List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder insert
@Override public StringBuilder insert(int offset, double d)
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/** * Escapes backslashes ('\') with additional backslashes in a given String, returning a new, escaped String. * * @param value String to escape. Cannot be null. * @return escaped String. Never is null. *///from ww w . ja v a2s . com public static String escapeBackslashes(String value) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(value); for (int looper = 0; looper < buf.length(); looper++) { char curr = buf.charAt(looper); char next = 0; if (looper + 1 < buf.length()) next = buf.charAt(looper + 1); if (curr == '\\') { if (next != '\\') { // only if not already escaped buf.insert(looper, '\\'); // escape backslash } looper++; // skip past extra backslash (either the one we added or existing) } } return buf.toString(); }
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private static String addUnderscores(String name) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(name.replace('.', '_')); for (int i = 1; i < buf.length() - 1; i++) { if (Character.isLowerCase(buf.charAt(i - 1)) && Character.isUpperCase(buf.charAt(i)) && Character.isLowerCase(buf.charAt(i + 1))) { buf.insert(i++, '_'); }/*from ww w . j ava2s . com*/ } return buf.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); }
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public static String quadKey(int x, int y, final int zoom) { final StringBuilder quadKey = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = zoom; i > 0; i--) { char digit = '0'; final int mask = 1 << (i - 1); if ((x & mask) != 0) { digit++;/*from w ww. j a va 2s. c o m*/ } if ((y & mask) != 0) { digit++; digit++; } quadKey.append(digit); } if (quadKey.length() > 1) { quadKey.insert(0, "0"); } return quadKey.toString(); }
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/** * Highlight (using HTML tags) all occurrences of a query string, ignoring case. * * @param text Text in which parts should be highlighted * @param query Parts to highlight/* w w w .ja va 2 s.c o m*/ * @return Highlighted string */ public static String highlight(final String text, final String query) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) { return text; } final List<Integer> startIndices = allIndicesOf(text, query); final List<Integer> endIndices = -> i + query.length()).collect(toList()); // we run back to front to not mess up indices when inserting tags Collections.reverse(startIndices); Collections.reverse(endIndices); Queue<Integer> startQueue = new LinkedList<>(startIndices); Queue<Integer> endQueue = new LinkedList<>(endIndices); StringBuilder highlighted = new StringBuilder(text); while (!startQueue.isEmpty() || !endQueue.isEmpty()) { final Integer startCandidate = startQueue.peek(); final Integer endCandidate = endQueue.peek(); if (startCandidate != null && (endCandidate == null || startCandidate > endCandidate)) { highlighted.insert(startCandidate, "<strong>"); startQueue.poll(); } else { highlighted.insert(endCandidate, "</strong>"); endQueue.poll(); } } return highlighted.toString(); }
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/** * Converts a 1.1.1 to a BigDecimal for comparison * * @param code/* w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ * @return BigDecimal (returns zero on null) */ public static BigDecimal archtecureCodeToDecimal(String code) { BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(code)) { code = code.replace(".", ""); if (code.length() > 1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(code); sb.insert(1, "."); code = sb.toString(); } result = Convert.toBigDecimal(code, result); } return result; }
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/** * Generates the path segment of the hierarchical container, needed e.g. as part of the export path. * /* www .j ava 2s. c o m*/ * @param level * @return Hierarchical path segment. */ public static String getFSHierarchicalContainerPathSegment(final Level level) { if (level == null) return ""; StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); if (!InstanceUtil.isSite(level)) path.append(level.getName()); Level tmpContainer = level.getParent(); while (tmpContainer != null && !InstanceUtil.isSite(tmpContainer)) { path.insert(0, tmpContainer.getName().concat(File.separator)); tmpContainer = tmpContainer.getParent(); } return path.toString(); }
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/** * Converte uma string contendo uma sequncia decimal codificada em BCD * (<em>Binary-Coded Decimal</em> ?). Esta implementao foi obtida a partir da * descrio da codificao BCD encontrada no manual de programao das * impressoras fiscais Bematech® MP-20 FI II. * * <p>Se os valores ASCII dos caracteres de uma string forem <code>0x12, 0x34 e * 0x56</code>, ento <code>bcd(s, 2)</code> resultar no valor decimal * <code>1234.56</code>.</p> * * @param s a string contendo a sequncia BCD. * * @param scale o nmero de casas decimais a serem considerados. Se este * argumento for menor ou igual a zero, ser considerado um valor * inteiro.//from w w w .java 2 s . c o m * * @return um objeto <code>java.math.BigDecimal</code> contendo o valor * decimal decodificado. * * @throws NumberFormatException se a string <code>s</code> no representar * uma sequncia BCD vlida. */ public static BigDecimal bcd(final String s, final int scale) { StringBuilder hexval = new StringBuilder(); // converte os valores ASCII da string para hexadecimal for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(Integer.toString(ascval(s, i), 16)); if (hex.length() != 2) hex.insert(0, "0"); hexval.append(hex); } if (scale > 0) { if (scale > hexval.length()) { // completa com zeros antes da posio de insero do ponto decimal int count = scale - hexval.length(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) hexval.insert(0, "0"); } // insere um ponto decimal na posio indicada hexval.insert(hexval.length() - scale, "."); } return new BigDecimal(hexval.toString()); }
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private static void convertNum(long num, Character[] baseChar, Random random, StringBuilder result) { if (num <= 0 && result.length() == 0) { result.insert(0, baseChar[0]); } else if (num > 0) { int i = (int) (num % baseChar.length); Character ch = random.nextBoolean() ? baseChar[i] : Character.toLowerCase(baseChar[i]); result.insert(0, ch);//from w w w . j a va 2 s .com convertNum(num / baseChar.length, baseChar, random, result); } }
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public static String httpGet(String uri, HashMap<String, String> params) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entrySet : params.entrySet()) { String key = entrySet.getKey(); String value = entrySet.getValue(); query.append(URLEncoder.encode(key)).append("="); query.append(URLEncoder.encode(value)).append("&"); }//from w w w . j av a 2s . com if (query.length() > 0) { query.insert(0, "?").insert(0, uri); } String res = null; try { String fullUrl = query.toString(); logger.debug("Request URL: " + fullUrl); res = Request.Get(fullUrl).execute().returnContent().asString(); logger.debug("Response: " + res); } catch (IOException e) { logger.fatal("Failed to process request. ", e); } return res; }
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/** * Retorna uma string de tamanho fixo, contendo a representao hexadecimal do valor. * * @param value valor inteiro, de base 10, a ser convertido para base 16. * * @param length comprimento total desejado. * * @return Representao hexadecimal do valor com o comprimento especificado. * A string resultante ser completada com zeros esquerda at que o * comprimento total desejado seja atingido. * Se a representao hexadecimal do valor resultar em um comprimento maior * que o especificado, a string resultante ser formada de asteriscos, * indicando que o comprimento especificado no foi suficiente para o valor. *//*from w w w .j a v a 2 s .co m*/ public static String hex(final int value, final int length) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(Integer.toString(value, 16).toUpperCase()); if (str.length() < length) { int falta = (length - str.length()); for (int i = 1; i <= falta; i++) { str.insert(0, "0"); } } else if (str.length() > length) { str = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= length; i++) { str.append("*"); } } return str.toString(); }