Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to Cloudera, Inc. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.cloudera.sqoop;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;

import com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.DelimiterSet;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.LargeObjectLoader;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.util.RandomHash;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.util.StoredAsProperty;

 * Configurable state used by Sqoop tools.
public class SqoopOptions implements Cloneable {

    public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SqoopOptions.class.getName());

     * Set to true in configuration if you want to put db passwords
     * in the metastore.
    public static final String METASTORE_PASSWORD_KEY = "sqoop.metastore.client.record.password";

    public static final boolean METASTORE_PASSWORD_DEFAULT = false;

     * Thrown when invalid cmdline options are given.
    public static class InvalidOptionsException extends Exception {

        private String message;

        public InvalidOptionsException(final String msg) {
            this.message = msg;

        public String getMessage() {
            return message;

        public String toString() {
            return getMessage();

    /** Selects in-HDFS destination file format. */
    public enum FileLayout {
        TextFile, SequenceFile

     * Incremental imports support two modes:
     * <ul>
     * <li>new rows being appended to the end of a table with an
     * incrementing id</li>
     * <li>new data results in a date-last-modified column being
     * updated to NOW(); Sqoop will pull all dirty rows in the next
     * incremental import.</li>
     * </ul>
    public enum IncrementalMode {
        None, AppendRows, DateLastModified,

    // TODO(aaron): Adding something here? Add a setter and a getter.  Add a
    // default value in initDefaults() if you need one.  If this value needs to
    // be serialized in the metastore, it should be marked with
    // @StoredAsProperty(), if it is an int, long, boolean, String, or Enum.
    // Arrays and other "special" types should be added directly to the
    // loadProperties() and writeProperties() methods. Then add command-line
    // arguments in the appropriate tools. The names of all command-line args
    // are stored as constants in BaseSqoopTool.

    private String connectString;
    private String tableName;
    private String[] columns; // Array stored as db.column.list.
    private String username;
    private String stagingTableName;
    private boolean clearStagingTable;

    // May not be serialized, based on configuration.
    // db.require.password is used to determine whether 'some' password is
    // used. If so, it is stored as 'db.password'.
    private String password;

    private String nullStringValue;
    private String inNullStringValue;
    private String nullNonStringValue;
    private String inNullNonStringValue;

    private String codeOutputDir;
    private String jarOutputDir;
    // Boolean specifying whether jarOutputDir is a nonce tmpdir (true), or
    // explicitly set by the user (false). If the former, disregard any value
    // for jarOutputDir saved in the metastore.
    private boolean jarDirIsAuto;
    private String hadoopHome; // not serialized to metastore.
    private String splitByCol;
    private String whereClause;
    private String sqlQuery;
    private String driverClassName;
    private String warehouseDir;
    private String targetDir;
    private boolean append;
    private FileLayout layout;
    private boolean direct; // "direct mode."
    private String tmpDir; // where temp data goes; usually /tmp; not serialized.
    private String hiveHome; // not serialized to metastore.
    private boolean hiveImport;
    private boolean overwriteHiveTable;
    private String hiveTableName;

    // An ordered list of column names denoting what order columns are
    // serialized to a PreparedStatement from a generated record type.
    // Not serialized to metastore.
    private String[] dbOutColumns;

    // package to prepend to auto-named classes.
    private String packageName;

    // package+class to apply to individual table import.
    // also used as an *input* class with existingJarFile.
    private String className;

    // Name of a jar containing existing table definition
    // class to use.
    private String existingJarFile;

    private int numMappers;
    private boolean useCompression;

    // In direct mode, open a new stream every X bytes.
    private long directSplitSize;

    // Max size of an inline LOB; larger LOBs are written
    // to external files on disk.
    private long maxInlineLobSize;

    // Max number 'n' of rows to fetch from the
    // database when more rows are needed.
    private Integer fetchSize;

    // HDFS path to read from when performing an export
    private String exportDir;

    // Column to use for the WHERE clause in an UPDATE-based export.
    private String updateKeyCol;

    private DelimiterSet inputDelimiters; // codegen.input.delimiters.
    private DelimiterSet outputDelimiters; // codegen.output.delimiters.
    private boolean areDelimsManuallySet;

    private Configuration conf;

    public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_MAPPERS = 4;

    private String[] extraArgs;

    // HBase table to import into.
    private String hbaseTable;

    // Column family to prepend to inserted cols.
    private String hbaseColFamily;

    // Column of the input to use as the row key.
    private String hbaseRowKeyCol;

    // if true, create tables/col families.
    private boolean hbaseCreateTable;

    // col to filter on for incremental imports.
    private String incrementalTestCol;
    // incremental import mode we're using.
    private IncrementalMode incrementalMode;
    // What was the last-imported value of incrementalTestCol?
    private String incrementalLastValue;

    // HDFS paths for "old" and "new" datasets in merge tool.
    private String mergeOldPath;
    private String mergeNewPath;

    // "key" column for the merge operation.
    private String mergeKeyCol;

    // These next two fields are not serialized to the metastore.
    // If this SqoopOptions is created by reading a saved job, these will
    // be populated by the JobStorage to facilitate updating the same
    // job.
    private String jobName;
    private Map<String, String> jobStorageDescriptor;

    // If we restore a job and then allow the user to apply arguments on
    // top, we retain the version without the arguments in a reference to the
    // 'parent' SqoopOptions instance, here.
    private SqoopOptions parent;

    // Nonce directory name. Generate one per process, lazily, if
    // getNonceJarDir() is called. Not recorded in metadata. This is used as
    // a temporary holding area for compilation work done by this process.
    private static String curNonce;

    // the connection manager fully qualified class name
    private String connManagerClassName;

    public SqoopOptions() {

    public SqoopOptions(Configuration conf) {

     * Alternate SqoopOptions interface used mostly for unit testing.
     * @param connect JDBC connect string to use
     * @param table Table to read
    public SqoopOptions(final String connect, final String table) {

        this.connectString = connect;
        this.tableName = table;

    private boolean getBooleanProperty(Properties props, String propName, boolean defaultValue) {
        String str = props.getProperty(propName, Boolean.toString(defaultValue)).toLowerCase();
        return "true".equals(str) || "yes".equals(str) || "1".equals(str);

    private long getLongProperty(Properties props, String propName, long defaultValue) {
        String str = props.getProperty(propName, Long.toString(defaultValue)).toLowerCase();
        try {
            return Long.parseLong(str);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            LOG.warn("Could not parse integer value for config parameter " + propName);
            return defaultValue;

    private int getIntProperty(Properties props, String propName, int defaultVal) {
        long longVal = getLongProperty(props, propName, defaultVal);
        return (int) longVal;

    private char getCharProperty(Properties props, String propName, char defaultVal) {
        int intVal = getIntProperty(props, propName, (int) defaultVal);
        return (char) intVal;

    private DelimiterSet getDelimiterProperties(Properties props, String prefix, DelimiterSet defaults) {

        if (null == defaults) {
            defaults = new DelimiterSet();

        char field = getCharProperty(props, prefix + ".field", defaults.getFieldsTerminatedBy());
        char record = getCharProperty(props, prefix + ".record", defaults.getLinesTerminatedBy());
        char enclose = getCharProperty(props, prefix + ".enclose", defaults.getEnclosedBy());
        char escape = getCharProperty(props, prefix + ".escape", defaults.getEscapedBy());
        boolean required = getBooleanProperty(props, prefix + ".enclose.required", defaults.isEncloseRequired());

        return new DelimiterSet(field, record, enclose, escape, required);

    private void setDelimiterProperties(Properties props, String prefix, DelimiterSet values) {
        putProperty(props, prefix + ".field", Integer.toString((int) values.getFieldsTerminatedBy()));
        putProperty(props, prefix + ".record", Integer.toString((int) values.getLinesTerminatedBy()));
        putProperty(props, prefix + ".enclose", Integer.toString((int) values.getEnclosedBy()));
        putProperty(props, prefix + ".escape", Integer.toString((int) values.getEscapedBy()));
        putProperty(props, prefix + ".enclose.required", Boolean.toString(values.isEncloseRequired()));

    /** Take a comma-delimited list of input and split the elements
     * into an output array. */
    private String[] listToArray(String strList) {
        return strList.split(",");

    private String arrayToList(String[] array) {
        if (null == array) {
            return null;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        boolean first = true;
        for (String elem : array) {
            if (!first) {
            first = false;

        return sb.toString();

     * A put() method for Properties that is tolerent of 'null' values.
     * If a null value is specified, the property is unset.
    private void putProperty(Properties props, String k, String v) {
        if (null == v) {
        } else {
            props.setProperty(k, v);

     * Given a property prefix that denotes a set of numbered properties,
     * return an array containing all the properties.
     * For instance, if prefix is "foo", then return properties "foo.0",
     * "foo.1", "foo.2", and so on as an array. If no such properties
     * exist, return 'defaults'.
    private String[] getArgArrayProperty(Properties props, String prefix, String[] defaults) {
        int cur = 0;
        ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>();
        while (true) {
            String curProp = prefix + "." + cur;
            String curStr = props.getProperty(curProp, null);
            if (null == curStr) {


        if (cur == 0) {
            // Couldn't find an array here; return the defaults.
            return defaults;

        return al.toArray(new String[0]);

    private void setArgArrayProperties(Properties props, String prefix, String[] values) {
        if (null == values) {

        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            putProperty(props, prefix + "." + i, values[i]);

     * Given a set of properties, load this into the current SqoopOptions
     * instance.
    public void loadProperties(Properties props) {

        try {
            Field[] fields = getClass().getDeclaredFields();
            for (Field f : fields) {
                if (f.isAnnotationPresent(StoredAsProperty.class)) {
                    Class typ = f.getType();
                    StoredAsProperty storedAs = f.getAnnotation(StoredAsProperty.class);
                    String propName = storedAs.value();

                    if (typ.equals(int.class)) {
                        f.setInt(this, getIntProperty(props, propName, f.getInt(this)));
                    } else if (typ.equals(boolean.class)) {
                        f.setBoolean(this, getBooleanProperty(props, propName, f.getBoolean(this)));
                    } else if (typ.equals(long.class)) {
                        f.setLong(this, getLongProperty(props, propName, f.getLong(this)));
                    } else if (typ.equals(String.class)) {
                        f.set(this, props.getProperty(propName, (String) f.get(this)));
                    } else if (typ.equals(Integer.class)) {
                        String value = props.getProperty(propName,
                                f.get(this) == null ? "null" : f.get(this).toString());
                        f.set(this, value.equals("null") ? null : new Integer(value));
                    } else if (typ.isEnum()) {
                        f.set(this, Enum.valueOf(typ, props.getProperty(propName, f.get(this).toString())));
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Could not retrieve property " + propName + " for type: " + typ);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Illegal access to field in property setter", iae);

        // Now load properties that were stored with special types, or require
        // additional logic to set.

        if (getBooleanProperty(props, "db.require.password", false)) {
            // The user's password was stripped out from the metastore.
            // Require that the user enter it now.
        } else {
            this.password = props.getProperty("db.password", this.password);

        if (this.jarDirIsAuto) {
            // We memoized a user-specific nonce dir for compilation to the data
            // store.  Disregard that setting and create a new nonce dir.
            String localUsername = System.getProperty("", "unknown");
            this.jarOutputDir = getNonceJarDir(tmpDir + "sqoop-" + localUsername + "/compile");

        String colListStr = props.getProperty("db.column.list", null);
        if (null != colListStr) {
            this.columns = listToArray(colListStr);

        this.inputDelimiters = getDelimiterProperties(props, "codegen.input.delimiters", this.inputDelimiters);
        this.outputDelimiters = getDelimiterProperties(props, "codegen.output.delimiters", this.outputDelimiters);

        this.extraArgs = getArgArrayProperty(props, "tool.arguments", this.extraArgs);

        // Delimiters were previously memoized; don't let the tool override
        // them with defaults.
        this.areDelimsManuallySet = true;

     * Return a Properties instance that encapsulates all the "sticky"
     * state of this SqoopOptions that should be written to a metastore
     * to restore the job later.
    public Properties writeProperties() {
        Properties props = new Properties();

        try {
            Field[] fields = getClass().getDeclaredFields();
            for (Field f : fields) {
                if (f.isAnnotationPresent(StoredAsProperty.class)) {
                    Class typ = f.getType();
                    StoredAsProperty storedAs = f.getAnnotation(StoredAsProperty.class);
                    String propName = storedAs.value();

                    if (typ.equals(int.class)) {
                        putProperty(props, propName, Integer.toString(f.getInt(this)));
                    } else if (typ.equals(boolean.class)) {
                        putProperty(props, propName, Boolean.toString(f.getBoolean(this)));
                    } else if (typ.equals(long.class)) {
                        putProperty(props, propName, Long.toString(f.getLong(this)));
                    } else if (typ.equals(String.class)) {
                        putProperty(props, propName, (String) f.get(this));
                    } else if (typ.equals(Integer.class)) {
                        putProperty(props, propName, f.get(this) == null ? "null" : f.get(this).toString());
                    } else if (typ.isEnum()) {
                        putProperty(props, propName, f.get(this).toString());
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Could not set property " + propName + " for type: " + typ);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Illegal access to field in property setter", iae);

        if (this.getConf().getBoolean(METASTORE_PASSWORD_KEY, METASTORE_PASSWORD_DEFAULT)) {
            // If the user specifies, we may store the password in the metastore.
            putProperty(props, "db.password", this.password);
            putProperty(props, "db.require.password", "false");
        } else if (this.password != null) {
            // Otherwise, if the user has set a password, we just record
            // a flag stating that the password will need to be reentered.
            putProperty(props, "db.require.password", "true");
        } else {
            // No password saved or required.
            putProperty(props, "db.require.password", "false");

        putProperty(props, "db.column.list", arrayToList(this.columns));
        setDelimiterProperties(props, "codegen.input.delimiters", this.inputDelimiters);
        setDelimiterProperties(props, "codegen.output.delimiters", this.outputDelimiters);
        setArgArrayProperties(props, "tool.arguments", this.extraArgs);

        return props;

    public Object clone() {
        try {
            SqoopOptions other = (SqoopOptions) super.clone();
            if (null != columns) {
                other.columns = Arrays.copyOf(columns, columns.length);

            if (null != dbOutColumns) {
                other.dbOutColumns = Arrays.copyOf(dbOutColumns, dbOutColumns.length);

            if (null != inputDelimiters) {
                other.inputDelimiters = (DelimiterSet) inputDelimiters.clone();

            if (null != outputDelimiters) {
                other.outputDelimiters = (DelimiterSet) outputDelimiters.clone();

            if (null != conf) {
                other.conf = new Configuration(conf);

            if (null != extraArgs) {
                other.extraArgs = Arrays.copyOf(extraArgs, extraArgs.length);

            return other;
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) {
            // Shouldn't happen.
            return null;

     * @return the temp directory to use; this is guaranteed to end with
     * the file separator character (e.g., '/').
    public String getTempDir() {
        return this.tmpDir;

     * Return the name of a directory that does not exist before
     * calling this method, and does exist afterward. We should be
     * the only client of this directory. If this directory is not
     * used during the lifetime of the JVM, schedule it to be removed
     * when the JVM exits.
    private static String getNonceJarDir(String tmpBase) {

        // Make sure we don't loop forever in the event of a permission error.
        final int MAX_DIR_CREATE_ATTEMPTS = 32;

        if (null != curNonce) {
            return curNonce;

        File baseDir = new File(tmpBase);
        File hashDir = null;

        for (int attempts = 0; attempts < MAX_DIR_CREATE_ATTEMPTS; attempts++) {
            hashDir = new File(baseDir, RandomHash.generateMD5String());
            while (hashDir.exists()) {
                hashDir = new File(baseDir, RandomHash.generateMD5String());

            if (hashDir.mkdirs()) {
                // We created the directory. Use it.
                // If this directory is not actually filled with files, delete it
                // when the JVM quits.

        if (hashDir == null || !hashDir.exists()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not create temporary directory: " + hashDir
                    + "; check for a directory permissions issue on /tmp.");

        LOG.debug("Generated nonce dir: " + hashDir.toString());
        SqoopOptions.curNonce = hashDir.toString();
        return SqoopOptions.curNonce;

     * Reset the nonce directory and force a new one to be generated. This
     * method is intended to be used only by multiple unit tests that want
     * to isolate themselves from one another. It should not be called
     * during normal Sqoop execution.
    public static void clearNonceDir() {
        LOG.warn("Clearing nonce directory");
        SqoopOptions.curNonce = null;

    private void initDefaults(Configuration baseConfiguration) {
        // first, set the true defaults if nothing else happens.
        // default action is to run the full pipeline.
        this.hadoopHome = System.getenv("HADOOP_HOME");

        // Set this with $HIVE_HOME, but -Dhive.home can override.
        this.hiveHome = System.getenv("HIVE_HOME");
        this.hiveHome = System.getProperty("hive.home", this.hiveHome);

        this.inputDelimiters = new DelimiterSet(DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR, DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR,
                DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR, DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR, false);
        this.outputDelimiters = new DelimiterSet();

        // Set this to cwd, but -Dsqoop.src.dir can override.
        this.codeOutputDir = System.getProperty("sqoop.src.dir", ".");

        String myTmpDir = System.getProperty("", "/tmp/");
        if (!myTmpDir.endsWith(File.separator)) {
            myTmpDir = myTmpDir + File.separator;

        this.tmpDir = myTmpDir;
        String localUsername = System.getProperty("", "unknown");
        this.jarOutputDir = getNonceJarDir(tmpDir + "sqoop-" + localUsername + "/compile");
        this.jarDirIsAuto = true;
        this.layout = FileLayout.TextFile;

        this.areDelimsManuallySet = false;

        this.numMappers = DEFAULT_NUM_MAPPERS;
        this.useCompression = false;
        this.directSplitSize = 0;

        this.maxInlineLobSize = LargeObjectLoader.DEFAULT_MAX_LOB_LENGTH;

        // Don't set a default value for fetchsize. This allows a JDBCManager to
        // provide a database-specific default, if no value is provided by the
        // user.
        this.fetchSize = null;

        if (null == baseConfiguration) {
            this.conf = new Configuration();
        } else {
            this.conf = baseConfiguration;

        this.extraArgs = null;

        this.dbOutColumns = null;

        this.incrementalMode = IncrementalMode.None;

     * Given a string containing a single character or an escape sequence
     * representing a char, return that char itself.
     * Normal literal characters return themselves: "x" -&gt; 'x', etc.
     * Strings containing a '\' followed by one of t, r, n, or b escape to the
     * usual character as seen in Java: "\n" -&gt; (newline), etc.
     * Strings like "\0ooo" return the character specified by the octal sequence
     * 'ooo'. Strings like "\0xhhh" or "\0Xhhh" return the character specified by
     * the hex sequence 'hhh'.
     * If the input string contains leading or trailing spaces, these are
     * ignored.
    public static char toChar(String charish) throws InvalidOptionsException {
        if (null == charish || charish.length() == 0) {
            throw new InvalidOptionsException(
                    "Character argument expected." + "\nTry --help for usage instructions.");

        if (charish.startsWith("\\0x") || charish.startsWith("\\0X")) {
            if (charish.length() == 3) {
                throw new InvalidOptionsException(
                        "Base-16 value expected for character argument." + "\nTry --help for usage instructions.");
            } else {
                String valStr = charish.substring(3);
                int val = Integer.parseInt(valStr, 16);
                return (char) val;
        } else if (charish.startsWith("\\0")) {
            if (charish.equals("\\0")) {
                // it's just '\0', which we can take as shorthand for nul.
                return DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR;
            } else {
                // it's an octal value.
                String valStr = charish.substring(2);
                int val = Integer.parseInt(valStr, 8);
                return (char) val;
        } else if (charish.startsWith("\\")) {
            if (charish.length() == 1) {
                // it's just a '\'. Keep it literal.
                return '\\';
            } else if (charish.length() > 2) {
                // we don't have any 3+ char escape strings.
                throw new InvalidOptionsException("Cannot understand character argument: " + charish
                        + "\nTry --help for usage instructions.");
            } else {
                // this is some sort of normal 1-character escape sequence.
                char escapeWhat = charish.charAt(1);
                switch (escapeWhat) {
                case 'b':
                    return '\b';
                case 'n':
                    return '\n';
                case 'r':
                    return '\r';
                case 't':
                    return '\t';
                case '\"':
                    return '\"';
                case '\'':
                    return '\'';
                case '\\':
                    return '\\';
                    throw new InvalidOptionsException("Cannot understand character argument: " + charish
                            + "\nTry --help for usage instructions.");
        } else {
            // it's a normal character.
            if (charish.length() > 1) {
                LOG.warn("Character argument " + charish + " has multiple characters; "
                        + "only the first will be used.");

            return charish.charAt(0);

     * Get the temporary directory; guaranteed to end in File.separator
     * (e.g., '/').
    public String getTmpDir() {
        return tmpDir;

    public void setTmpDir(String tmp) {
        this.tmpDir = tmp;

    public String getConnectString() {
        return connectString;

    public void setConnectString(String connectStr) {
        this.connectString = connectStr;

    public String getTableName() {
        return tableName;

    public void setTableName(String table) {
        this.tableName = table;

    public String getStagingTableName() {
        return stagingTableName;

    public void setStagingTableName(String stagingTable) {
        this.stagingTableName = stagingTable;

    public boolean doClearStagingTable() {
        return clearStagingTable;

    public void setClearStagingTable(boolean clear) {
        clearStagingTable = clear;

    public String getExportDir() {
        return exportDir;

    public void setExportDir(String dir) {
        this.exportDir = dir;

    public String getExistingJarName() {
        return existingJarFile;

    public void setExistingJarName(String jarFile) {
        this.existingJarFile = jarFile;

    public String[] getColumns() {
        if (null == columns) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return Arrays.copyOf(columns, columns.length);

    public void setColumns(String[] cols) {
        if (null == cols) {
            this.columns = null;
        } else {
            this.columns = Arrays.copyOf(cols, cols.length);

    public String getSplitByCol() {
        return splitByCol;

    public void setSplitByCol(String splitBy) {
        this.splitByCol = splitBy;

    public String getWhereClause() {
        return whereClause;

    public void setWhereClause(String where) {
        this.whereClause = where;

    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

    public void setUsername(String user) {
        this.username = user;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

     * Allow the user to enter his password on the console without printing
     * characters.
     * @return the password as a string
    private String securePasswordEntry() {
        return new String(System.console().readPassword("Enter password: "));

     * Set the password in this SqoopOptions from the console without printing
     * characters.
    public void setPasswordFromConsole() {
        this.password = securePasswordEntry();

    public void setPassword(String pass) {
        this.password = pass;

    public boolean isDirect() {
        return direct;

    public void setDirectMode(boolean isDirect) { = isDirect;

     * @return the number of map tasks to use for import.
    public int getNumMappers() {
        return this.numMappers;

    public void setNumMappers(int m) {
        this.numMappers = m;

     * @return the user-specified absolute class name for the table.
    public String getClassName() {
        return className;

    public void setClassName(String name) {
        this.className = name;

     * @return the user-specified package to prepend to table names via
     * --package-name.
    public String getPackageName() {
        return packageName;

    public void setPackageName(String name) {
        this.packageName = name;

    public String getHiveHome() {
        return hiveHome;

    public void setHiveHome(String home) {
        this.hiveHome = home;

    /** @return true if we should import the table into Hive. */
    public boolean doHiveImport() {
        return hiveImport;

    public void setHiveImport(boolean doImport) {
        this.hiveImport = doImport;

     * @return the user-specified option to overwrite existing table in hive.
    public boolean doOverwriteHiveTable() {
        return overwriteHiveTable;

    public void setOverwriteHiveTable(boolean overwrite) {
        this.overwriteHiveTable = overwrite;

     * @return location where .java files go; guaranteed to end with '/'.
    public String getCodeOutputDir() {
        if (codeOutputDir.endsWith(File.separator)) {
            return codeOutputDir;
        } else {
            return codeOutputDir + File.separator;

    public void setCodeOutputDir(String outputDir) {
        this.codeOutputDir = outputDir;

     * @return location where .jar and .class files go; guaranteed to end with
     * '/'.
    public String getJarOutputDir() {
        if (jarOutputDir.endsWith(File.separator)) {
            return jarOutputDir;
        } else {
            return jarOutputDir + File.separator;

    public void setJarOutputDir(String outDir) {
        this.jarOutputDir = outDir;
        this.jarDirIsAuto = false;

     * Return the value of $HADOOP_HOME.
     * @return $HADOOP_HOME, or null if it's not set.
    public String getHadoopHome() {
        return hadoopHome;

    public void setHadoopHome(String home) {
        this.hadoopHome = home;

     * @return a sql command to execute and exit with.
    public String getSqlQuery() {
        return sqlQuery;

    public void setSqlQuery(String sqlStatement) {
        this.sqlQuery = sqlStatement;

     * @return The JDBC driver class name specified with --driver.
    public String getDriverClassName() {
        return driverClassName;

    public void setDriverClassName(String driverClass) {
        this.driverClassName = driverClass;

     * @return the base destination path for table uploads.
    public String getWarehouseDir() {
        return warehouseDir;

    public void setWarehouseDir(String warehouse) {
        this.warehouseDir = warehouse;

    public String getTargetDir() {
        return this.targetDir;

    public void setTargetDir(String dir) {
        this.targetDir = dir;

    public void setAppendMode(boolean doAppend) {
        this.append = doAppend;

    public boolean isAppendMode() {
        return this.append;

     * @return the destination file format
    public FileLayout getFileLayout() {
        return this.layout;

    public void setFileLayout(FileLayout fileLayout) {
        this.layout = fileLayout;

     * @return the field delimiter to use when parsing lines. Defaults to the
     * field delim to use when printing lines.
    public char getInputFieldDelim() {
        char f = inputDelimiters.getFieldsTerminatedBy();
        if (f == DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR) {
            return this.outputDelimiters.getFieldsTerminatedBy();
        } else {
            return f;

     * Set the field delimiter to use when parsing lines.
    public void setInputFieldsTerminatedBy(char c) {

     * @return the record delimiter to use when parsing lines. Defaults to the
     * record delim to use when printing lines.
    public char getInputRecordDelim() {
        char r = inputDelimiters.getLinesTerminatedBy();
        if (r == DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR) {
            return this.outputDelimiters.getLinesTerminatedBy();
        } else {
            return r;

     * Set the record delimiter to use when parsing lines.
    public void setInputLinesTerminatedBy(char c) {

     * @return the character that may enclose fields when parsing lines.
     * Defaults to the enclosing-char to use when printing lines.
    public char getInputEnclosedBy() {
        char c = inputDelimiters.getEnclosedBy();
        if (c == DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR) {
            return this.outputDelimiters.getEnclosedBy();
        } else {
            return c;

     * Set the enclosed-by character to use when parsing lines.
    public void setInputEnclosedBy(char c) {

     * @return the escape character to use when parsing lines. Defaults to the
     * escape character used when printing lines.
    public char getInputEscapedBy() {
        char c = inputDelimiters.getEscapedBy();
        if (c == DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR) {
            return this.outputDelimiters.getEscapedBy();
        } else {
            return c;

     * Set the escaped-by character to use when parsing lines.
    public void setInputEscapedBy(char c) {

     * @return true if fields must be enclosed by the --enclosed-by character
     * when parsing.  Defaults to false. Set true when --input-enclosed-by is
     * used.
    public boolean isInputEncloseRequired() {
        char c = this.inputDelimiters.getEnclosedBy();
        if (c == DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR) {
            return this.outputDelimiters.isEncloseRequired();
        } else {
            return this.inputDelimiters.isEncloseRequired();

     * If true, then all input fields are expected to be enclosed by the
     * enclosed-by character when parsing.
    public void setInputEncloseRequired(boolean required) {

     * @return the character to print between fields when importing them to
     * text.
    public char getOutputFieldDelim() {
        return this.outputDelimiters.getFieldsTerminatedBy();

     * Set the field delimiter to use when formatting lines.
    public void setFieldsTerminatedBy(char c) {

     * @return the character to print between records when importing them to
     * text.
    public char getOutputRecordDelim() {
        return this.outputDelimiters.getLinesTerminatedBy();

     * Set the record delimiter to use when formatting lines.
    public void setLinesTerminatedBy(char c) {

     * @return a character which may enclose the contents of fields when
     * imported to text.
    public char getOutputEnclosedBy() {
        return this.outputDelimiters.getEnclosedBy();

     * Set the enclosed-by character to use when formatting lines.
    public void setEnclosedBy(char c) {

     * @return a character which signifies an escape sequence when importing to
     * text.
    public char getOutputEscapedBy() {
        return this.outputDelimiters.getEscapedBy();

     * Set the escaped-by character to use when formatting lines.
    public void setEscapedBy(char c) {

     * @return true if fields imported to text must be enclosed by the
     * EnclosedBy char.  default is false; set to true if --enclosed-by is used
     * instead of --optionally-enclosed-by.
    public boolean isOutputEncloseRequired() {
        return this.outputDelimiters.isEncloseRequired();

     * If true, then the enclosed-by character will be applied to all fields,
     * even if internal characters do not need enclosed-by protection.
    public void setOutputEncloseRequired(boolean required) {

     * @return the set of delimiters used for formatting output records.
    public DelimiterSet getOutputDelimiters() {
        return this.outputDelimiters.copy();

     * Set the complete set of delimiters to use for output formatting.
    public void setOutputDelimiters(DelimiterSet delimiters) {
        this.outputDelimiters = delimiters.copy();

     * @return the set of delimiters used for parsing the input.
     * This may include values implicitly set by the output delimiters.
    public DelimiterSet getInputDelimiters() {
        return new DelimiterSet(getInputFieldDelim(), getInputRecordDelim(), getInputEnclosedBy(),
                getInputEscapedBy(), isInputEncloseRequired());

     * @return true if the user wants imported results to be compressed.
    public boolean shouldUseCompression() {
        return this.useCompression;

    public void setUseCompression(boolean compress) {
        this.useCompression = compress;

     * @return the name of the destination table when importing to Hive.
    public String getHiveTableName() {
        if (null != this.hiveTableName) {
            return this.hiveTableName;
        } else {
            return this.tableName;

    public void setHiveTableName(String name) {
        this.hiveTableName = name;

     * @return the file size to split by when using --direct mode.
    public long getDirectSplitSize() {
        return this.directSplitSize;

    public void setDirectSplitSize(long splitSize) {
        this.directSplitSize = splitSize;

     * @return the max size of a LOB before we spill to a separate file.
    public long getInlineLobLimit() {
        return this.maxInlineLobSize;

    public void setInlineLobLimit(long limit) {
        this.maxInlineLobSize = limit;

    public Integer getFetchSize() {
        return this.fetchSize;

    public void setFetchSize(Integer size) {
        this.fetchSize = size;

     * @return true if the delimiters have been explicitly set by the user.
    public boolean explicitDelims() {
        return areDelimsManuallySet;

     * Flag the delimiter settings as explicit user settings, or implicit.
    public void setExplicitDelims(boolean explicit) {
        this.areDelimsManuallySet = explicit;

    public Configuration getConf() {
        return conf;

    public void setConf(Configuration config) {
        this.conf = config;

     * @return command-line arguments after a '-'.
    public String[] getExtraArgs() {
        if (extraArgs == null) {
            return null;

        String[] out = new String[extraArgs.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < extraArgs.length; i++) {
            out[i] = extraArgs[i];
        return out;

    public void setExtraArgs(String[] args) {
        if (null == args) {
            this.extraArgs = null;

        this.extraArgs = new String[args.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            this.extraArgs[i] = args[i];

     * Set the name of the column to be used in the WHERE clause of an
     * UPDATE-based export process.
    public void setUpdateKeyCol(String colName) {
        this.updateKeyCol = colName;

     * @return the column which is the key column in a table to be exported
     * in update mode.
    public String getUpdateKeyCol() {
        return this.updateKeyCol;

     * @return an ordered list of column names. The code generator should
     * generate the DBWritable.write(PreparedStatement) method with columns
     * exporting in this order, if it is non-null.
    public String[] getDbOutputColumns() {
        if (null != dbOutColumns) {
            return Arrays.copyOf(this.dbOutColumns, dbOutColumns.length);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Set the order in which columns should be serialized by the generated
     * DBWritable.write(PreparedStatement) method. Setting this to null will use
     * the "natural order" of the database table.
     * TODO: Expose this setter via the command-line arguments for the codegen
     * module. That would allow users to export to tables with columns in a
     * different physical order than the file layout in HDFS.
    public void setDbOutputColumns(String[] outCols) {
        if (null == outCols) {
            this.dbOutColumns = null;
        } else {
            this.dbOutColumns = Arrays.copyOf(outCols, outCols.length);

     * Set whether we should create missing HBase tables.
    public void setCreateHBaseTable(boolean create) {
        this.hbaseCreateTable = create;

     * Returns true if we should create HBase tables/column families
     * that are missing.
    public boolean getCreateHBaseTable() {
        return this.hbaseCreateTable;

     * Sets the HBase target column family.
    public void setHBaseColFamily(String colFamily) {
        this.hbaseColFamily = colFamily;

     * Gets the HBase import target column family.
    public String getHBaseColFamily() {
        return this.hbaseColFamily;

     * Gets the column to use as the row id in an hbase import.
     * If null, use the primary key column.
    public String getHBaseRowKeyColumn() {
        return this.hbaseRowKeyCol;

     * Sets the column to use as the row id in an hbase import.
    public void setHBaseRowKeyColumn(String col) {
        this.hbaseRowKeyCol = col;

     * Gets the target HBase table name, if any.
    public String getHBaseTable() {
        return this.hbaseTable;

     * Sets the target HBase table name for an import.
    public void setHBaseTable(String table) {
        this.hbaseTable = table;

     * Set the column of the import source table to check for incremental import
     * state.
    public void setIncrementalTestColumn(String colName) {
        this.incrementalTestCol = colName;

     * Return the name of the column of the import source table
     * to check for incremental import state.
    public String getIncrementalTestColumn() {
        return this.incrementalTestCol;

     * Set the incremental import mode to use.
    public void setIncrementalMode(IncrementalMode mode) {
        this.incrementalMode = mode;

     * Get the incremental import mode to use.
    public IncrementalMode getIncrementalMode() {
        return this.incrementalMode;

     * Set the last imported value of the incremental import test column.
    public void setIncrementalLastValue(String lastVal) {
        this.incrementalLastValue = lastVal;

     * Get the last imported value of the incremental import test column.
    public String getIncrementalLastValue() {
        return this.incrementalLastValue;

     * Set the name of the saved job this SqoopOptions belongs to.
    public void setJobName(String job) {
        this.jobName = job;

     * Get the name of the saved job this SqoopOptions belongs to.
    public String getJobName() {
        return this.jobName;

     * Set the JobStorage descriptor used to open the saved job
     * this SqoopOptions belongs to.
    public void setStorageDescriptor(Map<String, String> descriptor) {
        this.jobStorageDescriptor = descriptor;

     * Get the JobStorage descriptor used to open the saved job
     * this SqoopOptions belongs to.
    public Map<String, String> getStorageDescriptor() {
        return this.jobStorageDescriptor;

     * Return the parent instance this SqoopOptions is derived from.
    public SqoopOptions getParent() {
        return this.parent;

     * Set the parent instance this SqoopOptions is derived from.
    public void setParent(SqoopOptions options) {
        this.parent = options;

     * Set the path name used to do an incremental import of old data
     * which will be combined with an "new" dataset.
    public void setMergeOldPath(String path) {
        this.mergeOldPath = path;

     * Return the path name used to do an incremental import of old data
     * which will be combined with an "new" dataset.
    public String getMergeOldPath() {
        return this.mergeOldPath;

     * Set the path name used to do an incremental import of new data
     * which will be combined with an "old" dataset.
    public void setMergeNewPath(String path) {
        this.mergeNewPath = path;

     * Return the path name used to do an incremental import of new data
     * which will be combined with an "old" dataset.
    public String getMergeNewPath() {
        return this.mergeNewPath;

     * Set the name of the column used to merge an old and new dataset.
    public void setMergeKeyCol(String col) {
        this.mergeKeyCol = col;

     * Return the name of the column used to merge an old and new dataset.
    public String getMergeKeyCol() {
        return this.mergeKeyCol;

    public void setConnManagerClassName(String connManagerClass) {
        this.connManagerClassName = connManagerClass;

    public String getConnManagerClassName() {
        return connManagerClassName;

    public void setNullStringValue(String nullString) {
        this.nullStringValue = nullString;

    public String getNullStringValue() {
        return nullStringValue;

    public void setInNullStringValue(String inNullString) {
        this.inNullStringValue = inNullString;

    public String getInNullStringValue() {
        return inNullStringValue;

    public void setNullNonStringValue(String nullNonString) {
        this.nullNonStringValue = nullNonString;

    public String getNullNonStringValue() {
        return nullNonStringValue;

    public void setInNullNonStringValue(String inNullNonString) {
        this.inNullNonStringValue = inNullNonString;

    public String getInNullNonStringValue() {
        return inNullNonStringValue;
