Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Nuvolect LLC. * This software is offered for free under conditions of the GPLv3 open source software license. * Contact Nuvolect LLC for a less restrictive commercial license if you would like to use the software * without the GPLv3 restrictions. */ package com.nuvolect.deepdive.probe; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import com.googlecode.dex2jar.Method; import; import com.googlecode.dex2jar.reader.DexFileReader; import com.googlecode.dex2jar.v3.Dex2jar; import com.googlecode.dex2jar.v3.DexExceptionHandler; import com.jaredrummler.apkparser.ApkParser; import com.jaredrummler.apkparser.model.CertificateMeta; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.main.App; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.main.CConst; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.util.LogUtil; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.util.OmniFile; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.util.OmniHash; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.util.OmniUtil; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.util.OmniZip; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.util.TimeUtil; import com.nuvolect.deepdive.util.Util; import; import org.benf.cfr.reader.state.ClassFileSourceImpl; import org.benf.cfr.reader.state.DCCommonState; import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.MiscConstants; import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.getopt.Options; import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.getopt.OptionsImpl; import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.output.DumperFactoryImpl; import; import; import org.jf.dexlib2.DexFileFactory; import org.jf.dexlib2.Opcodes; import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.ClassDef; import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.DexFile; import org.jf.dexlib2.immutable.ImmutableDexFile; import org.jf.dexlib2.writer.pool.DexPool; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import jadx.api.JadxDecompiler; //import net.dongliu.apk.parser.ApkParser; //import net.dongliu.apk.parser.bean.CertificateMeta; //import net.dongliu.apk.parser.bean.DexClass; /** * This class represents an object to work with a single APK file. * Each object is specific to a user and a package. * Multiple users can process multiple apps at the same time. * Sub-folders are created for each app named with the package name * Sub-folders contain * 1. the APK file, * 2. the unpacked APK file and * 3. decompiled class files in subfolders src{cfr, jadx, fern} * * Notes: * _status is for 0/1 apk and dex file exists status * _thread status has states {running, stopped, null} * running: compile process is running * stopped: comple process has stopped, folder exists * null: compile process is not running, folder does not exist * * Fernflower will only work with standard java File, i.e, only /sdcard or /private */ public class DecompileApk { private final Context m_ctx; private final String m_userId; private final String m_packageName; private final String m_volumeId; private final String m_userFolderPath; private OmniFile m_appFolder; // Includes package name for directory private OmniFile m_apkFile; private OmniFile m_dexFile; private OmniFile m_jarFile; private OmniFile m_optimizedDexLogFile; private OmniFile m_srcCfrFolder; private OmniFile m_srcFernFolder; private OmniFile m_srcJadxFolder; private ProgressStream m_progressStream; private String m_appApkPath; private String m_appFolderPath; private String m_appFolderUrl; private String m_srcCfrFolderPath; private String m_srcFernFolderPath; private String m_srcJadxFolderPath; private int STACK_SIZE = 20 * 1024 * 1024; private String DEEPDIVE_THREAD_GROUP = "DeepDive Thread Group"; private ThreadGroup m_threadGroup = new ThreadGroup(DEEPDIVE_THREAD_GROUP); private Thread m_unpackApkThread = null; private Thread m_optimizeDexThread = null; private Thread m_dex2jarThread = null; private Thread m_cfrThread = null; private Thread m_jadxThread = null; private Thread m_fernThread = null; private String UNZIP_APK_THREAD = "Unpack APK java thread"; private String DEX2JAR_THREAD = "DEX to JAR java thread"; private String JADX_THREAD = "Jadx jar to java thread"; private String FERN_THREAD = "Fernflower jar to java thread"; private List<String> ignoredLibs = new ArrayList(); private String OPTIMIZED_CLASSES = "optimized_classes"; private String OPTIMIZED_CLASSES_EXCLUSION_FILENAME = "dex_class_exclusion.txt"; private String README_FILENAME = "README.txt"; private String DEX_OPTIMIZATION_LOG_FILE = "dex_optimization_log.txt"; private String[] m_dexFileNames = {}; // Generated list of candidate dex file names // Time when a process is started private long m_unpack_apk_time = 0; private long m_dex2jar_time = 0; private long m_optimize_dex_time = 0; private long m_cfr_time = 0; private long m_jadx_time = 0; private long m_fern_time = 0; private int m_active_threads; public enum THREAD_ID { unpack_apk, dex2jar, cfr, jadx, fern_flower, optimize_dex }; public DecompileApk(Context ctx, String userId, String packageName) { m_ctx = ctx; m_userId = userId; m_packageName = packageName; m_userFolderPath = App.getUser().getUserFolderPath(); m_volumeId = App.getUser().getDefaultVolumeId(); m_progressStream = new ProgressStream(); m_progressStream.putStream("Decompiler ready"); /* * Generate a list of candidate dex file names * {classes, classes2..classes64} */ List<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>(); tmp.add("classes"); for (int i = 2; i <= 64; i++) tmp.add("classes" + i); m_dexFileNames = new String[tmp.size()]; m_dexFileNames = tmp.toArray(m_dexFileNames); m_appFolderPath = (CConst.USER_FOLDER_PATH + m_packageName + "/").replace("//", "/"); m_appFolder = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath); if (!m_appFolder.exists()) { m_appFolder.mkdirs(); } m_appFolderUrl = OmniHash.getStartPathUrl(m_ctx, m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath); m_appApkPath = m_appFolderPath + m_packageName + ".apk"; m_apkFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appApkPath); m_dexFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + "classes.dex"); m_optimizedDexLogFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + DEX_OPTIMIZATION_LOG_FILE); m_jarFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + "classes.jar"); m_srcCfrFolderPath = m_appFolderPath + "srcCfr"; m_srcCfrFolder = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_srcCfrFolderPath); m_srcJadxFolderPath = m_appFolderPath + "srcJadx"; m_srcJadxFolder = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_srcJadxFolderPath); m_srcFernFolderPath = m_appFolderPath + "srcFern"; m_srcFernFolder = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_srcFernFolderPath); } /** * Update member variables paths, and files. Return thread status and URLs. * @return */ public JSONObject getStatus() { /** * Update status on tasks performed */ boolean apkFileExists = m_apkFile.exists(); boolean dexFileExists = m_dexFile.exists(); boolean optimizedDexExists = m_optimizedDexLogFile.exists(); boolean jarFileExists = m_jarFile.exists(); boolean cfrFolderExists = m_srcCfrFolder.exists(); boolean jadxFolderExists = m_srcJadxFolder.exists(); boolean fernFolderExists = m_srcFernFolder.exists(); JSONObject wrapper = new JSONObject(); try { wrapper.put("extract_apk_status", apkFileExists ? 1 : 0); wrapper.put("app_folder_url", m_appFolderUrl); wrapper.put("app_folder_path", m_appFolderPath); if (cfrFolderExists) { String url = OmniHash.getStartPathUrl(m_ctx, m_volumeId, m_srcCfrFolderPath); wrapper.put("cfr_url", url); } else { wrapper.put("cfr_url", m_appFolderUrl); } if (jadxFolderExists) { String url = OmniHash.getStartPathUrl(m_ctx, m_volumeId, m_srcJadxFolderPath); wrapper.put("jadx_url", url); } else { wrapper.put("jadx_url", m_appFolderUrl); } if (fernFolderExists) { String url = OmniHash.getStartPathUrl(m_ctx, m_volumeId, m_srcFernFolderPath); wrapper.put("fern_url", url); } else { wrapper.put("fern_url", m_appFolderUrl); } wrapper.put("optimize_dex_status", optimizedDexExists ? 1 : 0); m_active_threads = 0; wrapper.put("unpack_apk_thread", getThreadStatus(dexFileExists, m_unpackApkThread)); wrapper.put("dex2jar_thread", getThreadStatus(jarFileExists, m_dex2jarThread)); wrapper.put("optimize_dex_thread", getThreadStatus(optimizedDexExists, m_optimizeDexThread)); wrapper.put("cfr_thread", getThreadStatus(cfrFolderExists, m_cfrThread)); wrapper.put("jadx_thread", getThreadStatus(jadxFolderExists, m_jadxThread)); wrapper.put("fern_thread", getThreadStatus(fernFolderExists, m_fernThread)); wrapper.put("active_threads", m_active_threads); wrapper.put("unpack_apk_time", getThreadTime(m_unpack_apk_time)); wrapper.put("dex2jar_time", getThreadTime(m_dex2jar_time)); wrapper.put("optimize_dex_time", getThreadTime(m_optimize_dex_time)); wrapper.put("cfr_time", getThreadTime(m_cfr_time)); wrapper.put("jadx_time", getThreadTime(m_jadx_time)); wrapper.put("fern_time", getThreadTime(m_fern_time)); wrapper.put("upload_url", "/probe/upload_apk"); wrapper.put("log", getStream()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return wrapper; } /** * Dispatch to perform the assigned action * @param action * @return */ public JSONObject startThread(Context ctx, String action) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx); STACK_SIZE = Integer.valueOf(prefs.getString(CConst.THREAD_STACK_SIZE, "20")) * 1024 * 1024; THREAD_ID action_id = null; try { action_id = THREAD_ID.valueOf(action); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Error, invalid command: " + action); } switch (action_id) { case unpack_apk: return unpackApk(); case optimize_dex: return optimizeDex(); case dex2jar: return dex2jar(); case cfr: return cfr(); case jadx: return jadx(); case fern_flower: return fern_flower(); default: return null; } } /** * Return the status of a compile process. The status can be one of three states: * running: compile process is running * stopped: comple process has stopped, folder exists * empty: compile process is not running, folder does not exist * * @param folderExists * @param aThread * @return * * The member variable {@link #m_active_threads} is bumped for each active thread */ private String getThreadStatus(boolean folderExists, Thread aThread) { if (aThread != null && aThread.isAlive()) { ++m_active_threads; return "running"; } if (folderExists) return "stopped"; return "empty"; } private String getThreadTime(long startTime) { if (startTime == 0) return ""; return TimeUtil.deltaTimeHrMinSec(startTime); } /** * Copy the specific APK to working folder. * Return a link to the parent folder. * @return */ public JSONObject extractApk() { JSONObject wrapper = new JSONObject(); try { wrapper.put("extract_apk_status", 0);// 0==Start with failed file copy m_progressStream.putStream("Extract APK starting"); PackageManager pm = m_ctx.getPackageManager(); ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo(m_packageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); inputFile = new File(applicationInfo.publicSourceDir); InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); OutputStream outputStream = m_apkFile.getOutputStream(); int bytes_copied = Util.copyFile(inputStream, outputStream); String formatted_count = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US).format(bytes_copied); m_progressStream.putStream("Extract APK complete, " + formatted_count + " bytes"); wrapper.put("extract_apk_status", 1); // Change to success if we get here wrapper.put("extract_apk_url", m_appFolderUrl); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException | JSONException | IOException e) { LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); m_progressStream.putStream(e.toString()); m_progressStream.putStream("Extract APK failed"); } return wrapper; } private JSONObject unpackApk() { final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + t.getName()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); } }; m_unpack_apk_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save start time for tracking m_unpackApkThread = new Thread(m_threadGroup, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { boolean success = false; try { m_progressStream = new ProgressStream( new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + "unpack_apk_log.txt")); m_progressStream.putStream("Unpack APK starting"); if (m_apkFile.exists() && m_apkFile.isFile()) { // Extract all files except for XML, to be extracted later success = ApkZipUtil.unzipAllExceptXML(m_apkFile, m_appFolder, m_progressStream); ApkParser apkParser = ApkParser.create(m_apkFile.getStdFile()); ArrayList<OmniFile> dexFiles = new ArrayList<>(); // Get a list of all files in the APK and iterate and extract by type List<String> paths = OmniZip.getFilesList(m_apkFile); for (String path : paths) { OmniFile file = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + path); OmniUtil.forceMkdirParent(file); String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(path); if (extension.contentEquals("xml")) { String xml = apkParser.transBinaryXml(path); OmniUtil.writeFile(file, xml); m_progressStream.putStream("Translated: " + path); } if (extension.contentEquals("dex")) { dexFiles.add(file); } } paths = null; // Release memory // Write over manifest with unencoded version String manifestXml = apkParser.getManifestXml(); OmniFile manifestFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + "AndroidManifest.xml"); OmniUtil.writeFile(manifestFile, manifestXml); m_progressStream.putStream("Translated and parsed: " + "AndroidManifest.xml"); // Uses original author CaoQianLi's apk-parser // compile 'net.dongliu:apk-parser:2.1.7' // for( CertificateMeta cm : apkParser.getCertificateMetaList()){ // // m_progressStream.putStream("Certficate base64 MD5: "+cm.getCertBase64Md5()); // m_progressStream.putStream("Certficate MD5: "+cm.getCertMd5()); // m_progressStream.putStream("Sign algorithm OID: "+cm.getSignAlgorithmOID()); // m_progressStream.putStream("Sign algorithm: "+cm.getSignAlgorithm()); // } for (OmniFile f : dexFiles) { String formatted_count = String.format(Locale.US, "%,d", f.length()) + " bytes"; m_progressStream.putStream("DEX extracted: " + f.getName() + ": " + formatted_count); } dexFiles = new ArrayList<>();// Release memory CertificateMeta cm = null; try { cm = apkParser.getCertificateMeta(); m_progressStream.putStream("Certficate base64 MD5: " + cm.certBase64Md5); m_progressStream.putStream("Certficate MD5: " + cm.certMd5); m_progressStream.putStream("Sign algorithm OID: " + cm.signAlgorithmOID); m_progressStream.putStream("Sign algorithm: " + cm.signAlgorithm); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } m_progressStream.putStream("ApkSignStatus: " + apkParser.verifyApk()); /** * Create a file for the user to include classes to omit in the optimize DEX task. */ OmniFile optimizedDexOF = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + OPTIMIZED_CLASSES_EXCLUSION_FILENAME); if (!optimizedDexOF.exists()) { String assetFilePath = CConst.ASSET_DATA_FOLDER + OPTIMIZED_CLASSES_EXCLUSION_FILENAME; OmniFile omniFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + OPTIMIZED_CLASSES_EXCLUSION_FILENAME); OmniUtil.copyAsset(m_ctx, assetFilePath, omniFile); m_progressStream.putStream("File created: " + OPTIMIZED_CLASSES_EXCLUSION_FILENAME); } /** * Create a README file for the user. */ OmniFile README_file = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + README_FILENAME); if (!README_file.exists()) { String assetFilePath = CConst.ASSET_DATA_FOLDER + README_FILENAME; OmniFile omniFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + README_FILENAME); OmniUtil.copyAsset(m_ctx, assetFilePath, omniFile); m_progressStream.putStream("File created: " + README_FILENAME); } } else { m_progressStream.putStream("APK not found. Select Extract APK."); } } catch (Exception | StackOverflowError e) { m_progressStream.putStream(e.toString()); } String time = TimeUtil.deltaTimeHrMinSec(m_unpack_apk_time); m_unpack_apk_time = 0; if (success) { m_progressStream.putStream("Unpack APK complete: " + time); } else { m_progressStream.putStream("Unpack APK failed: " + time); } m_progressStream.close(); } }, UNZIP_APK_THREAD, STACK_SIZE); m_unpackApkThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); m_unpackApkThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionHandler); m_unpackApkThread.start(); final JSONObject wrapper = new JSONObject(); try { wrapper.put("unpack_apk_thread", getThreadStatus(true, m_unpackApkThread)); } catch (JSONException e) { LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); } return wrapper; } /** * Build a new DEX file excluding classes in the OPTIMIZED_CLASS_EXCLUSION file * @return */ private JSONObject optimizeDex() { final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + t.getName()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); } }; m_optimize_dex_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save start time for tracking m_optimizeDexThread = new Thread(m_threadGroup, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { m_progressStream = new ProgressStream( new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + DEX_OPTIMIZATION_LOG_FILE)); m_progressStream .putStream("Optimizing classes, reference: " + OPTIMIZED_CLASSES_EXCLUSION_FILENAME); Scanner s = null; try { OmniFile omniFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + OPTIMIZED_CLASSES_EXCLUSION_FILENAME); s = new Scanner(omniFile.getStdFile()); while (s.hasNext()) { String excludeClass =; ignoredLibs.add(excludeClass); m_progressStream.putStream("Exclude class: " + excludeClass); } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); } if (s != null) s.close(); ArrayList<OmniFile> dexFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (String fileName : m_dexFileNames) { OmniFile dexFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + fileName + ".dex"); if (dexFile.exists() && dexFile.isFile()) { dexFiles.add(dexFile);// Keep track for summary List<ClassDef> classes = new ArrayList<>(); m_progressStream.putStream("Processing: " + fileName + ".dex"); org.jf.dexlib2.iface.DexFile memoryDexFile = null; try { memoryDexFile = DexFileFactory.loadDexFile(dexFile.getStdFile(), Opcodes.forApi(19)); } catch (Exception e) { m_progressStream.putStream("The app DEX file cannot be decompiled."); LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); continue; } int excludedClassCount = 0; Set<? extends ClassDef> origClassSet = memoryDexFile.getClasses(); memoryDexFile = null; // Release memory for (org.jf.dexlib2.iface.ClassDef classDef : origClassSet) { final String currentClass = classDef.getType(); if (isIgnored(currentClass)) { ++excludedClassCount; m_progressStream.putStream("Excluded class: " + currentClass); } else { m_progressStream.putStream("Included class: " + currentClass); classes.add(classDef); } } origClassSet = null; // Release memory m_progressStream.putStream("Excluded classes #" + excludedClassCount); m_progressStream.putStream("Included classes #" + classes.size()); m_progressStream.putStream("Rebuilding immutable dex: " + fileName + ".dex"); if (classes.size() > 0) { DexFile optDexFile = new ImmutableDexFile(Opcodes.forApi(19), classes); classes = null; // Release memory try { if (dexFile.delete()) m_progressStream.putStream("Fat DEX file delete success: " + dexFile.getName()); else m_progressStream.putStream("Fat DEX file delete FAILED: " + dexFile.getName()); DexPool.writeTo(dexFile.getStdFile().getAbsolutePath(), optDexFile); String size = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US).format(dexFile.length()); m_progressStream.putStream( "Optimized DEX file created: " + dexFile.getName() + ", size: " + size); } catch (IOException e) { m_progressStream.putStream("DEX IOException, write error: " + dexFile.getName()); LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); } catch (Exception e) { m_progressStream.putStream("DEX Exception, write error: " + dexFile.getName()); LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); } optDexFile = null; // release memory } else { m_progressStream .putStream("All classes excluded, DEX file not needed: " + dexFile.getName()); m_progressStream.putStream("Deleting: " + dexFile.getName()); dexFile.delete(); } } } for (OmniFile f : dexFiles) { if (f.exists()) { String formatted_count = String.format(Locale.US, "%,d", f.length()) + " bytes"; m_progressStream.putStream("DEX optimized: " + f.getName() + ": " + formatted_count); } else { m_progressStream.putStream("DEX deleted: " + f.getName() + ", all classes excluded"); } } dexFiles = new ArrayList<>();// Release memory m_progressStream .putStream("Optimize DEX complete: " + TimeUtil.deltaTimeHrMinSec(m_optimize_dex_time)); m_progressStream.close(); m_optimize_dex_time = 0; } }, UNZIP_APK_THREAD, STACK_SIZE); m_optimizeDexThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); m_optimizeDexThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionHandler); m_optimizeDexThread.start(); return new JSONObject(); } private boolean isIgnored(String className) { for (String ignoredClass : ignoredLibs) { if (className.startsWith(ignoredClass)) { return true; } } return false; } private JSONObject dex2jar() { // DEX 2 JAR CONFIGS final boolean reuseReg = false; // reuse register while generate java .class file final boolean topologicalSort1 = false; // same with --topological-sort/-ts final boolean topologicalSort = false; // sort block by topological, that will generate more readable code final boolean verbose = true; // show progress final boolean debugInfo = false; // translate debug info final boolean printIR = false; // print ir to System.out final boolean optimizeSynchronized = true; // Optimise-synchronised final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + t.getName()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); } }; m_dex2jar_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save start time for tracking m_dex2jarThread = new Thread(m_threadGroup, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { boolean success = false; OmniFile dexFile = null; OmniFile jarFile = null; m_progressStream.putStream("DEX to JAR starting"); for (String fileName : m_dexFileNames) { dexFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + fileName + ".dex"); if (dexFile.exists() && dexFile.isFile()) { String size = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US).format(dexFile.length()); m_progressStream.putStream("DEX to JAR processing: " + dexFile.getName() + ", " + size); DexExceptionHandlerMod dexExceptionHandlerMod = new DexExceptionHandlerMod(); jarFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + fileName + ".jar"); if (jarFile.exists()) jarFile.delete(); try { DexFileReader reader = new DexFileReader(dexFile.getStdFile()); Dex2jar dex2jar = Dex2jar.from(reader).reUseReg(reuseReg) .topoLogicalSort(topologicalSort || topologicalSort1).skipDebug(!debugInfo) .optimizeSynchronized(optimizeSynchronized).printIR(printIR); //.verbose(verbose); dex2jar.setExceptionHandler(dexExceptionHandlerMod);; success = true; } catch (Exception e) { String ex = LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); m_progressStream.putStream(ex); m_progressStream.putStream("DEX to JAR failed: " + jarFile.getName()); success = false; continue; } if (success) { size = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US).format(jarFile.length()); m_progressStream.putStream("DEX to JAR succeeded: " + jarFile.getName() + ", " + size); } else { m_progressStream .putStream("Exception thrown, file cannot be decompiled: " + dexFile.getPath()); } } } if (jarFile == null) m_progressStream.putStream("No DEX file found: " + m_dexFileNames); m_progressStream.putStream("DEX to JAR complete: " + TimeUtil.deltaTimeHrMinSec(m_dex2jar_time)); m_dex2jar_time = 0; } }, DEX2JAR_THREAD, STACK_SIZE); m_dex2jarThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); m_dex2jarThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionHandler); m_dex2jarThread.start(); JSONObject wrapper = new JSONObject(); try { wrapper.put("dex2jar_thread", getThreadStatus(true, m_dex2jarThread)); } catch (JSONException e) { LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); } return wrapper; } private JSONObject cfr() { m_srcCfrFolder.mkdirs(); Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + t.getName()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); } }; m_cfr_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save start time for tracking m_cfrThread = new Thread(m_threadGroup, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { m_progressStream = new ProgressStream( new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_srcCfrFolderPath + "cfr_decompile_log.txt")); m_progressStream.putStream("CFR " + MiscConstants.CFR_VERSION + " starting"); OmniFile jarFile = null; try { for (String fileName : m_dexFileNames) { jarFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + fileName + ".jar"); if (jarFile.exists() && jarFile.isFile()) { String[] args = { jarFile.getStdFile().toString(), "--outputdir", m_srcCfrFolder.getStdFile().toString() }; Map<String, String> optionArgs = new HashMap<String, String>(); optionArgs.put("outputdir", m_srcCfrFolder.getStdFile().toString()); Options options = new OptionsImpl(optionArgs); ClassFileSourceImpl classFileSource = new ClassFileSourceImpl(options); final DCCommonState dcCommonState = new DCCommonState(options, classFileSource); DumperFactoryImpl dumperFactory = new DumperFactoryImpl(options); org.benf.cfr.reader.Main.doJar(dcCommonState, jarFile.getAbsolutePath(), dumperFactory); } } } catch (Exception | StackOverflowError e) { m_progressStream.putStream(e.toString()); } m_progressStream.putStream("CFR complete: " + TimeUtil.deltaTimeHrMinSec(m_cfr_time)); m_progressStream.close(); m_cfr_time = 0; } }, DEEPDIVE_THREAD_GROUP, STACK_SIZE); m_cfrThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); m_cfrThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionHandler); m_cfrThread.start(); String processKey = "cfr_thread"; String urlKey = "cfr_url"; return processWrapper(processKey, urlKey); } /** * Jadx converts a DEX file directly into Java files. It does not input JAR files. */ private JSONObject jadx() { m_srcJadxFolder.mkdirs(); Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + t.getName()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); } }; m_jadx_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save start time for tracking m_jadxThread = new Thread(m_threadGroup, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { m_progressStream.putStream("Jadx starting"); /* * Type File require, versus OmniFile, in order to provide loadFiles * a list of <File>. */ List<File> dexList = new ArrayList<>(); JadxDecompiler jadx = new JadxDecompiler(); jadx.setOutputDir(m_srcJadxFolder.getStdFile()); String loadingNames = ""; String spacer = ""; for (String fileName : m_dexFileNames) { OmniFile dexFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + fileName + ".dex"); if (dexFile.exists() && dexFile.isFile()) { dexList.add(dexFile.getStdFile()); loadingNames += spacer + dexFile.getName(); spacer = ", "; if (fileName.contentEquals(OPTIMIZED_CLASSES)) break; } } try { m_progressStream.putStream("Loading: " + loadingNames); jadx.loadFiles(dexList); m_progressStream.putStream("Load complete"); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); m_progressStream.putStream(e.toString()); } try { m_progressStream.putStream("Jadx saveSources start"); jadx.saveSources(); m_progressStream.putStream("Jadx saveSources complete"); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, e); m_progressStream.putStream(e.toString()); } m_progressStream.putStream("Jadx complete: " + TimeUtil.deltaTimeHrMinSec(m_jadx_time)); m_jadx_time = 0; } }, JADX_THREAD, STACK_SIZE); m_jadxThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); m_jadxThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionHandler); m_jadxThread.start(); String processKey = "jadx_thread"; // processStatus = getThreadStatus( true, m_jadxThread); String urlKey = "jadx_url"; // url = OmniHash.getHashedServerUrl( m_ctx, m_volumeId, m_srcJadxFolderPath); return processWrapper(processKey, urlKey); } /** * Fernflower converts JAR files to a zipped decompiled JAR file then * it unzips the JAR file. */ private JSONObject fern_flower() {// m_srcFernFolder.mkdirs(); Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + t.getName()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); } }; m_fern_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save start time for tracking m_fernThread = new Thread(m_threadGroup, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { File inputJarFile = null; String inputJarFileName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m_dexFileNames.length; i++) { inputJarFileName = m_dexFileNames[i] + ".jar"; OmniFile inputJarOmniFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + inputJarFileName); inputJarFile = inputJarOmniFile.getStdFile(); if (inputJarFile.exists() && inputJarFile.isFile()) { boolean success = true; try { m_progressStream.putStream("Fernflower starting: " + inputJarFileName); PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(m_progressStream); System.setErr(printStream); System.setOut(printStream); OmniFile fernLog = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_srcFernFolderPath + "/" + m_dexFileNames[i] + "_log.txt"); PrintStream logStream = new PrintStream(fernLog.getOutputStream()); PrintStreamLogger logger = new PrintStreamLogger(logStream); final Map<String, Object> mapOptions = new HashMap<>(); ConsoleDecompiler decompiler = new ConsoleDecompiler(m_srcFernFolder.getStdFile(), mapOptions, logger); decompiler.addSpace(inputJarFile, true); m_progressStream .putStream("Fernflower decompiler.addSpace complete: " + inputJarFileName); decompiler.decompileContext(); m_progressStream.putStream( "Fernflower decompiler.decompileContext complete: " + inputJarFileName); String decompiledJarFilePath = m_srcFernFolderPath + "/" + inputJarFileName; OmniFile decompiledJarFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, decompiledJarFilePath); success = OmniZip.unzipFile(decompiledJarFile, m_srcFernFolder, null, null); decompiledJarFile.delete(); if (success) { m_progressStream .putStream("Fernflower decompiler.unpack complete: " + inputJarFileName); } else { m_progressStream .putStream("Fernflower decompiler.unpack failed: " + inputJarFileName); } } catch (Exception e) { String str = LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.FERNFLOWER, e); m_progressStream.putStream("Fernflower exception " + inputJarFileName); m_progressStream.putStream(str); success = false; } /** * Look for the classes.jar file and unzip it */ if (!success) { OmniFile of = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_srcFernFolderPath + "/classes.jar"); if (of.exists()) { ApkZipUtil.unzip(of, m_srcFernFolder, m_progressStream); m_progressStream.putStream( "Fernflower utility unzip complete with errors: " + inputJarFileName); } else { m_progressStream.putStream("File does not exist: " + of.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } m_progressStream.putStream("Fernflower complete: " + TimeUtil.deltaTimeHrMinSec(m_fern_time)); m_fern_time = 0; } }, FERN_THREAD, STACK_SIZE); m_fernThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); m_fernThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionHandler); m_fernThread.start(); // String processStatus = getThreadStatus( true, m_fernThread); // String url = OmniHash.getHashedServerUrl( m_ctx, m_volumeId, m_srcFernFolderPath); String processKey = "fern_thread"; String urlKey = "fern_url"; return processWrapper(processKey, urlKey); } private JSONObject processWrapper(String processKey, String urlKey) { JSONObject wrapper = new JSONObject(); try { wrapper.put("url", m_appFolderUrl); wrapper.put(processKey, null); wrapper.put(urlKey, ""); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return wrapper; } public JSONObject stopThread(String threadId) { THREAD_ID thread = THREAD_ID.valueOf(threadId); Thread myThread = null; switch (thread) { case unpack_apk: myThread = m_unpackApkThread; break; case dex2jar: myThread = m_dex2jarThread; break; case optimize_dex: myThread = m_optimizeDexThread; break; case cfr: myThread = m_cfrThread; break; case jadx: myThread = m_jadxThread; break; case fern_flower: myThread = m_fernThread; break; default:// do nothing } // if( myThread != null){ // myThread.currentThread().stop();// deprecated as of API 16 jellybean // myThread.currentThread().interrupt(); // not working, does not stop thread // } /** * Not the best solution but attempts to selectively stop individual threads do not * seem to work. We need need a more robust solution for long running process management. */ Intent mStartActivity = new Intent(m_ctx, com.nuvolect.deepdive.main.MainActivity.class); int mPendingIntentId = 123456; PendingIntent mPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(m_ctx, mPendingIntentId, mStartActivity, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); AlarmManager mgr = (AlarmManager) m_ctx.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); mgr.set(AlarmManager.RTC, System.currentTimeMillis() + 100, mPendingIntent); System.exit(0); Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0); return getStatus(); } private class DexExceptionHandlerMod implements DexExceptionHandler { @Override public void handleFileException(Exception e) { LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Dex2Jar Exception", e); } @Override public void handleMethodTranslateException(Method method, IrMethod irMethod, MethodNode methodNode, Exception e) { LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Dex2Jar Exception", e); } } public void clearStream() { m_progressStream.init(); } public JSONArray getStream() { return m_progressStream.getStream(); } }