Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 Synacor, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.imap; import com.zimbra.common.util.Constants; import com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.MailConnection; import com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.MailException; import com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.MailInputStream; import com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.MailOutputStream; import com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.CommandFailedException; import com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.ParseException; import com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.util.Ascii; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; public final class ImapConnection extends MailConnection { private ImapCapabilities capabilities; private MailboxInfo mailbox; private ImapRequest request; private DataHandler dataHandler; private Character delimiter; private final AtomicInteger tagCount = new AtomicInteger(); private static final String TAG_FORMAT = "C%02d"; public ImapConnection(ImapConfig config) { super(config); } public void setDataHandler(DataHandler handler) { dataHandler = handler; } public DataHandler getDataHandler() { return dataHandler; } @Override protected MailInputStream newMailInputStream(InputStream is) { if (getLogger().isTraceEnabled()) { return new ImapInputStream(is, this, getLogger()); } else { return new ImapInputStream(is, this); } } @Override protected MailOutputStream newMailOutputStream(OutputStream os) { if (getLogger().isTraceEnabled()) { return new ImapOutputStream(os, getLogger()); } else { return new ImapOutputStream(os); } } @Override protected void processGreeting() throws IOException { ImapResponse res = readResponse(); if (res.isUntagged()) { greeting = res.getResponseText().getText(); switch (res.getCCode()) { case BYE: throw new MailException(greeting); case PREAUTH: case OK: setState(res.isOK() ? State.NOT_AUTHENTICATED : State.AUTHENTICATED); ResponseText rt = res.getResponseText(); if (CAtom.CAPABILITY.atom().equals(rt.getCode())) { capabilities = (ImapCapabilities) rt.getData(); } else { capability(); } return; } } throw new MailException("Expected server greeting but got: " + res); } @Override protected void sendLogin(String user, String pass) throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.LOGIN, ImapData.asAString(user), ImapData.asAString(pass)).sendCheckStatus(); } @Override public synchronized void logout() throws IOException { if (isShutdown()) return; if (request != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Request pending"); } setState(State.LOGOUT); try { newRequest(CAtom.LOGOUT).sendCheckStatus(); } catch (CommandFailedException e) { getLogger().warn("Logout failed, force closing connection", e); close(); } } @Override protected void sendAuthenticate(boolean ir) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(CAtom.AUTHENTICATE, authenticator.getMechanism()); if (ir) { byte[] response = authenticator.getInitialResponse(); req.addParam(Ascii.toString(Base64.encodeBase64(response))); } req.sendCheckStatus(); } @Override protected void sendStartTls() throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.STARTTLS).sendCheckStatus(); } public ImapCapabilities capability() throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.CAPABILITY).sendCheckStatus(); return capabilities; } public void noop() throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.NOOP).sendCheckStatus(); } public void noop(ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(CAtom.NOOP); req.setResponseHandler(handler); req.sendCheckStatus(); } public void idle(ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(CAtom.IDLE); req.setResponseHandler(handler); ImapResponse res = req.send(); if (res != null) { if (res.isOK()) { throw new MailException("Expected IDLE continuation but got final response"); } req.checkStatus(res); } } public void check() throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.CHECK).sendCheckStatus(); } public void xatom(String cmd, Object... params) throws IOException { newRequest(cmd, params).sendCheckStatus(); } public IDInfo id(IDInfo info) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(CAtom.ID, info == null ? CAtom.NIL : info); List<IDInfo> results = new ArrayList<IDInfo>(1); req.setResponseHandler(new BasicResponseHandler(CAtom.ID, results)); req.sendCheckStatus(); return results.isEmpty() ? new IDInfo() : results.get(0); } public synchronized boolean isSelected(String name) { return mailbox != null && mailbox.getName().equals(name); } public synchronized MailboxInfo select(String name) throws IOException { mailbox = doSelectOrExamine(CAtom.SELECT, name); setState(State.SELECTED); return getMailboxInfo(); } public MailboxInfo examine(String name) throws IOException { return doSelectOrExamine(CAtom.EXAMINE, name); } private MailboxInfo doSelectOrExamine(CAtom cmd, String name) throws IOException { MailboxInfo mbox = new MailboxInfo(name); ImapRequest req = newRequest(cmd, new MailboxName(name)); req.setResponseHandler(mbox); mbox.handleResponse(req.sendCheckStatus()); return mbox; } public void create(String name) throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.CREATE, new MailboxName(name)).sendCheckStatus(); } public void delete(String name) throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.DELETE, new MailboxName(name)).sendCheckStatus(); } public void rename(String from, String to) throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.RENAME, new MailboxName(from), new MailboxName(to)).sendCheckStatus(); } public void subscribe(String name) throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.SUBSCRIBE, new MailboxName(name)).sendCheckStatus(); } public void unsubscribe(String name) throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.UNSUBSCRIBE, new MailboxName(name)).sendCheckStatus(); } public AppendResult append(String mbox, Flags flags, Date date, Literal data) throws IOException { return append(mbox, new AppendMessage(flags, date, data)); } public AppendResult append(String mbox, AppendMessage... msgs) throws IOException { return append(mbox, Arrays.asList(msgs)); } public AppendResult append(String mbox, Collection<AppendMessage> msgs) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(CAtom.APPEND, new MailboxName(mbox)); for (AppendMessage msg : msgs) { req.addParam(msg); } ImapResponse res = req.sendCheckStatus(); ResponseText rt = res.getResponseText(); return rt.getCCode() == CAtom.APPENDUID ? (AppendResult) rt.getData() : null; } public void expunge() throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.EXPUNGE).sendCheckStatus(); } public void uidExpunge(String seq) throws IOException { newUidRequest(CAtom.EXPUNGE, seq).sendCheckStatus(); } public synchronized void close_mailbox() throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.CLOSE).sendCheckStatus(); mailbox = null; setState(State.AUTHENTICATED); } public synchronized void unselect() throws IOException { newRequest(CAtom.UNSELECT).sendCheckStatus(); mailbox = null; setState(State.AUTHENTICATED); } public MailboxInfo status(String name, Object... params) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(CAtom.STATUS, new MailboxName(name), params); List<MailboxInfo> results = new ArrayList<MailboxInfo>(1); req.setResponseHandler(new BasicResponseHandler(CAtom.STATUS, results)); req.sendCheckStatus(); if (results.isEmpty()) { throw new MailException("Missing STATUS response data"); } return results.get(0); } public List<ListData> list(String ref, String mbox) throws IOException { return doList(CAtom.LIST, ref, mbox); } public List<ListData> lsub(String ref, String mbox) throws IOException { return doList(CAtom.LSUB, ref, mbox); } public boolean exists(String mbox) throws IOException { return !list("", mbox).isEmpty(); } private List<ListData> doList(CAtom cmd, String ref, String mbox) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(cmd, new MailboxName(ref), new MailboxName(mbox)); List<ListData> results = new ArrayList<ListData>(); req.setResponseHandler(new BasicResponseHandler(CAtom.LIST.atom(), results)); req.sendCheckStatus(); return results; } public char getDelimiter() throws IOException { if (delimiter == null) { List<ListData> ld = list("", ""); delimiter = ld.isEmpty() ? 0 : ld.get(0).getDelimiter(); } return delimiter; } public CopyResult copy(String seq, String mbox) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(CAtom.COPY, seq, new MailboxName(mbox)); ResponseText rt = req.sendCheckStatus().getResponseText(); return rt.getCCode() == CAtom.COPYUID ? (CopyResult) rt.getData() : null; } public CopyResult uidCopy(String seq, String mbox) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newUidRequest(CAtom.COPY, seq, new MailboxName(mbox)); ResponseText rt = req.sendCheckStatus().getResponseText(); return rt.getCCode() == CAtom.COPYUID ? (CopyResult) rt.getData() : null; } public void fetch(String seq, Object param, ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { fetch(, seq, param, handler); } public void uidFetch(String seq, Object param, ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newUidRequest(CAtom.FETCH, seq, param); req.setResponseHandler(handler); req.sendCheckStatus(); } private void fetch(String cmd, String seq, Object param, ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(cmd, seq, param); req.setResponseHandler(handler); req.sendCheckStatus(); } public List<Long> getUids(String seq) throws IOException { final List<Long> uids = new ArrayList<Long>(); uidFetch(seq, "UID", new FetchResponseHandler() { @Override public void handleFetchResponse(MessageData md) { uids.add(md.getUid()); } }); return uids; } public Map<Long, MessageData> fetch(String seq, Object param) throws IOException { final Map<Long, MessageData> results = new HashMap<Long, MessageData>(); fetch(seq, param, new FetchResponseHandler(false) { @Override public void handleFetchResponse(MessageData md) { long msgno = md.getMsgno(); if (msgno > 0) { MessageData omd = results.get(msgno); if (omd != null) { omd.addFields(md); } else { results.put(msgno, md); } } } }); return results; } public MessageData fetch(long msgno, Object param) throws IOException { return fetch(String.valueOf(msgno), param).get(msgno); } public Map<Long, MessageData> uidFetch(String seq, Object param) throws IOException { final Map<Long, MessageData> results = new HashMap<Long, MessageData>(); uidFetch(seq, param, new FetchResponseHandler(false) { @Override public void handleFetchResponse(MessageData md) { long uid = md.getUid(); if (uid > 0) { MessageData omd = results.get(uid); if (omd != null) { omd.addFields(md); } else { results.put(uid, md); } } } }); return results; } public MessageData uidFetch(long uid, Object param) throws IOException { return uidFetch(String.valueOf(uid), param).get(uid); } public List<Long> search(Object... params) throws IOException { return doSearch(, params); } public List<Long> uidSearch(Object... params) throws IOException { return doSearch("UID SEARCH", params); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Long> doSearch(String cmd, Object... params) throws IOException { final List<Long> results = new ArrayList<Long>(); ImapRequest req = newRequest(cmd, params); req.setResponseHandler(new ResponseHandler() { @Override public void handleResponse(ImapResponse res) { if (res.getCCode() == CAtom.SEARCH) { results.addAll((List<Long>) res.getData()); } } }); req.sendCheckStatus(); return results; } public void store(String seq, String item, Object flags) throws IOException { store(seq, item, flags, null); } public void store(String seq, String item, Object flags, ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newRequest(CAtom.STORE, seq, item, flags); req.setResponseHandler(handler); req.sendCheckStatus(); } public void uidStore(String seq, String item, Object flags) throws IOException { uidStore(seq, item, flags, null); } public void uidStore(String seq, String item, Object flags, ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { ImapRequest req = newUidRequest(CAtom.STORE, seq, item, flags); req.setResponseHandler(handler); req.sendCheckStatus(); } public ImapRequest newRequest(CAtom cmd, Object... params) { return new ImapRequest(this, cmd.atom(), params); } public ImapRequest newRequest(Atom cmd, Object... params) { return new ImapRequest(this, cmd, params); } public ImapRequest newRequest(String cmd, Object... params) { return new ImapRequest(this, new Atom(cmd), params); } public ImapRequest newUidRequest(CAtom cmd, Object... params) { return newRequest("UID " + cmd.toString(), params); } public ImapCapabilities getCapabilities() { return capabilities; } public MailboxInfo getMailboxInfo() { // Make sure we return a copy of the actual mailbox since it can // be modified in-place in response to unsolicited messages from // the server. return mailbox != null ? new MailboxInfo(mailbox) : null; } public boolean hasCapability(String cap) { return capabilities != null && capabilities.hasCapability(cap); } public boolean hasIdle() { return hasCapability(ImapCapabilities.IDLE); } public boolean hasUnselect() { return hasCapability(ImapCapabilities.UNSELECT); } public boolean hasMechanism(String method) { return hasCapability("AUTH=" + method); } public boolean hasUidPlus() { return hasCapability(ImapCapabilities.UIDPLUS); } // Called from ImapRequest synchronized ImapResponse sendRequest(ImapRequest req) throws IOException { if (isClosed()) { throw new IOException("Connection is closed"); } if (request != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Request already pending"); } if (req.isIdle()) { return sendIdle(req); } request = req; try { try { req.write(getImapOutputStream()); } catch (LiteralException e) { return e.res; } // Wait for final response, handle continuation response while (true) { ImapResponse res = waitForResponse(); if (res.isTagged()) { return res; } assert res.isContinuation(); if (!req.isAuthenticate()) { throw req.failed("Unexpected continuation response"); } processContinuation(res.getResponseText().getText()); } } finally { request = null; } } public synchronized boolean isIdling() { return request != null && request.isIdle(); } private ImapResponse sendIdle(ImapRequest req) { request = req; try { req.write(getImapOutputStream()); ImapResponse res = waitForResponse(); if (res.isTagged()) { return res; } assert res.isContinuation(); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { idleHandler(); } }); t.setName("IMAP IDLE thread"); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } catch (IOException e) { request = null; } return null; } private void idleHandler() { try { ImapResponse res = waitForResponse(); if (res.isContinuation()) { throw new IOException("Unexpected continuation response"); } assert res.isTagged(); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { getLogger().debug("Timed-out during IDLE", e); } catch (IOException e) { if (!isClosed()) { getLogger().error("IDLE failed", e); } } synchronized (this) { request = null; notifyAll(); } } public synchronized boolean stopIdle() throws IOException { if (isIdling()) { ImapOutputStream out = getImapOutputStream(); out.writeLine("DONE"); out.flush(); long waitTime = (getImapConfig().getReadTimeout() > 0 ? getImapConfig().getReadTimeout() : 30) * Constants.MILLIS_PER_SECOND; while (isIdling()) { long waitStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { wait(waitTime); //give server a chance to handle DONE normally } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore } waitTime = waitTime - (System.currentTimeMillis() - waitStart); if (waitTime <= 0 && isIdling()) { close(); return false; //close and return false so connection is not reused } } } return !isIdling(); } private ImapOutputStream getImapOutputStream() { return (ImapOutputStream) mailOut; } // Called from ImapRequest void writeLiteral(Literal lit) throws IOException { boolean lp = getImapConfig().isUseLiteralPlus() && hasCapability(ImapCapabilities.LITERAL_PLUS); ImapOutputStream out = (ImapOutputStream) mailOut; lit.writePrefix(out, lp); if (!lp) { out.flush(); ImapResponse res = waitForResponse(); if (!res.isContinuation()) { assert res.isTagged(); throw new LiteralException(res); } } lit.writeData(out); } public ImapConfig getImapConfig() { return (ImapConfig) config; } // Exception thrown if we get an unexpected response to literal data private static class LiteralException extends IOException { final ImapResponse res; LiteralException(ImapResponse res) { this.res = res; } } private boolean isShutdown() { return isClosed() || isLogout(); } /* * Read and process responses until next tagged or continuation response * has been received. Throws EOFException if end of stream has been * reached. */ private ImapResponse waitForResponse() throws IOException { ImapResponse res; do { res = readResponse(); } while (processResponse(res)); return res; } private ImapResponse readResponse() throws IOException { try { return mailIn); } catch (ParseException pe) { //read rest of the line so TraceInputStream dumps it for debugging mailIn.readLine(); mailIn.trace(); throw pe; } } /* * Process IMAP response. Returns true if this is not a final response and * reading should continue. Otherwise, returns false if tagged, untagged BAD, * or continuation response. */ private synchronized boolean processResponse(ImapResponse res) throws IOException { if (res.isUntagged() && res.isBAD()) { getLogger().error("Untagged BAD response: " + res); return true; } if (res.isContinuation() || res.isUntagged() && res.isBAD()) { return false; } if (res.isUntagged()) { processUntagged(res); res.dispose(); // Clean up associated literal data } if (res.isOK()) { ResponseText rt = res.getResponseText(); Atom code = rt.getCode(); if (code != null && code.getCAtom() == CAtom.CAPABILITY) { capabilities = (ImapCapabilities) rt.getData(); } } else if (res.getCCode() == CAtom.CAPABILITY) { capabilities = (ImapCapabilities) res.getData(); } else if (mailbox != null && !request.isSelectOrExamine()) { mailbox.handleResponse(res); } return res.isUntagged(); } /* * Process untagged response. Returns true if request handler processed * response otherwise returns false. */ private boolean processUntagged(ImapResponse res) throws IOException { ResponseHandler handler = request.getResponseHandler(); if (handler != null) { try { handler.handleResponse(res); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MailException("Exception in response handler", e); } } return false; } public String newTag() { Formatter fmt = new Formatter(); fmt.format(TAG_FORMAT, tagCount.incrementAndGet()); return fmt.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("{host=%s,port=%d,type=%s,state=%s,folder=%s}", config.getHost(), config.getPort(), config.getSecurity(), state, mailbox == null ? "null" : mailbox.getName()); } }