Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a
 * copy of the License at See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file.

package org.openconcerto.sql;

import org.openconcerto.sql.element.SQLElement;
import org.openconcerto.sql.element.SQLElementDirectory;
import org.openconcerto.sql.element.SQLElementDirectory.DirectoryListener;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.DBRoot;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.DBStructureItem;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.DBSystemRoot;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.FieldMapper;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.HierarchyLevel;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLBase;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLDataSource;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLFilter;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLRow;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLServer;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSystem;
import org.openconcerto.sql.request.SQLFieldTranslator;
import org.openconcerto.sql.users.rights.UserRightsManager;
import org.openconcerto.utils.CollectionMap;
import org.openconcerto.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.ExceptionHandler;
import org.openconcerto.utils.FileUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.LogUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.MultipleOutputStream;
import org.openconcerto.utils.NetUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.ProductInfo;
import org.openconcerto.utils.RTInterruptedException;
import org.openconcerto.utils.StreamUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.Value;
import org.openconcerto.utils.i18n.TranslationManager;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle.Control;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter;

import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy;
import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe;

import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;

import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch;
import com.jcraft.jsch.Session;

 * A configuration which takes its values primarily from Properties. You should also subclass its
 * different protected get*() methods. Used properties :
 * <dl>
 * <dt>server.ip</dt>
 * <dd>ip address of the SQL server</dd>
 * <dt>server.driver</dt>
 * <dd>the RDBMS, see {@link org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLDataSource#DRIVERS}</dd>
 * <dt>server.login</dt>
 * <dd>the login</dd>
 * <dt>server.password</dt>
 * <dd>the password</dd>
 * <dt>server.base</dt>
 * <dd>the database (only used for systems where the root level is not SQLBase)</dd>
 * <dt>base.root</dt>
 * <dd>the name of the DBRoot</dd>
 * <dt>customer</dt>
 * <dd>used to find the default base and the mapping</dd>
 * <dt>JDBC_CONNECTION*</dt>
 * <dd>see {@link #JDBC_CONNECTION}</dd>
 * </dl>
 * @author Sylvain CUAZ
 * @see #getShowAs()
public class PropsConfiguration extends Configuration {

     * Properties prefixed with this string will be passed to the datasource as connection
     * properties.
    public static final String JDBC_CONNECTION = "jdbc.connection.";
    public static final String LOG = "log.level.";
     * If this system property is set to <code>true</code> then {@link #setupLogging(String)} will
     * redirect {@link System#err} and {@link System#out}.
    public static final String REDIRECT_TO_FILE = "redirectToFile";

    // properties cannot contain null, so to be able to override a default, a non-null value
    // meaning empty must be chosen (as setProperty(name, null) is the same as remove(name) i.e.
    // get the value from the default properties)
    public static final String EMPTY_PROP_VALUE;

    protected static enum FileMode {

    // eg 2009-03/26_thursday : ordered and grouped by month
    private static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM/dd_EEEE");

    public static String getHostname() {
        final InetAddress addr;
        try {
            addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
        } catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
            return "local";
        return addr.getHostName();

    protected static Properties create(final InputStream f, final Properties defaults) throws IOException {
        final Properties props = new Properties(defaults);
        if (f != null) {
        return props;

    public static final Properties DEFAULTS;
    static {
        DEFAULTS = new Properties();
        final File wd = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
        DEFAULTS.setProperty("wd", wd.getPath());
        DEFAULTS.setProperty("customer", "test");
        DEFAULTS.setProperty("server.ip", "");
        DEFAULTS.setProperty("server.login", "root");

        EMPTY_PROP_VALUE = "";
        assert EMPTY_PROP_VALUE != null;

    private final Properties props;

    // sql tree
    private SQLServer server;
    private DBSystemRoot sysRoot;
    private DBRoot root;
    // created from root
    private UserRightsManager urMngr;
    // rest
    private ProductInfo productInfo;
    private final Addable<ShowAs> showAs;
    private SQLFilter filter;
    private final Addable<SQLFieldTranslator> translator;
    private final Addable<SQLElementDirectory> directory;
    private File wd;
    private File logDir;
    // split sql tree and the rest since creating the tree is costly
    // and nodes are inter-dependant, while the rest is mostly fast
    // different instances, otherwise lock every Conf instances
    private final Object treeLock = new String("treeLock");
    private final Object restLock = new String("everythingElseLock");

    // SSL
    private Session conn;
    private boolean isUsingSSH;

    private FieldMapper fieldMapper;

    private boolean destroyed;

    public PropsConfiguration() throws IOException {
        this(new File(""), DEFAULTS);

     * Creates a new setup.
     * @param f the file from which to load.
     * @param defaults the defaults, can be <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading f.
    public PropsConfiguration(final File f, final Properties defaults) throws IOException {
        this(new FileInputStream(f), defaults);

    public PropsConfiguration(final InputStream f, final Properties defaults) throws IOException {
        this(create(f, defaults));

    public PropsConfiguration(final Properties props) {
        this.props = props;
        // ShowAs is thread-safe
        this.showAs = new Addable<ShowAs>() {

            private DirectoryListener directoryListener;

            protected ShowAs create() {
                final ShowAs res = createShowAs();
                final SQLElementDirectory dir = getDirectory();
                synchronized (this) {
                    assert this.directoryListener == null;
                    this.directoryListener = new DirectoryListener() {
                        public void elementRemoved(final SQLElement elem) {

                        public void elementAdded(final SQLElement elem) {
                            final CollectionMap<String, String> sa = elem.getShowAs();
                            if (sa != null) {
                                for (final Entry<String, Collection<String>> e : sa.entrySet()) {
                                    try {
                                        if (e.getKey() == null)
                                  , (List<String>) e.getValue());
                                                    (List<String>) e.getValue());
                                    } catch (RuntimeException exn) {
                                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                                "Couldn't add showAs for " + elem + " : " + e, exn);
                    // ATTN SQLElementDirectory cannot access ShowAs otherwise deadlock
                    synchronized (dir) {
                        for (final SQLElement elem : dir.getElements()) {

                return res;

            protected void destroy(Future<ShowAs> future) {
                // don't cancel future, just wait it out. Prevent other callers from getting an
                // exception.
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // don't care about the result, we just want it to finish
                assert future.isDone();
                final DirectoryListener l;
                synchronized (this) {
                    l = this.directoryListener;
                // create() might have thrown an exception before completing
                if (l != null) {

            protected void add(ShowAs obj, Configuration conf) {
        // SQLElementDirectory is thread-safe = new Addable<SQLElementDirectory>() {
            protected SQLElementDirectory create() {
                return createDirectory();

            protected void add(SQLElementDirectory obj, Configuration conf) {
        // SQLFieldTranslator is thread-safe
        this.translator = new Addable<SQLFieldTranslator>() {
            protected SQLFieldTranslator create() {
                return createTranslator();

            protected void add(SQLFieldTranslator obj, Configuration conf) {

    public void destroy() {
        synchronized (this.treeLock) {
            if (this.destroyed)
            this.destroyed = true;
            if (this.server != null) {
            if (this.urMngr != null)


    public final boolean isDestroyed() {
        synchronized (this.treeLock) {
            return this.destroyed;

    private final void checkDestroyed() {

    static private final void checkDestroyed(final boolean d) {
        if (d)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Destroyed");

    public final String getProperty(final String name) {
        return this.props.getProperty(name);

    public final String getProperty(final String name, final String def) {
        return this.props.getProperty(name, def);

    // since null aren't allowed, null means remove
    protected final void setProperty(final String name, final String val) {
        if (val == null)
            this.props.setProperty(name, val);

    protected final void setProductInfo(final ProductInfo productInfo) {
        synchronized (this.restLock) {
            this.productInfo = productInfo;

    private void setUp() {
        synchronized (this.treeLock) {
            this.destroyed = false;
            this.server = null;
            this.sysRoot = null;
            this.root = null;
        synchronized (this.restLock) {

    public final SQLSystem getSystem() {
        return SQLSystem.get(this.getProperty("server.driver"));

    protected String getLogin() {
        return this.getProperty("server.login");

    protected String getPassword() {
        return this.getProperty("server.password");

    public String getDefaultBase() {
        final boolean rootIsBase = this.getSystem().getDBRootLevel().equals(HierarchyLevel.SQLBASE);
        return rootIsBase ? this.getRootName() : this.getSystemRootName();

     * Return the correct stream depending on file mode. If file mode is
     * {@link FileMode#NORMAL_FILE} it will first check if a file named <code>name</code> exists,
     * otherwise it will look in the jar.
     * @param name name of the stream, eg /ilm/f.xml.
     * @return the corresponding stream, or <code>null</code> if not found.
    public final InputStream getStream(final String name) {
        final File f = getFile(name);
        if (mustUseClassloader(f)) {
            return this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(name);
        } else
            try {
                return new FileInputStream(f);
            } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
                return null;

    private File getFile(final String name) {
        return new File(name.startsWith("/") ? name.substring(1) : name);

    private boolean mustUseClassloader(final File f) {
        return this.getFileMode() == FileMode.IN_JAR || !f.exists();

    public final String getResource(final String name) {
        final File f = getFile(name);
        if (mustUseClassloader(f)) {
            return this.getClass().getResource(name).toExternalForm();
        } else {
            return f.getAbsolutePath();

    protected FileMode getFileMode() {
        return FileMode.IN_JAR;

    protected final DBRoot createRoot() {
        final Value<String> rootName = getRootNameValue();
        if (rootName.hasValue())
            return this.getSystemRoot().getRoot(rootName.getValue());
            throw new NullPointerException("no rootname");

    // return null, if none desired
    protected UserRightsManager createUserRightsManager(final DBRoot root) {
        return UserRightsManager.setInstanceIfNone(root);

    public String getRootName() {
        return this.getProperty("base.root", EMPTY_PROP_VALUE);

    public final Value<String> getRootNameValue() {
        final String res = getRootName();
        return res == null || EMPTY_PROP_VALUE.equals(res) ? Value.<String>getNone() : Value.getSome(res);

    protected SQLFilter createFilter() {
        return SQLFilter.create(this.getSystemRoot(), getDirectory());

    public String getWanHostAndPort() {
        final String wanAddr = getProperty("server.wan.addr");
        final String wanPort = getProperty("server.wan.port", "22");
        return wanAddr + ":" + wanPort;

    public final boolean isUsingSSH() {
        synchronized (this.treeLock) {
            return this.isUsingSSH;

    public final boolean hasWANProperties() {
        final String wanAddr = getProperty("server.wan.addr");
        final String wanPort = getProperty("server.wan.port");
        return hasWANProperties(wanAddr, wanPort);

    private final boolean hasWANProperties(String wanAddr, String wanPort) {
        return wanAddr != null && wanPort != null;

    protected SQLServer createServer() {
        final String wanAddr = getProperty("server.wan.addr");
        final String wanPort = getProperty("server.wan.port");
        if (!hasWANProperties(wanAddr, wanPort))
            return doCreateServer();

        // if wanAddr is specified, always include it in ID, that way if we connect through the LAN
        // or through the WAN we have the same ID
        final String serverID = "tunnel to " + wanAddr + ":" + wanPort + " then " + getProperty("server.ip");
        final Logger log = Log.get();
        Exception origExn = null;
        final SQLServer defaultServer;
        if (!"true".equals(getProperty("server.wan.only"))) {
            try {
                defaultServer = doCreateServer(serverID);
                // works since all ds params are provided by doCreateServer()
                // ok
                log.config("using " + defaultServer);

                return defaultServer;
            } catch (final RuntimeException e) {
                origExn = e;
                // on essaye par SSL
            assert origExn != null;
        this.openSSLConnection(wanAddr, Integer.valueOf(wanPort));
        this.isUsingSSH = true;"ssl connection to " + this.conn.getHost() + ":" + this.conn.getPort());
        final int localPort = NetUtils.findFreePort(5436);
        try {
            // TODO add and use server.port
            final String[] serverAndPort = getProperty("server.ip").split(":");
  "ssl tunnel from local port " + localPort + " to remote " + serverAndPort[0] + ":"
                    + serverAndPort[1]);
            this.conn.setPortForwardingL(localPort, serverAndPort[0], Integer.valueOf(serverAndPort[1]));
        } catch (final Exception e1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Impossible de crer la liaison scurise. Vrifier que le logiciel n'est pas dj lanc.",
        final SQLServer serverThruSSL = doCreateServer("localhost:" + localPort, null, serverID);
        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't connect through SSL : " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), origExn);
        return serverThruSSL;


    private SQLServer doCreateServer() {
        return doCreateServer(null);

    private SQLServer doCreateServer(final String id) {
        return doCreateServer(this.getProperty("server.ip"), null, id);

    private SQLServer doCreateServer(final String host, final String port, final String id) {
        // give login/password as its often the case that they are the same for all the bases of a
        // server (mandated for MySQL : when the graph is built, it needs access to all the bases)
        final SQLServer res = new SQLServer(getSystem(), host, port, getLogin(), getPassword(),
                new IClosure<DBSystemRoot>() {
                    public void executeChecked(final DBSystemRoot input) {
                }, new IClosure<SQLDataSource>() {
                    public void executeChecked(final SQLDataSource input) {
        if (id != null)
        return res;

    private void openSSLConnection(final String addr, final int port) {
        final String username = getSSLUserName();
        final String pass = getSSLPassword();
        boolean isAuthenticated = false;

        final JSch jsch = new JSch();
        try {
            if (pass == null) {
                final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(700);
                final String name = username + "_dsa";
                final InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(name);
                if (in == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "Missing private key " + getClass().getCanonicalName() + "/" + name);
                StreamUtils.copy(in, out);
                jsch.addIdentity(username, out.toByteArray(), null, null);

            this.conn = jsch.getSession(username, addr, port);
            if (pass != null)
            final Properties config = new Properties();
            // Set StrictHostKeyChecking property to no to avoid UnknownHostKey issue
            config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
            // *2 gain
            config.put("compression.s2c", ",zlib,none");
            config.put("compression.c2s", ",zlib,none");
            // wait no more than 6 seconds for TCP connection

            isAuthenticated = true;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Connection failed", e);
        if (!isAuthenticated)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Authentication failed.");

    protected void afterSSLConnect(Session conn) {

    public String getSSLUserName() {
        return this.getProperty("server.wan.user");

    protected String getSSLPassword() {
        return this.getProperty("server.wan.password");

    private void closeSSLConnection() {
        synchronized (this.treeLock) {
            if (this.conn != null) {
                this.conn = null;

    // the result can be modified (avoid that each subclass recreates an instance)
    // but it can be null (meaning map all)
    protected Collection<String> getRootsToMap() {
        final String rootsToMap = getProperty("systemRoot.rootsToMap");
        if ("*".equals(rootsToMap))
            return null;

        final Set<String> res = new HashSet<String>();

        final Value<String> rootName = getRootNameValue();
        if (rootName.hasValue())
        if (rootsToMap != null)

        return res;

    // the result can be modified (avoid that each subclass recreates an instance)
    protected List<String> getRootPath() {
        return new ArrayList<String>(SQLRow.toList(getProperty("systemRoot.rootPath", "")));

    public String getSystemRootName() {
        return this.getProperty("systemRoot");

    protected DBSystemRoot createSystemRoot() {
        // all ds params specified by createServer()
        final DBSystemRoot res = this.getServer(false).getSystemRoot(this.getSystemRootName());
        setupSystemRoot(res, true);
        return res;

    // to be called after having a data source
    protected final void setupSystemRoot(final DBSystemRoot res) {
        this.setupSystemRoot(res, false);

    private void setupSystemRoot(final DBSystemRoot res, final boolean brandNew) {
        if (!brandNew)
        // handle case when the root is not yet created
        if (res.getChildrenNames().contains(this.getRootName()))
        for (final String root : getRootPath()) {
            // not all the items of the path may exist in every databases (eg Controle.Common)
            if (res.getChildrenNames().contains(root))

    // called at the end of the DBSystemRoot constructor (before having a data source)
    protected void initSystemRoot(DBSystemRoot input) {

    protected void initDS(final SQLDataSource ds) {
        // supported by postgreSQL from 9.1-901, see also Connection#setClientInfo
        // also supported by MS SQL
        final String appID = getAppID();
        if (appID != null)
            ds.addConnectionProperty("ApplicationName", appID);
        propIterate(new IClosure<String>() {
            public void executeChecked(final String propName) {
                final String jdbcName = propName.substring(JDBC_CONNECTION.length());
                ds.addConnectionProperty(jdbcName, PropsConfiguration.this.getProperty(propName));
        }, JDBC_CONNECTION);

    public final void propIterate(final IClosure<String> cl, final String startsWith) {
        this.propIterate(cl, new Predicate() {
            public boolean evaluate(final Object propName) {
                return ((String) propName).startsWith(startsWith);

     * Apply <code>cl</code> for each property that matches <code>filter</code>.
     * @param cl what to do for each found property.
     * @param filter which property to use.
    public final void propIterate(final IClosure<String> cl, final Predicate filter) {
        for (final String propName : this.props.stringPropertyNames()) {
            if (filter.evaluate(propName)) {

     * For each property starting with {@link #LOG}, set the level of the specified logger to the
     * property's value. Eg if there's "log.level.=FINE", the root logger will be set to log FINE
     * messages.
    public final void setLoggersLevel() {
        this.propIterate(new IClosure<String>() {
            public void executeChecked(final String propName) {
                final String logName = propName.substring(LOG.length());
        }, LOG);

    public void setupLogging() {

    public void setupLogging(final String dirName) {
        this.setupLogging(dirName, Boolean.getBoolean(REDIRECT_TO_FILE));

    protected boolean keepStandardStreamsWhenRedirectingToFile() {
        return true;

    protected DateFormat getLogDateFormat() {
        return DATE_FORMAT;

    private final File getValidLogDir(final String dirName) {
        final File logDir;
        try {
            final File softLogDir = new File(
                    this.getWD() + "/" + dirName + "/" + getHostname() + "-" + System.getProperty(""));
            // don't throw an exception if this fails, we'll fall back to homeLogDir
            if (softLogDir.canWrite()) {
                logDir = softLogDir;
            } else {
                final File homeLogDir = new File(
                        System.getProperty("user.home") + "/." + this.getAppName() + "/" + dirName);
                if (homeLogDir.canWrite())
                    logDir = homeLogDir;
                    throw new IOException("Home log directory not writeable : " + homeLogDir);
            assert logDir.exists() && logDir.canWrite();
            System.out.println("Log directory: " + logDir.getAbsolutePath());
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("unable to create log dir", e);
        return logDir;

    public void setupLogging(final String dirName, final boolean redirectToFile) {
        final File logDir;
        synchronized (this.restLock) {
            if (this.logDir != null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Already set to " + this.logDir);
            logDir = getValidLogDir(dirName);
            this.logDir = logDir;
        final String logNameBase = this.getAppName() + "_" + getLogDateFormat().format(new Date());

        // must be done before setUpConsoleHandler(), otherwise log output not redirected
        if (redirectToFile) {
            final File logFile = new File(logDir, (logNameBase + ".txt"));
            try {
                System.out.println("Log file: " + logFile.getAbsolutePath());
                final OutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(logFile, true);
                final OutputStream out, err;
                System.out.println("Java System console:" + System.console());
                boolean launchedFromEclipse = new File(".classpath").exists();
                if (launchedFromEclipse) {
                    System.out.println("Launched from eclipse");
                if ((System.console() != null || launchedFromEclipse)
                        && this.keepStandardStreamsWhenRedirectingToFile()) {
                    System.out.println("Redirecting standard output to file and console");
                    out = new MultipleOutputStream(fileOut, new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out));
                    System.out.println("Redirecting error output to file and console");
                    err = new MultipleOutputStream(fileOut, new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.err));

                } else {
                    out = fileOut;
                    err = fileOut;
                System.setErr(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(err, 128), true));
                System.setOut(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(out, 128), true));
                // Takes about 350ms so run it async
                new Thread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        try {
                            FileUtils.ln(logFile, new File(logDir, "last.log"));
                        } catch (final IOException e) {
                            // the link is not important
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                ExceptionHandler.handle("Redirection des sorties standards impossible", e);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Standard streams not redirected to file");

        // removes default
        // add console handler
        // add file handler (supports concurrent launches, doesn't depend on date)
        try {
            final File logFile = new File(logDir, this.getAppName() + "-%u-age%g.log");
            System.out.println("Logger logs: " + logFile.getAbsolutePath());
            // 2 files of at most 5M, each new launch append
            // if multiple concurrent launches %u is used
            final FileHandler fh = new FileHandler(logFile.getPath(), 5 * 1024 * 1024, 2, true);
            fh.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            ExceptionHandler.handle("Enregistrement du Logger dsactiv", e);


    public final File getLogDir() {
        synchronized (this.restLock) {
            return this.logDir;

    public void tearDownLogging() {

    public void tearDownLogging(final boolean redirectToFile) {
        if (redirectToFile) {

    protected ShowAs createShowAs() {
        return new ShowAs(this.getRoot());

    protected SQLElementDirectory createDirectory() {
        return new SQLElementDirectory();

    // items will be passed to #getStream(String)
    protected List<String> getMappings() {
        return Arrays.asList("mapping", "mapping-" + this.getProperty("customer"));

    protected SQLFieldTranslator createTranslator() {
        final List<String> mappings = getMappings();
        if (mappings.size() == 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("empty mappings");

        final SQLFieldTranslator trns = new SQLFieldTranslator(this.getRoot(), null, this.getDirectory());
        // perhaps listen to UserProps (as in TM)
        return loadTranslations(trns, this.getRoot(), mappings);

    protected final SQLFieldTranslator loadTranslations(final SQLFieldTranslator trns, final DBRoot root,
            final List<String> mappings) {
        final Locale locale = TM.getInstance().getTranslationsLocale();
        final Control cntrl = TranslationManager.getControl();
        boolean found = false;
        // better to have a translation in the correct language than a translation for the correct
        // customer in the wrong language
        final String fakeBaseName = "";
        for (Locale targetLocale = locale; targetLocale != null
                && !found; targetLocale = cntrl.getFallbackLocale(fakeBaseName, targetLocale)) {
            final List<Locale> langs = cntrl.getCandidateLocales(fakeBaseName, targetLocale);
            // SQLFieldTranslator overwrite, so we need to load from general to specific
            final ListIterator<Locale> listIterator = CollectionUtils.getListIterator(langs, true);
            while (listIterator.hasNext()) {
                final Locale lang =;
                found |= loadTranslations(trns,
                        PropsConfiguration.class.getResourceAsStream(cntrl.toBundleName("mapping", lang) + ".xml"),
                for (final String m : mappings) {
                    found |= loadTranslations(trns, this.getStream(cntrl.toBundleName(m, lang) + ".xml"), root);
        return trns;

    private final boolean loadTranslations(final SQLFieldTranslator trns, final InputStream in, final DBRoot root) {
        final boolean res = in != null;
        // do not force to have one mapping for each client and each locale
        if (res)
            trns.load(root, in);
        return res;

    protected File createWD() {
        return new File(this.getProperty("wd"));

    // *** add

     * Add the passed Configuration to this. If an item is not already created, this method won't,
     * instead the item to add will be stored. Also items of this won't be replaced by those of
     * <code>conf</code>.
     * @param conf the conf to add.
    public final Configuration add(final Configuration conf) {
        return this;

    private abstract class Addable<T> {

        private boolean destroyed;
        private final List<Configuration> toAdd;
        private Future<T> f;

        protected Addable() {
            synchronized (this) {
                this.toAdd = new ArrayList<Configuration>();
                this.f = null;
                this.destroyed = false;

        public final void add(final Configuration conf) {
            final boolean computeStarted;
            synchronized (this) {
                computeStarted = isComputeStarted();
                if (!computeStarted)
            if (computeStarted) {
                // T must be thread-safe
                add(this.get(), conf);

        // synchronize on this (and not some private lock) to allow callers to do something before
        // the result changes
        protected final boolean isComputeStarted() {
            synchronized (this) {
                return this.f != null;

        public final T get() {
            // result
            final Future<T> future;
            // to run
            final FutureTask<T> futureTask;
            synchronized (this) {
                if (this.f == null) {
                    final List<Configuration> l = new ArrayList<Configuration>(this.toAdd);
                    futureTask = new FutureTask<T>(new Callable<T>() {
                        public T call() throws Exception {
                            final T res = create();
                            // don't call alien code with lock
                            assert !Thread.holdsLock(Addable.this);
                            for (final Configuration s : l) {
                                // deadlock if get() is called (will hang on future.get())
                                add(res, s);
                            return res;
                    this.f = futureTask;
                    future = futureTask;
                } else {
                    futureTask = null;
                    future = this.f;
            if (futureTask != null)
            try {
                return future.get();
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RTInterruptedException(e);
            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);

        protected abstract T create();

        protected abstract void add(final T obj, final Configuration conf);

        public final void destroy() {
            final Future<T> future;
            synchronized (this) {
                this.destroyed = true;
                future = this.f;
            if (future != null)

        // nothing by default
        protected void destroy(final Future<T> future) {

    // *** getters

    public final ShowAs getShowAs() {
        return this.showAs.get();

    public final SQLBase getBase() {
        return this.getNode(SQLBase.class);

    public final DBRoot getRoot() {
        synchronized (this.treeLock) {
            if (this.root == null)
            return this.root;

    public final DBSystemRoot getSystemRoot() {
        synchronized (this.treeLock) {
            if (this.sysRoot == null)
                this.sysRoot = this.createSystemRoot();
            return this.sysRoot;

     * Get the node of the asked class, creating just the necessary instances (ie getNode(Server)
     * won't do a getBase().getServer()).
     * @param <T> the type wanted.
     * @param clazz the class wanted, eg SQLBase.class, DBSystemRoot.class.
     * @return the corresponding instance, eg getBase() for SQLBase, getServer() or getBase() for
     *         DBSystemRoot depending on the SQL system.
    public final <T extends DBStructureItem<?>> T getNode(final Class<T> clazz) {
        final SQLSystem sys = this.getServer().getSQLSystem();
        final HierarchyLevel l = sys.getLevel(clazz);
        if (l == HierarchyLevel.SQLSERVER)
            return this.getServer().getAnc(clazz);
        else if (l == sys.getLevel(DBSystemRoot.class))
            return this.getSystemRoot().getAnc(clazz);
        else if (l == sys.getLevel(DBRoot.class))
            return this.getRoot().getAnc(clazz);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("doesn't know an item of " + clazz);

    public final SQLServer getServer() {
        return this.getServer(true);

    private final SQLServer getServer(final boolean initSysRoot) {
        synchronized (this.treeLock) {
            if (this.server == null) {
                // necessary otherwise the returned server has no datasource
                // (eg getChildren() will fail)
                if (initSysRoot
                        && this.server.getSQLSystem().getLevel(DBSystemRoot.class) == HierarchyLevel.SQLSERVER)
            return this.server;

    public final SQLFilter getFilter() {
        synchronized (this.restLock) {
            if (this.filter == null)
            return this.filter;

    public final SQLFieldTranslator getTranslator() {
        return this.translator.get();

    public final SQLElementDirectory getDirectory() {

    public final ProductInfo getProductInfo() {
        synchronized (this.restLock) {
            return this.productInfo;

    public final String getAppName() {
        final ProductInfo productInfo = this.getProductInfo();
        if (productInfo != null)
            return productInfo.getName();
            return this.getProperty("");

    public final File getWD() {
        synchronized (this.restLock) {
            if (this.wd == null)
            return this.wd;

    // *** setters

    // MAYBE add synchronized (not necessary since they're private, and only called with the lock)

    private final void setFilter(final SQLFilter filter) {
        this.filter = filter;

    private void setServer(final SQLServer server) {
        this.server = server;

    private final void setRoot(final DBRoot root) {
        this.root = root;
        // be sure to try to set a manager to avoid giving all permissions to everyone
        this.urMngr = createUserRightsManager(root);

    private final void setWD(final File dir) {
        this.wd = dir;

    public FieldMapper getFieldMapper() {
        return fieldMapper;

    protected void setFieldMapper(FieldMapper fieldMapper) {
        this.fieldMapper = fieldMapper;