of threads to allow in the pool * keepAliveTime - when the number of threads is greater than the core, * this is the maximum time that excess idle threads will * wait for new tasks before terminating. * unit - the time unit for the keepAliveTime argument * workQueue - the queue to use for holding tasks before they are executed * This queue will hold only the Runnable tasks submitted by the execute method. */ this.ioThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 4, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new UploaderThreadFactory()); initialized = true; }
From source
private ImapResponse sendIdle(ImapRequest req) { request = req;//w ww . j a va 2 s .c om try { req.write(getImapOutputStream()); ImapResponse res = waitForResponse(); if (res.isTagged()) { return res; } assert res.isContinuation(); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { idleHandler(); } }); t.setName("IMAP IDLE thread"); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } catch (IOException e) { request = null; } return null; }
From source
private synchronized void startResourceManager(final int index) { try {//from w w w . j a v a2 s .co m Thread rmThread = new Thread() { public void run() { resourceManagers[index].start(); } }; rmThread.setName("RM-" + index); rmThread.start(); int waitCount = 0; while (resourceManagers[index].getServiceState() == STATE.INITED && waitCount++ < 60) {"Waiting for RM to start..."); Thread.sleep(1500); } if (resourceManagers[index].getServiceState() != STATE.STARTED) { // RM could have failed. throw new IOException("ResourceManager failed to start. Final state is " + resourceManagers[index].getServiceState()); } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new YarnRuntimeException(t); }"MiniYARN ResourceManager address: " + getConfig().get(YarnConfiguration.RM_ADDRESS));"MiniYARN ResourceManager web address: " + WebAppUtils.getRMWebAppURLWithoutScheme(getConfig())); }
From source
private void showNewsToast() { final String versionName = getVersionName(); Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override/* w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ public void run() { String summary = backgroundDownloadNewsToast(versionName); if (summary != null && summary != "") { Message message = Message.obtain(newsToastHandler, 0, summary); newsToastHandler.sendMessage(message); } } }); thread.setName("Download news toast"); thread.start(); }
From source
private void startProcessing() { if (!running && !stopping) {"Starting..."); running = true;/* w ww . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ Thread me = new Thread(this); me.setName(getName()); me.start(); } }
From source
private void startThread(TwitterFireHoseConfig config) { BasicClient client = new ClientBuilder().name(config.getClientName()).hosts(config.getClientHosts()) .endpoint(getEndpoint(config)).authentication(getAuthentication(config)) .processor(new HosebirdMessageProcessor() { public DelimitedStreamReader reader; @Override/*w ww .ja v a 2s .c om*/ public void setup(InputStream input) { reader = new DelimitedStreamReader(input, Constants.DEFAULT_CHARSET, config.getClientBufferSize()); } @Override public boolean process() throws IOException, InterruptedException { String tweetStr = reader.readLine(); try { TweetData tweet = mapper.readValue(tweetStr, TweetData.class); // We don't really care if the record succeeds or not. // However might be in the future to count failures // TODO:- Figure out the metrics story for connectors consume(new TwitterRecord(tweet, config.getGuestimateTweetTime())); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception thrown: {}", e); } return true; } }).build(); Thread runnerThread = new Thread(() -> {"Started the Twitter FireHose Runner Thread"); client.connect();"Twitter Streaming API connection established successfully"); // just wait now try { synchronized (waitObject) { waitObject.wait(); } } catch (Exception e) {"Got a exception in waitObject"); } LOG.debug("Closing Twitter Streaming API connection"); client.stop();"Twitter Streaming API connection closed");"Twitter FireHose Runner Thread ending"); }); runnerThread.setName("TwitterFireHoseRunner"); runnerThread.start(); }
From source
@Test public void testRollbackWithSink() throws Exception { final NullSink nullSink = new NullSink(); Context ctx = new Context(); ctx.put("batchSize", "1"); nullSink.configure(ctx);//from w ww . j ava2 s . co m nullSink.setChannel(channel); final int numItems = 99; Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int count = 0; while (count++ < numItems) { try { nullSink.process(); Thread.sleep(1); } catch (EventDeliveryException e) { break; } catch (Exception e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } } } }; t.setDaemon(true); t.setName("NullSink"); t.start(); putEvents(channel, "rollback", 10, 100); Transaction transaction; // put an item we will rollback transaction = channel.getTransaction(); transaction.begin(); channel.put(EventBuilder.withBody("this is going to be rolledback".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8))); transaction.rollback(); transaction.close(); while (t.isAlive()) { Thread.sleep(1); } // simulate crash channel.stop(); channel = createFileChannel(); // get the item which was not rolled back transaction = channel.getTransaction(); transaction.begin(); Event event = channel.take(); transaction.commit(); transaction.close(); Assert.assertNotNull(event); Assert.assertEquals("rollback-90-9", new String(event.getBody(), Charsets.UTF_8)); }