Example usage for java.lang System console

List of usage examples for java.lang System console


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang System console.


public static Console console() 

Source Link


Returns the unique java.io.Console Console object associated with the current Java virtual machine, if any.


From source file:javadocofflinesearch.tools.Commandline.java

public Formatter createFormatter(PrintStream out) {
    if (isPlain()) {
        return new PlainTextFormatter(out, this.getSetup());
    } else if (isColoured()) {
        return new ColoredPlainTextFormatter(out, this.getSetup());
    } else if (isHtml()) {
        return new StaticHtmlFormatter(out, this.getSetup());
    } else if (isAjax()) {
        return new AjaxHtmlFormatter(out, this.getSetup());
    } else {/*from ww  w  . j av  a 2 s  .  c o m*/
        if (System.console() == null || isWindows()) {
            return new PlainTextFormatter(out, this.getSetup());
        } else {
            return new ColoredPlainTextFormatter(out, this.getSetup());



From source file:org.dataconservancy.packaging.tool.cli.PackageGenerationApp.java

private File getOutputFile(PackageGenerationParameters params, Package pkg) {
    String name = pkg.getPackageName();
    String loc = params.getParam(GeneralParameterNames.PACKAGE_LOCATION, 0);

    File outfile = new File(loc, name);

    if (outfile.exists() && !overwriteIfExists) {
        Console c = System.console();
        String answer = "";

        if (c != null) {
            answer = c.readLine("File %s exists.  Do you wish to overwrite? (y/N) ", outfile);
        }//from  w w  w  .j a va 2s . com

        // if they don't want to overwrite the output, find a file to write to by appending
        // a number to it
        if (answer.isEmpty() || !answer.toLowerCase().startsWith("y")) {
            int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf(".");
            int secondDot = name.lastIndexOf(".", lastDot - 1);

            String namePart;
            String extPart;

            if (secondDot != -1 && lastDot - secondDot <= 4) {
                namePart = name.substring(0, secondDot);
                extPart = name.substring(secondDot);
            } else {
                namePart = name.substring(0, lastDot);
                extPart = name.substring(lastDot);

            int i = 1;
            do {
                outfile = new File(loc, namePart + "(" + i + ")" + extPart);
                i += 1;
            } while (outfile.exists());

    return outfile;

From source file:chatbot.Chatbot.java

/** **************************************************************************************************
 * Run with a given file//w  w  w.  jav a  2 s. c  o  m
private static void run(String fname) throws IOException {

    List<String> documents = null;

    try {
        if (asResource)
            documents = TextFileUtil.readLines(fname, false);
        //documents = TextFileUtil.readFile(fname, false);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Couldn't read document: " + fname + ". Exiting");
    Chatbot cb;
    ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("corpora");
    if (asResource)
        cb = new Chatbot(documents, resourceBundle.getString("stopWordsDirectoryName"));
    else {
        cb = new Chatbot(resourceBundle.getString("stopWordsDirectoryName"));

    System.out.println("Hi, I'm Cloudio, tell/ask me something. Type 'quit' to exit");

    if (isDevelopment) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        while (true) {
            System.out.print("User: ");
            String input = scanner.nextLine();
            if (input.toLowerCase().trim().equals("quit"))
            System.out.print("Cloudio: ");
    } else {
        while (true) {
            Console c = System.console();
            if (c == null) {
                System.err.println("No console.");
            String input = c.readLine("> ");
            if (input.toLowerCase().trim().equals("quit"))
            System.out.println("Cloudio:" + cb.matchBestInput(input));

From source file:hudson.Functions.java

 * Are we running on JRE6 or above?/* w  w w. j  a  v a  2 s . c  om*/
public static boolean isMustangOrAbove() {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (LinkageError e) {
        return false;

From source file:com.trsst.Command.java

public int doPost(Client client, CommandLine commands, LinkedList<String> arguments, PrintStream out,
        InputStream in) {/*from  w w w.jav a2  s.c  om*/

    String id = null;

    if (arguments.size() == 0 && commands.getArgList().size() == 0) {
        return 127; // "command not found"

    if (arguments.size() > 0) {
        id = arguments.removeFirst();
        System.err.println("Obtaining keys for feed id: " + id);
    } else {
        System.err.println("Generating new feed id... ");

    // read input text
    String subject = commands.getOptionValue("s");
    String verb = commands.getOptionValue("v");
    String base = commands.getOptionValue("b");
    String body = commands.getOptionValue("c");
    String name = commands.getOptionValue("n");
    String email = commands.getOptionValue("m");
    String uri = commands.getOptionValue("uri");
    String title = commands.getOptionValue("t");
    String subtitle = commands.getOptionValue("subtitle");
    String icon = commands.getOptionValue("i");
    if (icon == null && commands.hasOption("i")) {
        icon = "-";
    String logo = commands.getOptionValue("l");
    if (logo == null && commands.hasOption("l")) {
        logo = "-";
    String attach = commands.getOptionValue("a");
    if (attach == null && commands.hasOption("a")) {
        attach = "-";
    String[] recipients = commands.getOptionValues("e");
    String[] mentions = commands.getOptionValues("r");
    String[] tags = commands.getOptionValues("g");
    String url = commands.getOptionValue("u");
    String vanity = commands.getOptionValue("vanity");

    // obtain password
    char[] password = null;
    String pass = commands.getOptionValue("p");
    if (pass != null) {
        password = pass.toCharArray();
    } else {
        try {
            Console console = System.console();
            if (console != null) {
                password = console.readPassword("Password: ");
            } else {
                log.info("No console detected for password input.");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.error("Unexpected error while reading password", t);
    if (password == null) {
        log.error("Password is required to post.");
        return 127; // "command not found"
    if (password.length < 6) {
        System.err.println("Password must be at least six characters in length.");
        return 127; // "command not found"

    // obtain keys
    KeyPair signingKeys = null;
    KeyPair encryptionKeys = null;
    String keyPath = commands.getOptionValue("k");

    // if id was not specified from the command line
    if (id == null) {

        // if password was not specified from command line
        if (pass == null) {
            try {
                // verify password
                char[] verify = null;
                Console console = System.console();
                if (console != null) {
                    verify = console.readPassword("Re-type Password: ");
                } else {
                    log.info("No console detected for password verification.");
                if (verify == null || verify.length != password.length) {
                    System.err.println("Passwords do not match.");
                    return 127; // "command not found"
                for (int i = 0; i < verify.length; i++) {
                    if (verify[i] != password[i]) {
                        System.err.println("Passwords do not match.");
                        return 127; // "command not found"
                    verify[i] = 0;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                log.error("Unexpected error while verifying password: " + t.getMessage(), t);

        // create new account
        if (base == null) {
            // default to trsst hub
            base = "https://home.trsst.com/feed";

        // generate vanity id if required
        if (vanity != null) {
            System.err.println("Searching for vanity feed id prefix: " + vanity);
            switch (vanity.length()) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
                System.err.println("This may take several minutes.");
            case 3:
                System.err.println("This may take several hours.");
            case 4:
                System.err.println("This may take several days.");
            case 5:
                System.err.println("This may take several months.");
                System.err.println("This may take several years.");
            System.err.println("Started: " + new Date());
            System.err.println("^C to exit");
        do {
            signingKeys = Common.generateSigningKeyPair();
            id = Common.toFeedId(signingKeys.getPublic());
        } while (vanity != null && !id.startsWith(vanity));
        if (vanity != null) {
            System.err.println("Finished: " + new Date());

        encryptionKeys = Common.generateEncryptionKeyPair();
        System.err.println("New feed id created: " + id);

        File keyFile;
        if (keyPath != null) {
            keyFile = new File(keyPath, id + Common.KEY_EXTENSION);
        } else {
            keyFile = new File(Common.getClientRoot(), id + Common.KEY_EXTENSION);

        // persist to keystore
        writeSigningKeyPair(signingKeys, id, keyFile, password);
        writeEncryptionKeyPair(encryptionKeys, id, keyFile, password);

    } else {

        File keyFile;
        if (keyPath != null) {
            keyFile = new File(Common.getClientRoot(), keyPath);
        } else {
            keyFile = new File(Common.getClientRoot(), id + Common.KEY_EXTENSION);

        if (keyFile.exists()) {
            System.err.println("Using existing account id: " + id);

        } else {
            System.err.println("Cannot locate keys for account id: " + id);
            return 78; // "configuration error"

        signingKeys = readSigningKeyPair(id, keyFile, password);
        if (signingKeys != null) {
            encryptionKeys = readEncryptionKeyPair(id, keyFile, password);
            if (encryptionKeys == null) {
                encryptionKeys = signingKeys;

    // clear password chars
    for (int i = 0; i < password.length; i++) {
        password[i] = 0;
    if (signingKeys == null) {
        System.err.println("Could not obtain keys for signing.");
        return 73; // "can't create output error"

    String[] recipientIds = null;
    if (recipients != null) {
        LinkedList<String> keys = new LinkedList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) {
            if ("-".equals(recipients[i])) {
                // "-" is shorthand for encrypt for mentioned ids
                if (mentions != null) {
                    for (String mention : mentions) {
                        if (Common.isFeedId(mention)) {
            } else if (Common.isFeedId(recipients[i])) {
            } else {
                log.warn("Could not parse recipient id: " + recipients[i]);
        recipientIds = keys.toArray(new String[0]);

    // handle binary attachment
    String mimetype = null;
    byte[] attachment = null;
    if (attach != null) {
        InputStream input = null;
        try {
            if ("-".equals(attach)) {
                input = new BufferedInputStream(in);
            } else {
                File file = new File(attach);
                input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                System.err.println("Attaching: " + file.getCanonicalPath());
            attachment = Common.readFully(input);
            mimetype = new Tika().detect(attachment);
            System.err.println("Detected type: " + mimetype);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.error("Could not read attachment: " + attach, t);
            return 73; // "can't create output error"
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // suppress any futher error on closing

    Object result;
    try {
        EntryOptions options = new EntryOptions();
        if (mentions != null) {
        if (tags != null) {
        if (attachment != null) {
            options.addContentData(attachment, mimetype);
        } else if (url != null) {
        FeedOptions feedOptions = new FeedOptions();
        if (icon != null) {
            if ("-".equals(icon)) {
            } else {
        if (logo != null) {
            if ("-".equals(logo)) {
            } else {
        if (recipientIds != null) {
            EntryOptions publicEntry = new EntryOptions().setStatus("Encrypted content").setVerb("encrypt");
            // TODO: add duplicate mentions to outside of envelope
            options.encryptFor(recipientIds, publicEntry);
        result = client.post(signingKeys, encryptionKeys, options, feedOptions);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        log.error("Invalid request: " + id + " : " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return 76; // "remote error"
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("Error connecting to service for id: " + id, e);
        return 76; // "remote error"
    } catch (org.apache.abdera.security.SecurityException e) {
        log.error("Error generating signatures for id: " + id, e);
        return 73; // "can't create output error"
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("General security error for id: " + id, e);
        return 74; // "general io error"

    if (result != null) {
        if (format) {
        } else {

    return 0; // "OK"

From source file:org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.java

private void encryption(CliRequest cliRequest) throws Exception {
    if (cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption(CLIManager.ENCRYPT_MASTER_PASSWORD)) {
        String passwd = cliRequest.commandLine.getOptionValue(CLIManager.ENCRYPT_MASTER_PASSWORD);

        if (passwd == null) {
            Console cons = System.console();
            char[] password = (cons == null) ? null : cons.readPassword("Master password: ");
            if (password != null) {
                // Cipher uses Strings
                passwd = String.copyValueOf(password);

                // Sun/Oracle advises to empty the char array
                java.util.Arrays.fill(password, ' ');
            }//from w w w  .  j a  va2  s .  com

        DefaultPlexusCipher cipher = new DefaultPlexusCipher();

                .println(cipher.encryptAndDecorate(passwd, DefaultSecDispatcher.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEC_LOCATION));

        throw new ExitException(0);
    } else if (cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption(CLIManager.ENCRYPT_PASSWORD)) {
        String passwd = cliRequest.commandLine.getOptionValue(CLIManager.ENCRYPT_PASSWORD);

        if (passwd == null) {
            Console cons = System.console();
            char[] password = (cons == null) ? null : cons.readPassword("Password: ");
            if (password != null) {
                // Cipher uses Strings
                passwd = String.copyValueOf(password);

                // Sun/Oracle advises to empty the char array
                java.util.Arrays.fill(password, ' ');

        String configurationFile = dispatcher.getConfigurationFile();

        if (configurationFile.startsWith("~")) {
            configurationFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + configurationFile.substring(1);

        String file = System.getProperty(DefaultSecDispatcher.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEC_LOCATION, configurationFile);

        String master = null;

        SettingsSecurity sec = SecUtil.read(file, true);
        if (sec != null) {
            master = sec.getMaster();

        if (master == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Master password is not set in the setting security file: " + file);

        DefaultPlexusCipher cipher = new DefaultPlexusCipher();
        String masterPasswd = cipher.decryptDecorated(master,
        System.out.println(cipher.encryptAndDecorate(passwd, masterPasswd));

        throw new ExitException(0);

From source file:org.apache.cxf.cwiki.SiteExporter.java

private static synchronized void doLogin() throws Exception {
    if (loginToken == null) {
        Document doc = DOMUtils.createDocument();
        Element el = doc.createElementNS(SOAPNS, "ns1:login");
        Element el2 = doc.createElement("in0");

        if (userName == null) {
            System.out.println("Enter username: ");
        } else {//from   w w  w. j a  va 2s  .  co m
        el2 = doc.createElement("in1");
        if (password == null) {
            System.out.println("Enter password: ");
            el2.setTextContent(new String(System.console().readPassword()));
        } else {
        doc = getDispatch().invoke(doc);
        loginToken = doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild().getTextContent();

From source file:me.gloriouseggroll.quorrabot.Quorrabot.java

public void onConsoleMessage(ConsoleInputEvent msg) {
    String message = msg.getMsg();
    boolean changed = false;
    if (message == null) {
        return;/*from  w w w  . j a va  2s.c om*/

    if (message.equals("debugon")) {

    //used for testing notifications
    if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("subtest")) {
        String randomUser = generateRandomString(10);
                new IrcPrivateMessageEvent(this.session, "twitchnotify", randomUser + " just subscribed!"));

    if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("resubtest")) {
        String randomUser = generateRandomString(10);
        EventBus.instance().post(new IrcPrivateMessageEvent(this.session, "twitchnotify",
                randomUser + " just subscribed for 10 months in a row!"));

    if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("followtest")) {
        String randomUser = generateRandomString(10);
        EventBus.instance().post(new TwitchFollowEvent(randomUser, this.channel));

    if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("hosttest")) {
        String randomUser = generateRandomString(10);
        EventBus.instance().post(new TwitchHostedEvent(randomUser, this.tcechannel));

    if (message.equals("debugoff")) {

    if (message.startsWith("inidb.get")) {
        String spl[] = message.split(" ", 4);

        com.gmt2001.Console.out.println(dataStoreObj.GetString(spl[1], spl[2], spl[3]));

    if (message.startsWith("inidb.set")) {
        String spl[] = message.split(" ", 5);

        dataStoreObj.SetString(spl[1], spl[2], spl[3], spl[4]);
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.println(dataStoreObj.GetString(spl[1], spl[2], spl[3]));

    if (message.equals("apioauth")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter the bot owner's api oauth string: ");
        String newoauth = System.console().readLine().trim();

        apioauth = newoauth;

        changed = true;

    if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("mysqlsetup")) {
        try {
            com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("QuorraBot MySQL setup.");

            com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter your MySQL host name or IP: ");
            String newHost = System.console().readLine().trim();
            mySqlHost = newHost;

            com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter your MySQL port: ");
            String newPost = System.console().readLine().trim();
            mySqlPort = newPost;

            com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter your MySQL db name: ");
            String newName = System.console().readLine().trim();
            mySqlName = newName;

            com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a username for MySQL: ");
            String newUser = System.console().readLine().trim();
            mySqlUser = newUser;

            com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a password for MySQL: ");
            String newPass = System.console().readLine().trim();
            mySqlPass = newPass;

            datastore = "MySQLStore";

            dataStoreObj = MySQLStore.instance();

            if (mySqlPort.isEmpty()) {
                mySqlConn = "jdbc:mariadb://" + mySqlHost + "/" + mySqlName;
            } else {
                mySqlConn = "jdbc:mariadb://" + mySqlHost + ":" + mySqlPort + "/" + mySqlName;
             * Check to see if we can create a connection
            if (dataStoreObj.CreateConnection(mySqlConn, mySqlUser, mySqlPass) == null) {
                        .println("Could not create a connection with MySql. QuorraBot now shutting down...");

            if (IniStore.instance().GetFileList().length > 0) {
            } else if (SqliteStore.instance().GetFileList().length > 0) {

            com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("QuorraBot MySQL setup done.");

            changed = true;
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {

    if (message.equals("clientid")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter the bot api clientid string: ");
        String newclientid = System.console().readLine().trim();

        clientid = newclientid;

        changed = true;

    if (message.equals("baseport")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new base port: ");
        String newbaseport = System.console().readLine().trim();

        baseport = Integer.parseInt(newbaseport);

        changed = true;

    if (message.equals("ip")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter an IP address to bind to: ");
        String ipstr = System.console().readLine().trim();
        try {
            InetAddress newip = InetAddress.getByName(ipstr);
            ip = newip;
            changed = true;
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Error binding to IP address, please double check your IP entry.");
    if (message.equals("youtubekey")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new YouTube API key: ");
        String newyoutubekey = System.console().readLine().trim();

        youtubekey = newyoutubekey;

        changed = true;

    if (message.equals("twitchalerts")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new TwitchAlerts Access Token: ");
        String newtwitchalertstoken = System.console().readLine().trim();

        DonationHandlerAPI.instance().SetAccessToken(newtwitchalertstoken, "twitchalerts");
        twitchalertstoken = newtwitchalertstoken;

        changed = true;
    if (message.equals("lastfm")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a last.fm username: ");
        String newlastfmuser = System.console().readLine().trim();

        lastfmuser = newlastfmuser;

        changed = true;
    if (message.equals("tipeeestream")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new Tipeeestream Access Token: ");
        String newtpetoken = System.console().readLine().trim();

        DonationHandlerAPI.instance().SetAccessToken(newtpetoken, "tpestream");
        tpetoken = newtpetoken;

        changed = true;
    if (message.equals("twitter")) {
                .print("Please visit this url to grant QuorraBot twitter access, then enter your pin" + "\n");
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print(TwitterAPI.instance().getRequestTokenURL() + "\n");
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Twitter PIN:");

        String newtwittertoken = System.console().readLine().trim();

        twittertoken = TwitterAPI.instance().getAccessToken();
        twittertokensecret = TwitterAPI.instance().getAccessTokenSecret();

        changed = true;

    if (message.equals("streamtip")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new StreamTip Client ID: ");
        String newstreamtipid = System.console().readLine().trim();

        DonationHandlerAPI.instance().SetClientID(newstreamtipid, "streamtip");
        streamtipid = newstreamtipid;

        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new StreamTip Access Token: ");
        String newstreamtiptoken = System.console().readLine().trim();

        DonationHandlerAPI.instance().SetAccessToken(newstreamtiptoken, "streamtip");
        streamtiptoken = newstreamtiptoken;

        changed = true;

    if (message.equals("gamewisp")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new GameWisp Access Token: ");
        String newgamewispauth = System.console().readLine().trim();
        gamewispauth = newgamewispauth;

        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new GameWisp Refresh Token: ");
        String newgamewisprefresh = System.console().readLine().trim();

        gamewisprefresh = newgamewisprefresh;
        changed = true;

    if (message.equals("discord")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter a new Discord Access Token: ");
        String newdiscordtoken = System.console().readLine().trim();
        discordToken = newdiscordtoken;

        com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter the name of the discord channel for the bot to join: ");
        String newdiscordmainchannel = System.console().readLine().trim();
        discordMainChannel = newdiscordmainchannel;
        changed = true;

    if (message.equals("testgwrefresh")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("[CONSOLE] Executing testgwrefresh");
        changed = true;

    if (message.equals("testgwsub")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("[CONSOLE] Executing testgwsub");
        EventBus.instance().post(new GameWispSubscribeEvent(this.username, 1));

    if (message.equals("testgwresub")) {
        com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("[CONSOLE] Executing testgwresub");
        EventBus.instance().post(new GameWispAnniversaryEvent(this.username, 2, 3));

    if (message.equals("webenable")) {
                "Please note that the music server will also be disabled if the web server is disabled. The bot will require a restart for this to take effect. Type true or false to enable/disable web server: ");
        String newwebenable = System.console().readLine().trim();
        changed = true;

        if (newwebenable.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || newwebenable.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            webenable = true;
        } else {
            webenable = false;

    if (message.equals("musicenable")) {
        if (!webenable) {
            com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("Web server must be enabled first. ");
        } else {
                    "The bot will require a restart for this to take effect. Please type true or false to enable/disable music server: ");
            String newmusicenable = System.console().readLine().trim();
            changed = true;

            if (newmusicenable.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || newmusicenable.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                musicenable = true;
            } else {
                musicenable = false;

    if (changed) {
        try {
            String data = "";
            data += "user=" + username + "\r\n";
            data += "oauth=" + oauth + "\r\n";
            data += "apioauth=" + apioauth + "\r\n";
            data += "clientid=" + clientid + "\r\n";
            data += "webauth=" + webauth + "\r\n";
            data += "webauthro=" + webauthro + "\r\n";
            data += "owner=" + ownerName + "\r\n";
            data += "channel=" + channelName + "\r\n";
            data += "baseport=" + baseport + "\r\n";
            data += "ip=" + ip.getHostAddress() + "\r\n";
            data += "hostname=" + hostname + "\r\n";
            data += "port=" + port + "\r\n";
            data += "msglimit30=" + msglimit30 + "\r\n";
            data += "datastore=" + datastore + "\r\n";
            data += "youtubekey=" + youtubekey + "\r\n";
            data += "twitchalertstoken=" + twitchalertstoken + "\r\n";
            data += "gamewispauth=" + gamewispauth + "\r\n";
            data += "gamewisprefresh=" + gamewisprefresh + "\r\n";
            data += "lastfmuser=" + lastfmuser + "\r\n";
            data += "tpetoken=" + tpetoken + "\r\n";
            data += "twittertoken=" + twittertoken + "\r\n";
            data += "twittertokensecret=" + twittertokensecret + "\r\n";
            data += "streamtiptoken=" + streamtiptoken + "\r\n";
            data += "streamtipid=" + streamtipid + "\r\n";
            data += "webenable=" + webenable + "\r\n";
            data += "musicenable=" + musicenable + "\r\n";
            data += "usehttps=" + usehttps + "\r\n";
            data += "logtimezone=" + timeZone + "\r\n";
            data += "mysqlhost=" + mySqlHost + "\r\n";
            data += "mysqlport=" + mySqlPort + "\r\n";
            data += "mysqlname=" + mySqlName + "\r\n";
            data += "mysqluser=" + mySqlUser + "\r\n";
            data += "mysqlpass=" + mySqlPass + "\r\n";
            data += "keystorepath=" + keystorepath + "\r\n";
            data += "discordtoken=" + discordToken + "\r\n";
            data += "discordmainchannel=" + discordMainChannel + "\r\n";

            Files.write(Paths.get("./botlogin.txt"), data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8),
                    StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING);


            if (webenable) {
                com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("[SHUTDOWN] Terminating web server...");
                if (musicenable) {
                    com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("[SHUTDOWN] Terminating music server...");

            if (!discordToken.isEmpty()) {

                    "Changes have been saved! Some changes may only take place after QuorraBot is restarted.");
        } catch (IOException ex) {

    if (message.equals("save")) {

    if (message.equals("quicksave")) {

    if (message.equals("exit")) {
    Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
    handleCommand(username, message, tags, channel, ownerName);

From source file:org.openconcerto.sql.PropsConfiguration.java

public void setupLogging(final String dirName, final boolean redirectToFile) {
    final File logDir;
    synchronized (this.restLock) {
        if (this.logDir != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Already set to " + this.logDir);
        logDir = getValidLogDir(dirName);
        this.logDir = logDir;
    }// ww  w. j  av a 2s  . c  o  m
    final String logNameBase = this.getAppName() + "_" + getLogDateFormat().format(new Date());

    // must be done before setUpConsoleHandler(), otherwise log output not redirected
    if (redirectToFile) {
        final File logFile = new File(logDir, (logNameBase + ".txt"));
        try {
            System.out.println("Log file: " + logFile.getAbsolutePath());
            final OutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(logFile, true);
            final OutputStream out, err;
            System.out.println("Java System console:" + System.console());
            boolean launchedFromEclipse = new File(".classpath").exists();
            if (launchedFromEclipse) {
                System.out.println("Launched from eclipse");
            if ((System.console() != null || launchedFromEclipse)
                    && this.keepStandardStreamsWhenRedirectingToFile()) {
                System.out.println("Redirecting standard output to file and console");
                out = new MultipleOutputStream(fileOut, new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out));
                System.out.println("Redirecting error output to file and console");
                err = new MultipleOutputStream(fileOut, new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.err));

            } else {
                out = fileOut;
                err = fileOut;
            System.setErr(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(err, 128), true));
            System.setOut(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(out, 128), true));
            // Takes about 350ms so run it async
            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        FileUtils.ln(logFile, new File(logDir, "last.log"));
                    } catch (final IOException e) {
                        // the link is not important
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            ExceptionHandler.handle("Redirection des sorties standards impossible", e);
    } else {
        System.out.println("Standard streams not redirected to file");

    // removes default
    // add console handler
    // add file handler (supports concurrent launches, doesn't depend on date)
    try {
        final File logFile = new File(logDir, this.getAppName() + "-%u-age%g.log");
        System.out.println("Logger logs: " + logFile.getAbsolutePath());
        // 2 files of at most 5M, each new launch append
        // if multiple concurrent launches %u is used
        final FileHandler fh = new FileHandler(logFile.getPath(), 5 * 1024 * 1024, 2, true);
        fh.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter());
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        ExceptionHandler.handle("Enregistrement du Logger dsactiv", e);


From source file:com.cloudera.sqoop.SqoopOptions.java

 * Allow the user to enter his password on the console without printing
 * characters./*from   w w  w.  j  ava  2s. com*/
 * @return the password as a string
private String securePasswordEntry() {
    return new String(System.console().readPassword("Enter password: "));